CFA China - Shanghai

Appreciation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Friday, 27 April 2012

Chinese painting and calligraphy has a long history. Until the invention of paper in Han dynasty, artists began to paint using a writing brush, or art brush, and gradually Chinese painting and calligraphy evolved.

CFA China is delighted that WuChangShuo Memorial (吴昌硕纪念馆) is offering us an opportunity to appreciate the works of Mr. Wu Yue who is the great-grandson of Wu ChangShuo. He will teach us the art of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.

 All the participants registering through CFA China will receive a FREE Wu Yue’s Painting Album.

Wú Chāngshuò (吴昌硕) Wu Changshuo (September 12, 1844 - November 29, 1927) is the name for which Wu Junqing is best known. He was born in to a scholarly family and toward the end of the Qing he served as an official in . He settled in in his twenties.

Initially, he devoted himself to poetry and calligraphy with a strong interest in early scripts. He also led a society of -carvers. Only later did he consider himself a painter and became associated with a school of artistic expression. As a painter, he was noted for helping rejuvenate the art of painting flowers and birds, and he considered seal-carving and doing paintings to be integrated with each other. His works have garnered him with fame and he is highly regarded in Japan.

Don’t miss this event! We hope to see you there!

About the Speaker:

Mr. Wu Yue is the great-grandson of Mr. Wu Changshuo. Mr. Wu Yue has learned Chinese painting since his young childhood from his father and other famous artists in Chinese painting such as Mr. Wang Geyi and Mr. Cao Jianlou. He is also the executive Curator of Wu Changshuo Memorial and member of Xiling Engraves. He has been invited to Japan many times to give lectures on Mr. Wu Changshuo’s art works.

吴越,吴昌硕先生曾孙,1958 年生,祖籍浙江安吉。现任上海吴昌硕纪念馆执行馆长、西泠印社社员。幼年时受 祖父吴东迈、父亲吴长邺的指导和家庭的艺术熏陶开始习画,后得到艺术大师王个簃先生和曹简楼先生的亲授,专 攻吴昌硕先生的艺术,在绘画方面以牡丹、紫藤、杜鹃、水仙见长,构图、设色喜以明快厚重。1992 年至 1994 赴日本讲学,至今每年受邀赴日本数次,讲授吴昌硕艺术。其作品多次赴日本参加“吴昌硕四代书画艺术展”深受 业界好评。其创作的数十件绘画作品,现被日本九州市美术馆、朝仓文夫纪念馆、福冈县国际交流协会等收藏。 2007 年春,代表中国艺术家赴匈牙利参加匈牙利友好年开幕式。作为吴氏后裔和艺术工作者,还将努力学习,潜 心研修,开拓创新。

The details are as follows:

When: Friday, 27 April, 2012 6:45-7:15 p.m.: Registration 7:15-8:00 p.m.: Presentation on Appreciation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy 8:00-9:00 p.m.: Appreciate the Art Works

Where: No. 1, Lane 181, Tai Cang Road, LuWan District (MTR line 1, South HuangPi Road Station, Exit 2, 5 minutes’ walk) 卢湾区太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 1 号楼(近马当路) (地铁 1 号线黄陂南路 2 号出口, 步行 5 分钟)

Fee: FREE of charges

Capacity: 50 Pax

Dress Code: Business Casual

Map: Please refer to this LINK.


Advance booking is required. Places will be secured on a first-come-first-served basis.

To register for this event, please send an email titled “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy” to [email protected]. Please include your name, member/candidate no., company name, telephone number, event name and total no. of participants.

For all other inquiries, please contact Ms. Lynn Lin on +86 21 5116 7150.