Bose-Hubbard Model on Polyhedral Graphs

Santi Prestipino1∗ 1Universit`adegli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra, viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina, Italy (Dated: March 18, 2021) Abstract Ever since the first observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in the nineties, ultracold quantum gases have been the subject of intense research, providing a unique tool to understand the behavior of matter governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. Ultracold bosonic atoms loaded in an optical lattice are usually described by the Bose-Hubbard model or a variant of it. In addition to the common insulating and superfluid phases, other phases (like density waves and supersolids) may show up in the presence of a short-range interparticle repulsion and also depending on the of the lattice. We herein explore this possibility, using the graph of a convex as “lattice” and playing with the coordination of nodes to promote the wanted finite-size ordering. To accomplish the job we employ the method of decoupling approximation, whose efficacy is tested in one case against exact diagonalization. We report zero-temperature results for two Catalan solids, the tetrakis hexahedron and the pentakis , for which a thorough ground-state analysis reveals the existence of insulating “phases” with polyhedral order and a widely extended supersolid region. The key to this outcome is the unbalance in coordination between inequivalent nodes of the graph. The predicted phases can be probed in systems of ultracold atoms using programmable holographic optical tweezers. arXiv:2103.09599v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 17 Mar 2021

∗ Email: [email protected]


The last few decades have seen a development of very effective atom-cooling methods [1] that has eventually culminated in the first observation ever of Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases [2,3]. Concurrently, also the ability to manipulate laser beams has been continuously increasing, to the point that one can create periodic potentials of various di- mensionality (“optical lattices”) which are free of defects and stable [4]. Optical trapping of ultracold atoms provides an invaluable means to probe the behavior of quantum parti- cles on a lattice, thus representing a desirable platform for the study of collective effects in many-body quantum systems [5–7]. In the original Bose-Hubbard (BH) model [8], the competition between itinerant and localized character of quantum states is reduced to the bone: kinetic energy, represented through a U(1)-invariant hopping term, is made minimum by a broken-symmetry condensed state spread over the entire volume of the system, whereas potential energy favors localiza- tion of particles. As a result, at zero temperature (T = 0) the system exists in either a superfluid or an insulating ground state, with a quantum transition between them. The scenario becomes richer when the range of interaction between particles increases. Then, depending on the lattice, other insulating ground states (ordinary solids) may appear; more- over, crystalline order may coexist with superfluidity (supersolids). Earlier examples of su- persolid ground states in extended BH models have been reported in [9–12], while the first observations of a density-modulated structure coexisting with phase coherence are more recent [13–15]. We here expand the catalogue of spinless boson systems where density waves, either with off-diagonal long-range order or not, are stable at T = 0 by considering finite “lattices”, or better polyhedral graphs (i.e., made up from the vertices and edges of a polyhedron) as underlying supporting frame for the particles. While clearcut phases and phase transitions are not possible on a finite graph, the absence of natural boundaries and a relatively high symmetry in the spatial distribution of nodes make our investigation valuable for a com- parison with ordinary lattice models. Our interest goes to regular or semiregular polyhedra inscribed in a sphere, since these ensure sufficient homogeneity in the coordination of ver- tices, a property shared with lattices. The use of spherical boundary conditions (SBC) has often been exploited in the past to discourage long-range ordering at high density [16–24].

2 On the other hand, SBC make it possible to observe forms of ordering that are unknown to Euclidean space. An added value of a spherical mesh is the possibility to vary the coordi- nation of vertices while keeping the overall geometry strictly two-dimensional (a polyhedral graph is a planar graph). From the point of view of experiment, we note that bosons confined in thin spherical shells (“bubble traps”) have already been realized [25, 26] and will soon be studied in microgravity [27, 28]. Present laser-light technology based on optical tweezers already has the sophistication needed to constrain atoms within a close neighborhood of the vertices of a chosen polyhedron [29, 30]. A preliminary study of the extended BH model on the graph of a has been given in Ref. [31]. There, we have employed the decoupling approximation [8, 32] (DA, a kind of mean-field theory) to sketch the phase behavior at T = 0, finding that DA is already reliable for a graph as simple as that of a . Here, we carry out a similar analysis for more complex graphs, choosing the skeleton of two Catalan solids for demonstration. As in [31] we make the further simplification that multiple node occupancy is forbidden, which corresponds to a system of hard-core bosons. With this assumption, the dimensionality of the Hilbert space is reduced to such a degree that in one case the DA can be validated against exact diagonalization. The main lesson of the present investigation is that, when the vertex set of a graph can be decomposed into a few subsets of inequivalent vertices, then the superfluid phase is ruled out and a wide supersolid region appears in its place. Thus, semiregular graphs are an ideal playground where to observe supersolid “phases”, in addition to insulating “solids” with polyhedral symmetry. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the model, the physical observables of interest, and the method used to perform the investigation. There is not a unique way to motivate the DA method, and we have devoted a few appendices to present various equivalent derivations of this approximation for the reader’s benefit. Section 3 contains the core of our study: in Sections 3.A to 3.C we illustrate our theory for the graph of a tetrakis hexahedron, which is still sufficiently simple to be amenable to exact analysis. Then, in Section 3.D we focus on the graph of a and repeat the DA treatment of the extended BH model. Finally, concluding remarks follow in Section 4.


In its simplest terms, the grand Hamiltonian of the extended BH model on a regular lattice reads

X U X X X H = −t a†a + a†a  + n (n − 1) + V n n − µ n , (2.1) i j j i 2 i i i j i hi,ji i hi,ji i

† † where ai, ai are bosonic field operators and ni = ai ai is a number operator. Moreover, t ≥ 0 is the hopping amplitude between nearest-neighbor (NN) sites, U > 0 is the on-site repulsion, V > 0 is the strength of the NN repulsion favoring the spatial distancing of bosons, and µ is the chemical potential. Were it not for the hopping term, the BH model would not be dissimilar from a classical lattice gas, sharing with it the same sequence of phases as a function of µ. Things change completely with the inclusion of quantum kinetic energy, which makes it possible for particles to be delocalized even at T = 0, a situation that goes along with a macroscopic occupation of the zero-momentum state. When V 6= 0, the interplay between insulating and superfluid order may generate so-called supersolid phases where both crystalline and superfluid order are simultaneously present [33–37]. In the hard- core limit U → +∞, the site occupancy will be effectively restricted to zero or one and the U term in (2.1) can be discarded; following a well-established tradition [9, 38–42], it is only this limit that is treated hereafter. In Ref. [31] we have studied model (2.1) at T = 0 on a polyhedral graph with M nodes, focusing on those Platonic polyhedra (i.e., the cube and the dodecahedron) where a subset of vertices forms itself a regular polyhedron. Besides a number of insulating “phases”, crys- talline or not, the ground-state diagram contains a wide superfluid basin and, only in the dodecahedral case, a small supersolid region. In this paper, the hosting space for bosons is still the graph of a convex polyhedron, but now taken to be semiregular. Our choice goes in particular to Catalan solids, which are isohedral (i.e., all faces are equivalent under the symmetries of the figure) but neither isogonal (vertices are not all equivalent) nor cir- cumscribable. Among this class of polyhedra, the two which are simplicial (have triangular faces) and deviate less from isogonality are the tetrakis hexahedron (TH, Kleetope of a cube and dual to the truncated ) and the pentakis dodecahedron (PD, Kleetope of a dodecahedron and dual to the truncated ), see Fig. 1. To make them circumscrib- able, the pyramids added to each face of the cube (TH) or dodecahedron (PD) are adjusted

