Anders Winroth | 9780691169293 | | | | | The Age of the Vikings 1st edition PDF Book

On the other hand, they were not exceptional in their ferocity - they were a violent people in a violent time. However, those items could also have been Byzantine imports, and there is no reason to assume that the Varangians travelled significantly beyond Byzantium and the Caspian Sea. It paints a more complete picture of the Scandinavian people of the late 8th century up to the end of the 11th. The Vikings in the . They were resourceful, lived off the land, adventured to find new places to live and live off of, and always remembered where they came from. In , mountainous terrain and fjords formed strong natural boundaries. Au temps des Vikings Kindle Edition. Feb 16, Bennjamin rated it really liked it. This book a nice serious scholarly work, with great attention to the sources but not great as an introduction. This books is full of so many fascinating anecdotes- Viking presence in the New World; major characters of the ; traces in the modern day of the Viking Age words like ransack and bluetooth , and incredible poetry. Retrieved 3 March The book covers the Viking forays through Christianization and the establishment of kingdoms, the end of the Age, c. Thus, colonisation seems to have been a secondary feature of Viking activity; the success of the raids opened the way for settlement, but were not motivated by it, at least not initially. Michael Lawson rated it really liked it Oct 22, For a start, Sawyer in reneged somewhat by saying that no good evidence exists for any population pressure in the eighth century. Religion was front and center for a lot of it. History Channel. The use of the ended when technology changed, and ships began to be constructed using saws instead of axes, resulting in inferior vessels. More Details Disregarding the ultimate philology of the word and the history of its use over the centuries, which has been much discussed, it is now in such everyday use by both specialists and non-specialists — however improperly — to describe the Scandinavians of the Viking Age, that it almost impossible to avoid its use in this generic sense. By , a strong central authority appears to have been established in Jutland , and the were beginning to look beyond their own territory for land, trade, and plunder. Norse people. However, in , The kingdom was split into two. From the violence of the fast longboat raids to the solidification of the various national units p , the book tells a fascinating story of exploration, to the west, and trade, deep into the east and southeast of Eurasia, including, apparently, the Middle East. The Vikings used their longships to travel vast distances and attain certain tactical advantages in battle. Main article: Kingdom of the Isles. Maybe there's a common wellspring for these stories. Sophie Polyankina rated it it was amazing Jul 22, Mechanicsburg, The Norman Commanders: Masters of Warfare — It is very well researched and presents its information in great detail, sometimes too much detail for my tastes. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Lists with This Book. This section is empty. He lauds Viking trade and how it gave Europe a huge boon after the decline in commerce from the fall of Rome, but I would have loved to hear him further explore Iceland and its society which allegedly thrived on relatively libertarian principles. I especially enjoy that many especially difficult concepts or names are repeatedly explained during the book and locations that are not readily noted on modern maps are repeatedly localized so that the reader or listener can easily continue the flow of the book without interruption and without feeling lost as to what is being discussed. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The Age of the Vikings sheds new light on the complex society, culture, and legacy of these legendary seafarers. One I laughed a bit at but actually thought about was the fact that walnuts were foreign to Vikings and they were given away as a sign of wealth and prestige to gain followers. The Age of the Vikings 1st edition Writer

Oct 14, Cary rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction , history , culture , biography , anthropology-archaeology. I'm surprised that several other reviews here describe it as dry, because I remember specifically thinking that it wasn't. In my quest to understand mythology in general och in particular, I decided to learn more about the society which spawned them. Olle rated it really liked it Jul 22, Aug 25, Ben L rated it liked it. English Heritage. It used the information provided by the Norwegian adventurer and traveller named Ohthere. Winroth books give the reader passage after passage of readable, and enjoyable, prose that engages at the same time that it informs. In , many dozens of drakkars appeared in the "Mar da Palha" "the Sea of Straw", mouth of the Tagus river. The coverage is surprisingly deep given the relatively short length of the book, and while it does occasionally get a bit too "in the weeds" for my taste, it is for the most part reasonably accessible to a general audience. Get A Copy. The earliest use of the word predates the Viking Age by some years and it was not even used exclusively to describe Scandinavian pirates. Thanks for telling us about the problem. North Sea . Then he takes his argument a step further, pointing out that much of the reports of Viking savagery come from the priests living under the incredibly bloody -- and genocidal -- reign of Charlemagne a man celebrated today for his enlightenment despite the enormous death toll he amassed. Akademie-Verlag Berlin. In a further point, Wormald states that no clear evidence has been found for any Viking settlement until the mid-9th century, some 50—60 years after the raids began. While harsh, the land allowed for a pastoral farming life familiar to the Norse. They were a fearsome and complicated people, worthy of This is a very academic text, and I think that's the explanation for the mediocre ratings. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 22 October Jun 25, Jack Davenport rated it really liked it. I was excited to read this book by Anders Winroth, as it's one of the best concise summaries of Viking life. In navigating the tricky terrain between history and revisionism, Winroth gives context to accounts of Viking battles. The Age of the Vikings ebook. In the eighth century, Scandinavians began to build ships of war and send them on raiding expeditions which started the Viking Age. The Age of the Vikings Paperback. Aided by the which had already overrun much of from its base in Jorvik , Bagsecg's forces, and Halfdan's forces through an alliance , the combined Viking forces raided much of England until , when they planned an invasion of . Orkney and Shetland belonged to the of Norway as late as was different. They often spoke of "feeding blood to the eagle," i. The Age of the Vikings 1st edition Reviews

Simeon of Durham recorded the raid in these terms: And they came to the church of Lindisfarne, laid everything waste with grievous plundering, trampled the holy places with polluted feet, dug up the altars, and seized all the treasures of the holy church. Jan 06, Vincent rated it it was amazing. Open Preview See a Problem? That was fascinating. Sep 03, Rage rated it really liked it Shelves: vikings. I did learn a thing or two tho. He feels obliged to point out that others were worse: Charlemagne for one. After the battle of Clontarf, the Dublin Vikings could no longer "single- handedly threaten the power of the most powerful of Ireland". It is asserted that the closest documented phrase is a sentence from an antiphon for churches dedicated to St. Showing The society, economy, settlement and culture of the territory of what is in the present-day the country of Estonia is studied mainly through archaeological sources. It was interesting to read about the burial rituals and how they changed once exposed to Christian ideals. It's some additional speculation about the similarities in Norse and Christian stories but I didn't want to overemphasize the religion and mythology aspect it's only the focus in one chapter of ten. Likewise he seems to hold a mixed admiration for the Vikings as I do: "Just as we as a society continue to have a fraught and complex relationship to violence, we are both spellbound and repelled by the Vikings. Start your review of The Age of the Vikings. Despite ending nearly a millennium ago, the Viking era comes to life on these colourful pages. These Viking territories became part of the patchwork of kingdoms in Ireland. Part of a series on. I was totally engr I thought this book was fantastic. English Heritage. Ironically, the popular misconceptions that Winroth seeks to dispel with his book are likely what makes this book disappointing to some. He re-creates the drudgery of farm work to the far-ranging trade in exotic goods, evoking daily life in Viking Age . Early in the book, A. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Me thinks his liberal, Nordic-Model-as-Utopia bias shows through here. It's amazing how similar the shows are to this book. However, those items could also have been Byzantine imports, and there is no reason to assume that the Varangians travelled significantly beyond Byzantium and the Caspian Sea. Patrick Wormald added that what has been taken for overpopulation was just population concentration due to economic expansion and the mining of iron ore.

