JAOCD July 09.Indd
Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Volume 14, Number 1 SPONSORS: ',/"!,0!4(/,/'9,!"/2!4/29s-%$)#)3 July 2009 '!,$%2-!s2!."!89 www.aocd.org Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 2008-2009 Officers President: Donald K. Tillman, Jr., D.O., FAOCD President Elect: Marc I. Epstein, D.O., FAOCD First Vice President: Leslie Kramer, D.O., FAOCD Second Vice President: Bradley P. Glick, D.O., FAOCD Third Vice President: James B. Towry, D.O., FAOCD Secretary-Treasurer: Jere J. Mammino, D.O., FAOCD Immediate Past President: Jay S. Gottlieb, D.O., FAOCD Trustees: David L. Grice, D.O., FAOCD Mark A. Kuriata, D.O., FAOCD Karen E. Neubauer, D.O., FAOCD Editors Rick Lin, D.O., FAOCD Jay S. Gottlieb, DO Suzanne Rozenberg, D.O., FAOCD Jon Keeling, DO David Geiss, D.O., FAOCD Andrew Racette, DO Executive Director: Rebecca (Becky) Mansfield Editorial Review Board Kevin Belasco, DO Sponsors: Iqbal Bukhari, MD Global Pathology Laboratory Daniel Buscaglia, DO Medicis Igor Chaplik, DO Tejas Desai, DO Galderma Brad Glick, DO Ranbaxy Melinda Greenfield, DO Andrew Hanley, MD David Horowitz, DO JAOCD Rachel Kushner, DO Founding Sponsor Mark Lebwohl, MD !/#$s%)LLINOISs+IRKSVILLE -/ Matt Leavitt, DO s&!8 WWWAOCDORG Cindy Li, DO Rick Lin, DO #/092)'(4!.$0%2-)33)/.WRITTENPERMISSIONMUSTBEOBTAINED FROMTHE*OURNALOFTHE!MERICAN/STEOPATHIC#OLLEGEOF$ERMATOLOGY Jere Mammino, DO FORCOPYINGORREPRINTINGTEXTOFMORETHANHALFPAGE TABLESORlGURES John Minni, DO 0ERMISSIONSARENORMALLYGRANTEDCONTINGENTUPONSIMILARPERMISSION
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