SOMALILAND GENDER GAP ASSESSMENT March 2019 Acknowledgements Many organisations and individuals gave crucial cooperation in the implementation of this research. The research team would like to extend their appreciation to those who volunteered their time to participate in various capacities, particularly interviewees and focus group discussion participants. This report is a production of and attributable to NAGAAD, with Oxfam providing funding and technical support and Forcier Consulting implementing the research. Thank you to the staff from each organisation involved in the production of this report. Contact: NAGAAD, Hargeisa, Somaliland.
[email protected] This report is not a legally binding document. It is a collaborative informational and assessment document and does not necessarily reflect the views of any of the contributing organisations or funding agencies in all of its contents. Any errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. Supported by: CONTENTS Acronyms 4 1. Executive Summary: The Gender Gap at a Glance 5 2. Recommendations 9 3. Introduction 11 4. Indicators for Composite Gender Gap Index 12 5. Limitations 13 6. Research Findings 14 6.1 Economic Participation 14 6.2 Economic Opportunity 19 6.3 Political Empowerment 31 6.4 Educational Attainment 37 7. Conclusion 50 8. Technical Annex 51 8.1 Methodological Framework 51 8.2 Index Calculation 52 ACRONYMS ABE Alternative Basic Education CATI Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews FGD Focus Group Discussion HAVOYOCO Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee