Proposed Transport Hub Site: Ncp Car Park, Oxford Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire
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ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVALUATION REPORT: PROPOSED TRANSPORT HUB SITE: NCP CAR PARK, OXFORD STREET, LINCOLN, LINCOLNSHIRE Planning Reference: Pre-Planning NGR: SK 97758 70873 AAL Site Code: LITH 15 Museum Accession Number: LCNCC: 2015.84 OASIS Reference Number: allenarc1-1214747 Report prepared for Prospect Archaeology Limited By Allen Archaeology Limited Report Number AAL 2016047 March 2016 Contents Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Site Location and Description ............................................................................................... 2 3.0 Planning Background ............................................................................................................ 2 4.0 Archaeological and Historical Background ........................................................................... 3 5.0 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 3 6.0 Results .................................................................................................................................. 4 7.0 Discussion and Conclusions .................................................................................................. 8 8.0 Effectiveness of Methodology .............................................................................................. 8 9.0 Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. 8 10.0 References ............................................................................................................................ 9 List of Plates Plate 1: Northeast-facing section of lower step showing layers 111 and 114-116. Scale 1m ......... 5 Plate 2: Foundations 100, 101, 102 and 104, and wall 127, looking northeast. Scales 2m ............. 6 Plate 3: Northwest-facing section showing wall 127, 124, foundation 101 and floor 123. Scales 2m and 1m ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Plate 4: Northeast-facing section showing walls 132 and 147, foundation 100 and floor 123. Scales 2m and 1m .............................................................................................................................................. 7 List of Appendices Appendix 1: Pottery ........................................................................................................................ 10 Appendix 2: Other Finds ................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix 3: Context Summary List ................................................................................................ 14 Appendix 4: Figures ........................................................................................................................ 17 List of Figures Figure 1: Site location outlined in red ............................................................................................ 17 Figure 2: Detailed plan of site location, outlined in red ................................................................. 18 Figure 3: Plan of structures 100, 101/124, 102, 104 and 127 ........................................................ 19 Figure 4: Sections through steps 1–3 of the test pit ...................................................................... 20 List of Tables Table 1: Pottery types with total quantities by sherd and vessel count ........................................ 10 Table 2: Pottery archive summary.................................................................................................. 11 Table 3: Clay tobacco pipe .............................................................................................................. 12 Table 4: Glass .................................................................................................................................. 12 Table 5: Metal ................................................................................................................................. 12 Document Control Element: Name: Date: Report prepared by: Daniel Connor BA (Hons) and Charlotte Tooze BA (Hons) 14 /03/2016 Illustrations Daniel Connor BA (Hons), Charlotte Tooze BA (Hons) and 15 /03/2016 prepared by: Daniel Hunt BA (Hons) Report edited by: Natasha Powers BSc MSc MCIfA MCMI 21/03/2016 Report reviewed by: Gavin Glover BSc (Hons) 22/03/2016 Version no.: 1.0 22/03/2016 Allen Archaeology reports are printed double sided on 100% recycled paper to reduce our carbon footprint. Cover image: General view of site, looking north Executive Summary • Allen Archaeology Limited was commissioned by Prospect Archaeology Limited to undertake an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching on land at the NCP car park off Oxford Street in Lincoln, to support a future planning application for the redevelopment of the area as part of the proposed Transport Hub development. • The proposed development site lies in an area of high archaeological potential, particularly in regards to the Roman and medieval periods. There is evidence of extensive medieval commercial and residential development in the suburbs of Wigford, extending along the High Street to the west of the site, and Thorngate, focussed on the former Thorn Island to the north of the site. • The evaluation trenching exposed the full sequence of archaeological deposits, with a possible palaeosol or buried ground surface identified at approximately 3.30m below the modern ground surface, directly overlying the glacial sand. This was sealed by a sequence of peats and marsh/flood deposits. Although undated, these deposits indicate sustained periods of marshy conditions or open water characterised the site, and suggest it was unsuitable for human occupation or exploitation until relatively recently. • Small amounts of residual medieval material was recovered, but the earliest dated features and deposits were all of 19 th century date, comprising a series of dumped deposits, walls and a backfilled cellar, reflecting the gradual development and urbanisation of the area following on from large scale drainage and land reclamation throughout the medieval and post-medieval periods. Historic mapping indicates that the structures exposed were cleared from the site between 1938 and 1965. 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Allen Archaeology Limited (AAL) was commissioned by Prospect Archaeology Limited to undertake an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching at the NCP carpark off Oxford Street, Lincoln, in advance of the proposed Transport Hub development. 1.2 The excavation, recording and reporting conforms to current national guidelines, as set out in the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists ‘ Standard and guidance for archaeological field evaluations ’ (CIfA 2014), and the English Heritage documents ‘ Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment ’ (English Heritage 2006), ‘ Geoarchaeology. Using earth sciences to understand the archaeological record ’ (English Heritage 2007) and ‘ Environmental Archaeology: a guide to the theory and practice of methods, from sampling and recovery to post-excavation ’ (English Heritage 2011), the local guidelines in the ‘ Lincolnshire Archaeological Handbook ’ (LCC 2011) and a specification for the works prepared by this company (AAL 2015c). All relevant All English Heritage guidelines on archaeological practice have also be followed ( nav.7740). 1.3 The documentary and physical archive will be submitted to The Collection in Lincoln, where it will be stored under the museum accession number LCNCC: 2015.84. The agreed date of deposition is December 2016. 2.0 Site Location and Description 2.1 The proposed development area is located to the south of the historic core of the city of Lincoln, immediately to the north of Oxford Street, on the NCP car park, adjacent to Pelham Bridge. The site comprises a single broadly rectangular block of land, covered with a tarmac surface. The site centres on NGR SK 97758 70873 and lies at approximately 5.66m above Ordnance Datum (OD). 2.2 The bedrock geology comprises Scunthorpe Mudstone Formation and Charmouth Mudstone Formation (; however this is likely to be at some considerable depth. The superficial geology is recorded as alluvial clay, silt and sand, and the detailed palaeotopographic study of the site shows that these deposits comprise a sequence of glacial sands overlain by marsh deposits and peats, with cellars backfilled with brick rubble lying close to the modern ground surface (AAL 2015b). 3.0 Planning Background 3.1 The site is proposed for redevelopment, as the location for the construction of a new bus station as part of the proposed Lincoln Transport Hub. A planning application will be submitted for the development shortly. 3.2 In line with the current planning guidance set out in NPPF (Department for Communities and Local Government 2012) and discussions with the City of Lincoln Archaeologist, the client commissioned a programme of archaeological investigation to be undertaken prior to determination of the planning application, to provide further information upon the nature and