1.1E:.!0:1I A HALL L I onArly ,

ANDOVER WAY 26, 1938 weft Received 7deners, printers, Andover Townsman avers, tax collee- Andover everywhere and always, first, last—the manly, straightforward, sober, patriotic New England Town—Pun.ups BROOKS len, students in at the retirement re, united under 5 Cents—$2 Per Year Volume L1—Number 34 rer Male Choir," ANDOVER, , JUNE 2, 1938 for the past few Id music of the riety which only Abbot Graduates Save Town $1,000 on "Iron Mike)/ Rate Probably to an produce. Last Mr. Collins con- Monday Morning Be Under $30 choir in a con- Selectmen Receive Check As vision in one of the appropriation he had brought Commencement week will start votes to take care of the balance tomorrow night at Abbot academy Reimbursement For Repairs Additional Figures Of State y Men's Singing On "Austin 77" due, but the town did not adopt d what he could with the annual school rally at the suggestion. However, after Predict Drop From March a all together. 7.45 with singing on the steps of town meeting the same procedure Estimate Abbot hall. This year Phillips aca- continued, and about two months ters in the au- The Town of Andover received sarts of the pro- demy's commencement week fes- ago the selectmen held up payment Andover's tax rate, which will tivities take place a full week after a check for $442.85 Tuesday from of a rental bill on the machine. not be officially announced for a Doctor Foster," the Alexander —STIPPly company to nd the ice cream; the Abbot program. In investigating the contract be- few weeks, will probably be below terminate a long controversy be- tween the board and the company, the thirty dollar mark, it was mne of the ren- Alumnae day will take place at tween the selectmen and the Board d some of the Abbot on Saturday, the principal the selectmen found that the com- learned this week. The town meet- of Public Works regarding the pany agreed to take care of all ing estimate was $30.60, but since were the best. features being the annual meeting purchase of the so-called "Big resent concurred of the Alumnae association at 2.30, repairs. Back bills were looked up, then additional figures have been Mike," or Austin 77, combination and it was found that despite this received from the state which tend sman's impartial the reception in honor of the scraper, scarifier and plow. The before the con- graduating class at 4, the alumnae clause $442.85 had been paid by to show that the rate will be below selectmen had claimed that the the town for repairs. The select- that amount. clover Male choir banquet at six and the Draper $442.86 had been illegally paid the next. Dramatics 'in Davis hall at 8.30. men then demanded that this The $30.60 guess was based on company for repairs on the ma- amount be refunded to the town, estimates of receipts and valuation t" was encored, On Sunday at the 10.45 service chine. In addition the company would have just and Tuesday's payment marked a which were agreed upon by the at the South church Rev. Donald waived all claims to the payment successful end to their work. They assessors and Taxpayers' asso- Cher encore. Miss Bailey Aldrich, D. D., of the Church of another $500 odd for repairs not and Haverhill's had refused to honor any rental ciation as the nearest possible at of the Ascension in New York city, paid as yet. bills until this check was received. that date. The finance committee's .yed a duet ac- will give the Baccalaureate ad- The machine has been in the The company will continue to this selection, estimates of receipts and valuation dress, and at 7.30 in the evening process of being purchased by the rent the machine to the town, and gave a rate over a dollar higher. sry excellent duet the commencement concert will board via the rental method, with it will also rent it to private con- The effects of the depression on )ers' Song." Of take place at Davis hall. a certain sum per hour being paid. tractors. In all probability the the income from the state income 1st was "Doctor On Monday will come the grad- Before town meeting the selectmen town will again be asked next and corporation tax will probably H. Foster, one of uation proper, with President received an opinion from Director March to purchase it. not be felt until 1938. This year's followers of the William Allen Neilson of Smith of Accounts Theodore Waddell at The Alexander Supply company income is better than was anti- bow at the close college giving the commencement the state house that such a method was the same company from which cipated, and the valuation will also of purchasing would not receive (Continued on Page 2) the B. P. W. purchased a sidewalk probably be higher. the state's approval, since all pur- plow a year and a half ago, pay- The work on assessing has been PLANS chases of such equipment have to ment for which was held up by the slowed up some by the large be authorized by specific town town accountant and the selectmen amount of transfers of property dies' night of the May Hold N. E. meeting vote. At town meeting the until the town meeting approved and of building of new property. be held on June board tried to incorporate a pro- the purchase. I Inn, starting at Concert Here lelia and his two International Day to lionists who have Andover may have an opportu- To Decide Fate MISS TROTT iccessful appear- nity of hearing 700 male voices in TENDERS RESIGNATION Be Held Tomorrow a joint concert next May if an idea ; past, will be the Miss Dorothy Trott, whose en- A Morning Coffee, an Afternoon ners. Leonard F. now being talked about material- of Alumni Ass'n Tea, a sale of Foreign and Amer- izes. Yearly the New England Fed- gagement to Walter Partridge of its talk on Emme- Walnut avenue was announced a ican foods, against a background eration of Men's Singing clubs holds By January of 1894 the Punchard of rare Exhibits from different a contest and a concert, and at Alumni association, according to few months ago, has tendered her resignation from the local public nations, is being held by the Law- these in the past the Andover Male its secretary, had "lived through rence International Institute at the Choir has played a prominent part, many a cold water bath of adverse school teaching staff. Miss Trott has been teaching in the high November Club House, Locke being a frequent prize-winner and criticism." Next Monday evening street, Friday from 10 to 6 o'clock. in 1936 the grand prize-winner. Now the association will meet in the school and the junior high for the past few years, having previously Hours of research have gone In- that the annual event held this Memorial auditorium to decide to the preparation of an Inter- just how it will combat the present taught elsewhere after her grad- year at Springfield is over, some uation from Boston University. national Cook Book presented for of the choir members are talking cold water bath not of adverse Action on the resignation will sale for the first time at this about the possibilities of having criticism but alumni apathy. 7:30 I be taken next Tuesday night at affair. The Cook Book is hand the contest and concert here in the Financially in good condition, the school board meeting. lettered, illustrated with charming dnesdays Memorial auditorium. with a $5000 scholarship fund in- sketches, and contains about 450 Comments from the Haverhill, tact, the association has hived recipes gathered from the four Maynard and Beverly clubs at in- through depressions and pros- corners of the world. The Com- termission in the joint concert last perity, ,but its trouble today is not SERVICE CLUB TO 3:50; 9:05 mittee in charge of the affair is, Friday night have added impetus to lack of funds. It will be 47 years HOLD LADIES' NIGHT Mrs. Albert H. Chamberlain, Miss the idea, many of the visitors ex- old next December, which is still The new slate of officers of the Kate H. Stevens, Mrs. Carl Pfat- 2:25; 7:40 pressing pleasure at the appear- too young to die, and the chances Andover Service club was formally teicher, Mrs. B. Allen Rowland, ance of the auditorium and suggest- are that next 'Monday evening will elected last Thursday night. Next Mrs. Felix W. Knauth. ing that it would be a good place see an overwhelming vote in favor Thursday night President Richard for the New England event. The es- of continuing. If this is so, there G. Whipple will conclude his duties sentials for the affair would be will be the usual banquet to the with the annual Ladies' night to G. F. S. ADMISSION SERVICE Fri. 3:55; 9:10 classrooms for headquarters for incoming members after their The Girls' Friendly society of :30; 6:25; 9:20 be held at Phillips Inn. each club, a large stage, and a con- graduation on June 14. Officers The officers elected were: Presi- Christ church will hold an admis- Fri. 2:45; 8:00 venient eating place for the con- will also be elected. dent, Francis E. Wilson; first vice- sion service next Monday evening 5:20; 8:15 testants between the afternoon :25; president, Kenneth L. Sherman; at eight. contest and the evening concert. second vice-president, Attorney On the following Monday the All these the new buildings offer, HEALTH BOARD group will hold a Mothers' night 1‘A, Both Days) Walter C. Tomlinson; secretary, with the primary objection being OFFICE MOVED Walter E. Billings; treasurer, at the Log Cabin. :35; 5:45; 8:35 the size of the cafeteria, which The Board of Health office was Frederick W. Gould; directors, 'I' would probably make it necessary moved over the week-end from the Augustine Farragher, Virgil I). 4:20; 7:30 for the men to eat in two separate rented quarters on Park street to Announcing the Removal groups. Harrington, Harold W. Leitch, A. • the former checkroom on the sec- Huestis Sulis, Jr. and Richard G. of the office of If the choir decides to go through ond floor of the town hall. Some with the plan, some such organiza- alter ations have been made, and 1Whipple. 31—June 1-2 Wallace E. Brinier of the Tyer Dr. William A. Fleming -Th. 3:40; 8:55 tion as the Service club may be, the relief office has been moved DENTIST asked to join in sponsoring it. across the hall. It is estimated Rubber Company and Edwin L. In to 76 Main St. :25; 5 :35; 8:45 other communities it has usually that the move will save the town Bramley of the Telephone Com- from 66 Main St. -Th. 2:25; 7:40 been the Board of Trade. at least $300 annually. pany were the speakers. Ved. 4:10; 7:20 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN JUNE 2, 1938

AT FEDERATION MEETING JUNE Graduating Today Memorial Day Observance Held People seen at the Massachusetts Miss Sarah R. Dean, (laughter of address, Rcv. Herman Johnson; Roll call State Federation of Women's Clubs Andover's hero war dead were annual meeting in Swampscott last Whal Mrs. Martha Dean of Shawsheen honored Monday as the town's of the dead, Frederick E. Cheever; Taps, Legion Bugle and Drum Corps. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs. (The fo village, is on the tentative list of patriotic organizations conducted 88 candidates who will receive de- MEMORIAL TOWER (American Le- day were: Mrs. Joseph T. Gagne, booked the annual Memorial day visit to gion) Address, Scott H. Paradise; Placing Mrs, James L. Dean, Mrs, William calenda the cemeteries to pay tribute to of Wreath on Tower, Frederick E. Chee- Kurth, Mrs. Garfield Chase, Mrs, are ash those who had laid down their lives ver; Salute by American Legion firing squad; Taps by American Legion Bugle Albert Wade, Mrs. Frank Bartlett, keeping for their country. Gone are all and Drum Corps. Mrs. Percy Nutton, Mrs, Frank when ti Andover's Civil War vets, but the OLD SOUTH CEMETERY (Veterans Kefferstan, Mrs. Frederick C, veterans of 'the World War have of Foreign Wars) V. F. W. service; Prayer, Smith, Mrs, H. Garrison Holt, Miss taken over the task of honoring Rev. Frederick B. Noss; Salute by Legion Thursday firing squad; Taps, Legion bugle and drum Rhoda Anderson, Mrs, George A. demons them for their struggles for the corps. Mellen of William street was chair. Union as well as paying homage try. WEST PARISH CEMETERY (American man of the nominating committee. Friday, to their own 'buddies who died in Legion) Prayer, Rev. Donald H. Savage; Salute by Legion firing squad; Taps by Le- ternatic battle-scarred France. PLANS FOR GRADUATION Andover's new group of clergy- gion drum corps. Noveml ST. AUGUSTINE'S CEMETERY (Vet- On June 20 at 10 o'clock in the Monday, men were the principal speakers erans of Foreign Wars at Grave of Patrick morning the 9th grade will have Phillips of the day, with one of them, Rev. Tucker); Address, Rev. Francis A. Dillon, their graduation assembly to Samuel B. Overstreet, remarking OSA; V. F. W. Service with prayer by Fr. Dillon; Salute by Legion firing squad; Taps which parents and friends will be SHAWSH that he was a Southerner by birth by Legion drum corps. invited. On Friday evening, June HEALTH and the grandson of a Confederate SPRING GROVE CEMETERY (Sons of 17, they will have their class dance Under soldier. The idea of Memorial day, Veterans Auxiliary Program at Soldiers' in the gymnasium. Plans have ideal Jun( he said, was started by a Southern Lot) America, Band; Address, Rev. Fred- erick B. Noss; Lincoln's Gettysburg address. been completed for a "very natl• Shawshee woman. General Grant's action in Mrs. Henry S. Wright; Salute to the flag, tical party." The student com• nita I Heal sending the Confederate soldiers S. of V. Auxiliary; Salute by Legion firing mittee in charge of 'both affairs day. The home with their horses in time to squad; Taps by Legion corps; Star Spangled Sarah Rives Dean Banner. Band. consists of the Misses Glenna of the sch work on their crops was never (British War Veterans service at Thomas Markert, Chairman; D o r o t h y ship of Al grees at the 53rd commencement forgotten by the Southerners, Rev. Morton grave) Address and prayer, Rev. Souter and Ann McCarthy; Gordon