Guidelines for climate analysis and vulnerability assessment at local level The Master Adapt perspective and the focus on North Salento L. Barbieri1, F. Giordano,1 V. Lucia1 , 1Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Keywords: vulnerability assessment, methodology, mainstreaming, Master Adapt. Presenting author email:
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[email protected] Abstract The LIFE Master Adapt project aims to implement the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation within Italian local authorities. The project brings together eight partners (local administrations, universities and research institutions) and focuses on seven local areas (regions, metropolitan areas and groups of municipalities). For more information on the project see the website One of its main deliverables is the document that outlines the guidelines for climate analysis and vulnerability assessment at a regional and local level [1], which should help local authorities prepare their own analyses and assessments, in keeping with the project’s main aim of mainstreaming climate change adaptation. This paper seeks first to describe these guidelines and secondly to focus on the analysis carried out in North Salento, which is one of the target areas of the project. The guidelines The guidelines’ document builds on the climate analysis produced for the previous deliverable of the project, the report on climate analysis and vulnerability assessment results in the pilot region (Sardinia Region) and in the areas targeted in Action C3 [2]. These guidelines are addressed to local administrators who may not have a background on climate science, therefore they must be clear and easy to understand. For instance, when the main text touches a concept that needs to be analysed in depth, a text box containing further information on that topic follows the paragraph.