
൜൫ํĄ໋൜ࢇ୴၈ǖ Đᒦਪࡼီஏተሷđ CEIBS Chair Professor of EU-China Dialogue Romano Prodi Speaks on “China’s Image in the World”

ಸྦڔ / ᆪ

ஙࠔLjᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔጙྙ଒ᆁ࢐༿౶೫๏ றݨࡼ୅ஊăᑚܭᒴᔢᒮ೟଀ࡼᑶᒤଜ༄౶ख ࠨ༿ࡵࡼဵ๏ටᆕᏋ્༄ᓍᇳĂፀࡍಽ༄ᔐಯ ൜൫ํ·໋൜ࢇ৅ሆLjჇጲᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ ๏ට୴ᇳ୴၈ࡼ࿽॑ᆐᒦ๏ࡼኧညਜ਼ቅᎍඣᔫ ೫ዝ୚Ljጲሆ௓ဵ໋൜ࢇᏴ࿟਱ਜ਼۱யݬଝᒦ ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ૚ࣅဟ஠ቲዝ୚ਜ਼୻၊ݧषࡼ றݨຢࣤă

খ࿖ᒦਪᏴ๏ᒴਜ਼ཝီஏࡼተሷ Ⴧඣጐ્࣪ᒦਪޘညঌෂ፝ሷăᑚᒬঌෂ፝ሷᓍገ౶ᔈள ଍ށෂLj૾ཽඣཱྀᆐᒦਪ࠭๏ᒴਜ਼ᇝऱီஏ༔ᔓ೫৔ᔫ૦ ອăޘǖᒰჅᒲᒀLjᒦਪဵጙৈ૵໚আᏭࡼ ્Lj૞ᑗᒦਪሶ๏ᒴਜ਼ᇝऱီஏਭ߲ࣞాڱஆக౷Ą೵ஆ ਪଜLj჈ࡼተሷፐࠥጐࡀᏴᓄࣶඈࣲᒄࠀăᒦਪဵቤီஏ Ꭷࠥሤ࣪።ࡼጐᎌጙᒬᑶᒤऱෂࡼᒎᐊLj૾࡛ቦᒦਪ Lj࠭ऻᒴᒇࡵฉගLjᑚዹ્ຼޝDžݙࡣᏴၫ ጯ஠ంီஏ৉࢐ჅᎌࡼှޠࡼჁ፬ăதଂฤᒦਪࡼ஠ݛDŽฤ௿10%ࡼᐐ ડီஏ௿ဴă……ࡣဵᆸཱྀᆐᑚᒬఘजݙᒋጙ៷Ljፐᆐ჈ ڤ೟࿟ဵரཽࡼLjᏴᒠ೟࿟ጐလॊ߲ᒰăཝီஏ࣒࣪۱ய ऎޠ߲ă၅ሌLjᆸඣገᆐᒦਪฤ௿10%ࡼᐐڻଜ࣒ᓖፀࡵLjᒦਪྙ ဣᒠ࿟ധ࣊ފᏥ્ரშݙጯăჅᎌࡼᑶᒤଜਜ਼਋ ᇝĂ፝ࣞਜ਼ᅉऐ໚DžLjگਪૹᅍጯज़਒ݙᏳLj ঢቝ࿟࢓Ljྙਫ඗ᎌᒦਪDŽጲૺڭ——ஙጯဵཝཆ௼ݽৢᄴᄏࡼጙᏋ ሚᏴख੓ဗഎࡼဵ۞౪ᒦਪᏴดࡼ20ਪૹᅍăభဵLjႲᓹ กඐီஏள଍୓્ጙ•ݙᑩă ᒦਪࡼଝႥखᐱLjཽඣጐఎဪ࡛ᎃǗႲᓹཽඣఎဪ࡛ᎃLj ᑞᑵݙಽࡼጙෂ໚ဣᑵੑሤनǖᒦਪથݙ৫༓ࡍࡵถ


BY LAURIE UNDERWOOD This spring, CEIBS continued to benefit from the insights shared by one of Europe’s most senior statesmen – former European Commission President and former Italian Prime Minister His Excellency Romano Prodi – as he spoke to students and alumni as part of his Chair Professorship at CEIBS. Read on for excerpts from recent lectures and interviews delivered during CEIBS events in Shanghai and Beijing.

On improving China’s image powers and are acting as regional powers. So we are at the in Europe and the world forefront of a world that is multi-polar, both in the economic and political field. Romano Prodi: Clearly, China is such a complex If you ask what we can do to change the [negative] country that its image, by definition, is contradictory. image, I think when China has shown itself, its image has China is a symbol of the new world. The progress of the become positive. As a general suggestion, the best choice past years has not only been incredible in quantitative is [for China] to open up – in terms of media, in terms of terms – 10% growth per year – but also in quality. knowledge, in terms of art, in terms of literature, in terms Everybody in the world admired the Beijing Olympic of news, in terms of society. When the Beijing Olympics Games. All politicians and observers notice that China is started, I was in a Sicilian village assisting on TV now a member of all the most important deciding bodies [commentary]. The sense of wonder and admiration – the G8 has disappeared and now the G20 decides. But shown by people for what they were looking at – it was when things change so quickly, people become afraid. absolutely unique. China was not seen as something to And when people are afraid, they tend to have a negative hate but something to admire. And clearly, the same is for reaction. This negative reaction is concentrated on the many delicate political issues. I think China must be economic aspects: [a belief that] China is stealing [jobs] more and more present not only around the G20 table from Europe and the West, or China is unduly exporting but vis-a-vis public opinion, to explain what China is too much to Europe and the West. doing – its goals and, of course, also its problems. In parallel, there is also a severe opinion on the political side – [a fear that] China is now entering every On China increasing its market in the world, from Africa to South America, and international visibility will undermine world equilibrium. … But I don’t think there are good reasons to share in this opinion and there I think China should be more visible are many contractions in this opinion. First of all, in [internationally] because there is more to gain than to terms of growth, thank God China is growing 10% per lose. Certainly when you are under a microscope, there year. Without China – and Brazil, India and Turkey – the are also some drawbacks. For example, when you show world economy would be in complete disarray. yourself on a big TV screen of 40 inches, you see all the The true negative aspect is actually the reverse: China defects of your skin, you see what is wrong with your is not big enough to balance, alone, the lack of growth of nose… but you also see your expression, and your words the Western world. From the political point of view, we are much more visible and clear. And China, now from are at the forefront of a deep change. …We have now the political point of view …it would be useful to passed from a mono-polar world to a multi-polar world. describe the [government’s] strategy for developing the This is already true not only of China and India but also undeveloped regions of China. It is not known …whether of Brazil and Turkey. These countries are much more there will be a new policy for farmers, a move for more independent than before. They are becoming regional equality in the country. This has not been explained, and

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 55 ਌ಯ༄ዘ

৫ࣖᔈఝੰᇝऱီஏள଍ሸᄟࡼ࢐ݛă࠭ᑶᒤऱෂ౶ఘLj ሳLj๏ᒴᏴખᄾᓾဵᒦਪᒮገࡼᄾ ᆸඣᑵᏴጙޝ࿾రܤুࡼ༄ᇪă……ီஏጯ࠭࡝૵છሶࣶ ᓾሲ෹ăሚᏴLjᒦਪఎဪᏴ๏ᒴᄾ భ਋ࡼăޟᇝਜ਼ᅉऐ໚ࡼखᐱᒦ௓భ ᓾLj໚ᄾᓾᐐႥဵऻگ૵છखᐱLjᏴᒦਪਜ਼፝ࣞጲૺ ጲఘ߲Ljᑚጙཋဴጯ߅ᆐሚဣăᑚቋਪଜܤࡻ܈ጲᆁৎଝ భဵLj෹༄Ᏼ๏ᒴ݀඗ᎌ໋ܩ LjڹࣖೂᔈᓍLj݀ᑵᏴ߅ᆐཌᎮቶ༓ਪ૞ጲཌᎮቶ༓ਪࡼ࿽॑ ጙᒘࡼ࣪ખᑶᒤᐵ൒ăᆸී ෂ࿟࣒ဵ ᑚݙဵᒦਪࡼᆰᄌăᆰᄌᏴ᎖๏ށखિᓹᔫ፿ăᆸඣჅෂ೹ࡼီஏᏴள଍ਜ਼ᑶᒤ ጙৈࣶ૵છီஏă ᒴࡩ༄ࡼተဴ——๏ᒴᑵࠀ᎖ள กඐ።কྙੜখܤᒦਪࡼঌෂተሷǛᆸཱྀᆐLjࡩᒦਪ ଍আႡᒄᒦLjऎ༦ᎅ᎖๏Ꮔࡼ Ᏼီஏᇎგ࿟ᐱာज़ݧࡼဟ઀Lj჈ࡼተሷᑵᏴޫᑵෂখ ஜᐽ༽ౚLj஠ᐱလॊદൻǗᎧࠥ ࡻৎఎ ᄴဟLjᎧ๏ᒴறߋᅍஉࡼไೆሤܤ࿖ăጙৈᔐᄏࡼ୐ፇ௓ဵLjᒦਪࡼᔢଛݽ൒።ဵ हLjᏴ඙ᄏĂᒀဤĂጳၣĂᆪኧĂቤᆫਜ਼࿷્ࢀऱෂ஠ጙ नLj੪ࣶਪଜ߲ሚ೫෍ᔙᓍፃআ ߲ሚ೫ጙᒬቤࡼܩᏥ્ఎ෵ဟLjᆸᑵᏴᇝᇝಱࡲࡼጙৈ࠿ᓣ Ⴁ༷ሶă๏ᒴ໋ڤݛఎहă۱ய ۾Ꮵ્ࡼીહஶሷLjกᒬ ቦზǖ࣪᎖ጤ෍ࡼ఺௫ăᑚቋ૥ڤಱྀ࡛࢟၁ຶ൙ଘܶǗཽඣఘࡵ ๏ටጙᄏછࡼፐႤăႁဣڏᏥ્࿟Ⴥᐱာࡼᒦਪ݀ऻഎ ࿟௓ဵवڤࡼă܈༩๽ਜ਼ሟ෷ဵᇄጲൕ ঢࡵ॓᳷LjऎဵཱཽུዞሟݙጯǗ੪ීመLjᏴ੪ࣶᆈ්ࡼ જLjᆸ࣪ࠥ݀ݙரወLjፐᆐ๏ටጙᄏછཽ ᑶᒤᆰᄌ࿟ጐဵྙࠥăᆸཱྀᆐᒦਪ።Ᏼ20ਪૹᅍࡼტ๨ᓴ ܏ிဵጙৈᄖड࢐঄ࡼ௤ࡍܤછLjፀᆜᓹ ࿟ৎଝ૩૵Ljऎ༦።ৎᒇ୻࢐ႁී໚ᑶᒤႫཇLjஊျᒦਪ খܤሚࡔਪଜਜ਼෍ᔙࡼগศLjኊገ੪ޠࡼဟ ᑵᏴᔪဠඐLj჉ᎌ෾ቋ෹ܪLjથࡀᏴ෾ቋᆰᄌă ମ౶஠ቲǗጲ෍ᓍࡼऱါ౶஠ቲLjก௓ኊገৎ ޠࡼဟମ೫ăჅጲLjᆸ࣪ᒦ๏ਈᇹࡼᎾހ௓ဵǖ ᒦਪ።ᇢ፛ਪଔᓖፀೆ ᎍੑĂ࣪ࢀĂઑᓐ੝ᔫLjࠥᅪ݀ᇄ໚ჇǗୂ᎖๏ ᒴࡩ༄ࡼ౩ஹLjᒦ๏ਈᇹ୓ݙ્߲ሚᇹᄻቶࡼཝෂਜ਼ ᆸཱྀᆐᒦਪ።࿸जᇢ፛ৎࣶࡼਪଔᓖፀೆLjፐᆐᑚዹ ቕă ăৼ཭୻၊ਪଔ࿷્ࡼຶᄿອᔗ્ࡒ౶ጙቋݙܗᔪಽࡍ᎖ ฝࡼ೓हᏴጙৈ40፞ࡁࡼࡍݨ࢟࿟߲஻௓્ ๏ටኊገดݝᅍஉڳးLj௓ስ ࡻݙ৫Ꮲ߂……ࡣဵฝጐޠᔇ܇መာ߲ບ२ལሡLjመာ߲ ถৎ༹ᇠ࢐ఘࡵฝࡼܭ༽Ljฝࡼજጐܤࡻৎᎌᇢ፛ೆĂৎ ๏ᒴႰ཭၊ࡵ೫੪ࣶຒຶLjࡣ྆ဵཝཆᔢࡍࡼள଍ ᎌ቉ਫă࣪᎖ᒦਪ౶ႁLjᏴᑶᒤऱෂLjஊျᑶঀ࣪་खࡉ ᄏăᆸඣDŽ๏ටDžᎌ1.496ጸཽాLjਪดညޘᔐᒋĂ৔ጓ ᒋĂ߲ా௿௙ီஏ࢒ጙăᆸඣဵီஏள଍ᒦ၅ཐጙᒎࡼޘ ඣ௓ݙᒀࡸᎌཽྙ܈ᎌᔫ፿ࡼLjޟ࢐ཌࡼఎखᐵ൒௓ဵऻ Ljᑚ፬ሰ೫ᆸඣࡼ቉ޠ඗ᎌᑣ࣪แ෍ࡼቤᑶݽLjဵ॥ݧན೫ࡅဗᏴཝਪपᆍดᐐ ඏጵဣᄏLjࡣဵᆸඣࡼ௼ݽਭ߈ྑ ౥ࡼ܀஠ຳࢀăDŽᒦਪᑶঀDž඗ᎌ௓ᑚቋᆰᄌᔫ߲ਭஊျLjࡣဵ ൈăࡣဵᆸݙཱྀᆐ๏ට୓્ᏼ၊ள଍ሆઘฅᒗள଍ Ljऎ༦๏ට৉ਪࡼݤܒᑚቋᆰᄌਈᇹࡵᒦਪࡼ6ጸཽాLjჅጲᆸཱྀᆐ።কࡻࡵஊ ෘᏥă๏Ꮔ୓ଖኚ࡛ࡩီஏᓍገૡ ျă ᑶߜᔊଝ໦౶ጐᏐࢅ᎖ගਪ૞፞ਪࡼݤᑶߜᔊă ኍᒜࢾ߲৉ਪᅍஉ੝ᔫࡼ૩૵ᑶݽă๏ܘࡩ཭Lj๏ᒴ ޟ૏ൈᆰᄌጐ୓ဵऻܒጲৎᆐఱ਋ࡼზࣞ౶ࠀಯཽ෍ ᎌᔫ፿ࡼăྙਫᒦਪ၂ᅄᐐଝดኊĂᄋဍཽ෍ည૚ၺຳLj ᒴဵጙৈ੪ࡍࡼှޝăᄴဟLj჈ጐဵጙৈ፱ᎌ༓ࡍᑶᒤ༅ ᒦਪࡼඏጵຳੰLjऎᑚݙኊገྀੜཽᆐছ ೆࡼဣᄏLjభᇫ჈࿠ᆚဣሚᑚጙ༅ೆăஉਫ௓ဵLj๏ᒴ࣪ܤกඐళࢾ્খ Ꮎ௓્፬ሰ૏ൈăᆸଫቧᒦਪ୓౶ݙࡣ્ጲ“፮ဣೆ”ऎ༦ ᎖ᒮࡍࡼཝཆᐵ൒ቶᆰᄌ݀ᇄࣶࡍજᎫཚă෹༄ཝီஏࡼ ጲ“ྟဣೆ”Ᏼီஏ࿟खિ፬ሰă ེ࢛ᇄጧဵᒦࣁăᒦࣁᏴ࢐ಯ࿟ణத๏ᒴLjऎݙဵගਪǗ્ భဵᏴஊ௼ᒦࣁᆰᄌࡼࡂ࿜ᒦLj๏ටལचજᎫཚă ඏጵLjᆸඣဵီஏ࢒ጙLjᆸྙ܈ᒦਪሆጙݛ።Ᏼੜࠀᓹ၄ ᏴཚೆૹᒦࡼഌᎮLj ྙ܈ඣᎌᅲ࿖ࡼᑶݽਜ਼༓ࡍࡼજᎫཚăభဵᏴ໚ჇഌᎮLj ಯ્Lj๏ᒴࡼཚೆᐌݙ஧ྙڔᇹᄻ૞፬ሰೊ੝ਪܒᆸᇧᆃᒦਪᏴపኧऱෂནࡻᅃຼăᒦਪᏴखᐱపଆဣ খুૡ ೆऱෂᔪ߲೫௤ࡍࡼĂࣶऱෂࡼ߅௓LjᆸᎾ໐੪౐௓્ᎌ ཽፀă ᑩॐཽቦࡼ߅ਫăᆸᇧᆃᎌጙᄖᆸࣗۨᒓဟถࡻᒀᒦਪప ᆸႁጙୈરෙࡼူǖ20ਪૹᅍᒦᎌ7ৈ๏ᒴਪଜLjభဵ ኧଜᔫ߲೫ᆖࡍࡼపኧखሚă ྙਫᎌཽॊᇜጙሆᔢதࡼ20ਪૹᅍ௼ݽஉਫLj௓ถखሚ๏ᒴ Ᏼᔢதࡼଂࠨ௼ݽᒦ࣒෦෦ᇄᆫăᑚቋ௼ݽᒦᎌගਪࡼဉ ൫ਜ਼ઈ஝ჸگڤᒦ๏ਈᇹ༄ஶ ፒLjᎌᒦਪࡼဉፒLjჅᎌࡼ඙ᄏ࣒ۨࡸ೫ ࡼೂޝă཭ऎLj7ৈ๏ᒴਪଜ৉ႁ৉ࡼLj੝Ᏼጙ໦௓඗೫ဉ ಼࠭ဥ࿟౶ఘLjᒦ๏ਈᇹጙሶဵᎍੑࡼă๏ᒴ෹༄ဵ ፒăᆸᏴ፞ਪĖ஘ྌဟۨėࡼጙຠᆪᐺᒦႁී೫ᆸࡼ਋࢛ǖ ಯ્ᒦᐴᎌጙৈೊ੝ᇳᆡăڔݚᒦਪࡍ୾ቃ ๏ᒴ።Ᏼೊ੝ਪܩޱLj๏ᒴᒜᐆࡼ໱ޝອࡼᔢࡍှޘᒦਪ


THANK GOD CHINA IS GROWING 10% PER YEAR. WITHOUT CHINA – because this impacts more than 600 million people, I think it should be AND BRAZIL, INDIA AND TURKEY – explained. THE WORLD ECONOMY WOULD BE IN This would also help to deal in a more objective manner with the COMPLETE DISARRAY. problem of the RMB exchange rate. If you push internal demand and you lift people’s living standard, you certainly change the country’s trade So my forecast for Europe-China relations is: good, balance. [This in turn can] parallel, friendly working between EU and China, but influence the exchange rate without nothing more. We will not see systemic synergy because any artificial change. [In the future,] I do of all the difficulties of Europe. think China will be known more and more not only for hard power but also soft power. On the need for unity within the EU

On where China should next In spite of all the criticism, Europe is still #1 in the focus its efforts world economy. We are only 149.6 million people but we are still #1 in the world in terms of GDP, #1 in industrial I do expect some breakthroughs from the production, #1 in exports. Clearly we could play a great scientific side of the society. The effort [from China] on trading role in the world economy, but we are slow in developing the scientific [capability] is so big and so decision- making and this makes us less efficient. I don’t diffuse that I do expect some big results very soon. I think think Europe is headed for disarray or disaster. The Euro that someday, I will read in the paper that Chinese will go on, and if you take the European deficits together, scientists have discovered something big. they are much less than those in America or Britain. Still, [Europe] needs to elaborate an active policy in On the outlook for Europe-China relations which we work together. Europe is a big market. It is a potential political power but it is unable to exercise this If you look back in history, the relationship has role. The result is that, concerning the most important always been good. Europe is now the biggest market for global strategic issues, we are not present in the Chinese products, you see European cars everywhere in discussion. China, and European investments are visible. And If you think of the hottest spot to watch now, it is the Chinese investment in Europe is now starting and the Middle East. The Middle East is close to Europe speed of increase is absolutely remarkable. geographically, not the US. But in the discussions, the EU But there is no common strategic political agenda is not there. [toward China, in Europe]. Clearly in this case, In the fields in which the power is concentrated – like I cannot blame China. The problem is the current trade – we are still #1 in the world, and we have a good situation in Europe— it is a moment in which the policy and a strong voice. But in other fields, such as continent is rebuilding itself. It is a time of slow progress reforming the monetary system, or influencing the UN because of the tension of the Euro … and because, after Security Council, Europe has less and less power. the effort for real European unity, nationalistic nostalgia Let me give you an absurdity: around the G20 table, is coming back in many countries. The fear of there are 7 Europeans. But if you analyze the recent immigration is a new sentiment going around the results, Europe in the last sessions had no voice. You had continent. the American voice, the Chinese voice – all the media So, you have elements that are slowing down the EU covered Obama and Hu. But because the 7 Europeans unification. I am not surprised, honestly, because to make each spoke separately, they had no voice. My idea, which such an enormous change – to change the concept of I have written about in a piece in the Financial Times, is modern state and the concept of nation – needs a lot of that it is time for Europe to hold one united seat on the time. And to do so in a democratic way, needs a lot of time. UN Security Council.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 57 ಿዐ௅ ਌ಯ༄ዘښ

ޝಿዐ௅ǖ৕యᒦਪທௌှښ CEIBS Case Study: Cracking China’s Market

ᆸඣ൸ટᔈ੎࢐ኝݚLjᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔᎧ൱ళᇣૺ഍ጙଜறኡᏸᓐ໩ጓ੝ᔫᓟቖࡼጙᇹ೰ ᆆ፞݇DŽᒦਪDž৛ႊࡼᒦڻۋಿ஑࿬೫ᆸᏔ੝ᔫ૛ښಿዐ௅ࡼ࢒ጙຠጓጯ࿁༴ăᑚጙఎ࿍ښ ਪᐵ൒Lj࿾ྜྷເᇜ೫௥ᎌ௤ࡍှޝྏ೟Ă঱ज़ሙĂ঱݇ដቶࡼᒦਪທௌቲጓă CEIBS proudly announces the release of the first in a series of jointly written case studies with McKinsey and Company plus a selected Corporate Sponsor. The debut case focuses on China’s high volume, high risk, high stakes beer business by profiling the China strategy of CEIBS partner company Anheuser Busch In Bev. Read on for excerpts.

ฤ4ᏜLjጙଜᒦᓾݝॊ఼৹ࡼທ DŽPer JensterDž݇ိᎧᄴူ኏ಙຳሌည੝ᔫᓟቖLj৙঱਌ ಿښăޝኧᏋඣ஍ጲყᄀྙੜ৕య౩ซᒮᒮࡼᒦਪທௌှ ۦௌອ๞ࡿ࿟೫ཝཆሾ၉ਊంࡼ ᆆ፞݇ڻᆆ፞݇ǖᒦਪࡼ࢒ྯࠨሿॅুෘėLjᏴڻᆆ፞݇DŽᒦਪDž৛ ᄌᆐĖڻ2009ᔭLjཱུ۞౪ ࿜࣒ࡅ၄ݙૺ——Ⴧ DŽᒦਪDž৛ႊਜ਼൱ళᇣ৛ႊࡼ቏ᔫሆ߅ᆪă჈፛ࡴኧᏋඣޘႊDŽAB InBevDžᏴดࡼჅᎌທௌည ᆆ፞݇௼ࢾ୓ᑚ఩ᒾ཭ ყኰ“ᒦਪࡼທௌሿॅᑗኊገဠඐǛ”Lj݀Ᏼࠥ૥߻࿟૮खڻăޝඣᐒཱྀᆐທௌᏴᒦਪ඗ᎌှ ဍ໦ࡼቤቩ——ኩઔທௌ၁ᆐீᑱ࣪၄LjᎤጲ፩ᄿᄼૣLj ࡍଜࡼᄀ൙ă ᔏಂಱLjᔫᑗૄႩ೫ᔈ࿟ޝಿఎᄿࡼᒦਪທௌှښ૾ဧဵᏴ࣪ऱࡼ࢐๤࿟ጐገጙ௼঱ሆă Ᏼ ă୻ᓹဵᑣ࣪ুܤಿᎅᏇᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔᐵ൒਌ಯኧ୴၈ዔ๸ᆪ ီଗທௌ஠ྜྷᒦਪཽࡼည૚ጲ౶खညࡼښ۾ ှޝॊীĂਪดਪଔீᑱĂቲጓཋဴࢀᆰᄌࡼ࿾ྜྷॊᇜă ႲઁLjᆰᄌॳ߲ၺෂ——ᔫᆐ2009ฤ༄ཝཆᔢࡍࡼፙ೯ည ᆆ፞݇DŽᒦਪDž৛ႊ୓࡛ࡩੜᒬ୯ྻǛڻ࿜ରॊሾ࿜Ljޘ


ᆆ፞݇዇ვཌᔐݡইඑ఑ሌညਜ਼ઈంৢᄴዝڻ2010ฤ8Ꮬ18྇Ljਮऑܵທௌ110ᒲฤཀ࢜໪ࣅăᅄᆐ ፍ“ਮທ࢒ጙ” Harbin Beer hold its 110th Anniversary Celebrations on August 18th 2010. President of AB InBev APAC Mr. Miguel Patricio and Mr. Hu Jun show “Harbin Beer is the best!” together.


n April 2009, when a partly Chinese-owned brand became the world’s best selling beer, global brewers – who once saw the China market as less than welcoming – were caught completely off guard. IAnheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) was among them, and was determined to take on this fast-rising star, Snow Beer, head on even on its own turf. In a CEIBS case developed for classroom discussion by Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management Dr. Per V. Jenster and Research Fellow Raymond Xu, company executives explore how to crack China’s tough beer market. The case, titled “AB InBev: The Third Chinese Consumer Revolution”, was compiled in collaboration with AB InBev and McKinsey & Co. It stimulates discussion based on a search for answers to the crucial question: what do Chinese beer consumers want? The case begins with a comprehensive look at China’s beer market, tracing its evolution since the brew first splashed into Chinese beer mugs a century ago. After an in-depth analysis of issues including market segmentation, domestic and international competition, and industry trends, the case raises the question of the role that could be played by AB InBev – the world’s better than other beer brands such as and Bud- largest beverage manufacturer and distributor by 2009. Light. The amazing growth of the Snow brand had been contrary to the predictions of some industry observers who CASE STUDY EXCERPT had not foreseen the opportunities for a national brand in China – especially in light of the rather poor performance of Francisco Cava, VP Pacific at Anheuser-Busch InBev, , a former partner of Anheuser-Busch. had been so busy these past six months, ever since InBev Maybe it was time to re-examine the Chinese consumers had acquired Anheuser-Bush in November 2008, that he and the dynamics of the Chinese beer market to refocus the had hardly had time to follow all the news in the business efforts of his firm, Mr Cava thought. … press. But today, April 1, 2009, the headlines on the business news site Alibaba.com caught his attention AB InBev in China immediately: “Snow Brand, jointly owned by China Resources and SAB, is now the world’s best selling beer By 2009, AB InBev was the world’s largest beverage with a market share of 17.8%!” Mr Cava was both manufacturer and distributor, with 120,000 employees. surprised and unsettled by this news. How had this The company owned over 200 beer brands globally (see change happened so fast? Snow had sold about 6.1 billion kiloliters of beer in 2008, an astonishing 19.1% better than a year earlier and far


TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 59 ಿዐ௅ ਌ಯ༄ዘښ

2008ฤLjኩઔທௌཝਪሾ೟Ꮦ61ጸ໻ဍLj୷࿟ฤᐐޠ ڻᆆDŽBudweiserDžਜ਼ڻ19.1%Ljᑚৈഎཽᐟ࿰ࡼၫᔊLj୓ ᆆࡥທDŽBud-LightDžࢀອ๞ᏐᏐၲᏴ࿽ઁăኩઔທௌࡼர ࡼᎾ೯——Ⴧඣ඗ိཽފ஠ݛLjᅲཝݙ९੝෭ቋጓด਋ཽ ਱ႅ-ݚᇧ৛ႊڔᅉອ๞ࡼ૦ᎲLjᄂܰဵᏴ۾ᎌᎾ୅ࡵᒦਪ ሚच࿖భ޾ࡼ༽ተሆă૞኏Ljܭޝ༴ࡲທௌှۋ༄੝ᔫ૛ ሚᏴ።কᒮቤఠފᒦਪທௌှޝࡼሿॅᑗਜ਼ࣅೆLjࢯᑳ໩ ጓࡼᓍࡌ࣪ሷǛఌᅧሡྜྷ࿾ႈ……


࿜ରॊሾޘᆆ፞݇ጯဵཝཆᔢࡍࡼፙ೯ညڻ2009ฤLj ࿜Lj፱ᎌ12ᅺ෗Ꮛ৔LjᏴཝཆ፱ᎌ200ࣶৈທௌອ๞DŽ୅ᆪ ᆆ፞݇ࡼ዇ვॊᑽሆሁᒦਪĂਹਪĂቤᇝ౾ਜ਼ڻDžăౖ۾ ਱ႅ-ݚᇧ৛ႊ৛ݚଐચLjڔࡍಽ዇႐࢐ă2009ฤ4ᏜLjڦ ሲ෹༄໐ᄾྜྷ4000ᅺගޣ߂৛ႊ୓࣪ᒦਪ੡۱ࡼቤທௌ ᆆ፞݇ Ꮔă2009ฤ6ᏜLjক৛ႊ୓Ⴥߒ࿩೟༴ࡲທௌ৹॑ጲ6ጸගڻᆆ፞݇ਈ᎖ڻਈ᎖ ਱ႅ-ݚᇧ৛ႊᏴખ፱ڔᏄࡼଥৃ၉Ꭴޫ྇ທௌਜ਼޾खၥă ᆆĂਮڻ۴యĂޘਜ਼ೝᔭਐᓤᒦቦLjညޣᆆ፞݇ဵጙଜ࿟ှ৛ႊDŽम๏ᑺཡୣጵჅࡔ ᎌ32ଜፙ೯ଝ৔ڻ ಽဟറᦇLjሤਈගਪࡀᅘ ऑܵĂኩசĂၷഷĂKKĂᒿ୕Ă݇಍๞ທௌ……৛ႊᏴખ܈൩ǖABIDžLjᔐݝᆡ᎖ ິᑺᏴ฾ᏖᑺཡୣጵჅऔࠨ࿟ှDŽࡔ൩ǖBUDDžă ፱ᎌ3.46ᅺ෗৽ᏋLj߅ᆐጙഗທௌညޘ࿜ᒦࡼ಑ࡍLjᏴᇝ ᆆ፞݇ဵཝཆഌሌࡼสௌᒜᐆ࿜Ljጐဵཝཆᇋࡍ ۱ਜ਼ࣁฉ࢐ཌᐴ௣ᎁဴ࢐ᆡăڻ ሿॅອ৛ႊᒄጙLj໢ሆள፦ᓹ200ࣶৈອ๞Lj໚ᒦ ᒦਪှޝீᑱǖ1949ฤLj ᒦਪᒑᎌ8ଜທௌ৛ႊLjှ ਖෝ౫ޝ৙።೟7000࣬ᔧᎎăࡵ1979ฤᆐᒏLjᒦਪࡼှޝ ᆆĂဟࡔ()Ă۴యທௌࢀཝཆ໢ڻ౪۞ ୊ອ๞Ǘ LeffeĂHoegaardenࢀኸႥ߅ޠࡼోਪޥሾ ࡍࡵ40ᅺ࣬Ljᎌ90ଜທௌညޘ໩ጓLj໚ᒦᒑᎌೝଜޘ೟ࡉ5 ዏޟLj৙ݙ።ཇࡼᓨౚऻޝဵ൲ऱှޝອ๞ǗጲૺBud LightĂSkolĂBrahmaĂQuilmesĂ ᅺ࣬ăᒦਪທௌှ ໩ጓޘMichelobĂਮऑܵທௌĂኩசĂCassĂKlinskoyeĂ ᒮă࿟ီଗ80ฤࡔLjᑶঀ߲გᑶݽLjሶਪดທௌည ᅉී खहৎࣶࡼࡕ౒݀৊Ꭴৎࡍள፦ᔈᓍཚLj࠳஠೫ᒦਪທௌ۾SibirskayaĂప൜ขĂChernigivskeĂJupilerࢀ ቩອ๞ăࠥᅪLj৛ႊ፱ᎌGrupo Modelo৛ႊ50%ࡼ ှޝࡼቢቢሶྋăࡵ1990ฤLjᒦਪ߅ᆐཝီஏ࢒ྯࡍທௌ ৹॑ăGrupo Modeloဵ෥ᇝহഌሌࡼທௌᒜᐆ࿜Lj ှޝLjှޝਖෝࡉ700ᅺ࣬Lj๝ᏴගਪDŽ2300ᅺ࣬Džਜ਼ࡺਪ ጙᒇᆮޝᆆ፞݇ DŽ1200ᅺ࣬Džઁෂă2002ฤᒗஙLjᒦਪࡼທௌှڻጐဵሱᎺཝཆࡼప൜ขທௌອ๞Ⴥᎌᑗă ᔭăۦ࣪᎖ࠅᄻጲૺອᒠࡼᒊᓹᓫཇLjखᏎ᎖Den Hoorn ௙ီஏਊంࡼ ௌޣࡼᎂ௉ࠅᄻਜ਼Anheuser & Coທௌ৛ႊࡼഌሌፀ ਋ޝᆆ፞݇ࡼᒦਪှڻ ಽဟറᦇLjઁᑗ᎖1852܈ဤLj༄ᑗ᎖1366ฤ߅ೂ᎖ ᆆ፞݇৛ႊᓖᒮखࡉڻฤ߅ೂ᎖ගਪဓവጵႅှă ࡼఘजǖޝLjᄋ߲࣪ᒦਪှފૺཝཆ23ৈ ఌᅧሌညো௣ᔈ଄ࡼ਋ܩࡼ࢐ಯ௿ੰॊݚLjጓᇗޝਜ਼खᐱᒦှ ऽႥ࢐࠭ጙৈഃޝLjᆸঢࡵᒦਪှ܈ሤޝᆆ Ꭷ໚Ⴧ߅ၚှڻ ਪଜLj፱ᎌᏋ৔11.6ᅺ᎜෗Lj௥۸ᔏ੝ᎁဴă ᆆ፞݇ ሿॅࡼ࿷્खᐱᆐጙৈ঱ሿॅࡼ࿷્ăᑵྙᆸඣඛ྇෹ࣙࡼڻ፞݇ೆཇ“สᐆৎගੑࡼီஏ”ă2009ฤLj ဣሚ၃ྜྷࡉࡵ368ጸගᏄă กዹLjᏴ෭ቋഌᎮLjྙ໱ޱਜ਼၄૦Ljᒦਪጯ߅ᆐཝཆᔢࡍࡼ ညޘਪਜ਼ሿॅਪăᑚቋഌᎮ࣒௥ᎌਪଔቶĂᆪછᒦೂቶLj݀ ሿॅᇴਏྙፙအᒄ۾ಿዐ௅ஂኡ ༦खᐱኸႥă཭ऎLjᏴਈᇹࡵཽඣࡼ૥ښ ಢࡼഌᎮLjှޝखᐱᐌ܈กቋਪଔቶ༓ࡼޘອદൻጙቋăፐ ໚܈ޝኍ࿸जఠ൅ທௌሿॅࡼ୐࿸Ljጲཱུᑚጙှܘ਱ႅ-ݚᇧ৛ႊ ࠥLjᆸඣڔᔈ࠭2008ฤ11Ꮬ፞݇DŽInBevDž၃৪ Ljገࡉࡵޠࡻৎ౐ቋă஧਌ທௌሿॅ೟Ᏼᐐޠອ߅ޘᆆ፞݇዇ვཌঃᔐݡ Ⴧሿॅڻฤ౶ۍDŽAnheuser-BuschDžᒄઁLj ॷಌᇝႅప·ఌᅧDŽFrancisco CavaDžጙᒇංࡻୡᄿಅऄLjଂ ߅ၚࡼှޝၺຳ྆཭ኊገ੪ޠဟମLjፐᆐᒦਪທௌࡼॊሾથ ᅉທௌອ๞Lj૾۾ᆀᐶ࿟ ࠀ᎖໦ݛ୿ࣤăࠥᅪLjᒦਪጐལचᑞᑵࡼگگಱڄઃᇄሂडᏞቲጓᓾ኶ăࡣ2009ฤ4Ꮬ1྇Lj ᅉອ๞ă۾ဵ༴ࡲທௌLjጐݙဵܣ ࡼጙᐌᄿᄟቤᆫ૾ర፛໦೫Ⴧࡼᓖፀǖ“ખྥᎧSAB੝ᓾည ޘࡼኩઔທௌཝཆሾ೟௙၅Ljှޝᐴᎌൈ17.8%ƽ”ఌᅧሌ ಿᒦࡼݝॊ෗߂Ꭷၫ௣ᔪ߲೫းࡩኀখăښ છLjੜጲྙࠥኸႥǛܤăڔည଒ߐரLj᎒ݙ


box). AB InBev’s Asia Pacific operations include China, AB InBev’s China Market Insights: Korea, New Zealand and Australia. In April 2009, Anheuser-Busch announced plans to spend US$40 million Based on his observations, Mr Cava shared some of to complete the first phase of a new brewery project in his insights related to the China market: China’s Hebei Province. In June 2009, Anheuser-Busch "Compared to the other developed markets, it is my sold its minority stake in Tsingtao Brewery to Asahi and impression that the China market is moving very fast Chen Fashu for US$600 million. In China, the company from a no-consumption society … to a high- had 32 beverage plants and two bottling centers to produce consumption society. As we see every day, China is Beck’s, Budweiser, Harbin, Sedrin, Double Deer, KK, becoming the biggest producer or market in the world in Zhujiang and brands. …With 34,600 some areas including cars and mobile phones. These employees in China, the company was the No 1 premium areas are international, culture-neutral and fast Beer producer and enjoyed a strong regional position in developing. However, in areas related to people’s basic Northwest and Southeast China consumption habits, such as food and drink, the China competition: In 1949, there were only 8 beer development is going slower than for the internationally- companies in China, supplying the market with around linked products. So we have to think of building up the 7,000 tons. By 1979, the market size was 400,000 tons consumption of beer, in order to keep it growing faster produced by 90 breweries in China, only two of which than the rest of the consumer goods. Although the had a production capacity over 50,000 tons. China’s beer consumption of beer is growing, it will take a long time market was a produce-dominated market, with supply to meet the maturity level of the product markets because falling far below demand. In the 1980s, the China beer the distribution of beer in China is at the very early stage. market boomed, encouraged by the government policy of In addition, there is no real national beer brand; even producing more loans and better independence to Tsingtao is not a national brand.” domestic beer producers. By 1990, China became the world’s No. 3 beer market with a volume of 7 million tons, just behind the US (23 million tons) and Germany Some names and data in the Case Study (12 million tons). As of 2002, China’s beer market has have been changed. maintained its No. 1 position in the world.

About Anheuser-Busch InBev

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with an American Depository Receipt secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUD). It is the leading global brewer and one of the world's top five consumer products companies. A true consumer-centric, sales driven organization, Anheuser- Busch InBev manages a portfolio of well over 200 beer brands that includes global flagship brands Budweiser, Stella Artois and Beck’s, fast growing multi-country brands like and Hoegaarden, and strong "local champions" such as Bud Light, , Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, and , among others. In addition, the company owns a 50% equity interest in the operating subsidiary of , Mexico's leading brewer and owner of the global brand. Anheuser-Busch InBev’s dedication to heritage and quality is rooted in brewing traditions that originate from the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium, dating back to 1366 and the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser-Busch brewery, which traces its origins back to 1852 in St. Louis, USA. Geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets, Anheuser-Busch InBev leverages the collective strengths of its approximately 116,000 employees based in operations in 23 countries across the world. The company strives to be the Best Beer Company in a Better World. In 2009, the company realized revenue of US$36.8 billion. ABI China runs 33 breweries in this fast-growing beer market across 13 provinces and manages over 25 beer brands including focus brands Budweiser, Harbin and Sedrin, as well as local brands such as Double Deer, KK, and Zhujiang.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 61 ୴၈߅ਫ ਌ಯ༄ዘ

ಿ ࿽ښᒦ๏ ಿᒄ೰ښሾޥಿୣഗᒦቦᔢښ๏ᒴ CEIBS Case Named ECCH Bestseller

ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ୴၈ࢌ݇ႈ(Henri-Claude de Bettignies) ਜ਼INSEAD࿜ኧᏔ๏዇ᒦቦዐ௅ளಯለൣ ಿĖᎰජࡼښᄂಗ(Charlotte Butler)੝ᔫᓟቖࡼگ•ᎅᄂ ᒦLj߅ᆐ܈ಿୣഗᒦቦ(ECCH)ࡼฤࣞຶښቩ໐ጙėLjᏴ๏ᒴ ሾޥಿᒄጙăᑚጙښሾޥ࿜ጓൕಯਜ਼࿷્ᐊྀಢܰࡼလᇋৈᔢ ಿᏴ2010ฤࡼሾ೟౶๝෗ࡼăښಿెᒦჅᎌښဵো௣ECCHۓ ಿᄋ৙࿜ᒄጙăښECCHဵཝཆᔢࡍࡼ ಿࡼࠎᔫႈവࡻፄ᎖ᒦ๏MBAቅᎍୗ޻ਜ਼ኦ᯳ቢᆐښক ಿහၤ೫ጙଜోਪጛጇ৛ႊښࢌ݇ႈ୴၈ࡼల߈Ⴥቖࡼᔫጓă ࢐ጛጇ৛ႊࡼீᑱ۾ᎲࡵࡼซᄌăᏴਜ਼ޝࡼሾ၉ᓍ਌Ᏼᒦਪှ ᒦLjᎅ᎖඗ᎌ৊ጛညᄋ৙ૄిਜ਼ੑࠀLjሾ၉ጓ૲ݙಯሯăဵᔥ ಿ৊߲೫੪ښክ࿜ጓൕಯથဵስீᑱ࣪၄กዹ৊ጛညੑࠀǛক ੑࡼૄࡊă ཚᎅᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔਜ਼INSEAD࿜ኧᏔৢᄴ፱ۈಿښক ᎌă

o-authored by CEIBS Professor Henri-Claude de Bettignies and INSEAD Centre for European and CAsian Studies (ECCH) Manager Charlotte Butler, “Blue Monday” was one of the Top 15 bestselling cases of 2010 in the category of “business ethics and social responsibility.” Operated by INSEAD, ECCH is the world’s largest case selling agency. Its annual list of bestsellers is based on the sales figures of all the cases in the ECCH case bank that year. “Blue Monday” evolved from an assignment done by CEIBS MBA alumni Jiang Chen and Xue Yixin for Prof Bettignies’ programme. The case describes the predicament of a sales director at a transnational pharmaceutical company operating in the China market. His failure to provide doctors with rebates made it hard for him to compete with local pharmacies, who beat him in sales volume. The case explored whether the sales director should take the ethical route, or succumb to the reality on the ground and begin offering rebates to doctors.CEIBS and INSEAD jointly own the copyright for the case.

