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Deliverable D1.2 Dissemination Level (PU) 785211-PRO-Heritage Co-funded by the European Community Horizon 2020 Program Project Title: PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills PRO-Heritage Grant Agreement No: 785211 Collaborative Project D1.2 Country reports on certified and non-certified education for craftsmen in energy issues Deliverable No. D1.2 Workpackage WP1 Task T1.2 Lead beneficiary AEGPC Authors Verónica Buey Cieslak and Ana Velasco Rebollo (AEGPC), with contributions from BHOe, EH, CT (NECT), NTSK, SGPR, UBW Delivery date 15/05/2020 Status Pending File Name D1.2_Country_reports_v1.0.docx Dissemination level PU Public, fully open, e.g. web X CO Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement CI Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC. D1.2 Country reports on certified and non-certified education for craftsmen in energy issues Page 2 of 73 D1.2 Country reports on certified and non-certified education for No & name craftsmen in energy issues Status Draft Due M13 Date 2020-02-28 Author(s) AEGPC, BHOe, EH, CT (NECT), NTSK, SGPR, UBW Description The implementation of this task includes the following steps: of the - Definition of the structure of the country reports related task and - Desk research for detailed information about selected relevant training for the energy efficiency and renewable energy for historic buildings deliverable - Create country reports for AT, ES, SK, PT and UK and (as a brief overview) in the DoA for BE, DE, FR, HU, PL and NO on certified and non-certified education for craftsmen, architects, designers and engineers for (protected) historic buildings, especially for energy efficient historic buildings and renewable energy used in historic buildings.
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