4 Tetrakis Hexahedron Pentakis Dodecahedron

FIG. 1: The two Catalan solids considered in this work. Left: tetrakis hexahedron (TH), with 6 octahedral vertices (red dots) and 8 cubic vertices (yellow dots); each cubic vertex belongs to either of two different tetrahedral subsets. Right: pentakis dodecahedron (PD), with 12 icosahedral vertices (red dots) and 20 dodecahedral vertices (yellow dots). In both pictures, the long edges are colored in blue and the short edges are colored in grey. Two nodes of the graph are considered NN if they are joined by an edge of the polyhedron, either long or short. in height so that the solid, already inscribable, becomes also circumscribable — with this change, the deviation from isogonality is slightly reduced. We collect in Table I the main characteristics of the biscribed forms of TH and PD. We note that T = 0 cluster “phases” with TH and PD symmetry are found in a system of soft-core bosons on the sphere [23]. Compared to a , each polyhedron in Fig. 1 has two species of vertices and also two kinds of edges, long and short. Therefore, in view of interpreting the Hamiltonian (2.1) clearly, we are faced with the problem of choosing between two notions of nearness on the graph: one possibility is that NN nodes are exclusively those joined by a short edge (then, the ends of a long edge are second-neighbor nodes). On the other hand, we may decide to call NN the pairs of nodes that are adjacent in the graph, namely joined by an edge of the polyhedron, regardless of being long or short. Clearly, the nature of BH phases changes from one case to the other. Free from obligations dictated by phenomenology, we can base our choice on the kind of phase sequence we want at t = 0. It turns out that the

5 TABLE I: Main elements of the polyhedra considered in the present study. The quoted lengths refer to the biscribed form of the polyhedron and are in units of the circumscribed radius (i.e., all vertices of the biscribed polyhedron lie on the sphere of radius 1)

tetrakis hexahedron pentakis dodecahedron

vertices 14 (6 [4] + 8 [6]) 32 (12 [5] + 20 [6]) faces 24 (isosceles ) 60 (isosceles triangles) edges 36 (24 short + 12 long) 90 (60 short + 30 long) symmetry full octahedral (Oh) full icosahedral (Ih) s q √  q √  short edge 63 − 33 = 0.9194 ... 30 15 − 155 + 2 5 15 = 0.6408 ... √ √ √ long edge 2 3/3 = 1.1547 ... 15 − 3/3 = 0.7136 ... circumscribed radius 1 1 r p √ √ q √ inscribed radius 1 5 − 2 3 = 0.8068 ... 1 10 − 5 − 65 + 5 = 0.9226 ... q √ volume 8/3 = 2.6666 ... 2 105 − 53 = 3.5048 ...

phase diagram is richer if we use adjacency as criterion of nearness, as we do in the following. Once the hosting graph has been chosen, we analyze the T = 0 phase diagram of the extended BH model with U = +∞ using the DA. In short, we linearize the hopping and repulsion terms in (2.1) using [31]

† † † † ai aj ≈ ai haji + ai aj − ai haji and ninj ≈ ni hnji + hnii nj − hnii hnji , (2.2) where the ground-state averages haii ≡ φi and hnii ≡ ρi are to be determined self- consistently. φi and ρi represent the superfluid order parameter and local density for the 2 i-th site, respectively (the condensed fraction is |φi| ). The simplified Hamiltonian reads X V X X H = −t F a† + F ∗a − F φ∗ + (2R n − R ρ ) − µ n (2.3) DA i i i i i i 2 i i i i i i i i with F = P φ and R = P ρ . We refer the reader to Appendix A to C i j∈NNi j i j∈NNi j for a thorough justification of this approximation. The self-consistency equations for the parameters φi and ρi are also the conditions under which the grand potential of (2.3) is stationary, see Appendix B.


By the DA, the original problem of determining the grand potential of (2.1) is reduced to the much simpler task of diagonalizing the one-site Hamiltonian (2.3). At T = 0, only the minimum eigenvalue and its eigenstate are needed. For the graph of a semiregular polyhedron, the job is even simpler since we can identify a few inequivalent subsets of the vertex set and, from the viewpoint of mean-field (MF) theory, assume that the order parameters are homogeneous in each subset (i.e., a single creation operator can be used to populate a whole subset of vertices). In Ref. [31], where in the cases investigated the vertex subsets are two, the strategy put forward was to diagonalize a two-site Hamiltonian, hence a 4 × 4 matrix. Here, we find easier to divide the same task in as many one-site problems as are the vertex types, which are three for both TH and PD graphs.

A. TH model

Looking at Fig. 1a, the fourteen TH vertices can be classified as octahedral (6) or cubic (8), implying a natural decomposition of the TH graph into two inequivalent groups of vertices. However, with an interaction that is repulsive at NN separation, we may expect a different number and superfluid density in the two subsets of tetrahedral vertices of which the set of cubic vertices is made up. Hence, we find it necessary to divide the vertices of the TH graph in three subsets, A, B, and C, consisting of the octahedral, tetrahedral-1, and tetrahedral-2 nodes, respectively, and accordingly write the MF Hamiltonian (2.3) as a function of six order parameters. Since

FA = 2φB + 2φC ,FB = 3φA + 3φC ,FC = 3φA + 3φB ;

RA = 2ρB + 2ρC ,RB = 3ρA + 3ρC ,RC = 3ρA + 3ρB , (3.1) the MF Hamiltonian reads:

h † ∗ ∗ i h † ∗ ∗ i HDA = E0 − 12t (φB + φC)aA + (φB + φC)aA − 12t (φA + φC)aB + (φA + φC)aB

h † ∗ ∗ i − 12t (φA + φB)aC + (φA + φB)aC + 6(2V ρB + 2V ρC − µ)nA

+ 4(3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ)nB + 4(3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ)nC (3.2) with

∗ ∗ ∗ E0 = 12t [(φB + φC)φA + (φA + φC)φB + (φA + φB)φC] − 12V [ρAρB + ρAρC + ρBρC] . (3.3)

7 For fixed t and µ, the matrix representing the DA Hamiltonian on the canonical basis

|xA, xB, xCi (with xi = 0 or 1) is 8 × 8. The simplest case is t = 0, where the matrix becomes diagonal. Then, each basis vector is an energy eigenvector and the corresponding

diagonal element is the eigenvalue. While φA = φB = φC = 0, the density parameters are calculated by making each eigenvalue stationary; for the eigenvalue of |xA, xB, xCi we obtain

ρA = xA, ρB = xB, and ρC = xC. With these parameters, the minimum eigenvalue for the given µ yields the grand potential Ω, and its eigenvector is the ground state. We observe a “phase transition” when the relative stability of two eigenvalues changes. Clearly, on a finite graph only a smooth crossover may occur, any thermodynamic singularity being an artifact of MF theory. Results for t = 0 are summarized in the table below:

µ range grand potential ground state phase µ ≤ 0 : 0 |0, 0, 0i “empty” 0 ≤ µ ≤ 3V : −6µ |1, 0, 0i OCT 3V ≤ µ ≤ 6V : 12V − 10µ |1, 1, 0i and |1, 0, 1i OCT+TET µ ≥ 6V : 36V − 14µ |1, 1, 1i “full” To be clear, “empty” is the phase with no particle at all; “OCT” is the phase where all the octahedral nodes are occupied (N = 6 particles in total); “OCT+TET” is the two-fold degenerate phase where either A and B or A and C are filled (N = 10); finally, “full” is the phase with one particle at each node (N = 14). It is worth noting that, should we have opted for a notion of nearness as proximity in space, we would have got a stable CUB phase (i.e., one with only the cubic nodes occupied) for 0 ≤ µ ≤ 4V , in addition to “empty” (µ ≤ 0) and “full” (µ ≥ 4V ).

For t > 0, the minimum eigenvalue λmin of the Hamiltonian matrix is most easily obtained by separately diagonalizing a 2 × 2 matrix in each vertex subset (see Appendix A). The

equations for ρi and φi are then obtained by making λmin stationary. It is a simple matter to show that

p 2 2 2 λmin = E0 + 12V (ρA + ρB + ρC) − 7µ − 3 (2V ρB + 2V ρC − µ) + 16t |φB + φC|

p 2 2 2 p 2 2 2 − 2 (3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ) + 36t |φA + φC| − 2 (3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ) + 36t |φA + φB| .


For superfluid and supersolid phases, φA, φB, and φC are generally non-zero complex num- bers. However, these parameters should have equal phases since only the magnitude of the

8 order parameter can be spatially modulated. Without loss of generality, we may take the

arbitrary phase as zero, implying that φA, φB, and φC are positive quantities. With this specification, the equations for the parameters are considerably simplified and become the following:

3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ 3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ ρB + ρC = 1 − q − q ; 2 B 2 C

2V ρB + 2V ρC − µ 3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ ρA + ρC = 1 − q − q ; 2 A 2 C

2V ρB + 2V ρC − µ 3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ ρA + ρB = 1 − q − q ; 2 A 2 B

3t(φA + φC) 3t(φA + φB) φB + φC = q + q ; B C

2t(φB + φC) 3t(φA + φB) φA + φC = q + q ; A C

2t(φB + φC) 3t(φA + φC) φA + φB = q + q (3.5) A B with

2 2 2 A = (2V ρB + 2V ρC − µ) + 16t (φB + φC) ;

2 2 2 B = (3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ) + 36t (φA + φC) ;

2 2 2 C = (3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ) + 36t (φA + φB) . (3.6)

Apparently, the above set of non-linear equations cannot be solved exactly. To overcome the problem, we can numerically minimize a non-negative function G of the order parameters, constructed in such a way as to vanish when Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) are simultaneously fulfilled. For given t and µ values, we generate a grid of points in parameter space, which is then made finer and finer around each zero of G where λmin is low, until the best parameters and the absolute minimum Ω of (3.4) are determined with sufficient precision. Typically, several competing minima may occur, which suggests that one should proceed carefully to avoid that some zero of G may escape the . We sketch in Fig. 2 the resulting MF phase diagram at T = 0. The dots are phase- transition points at which the solution to Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) changes qualitatively. As a result, particles can exist in five distinct phases, four insulating and one supersolid (SS).

9 as and V (3.7) ρ = C values. The ρ t = . B 0.5 ) plane where the ρ t 2 t = t, µ + 2 36 = 0 line is the only place A V ρ µ on a TH graph, using − ∞ 0.4 for a number of supersolid Ω = = + µ U superfluid −→ 0.3 = 0: if we take 2 t t µ + t/V + 2 10 V t V √ 0.2 = , before SS eventually prevails. In the latter phase, t φ , to within the numerical uncertainty of our computation. C ρ and 0.1 = t B OCT+TET OCT empty full ρ t + 2 6= V A ρ in Eqs. (3.5) and ( 3.6), we readily obtain = 0


ρ 0 3 9 6 -3

V / and = µ C C φ φ = 0 phase with polyhedral order, there is a lobe in the ( t = = B B φ φ 6= = In Fig. 3 we plot the order parameters as a function of A A main message conveyed by the data is that, with the important exclusion of the OCT+TET FIG. 2: MF phase diagram of the extended BH model with φ unit of energy. The blue dots markwhere transition the points. system The is long-dashed The the dashed text red (cf. curves Eqs. are (3.11), the ( 3.14), continuous-transition and loci3.17)). ( derived For The each remaining transitions lines are first-order. A superfluid phase only exists along the line same order persists up to a certain φ FIG. 3: Extended BH model on the TH graph. The DA order parameters are plotted as a function of µ for fixed t (from top left to bottom right, t/V = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4). phase, the number and superfluid density are the same on B and C. Moreover, some phase boundaries are continuous and other are first-order. The only exception is the boundary of the OCT phase, whose nature is twofold: while its descending branch is continuous, the ascending branch is first-order. The other continuous transitions are from “empty” to SS and from “full” to SS. Below, we perform a theoretical analysis of the functional dependence of µ on t along each continuous-transition line, which is exact within the DA. Assuming full symmetry between B and C, we seek for solutions to Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) that match continuously with the values of the order parameters in the nearby insulating phase. Near the transition line between “empty” and SS, every order parameter is close to zero.

11 Expanding Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) near zero values we obtain: 2 2 2 2 16t φB 9t (φA + φB) 4tφB 3t(φA + φB) ρA ' 2 , ρB ' 2 , φA ' , φB ' , (4V ρB − µ) (3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ) 4V ρB − µ 3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ (3.8) indicating that 2 2 ρA ' φA and ρB ' φB . (3.9) Plugging the latter equations in the last two Eqs. (3.8) and neglecting subdominant terms we arrive at two coupled equations for φA and φB: 4t 3t  3t φ + φ = 0 and φ + 1 + φ = 0 . (3.10) A µ B µ A µ B In order that the linear set (3.10) has non-zero solutions, the matrix of coefficients must have zero determinant: √ 3 + 57 µ2 + 3tµ − 12t2 = 0 −→ µ = − t . (3.11) 2 The above equation gives the boundary line between “empty” and SS.

We may similarly expand Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) near ρA = ρB = 1 and φA = φB = 0, which are the order parameters in the “full” phase. We obtain:

2 2 ρA ' 1 − φA and ρB ' 1 − φB . (3.12)

Inserting the above equations into the approximate expressions of φA and φB we arrive at two new coupled equations: 4t 3t  3t  φ + φ = 0 and φ + 1 + φ = 0 . (3.13) A 4V − µ B 6V − µ A 6V − µ B To have non-trivial solutions we need that √ 10V + 3t + 4V 2 + 12V t + 57t2 µ2 − (10V + 3t)µ + 24V 2 + 12V t − 12t2 = 0 −→ µ = , (3.14) 2 giving the boundary between “full” and SS. Finally, near the descending branch of the OCT boundary we have solutions to Eqs. (3.5)

and (3.6) that are close to ρA = 1, ρB = φA = φB = 0. We easily find:

2 2 ρA ' 1 − φA and ρB ' φB . (3.15)

Inserting the latter equations into the expressions of φA and φB we obtain a new set of linear equations: 4t 3t  3t  φ − φ = 0 and φ − 1 − φ = 0 . (3.16) A µ B 3V − µ A 3V − µ B

12 We have non-trivial solutions provided that √ 3V − 3t ± 9V 2 − 18V t − 39t2 µ2 − (3V − 3t)µ + 12t2 = 0 −→ µ = . (3.17) ± 2

While µ+ describes the descending branch of the OCT-SS boundary, the solution µ− is discarded since it corresponds to a (virtual) continuous transition from OCT to SS that is

preempted by a first-order transition occurring close to µ−. Observe that the square root in √ (3.17) only exists for t ≤ (4 3 − 3)V/13 = 0.3021 ...V , which then represents the abscissa tc of the (tri)critical point (the ordinate being µc = (3V − 3tc)/2 = 1.0467 ...V ).

B. TH model: exact zero-temperature analysis

For the TH model, the dimensionality of the Hilbert space (214 = 16384) is small enough that we can compute a few exact energy eigenvalues and relative eigenstates in affordable

time. To this aim we represent the Hamiltonian on the Fock basis {|x1, x2, . . . , x14i} (with

xi = 0 or 1) and diagonalize the ensuing matrix numerically. In particular, the ground state |gi and its eigenvalue, the grand potential Ω, can be mapped as a function of t and µ. Once |gi has been determined, we calculate the average occupancies of A, B, and C

nodes (corresponding to the MF parameters ρA, ρB, and ρC), the average value of ai, and

the superfluid density ρSF (see, e.g., Refs. [43, 44]). The latter quantity reads:

14 1 † 1 X † ρSF ≡ g a a0 g = g a aj g , (3.18) 14 e0e 142 i i,j=1 √ P14 where ea0 = (1/ 14) i=1 ai is the zero-momentum field operator. Observe that, in a † large lattice of M sites, ea0ea0 = N0 is the average number of condensate particles, hence

ρSF = N0/M is the condensate density. In doing the computations, we find a perfect symmetry between the vertex subsets B and C, also in the putative OCT+TET region. The only exception is t = 0, where the B-C symmetry is broken and the node occupancies are the same as in MF theory. Since the P † Hamiltonian commutes with the total number of particles i ai ai, the (t, µ) plane is divided in sectors where the number of particles takes a constant integer value N, from 0 to 14. As expected, N = 0 in the “empty” phase and N = 14 in the “full” phase. In the N-sector, the P only non-zero Fourier coefficients of |gi are those relative to basis states with i xi = N. The resulting “phase diagram” is plotted in Fig. 4. In stark contrast with the MF phase

13 9 14 13 12 6 11 10 9 3 8 V /

µ 7 6 5 0 4 3 2 1

-3 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t/V

FIG. 4: TH model, exact diagonalization vs. MF results. In this “phase diagram”, any difference between distinct phases is blurred. The thin dashed and continuous lines are the MF transition lines. The thick lines through the dots separate sectors of the phase diagram where N and other averages are constant.

diagram (Fig. 2), there are no sharp phase boundaries. This is more clearly visible in Fig. 5, where we make a comparison in terms of order parameters between exact diagonalization

and MF theory for t = 0.25 V . The exact µ evolution of hnAi and hnBi = hnCi roughly traces the MF curves, except for the N = 10 sector — corresponding to the crossing of the

OCT+TET region — where instead hnBi= 6 hnCi.

