Allied Forces Continue Their Advance
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WEATHER FORECASTS Pot 31 hour* ending 6 p. m Tuesday: ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Victoria-and vicinitjr—Light to moder- ...BovaI Victoria—Earle wiuiam*. _ ____ »te winds, imwlly cloudy, with showers Pah tag es—."The Birth of a Nation.** to-night or on Tuesday. , .1<ow<>r . Mainland- Most ty cloudy, with Dominion—“The House of Glass.” rononieeiHTteTtwsht ,er 0tt,'*A*®ttadta3r- ,.'_ . "*"" . ."" ▼ anery"“irrn nart. _ ” SMrJ Columbia—Alice Joyce 53. NO. 18 VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, JULY 22, 1918 SIXTEEN PAGES ALLIED FORCES CONTINUE THEIR ADVANCE With Chateau Thierry in Their Hands, They Cnt Road South of Soissons German Aeroplane UNWOUNDED* GERMANS CAPTURED Tried in Vain to SOISSONS-CHATEAU THIERRY ROAD ARE MORE IN NUMBER THAN ALL Reach Paris To-day CROSSED BY FRENCH AND RAILWAY Pari*, July 21—A German aeroplane made an unsuccessful attempt to reach the region of Parte to-day It was driven off by the French anti-aircraft CASUALTIES OF ALLIED FORCES Are. IS CUT BY ADVANCING AMERICANS Large Number of Undamaged Guns Taken by Victor WHERE ALLIED FORCES ARE ADVANCING Foch's Forces Steadily Pressing Back Desperately ious Entente Troops Between Aisne and Marne; ^I Resisting Enemy South of Soissons; Communications Huge Quantities of Ammunition Also Taken Serving Germans to South Severed Utpprjtlft \ V With the French Army in France, July 22.—(By the Associated Paris, July 22.—Pushing in south of Soissons, French troops have Press).—The Allied forces have taken a large number of prisoners in crossed the Soissons-Chateau Thierry road north of Villemontoire, op their offensive movement, the number being more than has been an posite Buzancy, The Temps announces to-day in describing the situa nounced, and batches of captives are arriving steadily. The number tion in the Soissons area. of unwounded prisoners alone would appear to exceed the total cas ualties of the Allied troops since the victorious advance began. The With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front, July 22 — writer has seen a large column of these prisoners coming, and from 2 p. m. (By the Associated Press).—The Germans are clinging des their appearance they certainly were picked men. perately to the line south of Soissons in an effort to protect their The number of undamaged cannon which has been taken by the flanks. Allies is very large and is constantly increasing, while at the same American troops fighting on this front have completed the cut- time large quantities of ammunition have been captured. The ad- ting of the narrow gauge railway to Chateau Thierry. vance of the armies commanded by General Mangin and General de Advancing. Goutte averages ten kilometre», while Parti. July 2!.—Th, Allied advance General Berthelot's force», smashing at sons forms the key to the German posi the other side of the pocket containing Honduras Has Joined la approaching the 8olsaona-( hatean Thierry road to the north of the point the defeated German», also are pro tion and there the enemy has concen gressing appreciably. The French. trated heavy forces for the purpose of Allies by Declaring at which , a crossing has been effected British and Americans are working in holding hick the advancing tide of the north of Villemontoire. (Villemontoire la five and a half mites south of Sols- the closest co-operation and with ab Allies. The latter, however, continue aona). ------------- solute harmony. their progress, although the fighting is War Against Germany The region Immediately south of Bois becoming heavier each hour. On the front to the weet of Soissons the situation has remained stationary. The Herman, are offering desperate Washington, July 22.—Hon roslatanae to the Allies In the entire duras, which broke diplomatie re Boissons area, as the grave conse quences to them of a withdrawal from FRENCH MILITARY CRITICS , lations with Germany on May IB, ihe town are apparent, and the strug The above map indicates the résulta so far of the Allied offensive on the westerly aide of the Boissons- followed that action last Friday gle is continuing with great *everity. Mame-Rheima front. by declaring war. The State De Pounding Hard, partment here was notified to-day the American army on the STATE GAINS MAKE BATTLE Afsne-.VWhe Front. July 22.—The of the action. poundim; process Is being continued by German Submarine the Allied forces south of Soissons, keeping the Germans uncertain from NEW GREAT MARNE VICTORY GROWING UNREST CAUSED Italians Continue moment to moment regarding the In Sent to Bettom by tention of the Allied leaders. 6013 British Destroyer to Gain Ground in Paris, July 22—Strong counter-at IN BOHEMIA AND tacks delivered by German troop* last Paris, July 22.—(Havas Agency Dispatch).—AH the military night on the front between the Ourcq eijttcs here have come to the conclusion that whatever happens now London, July 22.—The British de the Albanian Field and the Marne, in which region Cha stroyer Marne hse sunk s German teau Thierry was captured by the Al the Allied counter-offensive is a new and great vietory of the Marne. lies yesterday, were broken by Allied submarine, says a statement issued HUNGARY, IT IS REPORTED The Petit Parisien says : *1 Between the dream of a break-up of Rome, July 22.—The Italian troops forces, the War Office announced this the French array and the breaking of the German army in Iront of to-day by the Admiralty tiara. are continuing to gain ground in the afternoon. The Allied position» hove bend of the Devon--------- .JiverRiver in Albania,AI' been maintained. the French there is a differenee that perhaps even the German people the War Office here announced to-day. The enemy counter-attacks were de* ■will -perceive. —y—---------- " - __^London, July 22.—{Via British Wireless .Service.)—Very serious The advancing troops yesterday took livered from the region of Grisolles, revolts have occurred, in Bohemia md, A( Mnnums * .hundred prisoners and captured seven miles northwest of Chateau Prounei-tieTornreso V-nerrsp^piT, T,1Iinilllie fritira-'iiy.-jrr ^'WtTh èuswh» ----------•yrni.--—:-------------------- XlWtiCXg*. to tie*u-«4 44* ENEMY FORCED TO miles north of Chateau Thierry such a leader as Fnch„-who can tell to what result this new victory of 150 officers and 500 Ceecho-Slovaks who mutinied were shot aud 3,000 North of the Ourcq and between the others arrested. Marne and Rheims the enemy reaction the Marne may leadt” was limited to artillery fire. The fire Prom a reliable : iree news has come to hand that serious muti was particularly heavy in the region of Paris. July 22—With Chateau SHIFT MORE MEN the woods of Courton and Roy. Thierry has fallen one of the pivots of nies have taken place in Dalmatia and Bohemia. Juga-Slavs have .......- Artillery .Actions. the German front between the Aisne and the Marne, says f> Lrfher^w trt com departed by the wtrofesaîé ftnü escape<f toUlrè" mounfains after killing The text of the statement follows: menting dpon the new developments. German Crown Prince Com- ' During the night the Germans limit The other pivot fs Boisson a. where the their officers and other officials. Armed hands, completely organized, ON STRIKE TO-DAY ed their reaction to artillery bombard ments north of the Ourcq and north Germans are no longer secure peHed to Call on Ruprecht are said to he operating in some districts. of the Marne and Rheims. notably in French troops entered Chateau the region of the Courton and Roy Thierry Sunday morning on the heels CAMOUFLAGE DEFEAT for Help Will Be Dominion-Wide;1 No woods. of General de Mi try's patrols which Between the Ourcq and the Marrie had penetrated the town during the Deliveries Until Demands we have broken strong counter-attacks night. The departure of the Germans Seydler Cabinet iu In Four Days Seven - by German forces in the region from resembled a flight They withdMew Cologne Gazette Says Germans With the French Army in France, Are Acceded Grisolles to Benz-St. Germain We along the road towards Fere-en-Tar- have maintained our positions through Achieved Their Object July 22.—The German Crown Prince Austria Finally Has German Planes Were out the line." denots. The withdrawal is extending has been obliged to call for help from along the road from Chateau Thierry The following official report was ills cousin, Crown Prince Rupprècht issued last night: to Boissons by the way of Oulchy-le- South of Marne Got Out of Office Bagged by Frenchman The letter carriers of Victoria. Van "The battle continues under favor-, Chateau, which seems to be evacuated* of Bavaria. German divisions from couver, New Westminster, Winnipeg the_grmy in the north have been hur able conditions along the whole front and Toronto are out on strike. They between the Marne and the Aisne. ried down to protect the western flank London, July 22.—The entire Aus Paris, July 22—Lieut. Rene Fonck. will remain out until the Dominion Amsterdam, July 22.—"The with jf the defeated army which has b(,en North of the Ourcq, driving hack the trian Cabinet, headed by'.Premier von one of the leading French ace», brought Government agrees to appoint" a Board enemy, we have progressed, lighting, in drawal of our troops to the northern driven back over the Marne and eject Seydler, Has resigned, says ah Ex down two Ot rman aeroplanes on July of Conciliation and Investigation as ed from Chateau Thierry by Franco- change Telegraph dispatch from Copen the region of Villemontoire. and on the TROOPS WERE SENT bank of the Marne carne os no surprise 16. two on July 18 and three on July 19.