62 TheLINK 2011 第一期

ࠎጓᑗ ᒆጓखᐱ

ᆐᒦਪชቶᔪ ᔢੑࡼᇝॲ

⮘⥊㻵㬟᷍䊣㬶㧌⪴2000䊋⭞20000䊋 ⭥䐱⺛㚱㦬᷍⪊⭥䄣ⴟⰝ⥏⤜ⱁ᱄㠶㒊㬬 ゐ㵦Ⰾ㬣⧅㹃ㅉ㸡᷉EMBA 2010᷊⤜䇪 ㋏㲟ᷛ䐱⺛㚱㦬㲌㾢㌁……ⱙ㰜䄜㬷⪕㑃 ⭥LAMPO(㎗⡋)㹘ⴟ᷍㬏➬㛋㎕ヂ⧷䊻⼤ ⹅⼤㑰㩰㻣䔄⹇ⴓ᷍㑇㤔䄵㾿㪎ビ䊝⭥㼀 㳖᱃䔗⹅㻙ㅻ⭥㶋㗡᱃㞅⫏⭥㭇㬫㎕䍚㻷 䇦䁦⧼⧳⭥㚱㾵㡙䐫……

ᆪ/ ᒲዮ

ฤࠅᄻ৔ጳࡼᒊᓹଫߒLjඛጙڻଗ90ฤࡔ߱Lj࿭ߚອ࣪ᒦਪཽऎዔ࿠༦ጁݙ ᒠࡼݙቚᓫཇਜ਼࣪ፀࡍಽီ ܭభૺLjกৈဟࡔࡼဟ࿠ဵࡍऱ஌Ă஘೔ᔇLj၄ ᄁLAMPODŽ౸۪Džᇝॲ࣒ኊளਭ360ࡸ৔ጳ——፿৔ጳ ෽ࡍহࡍLjࡌ஘ಽ౶ഌࡒLjࠃඪᄂ୧߀࿐…… ࡉ࣪৻ఱࡼᔤᒮLjᑵဵ঱଀၄৔ᇝॲࡼறႴჅᏴăᇈ୐ᆦ ฤ౶ଫߒᏴੑ৔ੑ೯࿟ሆᔗڭႩᏎLjလ۾ᇈ୐ᆦDŽEMBA 2010Dž ࠭৻ఱࡼ୯ࣞᓫޠ࿟཭ऎ໋ഉ္ૹᅍࣃူ ອޘ༅ೆLjტૺࠎጓ ৖०ǖ“໚ဣሿॅᑗገࡼᒑဵጙୈጠॲLj࣪৻ఱऎዔLjޝསᏴࡩဟැྣ࢐ݔᓱࡵ೫঱଀ᇝॲࡼှ ߱ᒪLjჇጙዔጲ܎ᒄǖ“ࡩဟࡼሯज੪଼࡝Ljᔪᇝᓤ܈୷ᎌ ᒠ೟፼Ꮠဵ࢒ጙᆡࡼLjᑚဵ੪ᒮገࡼጙৈ૥߻গศLjࡣᏴ ଥᒋLjᆚ౶঱଀ᇝᓤᏴᒦਪ્ᎌ੪ࡍࡼှޝă” ᒦਪှޝསဵᔢལ࿩ࡼă੪ࣶᒦਪ໩ጓᏒፀઔ੪ࣶ༂བྷᔪ ”1993ฤ7Ꮬ18྇Ljᇈ୐ᆦ߅ೂ೫໋ഉ္ᒜጠᎌሢ৛ႊLj ተሷLjࡣဵݙᏒፀઔ੪ࣶ༂བྷᔪ਌ಯĂᔪዐखĂᔪઁგă ᎖1994ฤᅎ߲೫“LAMPODŽ౸۪Dž”ອ๞Ljཀྵࢾ೫ጲည Ᏼ“LAMPODŽ౸۪Dž”ࠎ๞ࡼ಼߈ᒦLjᇈ୐ᆦጙᒇ༓݀ ޠႲᓹLAMPODŽ౸۪Dž߅ۋᑞ।ăፐࠥLjڿ।ገڿ঱ᒦ࡭ชါᇹ೰ॲᓤᆐᓍࡼᐵ൒ऱሶLjተ߅೫ᆮ୉Ă঱ ࢯǖޘ ອज़ৃă“ࡩဟࡼሯज੪ᄖᑞLjጙᄁᇝᓤ൲ ࡼ໩ጓᏋ৔ᒦ௥ᎌਪଔ۳ஶࡼᓜጓཽိ૞ᑗᅪ૸ᓜଜᐴࡵޘዅĂ଼Ꮦࡼ 800ᏄĂጙᄖ൲߲လᄁ௓ጯள੪൸ፀ೫ă”ᇈ୐ᆦቈᓹૄፂ ᓜጓഌᎮཽၫࡼ40%Lj౶ᔈፀࡍಽĂजਪࡼॲᓤᓜଜLjჇ နĂሚۇࡸă18ฤઁLjLAMPODŽ౸۪Džᇝॲࡼ၉ଥࡉࡵ೫4800Ꮔᒗ ඣᒦᎌਪଔᒀ෗࿸ଐࡍနĂ๏ᒴࢻବ৔ጳနĂዹ ෂă݀ށ਌ಯࡍနĂ๏ᒴᓾ࿾࿳፬နLj࿶ૺ৛ႊࡼ৉ৈޝ 8800ᏄጙᄁLjৈቶછࢾᒜᇝॲৎဵ঱ࡉၫᅺᏄݙࢀă ගਓڤອອ ༦ࣶฤ౶LAMPO(౸۪)ጙᒇᎧ໋ખ፼ࡸĂ൱ళᇣĂޘLAMPODŽ౸۪Džࡼ߅৖Lj੪ࡍ߈ࣞ࿟ࡻፄ᎖࣪


In a recent survey of Chinese businessmen, LAMPO Suits found a distressing fact: male executives who earn RMB2,000 monthly and those earning RMB20,000 monthly dress almost exactly the same. For Wu Jianwei (EMBA 2010), chairman of the menswear producer Prince Group, this statistic illustrates how little Chinese men indulge themselves, and spotlights a golden opportunity. Today, LAMPO Suits, founded by Wu 18 years ago, is on a mission to produce the finest men’s suits in China -- and to build demand among domestic executives.


n the early 1990s, most luxury products were still produce a line of premium men’s suits, carving out a niche well beyond the reach of most Chinese consumers. based on affordability, style and elegance. Initially, Wu’s Instead, the popular men’s fashions of the time were goals were humble: “My ideas early on were really naive. I distinctly gaudy: large square rings, flashy gold thought, if a suit sells for RMB800, then it’s a good day if Inecklaces, “Da-Ge-Da” (early cell phones), garish Gold we sell 10 suits.” Eighteen years on, LAMPO’s top-line Lion ties and Montagut shirt. Back then, the business- ready-to-wear suits sell for RMB8,800 while custom- savvy chairman of Prince Group Wu Jianwei (EMBA 2010) tailored ones go for tens of thousands of yuan. saw a great opportunity, ready for the taking: the The brand’s success is based largely on the company’s introduction of classy, high quality menswear, made in commitment to quality, including adherence to 100-year- China for Chinese businessmen. Mr Wu explains his old Italian garment-making techniques. It takes 360 steps vision: “My ideas back then were rather simple. I was sure to hand create each LAMPO suit. In developing the that, in the future, premium suits would have a large LAMPO brand, Wu began by learning from true masters. market in China.” Forty percent of LAMPO employees are either Chinese On July 18, 1993, Wu established Prince Apparel Co., fashion professionals with international work experience and created the LAMPO brand one year later. His goal: or foreign experts who have grown with the company.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 65 ࠎጓᑗ ᒆጓखᐱ

ቅᎍ໩ጓ౸۪ᇝॲǖ1Ꮬ27྇LjފఠޠᓂቂීᏔ ኧᏔᒊቲᏔޠᓂቂී୴၈ఠފ೫ᆡ᎖୕Ⴁޟᒳࡼ ቅᎍ໩ጓLAMPO(౸۪)ᇝॲLj࿾ྜྷ೫ஊ౸۪ࡼࠎ ጓखᐱਜ਼ອ๞୐࿸಼߈ૺ໚खᐱ౸ᅄLj၊ࡵ೫ ᇈ୐ᆦࣃူޠDŽEMBA2010Džਜ਼ঃᔐளಯରှޝ ᔐପĂᒦ๏ᔐளಯల߈ቅᎍ૴੺Ꮬๆိࡼེೲઢ ፩ă LESSONS FROM LAMPO – CEIBS Executive President Zhu Xiaoming listens to LAMPO President Wu Jianwei (EMBA 2010) at a January 27 on-site briefing on the successes of the men’s fashion producer. Prof Zhu and a delegation from CEIBS’ Alumni Department met with LAMPO Vice President Ji Hongyue (AMP) while visiting two of the company’ s flagship stores, and its headquarters. The company’s goal is to establish its brand globally as the best men’s suit label in China.

”፼ࢀਪଔጙഗ৛ႊఎᐱᐵ൒ĂݤᇗĂਓ ࡍLjሿॅᑗથဵᓫཇੑࡼອᒠLjࡣᑞᑵੑࡼ࿜ອ੪࿩ăڔসĂᬬᵉૉᏝĂ সࢀऱෂ੝ᔫăᏴᑚዹࡼ۳ஶሆLjLAMPODŽ౸۪Džݙஞཝ ቤዝፍᓹ࣪᎖৔ጳጲૺගኧອᆜࡼ፼ੱᓫཇLjᒜᔫৎறᐷ TheLINKǖᇝᓤࡼज़ৃᎌࣶᒬLj܈ྙፀါĂගါĂ፞ါĂ ࡼᇝॲăऎ༦Ᏼ໩ጓ਌ಯ࿟ᑵᏴ൳ሶᔪီஏጙഗࡼ໩ጓǗ ྇ါLjࡩဟဵဠඐ૦Ꮟཱུิኡᐋ೫ፀါज़ৃࡼᇝॲǛ ໩ጓਜ਼ᒦਪ໩ጓ੝ᓾࡼฤࡔLj྇۾ອǗ၊ཽᔤ஺ࡼອ๞LjႨᐆጳၣອਜ਼ཽࡼᔝ ᇈ୐ᆦǖ90ฤࡔ߱ဵ྇ޘᒦਪᔢੑࡼ ᇝᓤLj۾୷ࡍࡼဵ྇܈ᒜᐆጙᄻᄖሆLjፐࠥᏴᒦਪ፬ሰ۾ ऎไೆăܪᒅࡼ෹ ୑፮ăᆸঢ௻ᇝॲݙ።কဵᑚዹࡼLjབྷ೫۞౪፞ۇ୷ࡎ܈ ߈ጐ࠭ጙৈݾෂᑓ࿴಼ޠLAMPODŽ౸۪Dž18ฤ౶ࡼ߅ ঢ௻੪ගڳ߲೫ᒦਪဣೆࡼᢨ໦ă15ฤ༄Ljᇈ୐ᆦᆐ೫Ᏼፀࡍಽৌਪ ਪĂजਪĂፀࡍಽᏴดࡼ኏ࣶ࢐ऱLj཭ઁᆸሯ ଔࢻବ৔ጳࡍနࣶඓปৃ୅࿟ጙෂݙᇫྯ৻අബLj಼ளᒲ ੪ੑࡼࣁᇝ߆ሚ߲౶৊ᒦਪࡼሿॅᑗă ᑓǗᑚလฤ౶Ljࣶඓปৃඛฤ્౶ᒦਪ৊LAMPODŽ౸۪Dž ᆸඣᔢᓍገࡼෂ೯৙።࿜ဵፀࡍಽࢻବෂ೯Loro ࡼLjᎌ༂ጐݙጙࢾถ൰ࡵăፀࡍޘᔪྯ႐ࠨ৔ጳᒎࡴLjऎჇ࣪ஙᄖࡼLAMPODŽ౸۪Džৈቶછ PianaLjඛฤ࣒ဵሢ೟ည ࢾᒜᇝॲৎဵᔪ߲೫঱ࣞຶଥǖ“LAMPODŽ౸۪Džৈቶࢾ ಽཚᆆݤளۨᒓ Ė IL Sole 24 Ore ėۨਜ਼जਪĖီஏۨė ౶࣪ᒦਪడ۴۾ᒜᔫ৔ጳĂ၄৔ଆጳLjጯᎧ෹ ࢀ௿ᑱሤۨࡸLMAPODŽ౸۪Džອ๞ăჇඣྙ܈ሚ߲ࡼᓜጓࣞLjܭᒜჅ नঢLjࡩࡻᒀLAMPODŽ౸۪Džኡ፿೫ፀࡍಽᔢࢻବࡼޟ༄ፀࡍಽ঱଀ࢾᒜॲࡼጙഗၺᓰሤ௦ݙࡍăྙਫႁથᎌኊ ऻ ገݗ࿟ࡼLjก௓ဵளዩă”࿟ီଗ90ฤࡔ෣Ă࢒ጙࠨབྷ।൜ ෂ೯ဟLjჇඣሤࡩரወLj஠ऎᆰᆐဠඐᆸඣገ౶ਜ਼Ⴧඣீ ă݀༦డ۴ፀࡍಽޝᆎጙࡼᒦਪཽLjࡩဟ ᑱăீᑱဠඐฒǛᒦਪጐᎌ੪ࡍࡼှޝൕྪݬଝဟᓤ݇ಂ્Ljᇈ୐ᆦဵཝ ᇝLjཝီஏ࣒Ᏼడ۴گ๏ᒴᄴቲࡼެॡዔᎈᏴऐǖ“ᒬᔇྨᏴၺบ࢐࿟ဵݙభถख DŽᇝॲDžࡼ੪ࣶLjስਹਪĂ፝ࣞĂ ኿ࡼLjฝඣᒦਪཽᒑ્ᔪ੺ࡾഝ”DŽፀ૾ᒦਪཽᒑ્ᔪᒦਪ ፀࡍಽLjᔫᆐ࢒ጙ෗LjઁෂဪᒫᎌཽᓫຍLjᑚ੪ᑵޟă ݩLjݙభถ્ᔪᇝॲDžăங྇ࡼ।൜ൕྪLj঱଀ݫᄦĂቩ ອથޘ଀ௌࢢਜ਼ඛฤࡼဟᓤ݇ಂ્࿟LjႲࠀభ୅ᒦਪཽࡼ࿽፬ă TheLINKǖLAMPODŽ౸۪Dž෹༄ࡼखᐱ୿ࣤဵᔪ ඛฤࡼඳ౾ဟᓤᒲ໐ମLjᇈ୐ᆦ્࣒၃ࡵ౶ᔈGUCCIĂ ဵᔪອ๞Ǜ Pradaࢀ࿭ߚອ௤ᄿཝཆCEOख߲ࡼዻ༿਽ăLAMPODŽ౸ ᇈǖᆸඣধধఎဪᔪອ๞Ljฝఘกቋ๏ᒴࡼဟ࿠ອ๞੪ࣶ ฤጲ࿟ࡼ಼ဥLjᔪອ๞ገᎌ੪ੑࡼᒠ೟ਜ਼਌ಯLjጙڻDžથ၊ࡵ೫኏ࣶፀࡍಽፖቲਜ਼૥஘ࡼᑱሤᓫຍ…… ᎌᓹ۪ ፦ሾݙޝࡼऽႥ߅ ݛጙݛ౶Ljݙถૻ᎖ཇ߅LjᑚᎧ౐ႥሿॅອࡼှޝႲࡼဵᒦਪ࿭ߚອှۋછሤܤᎧᑚጙᇹ೰ Lj2008ฤLjᒦਪ ဵጙৈগศăDiorᒦਪཌᔐݡರࡉఙႁLjDiorሚᏴጐধఎဪޝă෹༄ᒦਪጯ߅ᆐཝཆ࢒औࡍ࿭ߚອှޠ ཽ৪൰೫ီஏ࿟႐ॊᒄጙࡼ࿭ߚອLj࿭ߚອሿॅࡉࡵ86ጸග ᔪອ๞ăᑚৈອ๞ࡼܪᓰ੪঱Ljገᎌ੪༓ࡼறခด਻ਜ਼ࣖ ᏄLjྙਫ୓ᒦਪᎊఱᏴ਱ᅪሿॅ࿭ߚອࡼఎᑽଝ࿟བྷࡼજLj ᄂᒄࠀLjገᏴᑚৈޘອຳგ࿟ᓖྜྷཽࡼறခ໮ᒠĂࡔܭࡼ LAMPODŽ౸ڳႁᆸඣ፼Ꮠݙ્ྙ܈ᑚৈၫ௣્ৎࡍăLVਜ਼GUCCIሾ೟ᔢੑࡼࢢ࣒Ᏼሧভă ည૚ऱါਜ਼ଥᒋಯศă ᏴᅪෂLjፐᆐᆸඣঢ௻ᎁኅชཽဵด೒ࡼăڼࡼ๨ ۪DžࡼlogoޝᒦLjᇈ୐ᆦ࣪ှޭེޝᏴစሽ޺࿟ࡼ࿭ߚອှ ࣥጙྙ଒ᆁ࢐ದஸಯቶLjᄴဟጐ૩૵ಘ਋ǖ“໚ဣਪ෍થဵ ෹༄ᆸඣᏴ৙።೔࿟ጯளᑊࡵ೫੪ᎁኅࡼཽݣLjથᎌ ገಯቶ࢐ႈఠᑚৈᆰᄌLj๏ᒴሚᏴᐁ௓ݙഗቲ࿭ߚອ೫Lj ੪ᎁኅࡼ࿸ଐနLjLAMPODŽ౸۪Džᆚ౶ࡼखᐱਖચဵఎ੪ ອ๞ࡼଥᒋᔪ߲౶LjᑚဵᆸࡼඪሯLjऎڳLjઁ౶ࡵგᅭă৻ఱᔢᒫ્ૄਙಯቶLj ࡍࡼ໢୊ࢢLjገ۾༄ጙৈ಍ޭဵ྇ హମጞ཭੪ ݙဵᓠ੪ࣶ༂Lj൲੪ࣶࣁᇝăLAMPODŽ౸۪Dž෹༄ࡼሾ၉ޝኰཇჇඣᑞᑵኊገࡼ——঱ዅࡍᒰછ㔓ှ


Apparel experts from Italy and France serve as LAMPO’s shoppers do. Over time, he expects this change to take pattern makers, designers, craftsmen, field management place. “Chinese consumers must be more reasonable about experts, and fashion photographers. The company also prestige brands. Luxury products have long since gone out employs world-class agencies including of fashion in Europe. The luxury wave first swept over PriceWaterhouseCoopers, McKinsey and Co., and Ogilvy Japan a few years ago, and then Taiwan. Customers will to position the brand for sustained future development. In ultimately return to reason and seek what they really need its clearly outlined business strategy, LAMPO emphasize – elegant styles made for the masses,” he says. “Long term, its combination of strong Italian roots coupled with deep the market potential for high quality menswear is still understanding of the needs of China’s white-collar great.” Below, Wu shares more of his business insights with businessmen. TheLINK: To some extent, LAMPO’s growth mirrors the overall economic rise of China. Fifteen years ago, Wu, then an TheLINK: What made you choose to model industry newcomer, faced the daunting task of landing an LAMPO’s style on Italian suits? appointment with world renowned fashion master Wu Jianwei: In the early 1990s, we saw a boom in Sino- craftsman Domenico Cassatell. Not only did Wu succeed Japanese joint ventures. Everything was made in Japan. in meeting with Domenico but for the past decade, Therefore, Japanese suits had a big impact in China. But Domenico has visited China three to four times yearly to the Japanese style seemed unnatural to me. I believe suits pass on his techniques to LAMPO personnel. Domenico should not look like that. After I visited the UK, France, has high praises for LAMPO products, telling reporters. Italy and other places, I wanted to show Chinese customers “LAMPO’s customized suits are of high professional what beauty is. quality. In terms of production techniques, they not far Our main fabric supplier is the best in Italy. They put a from the level of Italy’s premium hand-made custom suits. cap on annual production, so you won’t necessarily be able If there is anything they need to improve on, it is to buy fabrics even if you have a lot of money. experience.” Such praise is a far cry from the cold reception Wu TheLINK: After 15 years of growth, is LAMPO received during his first trip to Florence’s annual Fashion now at the stage of product development or Exhibition a dozen years ago. He was the only Chinese brand building? participant and his visit was marred when some European Wu: We have just started to promote our brand. If you counterparts bluntly told him, “Seeds spilled on cement look at top European fashion brands, they all have more will not sprout. You Chinese are born to make red lanterns, than 100 years’ history. Brand building is based on high not premium suits!” Since then, such naysayers have been quality and excellent management. It takes time. We have clearly proven wrong; today, Chinese suit labels are visible to take one step at a time. It’s a different concept from fast throughout Italy – not only at the annual fashion moving consumer goods. For example, LAMPO will never exhibition, but Italy’s premium restaurants and five-star put our label on the outside of our clothing, because we hotels. In recent years, during the annual Milan Fashion feel that successful men are modest. Week, the CEOs of global luxury giants such as Gucci and LAMPO already has marvellous designers and Prada have personally invited Wu to attend. Clearly, LAMPO has become a star in Italy’s fashion circles. During LAMPO’s young life, the company’s expansion has mirrored the overall growth of China’s luxury market. Now the world’s second-largest luxury market after Japan, China bought one-fourth of global luxury products in 2008, spending a whopping US$8.6 billion. The figure grows even larger when spending overseas by Chinese tourists is also counted. For both Louis Vuitton and Gucci report that their highest-volume stores are in Hong Kong. Concerning China’s luxury craze, Wu looks forward to the day when domestic consumers shop not for prestige name brands, but for quality and style – as many Western