Another difference with MF theory is in the ground-state average of ai, which is identically zero. In fact, we have already commented in Ref. [31] that the right quantity to look at is 2 the superfluid density ρSF (red curve in Fig. 5b), which indeed compares well with φi . In particular, ρSF drops to a minimum where φi vanishes, i.e., in the µ ranges pertaining to the insulating phases. The non-zero value of ρSF in these phases is a finite-size effect. A

14 FIG. 5: Extended BH model on the TH graph: order parameters plotted as a function of µ for t = 0.25 V . Left: DA results (with the only exception of the OCT+TET “phase”, ρB and ρC are practically equal). Right: exact results (hnAi, dotted blue line; hnBi, thin green line; ρSF, red thick line). Here hnBi = hnCi is an outcome of diagonalization.

slightly larger value of ρSF in the OCT+TET region could be the result of a free circulation of particles within the cubic sites. To get a flavor of the quality of MF theory, we may look at Fig. 6 where the exact and approximate grand potentials are plotted as a function of µ for a few t values. We see that MF data lie systematically above the exact values, as should be expected for a variational estimate based on the Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality (see Appendix B). We also generally confirm that ∂Ω = −N (3.19) ∂µ and that MF theory worsens with increasing t, as already evident in Fig. 4. A distinguishing feature of an insulating phase is a non-zero energy gap, in contrast to the zero gap of a superfluid/supersolid phase (see, e.g., [7]). To see whether this is confirmed in our system, in addition to the lowest energy eigenvalue Ω, we have also computed the second (Ω2) and the third energy eigenvalue (Ω3), which define the first and second gaps,

∆1 = Ω2 − Ω and ∆2 = Ω3 − Ω. These two quantities are plotted in Fig. 7 as a function of µ for t = 0.20 V . We see that both gaps are larger in the insulating phases than in the

SS regions; as a rule, ∆1 is wider the larger is the distance in chemical potential from the

15 0



V -60 /

Ω t/V = 0.1 (DA) -80 t/V = 0.1 t/V = 0.2 (DA)

-100 t/V = 0.2 t/V = 0.3 (DA) t/V = 0.3

-3 0 3 6 9 µ/V

FIG. 6: Extended BH model on the TH graph. The DA grand potential (black squares, green dots, and red ) is plotted as a function of µ for fixed t (for t/V = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3), and compared with the exact value (blue crosses) obtained from Hamiltonian diagonalization. To help visualization, data for t/V = 0.2 (0.3) have been shifted downwards by 20 (40).

line separating two consecutive sectors in Fig. 4. The non-monotonic behavior of ∆1 with µ has a simple explanation: while the less-costly excitation is hole-like on the low-µ side of a sector, it is particle-like on the high-µ side. Looking more closely to the data, we indeed realize that ∂∆ 1 = ±1 , (3.20) ∂µ meaning that the first excited state, which is generally non-degenerate, is a linear combina- tion of basis states with one particle more or less than those composing the ground state. Only for N = 10 the above derivative is zero, meaning that the first excited state is, like the P ground state, a linear combination of basis states having i xi = 10.

16 ∆ 1 ∆1 2 ρB SF 0.8 V

/ 0.6 2 ∆ , V / 1 0.4 ∆



-3 0 3 6 µ/V

FIG. 7: Extended BH model on the TH graph. The first and second gaps are plotted as a function of µ for t = 0.20 V . For a better reading of the data, also the average occupancies hnAi, hnBi and the superfluid density ρSF have been reported (hnAi, dotted blue line; hnBi, thin green line; ρSF, red thick line).

C. TH model: MF theory in the spin representation

It is instructive to see how the same DA results at T = 0 can be recovered by working in the representation where the extended BH model with U = +∞ is mapped onto a spin-1/2 Hamiltonian. We recap in Appendix D the exact terms of this correspondence, which goes back to a paper by Matsubara and Matsuda [45]. Below, we treat the case of the TH model. The TH vertices are of three types: six octahedral nodes (A), four tetrahedral-1 nodes (B), and 4 tetrahedral-2 nodes (C). Depending on the sites involved, the number of distinct nearest-neighbor pairs is either 0 (AA-, BB-, and CC-type) or 12 (AB-, AC-, and BC-type).

17 Starting from the BH Hamiltonian in the spin representation, X V X  1 X  1 H = VSzSz − 2tSxSx + SySy + Sz + Sz + − µ Sz + , (3.21) i j i j i j 2 i j 2 i 2 hi,ji hi,ji i the MF energy is obtained by replacing the quantum spins with classical spins of magnitude 1/2, further assuming the same spin vector in all nodes of same type:

 ES = 3V cos θA cos θB + cos θA cos θC + cos θB cos θC  − ∆(sin θA sin θB + sin θA sin θC + sin θB sin θC)

+ (6V − 3µ) cos θA + (6V − 2µ) cos θB + (6V − 2µ) cos θC + 9V − 7µ , (3.22) where ∆ = 2t/V and, for example, θA is the angle between SA and zˆ. With no loss of generality, we can assume that in the minimum-energy configurations the spins are all lying in the x-z plane. We first examine the minimum-energy states for t = 0, where every spin points in the z direction:

↓ ↓ ↓ : ES = 0 (“empty”) ;

↑ ↑ ↑ : ES = 36V − 14µ (“full”) ;

↑ ↓ ↓ : ES = −6µ (OCT) ;

↑ ↑ ↓ and ↑ ↓ ↑ : ES = 12V − 10µ (OCT + TET) ;

↓ ↑ ↑ : ES = 12V − 8µ (CUB) . (3.23)

The above spin energies are equal to the grand-potential values as previously determined for the TH model, hence the same sequence of t = 0 phases occurs as a function of µ.

For a supersolid phase with θA 6= θB = θC, the total energy takes the form

 2 2  ES(SS) = 3V 2 cos θA cos θB + cos θB − ∆(2 sin θA sin θB + sin θB)

+ (6V − 3µ) cos θA + 2(6V − 2µ) cos θB + 9V − 7µ . (3.24)

Assume that the system is initially in the OCT phase (cos θA = 1, cos θB = −1). A continuous transition to SS occurs as the point of absolute minimum energy moves to cos θA . 1, cos θB & −1. Expanding ∆ES = ES(SS) − ES(OCT) around θA = 0 and

θB = π we obtain: 1 ∆E ' 3V θ2 + ∆(2θ θ0 − θ02) − (6V − 3µ)θ2 + (6V − 2µ)θ02 (3.25) S A A B B 2 A B

18 0 with θB = θB − π. A non-zero stationary point occurs when the Hessian becomes negative. This requires 2µ2 − 3(2V − ∆V )µ + 6∆2V 2 > 0 , (3.26)

yielding µ . µ− or µ & µ+ with √ 3V − 3t ± 9V 2 − 18V t − 39t2 µ = . (3.27) ± 2

The transition to SS for µ = µ− is actually preempted by a first-order transition. Notice that Eq. (3.27) is equivalent to Eq. (3.17).