The Age of the Vikings 1st edition Read Online

The influx strengthened the European stock of silver, the coinage, and thus commerce. Alban Gautier ,. The Vikings were drawn by the growth of wealthy towns and monasteries overseas, and weak kingdoms. The Norwegian leidang was called under Haakon Haakonson for his expedition to during the Scottish—Norwegian War, and the last recorded calling of it was in The islands would be controlled by Norway, but mainland territories would go to Scotland. One interesting note was the following: " The pre-Christian religions of Scandinavia had little problem accepting new religious practices and new gods into their open pantheon. I also found the chapter on economy and commerce well explained with the parallels between East and West carefully analysed. He covers the basics of religious practices, architecture, clothing, social structures, mores, and spends a chapter on women and what A solid tour through the life and customs of the "real" Vikings in the period from about to by which time the Vikings were a politically organized into the three distinct regions they retain today , Norway, b Christianized and c through trade and cultural pressure had become more or less assimilated into the mainstream European culture. They were important trading hubs, and Viking Dublin was the biggest slave port in western Europe. There are more than 1, Scandinavian place names in England, mainly in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire within the former boundaries of the Danelaw : over end in -by , the Scandinavian word for "village"—for example Grimsby, Naseby and Whitby ; [] many others end in -thorpe "farm" , -thwaite "clearing" , and -toft "homestead". The Vikings are recorded to have transported a vast prey of British, Pictish, and English captives back to Ireland. First, he points out that we don't have many written records from the Vikings themselves. The Age of the Vikings tells the full story of this exciting period in history. Covers the entire era that could be called "Viking" from the days of Charlemagne to the final Christianization and end of the raids. No trivia or quizzes yet. While we may sympathize with and grieve for their helpless victims and feel put off by all the mindless slaying, we can scarcely help admiring the strength, courage, and virility of the Vikings. Looks good next to the sagas ;. In , a large Norse fleet invaded via the River Tay and River Earn , both of which were highly navigable, and reached into the heart of the Pictish kingdom of Fortriu. I've hidden the below to save room. On Wieringen the Vikings most likely had a base of operations. Information about the Viking Age is drawn largely from primary sources written by those the Vikings encountered, as well as archaeology, supplemented with secondary sources such as the Icelandic Sagas. The King of Norway nominally continued to be king of the Isles and Man. After , when the Vikings set up a permanent base at the mouth of the Loire river, they could strike as far as northern Spain. They were resourceful, lived off the land, adventured to find new places to live and live off of, and always remembered where they came from. Sep 03, Rage rated it really liked it Shelves: vikings. And then sailed them into the open sea and navigated based on the stars and what marine critters they saw seriously, apparently whales have specific areas of the ocean they usually dwell in or different seabirds are commonly seen at consistent distances from land. Yes, it was a violent time where most were illiterate, but I would have loved to hear more about the , the richness of the Norse mythologies, and at least more about the non-political lives of the era's great "heroes. In Norway, mountainous terrain and fjords formed strong natural boundaries. The Norse-Gaelic Kings of the Isles continued to act semi independently, in forming a defensive pact with the Kings of Scotland and Strathclyde. Refresh and try again. Archived from the original on 20 June influenced the verb to be ; the replacement of sindon by are is almost certainly Scandinavian in origin, as is the third-person-singular ending -s in the present tense of verbs. He appeared to gather from a wide variety of archaeological, historical, and literary sources, but I found myself wanting more from him at the end of the book. Alfred and his successors continued to drive back the Viking frontier and take York. Philippe Pignarre Translator. These differences have persisted into modern times. Vikings intermarried with the Irish and adopted elements of Irish culture, becoming the Norse-Gaels. They created a small settlement on the northern peninsula of present-day Newfoundland , near L'Anse aux Meadows. Feb 16, Bennjamin rated it really liked it. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Where it succeeds is in giving an excellent picture of the Vikings on the Scandinavian mainland, where my previous knowledge concentrated on Iceland, which I have visited twice. Jul 23, Daniel rated it really liked it Shelves: history. This book should prove a fascinating and rewarding read for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Viking world. Finally, the religion thing. While advancing, the hurled spears, arrows, and other projectiles at the opponents. I like that. Despite ending nearly a millennium ago, the Viking era comes to life on these colourful pages. Trampas Jones marked it as to-read Oct 01,