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 67 ࠎጓᑗ ᒆጓखᐱ

኏ࣶࡍ৛ႊ ሚဣଔ࿟ᎌࢾᒜኊཇࡼ࣒ဵࠃጠॲᄂܰఠ௅ࡼཽăᆐࠥᆸ܈ਖෝݙࡍLjጐݙᔪਓসLjࡣᆸඣࡼಽྥ༽ౚ ገੑ੪ࣶLjுಽྥࡉࡵ40%Lj৛ႊࡼᏥ፦਌ಯऻޟੑă ඣᓜඡབྷ੗౾ఠފ೫ጙଜᔪࡻ੪߅৖ࡼ໩ጓLjኡ፿೫ጙ౒ ཝቤࡼྟୈLjభጲᄋ৙৉ᒬৈቶછኡᐋLjᅎ߲ጙฤ౶Ljन ੑăᆸ௻ࡻᑚᏴᆚ౶ဵጙৈཋဴLjፐᆐᆚ౶ဵৈቶޟTheLINKǖLAMPODŽ౸۪Džᑚጙອ๞ᆐሿॅᑗ߆ሚࡼ௥ ሰऻ ᄏด਻ဵဠඐǛ છࡼဟࡔă ᇈǖᑚৈອ๞።ক߆ሚ৊ᆸඣጙৈᎁዅࡼঢ௻Ljชཽࡼႈ ᆸඣથᎌጙৈᎁဴLj௓ဵ᩽ගፀࡍಽฅᒗཝီஏࡼற ሯဵᏴുቲࡼLjဵఎहࡼLjਈᓖᑳৈီஏࡼăᇝॲ።কঅ ᐷ၄৔৔ጳLjཝ൧߀ࡼ၄৔৔ጳᒑᎌᏴፀࡍಽ෽ຸಱݣ ᎤࠃᓹᑗᎁዅĂᓜጓĂကိࡼተሷă ᎌLjᆸඣᎌ੪ੑࡼෂ೯Lj੪ੑࡼ࿸ଐနLjᆸཱྀᆐᑞᑵᔢ঱ ᆸඣᇧᆃభጲཱུᒦਪชཽࠃࡻৎੑLjሚᏴࡼᒦਪๆቶ ଀ࡼᇝॲ࣒ဵᆐ߅৖ཽိਜ਼మᆃ߅৖ࡼཽॲᇗࡼă Ljऎชཽསᇄሂኀြᔈ଄ăᆸඣሚᏴఘۉᏗ౶Ꮧ્ࠃጠࡌ ࡵࡼᒦਪชཽဵ܈୷ባౄ଼࡝ࡼLj੪࿩ఠ൅ᐏඐࠃጠॲLj TheLINKǖิ௻ࡻᎧਪଔᒀ෗ອ๞ሤ܈LjLAMPODŽ౸ LjᏜ၃ྜྷ࠭ ۪DžᏴ਌ಯऱෂથᎌဠඐኊገখ஠ࡼฒǛއጲૺࠃጠॲ࣪ᔈ଄ࡼᒮገቶăᆸඣᔪਭࢯ 2000Ꮔࡵ20000ᏄࡼᒦਪชཽLj੪ซॊܦ߲౶ჇඣࡼཌܰLj ᇈǖᏴᆸඣࡍტᒦਪᢨ໦ᒄဟથဵገፀဤࡵLjᎌ੪ࣶ࢐ऱ ௦ဵኊገ፾໮ࡼăᒦਪ໩ጓࡼތݙࣶăชཽᎌဟ઀ኹೆ੪ࡍࡼLjཇᒆĂ્୅ ࣒ᎌࡗখ஠Ljࡩ཭ߌཱྀތࠃࡼጠॲ࣒ ፦ޝᓐฝᐱሚᔢறݨᔈ ᇹᄻቶ਌ಯ——ᓄྙཽೆᓾᏎ਌ಯĂݤᇗĂᐵ൒Ăှۑტ๨……ᎁዅࡼᓹᓤభጲޝఱઓĂ࿜ ௦ࡼLjᒦਪ੪ཽࣶೆތથဵᎌ܈ቧࡼጙෂLjࠃࡻੑ໚ဣݙஞஞဵฝᔈ଄ࡼᆰᄌLjથ۞౪࣪ ሾ——ਜ਼ᇝऱੑࡼ໩ጓሤ Ⴧཽࡼᔤᒮă ᓾᏎݝࡼ৖ถஞஞᄫഔᏴख৔ᓾࡼਜ਼ख୙஘ࡼǗభాభಘ ࡼݤᇗࢾᆡဵ࿜ጓݤᇗLj۞౪ज़ሙ఼ᒜĂ਌ಯ્ଐĂၼᇗ ᒑᎌݤᇗ્ଐăᒦਪཽથဵვᒇ୻೫LjޟTheLINKǖถ॥஑࿬ጙሆབྷฤLAMPODŽ౸۪Džቤᅎ߲ࡼ ્ଐLjऎᆸඣᄰ ৈቶછࢾᒜອ๞LAMPO BESPOKEǛ ࣁᇝᔪ߲౶ੑስ௓৫೫LjᑚથᄫഔᏴ“༄გ”ࡼႈሯLjᔪጙ ኍไೆᓞቯࡼऱሶăܘ௻ࡻ੪๮ࡼཽݣኊገࢾᒜLjઁ౶ᆸඣख ৈ੪ࡍࡼ“ઁგ”ဵᆚ౶ޟᇈǖᒦਪཽጲ༄



ചᒄඪ4F LAMPODŽ౸۪Džᄦ

outstanding staff in our supply chain. In the near term, our Wu: In the past, Chinese believed that only overweight plan to open a huge flagship store to strengthen brand people need custom suits. Later, we realised that custom value. My dream is not to make lots of money. LAMPO’s suits are also for clients who dress well. Therefore, we sales are quite moderate and we don’t do advertising, but started using some newly-developed software which our profit (as high as 40%) is much higher than that of provides customized options for consumers. Since we many big companies. LAMPO is very well run. started it about a year ago in our shops, we have received very good feedback. Custom suits are the trend, because TheLINK: What image do you want LAMPO to the future is an age of individualism. represent for customers? We have another advantage – marvellous handmade Wu: The LAMPO brand represents elegance. Spiritually, production skills equal to the Italian, and even global, today’s Chinese businessmen are open-minded with well standard. For example, our handmade, full-canvas lining rounded concerns spanning the whole world. We try to can only be found in other top-tier suit brands such as present this kind of refined manner through simplicity, Zegna. We use only excellent fabrics and excellent perfection in the details and comfort. designers. Our design is fashionable and simple. We hope Chinese men will begin dressing better. Nowadays, Chinese women dress really well, but the TheLINK: Compared with world-renowned men don’t. Chinese men are so hard working that they global brands, how can LAMPO improve its rarely think about what to wear. One survey we management? conducted shows very little difference in clothing Wu: We talk a lot about China’s prosperity nowadays, but between Chinese men whose monthly salary is we also need to know where to improve. There is still a RMB2000 and those who earn RMB20,000 per month. gap between Chinese enterprises and successful Western In China, men often lead very stressful lives – they must enterprises in terms of systematic management, for find a good job, see customers, constantly attend example human resources management, finance, strategy business meetings… Smart clothes can help men show and marketing. Many HR departments in China merely their confidence. Dressing well is actually not only about manage payroll. Consider that the finance department yourself, it’s also a sign of the respect you show to at Coca Cola positions itself as business finance, others. which involves risk control, management accounting, tax accounting. In contrast, the finance departments TheLINK: Can you give us more details about of Chinese enterprises usually only handle financial the custom suits brand LAMPO BESPOKE accounting. Perhaps Chinese are too straight-forward, too promoted by LAMPO last year? focused on production.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 69 ᒆጓखᐱ ۋ੝ᔫ૛

ਈᇹۋInnoCSRᎧᒦ๏୐ೂ૛ ፖᐌ໩ጓ਌ಯᓽኯᎌሢ৛ႊ DŽInnoCSRDžဵഌሌࡼ໩ጓ࿷્ᐊྀ ᓽኯ৛ႊLjᎅᒦ๏ቅᎍರྥᇣDŽMBA 2005Džࠎೂă2Ꮬ18྇LjInnoCSRᎧᒦ ቏ፇLjཀྵཱྀ໚࣪᎖ጙۋ๏໽ၞ੝ᔫ૛ ໐ਊ෗ཚă߹ޠମ۱யቅᏊዐᄀ၀ࡼ ೫࿸ೂ“InnoCSRዐᄀ၀”ጲᅪLj቏ፇથ ཀྵཱྀ೫ጙᇹ೰ਈ᎖໩ጓ࿷્ᐊྀऱෂ ࡼࠎቤሲ෹LjᎅInnoCSRᎧᒦ๏ਪଔ৔ ࿜ኧᏔ቏ᄴ੝ᔫఎᐱăᑚቋሲ෹۞౪ Ᏼ۱யቅᏊ௟ቲ໩ጓ࿷્ᐊ્ྀፇǗ Ᏼ4Ꮬ17྇ᒦ๏ࠅ඙ޘጓ঱ख़൙ო࿟Lj ᒦ๏થ୓ሶᒦਪ໩ጓखݚInnoCSRᎧ Ėݤ঍ėᏭᒔ੝ᔫᅎ߲ࡼฤࣞ໩ጓ࿷ ્ᐊྀ๝෗ă

InnoCSR Forms Partnership with CEIBS, Launches "InnoCSR Discussion Room" at ऑໜDŽJohn QuelchDžૺऽಽ໌ࡍᒦખ ুࡼሤਈፇᄌăࠥᅪLjऽಽ໌થ୓ଝ యႡํ۴ऑĂೊ੝ಽખࢀోਪ৛ڄྜྷ Ăᒊቲঃᔐݡ఻ርીᏴኧᏔޠCEIBS Beijing Campus ཌࣃူ ዀᒦቦ໽ၞ೫ক቏ፇă ႊࡼቲ೰Lj߅ᆐቤ߅ೂࡼᒦ๏ዐखૺۂLeading CSR consultancy ࡼᇝ Lj࠭ऎۋInnoCSR, founded by CEIBS alumni ো௣቏ፇLjᒦ๏୓ᆐऽಽ໌ࠎᐆ ࠎቤ਌ಯዐ௅ᒦቦࡼ੝ᔫ૛ Sam Lee (MBA05) signed a corporate ጙৈଝ༓໚Ᏼ୉ఙޘጓดഌኆ࢐ᆡࡼ ৢᄴᏴࠎጓऱෂᔪ߲ไೆă ာLjᒦ๏Ᏼ࠳஠ᒦਪഌܭጙᇹ೰“ᒦ๏-ऽಽ໌ ఻ርીێpartnership with CEIBS on February ຳგăᆚ౶୓௟ 18 to confirm permanent naming ୉ఙޘጓഌࡴೆᏌᓴ્ტ”Ljዻ༿౶ᔈ ࡴೆࡼखᐱĂਪดGDPᐐޠጲૺᒦਪ ጓ ࡼ“ཝཆ୯ྻ”ऱෂLj໦ࡵ೫ݙభ઄၁ޘĂᑶঀᓍ਌ጲૺ୉ఙށrights to a Discussion Room on the ጛᏔ਌ಯ Beijing Campus. In addition to ࡼ࿜ጓഌኆࢀLj௡ૹᒦਪ୉ఙޘጓখ ࡼᔫ፿Ljऽಽ໌੪໐ࡗᎧᒦ๏஠ቲৎ establishing the “InnoCSR Discussion Room,” the agreement also establishes a number of innovative, CSR-related joint projects for InnoCSR and CEIBS. These include plans to launch a CSR conference at the Beijing campus and to debut InnoCSR’s annual CSR Rankings for Chinese companies – a ranking analysis developed together with Fortune magazine – at CEIBS’ 2011 Media Industry Forum on April 17.

ਈۋᒦ๏Ꭷऽಽ໌໽ၞ੝ᔫ૛ ᇹ቏ፇ 2Ꮬ16྇Ljᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔᎧ੗ ቏ۋ౾શଜऽಽ໌৛ႊ໽ၞ೫੝ᔫ૛ ໐ጲ౶ࡼᎍޠፇLj஠ጙݛ࿾છ೫ၷऱ ጓࡼݙޘੑਈᇹLjৢᄴᅎ஠ᒦਪ୉ఙ ࣥखᐱăኧᏔঃᏔޠର୴ᇗޠᏖੀ•ౠ


ᆆ፞݇ጲഌڻ࿾ྜྷࡼ੝ᔫă different industries and different ࠨၷऱ੝ᔫᏳࠨဍ଀Lj ࡼ࢒औฤ1995ฤ businesses and directly contributing ๴ᑗࡼᓿზLj୓ᑚጙ߅቉ᓳᏗࡼဣୃઁێᔈኧᏔࠎ ໦Ljऽಽ໌Ꭷᒦ๏ጙᒇۣߒᓹஜමᎍ to China’s GDP growth.” ల߈ᄰਭᏴሣኧᇴᒦቦLj࢒ጙဟମᎧ ৈਪଜਜ਼࢐ཌިਭလᅺ෗ڻੑࡼਈᇹăऽಽ໌Ᏼᒦ๏௮ᐓ೫୴ᇳ ໚ཝཆၫ ਜ਼ᑍී࿸ဗăࠥᅪLjऽಽ໌થဵᒰࣶ Ꮛ৔Ᏼሣॊሱୣഗă ᆆ፞݇ဍ଀ྯฤ੝ᔫڻࡉ5ฤጲ ᒦ๏Ꭷޠளಯ๸ኵల߈ށݬଝᒦ๏঱ ࿟ࡼ৛ႊᒄጙă ቏ፇ ᆆ፞݇Ꭷᒦ๏ਪଔڻ12Ꮬ15྇Lj ৔࿜ኧᏔ໽ࢿቤࡼྯฤ੝ᔫ቏ፇLj ኝݚᏴખ໪ࣅ໚ཝཆᆀ൥ৢሱᇹ݀ ᆆ፞݇዇ვࡍኧኧᇴᒦቦ AB InBev Upgrades Partnershipڻ —— CEIBS Renews Cooperation ᄻ with Philips (AB InBev APAC University Learning The world’s leading brewer, AB Philips, world leader in Center)LjᒒᏴᆐ໩ጓᏋ৔ࡌᐆጙৈ InBev, formed a new three-year healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, ཝऱᆡৢሱᓾᏎࡼᏴሣኧᇴਜ਼๸ኵ corporate partnership with CEIBS on ᆆ፞݇዇ვཌᔐݡইඑ఑ December 15, and launched the ABڻrenewed its long-running ຳგă collaborative partnership with CEIBS DŽMiguel PatricioDžሌညᎧኧᏔঃᏔޠ InBev APAC University Learning in a February 16 ceremony featuring ରᒦऱ୴ᇗޠᐽᆒூ୴၈ৢᄴ߲ᇳ೫ Centre in China – a global online high level executives from CEIBS and ໽Ꮦጥါă "comprehensive sharing system" that ࡼই facilitates corporate staff e-learningޠᆆ፞݇዇ვࡍኧᏔڻPhilips. The new partnership will ࿽ᆐ ᆆ and training. After the SigningڻᎧᒦ๏ኧᏋਜ਼ݬଝޝdevelop initiatives focused on health එ఑Ljৎሚ care and innovation. Philips first ፞݇MINI MBAల߈ࡼኧᏋඣॊሱ೫ Ceremony, AB InBev President for became a corporate partner of CEIBS “ྙੜႨᐆഌࡴೆ”Lj݀୓ࠥᔫᆐᒦਪ APAC region Miguel Patricio shared in 1995, and has served as an active ཌࡼ࢒ጙჭ๸ኵల߈࿟ࠅᒗᏴሣኧᇴ his insight and experience in a recruiter of CEIBS graduates and an ᒦቦLjᎧཝཆᄴݛॊሱă presentation entitled "Look of the Leader" given to more than 100 ڻactive participant at CEIBS campuses ᔫᆐཝཆഌሌࡼທௌสᐆ࿜Lj ever since. Stating that he was ᆆ፞݇ဪᒫᒘೆ᎖૏௡ᔢᎁኅࡼཽ CEIBS MBA students and AB InBev honoured” to participate in the ݣLjᄰਭᅎ஠ࣖᄂऎ঍ᎌ߅቉ࡼཽݣ Mini MBA participants. The lecture“ renewal of the CEIBS-Philips ᑈ෶ૺ਌ಯᄏᇹLjሶ໚สᐆৎගੑࡼ was also uploaded to AB InBev's partnership, Philips Chairman of ီஏࡼඪሯݙࣥ༄ቲă2009ฤ໦Lj Online Learning Centre as the first ᆆ፞݇ᒦਪᎧᒦ๏༓༓ೊ၄Ljᆐࡌ China-based lesson, to be shared withڻ Greater China and Executive Vice President Patrick Kung praised CEIBS ᐆທௌቲጓବ࣡਌ಯཽݣ“೟࿽ࢾᔪ” AB InBev personnel globally. The for “developing so many leaders in MINI MBAల߈DŽ໩ጓดኵల߈Džăࠥ new agreement with CEIBS will focus

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 71 ᒆጓखᐱ ۋ੝ᔫ૛

TNS Joins CEIBS Corporate Partners, Emphasizes Knowledge Creation On March 2, leading global consumer research company TNS formed a three-year, multifaceted partnership with CEIBS. The partnership establishes a number of TNS-CEIBS initiatives to create knowledge, foster innovation, and benefit both sides. At the ceremony, TNS Asia Pacific CEO Chris Riquier said "TNS feels very privileged to enter into this partnership – a relationship that will focus not just on China but globally." He went on to explain that TNS is now placing special emphasis on the technology, on initiatives in recruitment, student ߅ৢ፪ăᏴ໽Ꮦጥါ࿟LjTNS዇ვ automotive, and financial services projects, training, and will also ཌ၅ᇳᒊቲਉయಱႅ·ರౠऑDŽChris sectors. The new partnership with provide CEIBS with gift in kind RiquierDžሌညႁࡸǖ“ถ৫Ꭷᒦ๏୐ೂ CEIBS will help TNS to connect with ྋቴă CEIBS professors and alumni, and toޟਈᇹLjTNSঢࡵऻۋbeverage donations. ੝ᔫ૛ ᑚጙ੝ᔫݙஞஞ௜ሢ᎖ᒦਪLjથ୓્ tap into high calibre MBA graduates ဵཝཆށෂࡼă”ჇଖऎஊျTNSሚᏴ as TNS China plans to significantly ᒜᐆጲૺ expand its current roster of 600ޱLjᅎߣᒀ ࡼጓᇗᒮቦहᏴଆၣĂ໱ۋTNS߅ᆐᒦ๏੝ᔫ૛ .ਈᇹ employees in Chinaۋဤࠎቤ ஘ྌॲᇗࢀቲጓăᎧᒦ๏ࡼ૛ ᓐTNSᎧᒦ๏ࡼ୴၈Ăቅᎍ୐ೂۑ৛ ୓އࢯޝ3Ꮬ2྇Ljཝཆഌሌࡼှ ႊTNSှޝዐ௅৛ႊᎧᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ ೜ੑਈᇹLjTNSৎఠ൅ᇢฃᎁኅࡼᒦ ျޙ๏MBA܏ጓညᔫᆐ໚ᒦਪଐચࡼጙݝ ૠปᆊऑᒦਪCEOဂࡉಯ ۋኧᏔཀྵೂ೫ᆐ໐ྯฤࡼཝෂ੝ᔫ૛ ਈᇹă۞౪ጙᇹ೰TNS-ᒦ๏ࠎቤଐ ॊă෹༄TNSᏴખᏋ৔த600෗Lj໚Ꮛ Đᒦਪ0፝ࣞᐵ൒đ ચLj፿ጲ૝ནᒀဤĂᅎࣅࠎቤĂ ࡉ ৔ਖෝથ୓஠ጙݛ౫ࡍă 3Ꮬ15྇LjૠปᆊऑᒦਪᎧ፝ࣞ

োᄪTNSǖ2010ฤᒦ๏ቅᎍ౯ගڄᒦ๏ቅᎍݬ਋ ಽႅࡼڎোᄪݚጩํႅڄᎊኧᒄു౶ࡵ೫ᆡ᎖ ࠀăTNS౯ග࢐ཌCEO Wander MeijerူێTNS ሌညखܭ೫ᄌᆐ“౯ࢷගᒴࡼள଍ᢨ໦”ࡼዝ୚Ǘ োᄪDžᒊቲࣃူConstanza CilleyๆိॊڄTNSDŽ োᄪཽࡼࣖᄂଥᒋ਋Ăཽৃᄂᑯਜ਼ள଍၁ڄᇜ೫ ୯ă CEIBS Alumni Visit TNS Argentina – The December 2010 Alumni Study Trip to Latin America featured a visit to TNS offices in Buenos Aires. TNS CEO for Latin America Mr Wander Meijer spoke on “The Economic Rise of Latin America,” while TNS Argentina Managing Director Ms. Constanza Cilley analyzed the unique values, personality, and economic perspectives for the Argentine population.


