Student with Aids Speaks out Archbishop O'connor On
OBSER VER Volume 16, Number 5 College at Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York April 1, 1992 STUDENT WITH AIDS NEW RULES ON SEXUAL SPEAKS OUT HARRASSMENT By Sheila Harris her for more than a year. The February College students who are victims of 25th issue of US. Law Week, reported sexual harassment or sexual that the U.S. District Court for the discrimination can now sue for monetary Northern District of Georgia and the Court damages, according to a February 26 of appeals dismissed the complaint on the Supreme Court decision. Fordham ground that,'Title IX does not authorize University's current policy on sexual an award of damages." harassment will not change, said Jeffrey Title EX is a statute that states, "No Gray, Dean of Student Life. person in the United States shall, on the "We would charge them with the basis of sex, be excluded from violation of our policy [on] sexual participation in, be denied the benefits of, harassment," said Gray. When it comes or be subjected to discrimination under to recovering monetary damages from any education program or activity "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." -Title IX PHOTO BY SEAN GALLAGHER By Sean Gallagher the Student Activities Office and Campus sexual harassment, the complaint has to receiving Federal financial assistance." Bradley Ball, CLC "93, is a thirty one Ministries, and was the best attended be directed to the courts. He said that a The Supreme Court handed down the year old gay male living with AIDS.
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