A continuous transition from “filled” to SS occurs when the absolute minimum of ES

moves from cos θA = 1, cos θB = 1 to cos θA . 1, cos θB . 1. The relative energy between “filled” and SS is 1 ∆E ≡ E (SS)−E (“filled”) ' 3V −θ2 −2∆θ θ −(2+∆)θ2 − (6V −3µ)θ2 −(6V −2µ)θ2 . S S S A A B B 2 A B (3.28) A non-zero stationary point only occurs for

2µ2 − (20V + 3∆V )µ + 12V 2(4 + ∆) − 6∆2V 2 < 0 , (3.29)

which is certainly satisfied for µ . µ+ with √ 10V + 3t + 4V 2 + 12V t + 57t2 µ = , (3.30) + 2 coincident with Eq. (3.14). Finally, we observe a continuous transition from “empty” to SS when the absolute min-

imum of ES moves from cos θA = −1, cos θB = −1 to cos θA & −1, cos θB & −1. Upon 0 0 defining θA = θA − π and θB = θB − π, we obtain 1 ∆E ≡ E (SS)−E (“empty”) ' −3V θ02+2∆θ0 θ0 +(2+∆)θ02+ (6V −3µ)θ02+(6V −2µ)θ02 . S S S A A B B 2 A B (3.31) A non-zero stationary point only exists if the Hessian of (3.31) is negative, that is for

2µ2 + 3∆V µ − 6∆2V 2 < 0 , (3.32)

which is certainly satisfied for µ & µ− with √ 3 + 57 µ = − t . (3.33) − 2

19 The above equation is the same as Eq. (3.11). For a general analysis of the characteristics of the B-C symmetric case we need to express

the MF energy ES as a function of four order parameters. To this aim one observes that 1 1 1 cos θ = ρ − and sin θ = φ , (3.34) 2 A,B A,B 2 2 A,B A,B which can be combined to give

 12 1 ρ − + φ2 = . (3.35) A,B 2 A,B 4

Eliminating φA,B in favor of ρA,B through Eq. (3.35), the MF energy becomes

2 p 2p 2 ES = 24V ρAρB + 12V ρB − 12t 1 − 4(ρA − 1/2) 1 − 4(ρB − 1/2)  12 − 6t + 24t ρ − − 6µρ − 8µρ , (3.36) B 2 A B whose stationary points obey the following equations: ∂E ∂E S = 0 and S = 0 . (3.37) ∂ρA ∂ρB The former equation leads to 1 4V ρB − µ ρA − = −   . (3.38) 2 8tφB φA Plugging this equation in (3.35) we arrive at

4tφB φA = . (3.39) p 2 2 2 (4V ρB − µ) + 64t φB Inserting the latter equation back in (3.38) we obtain

1 4V ρB − µ ρA = − . (3.40) 2 p 2 2 2 2 (4V ρB − µ) + 64t φB By a similar line of thought, from the second of Eqs. (3.37) we arrive at

3t(φA + φB) φB = (3.41) p 2 2 2 (3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ) + 36t (φA + φB) and 1 3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ ρB = − . (3.42) p 2 2 2 2 2 (3V ρA + 3V ρB − µ) + 36t (φA + φB) Equations (3.39)-(3.42) exactly coincide with Eqs. (3.5) and (3.6) when perfect symmetry is assumed between B and C.

20 D. PD model

We conclude with the DA analysis at T = 0 of a system of hard-core bosons on the PD graph, following the same lines of reasoning as in Section 3.A. Looking at Fig. 1b, the 32 nodes of the PD graph are naturally classified as icosahedral (12) or dodecahedral (20). In fact, the existing repulsion between NN particles recommends to distinguish between dodecahedral nodes of cubic (8) and co-cubic type (12) [31]. Hence, we have three types of PD vertices: icosahedral (A), cubic (B), and co-cubic (C). Upon considering that

FA = 2φB + 3φC ,FB = 3φA + 3φC ,FC = 3φA + 2φB + φC ;

RA = 2ρB + 3ρC ,RB = 3ρA + 3ρC ,RC = 3ρA + 2ρB + ρC , (3.43) the MF Hamiltonian reads:

h † ∗ ∗ i h † ∗ ∗ i HDA = E0 − 12t (2φB + 3φC)aA + (2φB + 3φC)aA − 8t (3φA + 3φC)aB + (3φA + 3φC)aB

h † ∗ ∗ ∗ i − 12t (3φA + 2φB + φC)aC + (3φA + 2φB + φC)aC + 12(2V ρB + 3V ρC − µ)nA

+ 8(3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ)nB + 12(3V ρA + 2V ρB + V ρC − µ)nC (3.44) with

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 E0 = 12t [2(φAφB + φAφB) + 3(φAφC + φAφC) + 2(φBφC + φBφC)] + 12t|φC|

2 − 12V (2ρAρB + 3ρAρC + 2ρBρC) − 6V ρC . (3.45)

Like for the TH model, the stable insulating phases at t = 0 can be identified by looking at the elements of the diagonal matrix representing (3.44) on the canonical basis |xA, xB, xCi. A calculation similar to the one in Section 3.A leads to the following table:

µ range grand potential ground state phase µ ≤ 0 : 0 |0, 0, 0i “empty” 0 ≤ µ ≤ 3V : −12µ |1, 0, 0i ICO 3V ≤ µ ≤ (9/2)V : 24V − 20µ |1, 1, 0i ICO+CUB (9/2)V ≤ µ ≤ 6V : 42V − 24µ |1, 0, 1i ICO+CCO µ ≥ 6V : 90V − 32µ |1, 1, 1i “full”

In the above list of phases, “ICO” is the phase where all the icosahedral nodes are occupied (N = 12 particles in total); “ICO+CUB” is the phase where A and B are filled (N = 20);

21 “ICO+CCO” is the phase where A and C are filled (N = 24); finally, “full” is the phase where there is one particle at each node (N = 32). Notice that a hypothetical ICO+TET phase (Ω = 12V −16µ) would only be stable at the single point µ = 3V and here degenerate with ICO and ICO+CUB. Should we have opted for a notion of nearness based on spatial proximity, we would have obtained a stable DOD phase (i.e., one with all the dodecahedral nodes occupied) for 0 ≤ µ ≤ (15/2)V , in addition to “empty” (µ ≤ 0) and “full” (µ ≥ (15/2)V ). For t > 0 the minimum eigenvalue of (3.44) is

p 2 2 2 λmin = E0 + 30V ρA + 24V ρB + 36V ρC − 16µ − 6 (2V ρB + 3V ρC − µ) + 4t |2φB + 3φC|

p 2 2 2 − 4 (3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ) + 36t |φA + φC|

p 2 2 2 − 6 (3V ρA + 2V ρB + V ρC − µ) + 4t |3φA + 2φB + φC| . (3.46)

Arguing similarly as done for the TH model, we are allowed to take φA, φB, and φC as real and positive. By making λmin stationary, we eventually obtain six coupled equations for the six unknown parameters: 5 3V ρ + 3V ρ − µ 3 3V ρ + 2V ρ + V ρ − µ 2ρ + 3ρ = − A C − A B C ; B C 2 q 2 q B C

2V ρB + 3V ρC − µ 3V ρA + 2V ρB + V ρC − µ ρA + ρC = 1 − q − q ; 2 A 2 C

2V ρB + 3V ρC − µ 3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ ρA + ρB = 1 − q − q ; 2 A 2 B

6t(φA + φC) 3t(3φA + 2φB + φC) 2φB + 3φC = q + q ; B C

t(2φB + 3φC) t(3φA + 2φB + φC) φA + φC = q + q ; A C

t(2φB + 3φC) 3t(φA + φC) φA + φB = q + q (3.47) A B


2 2 2 A = (2V ρB + 3V ρC − µ) + 4t (2φB + 3φC) ;

2 2 2 B = (3V ρA + 3V ρC − µ) + 36t (φA + φC) ;

2 2 2 C = (3V ρA + 2V ρB + V ρC − µ) + 4t (3φA + 2φB + φC) . (3.48)

22 as V 0.4 = 0 line is where the µ on a PD graph, using ∞ 0.3 superfluid = + = 0). Notice, in particular, how U µ supersolid . At variance with the TH model, where V 2) t/V 0.2 / 23 = 0, and the ICO+CUB and ICO+CCO lobes are = (9 t µ = 0 is represented in Fig. 8. We count as many as six T 0.1 empty full ICO+CCO ICO+CUB ICO 0

0 3 9 6 -3

V / µ The resulting phase diagram at FIG. 8: MF phase diagram of the extended BH model with distinct phases (seven, if we include the superfluid line unit of energy. The bluesystem dots is mark superfluid. transition The points. dashed red(cf. The curves Eqs. long-dashed are (3.49)). the The continuous-transition remaining loci black derived lines in represent the first-order text transitions. wide is the supersolid region, whilephases in the Fig. superfluid 8 are is the confined same as to found just for a line. TheA+B insulating and A+C phases areare indistinguishable distinct (i.e., phases, degenerate), each ICO+CUB with and itslines own ICO+CCO lobe are in three: the phase those diagram.descending separating The part continuous-transition “empty” of and the “full” line between from ICO the and supersolid the region, supersolid. and In the the latter phase, the order specular to each other with respect to FIG. 9: Extended BH model on the PD graph. Order parameters plotted as a function of µ for fixed t (from top left to bottom right, t/V = 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3). parameters are symmetric between B and C, as implied by the data reported in Fig. 9.