ᔐݡରCEOဂࡉಯDŽShane TedjaratiDž renowned for turning the company’s During a radical shakeup of the ሌညᔪఱᒦ๏LjᎧࡍଜუߋॊሱক৛ China operations around from a low China strategy over the past 5 years, ႊᑣ࣪ᒦ፝ᑚೝৈᒮገቤቭှޝࡼᐵ point when he assumed his role in late Honeywell quickly began learning from ൒ଐચăᔈ2004ฤྀ߲ᒦਪཌCEOጲ 2004. That year, the company’s China its Chinese competitors, says Tedjarati. ౶Ljဂࡉಯሌညጲ໚߲ྻࡼ௼ݽ਌ಯ operations were growing at just 3.5%, First, the company began producing in ฼ᓞ೫ক৛ႊᏴᒦਪှޝࡼࢅᐐޠᏥ while today, the company’s China and China for the China market ፦౩ஹă2004ฤૠปᆊऑᒦਪ৛ႊጓ India operations enjoy a near 30% (“East4East” strategy), then producing ᇗᐐޠႥࣞஞᆐ3.5%Ljऎྙஙᒦਪਜ਼ CAGR. in China for the world (“East2West”). ፝ࣞࡼฤআ੝ᐐޠൈ୻த30%ă Tedjarati said the company’s The ultimate solution was for ဂࡉಯሌည߂LjૠปᆊऑᏴᒦ current positioning in China is ideal Honeywell to beat Chinese ,ಯሯLjፐᆐ໚ݾᒮഌ because the key areas of focus – competitors at their own gameޟਪࡼࢾᆡऻ ࡴᄏĂ୐ᓔĂੋహĂ energy efficiency, semi-conductors, becoming THE Chinese competitorۍᎮ——ஂถĂ ໱ޱĂഃ၉ጲૺછ৔—— Ꭷᔢቤࡼ construction, aerospace, automotive, to fear, leveraging on Honeywell’s “လऔᇋ”ਖચऻޟᆭ੝ăࡣဵ7ฤ༄Ⴧ retailing and chemicals – match well international management, global .ݙᄴăࡩဟૠ with the government goals outlined brands and channels, said Tedjaratiޟধধ࿟ྀဟLj༽ౚऻ ปᆊऑᎧ੪ࣶᇝऱ৛ႊጙዹLj෥၆“ᎅ in the most recent Five-Year Plan. But He concluded by outlining the ອ the situation in China was very “essence” of successful domesticޘሚ߅ۍᇝࡵࣁ”ࡼ޾௏ෝါLj୓ ,ਜ਼ଆၣ፛ྜྷᒦਪăᑚጙݽ൒ᒄჅጲပ different when he assumed his post 7 players as: dreaming big, taking risks ,Ljဂࡉಯሌည߂Ljဵፐᆐૠปᆊऑ years ago. At the time, Honeywell, like being open and entrepreneurialھ ,ଥৃࢅ many Western companies, was adapting, having a “can do” spiritۻອ፛ྜྷᒦਪ໩ጓઁ੪౐ޘ୓ ೎ࡼशᒜອᄐࡔă following an outdated “West2East” being fast and innovative, seeking cost Ᏼਭབྷᇋฤᒦᑣ࣪໚ᒦਪᐵ൒ࡼ model focused on bringing stripped reduction potentials, and especially, ૮஠খুᒦLjૠปᆊऑ੪౐࠭ᒦਪீ down products and technology to “living with the customer.” ᑱᑗ࿽࿟ኧࡻளዩLjဂࡉಯሌညႁ China. This strategy failed, he said, ࡸă၅ሌLj৛ႊఎဪ୓ෂሶᒦਪှޝ because it introduced Honeywell ࡼޘອညޘሣहࡵᒦਪDŽ“ᎅࣁᒗࣁ” products to Chinese companies who ,ݽ൒DžLj୻ᓹ஠ጙݛ୓ᒦਪᔫᆐᓍገ then developed imitations for sale at For full reports on these articles ညޘ૥࢐Ljޘອഗሶီஏ৉࢐DŽ“ᎅࣁ a fraction of the price. see www.ceibs.edu/news ᒗᇝ”Džă ᔢᒫࡼஉਫဵૠปᆊऑິஐ໚ਪ ଔ਌ಯĂཝཆອ๞ጲૺདྷࡸᎁဴᐵဒ ೫ᒦਪீᑱᑗLjဂࡉಯሌညႁࡸăᔢ ઁLjჇগ౪ᔐஉ೫ਪด߅৖໩ጓࡼ“ற Ⴔ”ǖত᎖ඪሯĂݙᆝඌሙĂႈሯఎ हĂ૩૵ࠎᐆĂഉ૚း።Ă঍ᎌ“ᇄჅ ݙถ”ࡼறခĂኸஅࠎቤĂኰཇଢ଼ࢅ߅ ࡼ༅ถLjᎄ໚ဵ“ᎧఱઓᄴᏴ”ă۾ ৎࣶሮ༽༿ࡿ഻ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧ Ꮤᆀᐶhttp://www.ceibs.edu/media_c/ archive/ă

Honeywell China CEO Shane Tedjarati Speaks On “China/ India Strategy” In an exclusive address to CEIBS on March 15, Honeywell President & CEO for China and India Shane Tedjarati shared frank insights into the company’s strategy in these two critical emerging markets. Tedjarati is

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 73 Mandarin CapitalPartners

ᒮገྀෘ Ᏼᒦ๏

ᏖੀĄౠऑໜ୴ᇗޠ࣪જTheLINK Q&A With CEIBS Dean John A Quelch

2䊣9㦶᷍䊝⼓·㌝ⱜ㡇᷉John A Quelch᷊ㅭ㬻㈮㦯䐱㝘⺛ カ⹅㩭䁈䊛ⶒ䊛⧅デㅭ㹒⧅᱄㰜䓠䊞⭥䁈㭖㪛䁥ㅌ㸋䁈 䊛⫙㎕⳨㵍ⳓ㼍⭥䓉䄖Ⱅボ᷍㰜䋙⹊䐑⺟ⴑ㩭䁈䊛䈃30 㛋⤃⭄㦯䓫㪏ⶒ䊛⧅᷍⿚䊻㔸ⰹ㩭䁈䊛㦯䊛⧅⫐4㛋᱄㌝ ⱜ㡇ㅭ㹒⧅㼓᱗TheLINK᱘䊴䐟⥜㭗㑬㰜䊻䐱㝘⭥⹅䔘ェ ⿏᷍㈕㤌䊥Ⱒ᱄


Q1: ᔫᆐ୴ᇗޠLjิ࣪ᒦ๏ߒᎌੜᒬᏒஶǛ Q4: ᏴኧᏔᆚ౶ࡼखᐱᒦLjᒦ๏ቅᎍ୓્ खિੜᒬᔫ፿@ ᒦ๏ࡩሆᑵ፱ᎌ௾ଛࡼ૦ᎲLjᄰਭኝࠅ“ᒦਪ࿾ࣞLjཝཆ ਓࣞ”Ljᑊࡵᔈ࿽Ᏼཝཆ࿜ኧᏔᒦࡼࣖᄂࢾᆡă଼ऎዔᒄLjᑚ ࣪᎖ᒦ๏ऎዔLjࡩ༄ᑵဵᎌ቉ಽ፿༓ࡍࡼቅᎍᓾ ᒬࣖᄂᎁဴࡼ੝ೆঅᎤᒦ๏Ᏼਪดᅪ਌ಯ୴Ꮉஏดࣖጙᇄऔࡼ Ꮞెࡼဟ૦ăᆸඣ፱ᎌ10000෗ቅᎍLj໚ᒦ۞౪1500෗ ਖ਼ቦீᑱೆă CEOਜ਼ᔢ঱௼ݽᑗă෹༄ᑵဵᆐቅᎍਜ਼ኧᏔऎߠॊಽ፿ ᔫᆐ20ਪૹᅍૺ໚Ⴧਪଔ௼ݽᓍᄏࡼഌࡴਪLjᒦਪᏴီஏ ᑚጙॕ঍ᓾᏎࡼࡍੑဟ૦ă ᇎგ࿟ࡼ୯ྻᏗ౶Ꮧਈ୆Ljᑚᎌಽ᎖ᒦ๏ᇢ፛ီஏࢻବཽݣă ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔࡼቅ෗୓્፼Ꮠ߲ሚᏴቅᎍࡼ଼ ᆸඣᇢ፛ᓹᔢᎁኅࡼኧညĂᔢ஄߲ࡼ୴၈LjથᎌᔢᓳᏗࡼ໩ጓ ಼࿟ăቅᎍඣૄۨኧᏔLjࡩ཭ဵ߲᎖໚ৈཽࡼፀᏒăૄ ăᄰਭᇢ፛ਪดᅪࢻବཽݣLjᆸඣᓆ୍ተ߅ጙᄁ ۨࡼተါݙஞஞဵ௮ᐓLjથᎌᓜጓᒀဤॊሱĂႈሯࠎቤۋਜ਼ኧၣ૛ “೜ቶክણ”૦ᒜăᆸඣ୓ᒈোᒦਪᎧ፬ሰီஏྌᆐጙᄏLjᑚጙ ਜ਼ࣖᎌࡼᓾᏎăᆸඣጞణࡍଜ୓ฝඣ⃖ሆᎌ༄ᅆࡼීቩ ྌ੝થ્ৎଝஜමă Ꮛ৔႙ࡵᒦ๏௓ࣗ঱ށளಯ๸ኵల߈Ăኧᆡల߈૞ဵऔ ሣ߃ှࡼ“ᒦ๏࿜ᇗ୴Ꮉᆪິల߈”ăᆸඣጞణቅᎍጙ໦ Q2: ิᆐੜಭఎਮ।౶ࡵᒦ๏Ǜ ᔪMBAల߈Ljఎखᐊྀഌࡴೆల߈ਜ਼ISPDŽᔏ੝ᐵ൒ሲ ෹DžLj݀ᆐMBAᄋ৙ဣᇴবᆡ૞ᑵါᒆᆡăᆸඣથጞ౷ ಿዐ௅Lj݀༿ቅᎍ౶ቅዝ୚ăښᎌ೫Ᏼගਪਜ਼๏ᒴഌࡴࢻବ࿜ኧᏔࡼள಼Lj౶ᒦਪ࣪ᆸऎ ቅᎍᎧ୴၈ඣ੝ᔫ஠ቲ ዔဵၿಯ߅ᐺĂጐဵ঍ᎌᇢ፛ೆࡼጙݛăᆸᏴගਪĂ፞ਪ࣒࡛ ᒦ๏ጙࢾ્ૄۨᆸඣࡼቅᎍLj݀ઢ፩ࡍଜጲᎌབࡼ ᒦࡼጙݛLjᆸܪሶᑚጙ෹ۼଜఘఘ”ăᔫᆐૄޟ“Lj෹༄Ᏼᒦਪጐྀ࡛ᑚጙᒆᆡLjᑚဵৈ“ೝ၄๯ྯඍ” ቤऱါޠਭᏔྀ ࡼᇻजLj඗ଂৈኧᑗถᔪࡻࡵƽᆸ੪ྋቴ૝ࡻᑚዹࡼ૦્ă ୓Ᏼ႐Ꮬ॑ংൕ࣮ᆐᒦ๏၅ৈᏴ๏ᒴࡼቅᎍॊ્ࡼ߅ೂ ࡼਈ୆ ࡍ્ାݨă፞ਪቅᎍॊ્߅ೂઁLjᆸඣ୓Ᏼ๏ᒴĂගਪޠᆸཱྀᆐᒦ๏ࡼ༅ೆᇄభৰ೟ăᒦ๏෹༄ᑵࠀ᎖߅ ୿ࣤLjᏴਪดਪᅪࡼखᐱĂဣᄏ࿟ࡼ౫ᐽጲૺኧၣഌᎮࡼᅠᐱ ૺ໚Ⴧ࢐ཌࡼᒮ࢛߃ှ߅ೂቅᎍॊ્ăᆸඣઢ፩ਪด૞ ᓄऱෂ࣒လॊਈ୆ă ਪᅪࡼඛጙᆡቅᎍᏴฝඣည૚૞৔ᔫࡼ࢐ऱ߅ೂቅᎍॊ ᒦ๏ܘኍ࠭୴ኧቯኧᏔሶዐ௅-୴ኧቯኧᏔᓞܤLjᆸࡼள ્ă ዩ୓ᎌᓐ᎖ᒦ๏ଝႥᑚጙᓞܤăྙਫᒦ๏ᄾྜྷࡵᑚᒬᓞܤᒦ થᎌጙୈူ࣪ቅᎍᎌಽ——ᒦ๏୓ᄾྜྷৎࡍೆ೟Lj བྷLjᆸඣ୓ ࿽ီஏ࿜ኧᏔလ༓ᒄ೰ă ࠳஠ኧᏔᏴऻᒴଝฃࡼల߈ࡼखᐱăኧᏔ୓ᆐᎌፀሶᏴ ऻᒴఎ࿸࿜ᇗॊᑽ૦৩ࡼቅᎍᅠ౑৥ᄰདྷࡸLj৙ࡍଜᄴ Q3: ิᆐᒦ๏ࡼ୴၈ඣ࿸ೂࡼ෹ܪဵဠඐǛ ক࢐ཌࡼኧညਜ਼ቅᎍೊᇹăᆸඣથ୓౫ߠฤࣞቅᎍᎊኧ ࡼ෹ࡼ࢐෗࡝Ljฃྜྷཝཆᄾᓾ࢐࢛Lj݀ဟరᓰ۸቏ᓐᎌ ኍ࠭ႈሯࠅ݃ᓞ ፀሶࡼቅᎍ୐ೂቤࡼ໩ጓ࿷્ᐊྀ௩ಘݝĂᔝᒅ૚ࣅਜ਼ܘᑵྙᒦਪᑵᏴไೆࡼกዹLjᆸඣᒦ๏ཽ ܤᆐৎࣶࡼႈሯࠎቤăኧᏔဉᎺࡼ঱ࢅLjན௼᎖୴၈ਜ਼ኧညᏴ ௡્ă ୴၀ಱຎᓦޘညࡼቤႈሯࡼၺຳă஄߲ࡼ୴ኧ྆ဵᆸඣࡼ૥ Ⴒᓹᒦ๏஠ྜྷखᐱࡼቤ୿ࣤLjᆸඣ߅৖ࡼႥࣞĂਖ ဝLjࡣᆸඣܘኍഔ৊୴၈ৎࣶࡼဟମᔪዐ௅Lj݀߅ᆐႈሯഌ ෝਜ਼ഌᎮ࣒Ᏼ੪ࡍ߈ࣞ࿟ጞ౷᎖ᆸඣቅᎍઑࣅࡼೆ೟ă ኆă ᆸ໐ࡗᎧࡍଜጙ໦Ljৢࠎᒦ๏ࡼීᄖƽ


On February 9, Professor is a “triple hat trick” that few ideas, and unique resources. We count John A Quelch began as academics have pulled off! I'm on you to send your rising star staff Vice President & Dean of honored to have this opportunity. members to CEIBS for Executive I see the tremendous potential of Education courses, degree programs, CEIBS. His arrival brings CEIBS. Right now, the school is at a or the new certificate programs in the expertise of a highly critical point, growing both second tier cities. We count on you to impressive academic career domestically and internationally, and work with the MBA Program to featuring 30+ years at HBS, undertaking physical expansion as well develop Responsible Leadership and four years as Dean of as expanding our areas of academic Projects and “ISP” group consulting LBS. Here, Dean Quelch expertise.Hopefully, my past experience projects, and to hire MBAs for explains his plans for CEIBS. will enable me to help accelerate the internships or permanent postings. transition CEIBS must make from And we count on you to work with being primarily a teaching school to professors on case studies and becoming a balanced research and research, and to come to campus as Q1. As Dean, what is your teaching school. Only if CEIBS invests guest lecturers. vision for CEIBS? in this transition, can it rank among the In return, CEIBS is committed to top 10 of business schools worldwide. giving back to our alumni, and to Dean Quelch: CEIBS has a welcoming you “home” to your school golden opportunity to position itself Q3. What are your goals for in new and engaging ways. As one step uniquely among business schools by CEIBS faculty? toward this goal, in April, I will head to delivering "China Depth, Global London to launch the first CEIBS Breadth". Simply put, this Like China itself, CEIBS must shift Alumni Association Chapter in combination of unique strengths from idea dissemination to more idea Europe. After the UK Chapter opens, gives CEIBS a core competence that creation. Our reputation will only be as we plan to open other chapters in key no other business school – neither the good as the new ideas that our faculty cities in Europe, the US, and elsewhere. emerging domestic b-schools nor the and students can bring to and develop in We welcome approaches from any international ones – can offer as well the classroom. Great teaching will alumni in China or worldwide who as we do. continue to be our cornerstone, but we are interested in establishing a new As China takes an increasingly must allow our faculty more time for alumni chapter. central role on the world stage, research and thought leadership. As another benefit to alumni, emerging as a global leader at the G20 CEIBS will more fully leverage our and in other international decision- Q4. Can alumni help CEIBS' growing operations in Ghana, Africa. making bodies, CEIBS is well- placed future growth? The school will expand its to attract the world’s very best – the communications channels for alumni best students, best professors, and best Now is the time for CEIBS to interested in business opportunities in corporate and academic partners. By effectively draw upon our powerful Africa, connecting you to students and attracting the very best, both within graduate pool. We have the largest, alumni in that region. Also, we are China and globally, we foster a most influential b-school alumni expanding our roster of annual “virtuous cycle.” Our combination of network in China, with 10,000 EMBA Alumni Study Tours to key investment 'China depth, global breadth' will only and MBA grads, including 1,500 CEOs destinations worldwide, and stand strengthen our appeal. and top decision-makers. It is time to ready to assist interested alumni in make the most of this tremendous establishing new initiatives. Q2. Why did you leave resource, both for alumni themselves As CEIBS enters the next phase of Harvard for CEIBS? and for our school. its development, the speed, scale and The CEIBS name is on the CVs of scope of our success will depend in Having helped to lead top all of our alumni forever. It is simple large part on the power and b-schools in the US and Europe, self-interest for our alumni to give commitment of our alumni. I look coming to China was a very logical back to the school – not just in terms forward to working with you as we and very attractive next stop. Serving of giving money, but in sharing your take CEIBS to the next level of as Dean in the US, UK and now China professional knowledge, innovative excellence.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 77 ᒮገྀෘ Ᏼᒦ๏

ྯᆡቤঃ୴ᇗޠ௓ྀ 3 New Associate Deans Appointed

ዐ௅૚ࣅᎧኧᏔဧෘሤஉ੝Ljጲਪଔڳ୓ ྀۻ኏ܳ୴၈Ăብᮕ୴၈ਜ਼೚ถ୴၈ ෘᆐᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔঃ୴ᇗޠă ጙഗࡼኧၣܪᓰᆐ෹ܪLjᄴဟᒈোᒦਪਪ ࠭2Ꮬ17྇໦Ljள଍ኧਜ਼஘ྌኧ୴၈ ༽Ljᆐዐ௅ਜ਼ኧၣखᐱᄋ৙ᐵ൒ᒎࡴă኏ DŽዐ௅DžǗ਌ ܳ୴၈થ୓ྀ࡛ዐ௅ᆕᏋ્ᓍᇳăޠෘᆐঃ୴ᇗྀۻ኏ܳ݇ိ LjޠDŽ঱ ᔫᆐॊ਌঱଀ளಯ๸ኵࡼঃ୴ᇗޠෘᆐঃ୴ᇗྀۻಯኧ୴၈ብᮕ݇ိ ளಯ๸ኵDžă਌ಯኧ୴၈೚ถ݇ိࡼঃ ብᮕ୴၈୓࠭ᇹᄻĂ਌ಯጲૺᐵ൒ݝၞࢀށ ୴ᇗޠDŽနᓾDžྀ໐୓࠭5Ꮬ1྇ఎဪă ৉ऱෂᆐኧᏔࡼ঱଀ளಯ๸ኵల߈ᄋ৙ኧ “ᎅ᎖Ꮗॊ਌ዐ௅ࡼঃ୴ᇗޠᐽࠔ୴၈ ၣᒎࡴăᄴဟ჉થ୓ࡔܭኧᏔ঱଀ளಯ๸ ளಯ๸ኵࡼঃ୴ᇗ ኵݝᎧᏔดᅪሤਈཽိ஠ቲ৥ᄰăށࡼಭᒆጲૺᏇॊ਌঱ ୴၈ࡼ༿ࠡLjኧᏔ਌ᆕ્௼ࢾྀ ᎅ᎖୴၈ਖෝࡼݙࣥ౫ࡍLjᄴဟᆐ೫ڔዮਪޠ ෘ࿟ၤଖྀᑗă਌ᆕ્ࡔܭኧᏔሶᐽࠔ୴ ୐ೂီஏጙഗࡼ୴၈ᅍࣩLj਌ᆕ્௼ࢾ࿸ ጙᒆă࡛ࠥᒮྀࡼޠ୴၈ᒘጲߋᒕঢቝLjঢቝჇඣ ೂॊ਌နᓾࡼঃ୴ᇗڔ၈ਜ਼ዮਪ ஜම቏ᔫLjཀྵۣኧᏔޠ໐ମᔫ߲ࡼৡማLj”ᒦ๏ ೚ถ୴၈୓Ꭷ୴ᇗޠᏴྀ࡛ঃ୴ᇗ Ꮦੀ·ౠऑໜ ᑶݽਜ਼߈ኔถ୓ཝᒆ୴၈ࡼኧၣਜ਼୴ኧ༅ޠର୴ᇗޠਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔঃᏔ ာă ถࡻࡵᔢࡍ߈ࣞࡼखિăܭဟޠ୴၈Ᏼኝݚቤྀঃ୴ᇗ ᔫᆐॊ਌ዐ௅ࡼঃ୴ᇗޠLj኏ܳ୴၈

Professors Xu Bin, Katherine Xin and CEIBS with the school’s mission, provide Liang Neng have been appointed to the strategic leadership for the development position of Associate Dean at CEIBS. of research and scholarship according to Effective February 17, Professor of internationally recognized standards of Economics and Finance Dr Xu Bin was excellence, while acknowledging China’s appointed Associate Dean, Research; and unique situation. He will also chair the Professor of Management Dr Katherine Research Committee. Xin was named Associate Dean, Executive As Associate Dean, Executive Education Programme (Executive Education Prof Katherine Xin will Education). Professor of Management Dr provide academic leadership for the Liang Neng’s appointment as Associate school’s Executive Education Dean, Faculty will take effect on May 1. Programmes in terms of systems, “Due to the leave of Prof Chun management, and strategic positioning. Chang, Associate Dean, Research and She will also represent the school’s Prof Arthur Yeung’s desire to step down Executive Education strategy to both from the Associate Deanship, Executive internal and external constituencies. Education, the Management Committee With the expansion of the faculty’s (MC) has appointed replacements. The size, and the pressing need to build a MC would like to extend the gratitude of world-class faculty team, the Management the School to Prof Chun Chang and Prof Committee decided to establish the new Arthur Yeung for their excellent service position of Associate Dean, Faculty. In this to the school as Associate Deans,” said role, Prof Neng will work closely with the CEIBS Vice President & Dean John A. Dean to ensure that policies and Quelch in making the announcements. procedures are in place so that full time As Associate Dean of Research, Prof faculty members can reach their full Xu Bin will align the research activities of potential as scholars and educators.


