Accommodation a 395
Accommodation A 395 Index Page numbers in bold indicate extensive coverage of the subject A Aqueduct, 220 central, 274 cerebral (of Sylvius), 10, 132, cerebellar Accommodation, 362, 363 134, 282 inferior negative, 362 Arachnoidea mater, 290 anterior, 272 positive, 362 spinal, 64 posterior, 272 Acetylcholine (ACh), 26, 148, Arbor vitae, 10, 154 superior, 272 296, 316 Archicerebellum, 152 cerebral nicotinic receptor, 30, 31 Archicortex, 208, 232–237,336 anterior, 272, 274, 276 Acetylcholinesterase, 28, 148 rudimentary, 336 middle, 272, 274, 276 Adaptation Archipallium, 208–210 posterior, 272, 274, 276 light–dark, 362 Architectonics, 246 choroidal near–far, 362 Area(s) anterior, 272, 274, 276 Adenohypophysis, 200 association, 210 posterior, 276 Adhesion, interthalamic, 10, auditory ciliary, 350 174 primary, 384 anterior, 350 Adrenergic system, 296 secondary, 384 posterior Agnosia, 252 Broca’s motor speech, 250, long, 350 visual, 338 251 short, 350 Agraphia, 264 cortical, 246, 247 communicating Alexia, 264 dorsocaudal, 194 anterior, 272 Allocortex, 246 entorhinal, 226, 230, 234, posterior, 272, 276 Alveus, 232, 234, 236 246 frontobasal Alzheimer’s disease, 32 motor, 180, 250, 251 lateral, 274 Ampullae, membranous, 372 motosensory, 248, 250 medial, 274 Amusia, 264 of origin, 210 hyaloid, 346 Amygdala, 174, 176, 218, olfactory, 172, 176, 214, 230 hypophysial 228–231 optic integration, 256 inferior, 200, 274 subnuclei, 228 orbitofrontal, 248 superior, 200, 272, 274 Analgesia, 68 parolfactory, 336 insular, 274 Anesthesia, 74 periamygdalar, 226,
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