bearers, I exercises at Rollins college in Win- Mr. Overstreet stated. Herman C. Johnson; Salute, Legion Firing ter Park, Fla., on June 2, and a Squad; Sounding of British Last Post, Elliot, Benjamin Forbes, Augustine don Rob Rev. Herman C. Johnson spoke Buvl-r David Rohb. Connolly, and Robert Costello. Charles S glance at her record shows that at the Library, Scott H. Paradise (American Legion Lot) Prayer, Rev. High Sch "tentative" is an unnecessary word at the Tower, Rev. Mr. Noss at the Henry B. Smith, O.S.A.; Address, Rev. in her case. She is a member of Samuel Overstreet; Placing of Wreaths on DRAMATIC GROUP MEETING around th G.A.R., lot Rev. Francis A. Dillon, Lot, Capt. L. Dennis Peterkin of British Mrs. Garfield Chase of Canter- lawn at 1 the Key society, which is the local 0. S. A., at St. Augustine's, and War Veterans; Commander Frank R. Petty honorary scholastic society corres- bury street entertained 21 members where the Rev. Mr. Johnson again at the of V. F. W.. Paul McDonald of the Sons of the Dramatic Committee of the The first ponding to Phi Beta Kappa, and Morton grave. of the American Legion and Mrs. Albert she is also on Zeta Alpha Epsilon, Robinson. president of the Legion Auxiliary. Shawsheen Women's Club, Friday gram, wit The programs follow: rinnediction. Rev. F. A. Dillon, O.S.A.. afternoon., Luncheon was served ticipating, local honorary scientific fraternity. MEMORIAL HALL LIBRARY (Am- Salute, Legion Firing Squad; Taps, Legion Miss Dean has had an active erican Legion) Selection, Band; Prayer and Drum Corps. following which plans were made Maze Wal career at Rollins. She is president for the coming year. Mrs. Herbert with the and was secretary of the Pan- Cregg will continue as chairman. costumes Hellenic council, secretary of the MUSICIANS' CLUB Mrs. John M. Birdsall, dramatic pretty drel Abbot Graduates or four ch student-faculty discipline commit- Monday Morning IN FINAL MEETING coach, finished reading the play tee, rushing chairman of Gamma "Shadow and Substance." High Sch( The Andover Musicians' club held came Heal Phi Beta and president of Gamma (Continued from Page 1) its final meeting of the year re- Phi Beta, alternate to the student INTER-CLASS TRACK on hand t address at the exercises in the cently at the home of Miss Evelyn Next Monday, June 6, the Pun- the childr( council, member of the archery Bailey on .Morton street. The busi- team and treasurer of the Key so- South church at 11. The traditional chard inter-class track meet will events, an tree and ivy planting will take ness meeting with the annual re- be held. The following events are charge of ciety. Her academic interest has port of the secretary-treasurer been mainly in qualitative and or- place at 10.15, and at 12.30 the scheduled: fifty-yard dash, one 'bottles of commencement luncheon. and the election of officers was hundred-yard dash, two hundred teachers p ganic chemistry, having won a followed by an interesting dis- chemistry handbook for her work 's program will twenty-yard dash, four hundred ren, 150 01 start on Sunday, June 12, with cussion of the club's policy for forty-yard relay (4 men), high The vari in organic last year. She is a gradu- next year. ate of Abbot Academy. Baccalaureate at 4.30 by Dr. Fuess. jump, broad jump, pole vault, and follows: I' The entire program follows: Mrs. Mervin E. Stevens will shot put. Greens", Sunday, June 12 again serve as president and John The junior high school may enter Fetch and 4:30 p. m. Baccalaureate Sermon by D. Newall, HI, as secretary-treas- a team. The meet will be held Greens", P Headmaster Claude M. Fuess. urer. under the direction of Mr. Dunn. ping Rela, ARROW Monday, June 13 8:00 p. m. Competitions for Prizes in Black, .lea CLEANSING Music. Orange", Tuesday, June 14 Human 'Ci 8:00 p. m. Potter Prize Speaking. Wednesday, June 15 Alan Mosl 7:45 a. m. Awards of Prizes. FUELS OF ALL KINDS fer—"Mt. Is Odorless — It Thursday, June 16 leader; Rt 3:00 p. m. Class Dav Exercisos. AMERICAN ANTHRACITE - CLEERCOAL Elizabeth •Really Refreshes 4:00 p. m. Reception by the Headmaster and Mrs. Fuess. Barrow R 6:30 p. m. Class Rounion Dinners. NEW ENGLAND COKE hardt Your Apparel 7:30 p. m. Step Singing. 9:00 n. m. Moving Pictures. War—"Mt Frida-, June 17 RANGE AND FUEL OIL War — " 10.00 a. ni. Procossion Forms. Hansen. It SWEATERS 19c 10:30 a. m. Exercises of the Cum Laude Society. Address by Richard M. Glint- Slip-ons mere, Ph.D. Awards of Prizes. Schol- MEET arships and Diplomas. ANDOVER COAL CO. Tonight, S 12:30 p. m. Ladies Luncheon. ilia Legioi 1:00 p. m. Alumni Luncheon. Telephones: Office 365—Yard 232 bekahs; Tues 3:00 p. m. Baseball gam-, Alumni vs. Fellows. V. 111.ANKETS 44c Academy. Vt., rails our URGES RETURN TO GOD SINCE 1840 TO AVERT WAR Q. T H RUGS 9 x 12 $3.95 Nearly 200 veterans and mem- bers of patriotic organizations at- tended the annual memorial mass NECKTIES doz. $1.00 at St. Augustine's church on Sun- eberett itunbctren day morning, with Rev. Thomas B. Austin, O.S.A., urging a return Funeral Director and Embalmer to God as the only means of main- E taining peace and stability. Twenty-eight years of personal service to Andover awl Miss Annie G. Donovan was at Suburban Towns. Fully equipped for all service. the organ for the service, with solos being rendered by John A. Massachusetts and New Hampshire license. Welch, Irene McCarthy and Charles O'Neill. Rev. Garrett 1840 to 1938 -- HERMAN and JOSEPH ABBOTT, JAMES CRABTREE. Burke of Portland, Me., celebrated (•HARLES PARKER. F. If. MESSER. EVERETT M. LUNDGREN. the mass. 58 Main Street Andover Now Located at 18-20 Elm St. — Tel. 303-W or 303-1? Preferred for Reliability Live each day so as to shake hands with yourself each night. JUNE 2, 1938 JUNE 2, 1938 N MEETING THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 3 the Massachusetts of Women's Clubs What's Going On THREE STUDENTS CHOSEN very high scholastic average as FLOWER SHOW a Swampscott last FOR D. A. R. MEDALS have the other two winners. Miss The Boxford Oratorio society will 'sday and Thurs- (The following dates are already Nollet is president of the Experi- booked in Andover's social Glenna Markert, Lucille Nollet present a flower show Thursday Joseph T. Gagne, mental Corporation, an organi- and Friday of next week from 2 to ean, Mrs. William calendar. Other organizations and Frederic McDufile have been zation that maintains a school are asked to avoid conflict by 10 at the First church, Boxford. 'field Chase, Mrs. chosen by the faculty of the An- bank and furnishes student secre- Exhibitors are urged to commu- 's. Frank Bartlett, keeping these dates in mind taries for faculty members: when they are planning events.) dover Junior High School to re- nicate with Dr. Carrie Bacon in the ,on, Mrs. Frank ceive the medals given by the Frederic McDuffle is an excep- Musgrove building or Horace Kil- '5. Frederick C. Daughters of the American Revo- tional student who shows great lam of Porter road. 'arrison Holt, Miss Thursday, June 2, Table tennis lution, Betsy Ross Chapter, for promise. He will enter St. Paul's . Mrs. George A. demonstration, West Church ves- outstanding scholarship, service to School in Concord in September. n street was chair. try. others, and good citizenship. At present he is Editor of the There are 2917 acres of land in [listing committee. Friday, June 3, Presentation of In- Miss Markert is president of the Press Club and Captain of the the city of Boston Park Department ternational Institute Cook-book, 9th grade and has maintained a Traffic Squad. I System. GRADUATION November club house. 10 o'clock in the Monday, June 6, Lecture on China, grade will have Phillips academy. n assembly to nd friends will be SHAWSHEEN SCHOOL Pepperell Duchess Sheets lay evening, June HEALTH PROGRAM made from a heavy weight sheeting, with 4 extra e their class dance Under the sunny- skies of an um. Plans have ideal June day the children of the threads per inch in the filling to insure longer wear. for a "very nau. Shawsheen School held their an- 72 x 99 - 81 x 99 twin and full bed size. 'he student com- nual Health Day ,program yester- e, of both affairs day. The lines formed in the rear Special for this week, each $1 a Misses Glenna of the school and under the leader- .19 nan; Dorothy ship of Alva Houston and the color McCarthy; Gordon bearers, Harry Emmons and Gor- Pepperell Duchess Cases Forbes, Augustine don Robb, and the drummer, ,obert Costello. Charles Sanborn from the Junior 42 x 381/., also 45 x 381/2 High School, they marched all 01 0 ROUP MEETING around the ,building and onto the Special . . Each Chase of Canter- lawn at the side of the school -TLVik- t 2 29c rtadned 21 members where the exercises were held. Committee of the The first event do the long pro- $1.59 Unbleached Mattress Cover nen's Club, Friday gram, with all the 'children par- inner spring box, tape seam, rubber button, full bed ,cheon was served ticipating, was the Shawsheen BUY COTTONS — NOW size. plans were made Maze Walk. A pretty slight it was SAVE MONEY year. Mrs. Herbert with the children dressed in sport SPEED RECOVERY Sale Price, Each $1.00 ,inue as chairman. costumes or play suits or just Birdsall, dramatic pretty dresses. Then followed three reading the play or four cheers that would put any $1.95 Bates Colored Bed Spread lubstance." High School to shame, and then came Health Songs. Mr. Todd was full bed size, scalloped edge, colors rose, blue, gold, TRACK on hand to help the teachers and green, orchid. June 6, the Puri- the children in preparation of the m track meet will events, and Bobby Waugh had Sale Price, each $1 39 )flowing events are charge of the distribution of pint y-yard dash, one 'bottles of chocolate milk which the ash, two hundred teachers provided for all the child- $3.29 Reversible Patchwork Quilts tsh, four hundred ren, 150 or more. colors guaranteed sunfast and tub fast, size 80 x 84. y (4 men), high The various events were won as The same pattern on both sides. np, pole vault, and follows: Necktie Relay — "The Greens", Paul Cheney, leader; Sale Price, each $2 ;h school may enter Fetch and Carry Relay — "The .59 meet will be held Greens", Paul 'Cheney, leader; Hop- etion of Mr. Dunn, ping Relay — "The Blues", Polly $1.39 Printed Cotton Black, leader; Circle Relay—"The 29c Colored Turkish Orange", Jimmy Gillen, leader; Guest Towels Table Cloth Human Croquet—"The Yankees", 54 x 54 printed on Pepperell Sheeting, Alan Mosher, leader; Cap Trans- a very heavy quality terry, in solid colors CINDS fer—"Mt. Holyoke", Jean Mulvey, with borders. guaranteed fast colors. leader; Rubber Relay—"Wellesley" ,EERCOAL Elizabeth Kurth, leader; Wheel Sale Price towels Sale Price, each $1 Barrow Race—"The Bees", Bern- 5 $1.00 .00 hardt Harig, leader; Girls Tug of War—"Mt. Holyoke"; Boys Tug of "wl. $1.95 Chenille Bath Room Set L War - "The Giants", Whitney Mat and Lid Cover to match. Solid colors, with design. Hansen, leader. Sale Price, set MEETINGS NEXT WEEK $1 50 CO. Tonight, Square and C,, nwass, Clan Aux- that—, Legion; Friday, Clan; Monday, Re 232 bekahs; Tuesday, Grange; Wednesday, Odd 19c 80 Square Percale Fellows, V. F. W. auxiliary, British War Vet rans auxiliary. in a large assortment of fast color patterns and colors, in mill lengths. IL THE CAR p Sale Price, yard 124-c p4, • aren 39c Wash Fabrics 50c Dumari Powder Puff Muslin habner a beautiful assortment of patterns in Dot permanent bellmanized finish, 35 inches Voiles, Printed Lawns, also Corded Prints, wide, colors guaranteed fast. Andover and yard wide. Sale Price, yard ervice. Sale Price, yard 2 9c 3 9c AUTOMOBILE BODIES IES CRABTREE, LUNDGREN REPAIRING • GARAGES A. B. SUTHERLAND CO. BATTERIES • TIRES Street—Lawrence 3-W or 3034: :309 Essex Service—Call And. 300 Free Delivery to Andover Daily Free Telephone JUNE 2, 4 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN JUNE 2, 1938