ᓎ෗ᐵ൒ኧ୴၈༛ᒤ•ጟ໋ ൫పऍ݇ိྀ࡛ ݇ိଝටᒦ๏ ᒦ๏࿜ᇗኧ୴၈ Renowned Strategy Professor Dr Bruce McKern Becomes Dr George S Yip Joins CEIBS CEIBS Professor of International Business

ਪଔᒀ෗ᐵ൒ኧኧᑗਜ਼ග 3 Ꮬ 1 ྇Lj ਪਪଔ࿜ᇗኧ્્Ꮛ༛ᒤ·ጟ໋ ൫పऍDŽBruce DŽGeorge S YipDž݇ိ୓᎖7Ꮬ1 McKernDž݇ိᑵ ྇ଝྜྷᒦ๏Ljྀ࡛ᆸᏔ਌ಯኧ ါྀ࡛ᒦ๏࿜ᇗኧ ୴၈ăኧᏔঃᏔޠର୴ᇗޠᏖ ୴၈ă൫పऍ݇ိ ੀ·ౠऑໜ࣪ጟ໋୴၈୻၊ᒦ๏ ᐒᏴ2001ฤᒗ2007 ࡼዻ༿ܭာǖ“ᒦ๏ᑵᏴ߅ᆐਪ ฤྀ࡛ႅუॵࡍኧ ଔ࿜ᇗഌᎮኧᑗ၅ኡࡼ዇ᒴ࿜ ࿜ኧᏔႅടႂိల ኧᏔLjጟ໋୴၈ࡼࡵ౶ᑵဵᔢ ߈ᓍྀLj෹༄Ⴧ྆ ቤܪᒔă” ᆐႅუॵࡍኧઈ। ጟ໋୴၈ᔢதࡼጙሲྀᒆ ዐ௅Ⴥࡼषᆰኧ ဵጟ౯ႅ෤ࡍኧഷᄂ࡜਌ಯ ᑗă ኧᏔᏔޠDŽ2008ฤ1Ꮬᒗ2010 ൫పऍ݇ိጲᎁፊ߅૲૝ࡻᇨปࡍኧછኧ৔ ฤ12ᏜDžăᒄ༄ࡼᒆᆡ۞౪ǖ፞ਪ঱଀਌ಯዐ௅ኧ્၅ᇳ঱଀ ߈ኧိኧᆡLjᒄઁ᎒૝ࡻਮ।ࡍኧਪଔ࿜ᇗኧ݇ ૺMBAల߈୴ᇳ୴၈ ိኧᆡăჇࡼዐ௅ഌᎮݾᒮ᎖ోਪ৛ႊࡼᐵ൒ăޠዐ௅ᏋDŽ2003-2007DžLjൕ࣮࿜ኧᏔঃᏔ ৔ጓऱෂࡼཚᆆᓜଜLjᓟቖ݀ݬᎧޘ፦ሾਜ਼ᐵ൒ኧ۴య Ⴧဵਪଔ౗ޝDŽ2001-2008Džጲૺୋ༙ࡍኧJudge਌ಯኧᏔှ ᓎᔫLj۞౪Ėోਪ৛ႊࡼᔈ཭ᓾᏎఎ۾ڭ૷೫ܠ ࡺ྽਌ಯዐ௅ညڔᆆႈ਌ಯኧ୴ᇳ୴၈ăჇથᐒྀ୴᎖ଝᒳࡍኧ ࿷Lj1993ฤDžጲૺۈᏔDŽ1991-1998DžLj༛ᒤ࣮ࡍኧ৔࿜਌ಯኧᏔDŽ1987-1991Džጲૺਮ खėDŽೊ੝ਪᎧ൜ࡺಱໜ߲ ࿷Lj2003ۈ।࿜ኧᏔDŽ1980-1983Džăጟ໋୴၈ᐒ᎖1996ฤᒗ1997ฤྀ࡛ᒦ๏ Ėཝཆᆀ൥৛ႊ਌ಯėDŽ൜ࡺಱໜ߲ ఱᔭ୴၈ă ฤDžă

Internationally acclaimed strategy scholar and AIB Fellow On March 1, Dr Bruce McKern began at George S. Yip will join the CEIBS faculty as Professor of CEIBS as Professor of International Business. Management on July 1. Upon Prof Yip’s acceptance of the CEIBS He was the Director of the Stanford Sloan position, Vice President and Dean John A Quelch commented: Master's Programme in the Stanford University “Professor Yip's arrival at CEIBS is just the latest signal that Graduate School of Business (2001-07) and is CEIBS is becoming the number one school of choice in Asia for currently a Visiting Fellow at Stanford serious scholars of international business.” University's Hoover Institution. Prof Yip most recently served as Dean of Rotterdam School Prof McKern gained a BE in Chemical of Management, Erasmus University (Jan 2008 - Dec 2010). Prior Engineering with Honours at the University of positions include Lead Sr Fellow at the Advanced Institute for Sydney and a PhD in International Business at Management Research, UK (2003-2007), Associate Dean and Harvard University. His research interests focus MBA Programme Chair London Business School (2001-2008), on the strategies of international corporations. and Beckwith Professor of Management Studies in Marketing He is an authority on the international minerals and Strategy, at University of Cambridge’s Judge Institute of industry and the author or editor of eight books Management Studies. He has also taught at University of including Transnational Corporations in the California’s Anderson Graduate School of Management Exploitation of Natural Resources (United (1991-98), Georgetown University’s School of Business Nations and Routledge, 1993) and Managing the Administration (1987-91), and Harvard Business School Global Network Corporation (Routledge, 2003). (1980-83). In China, Prof Yip served as a visiting professor to CEIBS in 1996 and 1997.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 79 ᒮገྀෘ Ᏼᒦ๏

஘გೲ݇ိྀ࡛ ੜ᩹᩹݇ိྀ࡛ ᒦ๏਌ಯኧঃ୴၈ ᒦ๏፦ሾኧᓐಯ୴၈ CEIBS Welcomes Associate Introducing Assistant Professor Professor of Management of Marketing Dr Tina He Dr Tae Yeol Kim

1Ꮬ1྇Lj஘გೲ݇ိ ੜ᩹᩹݇ိ᎖1Ꮬ1྇ DŽTae Yeol KimDž௓ྀᒦ ଝටᒦ๏Ljྀ࡛፦ሾኧᓐ ๏਌ಯኧঃ୴၈ă2004ฤ ಯ୴၈ă2008ฤ8Ꮬᒗங჉ ᒗ2010ฤମჇᏴሧভ߃ှ Ᏼගਪᆆႅఙቩࡍኧමऑ ࡍኧ਌ಯኧᏔྀ࡛ᓐಯ୴ ᆼ૥ॊቅLubar࿜ኧᏔྀ࡛ ၈LjࠥᅪLj2001ฤᒗ2002 ှޝ፦ሾኧᓐಯ୴၈ăੜ ฤମჇᏴ۱ఌ൜౶ฃࡍኧ ݇ိ᎖2000ฤ܏ጓ᎖۱ய ୴ჭ࿍ॊቅ୴၈ᔝᒅቲᆐ ࡍኧ݀૝ࡻள଍ኧኧိኧ ኧĂტ๨ኧࢀల߈ă஘݇ ᆡă2003ฤᏴൺ޵ႅᄂಯ ိ1997ฤ܏ጓ᎖ਹਪዓီ ৔ࡍኧ૝ࡻှޝ፦ሾኧႂ ࡍኧ݀૝ࡻᔝᒅቲᆐኧႂ ိኧᆡLjऎઁᏴખတ࣯ࡍ ိኧᆡਜ਼৔࿜਌ಯኧኧိ ኧဓവጵႅॊቅ૝ှޝ፦ ኧᆡăࠥઁჇ᎖2004Ᏼ۱ ሾኧႂိૺ݇ိኧᆡă ఌ൜౶ฃࡍኧჭ࿍ॊቅ૝ࡻ೫ᔝᒅቲᆐኧ݇ိኧᆡă ੜ݇ိဵගਪှޝ፦ሾ቏્ĂᏥ߫ኧਜ਼਌ಯኧዐ௅቏ ᆐ፦ሾ୐ෝLjࡩ༄ዐ௅ᒮ࢛ᆐᆀ൥ᅪݝቶޠ஘݇ိဵගਪ৔ጓᎧᔝᒅቦಯኧ቏્ࡼਪଔ્ᏋLjග ્્Ꮛă໚ᓜ ਪ਌ಯኧ્ጲૺ዇ᒴ਌ಯኧ્્Ꮛă෹༄ࡼዐ௅ᓍገૹᒦ ਜ਼஠ྜྷऊᒜăᎧࠥᄴဟLj჉࣪ࢾଥݽ൒ĂఱઓછࢾᒜĂ ፦ሾ਌ಯలޝᏴᔝᒅ৛ᑵĂోᆪછቦಯኧĂࠎᐆೆĂഌࡴೆĂᓍࣅቶ ᅓૡᑶݽਜ਼ቧྀ਌ಯጐ੪ਈᓖăᓍገ୴၈ှ ਜ਼ཽ-ણஹປ๼ࢀऱෂăჇࡼዐ௅߅ਫ୅ᓄ᎖኏ࣶᓎ෗ኧ ߈ă ၣ໐ఓLjྙĖ።፿ቦಯኧėĂĖᔝᒅቲᆐᎧཽಢ௼ݽਭ ߈ėĂĖᔝᒅቲᆐኧėĂĖཽଔਈᇹėࢀă Before joining CEIBS as Assistant Professor of Marketing on January 1, Prof Tina He had held the same Dr Tae Yeol Kim was named CEIBS Associate position at Lubar School of Business, University of Professor of Management on January 1. He was an Wisconsin (Milwaukee) since 2008. After obtaining a assistant professor at City University in Hong Kong of bachelor’s degree in Economics from Peking University, Hong Kong (2004 -10). Prior to that, he was a lecturer at she went on to achieve a master’s degree in Marketing the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, the same from University of Manchester Institute of Science and school where he earned his PhD in Organizational Technology in 2003. She holds both a Master’s Degree Behaviour. Prof Kim also holds a Master’s Degree and and PhD in Marketing at Washington University in St. Bachelor’s Degree from Yonsei University, Republic of Louis. Korea. Prof He is a member of the American Marketing Professional and academic associations for Prof Kim Association and INFORMS. She specializes in marketing include membership in the International Affiliate of the modelling research. Her current research focuses on Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology since network externality and entry deterrence, as well as 2006, membership in the Academy of Management since pricing strategies, customization, return policies, and 1999, and in the Asia Academy of Management since trust management. She teaches courses in Marketing 2006. Current research interests include organizational Management. justice, cross-cultural psychology, creativity, leadership, proactivity, and person-environment fit.


ዓኚđࠢ࿖૥஘ڐ߅ೂĐᒦ๏ۂEMBA096 EMBA Class Launches Charity Fund

ࡼᄴኧඣ௡Ᏼጙ໦ Almost RMB400,000 was raised for charity on theۂ1Ꮬ22྇ᅵLjᒦ๏EMBA096 ዓኚ” evening of January 22, as CEIBS EMBA 2009 Class 6 alumniڐ೫ᄌᆐ“Ᏼጙ໦Ăێઢ঺ቈᎫĂࠡ௏፩ቤLj௟ ࡼ፩ቤࠔࠢ࿖ᅵ્ă࿟਱ୣᄰࡍኧጛኧᏔএၢ࿟਱ rang in 2011 at their New Year charity party, and officially एᄷጛኧᒦቦঃᏔޠଈཀ፞ๆိLjᒦ๏ঃ୴ᇗޠĂ launched the CEIBS ALWAYS-CARE Charity Fund. Vice EMBAల߈ᓍྀ޾஄ຳ୴၈߲ᇳ೫ᅵ્Lj݀ጙ໦୅ᑺ president of Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre (SCMC) ዓኚ”ࠢ࿖૥஘ࡼᑵါ߅ೂਜ਼࿖౒߫ૹ૚ Affiliated to the Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tongڐ೫“ᒦ๏ ࣅă University Ji Qingying, and CEIBS Co-Dean/EMBA Director ࡩᄖᅵ્߫ૹ࿖౒39.28ᅺă஀ᒗ෹༄LjEMBA096 Prof Charles Chen were among those present for the festive .ዓኚ”ࠢ࿖૥஘ৢଐ߫ࡅ࿖౒105᎜ᅺLj୓፿᎖࿟ eventڐ“ۂ ᓐࢾ࢛ॵಽᏔ৲ By the end of the evening, RMB 392,800 had beenۑ਱एᄷጛኧᒦቦࡼ௎ᓐ৲एሲ෹Lj ए஠ቲ୉ఙ࿈އĂ၄ၣᒤ೦ጲૺ࣪ࡩ࢐ጛညਜ਼৲एᏔ donated, and over the next few months the total exceeded RMB1.05 million. The funds will be used for the SCMC’s ܭ੦ިޠࠢ࿖ᆕᏋ્෗Ꮊ્ۂࡼۣᎹᏋ஠ቲ๸ኵă096 ာLjᑚৈࠢ࿖૥஘ถཱུᆸඣᏴᒦ๏ኧᇴೝฤᒄઁ྆཭ project which offers medical check-ups and surgery to ଀றခă orphans at specific children’s homes. The project also trainsۂࠥLjዓኚᆸඣ“፼ᏐᏴጙ໦”ࡼ܋୻ೌ .ࠢ࿖๜൲્࿟Ljᄴኧඣ෽߲೫ᔈ଄ࡼᑜݶອ݀ጲ local doctors and nursery staff ቦ૩૵ீ๜ă੦ިᄴኧݙஞᓍߒ೫བᆜ๜൲ For the January 22 charity auction, classmates donatedڐᇄႉࡼ ્Ljથ፿20ᅺᏄ๜ሆ೫Ꮖዅरᄴኧ௮ᐓࡼᐽᑐࡉ2006 precious items from their personal collections – and then ฤጙ७ᔫອLj݀ጲ2ᅺᏄ๜ሆ೫۱யᓂቃීᄴኧᄋ৙ࡼ opened their wallets. He Chao, who hosted the auction, paid ጄී໽෗ᑍຢLjჇથ୓ᎉઙਜ਼ᑍຢ࣒ᐓ႙৊एᄷጛኧ RMB200,000 for a 2006 painting of Zhang Zhaoda which was ᒦቦLjཱུܿᄷඣᏴጛᏔಱጐถ৫ঢ၊ࡵගࡒ౶ࡼຳஸ donated by Yuan Yafang. He also paid a similar amount for ਜ਼୉ఙࡼೆ೟ă an autographed photo of Yao Ming, provided by Beijing Ᏼጙᇹ೰፷Ꮨࡼ๜൲ᒄઁLjલࠔ፾ᄴኧሚޝማ঺ classmate Zhu Xiaoming and both items were donated to .Ⴛ౦ርᄴኧጲ5ᅺᏄ๜ SCMC so the sick children can enjoyment themۻᆸࡼቦėLjᑚ၅঺ܭĖᏜೡࡔ ሆLjલࠔ፾๻௮5ᅺLjჇႁǖ“ᑚৈᅵ્ࡼፀፃݙဵ๜ Other contributions included Huang Chunyong’s live ࡻࣶ࿩࿖౒Ljऎဵᄰਭᑚৈᅵ્LjཱུৎཽࣶݬᎧࡵࠢ performance of the famous song "The Moon Speaks of My ࿖৛ፄ૚ࣅᒦ౶”ăሚޝ໮ॉလॊঢཽă Love," which was bought by classmate Sun Kunxiang for ޾஄ຳ୴၈ܭာLjᆸඣࡼEMBAᄴኧᏴኰཇ܈࿜ RMB50,000. Huang Chunyong also made a matching ጓ߅৖ৎ঱ࡼᓫཇLjჇඣ࿽ᄏೆቲ࢐Ᏼ஠ቲဣୃă096 donation, saying, “The significance of this evening’s party ߅࣪ does not lie in how much money is raised, but in attractingܤڐᄰਭࠢ࿖ူጓዓኚLj୓ᄴኧᒄڐ଀ᒄۂ୓ۂ ”.଀ᆪછᒋࡻᄋާਜ਼खዯă more people to engage in charity workۂLjᑚᒬڐ࿷્ࡼࡍ

࢒ጙஔࠢ࿖ᆕᏋ્߅Ꮛ෗࡝ۂEMBA096 ෗Ꮊ્ޠǖ ರ୐୕Ă੦ި ᒊቲ્ޠǖ ޾੷ည පၗޠǖ࿠ᒔ༓ ࠢ࿖ᆕᏋǖ ࢷरĂᒩ୐ᆪĂ৒ᯩĂᇈᇣࣲĂᅽୋग़ĂᏆዅरĂ  ࢌख़ĂᐽၝખĂᓂቂೆ

1st Charity Committee Members (EMBA09 Class 6) Honorary Presidents: Li Jianjiang, He Chao Executive President: Chen Hongsheng Secretary General: Shang Zhiqiang Members: Ding Fang, Zhong Jianwen, Geng Hao, Wu Xidun, Wang Jianfeng, Yuan Yafang, Zhai Feng, Zhang Shuhua, and Zhu Xiaoli