Moreover, we see that ρA > ρB = ρC for µ > 0 and ρA . ρB = ρC for µ < 0. Using B-C symmetry, we may simplify Eqs. (3.47) and (3.48) and determine the equations of the continuous-transition loci by following the same procedure used for the TH model.

24 We find: √ 3 + 69 µ = − t (“empty”-supersolid boundary) ; 2 √ 11V + 3t + V 2 + 6V t + 69t2 µ = (“full”-supersolid boundary) ; √ 2 3V − 3t + 9V 2 − 18V t − 51t2 µ = (ICO-supersolid top boundary) . (3.49) 2

In particular, upon requiring in the latter expression that 9V 2 − 18V t − 51t2 ≥ 0, the √ coordinates of the tricritical point are tc = (2 15 − 3)V/17 = 0.2791 ...V and µc =

(3V − 3tc)/2 = 1.0812 ...V .


The extended BH model is arguably the simplest model of quantum many-body system where one can accurately study, already in mean-field approximation, the onset of crystalline order and its interplay with superfluid order. Especially, this model provides a theoretical framework where supersolid phases, combining crystalline order with broken U(1) symmetry, appear quite naturally and can thus be thoroughly examined. In this paper the focus is on crystalline-like arrangements of spinless bosons placed on the nodes of a semiregular spherical mesh. We have considered two cases: the graph of a tetrakis hexahedron, where we find a ground state with ; and the graph of a pentakis dodecahedron, where we find a ground state with icosahedral symmetry. Needless to say, ground states with polyhedral symmetry can only be stable for values of the hopping parameter t that are small relative to the repulsion strength V . For larger t values, wandering of particles throughout the nodes is no longer forbidden and the condensed fraction becomes non-zero. At variance with the extended BH model on a lattice, the presence in semiregular graphs of subsets of inequivalent nodes is at the origin of the destabilization of superfluidity towards supersolidity, which thus occurs in a wide region of thermodynamic parameters. Clearly, no true phases or phase transitions can exist in a finite system, but only approx- imate orders with smooth crossovers between them. This weakness of our theory turns into an opportunity when we realize that mean-field theory can be checked against exact diago- nalization. We have made this comparison for the smaller of our graphs (i.e., the skeleton of a tetrakis hexahedron), highlighting the many similarities and a few differences. Arrays

25 of traps centered at the vertices of a polyhedron can now be realized and loaded with Ryd- berg atoms through moving optical tweezers [29, 30], thus making it possible to check our predictions in systems of bosonic atoms.


I am grateful to an anonymous Referee for pointing out Refs. 29, 39, and 59, allowing me to expand the scope of the paper.

26 Appendix A: Partition function and thermal averages for a local Hamiltonian

In this Appendix we recall a few properties of a lattice boson Hamiltonian H in which sites — not particles — are fully decoupled,

M X H = hi , (A.1) i=1 † where M is the number of lattice sites and, e.g., h1 (a function of a1 and a1) operates in the

subspace F1 generated by |i ≡ |0, 0,...i , |1, 0,...i , |2, 0,...i, and so on. For such a H, the eigenfunctions take the form of Gutzwiller [46, 47], ∞ †n Y  X ai |ψi = Gi |i with Gi ≡ cn(i) √ , (A.2) i n=0 n!

provided that Gi |i is eigenfunction of hi:

hiGi |i = iGi |i . (A.3)

Indeed, since operators at different sites commute, for i = 1

h1 |ψi = h1G1G2 ··· GM |i = G2 ··· GM h1G1 |i = 1G2 ··· GM G1 |i = 1 |ψi , (A.4)

and similarly for the other sites, implying X H |ψi = i |ψi . (A.5) i

The Fock states |n1, n2,...i are Gutzwiller states where only one coefficient cn(i) is non- zero for each i, but they are usually not energy eigenstates. In the following we assume P 2 n cn(i) = 1 for i = 1,...,M, in such a way that hψ|ψi = 1. In terms of Fock states, the eigenfunction (A.2) is written as X |ψi = cn1 (1) ··· cnM (M) |n1, . . . , nM i . (A.6)

n1,...,nM It is worth emphasizing the factorized structure exhibited by the Fourier coefficients, which is an effect of the strictly local nature of the Hamiltonian (A.1). Applying the basic rules of creation and annihilation operators, it follows for every i and |ψi of type (A.6) that ∞ √ ∞ † X ∗ † X 2 hψ|aiψi = ai ψ ψ = n + 1 cn(i)cn+1(i) ≡ ψ(i) and ψ ai aiψ = n|cn(i)| . n=0 n=1 (A.7)

27 † Moreover, the average of ai aj for i 6= j is factorized:

† ∗ † ψ ai ajψ = ψ (i)ψ(j) = ψ ai ψ hψ|ajψi , (A.8) which holds in particular for |ψi being the ground state of H. † To calculate the thermal average of, say, a1a2 we need a complete set of energy eigen- functions. To this aim, we first diagonalize each hi in its domain Fi (in practice, some cutoff nmax is put on n to account for the fact that large n values are energetically suppressed).

 (α) (α1) (αM ) We denote ψ = G1 ··· GM |i , αi = 1, 2, . . . , nmax a complete set of orthonormal M eigenfunctions of H (observe that the total number of eigenfunctions is nmax, same as the number of Fock states |n1, . . . , nM i). Then, the partition function reads:

(α ) (α ) X X −β  1 +...+ M Z = Tre−βH  = ψ(α)|e−βH ψ(α) = e 1 M

α1,...,αM α1,...,αM (α ) X −β(α1) X −β M = e 1 ··· e M . (A.9)

α1 αM Since each eigenfunction can be expanded on the Fock basis as in Eq. (A.6), we have

(α) † (α) ∗ ψ a1a2ψ = ψ (1, α1)ψ(2, α2) , (A.10) √ P∞ ∗ where, for example, ψ(1, α1) = n=0 n + 1 cn(1, α1)cn+1(1, α1). In the end, we find:

† 1 −βH †  1 X −β(α1) ∗ X −β(α2) X −β(α3) a a = Tr e a a = e 1 ψ (1, α ) e 2 ψ(2, α ) e 3 ··· 1 2 Z 1 2 Z 1 2 α1 α2 α3 −β(α1) ∗ −β(α2) P e 1 ψ (1, α ) P e 2 ψ(2, α ) α1 1 α2 2 † = (α ) (α ) = a1 ha2i , (A.11) −β 1 −β 2 P e 1 P e 2 α1 α2

† meaning that ai and aj are uncorrelated not only at T = 0 but for all temperatures. One may similarly show that ninj = ni nj for i 6= j. If no external field is present, then the system is homogeneous and it is sufficient to diagonalize h at one site only. In particular, the ground-state energy per site is simply the minimum eigenvalue of a (nmax + 1) × (nmax + 1) Hermitian matrix. However, if the lattice is bipartite (i.e., it consists of two disjoint sublattices, A and B, such that nearest-neighbor sites belong to different sublattices), then, depending on the Hamiltonian and on the control parameters, the ground state may also reflect the same checkerboard structure — as occurs, for instance, in an extended BH model with nearest-neighbor repulsion, where the minimum- energy state may be a density wave or a supersolid state. In this case, the minimum energy

28 is MAA,min + MBB,min, with sublattice energies obtained from the diagonalization of two distinct (nmax +1)×(nmax +1) matrices. Alternatively, we may view the system as a two-site

BH model and represent the Hamiltonian on a basis of pair states, {|nA, nBi}, as done in Refs. [31, 42].