THE ANDOVER News of Other Days West Memorial Day in the Schools By What You and Your Neighbors Central Grammar School cilia Wilkinson, Norma Machon, Richard Lowell S TOWNSMAN Baldwin, Frederic Cole; Recitation, The Were Doing in Days Gone By Established 1887 Song, America, School; Governor's Proc- Sash of Red, White and Blue, Big Girl— lamation, Paul Schultz; Recitation, Decora- Edith Ambye, Small Girl—Sarah Mac- Fifty Years Ago Published on Thursday at Smith &tion Day, Joyce Johnson, James Weldon, Lellan; Song, A Tribute, Margaret Mitch- Misses I Coutts Co., 4 Park Street, Andover, John Gillis and Connie Burns; Recitation, ell, Constance Hathaway, Alva Houston, Marcus M. Hill of Providence, way of I Mass., by Elmer J. Grover. The Memorial Flags, David MacCord; Ex- Doris Woodbury, William La Rosa, Bern- R. I., arrived here on a visit Tues- end as git ercise, The Schoolhouse Flag, Joan Pom- hardt Haring; Recitation, Decoration Day, eroy, Louise Crossley, and Richard Kydd; day evening. of Lowell Entered at the Andover Postoffice Pauline Erler; Offerings of Love, Allen William Poor has just finished as Second Class Matter Singers: Elma Miller, Richard Mower, Young; Recitation, Blue and Gray, Robert Rev. an( James Stewart, Clara Campbell, John Camp- Merchant, Robert Waugh; Exercise, Go a new butcher's wagon for the bell, Mary Giata, and Leo Bernard; Re- Dunstable Children, Mary Hargedon, Carol Davies, Valpey brothers, also a new milk the forme A thing that An- citation, Memorial Day, Robert Bergstrom, James Gillen, John Batal. Drinking Robert Beauchesne and Mary Frances Play, Grandpa's Memorial Day: Louis wagon for M. C. Evans of Wake- Mrs, Dona dover's unemployed, Driggs; Recitation, On Memorial Day, Anderson, Alva Houston, Constance Hath- field. On The and Andover's citi- Ames Stevens and John Schultz. away, Dorothy Foster, Elsie Rasmussen, Last Tuesday there were put up Mrs. .1 Song, Memorial Day, May Peever, Bar- and Constance McCollum; Trumpet Solo, daughter Job zenry as 'a whole, bara Hill, Suzanne Leland, John Thomson, three additional street lamps which can't seem to un- .Taps, Francis Manning; Salute to the will be a great benefit to the com- Falls spe: Jacqueline Driggs, Ruth Anderson, Joan Flag, Star Spangled Banner, School; An- her mothe derstand is t h e Holdsworth, Anne Boyce, Richard Kimball, nouncer, Peter Smith. At the Piano, Kath- munity. seeming preference given to men June Peever, Ruth Innes, Lawrence Barss, leen Eastwood. An attractive sign board, bear- of Lowell John Eastham, George Collins, Beatrice West Center School with a certain liquid capacity Paine, Barbara Johnson and Gordon Mun- ing the words "Baptist Church, Rev, any America the Beautiful, Grades 1 and 2; and .sons when town laboring jabs are given roe; Recitation, A Brave Soldier, Hazel Play, Memories on Memorial Day, Grades Rev. J. V. Stratton, pastor" and Murphy; Recitation, Memorial Day, Robert the hours of worship, has been Suffield, C out. They know that if town busi- Baldwin, Robert McCoubrie, and William 3 and 4: Fred Doyle, Donald Henderson, ness were run as a private busi- Stopf ord. Jean Hardy, Frances Little, Granville Guild, placed in the front porch of the ing severe,. Connie Dow, Albert Tisbert, Annie Arake- father, Ge ness, sobriety would be one of the Playlet, True Heroes: Donald Black- lian, Alfred Cavallaro, James Greenfield and Baptist Church and has a most in- first qualities taken into consider- mer, Anthony Cavallaro, George Green- viting look. Plain road wood, Hervey Bernard, John Parker, Car- Henry Nollet, Liliane Audesse, Lena Bour- ation by the employer before ter Holmes, James Lowe, Thomas Camp- delais, Vera Hagopian, Billy Whitely, Leo Twenty-five Years Ago Francis hiring a man; and they know, too, bell, Robert Moore, and Homer Judge. Blanchette, Betty Dalrymple, Frank Petre- Sprague II Recitation, In Flanders Field, Laura of, Theresa Audesse, Robert Henderson, Wallace Ward of this town is that in private business if a man Michael Mararian, Donald Barrett, Kenneth visiting in Nova Scotia. home in shows up on the job in the morn- Earley; Recitation, Flag of My Land, McQuestion, Roland Chretien, Arlene Ames, ing the pa Dwight Killam; Reading, Memorial Prayer, Betty Whitney, Elaine Matton, Loraine Tis- Lester Towne of Tufts college ing in a condition unfit for work, Marion White; Taps, Lorraine Richard, bert, and Margaret Tateosian. spent the week-end visiting at his neth Barni or if he drinks during working- Shirley Stevens, Tom Carter, Ruth Gre- gory, Edythe Pullan, Albert Johnson, General Grant's March, Toy orchestra home in Scotland District. Mrs. Ka hours, he would be thrown out of Grades 1 and 2, Leader: Irene Bourde- Northey, Marjorie Smart, David Graham, Loring laic Recitation: Little Hands and Little Miss Mira B. Wilson of this town mighty fast. Batchelder, and Richard Dake; Flag Salute, has been elected president of the Mrs. Jahn Possibly you are dead-set against School; Song. Star Spangled Banner, Hearts, Irene R. Bourdelais and Russell School; Announcer, John Thomson. Doyle; Song: Red, White and Blue, Group Smith College Society of Christian Concert it anybody drinking under any cir- from Grade 1 and 2; Exercise: I Love the Workers. evening. Shawsheen Flag, Norman Humphries, David Batchel- cumstances; possibly you're one of School Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cutler of those who, granting a man a right America the Beautiful, School; Memorial der, Edith Greenfield, Wilfred Johnson, Miss Wi: Day Address, Robert Miller; A Memorial and Robert Whitney; Recitation: In the Chicago are occupying the house ville was I to drink if he so desires in private, Day Flag, Jane Black; Song, Day of Golden Morning Light, Ernestine Belisle; on Abbot street, formerly the home her cousin are dead set against public drink- Memory, John Hathaway, Angelina Mag- Song: Fine Little Drums, Grade 1 and 2; of Percival Dove. They expect to nano, Miriam Dearborn and James Christie. Play: The Making of the Flag, John Da- Lowell str ing and the resultant public vidson, Robert Ozoonian, Ruth Coughlin: reside here permanently. drunkenness. But whatever be your Exercise. May Flowers, Patsy Black, Master Nancy Rodalvicz. Janice Bowen, Sally Ann March, Toy Orchestra, with Thought to have been the oldest Robert B views on liquor, you undoubtedly Bergeron, Dorothy Stott, Barbara Carins, Orazio Bellia as leader; America, School. horse in this part of the country, feel that drinking has no right to and Helene Roberts; Recitation, The Rat Toy orchestra of Grades 1 and 2 consist bra'ted th( a tat tat of the Drum, Sally North; Exer- of Bells: Norman Humphries, Mary Louise Dick, the brown pony owned for a week-eni affect the quality, or quantity of cise, My Country's Flag, John Caswell, Gilman, Edith Greenfield, Peter Casperian, several years past by George A. Robert Gilman and Ernestine Belisle; Clogs, at the sun work a man gives his employer, Arthur Jowett, Richard Cheney, John Higgins, died this week, following Mrs. Kern whether that employer be public Bartlett, Bobby Gagne, Norma Trumbull, Peter Mararian, Marion Gordon, Harold Patsy Black, Sally Ann Bergeron, Nancy Kasabian, Alcide Tisbert, Irene R. Bourde- an attack of heart trouble. or private. Rodalvicz, Betty Jane O'Connor, and lais, Robert Whitney, Louis Tisbert and The Andover Tuberculosis Com- In Andover this unfortunate Helene Roberts. Robert Ozoonian; Triangles, Russell Doyle, mittee has made an appropriation state of affairs has been seen in Memorial Day Songs—Dean Carmichael, John Davidson, Richard Innes; Tambor- for a local anti-fly campaign. PLUMBI Edith Ambye, Grant MacMackin, Sally ines, Ruth Coughlin and Mary Krikorian; two instances. There have been MacLellan, Leonard Blamire, Charles Cymbals, David Batchelder; Drums, Wil- Among the guests at the Phillips cases in the public works depart- Bradley, Jacqueline Webster, Mary Harge- fred Johnson. academy commencement next week CHA] ment, proved beyond question, of don, Peggy Wallace, Carol Davies, Dorothy Indian Ridge School will be the Hon. Theodore Roose- Keith, William Doyle; Exercise, Upon Me- Poem, The Flag, Donald Craig; Exercise, fO High employees intoxicated on the job, morial Day, Jay O'Connor, William Ross, What Our Flag Means, William Valentine, velt, whose son Archie is in the wiith at least one having spent an James Christie; Recitation, Little Hands Jack Arabian; Exercise, Our Country's graduating class. afternoon in a shed in a hangover and Little Hearts, Betty Jane O'Connor; Flag. Grades 5 and 6; Recitation, Memor- In Andover, Monday, June 2, by on the town's time. What these Song, Our Memorial Day, Mabel Brough- ial Day, Grade 1; Poem, Little Hands and Rev. S. Riordan, Joseph M. Gill ton, Cynthia Black. Cynthia Pash, William Little Hearts, Grade 3; Exercise, True F. ALLIEE men, chosen by the department Christison, Francis Manning, Louise Doyle, Heroes, Grades 5 and 6: William Monroe, of Roxbury, and Bridget E. Scho- because it feels they are the best Nancy Trumbull, Robert Waugh, Raymond John McGrath, Russell MacLeish, Robert field of Andover. workmen available, do in their own La Rosa. Campbell, Richard Cargill and Charles Val- Arthur Johnson of Wildwood Recitation, At the Soldiers Graves, Pris- ontine; Song, Americars Beautiful Flag, 6tragc time as nobody's business but their Grades 1 and 2; Song, For Freedom, road has gone to work in the che- own, 'but no matter how good Cradles 3 and 4; Song, A Tribute, Grades mistry department of the Pacific Phone: J.' workmen they are, if they drink 5 and 6; Recitation, Memorial Day, Bar- Mills, Lawrence. Can you, can the President, hon- bara Nicol; Recitation, Floral Offerings, on the job, or if they have a hang- estly say that your boss likes to Grade 4: Patricia Smith, Claire Darby, Dor- Ten Years Ago over on the job, they should be see you idle, likes to tell you not to othy Valentine, and Isabel Auchterlonie; William Percy was the winner fired. show up for the next few weeks Recitation. The Schoolhouse Flag, David Cargill; Exercise, The Flag, Grades 3 and of the second prize both in the The other group is the W. P. A. because there's no work for you? .1; Recitation, The Meaning of Memorial seventh grade and the final contest workers 'chosen because of their That is the wildest sort of irre- Day, Barbara Monroe; America, entire school. at the annual Lincoln spelling need. Yet part of the small amount sponsible political talk, for your snatch last Friday evening. Helen of money some of these men earn boss is making money only when Punchard High School America, School; Scripture Reading, Mr. Mears won the first in the finals goes into liquor. If these men you are working, only when his Stevens; The Lord's Prayer; The Call for and Emma Stevens third. spend the government's money on plant is working at pretty near ca- the First Memorial Day Celebration, Gen. Mrs. Bernard McDonald of drink, naturally the unemployed pacity. Equipment lying idle makes Logan Gladys Greenhow; America the Beautiful, School; Lincoln's Gettysburg Chestnut street is ill with pneu- who want money 'for bread and no money of itself; not until men Address, Robert Bisset; Flag Salute, Led monia. clothing for their families will start earning wages by working by Virginia Batcheller; Star Spangled Ban- Reginald Wallace, son of James wonder if they are being treated with that equipment does the bus- ner, School; Punchard Honor Roll, Wil- Wallace of Temple place, is suffer- right. Liquor not a necessity, inessman start making money. liam Hannon; Taps, Charles Shattuck. The wreaths for the Tablets in the ing from a fractured arm. and if a man can afford to spend When the President stops squawk- school corridors were made by a committee Invitations have been issued by money on it, he is not needy. As ing at people who do not feel that of the following girls: Angelino Serio, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Buttrick a matter of fact, the reason we he knows how to run their busi- Komela Tyzbin. Marjorie Higgins, Mary Deyermond, Eleanor Doherty and Judith of Wolcott avenue for the marriage have so many permanent unem- nesses, men will go back to work in Hardy. of their elder daughter, Martha ployed is that many of them drank the jobs that they once held. Elizabeth, and Irving Emerson earnings away, and whenever they WIN ESSAY PRIZES Rogers of Lawrence, to take place get a job, their first pay ends up Three Punchard students have June 16. in a bar-room cash register. Siftings- won the first three prizes offered Mr. and Mrs. George B. Frost One question the graduates will by the Greater Lawrence Boosters have moved from Highland road to Votes President Roosevelt have to decide between now and Club in the essay contest on the 50 Chestnut street. vs. received a good graduation day is whether to wear subject "Why We Should Buy Miss May Elander will take part many votes in 1936 their cap-and-gown over or under American Products Instead of Fo- in the Howard Seminary Pageant Profits because he had their fur coat. reign Made Goods." Monday. given the voters * * * The first prize was won by Frank McBride was chosen life work, for naturally Doris Welsh, senior; second, Helen guard and superintendent of the An no voter wants to bite the hand The reason that Congress is still Walsh, sophomore; and third, in session is that some of the Pomps Pond swimming board for that feeds him. And yet when the Shirley Thompson, junior. the coming season Tuesday eve- Aber President recently after his fish- members don't stay still in session. * * * Mrs. Carter, of the Punchard ning. ing trip came out with another faculty, was one of the judges in Everett W. Ireland, whose wife blast at businessmen, wasn't he Have you planned your vacation, the Lawrence contest. was Sadie E. Clemons of Ballard- biting the hand that's been feed- or have you been having one since vale, has been named superinten- ing America's workers for years? the Roosevelt recession started? Patronize Townsman Advertisers dent of schools in Somerville. JUNE 2, 1938 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 6 qE 2, 1938 stable. Those who enjoyed 'the home of Mrs. Roy Hood, Salem SPECIAL SERVICE AT party were, John Little, Thomas street. The out-of-doors meeting CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY 2r Days West Parish Carter, Warren Lewis, Burton which was scheduled has been By Mrs. Herbert Lewis A special service for Whit- Neighbors Batcheller, William Barnard, Ro- indefinitely postponed. sunday, the Birthday of the Church, Lowell Street Telephone 465 bert Batcheller and Mr. and Mrs. s Gone By GOOSE AND GANDER CLUB will be held at Christ church Sun- Fred Batcheller and 'Mr. and Mrs. day morning at 11. It is a time Kenneth Barnard. The Goose and Gander Club is Ago Misses Ethel and Rena Hemem- sponsoring a table 'tennis match when all baptized and confirmed Providence, way of Boston spent the week- • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peatman this evening in the vestry of the persons regardless of their age are a visit Tues- end as guests of Miss Dora Ward have returned from a pleasant va- West Church. This promises to asked to rededicate their lives to of Lowell street. cation trip spent in touring the be an interesting event put on by the service of God and His King- ust finished Rev. and Mrs. Waldo Savage of White Mountains. experienced 'players. dom. Rev. Albert C. Morris urges ;on for the Dunstable spent the holiday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Strain of R. P. C. CLUB families to make this a Family a new milk the 'former's brother, Rev. and Melrose enjoyed a week-end visit The next meeting of the R. P. C. Sunday. us of Wake- Donald Savage. at the Carter Homestead, High Certain members of the church Club will be held at the home of school will be honored for perfect Plain Road. Miss Noyes, Lovejoy road, on were put up Mrs. James Marshall and attendance in the school. daughter Marjorie of Chicopee Mr. and ,Mrs. /Herbert Carter Monday.Mond lamps which BOY SCOUTS MEET From 5 to 7 there will be an "At t to the com- Falls spent the week-end with and family on Saturday attended Home" at the rectory. her mother, Mrs. George D. Ward the wedding of Miss Mabel S. The West Andover Troop No. of Lowell street. Cole and Henry Nason, which was 77 met on Tuesday evening under board, bear- PYTHIAN SERVICE Rev. and Mrs. Richard Carter held in the Union Congregational the direction of Norman Hum- ttist Church, Church, Winthrop. phries, leader. Three boys were The annual memorial service of pastor" and and .sons George and Philip, of the tenth district Knights of Suffield, Conn., have been spend- William Gregory, Mrs. Keene taken in at this meeting: Frances p, has been Botsch, Earl Baker and Robert Pythias and Pythian Sisters will porch of the ing several days with 'the former's and daughter Virginia of Albany, N. Y., were holiday guests of Mr. Batcheller. Plans are under way be held Sunday morning at the as a most in- father, George Carter of High. Free church. Plain road. and Mrs. Roger Maxwell of Ar- for several 'boys of the Troop to gilla Road. On Monday Mr. and attend Camp Onway, Raymond, trs Ago Francis 'Sprague and Miss Mary Mrs. 