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 81 ቅᏊቤᆫ Ᏼᒦ๏

2011ᒦ๏MBAᑈຮ્ݬᐱ໩ጓᑈຮᒆᆡ௿ࠎቤ঱ MBA Recruitment Fair Breaks Records

ێ1Ꮬ12྇Ljᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ௟ ೫࢒5ஔMBA࿟਱ቅᏊᑈຮ્ăࠥࠨᑈ ຮ્ᎅኧᏔᒆጓखᐱᒦቦᔝᒅLjݬᐱ໩ ጓၫ೟ࠎ಼ဥቤ঱Ljࡉࡵ107ଜLjᓍገ ౶ᔈ஘ྌॲᇗĂᓽኯॲᇗĂጛጇۣ୉Ă ᒜᐆ৔ጓĂቧᇦᄰ኶Ăഃ၉ඏጵࢀቲ ጓǗݬᐱ໩ጓखݚࡼᒆᆡጐࡉࡵ೫த 400ৈLj௙಼ฤᒄᔢă௣ኧᏔMBAల߈ ᑈညਜ਼ᒆጓखᐱᓍྀರᬗᬗๆိᅀഴLj ஀ᒗ෹༄Ljጙৢᎌިਭ1400ৈ໩ጓᒆ ஔᒦ๏MBAኧညखݚLjݝॊถ۾ᆡ࣪ ᏎĂ໱ޱಢ໩ጓஙฤ၅ࠨೡሤᑈຮ્Lj ᑈຮኊཇৎଝཋሶਪଔછă౶ᔈ᎖Ꮦ20 ৈਪଜਜ਼࢐ཌࡼৢ187෗ᒦ๏MBA2009 ଀ኧညݬଝ೫ࠥࠨᑈຮ્ă ࠭ᑈຮ໩ጓࡼቲጓॊݚఘLjᒜᐆ ৔ጓĂ஘ྌॲᇗጓਜ਼ቧᇦᄰ኶ቲጓᐴ ௣ྯଡLj໚ᒦݙच੺࢛ࠎᄾĂઔ໢ፖ ೊĂቭጓᑺཡĂୣፖဗ൜ ᒦ๏ཬᄏࡼஜමೊᇹਜ਼༓ࡍᑽߒă൳ CEIBS' 5th MBA ShanghaiڔቲĂᒦࡺ ာჇඣ Campus Recruitment Fair, held onܭ௿ܭࡺĂඳ໚೶ĂॵᄂĂஅ۪വ઎Ăయ౵ ྡྷĂோዴࢀቅᎍ໩ጓࡔ ႅಗĂႈపĂખᆐĂIBMĂૉ໋ࢀቲ ऻޟᇧᆃᒦ๏MBAற፞ඣଝྜྷ৛ႊLj January 12, attracted a record 107 .ጓഌం໩ጓăᒋࡻᒎ߲ࡼဵ඙ᄏਜ਼ถ ፐᆐჇඣଫቧᒦ๏๸ዸࡼཽݣࢾ્߅ companies seeking high-calibre talent ဴ ᆐ໩ጓ஠ጙݛखᐱࡼਖ਼ቦீᑱೆă The number of available job openingsޠᏎቲጓࡼݬᐱ໩ጓၫ೟୷ᆁฤᐐ ๝Ljݬᐱ໩ጓభ also hit a new high at 400. This year'sڔᑍᑈຮ્ࡼږ ᄿኸඩLj۞౪SMGਜ਼ೆᅠࢀ໩ጓጐ၅ ࠨ༄౶ᑈຮă ጲᄋ༄खݚᒆᆡăඳ໚೶໩ጓᔫᆐᔢ fair was the first to attract companies ૺ ᐁखݚᒆᆡࡼ໩ጓᒄጙLj࣪ஙฤࡼ࿺ from the energy and auto sectors, andޠᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔঃ୴ᇗ ࡼ also reflected a new and growingޝမ಴DŽLydia PriceDž ༿༽ౚ຺ᆐ൸ፀLj౶ࡵᑈຮ્ሚڹMBAኧၣᓍྀ ୴၈Ᏼტࡵஙฤ೜ੑࡼ௓ጓཋဴဟLj ᒦਪཌᑈຮளಯᑹᛉๆိܭာǖ“ᒦ demand for international graduates. ୓Ꮗፐᓍገਙஉᆐጲሆྯ࢛ǖ၅ሌLj ๏MBA܏ጓည௥ᎌ೜ੑࡼਪଔ၁ጎਜ਼ Participating enterprises hailed ,ኊཇࡍ ࿜ጓႤᒠLjᏴഗ߈఼ᒜĂᓾᏎಽ፿Ă mainly from financial servicesޝཝཆள଍ૄ็Lj঱ཽ࣡ݣှ ७ᐐޠLjီஏ࣪ᒦਪࡼਈᓖࣞ྇ፄᐐ ࣪৛ႊᒨߋࣞࢀ৉ऱෂࡼܭሚጙሶ࣒ consulting, health care, ঱Lj଒௥ᎌᒦਪளዩĂ᎒፱ᎌਪଔ၁ လॊᎁኅLj৊ᆸඣഔሆ೫ऻޟੑࡼ፝ manufacturing, IT & telecom, retail, ጎࡼᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔMBA܏ጓညጐ ሷă” and trading. ၊ࡵ೫ৎࣶᑈຮ໩ጓࡼਈᓖਜ਼໐ࡗǗ ౶ࡵᑈຮሚޝࡼ2009଀MBAኧည Held at the Pudong Ramada ໚ࠨLjኧᏔల߈খুནࡻመᓎ߅቉Lj ࡔܭᒦᎌྯᆡጯளॊܰ෽ࡵ೫൱ళᇣ Plaza, the fair was organized by ቤᐐࡼ“ྟଆถ”๸ኵਜ਼ᑳ੝ဣୃෝ్ (McKinsey)ĂྡྷိፖቲDŽUBSDžਜ਼ଘ CEIBS' Career Development Centre ࢀဧᒦ๏MBAኧညᏴཽଔ৥ᄰĂᐵ ૴DŽCargillDž৛ႊࡼഺ፿ᄰᒀLj቟ᓾ (CDC). According to CEIBS Director ൒ᒜࢾĂᔏ੝਌ಯऱෂࡻࡵ೫መᓎᄋ ୷௓ࣗMBAల߈༄ᎌ୷ࡍᐿ७ăჇඣ of Admissions & Career Services ာLjᏴᒦ๏18ৈᏜࡼኧᇴݙஞ၃૝ Yvonne Li, 187 CEIBS MBA 2009ܭ ኊཇǗޝဍLj࠭ऎถ৫ৎੑ࢐း።ှ ഍ᅪLjᒦ๏ᒆጓखᐱᒦቦᎧMBAల߈ ೫࿜ጓᒀဤLjથଝྜྷ೫ጙৈᄰᆁᒦਪ students from about 20 countries and ࡼ༓ࡍᆀ൥ă഍ᅪLjᒦ๏ regions participated. With 1,000-plusޝࡼᑳ੝LjဧMBAల߈ᔓ࿟೫ৎ ਜ਼ਪଔှێᑈည ,ଝ೜ቶĂᎌ቉ࡼ਌ಯᏥᔫᒄവă ິஐᔈ࿽ອ๞቉።ጲૺနညࡼݙቚไ available positions identified in 2010 ஙฤᑈຮ્഍ጙመᓎᄂ࢛ဵ຺ᆐ ೆLjᆐMBAኧညࡈ୐೫੪ੑࡼᒆጓख more than 1,400 positions have been ᓐኧည೫ஊᒆጓਖચ݀቏ open to CEIBS current batch ofۑ༓ࡍࡼቅᎍ໩ጓᑫྏăࠥࠨቅᎍ໩ጓ ᐱຳგLj .ಿߠॊᄏሚ೫ ᓐኧညၿಽᅲ߅೫ᒆጓᓞቯă graduating MBAs to date܈ᐴࡵݬᐱ࿜30%ࡼ঱


ᒦ๏ଗศອ࿜ࢢᑵါఎጓǖ1Ꮬ26྇Lj ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔଗศອ࿜ࢢᏴ࿟਱ቅ ᏊᑵါఎጓăᏴ๏ගࡼ኏ࣶࡍኧಱLjኧ ቅሤਈଗศ࿜ອᔢࡍࡼᔫ፿Ᏼ᎖ᄋဍኧ ည࣪௓ࣗኧቅࡼཱྀᄴঢLj݀ࠅ࢕ኧቅࡼ ᒤኧಯศăᒦ๏ଗศອ࿜ࢢݙஞ൸ᔗ೫ ᑚቋ෹ܪLjৎᒮገࡼဵLjᔫᆐᎅኧည਌ ಯĂ݀ᆐኧည෫ಽࡼጙৈऻ፦ಽ࡝ᆡLj ᒦ๏ଗศອ࿜ࢢᓹዛ᎖ᑽߒኧည્૚ ࣅLjૺ࿜ࢢࡼߒ௉୉ఙखᐱăᑚዹࡼᄂ ࢛ߠॊन።೫ᒦ๏MBAኧည૚ᏘࡼᏇ ࠎறခૺ࿜ጓݣถă OPEN FOR BUSINESS – The CEIBS Souvenir Store officially launched on January 26, providing a steady source of school memorabilia that will help alumni remember their alma mater.

ĐᒦਪყჃᒲđறݨൢ෵ǖ2Ꮬ21྇ᒗ25྇Lj ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ 2010଀MBAኧည፩౶೫ᒦ๏࢒႐ஔ“ᒦਪყჃᒲ”ăᏴᆐ໐ጙᒲࡼ ૚ࣅᒦLjᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔ኏ቃฤ୴၈ĂႡಯࡉ୴၈DŽHellmut SchutteDžĂ኏ܳ୴၈Ăᒲࣁည୴၈ࢀᒀ෗ኧᑗጲૺ౶ᔈTNTᒦ ෦ညࢀਪଔᒀ෗໩ጓࡼቲጓᓜଜLj௓ᒦਪ࿜ጓ۳ஶሆࡼ਌ڎਪĂ ፦ሾĂ஘ྌĂݤᇗጲૺᒦਪᆪછࢀలᄌᐱޝಯĂள଍Ă௼ݽĂှ றݨዝ୚ă“ᒦਪყჃᒲ”ᆐᒦ๏MBAኧည೫ஊਪଔ۳ޝఎ೫13 ஶሆࡼᒦਪ࿜ጓᄋ৙೫঱ᇃ୐ᯠࡼறܙ୅ஊਜ਼ᔑ਋ཝ௜ࡼࣖᄂ၁ ୯Lj࿾၊MBAኧညઢ፩ă ONE MORE QUESTION! – Knowledge-hungry MBA 2010 students surround Professor of Economics and Finance Xu Xiaonian after his lecture during the school’s fourth China Discovery Week, held from February 21 – 25. Other professors among those who delivered 13 excellent talks included Dr Hellmut Schutte, Dr Xu Bin, Dr Zhou Dongsheng, and Dr Zhang Wei.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 83 ඙ᄏਈᓖ Ᏼᒦ๏

၅ტࢾᆡᓹೆᒦਪ࿾ࣞᎧཝཆਓࣞޠ፦ሾ ᓍഗ඙ᄏਓमۨࡸǖᒦ๏ቤྀ୴ᇗޝĖJUளಯီஏėǖᓜषᒦ๏ှ ኧᇹᇹᓍྀୗூᆪ Đ፦ሾᑗࡼቤ඙ᄏ ૦Ꮂđ 2011ฤ2Ꮬ໦Ljᐒྀ࡛ൕ࣮࿜ኧᏔᏔޠĂਮ।࿜ኧᏔᓾ࿾ঃᏔޠࡼᏖ ੀ•ౠऑໜDŽJohn A. QuelchDž୴၈ଝටᒦ๏Ljྀ࡛ঃᏔޠର୴ᇗޠLj݀ ”᎖த྇ሌઁᏴ࿟਱Ă۱யᑑఎ඙ᄏ୅ෂ્Ljᄋ߲“ᒦਪ࿾ࣞLjཝཆਓࣞ ࡼᒦ๏ࢾᆡLj෹ܪළᓰᆐီஏၒ႙ৎࣶᎁኅࡼ࿜ጓഌኆăᒦ๏ᒊቲᏔޠ ာLjᏴᒰࣶ۱ග࿜ኧᏔഌࡴᒦLjኡᐋ౶ᒦਪĂ౶࿟਱Ă౶ᒦ๏ܭᓂቂී ጲઑೊᆀᆐࡔܭࡼቤଆၣুෘᑵ ྀᒆࡼLjౠऑໜ୴၈ဵ࢒ጙৈăཝཆᒀ෗ࡼ਌ಯኧࡍန଀ཽᇕĂᐰቤࡼ ኧࢾᆡLjᇢ፛೫۞౪CCTV2Ă࿟਱࢟၁გ࢒ጙݤளຫࡸĂĖஊह྇ێ ᏴᒮႨᑳৈ࿜ጓણஹăࠥဟLj඗ᎌ෾ ፦ሾกዹෂ೹ྙ ۨėĂĖᆪ૏ۨėĂĖᒦਪ༴ฤۨėĂĖቤ෍ᅵۨėĂĖቤᆫ޻ۨėĂޝጙৈᒆถݝඡስှ ਜ਼ቤᄞᐵă፦ሾཽိ ĖቤᆫᅵۨėĂĖࣁऱᐁۨėĂĖ࢒ጙݤள྇ۨėĂĖࣁऱੋహėĂቤুܤࠥᒄࣶࡼቤ ሚᏴገ਌ಯ஠ጙݛᇼॊࡼఱઓཬᄏLj ಍ᆀĂႝઊᆀĂᄄ኶ᆀĂᆀጵࢀᏴด40᎜ଜᓍഗ඙ᄏࡼਓमۨࡸă ߲ݙགށࡼॲᇗ୻߿࢛ጲૺޠݙࣥᐐ ࡼቤ඙ᄏLjऎᏴᑚቋऱෂሎᎌ߅ၚࡼ ಯ൙భጲᆐჇඣᄋ৙ᒎࡴLjጐལच߅ ಿభᓾஐୂăᏴጙࣤဟ໐ښ৖ࡼளዩ ดLj੪ࣶ፦ሾཽိ࣒୓ᆐጙᇹ೰Ꭷઑ ೊᆀሤਈࡼᆰᄌჅ౩ཷǖෂሶᆚ౶Lj ྙੜಯஊቤ඙ᄏखᐱࡼᔐᄏᄂᑯਜ਼ཋ ဴǛቧᇦࠅ݃߆ሚ߲෾ቋቤࡼᄂᑯਜ਼ ਖേǛࠅᄻࡼ፦ሾಯ൙ਜ਼ऱजဵ॥ጯ ளਭဟǛᎌဠඐዹࡼᄐࡔಯ൙ਜ਼ऱ ᐌ።ࡩဵ࣪ಏࣅቶ၃ྜྷᑯ༵ၼLj࣪ऻ ೌჄອ๞“လऔਫॆ”፛ྜྷ೫ᒦ๏ăᇛ जǛቤࡼ࿜ጓણஹ࣪໩ጓ፦ሾᓍ਌ᄋ ಏࣅቶ၃ྜྷᑯᒮၼă భ߲ᓾ୐࿸ݫᄦ݀༦ঌᐊᏥ፦Ljࡣဵ ߲೫෾ቋቤࡼገཇǛࡒᓹᑚቋᆰᄌLj ୓কࢢჅᎌࡼಽྥཝݝ௮ማ৊ᒦ๏Lj ष೫ᒦ๏ਪଔ ࠭ऎ୐࿸೫ጙৈ፼ࣅࡼಽྥৡማ૦ڿĖITளಯီஏėᏭᒔ ፦ሾኧᇹᇹᓍྀୗூᆪ ࿟਱࢟၁გ࢒ጙݤளຫࡸǖĖݤள጗ ᒜLjߒኚ࢐ૄౣෲቅLjఎࠎ࿜ኧᏔ୴ޝ৔࿜ኧᏔှ ୴၈Ljৢ࿜ቤ࿜ጓણஹሆ፦ሾཽိࡼ ቲሣė ࿜ኧᏔ୴Ꮉ௮ᐓቤෝါᏴᒦ๏ Ꮉ௮ᐓቤෝါăᒦ๏ᒊቲᏔޠᓂቂී ቤ૦Ꮂਜ਼ቤᄞᐵă ࡦည ܭာLjᑚဵᒦ๏௮ᐓ಼ဥ࿟ጙৈࠎቤ ෝါLjࠎጓဵᒦ๏ጙᒇᄋާࡼኧᏔᆪ છLjႲᓹလऔਫॆࡼ߅৖Lj୓્ᆐৎ ᆀጵݤள၁ຫᓜषǖᒦ๏ள଍ኧ୴၈ ࣶࡼᒦ๏ቅᎍᔪ߲ာपLjཱུࠎጓᆪછ ᅽ୐ඉ୐ዔৈၼᒜࣞখু ᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔቅᎍĂᇛభૹ Ᏼᒦ๏ৎଝ࿾ྜྷཽቦă࿟਱࢟၁გ࢒ ᅍCEOᓂዝූத྇୓໢ሆࡼጙৈᄚອ ጙݤளຫࡸᄂܰۨࡸă

த྇౶Ljਈ᎖۞౪ᄋ঱ৈၼ඾ᑯ ᒮ࢛඙ᄏᑱሤۨࡸǖᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔNCBೌኚ8ฤᆡ೰ཝཆ36༓ ऄDŽৈཽჅࡻၼ৔቟Ⴥࡻॅ፿ి߹ܪ ༓๝ቲڻᓰDžᏴดࡼৈၼᒜࣞখু߅ᆐ᎛൙ୡ 1Ꮬ31྇Lj፞ਪĖ஘ྌဟۨė৛ݚ೫“ཝཆMBAల߈2011 ăᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔMBAల߈ᆡ೰17Ljೌኚ7ฤᆡ೰ཝཆ25༓ăᒦ๏”ۓ ࢛ăᆐࠥLjᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔள଍ኧ မ಴DŽLydia PriceDž୴၈࣪ڹରMBAల߈ኧၣᓍྀޠ୴၈ᅽ୐ඉ୻၊೫ᆀጵݤளࡼ၁ຫᓜ ਪଔ৔࿜ኧᏔঃ୴ᇗ षăᅽ୴၈ܭာLjଢ଼ࢅಏࣅᑗၼঌᎌ ᒦ๏MBAల߈Ᏼஙฤ๝෗ᒦࡼጙቋᒎܪჅ૝ࡻࡼᄋဍܭာ൸ፀă࣪ᑚጙ ಽ᎖ᅎࣅᆸਪள଍உ৩ᓞቯLjᓐᅎ঱ ᇶ኶Lj۞౪Ėஊह྇ۨėĂĖᒦਪ༴ฤۨėĂĖቤᆫ޻ۨėĂĖቤᆫᅵ ࣡ॲᇗጓĂ঱࣡ᒜᐆጓࡼखᐱăऎᏴ ۨėĂĖ༴ฤۨėĂĖݬఠሿᇦėĂĖฉऱ྇ۨėĂॣષᆀࢀᏴดࣶଜ ௦ࡼፇᄌ࿟Ljݙ።ক଎ਭ ᒮ࢛඙ᄏोो஠ቲ೫ۨࡸăތჁቃຬ঍ ࣶᇧᆃ᎖ৈཽჅࡻၼখুLj።ক୓খ ಽࡻၼ࿟ăტૺ۾෹਒हᏴᄋ঱ᓾু ྙੜᄰਭၼᒜჁቃຬ঍ތ௦ࡼᆰᄌLj ᅽ୐ඉ୴၈ཱྀᆐLjৈၼ඾ᑯऄࢯᑳ݀ ܭ௦ࡼᎌೆ၄ࣤăჇތݙဵჁቃຬ঍ ာLj෹༄ᆸਪ፱ᎌ঱ಏࣅۨߦࡼཽݙ ဵვࣶऎဵვ࿩LjਪଜᒜࢾၼᒜࡼᏇ



• (US Edition) Prof Wang Gao on Dean John Quelch on Business Chinese Brands – 3/15 Education in China – 2/25 Dr Gary Liu on China's Focus on R&D • (US Edition) Gary Liu quoted on in the 12th 5-Year Plan – 3/3 CIC’s Capital Injection – 3/4 • Feature on CEIBS Africa EMBA – 2/15 • (EU Edition) Prof Arthur Yeung on • Prof Ge Dingkun Q&A on China’s Dean John Quelch on Overcoming China’s Need for Global Leaders – 2/11 Billionaire Boom – 3/14 B-school Challenges in Asia – 3/4 • Prof Horst Loechel on Inflation in • Prof Shalom Saada Saar Column on Europe – 2/11 Reframing the American View of • (EU Edition) Prof Horst Loechel on China – 2/12 • Prof Romano Prodi on Euro Debt Stagflation Fears – 2/11 • Dean Quelch Among China Names Crisis – 1/17 • Gary Liu on Micro-financing – 1/4 to Know in 2011 – 1/17 • CEIBS Dean-Elect Prof John Quelch • Prof Wang Jianmao on Per Capita • Prof Wang Jianmao Column on the – 1/14 GDP – 1/4 World Banks’ Flawed Ranking – 1/6 • (EU Edition) Prof Horst Loechel on European Banks in China – 12/20 • (EU Edition) Feature on CEIBS – • Prof Romano Prodi on Global 12/03 Inflation – 3/9 • Prof Horst Loechel on Scrapping of • Prof Wang Jianmao on China’s Banking Charges – 3/16 Rebalancing Act – 3/7 • John Quelch Joins CEIBS – 3/14 • Prof Arthur Yeung on China's M&A Prof Zhang Wei on China’s Health • Prof Zhu Xiaoming on Financial – 2/24 Care Reform – 3/1 Training for Judicial Officials – 1/20

• Prof Romano Prodi on Italian • Prof Rama Velamuri on Innovation Prof Rama Velamuri’s South Beauty Economy and Politics – 3/13 in Emerging Markets – 2/26 Group Case Study Featured – 3/14 • Dr Gary Liu on Best Buy Closing its • Prof Rama Velamuri on China & Chinese Branches – 2/23 India: Opportunities for Cooperation • Prof Loechel Horst on Tax Rebate – 2/25 Services – 2/18 • David Gosset on Turbulence in a • Prof Rama Velamuri, Laurie Global Context – 2/24 Richard Brubaker on China’s Carbon Underwood on Chinese New Year • David Gosset on Entering a Chinese Emissions – 12/14 Practices for Foreigners – 2/10 Zeitgeist – 2/23 • Prof Shalom Saada Saar Column on Reframing the American View of PRINT & ONLINE China – 2/12 • Laurie Underwood Quoted on Chinese Business Culture – 1/4 • David Gosset Quoted on the Chinese Prof Ding Yuan on China’s Economic • Jean Lee “10 Questions” Profile – 3/15 Consumer – 12/13 Forecast – 1/4 • Prof Nandani Lynton Featured in Judgment Call column – 2/23 • Prof Pedro Nueno on Chinese in Spain – 2/21 • Feature on CEIBS EMBA Programme • Isaac Iglesias MBA Blog – 3/7 • Prof Ding Yuan's Research on Fraud – 2/26 • Prof Romano Prodi on the Euro’s Featured – 2/18 • Feature on EMBA Student Elizabeth Future – 1/17 • Feature on Carlos Moncayo (CEIBS O’Neil – 2/26 • Feature on CEIBS – 12/20 DIMP 2008) – 1/17 • GMAC Chief Picks CEIBS – 2/12

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 85 ቅᎍ݇ఱ ቅᎍᒄဉ

લ஘ᄾᓾࡼĐᑹွಯ൙đ Glittering Opportunity: Sean Zheng’s Theory of Gold Investment

ᆪ / ᑹ፼ሬ (EMBA 2008) Ᏼ“ઁ஘ྌᆉ૦”ဟࡔLjᆸ ඣถ৫ኡᐋᐏዹࡼᄾᓾདྷ ၁ᆐጙৈݤ঍ࣧहຳგDŽݤ঍߼ݶݴెDžăࡩ༄,໚Ⴧݤۻ஘భጲ ࡸǛ۱யࢼᄖᄾᓾ਌ಯᎌ ঍ࣧहຳგᏴሆ޽DŽ૞ᑗႁ:ݴెᏴധၺLj༦ݴెۣ਌Ꮛପ၆ᔈ ሢ৛ႊᒊቲࣃူᑹ፼ሬ ࡹ--FED@QE2--ගೊ߼औࠨ೟છ౑႕DžLjกඐ৉ਪያቲĂ໩ጓĂ಑ ཝࡼຳგڔݤ঍࠭ሆ޽ࡼຳგDŽധၺࡼݴెDžᓞጤࡵڳ୓્ܘቷڻDŽEMBA 2008Džቅᎍᄰਭ લ ॊᇜᒎ߲ǖᒗ DŽݴెDžăފࣶฤࡼ਋ ࿩ᆚ౶3-5ฤLjલ஘࣒୓ ଼࡝Ⴏৈᑂǖཝཆඛฤࡼ౗ޘ஘ޘ೟ᆐ2500࣬Lj෹༄ඛ࣬લ஘Ꮦ੝3ጸᏄ DŽᏖ1150ጸගᏄDžࡼݤ঍ࣧहహମDŽݴెྏܒLj2500࣬૾7500ጸᏄཽ෍ܒࠀ᎖ࡍᐿቃૄࡼ࿟ဍᒲ໐ ཽ෍ ೟DžăཝཆጙฤࡼGDPဵ60ᅺጸගᏄLjଣ࿸ሿॅൈᆐ90%LjกඐඛฤᎌࡍᏖ6ᅺ ڝ/ดLj8000-10000ගᏄ ႊࡼଥৃ።কဵభጲ୅ࡵ ጸගᏄࡼݤ঍ኊገ߼ࡀLjገᑊຳგ(ݴెDžࣧहă 2008 ǖගਪਪᐦĂ๏Ꮔཌᓍྙ܈ࡼă ฤጲ౶LjࡍࡼຳგDŽݴెDž഻ኚ߲೫ᆰᄌLj ڼࡼᐦᇗᆰᄌLjલ஘ᑚৈຳგጙࢾ၊ᓫຍăፐᆐၫ೟଀Ᏼกಱ۾ཚᐦĂ፞ਪĂ྇ In today’s highly volatile ᄏᇹࡼᆰᄌᇄजࡻܒᓹDŽ1150ጸගᏄVS6ᅺጸගᏄDžLjᆚ౶3-5ฤLjཝཆ߼۸ૡ Ᏼፀቃࡼࢯᑳăܘglobal investment ࡵஊ௼Ljલ஘ጙࢾဵࡍᐿቃૄăࡍࡸಯሯ༹ߺLj௓ݙ environment, one ૄ၅ਭབྷத70ฤLjલ஘ࡍᏖభጲॊᆐೝৈᒲ໐ traditional option is 1Dž1944ᒗ1971ฤဵ࢒ጙৈࡍᒲ໐Lj૾ݚಙ࣯྽೶ᄏᇹဟ໐Ljߒኚ೫37ฤă making a come-back: ᅄܭጙ gold. Beijing RoyalTek Graph 1 Investment Management Co. CEO and investment micro-blogger Sean Zheng (EMBA 2008) tells CEIBS alumni why investing in gold makes good sense now.