Appendix B: Variational foundation of the DA

We show hereafter that the DA treatment of the extended BH model may be justified as an application of the variational method based on the Gibbs-Bogoliubov (GB) inequality, also valid for a quantum system [48]. Hence, the self-consistent DA parameters are also those parameters that ensure minimization of a variational grand potential, as is usual in classical and quantum phase-diagram reconstruction (see examples in Refs. [49–53]). Let the extended BH Hamiltonian be written as

X V X X H = −t z a†a + z n n + f(n ) , (B.1) ij i j 2 ij i j i ij ij i where zij = 1 if i and j are NN sites and zero otherwise (zij and its inverse are symmetric matrices). All local terms in the BH Hamiltonian, including the chemical-potential term,

have been absorbed in f(ni). With the aim to estimate the grand potential Ω of (B.1), we introduce a fully local Hamiltonian

X † ∗  X X H0 = −t Fiai + Fi ai + V Rini + f(ni) , (B.2) i i i where Fi ∈ C and Ri ∈ R are parameters to be optimized. According to the GB inequality,

Ω ≤ Ω0 + hH − H0i0 ≡ ΩGB , (B.3)

where h· · · i0 is a thermal average over the Boltzmann distribution pertaining to H0 and

1 βt P F a†+F ∗a −βV P R n −β P f(n ) Ω = − ln Tr e i( i i i i) i i i i i (B.4) 0 β is the grand potential of the trial Hamiltonian. Using equalities like (A.11), we obtain:

X ∗ X ∗ ∗  hH − H0i0 = −t zijhaii0haji0 + t Fihaii0 + Fi haii0 ij i V X X + z hn i hn i − V R hn i . (B.5) 2 ij i 0 j 0 i i 0 ij i

29 The best parameters are those providing the absolute minimum of ΩBG. As long as this minimum falls in the interior of parameter space, a necessary condition for it is the vanishing of first-order derivatives,  ∗ ∂ΩBG ∂ΩBG ∂ΩBG ∗ = = 0 and = 0 . (B.6) ∂Fk ∂Fk ∂Rk The former derivative is a conjugate cogradient, or Wirtinger derivative, and is to be inter- ∗ preted as a partial derivative with respect to Fk , while keeping Fk constant. Before proceeding to the solution of Eqs. (B.6) we need another piece of information, since ∗ Fi and Ri enter in an intricate manner inside Ω0, see Eq. (B.4). Consider a Hamiltonian ξA + B where ξ is a real or complex parameter and A and B are quantum observables independent of ξ. For such a Hamiltonian, the normalized eigenstates |si, such that (ξA +

B) |si = Es |si, form a complete set. Then, the partition function reads

−β(ξA+B) X −β(ξA+B) X −βEs Z(ξ) = Tr e = s e s = e . (B.7) s s

By noting that (the components of) |si and Es are both dependent on ξ, we obtain:

∂ ln Z β X ∂Es = − e−βEs (B.8) ∂ξ Z ∂ξ s with

∂Es = ∂ξs (ξA + B)s + hs|Asi + s (ξA + B)∂ξs ∂ξ ∗ = Es [h∂ξs|si + h∂ξs|si ] + hs|Asi

= Es∂ξ hs|si + hs|Asi = hs|Asi , (B.9)

in such a way that

∂ ln Z β X β = − hs|Asi e−βEs = − TrAe−β(ξA+B) = −βhAi . (B.10) ∂ξ Z Z s With the above result established, by simple algebra we obtain:

" ! ∗ ! # ∂ΩBG X X ∂haii X ∂haii0 = −t F − z ha i 0 + F ∗ − z ha i∗ ∂F ∗ i ij j 0 ∂F ∗ i ij j 0 ∂F ∗ k i j k j k ! X X ∂hnii0 −V R − z hn i (B.11) i ij j 0 ∂F ∗ i j k

30 and

" ! ∗ ! # ∂ΩBG X X ∂haii X ∂haii0 = −t F − z ha i 0 + F ∗ − z ha i∗ ∂R i ij j 0 ∂R i ij j 0 ∂R k i j k j k ! X X ∂hnii0 −V R − z hn i . (B.12) i ij j 0 ∂R i j k

In order that (B.11) and (B.12) be zero, it is sufficient (and seemingly also necessary) that

X X Fi = zijhaji0 and Ri = zijhnji0 . (B.13) j j

Observe that the above equations define Fi and Ri only implicitly, since haji0 and hnji0 are themselves dependent on these parameters. Upon formally inverting Eqs. (B.13) we find the equivalent relations

X −1 X −1 haii0 = z ijFj and hnii0 = z ijRj . (B.14) j j

The point of absolute minimum for ΩBG is among the solutions to Eqs. (B.14).

We now introduce another functional, ΩeBG = Ω0 + hH^− H0i0, which is obtained from

ΩBG by substituting the averages (B.14) into (B.5):

X V X hH^− H i = t z−1 F F ∗ − z−1 R R . (B.15) 0 0 ik i k 2 ik i k ik ik

The new functional ΩeBG is different from ΩBG, but they share the same stationary points and stationary values: indeed, it is easy to see that Eqs. (B.14) are still necessary and sufficient conditions for ∂ΩeBG ∂ΩeBG ∗ = 0 and = 0 . (B.16) ∂Fk ∂Rk We stress, however, that the nature of extremal points may not be preserved in the transition from ΩBG to ΩeBG, as second-order derivatives in these points are generally different for the two functionals. Using the shorthands

X −1 X −1 φi = z ijFj and ρi = z ijRj , (B.17) j j we may also write

1 P † ∗ ∗ V P P βt i Fiai +Fi ai−Fiφi −β i(2Rini−Riρi)−β i f(ni) ΩeBG = − ln Tr e 2 , (B.18) β

31 showing that ΩeBG is the grand potential of the DA Hamiltonian (2.3). The values of Fi and

Ri must then be selected imposing the (B.16) or, equivalently, the (B.14). If more solutions are found, we must choose the one that provides the minimum ΩeBG for the given t, µ, and T .

Appendix C: Derivation of the DA from the Hubbard-Stratonovich formula

The DA may also be justified using the language of functional integrals, as shown in Refs. [8, 32, 43] for the original BH model. We hereafter retrace the steps of this derivation making now reference to the extended BH model. In the coherent-state representation, the partition function of a bosonic lattice Hamilto- nian in normal-ordered form can be written as an integral over M (i.e., as many as are the lattice sites) closed paths. For the extended BH model, in the continuum limit one finds:

I −1 ∗ Y ∗ −~ S[φ,φ ] Ξ = DφkDφk e with k Z β~  X U X X V X  S[φ, φ∗] = dτ φ∗( ∂ − µ)φ + |φ |4 −t z φ∗φ + z |φ |2|φ |2 . i ~ τ i 2 i ij i j 2 ij i j 0 i i ij ij | {z } H(1)(φ∗,φ) (C.1)

In the above formula, τ is the imaginary time and S is the Euclidean action — a functional ∗ of M complex fields φi(τ) and their conjugate fields φi (τ), only subject to φi(0) = φi(β~). Furthermore, H(1)(φ∗, φ) is the symbol of the on-site terms in the Hamiltonian. Compared to the operator formalism, the coherent-state path integral offers the distinct advantage that

any complications due to non-commuting observables are swept away (φi(τ) is an ordinary, albeit complex, function of a real variable). The price to pay is the introduction of an extra ∗ time variable and of the ubiquitous φ ∂τ φ term in the action. The idea behind the application of the Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) formula is to decouple the interaction terms in (C.1) by employing a suitable integral identity, even though at the price of introducing more fields. In particular, we will need a (dimensionless) complex field

Mi for the hopping term and a (dimensionless) real field Ni for the term proportional to V , for each i. The HS formula is just another name for the Gaussian integral; for a complex

32 matrix A with a positive-definite Hermitian part, it reads: Z M Y ∗ − P z∗A z det A N d

X ∗ X ∗  −1 X  − Mi − zimφm (z )ij Mj − zjnφn ij m n X −1 ∗ X ∗ ∗ X ∗ = − (z )ijMi Mj + (Mi φi + Miφi ) − zijφi φj (C.3) ij i ij and 1 X 1 X X − z |φ |2|φ |2 = (z−1) N N − N |φ |2 2 ij i j 2 ij i j i i ij ij i 1 X X X − N − z |φ |2(z−1) N − z |φ |2 , (C.4) 2 i im m ij j jn n ij m n the partition function (C.1) can be rewritten as

