3Rd Grade Social Studies: Unit 0
East Baton Rouge Parish Schools 3rd Grade Social Studies: Unit 0 - Maps, Globes & My Community Instructional Itinerary 2016 – 2017 Most Resources require you to log in - https://www.pearsonrealize.com Additional Resources to teach this unit can be found here. http://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/scope-and-sequence/social-studies-sample-scope-and-sequence---grade-3- pdf.pdf?sfvrsn=4 Unit 0: Unit Time Pearson Academic-Domain Pearson Realize Online Resources Writing Primary and/or Maps, Globes & Frame Aligned Lesson Vocabulary (ex: political cartoon, video, etc.) (DBQ, political Secondary My Community Plan cartoon, Reading Sources Like a Historian…) LA Social Studies August 10 Pearson Rule - statement that tells you what is or is not allowed *NOTE: The Pearson text book, work book, and online Journal Writing Miss Nelson Is Missing 2011 GLE's: – Sep. 2, Law - system or set of rules made by the government of a town, resources should be used as reference materials. Special state, country R-A-C-E-S strategy: By: Harry Allard 2016 Chapter 5, Lesson consideration should be given to each chapter's "Focus on 1 "Good Citizens, Volunteer – a person who works for no pay to improve the Content Standard community and help others Louisiana" section, as these more directly address the R-A-C-E-S example Good Deeds" Where Do I Live 3 ½ Weeks Timeline - a table listing important events for successive years (2011) Louisiana GLE's. paragraph Prezi By: Neil Chesanow 3.6.1, 3.4.6, within a particular historical period Chapter 1, lesson 1 Citizen – an official member of a community 3.3.1, 3.6.2, "What Makes a Social Studies third grade - some links are no longer DBQ (document- Me On the Map Cooperate – to work together 3.5.1, 3.3.3, Community" current, and it is all based on the previously used, Louisiana based-questions) By: Joan Sweeney Equator – imaginary line dividing northern and southern 3.3.4, 3.3.5, hemispheres Comprehensive Curriculum, and not current GLE's (2011).
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