'Maxwell entertained their N. H. this town is Sprague have returned to their guests at an out-of-door party. BENEFIT WHIST PLUMBING and HEATING Lia. honie in Barnstable after spend- The following were invited guests; A most successful Benefit Whist Tufts college ing the past week with Mrs. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slate, Mrs. and Game Party was held in the isiting at his neth Barnard of Shawsheen road. 'Fred Reed, 'Mrs. Ray Reed and vestry of the West church on FRANK A. WELCH & CO. strict. Mrs. Karl Haartz, Mrs. Clayton son Ray, Jr., Miss Lorraine Slate Tuesday evening by the Young MUSGROVE BUILDING 1 of this town Northey, Mrs. Roger Lewis and and Albert Batchelder. People's Group. Many different sident of the Mrs. Jahn Hall attended the Pops Miss Marjorie Hamilton of Ar- games were played. Refreshments Tel. 1143-W Night Phone 1143-R r of Christian Concert in Boston on Tuesday lington was a week-end guest of were served by the committee: evening. her aunt, Mrs. Sidney Batchelder Betty Carter, Olive Butler, Dor- and Cutler of (Miss Winifred Bryant of Somer- of Argil'la Road. othy Randlett and Virginia Batch- ag the house ville was the guest on Monday of Mrs. John Croteau and daugh- eller. erly the home her cousin, Miss Janet Carter of ter Joan of High Plain Road have CHILDREN'S DAY sey expect to Lowell street. returned to their home after a The Children's Day program will tly. visit with friends in Pittsfield. be given Sunday under the direc- Master William Barnard and tion of Miss Hazel Alexander, ten the oldest Robert Batcheller jointly cele- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smart of Dur- the country, ham, N. H. spent Sunday with Mr. Choir director. The children tak- brated their birthdays by giving ing part are: iy owned for a week-end party to their friends and .Mrs. Carl Stevens of High ay George A. Loring Batchelder, Jean Hardy, Jack at the summer cottage 'of Mr. and Plain Road. Barberian, Helen Manning, Francis Mann- eek, following Mrs. Kenneth Barnard at Barn- Abbott Batchelder, who io at- ing, Fred Doyle, Annie Arakelian, Elsie ouble. tached to 'the S. S. Algonquin in Rasmussen, Barbara Lewis, Dorothy Foster, rculosis Com- Portland Harbor, spent the holi- Norman Humphries, David Batchelder, John appropriation Davidson, Arlene Ames, June Henderson, day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jane Young, Nancy Chadwick, Evelyn Fos- YOU ampaign. PLUMBING and HEATING Sidney Batchelder. ter, Ruth Ann Chadwick, Robert Wright, It the Phillips Donald Mayo of Washington, D. Russell Doyle, George Fraser, Shirley Ste- MAY ent next week vens, Robert Henderson, Barbara Hill. Don- CHARLES IIUDON C., spent the holidays with his ald Henderson, Kenneth McQuesten, Thom- NEED eodore Roose- grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Hubert as Carter, Allen Young, Albert Johnson, hie is in the 60 High Street — Call 1293-W Mayo of Lowell street. Charles Davidson. Margaret Mitchell. The many Andover friends of Miss Barbara Bruo.rton of York Ly, June 2, by Mrs. Joseph Lovejoy will be 'sorry foseph M. Gill street visited with her family in ALLIED PAINT STORES to learn that she passed away on Melrose over Memorial Day. dget E. Scho- Tuesday at a hospital in Spring- field. of Wildwood Stragan. Oct p et6. The next meeting of the Lafalot rk in the che- club will be held on Tuesday )f the Pacific Phone: J. T. GAGNE, Andover 1067 evening, June 7, at 8 o'clock at the FLACSTON ES Ago s the winner both in the Just arrived a carload of beautiful e final contest coin spelling flagstones. Reasonably Priced. vening. Helen HOMES in the finals TEL LAW. 5915 third. [cDonald of MODERN and DESIRABLE ill with pneu- Bernard L. McDonald Co. son of James lace, is suffer- In 14 BROADWAY, LAWRENCE. , arm. een issued by it A. Buttrick r the marriage hter, Martha Shawsheen Village ing Emerson to take place REASON ABLE in PRICE rge B. Frost Curran & Joyce Co. ghland road to will take part Manufacturers inary Pageant Is chosen life mdent of the Andover-Shawsheen Realty Co. Soda Waters and Ginger ing board for Tuesday eve- Aberdeen Bldg. Shawsheen Village Tel. 119 Ales 1, whose wife ns of Ballard- ed superinten- lomerville.


North Andover, Lawrence and Shawsheen Ballard vale Yale-in-China Methuen, met at the club, with LIE 1 Balm By Mrs. Edith Kitchin By Frank Haggerty Harold Houston in charge of the banquet. oral Street Andover Street Tel. 1128-R Teacher to Speak The alumnae banquet of Abbot Sidney E. Sweet, Jr.,. a graduate academy will be held at the club Mrs. Albert J. Malley of Arundel James and Jack Haggerty spent of Phillips Academy in the clas.i Saturday night. .street gave a tea last Friday after- the holiday in Clinton visiting of 1932, will describe his expe- noon in honor of her sister, Nancy friends. riences in China, and the effect GARDENS VISITED Donahue of Haverhill, and a group 1Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and the war has had on American BY 300 PERSONS of 'Miss Donahue's friends of the family spent Sunday in Connecti- educational institutions in that graduating class of the Haverhill cut. country in a talk in the Meeting tage Aboutof yesterday's 300 persons opportunity took advan• High School. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beaulieu and Room at Philips Academy, Mon- to Somersby Chase of Dartmouth daughter Beatrice spent Monday at day, June 6th, at 8:15 P. M. visite eight local gardens in an open College visited at his home on Salisbury Beach. garden day sponsored b y local Canterbury street over the week- Mr. 'Sweet, who had an able ca- people interested in the Andover Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Packard of reer at Yale, was one of two Guild. end. Hartford, Conn., spent the week-end Seniors chosen to teach for two Elwood Chase, aviation cadet at with .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nowell. years at Yale-in-China. Changhs:t. the Naval Air Station at Norfolk, Mrs. Edward Daley of Tewksbury where part of •the Yale-in-Chim Va., is on a 'week's leave, at his street entertained relatives over work is carried on, lies 225 milt': home. the week-end. south of Hankow, the present Mrs. H. Lester Utley was a Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dowd of capitol of China. Here there is patient in the Lawrence General Clark road entertained relatives preparatory school of 351 boys. Hospital from Tuesday till Friday Monday afternoon. known as Yali Union :Middle of last week when she returned to Doctor and Mrs. John Moran and School. Other branches of Yale-in- her home on Carisbrooke street. Betty and Jack of Berwick, Maine, China operate in different parts Mrs. Percy Nutton and Ruth spent the holiday •in town. of the country. Mr. Sweet was Monahan spent two days in Maine ,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wright Sr. present in Changhsa during the at the beaches. and daughter Edna May of Dumont first of the bombing raids by Jap- Robert Sims of Osterville visited N. Y., are spending several days anese airplanes. He has travelled his cousin, Ann Scanlon of Arun- with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wright through other parts of China and del street last Wednesday. Jr. of Clark road. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Scanlon the Near East and has a first F • Mr and Mrs. James Kyle and hand knowledge of the situation of Arundel street entertained out daughters Betty and Jean of Wal- of that country. At present he is urniture of town relatives at a family party tham visited relatives here the lecturing throughout the United on Memorial Day. 'holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer Kitchin, States on behalf of Yale-in-China, Jr., and Harriet Kitchin of Seneca Mrs. Patrick Moran and son John and has spoken in many large R e Falls, N. Y. and Aileen Miller of of Oak street left today for an cities from the Pacific Coast to pai nted Princeton, Indiana, spent the week- extended trip to North Carolina. the East. IMr. Sweet will be able Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell of end at the Kitchin home on Bal- to give much 'interesting in- We are equipped to make your moral street. Center street entertained Edward formation about the defensive Mitchell of New Hampshire over 'preparations made by the Chinese furniture look like new, whether it the week-end. and the effect of the war upon the Punchard Nears 'Mrs. Ralph Greenwood and morale of the people. be for your home here or your sum- daughter Marguerite spent several days in Dover, N. H., recently. mer residence. Call us for details. League Lead COUNTRY CLUB EVENTS Puncher(' high, by defeating Mr. and Mrs. James Schofield and children spent the week-end at The commencement banquet of Tewksbury Tuesday for its seventh Bradford Junior college was held straight victory, was placed in a Biddeford Pool. Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greenwood at the Country club Monday eve- strategic position to take away the ning with over 100 present. The valley league lead from Johnson of New York spent several days visiting Mrs. Lilly Greenwood of guests of honor were Dr. Kathe- high. The North Andover team has rine Denworth, headmistress, and won eight and lost none, while Center street. SH AWSFI EEN Mrs. George Forsythe and daugh- Mrs. Inez Knowlton, dean of resi- Punchard has won seven and lost dence. Singing of traditional songs its first game with Howe high. All ter Carol of Chicopee Falls have returned home after visiting re- was enjoyed. MOTOR MART the other teams have lost at least Last night the Nalawmeth club, latives. three games. consisting of men from Andover, Haverhill St. Tel. 767 Punchard can go into a tie or first if it defeats Johnson here to- J. W. G. ANNUAL DINNER morrow. It has another game with The annual dinner of the Junior Johnson, postponed from last Fri- Woman's Guild of Christ church 20th Century English day, plus encounters with Chelms- will be held at Fieldstones Tues- Top, ford and Methuen yet to play. day at seven. Muffins . . . . other n You'll love them toasted and spread with butter. Deli% work sentatic FRESH DAILY at the stores in Andover. ]edging "Model county. WHY NOT SAVE MONEY? Grace YOU CAN ALL THE YEAR IF YOU ORDER NOW Roland oversee YOUR SUPPLY OF A DIPLOMA IS nu [1101,16H state P Top, NEW ENGLAND COKE Puncha


PER TON The young graduate faces the future with confidence and high resolve, his many years of study symbolized by his diploma. A $1225 CASH But, with his diploma he needs HEALTH to help him sui,eed. MORE HEAT — LESS ASHES His success or failure will depend largely upon it. YOU GUARANTEED Now is the time to begin regular consultations with the family NE OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED physician. In no other way can continued good health be assured. CROSS COAL CO. The Hartigan Pharmacy 1 Main Street Tel. 219 Andover (Telephone Bills may be paid here)

JUNE 2, 1938 JUNE 2, 1938 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 7 r, Lawrence and ASSEMBLY FRIDAY at the club, With LIFE In Andover This Week A very interesting assembly will in charge of the be held on Friday. There will be two demonstrations, the first con- banquet of Abbot sisting of two scenes on Sales- e held at the club manship Demonstrations. The first scene shows the undesirable kind of Clerk. The two clerks will be ITED F. Nicoll and D. Manthorne and NS the customer Barbara Pullan. The second scene shows a large de- arsons took advan- partment in a sporting-goods store ay's opportunity to in which efficient clerks are em- gardens in an open ployed. They are Helen Carmichael ionsored by local and Janet Guild while the Cus- td in the Andover tomer is Barbara Pullan. The An- nouncer in this first demonstration is Edward Valentine. The second demonstration is a Typing one with eight typists from 9B1, 9B2, 9B3, and 9S. They are L. Nollet, C. Forsythe, H. Crocket, D. Paine, K. Lewis, A. Townsand, W. Yancy, J. Deyermond. The An- nouncer for this demonstration is Philip Toohey. Following the commercial dem- onstrations 9CB will present ad- vice to the prospective worder in dramatic form. A short play en- titled "The Three Wishes" will be given by the following cast: A fairy—Priscilla Proctor; Mar- pure tin, a woodcutter — Frederic Mc- Duffle; Margaret, his wife—Nancy Smith; Caspar, a neighbor — Clifford Stowers. The stage manager will be Fred ited Rapisardi. James MacMahon is in charge of sound effects. )ed to make your Ike new, whether it Parochial School e here or your sum.