Z −1 ∗ Y ∗ −~ Seff [M,M ,N] Ξ = DMkDMk DNk e (C.5) k with

Z β~ X Z β~ V X S = dτ t (z−1) M ∗(τ)M (τ) − dτ (z−1) N (τ)N (τ) eff ij i j 2 ij i j 0 ij 0 ij       I  Z β~ " # Y ∗  −1 (1) ∗ X ∗ ∗ X 2  − ~ ln DφkDφk exp −~ dτ H (φ , φ) − t Mi φi + Miφi + V Ni|φi| .  0  k  i i   | {z } SDA (C.6)

The normalization factors arising from the Gaussian integrals have been absorbed in the integration measure. We note the formal similarity between the effective action (C.6) and

the functional ΩeBG in Eq. (B.18). As for the partition function (C.5), a natural MF estimate is obtained by approximating it with the integrand evaluated at the saddle point. The “coordinates” of the saddle point are determined through the equations

−1 R Q ∗ −~ SDA δSeff X −1 k DφkDφk φi(τ1)e 0 = ∗ = t (z )ijMj(τ1) − t R ∗ −1 δM (τ ) Q Dφ Dφ e−~ SDA i 1 j k k k X =⇒ Mi = zijhφj(τ1)iDA (C.7) j

33 and

−1 R Q ∗ 2 −~ SDA δSeff X −1 k DφkDφk |φi(τ1)| e 0 = = −V (z )ijNj(τ1) + V R ∗ −1 δN (τ ) Q Dφ Dφ e−~ SDA i 1 j k k k X 2 =⇒ Ni = zijh|φj(τ1)| iDA . (C.8) j Clearly, Eqs. (C.7) and (C.8) are analogous to Eqs. (B.13) above.

Appendix D: Mean-field treatment of hard-core bosons in spin language

We originally owe to Matsubara and Matsuda [45] the observation that a second-quantized Hamiltonian for hard-core bosons can be rephrased in terms of half-unit spins:

† + x y − x y z  ai = Si ≡ Si + iSi hence ai = Si ≡ Si − iSi and ni = Si + 1/2 . (D.1)

Thus, an occupied site is represented by an up spin, while an empty site is represented by a down spin. This mapping has been exploited in many studies of the BH model (see, e.g., Refs. [54–56]). For hard-core bosons, creation and annihilation operators at different † sites commute, while ai and ai are anticommuting operators as a result of the dynamical suppression of Fock states with two or more particles per site (see, e.g., [57]). For the extended BH model with infinite U the equivalent spin Hamiltonian is readily found to be

X x x y y X z z X z HS = −J⊥ Si Sj + Si Sj + Jk Si Sj − Hz Si + C, (D.2) hi,ji hi,ji i

where J⊥ = 2t is a ferromagnetic transverse exchange, Jk = V is an antiferromagnetic

longitudinal exchange, Hz = µ − zV/2 (z being the lattice coordination number) is an external magnetic field, and C = MzV/8 − Mµ/2 is an offset. The Hamiltonian (D.2) is a spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg model. Had we adopted the different convention of Matsuda and † − Tsuneto [58], that is ai = Si , we would have got the same Hamiltonian as in (D.2) but for the sign in front of the magnetization term. A modulated density of the original BH system corresponds to finite wavevector Ising-type order of the spins. Similarly, superfluidity maps

to ferromagnetic spin ordering in the x-y plane. In units of Jk = V , the spin Hamiltonian reads X  z z x x y y X z HS = Si Sj − ∆ Si Sj + Si Sj − h Si + C/V (D.3) hi,ji i

34 with ∆ = 2t/V and h = µ/V − z/2. Spin systems like the one described by HS can actually be studied with ultracold Rydberg atoms [30, 59], which would allow to observe the ground states of our hard-core boson model in a real system. x y z In MF theory, the spins are treated as they were classical: Si = (Si ,Si ,Si ) is an ordinary vector of magnitude S = 1/2 for every i. For T = 0, the problem is then reduced to mapping the spin configuration of minimum energy as a function of t and µ. For the Hamiltonian (D.3), which is rotationally symmetric in the x-y plane, we may assume that all spins lie in

the x-z plane. Putting Si = (1/2)Ωi, the MF Hamiltonian reads (neglecting the unnecessary C/V constant): 1 X h X H = ΩzΩz − ∆ ΩxΩx − Ωz . (D.4) MF 4 i j i j 2 i hi,ji i As a matter of example, let us reconsider the QCT model of hard-core bosons on the vertices of a cube (M = 8, z = 3) [31]. Due to the bipartite structure of the lattice, the MF energy ES can be parametrized in terms of the orientation of two unit vectors only, ΩA and

ΩB, in the assumption that spins are identical on the sites of the same sublattice:

ES = 3(cos θA cos θB − ∆ sin θA sin θB) − 2h(cos θA + cos θB) , (D.5)

where θA (θB) is the angle made by ΩA (ΩB) with the positive z axis. For h = 0, which is

tantamount to µ = (3/2)V , the task of minimizing ES is easily accomplished: π if ∆ > 1 then θ = θ = −→ superfluid ,  ; A B 2 ⇒ ⇔  if ∆ < 1 then θA = 0, π or θB = π, 0 −→ N´eelorder ↑↓ , ↓↑ . (D.6)

Moreover, it is clear that for h  0 the minimum of ES is attained for θA = θB = 0 (↑↑),

while for h  0 the minimum falls at θA = θB = π (↓↓). The analysis is simple also for ∆ = 0 (t = 0): 3 if h < − then θ = θ = π and E = 3 + 4h ↓↓  ; 2 A B S 3 3 if − < h < then θ = 0, π or θ = π, 0 and E = −3 ↑↓ , ↓↑  ; 2 2 A B S 3 if h > then θ = θ = 0 and E = 3 − 4h ↑↑  . (D.7) 2 A B S In the general case (D.5) the minimization procedure can be simplified by making the change of variables 0 0 θA = θ + θ and θB = θ − θ , (D.8)

35 leading eventually to

2 2 ES = 3[(1 + ∆)x + (1 − ∆)y − 1] − 4hxy ≡ f(x, y) (D.9)

with x = cos θ and y = cos θ0 (notice the inversion symmetry (x, y) → (−x, −y) of (D.9)). If the Hessian H = 36(1 − ∆2) − 16h2 is non-zero, then the only stationary point of f is

x = y = 0 (meaning θA = 0, π and θB = π, 0). For H > 0 this is a minimum point (since 2 2 fxx > 0) and we have a N´eelsolid. In this case h < (9/4)(1 − ∆ ), which in terms of t and µ means 3 3√ 3 3√ V − V 2 − 4t2 < µ < V + V 2 − 4t2 . (D.10) 2 2 2 2 For H < 0, x = y = 0 is an inflection point and the absolute minimum of f then falls on the boundary of the domain, [−1, 1]2, precisely on y = ±1 (since in (D.9) y2 has a smaller coefficient than x2). The minimum coordinates are simply calculated for y = 1, or

θA = θB (a ground-state configuration that we can represent as %% or &&). In this case 2 2h ES = 3(1 + ∆) cos θ − 4h cos θ − 3∆ and, provided that 3(1+∆) < 1, a minimum occurs for 2h θ = θm = arccos 3(1+∆) . This is also an absolute minimum and (since the spin component in the x direction is non-zero) the system is condensed/superfluid. However, as |h| increases for

fixed t, cos θm becomes eventually ±1; in terms of the original variables, this first happens at the lines µ = 3V +3t and µ = −3t. Beyond these lines, the system ceases to be superfluid

and becomes insulating (θA = θB = 0 or θA = θB = π). In the superfluid phase, the grand potential (including the constant factor C/V previously ignored) is

4(µ + 3t)2 E = V 3(1 + ∆) cos2 θ − 4h cos θ − 3∆ + 3V − 4µ = − , (D.11) S m m 3V + 6t

the average occupancy is

1 1 µ + 3t ρ = + Sz = (1 + cos θ ) = , (D.12) A 2 A 2 m 3V + 6t

and the superfluid order parameter is

1 p(µ + 3t)(3V + 3t − µ) φ = Sx = sin θ = . (D.13) A A 2 m 3V + 6t

In conclusion, all MF boundaries and characteristics of the QCT model perfectly match with

36 those calculated in Ref. [31] using the language of second-quantized operators.

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