Tanzania Human Rights Report 2015 Tanzania Mainland Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) Tanzania Human Rights Report 2015 Publishers Legal and Human Rights Centre Justice Lugakingira House, Kijitonyama P.O. Box 75254, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255222773038/48, Fax: +255222773037 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.humanrights.or.tz Partners - LHRC Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) The Embassy of Norway The Embassy of Sweden ISBN: 978-9987-740-25-3 © LHRC 2016 - ii - Tanzania Human Rights Report 2015 Editorial Board Dr. Helen Kijo-Bisimba Adv. Imelda Urrio Ms. Felista Mauya Adv. Anna Henga Mr. Castor Kalemera Researchers/Writers Mr. Paul Mikongoti Mr. Pasience Mlowe Mr. Fundikila Wazambi Design & Layout Mr. Rodrick Maro - iii - Tanzania Human Rights Report 2015 Acknowledgement Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has been producing the Tanzania Human Rights Report, documenting the situation in Tanzania Mainland since 2002. In the preparation and production of this report LHRC receives both material and financial support from different players, such as the media, academic institutions, other CSOs, researchers and community members as well as development partners. These players have made it possible for LHRC to continue preparing the report due to its high demand. In preparing the Tanzania Human Rights Report 2015, LHRC received cooperation from the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive arms of the State. Various reports from different government departments and research findings have greatly contributed to the finalization of this report. Hansards and judicial decisions form the basis of arguments and observations made by the LHRC. The information was gathered through official correspondences with the relevant authorities, while other information was obtained online through various websites.