Call us for details. Program Friday The annual spring entertainment of the children of St. Augustine's school is to be held tomorrow eve- ning in the town hall. Those taking part and the pro- gram follow: Belling the Cat: Owen Quigley, Thomas 'SHEEN Garvey, Sheila Ronan, Eileen Locke, Pauline Hower, Margaret Abbott, Maureen Ha es, Norma Quinn, Zita Surette, Alice Robbins, Shirley Hatfield, Mary Eldred, 1 MART Roberta Viveney, George Lannon. An Old Straw Hat, Come and Get Your Tel. 767 Ha"niness. Joan Fleming. Cinderella in Flowerland: Patricia Rob- ertson, Catherine McCormack. Josephine Cleary. Alice Surette, George Lefebvre, Donald Auty, Charles Shultz, Frances Mooney, Reni Poirier, Doris, Shorten, Joan Top, left—At the Grange the I Patterson, most popular girl; Betty high manual training room at the Lattivin, l'atricia Mazer, Maribeth Walsh, other night five years of exemplary Carmichael, prettiest girl; Virginia recent 4-H exhibit was the desk Catherine Surette. Brotherly and Sisterly Love: Kathryn I )clivered work was climaxed by the pre- Batcheller, best girl student, which three of the students are Walsh. sentation of a certificate acknow- Center, left—When Andover faces examining. Constitutional Play: George Levi, James ledging Andover Grange as a Exeter in baseball Saturday, the Bottom, right—Ev 'Collins will Coleman, Richard Quinn, William Burke, John Quill, Donald O'Connor, Jane West, "Model Grange," one of two in the outcome of the game will hinge on be a busy man next year if the Barbara Carley, Dorothy Muise, Jacqueline county. Left to right are Mrs. Ted Harrison's leg and arm. Up Andover Male choir's aspiration Verrett”, Marguerite Surette, Eileen Bren- Grace Dawson, lecturer; master to the Tilton game two weeks ago to have the New England contest nan. The Cross and the Flag: Kathleen Quill, Roland Trauschke; state grange Ted had struck out nearly two men here is realized. Candid cameraman Frances Surette, Helen Walsh. Fr: nc,s overseer Harvey G. Turner; and per inning, but in the fourth in- Jim Christie snapped Ev unawares 12-itly. Kathryn Walsh, Kathryn McCarthy, 1101,1611 state Pomona, Marion L. Johnson. ning he attempted to score and at the recent competition at Spring- Mary Ring. Top, right—Honored by their hurt his leg. He is reported to be field, with Alf Greenfield and John Punchard classmates were Mary in condition to play, but if he isn't, Carves' snapped with him in the Miss Mildred Rollins of Brighton it will be too bad, for he's the first shot. All other pictures above visited relatives in town Monday. whole team. The team, save for were taken by Donald Surette. Ted and Junie O'Brien, can't seem to hit, and the Lawrence lad will be sorely needed Saturday. ALPHA CLUB Center, right, top—The Junior TO SPONSOR PLAY High presented Huck Finn last SUPER SERVICE Friday night. Caught in a tense "Aunt Minnie from Minnesota," a three-act comedy will be pre- idence and high scene are left to right: John Hum- phreys, Robert Costello, Charlotte sented in the vestry of the Baptist • Lubrication his diploma. ARE YOU A 1 Eaton, Ben Cole, Janet Carter, Church Friday night, June 10, ? at 7:45 o'clock. The play has been 1p him succeed. Eleanor Dwyer, Dot Miller, Louise NEWCOMER • Dowd, Isabel Johnson, Horizon- given on four previous dates before • Full Line of it. tally photographed is James Car- enthusiastic audiences in Lawrence, Methuen, and Ballardvale. Re- Accessories with the family YOU MAY LAUNDRIES • FUEL michael. CLEANERS • MILK Center, right, below—Seen at the ports from all these communities alth he assured. NEED G.A.R. lot Monday as Rev. Fred- rate the show as a splendid eve- • "Safety Aid BEAUTY SHOPS erick B. Noss, framed by the ning's entertainment. The players flags, delivered a Memorial day are from the Forest street Union Service" FIND THEM IN THE address with Legionnaires and Sons Church of Lawrence, and make rmacy their Andover appearance under TELEPHONE DIRECTORY of Legion youngsters in earnest Phone Andover 8484 attention. the auspices of the Baptist Alpha YELLOW PAGES 'Bottom, left—Best of the many Club. Local committees are at CHARLES BAXTER fine articles exhibited in the Junior work on the arrangements. night. A well-balanced cast, includ- bel Maclaren, Stanley Swanton and JUNE 2, 11 ing four girls who were making Everett Gorrie. Rev. Mr. Johnson was the direc- their Thespian debut, was headed tor, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Paine Next by Rev. Herman C. Johnson and assisting. Candy was sold by Miss Barbara Reinhart, daughter "The Adventures of Grandpa" Thomas Gorrie, Marjorie Hirst, Dorothy and Beatrice Paine, Jean of Mrs. 'McClain Reinhart of Main provided an amusing evening's en- Martha Thomson, Edna Anderson, MacLeish and Florence Nicoll. street, and Miss Clara Holland, WEE and Helen Ferrier did very well tertainment for a near-capacity daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sunday, 10:30 in their first appearance, matching W. Holland of Chestnut street, The Quest of house at the Free Church last the excellent performances of Isa- the direction of were among the thirty-seven mem- sic by School C bers of the graduating class of the rhildrcti's story Erskine School, Boston, to re- Troop 77, Boy Senior Choir; 7 ceive their certificates at the the parsonage. school's seventeenth annual Com- CHRI mencement exercises on Friday Sunday, 8 a. morning, May 27. a, m. church ad mullion and serm Arlene Rutter was on the com- S. admission set mittee for the annual spring dinner F. S. candidate dance of the Boston University Woman's Guild; 7 p. in. Boy Scot School of Practical Arts held last FRE Friday. Sunday, 9:30 'Dr. and Mrs. J. J. McIntosh of lug worship emu South 'Main street visdted in New niorial service of sermon by the m York City over the week-end. Occupation." 6: ,Miss 'Martha Billings, daughter Kniluitvor; Wed' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Billings mess meeting Thursday, 6:30 of Wolcott avenue, is home for the from church for summer from the Stuart School, a 7:30 Senior Chi junior college of the arts, in Bos- ton, after completing her third year of study. Dr. William Fleming, has moved Bishio his office to the Fuller apartments, Lack of ME arrangements having been made by the Fred E. Cheever agency. more of a mt Adelaide Webb, winner in the day than cor Essex county dress contest, will all the othe: participate Saturday in the state which make contest at Amherst. seem almost Judith Napier has returned to Henry K. her home on Elm street after a at Christ CM long confinement at the Lawrence he administA General hospital. firmation to James Toohey, Jr., of New York candidates. city, spent the week-end with his much of the family on Abbot street. age was due ity in the MOTHERS' CLUB litical world ELECTS OFFICERS man came b way of livir Mrs. Alex Crocket was re-elected come to the president of the Mothers' club at text from tl the annual meeting yesterday. Acts of the Other officers elected were: first Peter was a vice-president, Mrs. Fred L, Col- and elders c We sell these popular lins; second vice-president, Mrs. Harold Cates; secretary, Mrs. Wal- dresses every day! Good ter Downs; treasurer, Mrs. Asa weather, bad weather ... Stocks; directors, 'Mrs. Annie 0b ittlial there's always a demand Davis, Mrs. Paul Simeone, Mrs, 0.1 iss El izabi for them! And now, here's James Feeney; auditor, Mrs. Henry Miss Elizt Albers; gifts and flowers, Mrs. a new shipment featuring William Webb; press, Mrs. Downs, years, passe, light, bright, new Sum- Next Thursday the annual out- (s4:1slie a mer colors. ing will be held at Beverly beach . and Salem Willows. Members will iiit iiw n leave the Musgrove building at i)g l seggAaag 9.30. In case of rain it will be held a jItoailfy i A Friday. Funeral st aareito .11 :ov g:ttil Claude A. Townsmania lowing at G .1117i lsousie ptt Worthless Mrs. Jose It was one of those shiny, long, resident of sleek models that was parked out Tthrileeseis(D i.iblioa in front of the News Store. It pital. The f looked very much as if it was she was bon twelve cylinder, 1939 or 1940, lived here power on four white-walled wheels. lmv ilile Two young men, fifteen or six- to Ludlow. teen, looked it over from front to She leave, back. Every inch of it was ex- ...... Pleats! Shirring! amined, and not one word was spoken until they started walking Tucks! Stitching! All away: "Heck, it doesn't have anY ash-tray!" it sizes 12-20 . . . 38-44. ' Six-pocket detail distin- There's 60 buttons from — $5250 — guishes this man-tailored neckline to hem! Lapel s, 7-Room House, all convenience dress. Pleated skirt. revers make a. flattering Bal. neckline. including fireplace. $750 down. ance by mortgage, FRED E. CHEEVER REAL ESTATE AGENCY Tel. 775 National Bank Bldg. JUNE 2, 1938 JUNE 2, 1938 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 9 ws Notes TO BECOME BRIDE FOR SALE-8 room colonial, best Next Week's Church Calendar SATURDAY AT 3 einh art, daughter Miss Dorothy O'Connor, daughter location, near center, all modern Reinhart of Main of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O'Con- conveniences, 2 car garage. is Clara Holland, WEST CHURCH NORTH PARISH CHURCH nor of 62 Maple avenue, will be- and Mrs. Chester Sunday, 10:30 Children's Day Service: Sunday, 9:30 church school; 10:30 morn- come the bride of Francis McDon- W. SHIRLEY BARNARD 'The Quest of Beauty and Truth," under ing service, sermon on "Prometheus ough of Lawrence at three o'clock Chestnut street, the direction of Miss Hazel Alexander. Mu- Bound." 15 Barnard St. ANDOVER, MASS. ,hirty-seven mem- sic by School Choir. Baptism of children. ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH Saturday in St. Augustine's church. Children's story by the pastor; Tuesday, Miss O'Connor is the well-known Tel. 202 - 869-W ating class of the Troop 77, Boy Scouts; Wednesday, 7:30 Sunday masses at 6:30, 8:15, 9:45, Boston, to re- Senior Choir; 7:30 Adult Study Group at 11:30; week-day masses at 7:30. bookkeeper at the Andover News tifl cates at the the parsonage. BAPTIST CHURCH store. nth annual Corn- CHRIST CHURCH Sunday, 9:30 Church school; 10:45 Last Thursday the bride-to-be was cises on Friday Sunday, 8 a. in. Holy Communion; 9:30 Church worship. This service includes hymn tendered a personal shower by a. tn. church school; 11 a. m. Holy Com- singing, prayers, Scripture readings, choir Miss Virginia Wise at the flower. IT'S munion and sermon; Monday, 8 p. m. G. F. anthems. sermon and Communion; 7:00 p. bedecked home of Mr. Lyle Phil. was on the com- 8. admission service; Tuesday, 4 p. m. G. in. Alpha Club; Friday, 4:00 Junior choir; E. S. candidates; Thursday, 2:30 p. m. 7:00 Senior choir at home of Miss Helen lips. Games were enjoyed and re- Spring Cleaning mai spring dinner Woman's Guild; 7:30 p. in. choir; Friday, oston University Albers; 7:45 Three-act Comedy drama— freshments served by Mrs. Phillips, p. m. Boy Scouts. "Aunt Minnie from Minnesota." Mrs. John Erving, Virginia Wise, :al Arts held last FREE CHURCH Time Sunday, 9:30 Sunday school; 10:45 Morn- SOUTH CHURCH Ruth O'Connor and Mrs. Clayton Not just for your house, but also f. J. McIntosh of ing worship combined with the Annual Me- Sunday, 9:30 Church School and The Rutledge. Little Church; 10:45 Morning Worship for your clothes. Send them to .1t visited in New morial service of the 10th Pythian District, wrinoti by the minister on "Name, Age, and and Sermon; 10:45 Church Kindergarten; us for highest quality cleaning, the week-end. Monday, 6:30 Supper and Installation of BRIGGS-ALLEN Occupation." 6:15 Intermediate Christian repairing or altering. 3111ings, daughter Endeavor; Wednesday, 7:30 Monthly busi- Officers, Courteous Circle of The King's CLOSING EXERCISES Daughters; Tuesday, 7:00 Junior Cour- Walter E. Billings twss meeting of Free Church Players; The Briggs-Allen school will hold Thursday, 6:30 Young Married Group leave teous Circle of The King's Daughters; its closing exercises at 10 on June Friday, 7:00 Troop 3, Boy Scouts; Satur- Carl E. Elander 8, is home for the from church for picnic; 6:00 Junior Choir; 10 at the South Church vestry. Stuart School, a 7:3)) Senior Choir. day, 9:00 Church School Picnic. 56 Main Street Tel. 1169 the arts, in Bon- Patronize Townsman Advertisers leting her third ming, has moved Bishop Administers Confirmation CATALOGS BOOKS 'teller apartments, Lack of individual Christianity is put. Jesus to death, in which he Lying been made more of a menace to the world to- said, "Neither is there salvation in JOB PRINTING heever agency. any other: for there is none other winner in the day than communism, fascism and name under heaven given among 'ess contest, will all the other isms rampant now, men whereby we must be saved." Quality day in the state which make this modern world In his exhortation to those con- Prompt and Courteous Service 'st. seem almost chaos, said Bishop firmed after he had blessed them has returned to Henry K. Sherrill in his sermon by the laying on of hands, Bishop m street after a at Christ Church on Sunday, where Sherrill told them to seek an inner at the Lawrence he administered the rite of con- spiritual grace, one' that they Smith & Coutts Co. firmation to a large group of could feel deep their hearts, 4 Park Street Andover, Mass. Jr., of New York candidates. Bishop Sherrill said and follow it as their way of life. yeek-end with his much of the woe in the modern The following children were con- Printers of The Townsman street. age was due to a lack of Christian- firmed: Dorothy Davis, Gene Farns- ity in the home and in the po- worth, Virginia Humphries, Bar- B litical world and it was only when bara Lindsay, Ruth Nicoll, Cath- erine Patullo, Doris Porter, Anne :RS man came back to Christ and his way of living that peace would Reading, Constance Swenson, Ange- ket was re-elected line Thiras, Kathleen Valentine, come to the nations. He took his • Mothers' club at text from the 4th chapter of the Ethel Watts, Ruth Webster, George eting yesterday. Acts of the Apostles in which Chadwick, Stafford Lindsay, Jr., ected were: first Peter was speaking to the rulers John McGrath, Clifford McKee, irs. Fred L. Col- and elders of the people who had Samuel Waugh. e-president, Mrs. cretary, Mrs. Wal- and a daughter, Marilyn; live • lsurer, Mrs. Asa brothers, funeral director Everett rs, 'Mrs. Annie Obituaries M. Lundgren, Gustave and Henry WHO RECEIVES THIS 11 Simeone, Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Herring of New York state, Charles of Ja- aditor, Mrs. Henry Miss Elizabeth Herring, a resi- maica Plain, Alfred of Ballardvale; BEAUTIFUL WEDDING GIFT nd flowers, Mrs. lient of Andover for the past 32 two sisters, Mrs. Edith Donaldson tress, Mrs. Downs, Years, passed away Tuesday noon. of Boston and Mrs. Amy Rohdin of r the annual out- She was born in Canada 67 years Point Judith, R. I. Sp" ii- at Beverly beach ago, Funeral services will be held Sat- ws. Members will Hey,Kitchen Silex Range Model COMBINATION Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Isa- urday at two at the Lundgren Maker. rove building at bel! Duggan of Los Angeles, and Funeral Home. Glass Coffee and Tea air it will be held a brother Alexander of Lawrence. Funeral services were held this MARRIAGE INTENTIONS VALUE Herbert E. Disbrow, Chandler $3.55 95 afternoon at the late home by Rev. a FOR 0114L1 Claude A. Butterfield, burial fol- road, and Alice Pickles, 44 Lyn- lowing at Groveland. dale avenue, Methuen. black trim tania Mrs. Joseph T. Lovejoy Edmund P. Burke, 40 Mapleton (red slightly higher) Mrs. Joseph T. Lovejoy, former street, Brighton, and Marie H. those shiny, long, resident of Andover, passed away Ryan, 79 High street. a was parked out Tuesday night at a Springfield hos- Charles W. Bowman, Dascomb You'll want to see this big value if you're News Store. It pital. The former Lena Lundgren, road, and Priscilla S. Holland, 11 thinking of a present for a bride. It's the :ch as if it was she was born here 40 years ago and Chelmsford street, Dorchester. famous Silex Glass Coffee Maker that , 1939 or 1940, lived here until seven years ago revolutionized the entire art of coffee making. Attractive hite-walled wheels. when she and Mr. Lovejoy moved Mr. and Mrs. James B. Leslie of "Bride's Special" package contains: (6 or 8 cup) Kitchen en, fifteen or nix. to Ludlow. Hartford, Conn., visited Mrs. H. P. Range Model Silex Glass Coffee Maker and patented iver from front to She leaves a son, Joseph T., Jr., Kitchin on Saturday. '311 of it was ex- STRAINEX ("it strains as it pours") for making delicious tea. it one word was Handsome black Moldex trim (red at slight added cost). ly started walking All Silex Glass Coffee Makers have Pyrex brand glass, anY doesn't have guaranteed against heat breakage. Come in before this special offer closes. "GLENME'S MILK" THERE IS ONLY ONE 250 — all conveniences, e. $750 down. Bat 189() 1938 1e. CHEEVER \TE AGENCY 48 Years in Business GAS,P ELECTRIC ildg. Tel. 775 eetuatence Com-pang 370 Essex St. - Lawrence 5 Main Street - Andover Telephone 4126 .4t;t7:L Telephone 204 JUNE 2,

James Weldon, Nancy Elliot, Joyce John- Carroll. Chariot of the Hun. CL, son, John Sherman, Robert Wetterberg, Add New Books De Meyer. Village tale. Priscilla Gallant, Donald Porter, Carolyn Eberhart. Hasty wedding. White, Gladys Peck, Romilly Humphries, at Local Library Janice Cole, Robert McCoubrie, Mary Lord, Gardner. The case of the substitute wo Joseph Watson, Marjorie Paine, Mary Col- New books recently added at the face. The following children in the ombosian, Patricia Barnard, Alan Petty, Memorial Hall Library follow: Gibbs. Great argument. VENETIAI Myrtle Harding, Melissa Irwin, Le Roy ADAMIC. MY AMERICA. Grant. Winged Pharaoh. public schools have received "T" Wilson, Jr., Seyward Cook, Jr., Barbara window tags, having been granted dental Hudon, Jerome Rainville, Herbert Peter- The author considers the past ten Grenbec. Time of change. prices. 1 certificates from the doctor stating son, Anne Burns, Elizabeth Haakonsen, years of his life in America, and Heyer. Infamous army. chairs. S Paula Dimlich, John Souter, Robert Hoore, sums up the people, places, and Hough Renown. (gift) that all work necessary at this Evelyn Smalley, Homer Judge. Marion caned. T time was done. The tags were White, John Parker, Horace Killam, diverse forces that have touched Keck. Mrs. Blair. bookcase awarded at the health day exer- I-Tardy, Mary Gallant. Janet Knowles, and influenced him. 92 A198m Knight. Affair of the ginger Shop, 53 cises today in most of the schools. Shirley Knowles, Letitia Noss, Marguerite MILLER. MASTER BUILDERS OF Lane. Free land. Shaw. Philip Markey, Claudia Nicoll, Mar- CENTURIES. Lancaster. Promenade. HIGH SOB The list follows: garet Coolidge, Jane Lewis, Ames Stevens, SIXTY JUNIOR HIGH Tr.. Barbara Barnard, Jacqueline Rainville, An interesting account of the Mackay. Like water flowing. for the Lillian Dimlich, William L. Phillips, Jr., great feats of engineering through Marsh. White silence. with cl William Rich, Isabel Johnson, Eileen Barbara Jane French. Ruth Glennie, Jane the ages, the Pyramids, the tem- Meadows. Friday market. duties. Lawson, John Lord, Evelyn Anderson, Ruth Weldon, Winifred Runton, Tane Sparks. And rson, Edith Anderson, Constance Stewart Fraser, Roberta Sides, Richard ples and public buildings of the Prouty. Lisa Vale. Call Law !toddy, Joseph Levy, Donald Lewis, Ro- Kimball. Lawrence Barss, Albert Johnson. Greeks, and the great cathedrals Wise. The long tomorrow. vena Eastman, Ruth McLachlan, William David Graham, Loring Batchelder. Robert of the middle ages. 620.9 M61 Wren. Cardboard Beaulieu, William Barrel!, James Morton, Hamilton. John Little. George Collins. Glenna Draper, Edith Dunnells, Phillip Too- Charles Hayward. John Eastham, John MITCHELL. AMERICAN VIL- hey, Barbara Lindsay, Jean Schubert, Al- Thomson, Tom Carter, Barbara Johnson, LAGE. LEGION AUXILIARY WHIST thea Morrison, Robert Sutton, Richard Anne Boyce. Ruth Anderson, Edythe Pul- The American village of the past THE ABE Moody, Robert Emmons, Lois Henderson, The Legion auxiliary will hold a nished e Catherine McCarthy, Thelma Fairweather, Ian. Marjorie Smart, Joan Holdsworth, is discussed, the old general Fred Teichert, Clifford Stowers, Emily Ruth Gregory, Lorraine Richard. Suzanne public whist party next Wednes- apartmel T.eland. Shirley Stevens, Richard Dake. Bar- stores, old inns, kitchens, fire tiled bat Cristaldi, Virginia Stevens, Henry Albers, bara Knowles. Peter Arnold. Barbara Bout- houses, etc. Well illustrated. day evening at the home of Mrs, James Dalrymple Elinor Rafton, John Nic- Arthur Jowett on Binney street in tion, pa oll, Ruth Nicoll, Donald Look, William well. Sally Brown, Nellie Buntin, Walter 917.3 M69 Eastham, Nancy Rice, Bertha Johnson, Morrissey. Edward Gordon. Warren Knipe. Shawsheen village. Refreshments lobby, RI Winslow Hallowell. Josephine Cannel]. Her- SCHWARTZ. THE STORY OF ber shop Betty Hardy, Norma Goff, Charles Sawyer, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. will be served. Members are re- Edward Lindholm, Alfred Harris, Jean bert Southworth. Tosenhine Cannel], Bessie quested •to donate prizes. Andover Gregory, and Warren Lewis. Dantos. Tohn White. Rosalie Benton. Pris- This dramatic history of the cilla Stevens, Charlotte Leland. Walter Sel- sixty-century evolution of musical CENTRAL GRAMMAR fridge. Edith Barlow. Natalie Lawson. Mar- FOR REN'. instruments, from shepherd's The final test of a gentleman is David Anderson, Robert Bachmann, Rob- inrie Trwin. Josephine Bernardin, Dwight his respect for those who can be or docto ert Beauchesne, Chester Dimlich, Robert Killam. Edna Perre, Helen Hannan. Mar- pipe to symphony, is the result ing's, abc Dimlich, Peter Runton, Henry Gallant, ierie Fessenden, Joan Sweeney. Ann Walen. of ten years' research. A book of no possible service to him, Chester Tenkins. Frances Pa‘me, Nancy Apply Pc Anne Whipple, Roger Dea, Jane Lynch, that will appeal to all interested Richard Mower, Constance Burns, Elwin Ryland. Marinrie Drouin. Gladys Dever- 66 Main Matthews, Joan Draper, Jane Draper, mond. Ruth Bradshaw. Dorothy Abbott. in music, whether as listener, Evelyn Coolidge. Row Earley. Bill" Taquith, composer or performer. 785 S39 LEGAL NOTICE Barbara Knener. Constance O'Connor. Commonwealth of Massachusetts TO LEM. Snaelding Shaw. Muriel Smalley. Fred STERNE. EUROPEAN SUMMER Little C, Temele. 'Irving Thayer, Marilan Lindsay. An automobile trip taken with PROBATE COURT end Ttrylchaw. seven (' four college girls. Thirty-five pic- ESSEX, SS. eight SHAWSHEEN SCHOOL nics in fifty-,five days in Holland, To all persons interested in the petition completE Barbara Cairns, John Caswell. Patricia Belgium, France, England, Nor- hereinafter described. A petition has been Black, Elizabeth Jane O'Connor, Richard presented to said Court by Priscilla Diman toilets, Cheney, Janice Bowen, Sally Ann Bergeron. way, Denmark and Sweden, pro- Andrews of Andover in said County pray- telephon Dorothy Stott. Edwin Bramley, Philip vided many diverting adven- ing that her name may be changed to that bathhout Churchill, Evelyn Foster, June Steinert, tures. 914 S83e of Priscilla Dim= Dante. lawns, c *lean Steinert, Richard Lindsay, Charles Other books recently added: If you desire to object thereto you or Bartlett, Raemonda Turpen, Jane Black. your attorney should file a written appear. bathing Richard Baldwin, Marie Reilly, Barbara Anderson. Diesel operator's man- ance in said Court at Salem before ten konnet Shulze. William Bradley, Norman Machon, ual. 621.4 A55 o'clock in the forenoon on the twentieth arately. Ruth Kinnee. Shirley Cairns. Frederic Cole, Browne-Olf. Pius XI, apostle of day of June 1938, return day of this cita- Marilyn McKay, William Merchant, Pris- tion. cilla Wilkinson. John Batal. Dean Car- peace, 92 P686b Witness, HARRY R. Dow, Esquire, First michael. Kenneth Ashton, Edith Ambye, Crawford. Heritage of cotton. Judge of said Court, this thirty-first day Grant MacMackin, Jacqueline Webster, 677 C85 of May in the year one thousand nine Tames Gillen, Allen Young, Mary Harge- hundred and thirty-eight. L OS T—Go don, Kenneth Westran, Margaret Hillard, Dale. Motion pictures in education. WILLIAM F. SHANAHAN, Register Main st 1:3131©17A Carol Davies. Albert Malley. Bobby Waugh, 371.3 D15 Sweeney & Sargent, Attys., return 1 Gloria De Rosa, Janet Campbell, Sally De Kruif. The fight for life, 316 Essex Street, office. North, Francis Manning, Pauline Lewis, Lawrence. Mass. WAIT VII Dorothea Blomquist, Barbara Dean, Caro- 614 D36f lyn Bowen. Claire Turpen, Mavis Twomey, Duveen. Secrets of an art dealer. Cynthia Black. Miriam Hadden, Bennie LE No gi#redif ittory memories longer , 92 D957s Baldwin, Rnhert Merchant, Waltraut Hack- Fisher. Flower shows and how to No. otkcan be more practi- er. Nancy Trumbull, Billy Christison, Don- Commonv cal:009yr any one of these ald Coleman. Jean Batal. Madge Twomey. stage them. 716 F52 Tay O'Connor Najaiiiiii'e and sturdy 17 ! Paul Cheney. Elizabeth Gordon. Autobiography of Ralph Ferth, John Hathaway, Carlton Connor, Connor. 92 G6541 ss. Jewel models at only $29.75. Warren S-monds, Tane Lindsay. Shirley To all pe Gordon. Whitney Hansen, Pauline Eiler, Hoben. Beginner's puppet book. of Lucy J. I Miriam Dearborn. Angelina Magnano, Cons- 792 H65 County, deco tance McCollum. Harry Emmons, Constance Hopkins. Profits from courtesy. A petition Hathaway. William Cottam. Alva Houston, Court for p Elsie Rasmussen, Sammy Waugh, and Dor- 658 H77 purporting othy Fost-r. Johnstone. Hotel in Spain, 914.6 J63 d ceased by BRADLEE SCHOOL Rains. Modern book of home can- dover in 5: Diane Nowell. Herbert MacDonald, MI- ning. 641.1 K12 be appointed ten Cerium Tanice Dimling. Crystal Cot-- ing a surety tnev, Robert Moss. Evelyn Stein, Charles Lamb and Cleveland. Enchanted If you de Anderson. George Haselton, Robert Hen- vagabonds. 917.2 L16 your attorne derson, Elna Fone, Robert Wormwood, Lyons. Assignment in Utopia. ante in sail Prank Serio. Rob-rt Lawrence, Thelma o'clock in th Rogge. Robert Simon. Alice Edwards. Mad- 914.7 L98 June 1938, 1 re-, Newel, T.illian Bissett, Mabel Lawrence, Muir. John of the mountains. Witness, and Itehert 92 M896w Judge of sa INDIAN RIDGE SCHOOL Rorke. Story of Melissa Rorke. Ma • in the Ruth Ann Chadwick. Carol Hutchings. dr 11 and th Hilda Mae Cargill, Jack Arabian, Alex 92 R695 Meek. Taab-1 Auchterinnie, Tames Bateson, Rossbach. Making marionettes. Philip Christie, Claire. Darby. Patricia 792 11.73 Sm'th. Dorothy Valentine. David Cargill. Simonds. Henry Ford and Green- Mildred Driscoll, John McGrath. Russell MaeT.eish. field Village. 917.74 S58 Ant WEST CENTER Trattner. Architects of ideas. The folio Andover So Annie A rakelian, Donald Henderson. 509 T69 application Fred Dnvle, Frances !Attie. Betty Dal- Van de Boe. Planning and planting of duplicate rymple. Henry Nollet. Elaine Mattnn. Bar- PRICE REDUCED 50% bara T.ewis, Arlene Ames, Wilfred Tohn- your own place. 712 V28 application Wells. Panamexico. with Sectio , gni). Ressell Doyle. Marion Gordon, David 917.2 W46p Operating Cort Reduced €1.5't of 1908. Batchelder. White. Autobiography of a purpose. Payment NORTH SCHOOL 92 W586 Cold Capacity Increased 56% Books N, Claire Roethier. Henry Routhier, Len Wilder. Our Town. Your Rnethier, and Rita Hamel. 822 W6410 Operating Sound Reduced 78`;u Choice Wilson. Country living. 630 W69 May 23, IS Wilson. Your personality and God. Freezing Speed 3 Times as Fast 170 W70 FIRST C JOHN H. GRECOE ROY A. DANIELS Adair. All the trumpets. The fir OPTICIAN — JEWELER Adams. The world goes smash. Augustin, Electrical Contractor Banning. You haven't changed. first Hol 56 Main St. Tel. 830-R Bentley. Sleep in peace. day at t 78 Chestnut St. Andover Brown, Escape. "The Biggest Little Jewelry Store Phone 451 Burman. Blow for a landing. Musgrove Bldg. Tel. 1143•W in the State"

JUNE 2, 1938 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN 11 JUNE 2, 1938 LIBRARY NOTE rf the sun. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Midshipman Leaves The number of books circulated 3 tale. for home use at 'the Memorial wedding. on First- Year Cruise Hall Library during May was 6502. No. 16803 of the substitute WORK WANTED At Ballardvale, 706 were 'borrowed, Midshipman E. John Edmands making a total use for the month Commonwealth of Massachusetts Nyl- o has completed one year at the iment. VENETIAN BLINDS for any size LAND COURT of 7208. This is an increase over Naval Academy at Annapolis, May, 1937, of 1196 volumes. haraoh. window at astoundingly low To the Town of Andover, a municipal leaves tomorrow with his class for change. prices. Repairing of sofas and corporation, located in the County of youngster cruise. This cruise i-, Essex and said Commonwealth; Annie T. army. chairs. Studio couches, chairs re- Quill, William Jacques, Ellen B. Dowd, taken each year by the incoming :gift) caned. Twin beds, balloon chairs, A. Gertrude Philbrick and Elmer Phil- youngster and first class midship- bookcases. Colonial Furniture brick, of said Andover; and to all whom men, corresponding to the sopho- the ginger lei. Shop, 53 Park street, Andover. it may concern: mores and seniors at other colleges. Whereas, a petition has been presented SUFFOLK to said Court by The Andover National The itinerary this year will be: HIGH SCHOOL GIRL desires work Bank, a duly existing corporation having leave Annapolis June 3; arrive at ter flowing. for the summer. Experienced an usual place of business in said Andover, Le Havre, France, June 18; leave Executor under the will of Agnes Kyle tree. with children and household there June 27, arrive Copenhagen, market. duties. Can do clerical work. Dear, otherwise known as Agnes K. Dear, DOWNS to register and confirm its title in the Denmark, July 5; leave there Call Law. 20364. following described land: July 9; arrive in Portsmouth, NOW UNTIL JULY 9 omorrow. A certain parcel of land situate in England, July 15; leave there castle. said Andover, bounded and described as DAILY DOUBLE POST q•ig FOR RENT follows: July 23, and arrive at Hampton 1st and 2nd Raose TIME L•lal Roads, Virginia, August 6. • Southerly by Summer Street, 60 feet; ADMISSION tool. TAX) GrondsIoad $1. ARY WHIST THE ABERDEEN, exclusive, fur- Westerly by land now or formerly of Following this there will he Annie T. Quill, 52.5 feet; Northwesterly short range practice during August Clubhouse $1.50 iliary will hold a nished and unfurnished, heated by lands now or formerly of William Choice Reserved Seats 50c ,y next Wednes- apartments, Shawsheen village; Jacques and Ellen B. Dowd, 90.94 feet; and the midshipmen will be he home of Mrs, tiled bathrooms; free refrigera- and Easterly by land now or formerly of granted leave for a period of about A. Gertrude Philbrick and Elmer Phil- a month from August 25 till Sep- Binney street in tion, passenger elevator, hotel brick, 116.80 feet. Memorials of Merit 5. Refreshments lobby, Rock-Wool Insulation, bar- The above described land is shown on tember 23. ber shop, $40 to $80 month. Tel. a plan filed with said petition and all The cruise will be taken on the Members are re. boundary lines are claimed to h- located U. S. S. New York, flagship; the prizes. Andover 215. on the ground as shown on said plan. If You desire to make any objection or U. S. S. Texas and the U. S. S. O'BRIEN FOR RENT—After June 1, dentist's defense to said petition you or your Wyoming. 'Midshipman Edwards f a gentleman is attorney must file a written appearance will be on the Wyoming, which is P4e, rose who can be or doctor's office, now Dr. Flem- and an answer under oath, setting forth ,AVA vice to him, ing's, above Hartigan's Pharmacy. clearly and specifically your objections or the same battleship his brother defense to each part of said petition, in was on during his youngster cruise. Apply Polly Prim Beauty Shoppe, the office of the Recorder of said Court 66 Main street. in Boston (at the Court House), or in ••••• klOTICE the office of the Assistant Recorder of MISS HOFFMAN 'aid Court at the Registry of Deeds at f Massachusetts TO LEASE—Summer estate in WINS SCHOLARSHIP Little Compton, R. I., including awrence in the County of Essex where COURT a copy of the plan filed with said petition At the Recognition Day assembly Since 1890 the name MEAGHER MEMO- seven (7) room bungalow and 's deposited, on or b-fore the twentieth of Boston University it was an- RIALS have represented the finest in eight (8) room cottage; both day of June next. QUALITY of material and workmanship; ested in the petition Unless an appearance is so filed h', or nounced that the William S. Stud- they are the leading specimens of ENDUR• A petition has been completely furnished; flush for you, your default will he recorded, ley scholarship was awarded to ANCE and BEAUTY in the cemeteries. toilets, the said petition will be taken as con- t by Priscilla Diman electricity, fireplace, Miss Beth Ramsay Hoffman, EXHIBIT in said County pray- telephone, three-car garage, four cess-d and you will be forever barred A visit here to our plant and from contesting said petition or any decree daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles will convince you that our MEMORIALS y be changed to that GENUINE me. bathhouses; 1 a r g e, well-kept ntered thereon. R. Hoffman of 13 Summer street. are different—made of Smith's lawns, overlooking ocean; good Witness. John E. Fenton, Esquire. Judge WESTERLY, RHODE ISLAND. Granite— 'Jject thereto you or Miss Hoffman received a Master of granite—they are the ile a written appear- bathing beach; near 18-hole Sa- of said Court, this twentieth day of May the ideal MEMORIAL in the 'ear nineteen hundred and thirty- Arts degree from Boston Univer- kind that will never fade or discolor, and t Salem before ten konnet Golf club; may lease sep- engraved with our indelible type of lettering in on the twentieth e'ght. sity last August. Since that time —they are GUARANTEED to give you urn day of this cita• arately. Nute, Stonehedge road. Attest with Seal of said Court. she has been continuing her study (Seal) in the field of child guidance. Miss LASTING SATISFACTION! Dow, Esquire, First CH ARLES A. SOUTHWORTH. Recorder. Our modern methods of MANUFACTURE this thirty-first day LOST Halbert W. Dow, 411.12 Bay State Hoffman is a member of the fa- have placed these Memorials within reach one thousand nine Bldg., Lawrence, Mass. Atty. for the Pet'r. culty of the Chelmsford High of all—they are NOT expensive. Made here (26-2-9) It. LOST—Gold bracelet, probably on School. in Peabody to a standard of RELIABILITY SHANAHAN, Register Main street; will finder please they are sold to you at first cost—A ittys., WHOLESALE COST. return to .Box "K", Townsman Commonwealth of Massachusetts office. COURTEOUS CIRCLE We urge nu to visit the largest Memorial ESSEX, SS. TO INSTALL OFFICERS EXHIBIT in this State and make your (2-9 1, selection from the 100 CHOICE MEM- PROBATE COURT The monthly meeting of the ORIALS we have now all ready for Me LEGAL NOTICES To all persons interested in the estate of Courteous Circle of The King's morial Da,' delivery at a William P. Renny late of Andover in said Daughters will be held Monday WHOLESALE PRICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts County, Essex, deceased. A petition has been presented to said evening in the South church vestry. Open Sunday for Inspection PROBATE COURT Court praying that Margaret Renny of An- Supper will be served at 6.30. An- SS. clover in said Count, be appointed adminis- nual reports of the committees will JOHN MEAGHER & CO. To all persons interested in the estate tratrix of said estate without giving a be heard, and officers will be of Lucy J. Kimball late of Andover in said surety on her bond. 22 CENTRAL ST. PEABODY, MASS. County, deceased. If you desire to object thereto you or installed, with Mrs. Myron Clark, Tel. Peabody 565 and 868 A petition has been presented to said --our attorney should file a written appear- a former leader, as the installing Court for probate of a certain instrument ance in said Court at Lawrence before ten officer. Send for catalogue — Open Evenings purporting to be the last will of said o'clock in the forenoon on the 13th day d 'ceased by M. Florence Kimball of An- of June 1938, the return day of this cita- dover in said County, praying that she tion. be appointed executrix thereof without giv- Witness, HARRY R. Dow, Esquire, First ing a surety on her bond. Judge of said Court, this 24th day 'of May If you desire to object thereto you or in the year one thousand nine hundred and PAINT your attorney should file a written appear- thirty-eight. ance in said Court at Salem before ten WILLIAM F. SHANAHAN, Register. o'clock in the for moon on the sixth day of (26-2-9) June 1938, the return day of this citation. Lo 101EN Witness, HARRY R. Dow, Esquire, First Commonwealth of Massachusetts Judge of said Court, this eleventh day of PROBATE COURT SERVICE NIa • in the 'ear one thousand nine hun- dr '11 and thirty-eight. ESSEX, SS. WILLIAM F. SHANAIIAN, To all persons interested in the estate R egistcr. of Julia A. Donovan late of Andover in J. E. PITMAN EST., 63 Park Street, Tel. 664 (19-26.2) said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said INCE 1921 Court praying that Annie G. Donovan of Andover Savings Bank Andover in said County be appointed ad- The„lluwingpass books issued by the ministratrix of said estate without giving Let Us Quote You Andover Savings Bank have been lost and a surety on bond. application has been made for the issuance If you desire to object thereto you or of duplicate books. Puhilc notice of such your attorney should file a written appear- On Re-siding Your House Using UCED application is hereby given in accordance ance in said Court at Salem before ten with Section 40, Chapter 590, of the Acts o'clock in the forenoon on the sixth da.. teductd of 1908. of June 1938, the return day of this cita- :reared 56% Payment has been stopped. tion. Asbestos Side-Wall Shingles Books Nos. 24801, 32838. lAritness, HARRY R. Dow, Esquire, First Reduced 78% LOUIS S. FINGER. Judge of said Court, this seventeenth day Treasurer of May in the year one thousand nine Times as Fast May 23, 1938. hundred and thirty-eight. WILLIAM F. SHANAHAN, Register. George W. Horne Co. FIRST COMMUNION (0.26-21 The first cuilimunion class of St 613 COMMON STREET, LAWRENCE Augustine's church will receive its In 1936 there were 1,693,335 elch & Co. first Holy Communion next Sun- volumes in the Boston Public Li- Established 1855 Tel. Law. 7331 'LIANCES day at the 8.15 mass. brary. Tel. 1143-W 12 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN JUNE 2, 1938

One Afternoon or Evening at Andover Guild Many, Many Thanks Costs Only Two Cents The Andover Guild is little more approximately $5,000 a year. From A Last week in our advertisement, we asked our many than a name to a great many this must come the pay for the superintendent and her assistants, customers to cooperate with us in relieving the holiday citizens of the town. They have the janitor's wages, the cost of rush by leaving their orders Friday afternoon. heard of it once a year when soli- fuel and lighting, insurance ex- citation for support of its work penses, and the general up-keep of Cents—$2 Their response was so great that the number of or- is being made, but if they were the building. Many people have asked to describe what takes place rightfully asked, "How is it pos- ders delivered on our early morning delivery was over in this building, located on Brook sible to cover all of these costs five times greater than ever before. For this we give street, they would find it difficult from so modest a budget?" The Tell A to give an answer. In the Andover answer is that a constant effort is our sincerest thanks, as it gave us time to secure the Guild Building, itself, is a gym- being made to get the maximum Bui right cuts, at the right price and deliver them at the nasium, a bowling alley, a car- value and efficiency from every penter shop, a kitchen, library, dollar. If it were not for the Abbot Fi right time. game rooms of several shapes and generous spirit of the superinten- sizes, and a number of shower dent and her assistants, this would Short We hope that those who found this system advan- baths. All of these facilities are not be possible. S tageous last week will continue to use it and that many in use practically every week-day Someone will ask, "Who attends others will give it a trial. Again we want to thank you from the first—of November until the Guild, what groups are served Nearly 20 the first of May. A visitor to the by the support of this Building Abbot acad and hope we will continue to merit your kind coopera- Guild might on the same afternoon and its Staff?" The answer is not school on la tion. or evening see gymnasium classes simple because the range of the nual businei at work, bowling and basketball Guild's work is wide and broad. banquet. T teams competing, boys and girls In this past year there have been businesi w; MEAT DEPARTMENT engaged in carpentry and hand- enrolled 51 primary or pre-school Second Cm work, a group in the kitchen learn- children, 89 other boys and girls now only e Middle Rib Corned Beef lb 17c ing to cook, or half a dozen boys under 11 years of age, 69 between its $150,000 Rolled Brisket (navel end) lb 23c studying carefully the position of the ages of 11 and 14, 84 in the Clay Sawy Spring Lamb Flank for Stew .1 lbs. 25c their men on the chess board. On age group from 14 to 18, and 138, Sutherland other occasions, this same visitor 18 years or over. The total number drive, prese Fore of Spring Lamb lb. 19c might become a member of the of registered members for this report, an Leg and Loin Spring Lamb lb 32c song and story club or attend one past year is 431, but this does not Hearsey ale Sirloin Roll (no waste) lb. 44c of the motion picture or puppet exhaust the list of those who have for changes Large Native Fowl lb. 34c shows, or find himself or herself used the building. There are other ings and for included in any one of a dozen groups, some of them parents of hall, a new Stew Beef lb. 25c, 30c, 35c games that are constantly in use. these children, and some who are under the Pot Roast lb. 29c, 33c, 35c Of course, all of these activities at the other scale of the ladder, Emily AbbE Center Cut Face Rump lb. 35c are held under the supervision of the 50 children in the pre-school will be star trained leaders, and so a visitor clinic. We would, therefore, have said. would find in charge of the Guild to add another 145 to the list of During th VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT a superintendent of this work and those who are benefited by this lovely silver Native Spinach lb. 5c several part-time assistants. The organization. to Miss Jai Native Rhubarb 3 lbs. 10c Staff includes four paid workers Perhaps the best way of esti- Annie Angu and a large number of volunteer mating how far the money given umnae for Native Asparagus large bunch 35c workers. Without the generous for this work goes is to say that ful work as Native Radishes 2 bunches 5c support of the community both in for each regular registered member The oldes time and contributions this re- of the Andover Guild the total cost the week-eni BLUEBERRIES 33c qt. CARROTS 7c bunch creation center could not possibly , per year is approximately $1.00. king ChenE continue its work. One of the ways Since each member averages be- graduated 1 TEXAS BERMUDA ONIONS 5c lb. of estimating the value and effi- tween forty and fifty visits a year, She attende ciency of any organization is to an afternoon or evening spent at cises on MI balance its costs and its accom- this recreation center, where clean- tend the al GROCERY SPECIALS plishments. The total operating liness and protection and fun pre- urday. Miss B & M Beans (all kinds) 2 cans 27c budget of the Andover Guild is vail, costs a little over 2 cents. (Cent B & M Spaghetti 3 cans 25c B & M Lobster (new low price) 39c FREE TEL . Welch's Pure Grape Jam (1 lb. jar) 19c PARKING ANDOVER n Abbot Blue Label Tomato Ketchup 2 bots. 27c Blue Label Freestone Peaches 2 large tins 45c PLAYHOUSE Fort' Brillo Scouring Pads large pkg. 15c Forty-ninr Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 20c MATINEES, 2:15 EVENINGS, 7:30 Vaduating Rinso large pkg. 20c Continuous Shows, Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays demy receiN Lux large pkg. 21c tiflcates fr Hearsey, p r Scot Tissue 3 rolls 23c TODAY ing at the Scot Towels 2 rolls 19c JEZEBEL—Bette Davis and Henry Fonda 3:40; 8:55 bearing Per

NIGHT CLUB SCANDAL—Lynn Overman 2:25: 7:40 Neilson of and John Barrymore their new fr SALADA TEA Quarters 21c Halves 39c annual COI Andover gir Bradt's Soda Crackers or Saltines lb. pkg. 22c FRIDAY-SATURDAY—June 3-4 inept part GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST—Jeanette Fri. 3:30; 8:45 Mary Rend] MacDonald and Nelson Eddy Sat. 2:25; 5:40; 8:55 of Mr. and BIRDS EYE BIRDS EYE Birdseye Specials ...o• NIGHT SPOT—Allan Lane and Fri. 2:25; 7:40 of Bancroft Joan Woodbury Sat. 4:25: 7:40 girl to win award of th Birdseye Cut Corn box 19c excellence. Birdseye Raspberries box 19c SUNDAY-MONDAY—June 5-6 an award f FOOLS FOR SCANDAL—Carole Lombard Sun. 3:30; 6:30; 9:30 did Helen Birdseye Oysters are always in season pkg. 35c and Fernand Gravet Mon. 3:55; 9:10 man. Andov UNDER SUSPICION —Jack Holt Sun. 2:25; 5:25; 8:25 were: Susai and Katherine Demille Mon. 2:45; 8:00 Barbara Ric lene Teich The J. E. GREELEY CO. 'Mary Toohe President Agents for S. S. Pierce Co. Wines and Liquors TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY—June 7-8-9 CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS—Freddie T.-Th. 3:35: 8:50 commencem twice berm, We deliver on every street in Andover Bartholomew and Spencer Tracey Wed. 2:35; 5:45; 8:55 years ago N Telephone Andover 1234 Accommodation Service SCANDAL STREET—Lew Ayres T.-Th. 2:25: 7:40 and Louise Campbell Wed. 4:30; 7:40 Wont