1942ฤLj࿠ࠀ᎖औᐵ໐ମࡼ፞ගఎဪᄀ൙ᐵᑱஉၦઁࡼਪଔૡܒᄏᇹă፞ਪ Lj୐ፇ߅ೂਪଔஉႯೊටLj߅ᏋਪࠎೂጙৈਪଔᄰૡDŽBanker)Lj۾ۈᄋ߲఑ऍႅ Ljښᄏᇹăගਪᄋ߲ટᄂऱܒᆡᒜࡼૡ۾໚ଥᒋᎧલ஘ਂৣ——ᑚဵጙৈᓰ஘ ᄏᇹཀྵೂጲගᏄᆐ࡝ጙ߼۸ૡܒݚಙ࣯྽೶્ፇᔢᒫݧฃǖཝཆૡۻ᎖1944ฤ݀ ڝ/ᆐৼࢾᏴ35ගᏄཽۻᎧගᏄਂৣLjගᏄᎧલ஘ਂৣăલ஘ଥৃܒLj໚Ⴧૡܒ Ă๏ᒴள଍ޠႊăऔᐵઁࡼᔢ߱လฤLjݚಙ࣯྽೶ᄏᇹཀྵဣᆐཝཆඏጵࡼ౐Ⴅᐐ আቭໂຳ೫ࡸവăࡣဵࡵ೫ങလฤࡔLjݚಙ࣯྽೶ᄏᇹሆࡼගᏄಆखLjଝ࿟ගਪ


ᅄܭऔGraph 2 ৰଐཝཆૡܒᔐ೟ Estimated Global Monetary Aggregates (1971ฤ1Ꮬᒗ2009ฤ9Ꮬ, Jan 1971 - Sep 2009)

60 BY SEAN ZHENG (EMBA 2008) M3 M2 M1 M0 50


or many centuries, gold has 30 US$ Trillions been viewed as a method of 20 storing wealth, almost like a vault. At the moment, other 10 Fcommodities are losing value. Thus, as a result, it is not surprising that 0 central banks, enterprises and 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 individuals around the world are ࢾ໐߼ነࡀ౒+ ໚Ⴧࡀ౒( ቧᅘࡀ౒Ăᆕᅘࡀ౒Ăۣᑺ஘ࡀ౒ĂݤᑶᎾႯᅪࡀܒM3: M2+ ໩ጓࢾ໐ࡀ౒+ ௙෍ཽ෍ transferring their money out of ౒)+ ᅪܒ( ᑓ੝ཽ෍ܒ) ࡀ౒ M3: adding M2 includes all deposits, including deposits in the longer term devaluing commodities toward a safer M2: ਓፃૡܒ৙።೟Lj૾M1LJ໩ူጓ࡝ᆡࢾ໐ࡀ౒LJ௙෍߼ነࡀ౒ bet. For many people, now is the right M2: includes M1 and adding to the existing short-term deposits that citizens have in the financial system

M1: ህፃૡܒ৙።೟Lj૾M0LJ໩ူጓ࡝ᆡ૚໐ࡀ౒ time to consider “going for the gold”. M1: is the money that circulates in the economy, including M0, and adding the current deposits of citizens

Let me tell you why: M0: ഗᄰᒦሚ஘Lj૾Ᏼፖቲᄏᇹጲᅪഗᄰࡼሚ஘ M0: is the money that circulates in the economy and is defined as the amount of banknotes and coins in the hands of citizens Worldwide, the total annual production of metallic gold is 2,500 tons. Since the current price of gold ᅄܭྯGraph 3 ๵෧Ꭷ฻ှ stands at RMB300 million per ton, Bubble and Bull Market the world’s stash of 2,500 tons in gold ฃႅᄂ฻ှ0๵෧(1982-2000ฤ) Nasdaq bull market/bubble (1982-2000) is worth RMB750 billion (about લ஘฻ှ0๵෧(1970-1980ฤ) Gold bull market/bubble (1970-1980) ྇৹฻ှ0๵෧(1970-1990ฤ) Japanese stock bull market/bubble (1970-1990) US$115 billion). Annual global GDP ࡩ༄લ஘฻ှ(2001-ሚᏴ) Current gold bull market/bubble (2001-now) is US$60 trillion. If the consumption % 2300 rate is 90%, then roughly US$6 2100 trillion from global GDP must be 1900 preserved as some sort of commodity. 1700 1500 Since 2008, many other alternate 1300 commodities have become 1100 900

problematic. Witness problems such increase the percentage y-axis: 700

as the Treasury Bond issue in the U.S., ဍ७ 500 the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, 300 and the debt problem in the UK and 100 Japan. As a result, gold has gained 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 stature as an investment strategy. The ฻ှᆒߒဟମ (ฤ) x-axis: the time bull market lasts (year) reason is quite obvious – the numbers ᓾ೯౶ᏎSource: Seeking Alpha are not on the same scale (US$115 billion versus US$6 trillion). The the US dollar. But in fact, gold reacts After the year 2000, the United problem in the global monetary in negative correlation to the overall States’ global influence began to system is not solvable within the next global position of the U.S, as decline; and this coincided with the 3 to 5 years, so gold will continue to measured by several factors: the beginning of a new period of rising gain ground overall, despite strength of the US military + US gold prices. Many analysts believe occasional falls. Once we recognise political power + US economic power that the financial crisis of 2008 this overarching trend, we need not + the US dollar as reserve currency. It marked the end of the age of US worry about temporary losses. is very important to see this pattern world dominance. Since then, the On the surface, gold prices seem clearly in order to accurately track world has begun struggling to reach a to move in the opposite direction to gold valuations. new equilibrium in political,

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 87 ቅᎍ݇ఱ ቅᎍᒄဉ

ሡྜྷᏗฉᐵᑱLjਪଔ၃ᑽ஠ጙݛइછLjගᏄቧ፿ݙࣥ၊ࡵᄞ உਫăᆸሤቧLjલ஘భถဵᔢࡍࡼ፪ଜăፐᆐલ஘ဵݙถ ගᏄ࣪લ஘ࡼ৪൰ࠊ ፝ࡼLj௓ᑚඐ଼࡝ăཽඣᏴ݇ដᑊݙࡵৢဤࡼ༽ౚሆLjጙܕ຾ኝݚਈۻᐵă1971ฤLjปయ႕ᔐᄻ Ꮞă੪ཽࣶᇶઢ፿ਭབྷ10ฤĂ20ฤစᒗ30ฤࡼ۾Ljݚಙ࣯྽೶ᄏᇹຼೱă ࢾ્ૄਙా ܒᆚ౶ăᆸཱྀᆐ඗ᎌఘࡵཝཆ߼۸ૡހલ஘ଥৃᔓဴ౶ᅎ છLjஞஞጞణଆၣॊᇜܤෂࡼ۾߂ᔫ“ઁݚಙ࣯ ᄏᇹෂ೹ᒮࡍࢯᑳᑚጙ૥ۻ2Dž1971ᒗ2008ฤဵ࢒औৈࡍᒲ໐Lj ໐ݬఠፀፃࡼăޠ྽೶ᄏᇹ”ဟ໐ă ࡻ߲ࡼஉ൙ဵݙ௥۸ ᆸ࣍ࡠᄋ߲ᔈ଄ࡼᎾހLjጐஞஞဵᄋ৙ጙৈႈఠౖ ᅄܭ႐Graph 4 ᆡ۾ႯLjଣྙཝཆᒮቤૄਙ஘ހଦऎጯăᎌཽᔪਭᄻଐ DŽ૾ǖጙਪजࢾૡܒࡼखቲᎧকਪࡼલ஘ߒᎌ೟ਂৣLjᎌ ࣶ࿩લ஘௓खቲࣶ࿩ૡܒDžLjલ஘ଥৃభถᐿࡵ6ᅺගᏄ ႊᔧᎎăڝ0 ᄏᇹᔪ߲ᒮܒࠥࠨલ஘ࡼ࿟ဍᒲ໐Ljဵᎅ᎖ਪଔ߼۸ૡ ࡍࢯᑳLj༦ࢯᑳဟମ୷ޠăᆸඣܘኍ࠭ཝཆૡܒखቲࡼ୯ࣞ ఘࡗલ஘ࡼᆚ౶ăభጲళࢾࡼႁLjกቋཱྀᆐલ஘ଥৃᏴᆚ౶ ڝ1-2ฤด୅ࢻLj༦ଥৃ঱ᆡᏴ1500Ă1800Ăစᒗ2000ගᏄ0 ᄏᇹࢯܒ࿟ဵݙ߅ೂࡼăፐᆐཝཆ߼۸ૡ۾ႊࡼ൙࢛Lj૥ ᑳLjݙభถᏴ1-2ฤดᅲ߅ăᒗ࿩ᆚ౶3-5ฤLjલ஘࣒୓ࠀ᎖ ႊࡼଥৃ።কဵڝ/ࡍᐿቃૄࡼ࿟ဍᒲ໐ดLj8000-10000ගᏄ 三 భܭభጲ୅ࡵࡼLjᆸݙতႁᑚ௓ဵᔢᒫࡼࢻݝᆡᒙă࠭ᅄ ୅Ljጙൔ฻ှ࠭ఎဪLjࡵᲗဍLjᏳࡵᔢઁࡼ૵ᒘLjଥৃဵᏗ ᄏᇹᒮܒගᏄᎧલ஘ࡼࣨધࠊాLjဣ ᐿᏗ౐ࡼăᑚൔલ஘ᒲ໐ࡼࢻ࢛LjဵᎧਪଔ߼۸ૡܕ1971ฤ8ᏜLjගਪኝݚਈ ࡼăހቤ୐ೂම༤ሤਈࡼLjፐऎဵݙვྏጵᅎ ܡଥࡼᔈᎅॳࣅă1973ฤ2ᏜLjගᏄ஠ጙݛ܈ቲલ஘ᎧගᏄ ຾ဣቲॳࣅ૏ൈۻᎅ᎖၊ᄾ૦࿜ߡૣܒᒋLjီஏ৉ᓍገૡ ୅ᇙஊǖޟႊଥৃ࠭35ගᏄᐿࡵᔢ঱ᅃຼ1000ගᏄDŽ1980 ᔢઁტტጙቋ࣪લ஘ࡼڝᒜăલ஘ ฤDžLjᒄઁᓆ୍ሆࢰLjᏴ2001ฤࢰࡵ250ගᏄᔧᎎă࠭2001 ฤఎဪLjલ஘ଥৃᓆ଀๢ဍLjᏴ2008ฤᐿࡵ800ගᏄᔧᎎă ගೊ߼ݷᔑલ஘ଥৃLj၂ᅄ౯঱લ஘ଥৃLjཱུᒦਪཽ ਭ80%ăި܈ෂ࿟ఘLj႒ઃᎧගᏄ૏ൈᔓဴሤनă ୻ૡLjፐᆐගਪᅪ૏߼۸ᒦLjલ஘ࡼᐴܭલ஘ଥৃᔓဴ ᄏᇹăගᏄဵܒဣଔ࿟Ljલ஘ဵᎧගਪࡼᑳᄏਪଔ࢐ᆡDŽගం,ගਪᑶᒤ፬ ႁᑚજࡼཽLjᅲཝݙ೫ஊਪଔ߼۸ૡ Ljගೊ߼ဵݙኊገۣߒ໚Ⴧᅪ૏߼۸ܒ࢐ᆡDž߆ሚঌሤਈਈᇹ ਪଔ߼۸ૡܒሰೆ,ගਪள଍ဣೆ,ගᏄ߼۸ૡ ࿟ဵගೊ߼ᔢᒮገࡼऻගᏄ߼۾ᒮገă ࡼLj8000࣬લ஘૥ޟࡼăఘᅀᑚጙ࢛ऻ ೫ăલ஘ဵගೊ߼ࡼᄖ࢈ăගೊ߼ဵݙభถཱུޘ2000ฤ༄ઁဵගਪਪଔ࢐ᆡᎅတૺၱࡼᒮገᓞᑓဟ ۸ᓾ ໐Ljጐဵલ஘ଥৃቤࡼ࿟ဍᒲ໐ࡼఎဪă1989ฤLjႡೊஊ લ஘ଥৃ࿟ᐿࡼLjፐᆐᑚݙ९੝ගਪࡼಽፄƽගೊ߼ ᄏĂದᐵஉၦLj1997ฤ዇ᒴ஘ྌᆉ૦Ă1998ฤः൜ႅ஘ྌ ၄ᒦࡼ8000࣬લ஘Ljဵጙ࣒࣬ݙত๯ࡼLj߹ऻගೊ߼ ౥ăྙਫᑞࡵกඐጙ܀Lj૞ᑗගᏄෂ೹ቧ፿ޘෂ೹ຼ ڶᆉ૦Ăோလฤࡔࡼගਪపଆ๵෧Ljጙݛݛᅎဍගਪ࡝૵ ጐ௎ݙ೫ૻƽ۾ཚᏴ2000ฤࡉࡵࢻख़ă2000ฤ߱Lj๏ᏄෂီĂ2001ฤLjග ᄖLj8000࣬લ஘ো ᆚ౶஘ଥᔓဴጲૺࣅހ঍ੇਜ਼ጟ ো௣ਭབྷྦছฤ஘ଥᔓဴ౶ᅎڄਪపଆ৹๵෧ຼ෌Ă9·11ᇲૣူୈૺගਪሡྜྷ Ăः ᯌႁલ஘඗ᎌྀੜဣ፿ଥᒋăگ౯యೝ࢐ᔫᐵLjऔလጙီଗ༄လฤLjጲᒦĂ፝Ă !࿟ဵbullshit۾ஏᑵ ྙ༄ჅၤLjᑚጙఘज૥ီීܭࡼቤቭਪଜኸႥᢨ໦Lj࣒ܭDŽ஘ᓝ႐ਪDžᆐࡔ Ᏼᔓሶࣶ૵છă໚ဣLjᏴਭབྷࡼ40ฤᒦLjᆸඣથభጲᑊࡵ Ⴣ൜ႅႁǖલ஘ဵᒫ૵๵෧ăᒦਪያቲႁǖલ஘ଥৃ ৎࣶೝᑗମࡼ࣪።ਈᇹᔓဴă ມ঱Ljᒦਪᅪ૏߼۸ݙభถጞణલ஘ă 2008ฤࡼ஘ྌᆉ૦Ljܪᒔᓹගਪ࡝૵ဟࡔࡼஉၦăཝ ᆸඣᔪᄾᓾLjᔢᒮገࡼဵገኧ્Đᄧ໚ዔLj਋໚ ࡍ೟൰ྜྷܟᎌ๵෧Ljጙޝႁલ஘ှܟᄏᇹࡼ ቲđăჃ൜ႅጙܒཆ୓ݙࡻݙᒮቤኰཇቤࡼᑶᒤĂள଍ĂంူĂૡ ຳੰăᆸཱྀᆐLj࠭2009ฤఎဪLjલ஘஠ྜྷ೫ጙৈቤࡼဟ લ஘ETFਜ਼લ஘৛ႊ৹ວăᒦਪያቲᄴዹጙܟႁલ஘ ංᓹᄽᄽᐐଝલ஘߼۸ăᒦਪᅪ૏߼ܟᒔဵ2009ฤ߱Ljᒦ ଥৃ঱೫Ljጙܪࡔăᆸ߂ᒄᆐ“ઁ஘ྌᆉ૦ဟࡔ”ă໚ ࡼগศăᑚኊገᒗ ۸ݙభถᓍገጞణલ஘Ljᑚဵဣજăፐᆐཝཆલ஘৙ܒᒲቃࠂᄋ߲୐ೂިᓍཚૡޠਪያቲቲ ᄏᇹLjጙࢾ્ᎌཽ෍ ።೟ვቃLjࡣᑚ݀ݙፀᆜᓹᒦਪᅪ૏߼۸ݙ൰લ஘Ljܒ࿩10ฤࡼဟମăᆚ౶ࡼཝཆ߼۸ૡ ݬᎧLjጐጙࢾ્ᎌલ஘ݬᎧăᔢᒫࡼ݇ដஉਫLj྆཭્ ᒑဵલ஘ݙ৫൰ऎጯăܒ ऺᄂႁǖલ஘ଥৃᎌ๵෧ăگ ၊ࡵ౶ᔈගਪࡼ௤ࡍ፬ሰăගਪཽဵุభཱུલ஘ࡼᒮገቶ ਪᓍፃڐऺᄂဵጙৈᒝᑗLjᄴဟጐဵጙৈౕེࡼگ ঙਭගᏄࡼăᑚဵభጲሯ୅ࡼ݇ដܒᄋ঱Ljጐݙ્ཱཽུ෍


economic, military and currency systems. Gold has Gold Myth #2: Gold is over-valued. In recent news entered a new age since 2009, which I call the Post- reports, George Soros said, “Gold is the ultimate bubble.” Financial Crisis Age’. This era began when Central Bank Meanwhile, the China Central Bank said, “Gold is of China head Zhou Xiaochuan suggested establishing a overpriced. China will not rely on gold in its foreign ‘super-sovereign currency’. reserve”. While this would take at least 10 years to implement, Fact: The most important thing for investors is to learn such a future global reserve currency system will how to ‘listen to people’s words but watch their deeds’. definitely involve both the RMB and gold. The result will While Soros warned of a bubble in the gold market, he still see a major role being played by the U.S. but gold will himself reportedly was buying gold ETF and shares of probably be the biggest winner. When people cannot gold companies in large quantities. Even as the China reach a common consensus, they tend to return to square Central Bank was saying gold was overpriced, China was one, in this case: gold. quetly increasing its gold reserves. In fact, China does not My goal is simply to provide a framework for rely on gold for its foreign reserves only because the investors. Some statistics show that, if the world returns global gold supply is too small. This does not mean China to a gold-based system, the legal printing of money in does not buy gold for its foreign reserves; it just means each country would be linked to the amount of gold each there is not enough gold for China to buy. country owns. In such a case, gold prices could rise as high as US$60,000 per ounce. Gold Myth #3: Gold is not a wise investment because The current period of rising gold prices has been Warren Buffett warned of the gold bubble. triggered by a major adjustment to the international Fact: Warren Buffett is a wise man, but he’s also a reserve currency system and has taken place over a fanatical patriot. Gold is a negative indicator of U.S. lengthy period of time. To analyze the future of gold, we dominance. From his patriotic point of view, therefore, must look at the printing of money worldwide. I believe Mr Buffett will never support gold. that theories predicting gold prices to reach US$1500 or even US$2000 per ounce within one or two years are Gold Myth #4: The mining cost of gold is only flawed, because the adjustment in the international US$500-600 per ounce. The price cannot possibly reserve currency system cannot possibly be completed strongly exceed the mining cost. within two years. Instead, I expect that gold will continue Fact: Human beings started mining gold thousands of steadily increasing in value over the next three to five years ago, so the gold that is easily available has nearly all years, so that prices may reach US$8000-10000 per ounce. been mined. In the future, even with increasing gold What I cannot predict is whether or not this level will be prices, the quantity of gold that is mined will not increase the maximum value. much – and it may even decrease. It is very possible to

Finally, some common misconceptions about investing in gold:

Gold Myth #1: The US Federal Reserve System (Fed) manipulates gold prices. It tries to push prices up, then sells gold (especially to the Chinese) because gold accounts for more than 80% of the U.S. foreign currency reserves. Fact: Those who make this argument misunderstand the international reserve currency system. The US dollar is the international reserve currency, so the Fed does not need to keep any foreign currency reserves. The 8000 tons of gold held by the Fed is the most important reserve apart from US dollars. In fact, gold is the Fed’s natural enemy; the Fed will never push up gold prices because that would counter US interests.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 89 ቅᎍ݇ఱ ቅᎍᒄဉ

ᔫᑗǖᑹ፼ሬ ۂ଀ǖ2008۱யEMBA3ۂ ৔ᔫǖ۱யࢼᄖᄾᓾ਌ಯᎌሢ৛ႊᒊቲࣃူ ቤ಍ᆈ݇ǖᑹ፼ሬ_Sean ଜᄭǖვვರயLjᏴ798ள፦ǖܰࠀహମDŽઙಊDžǗ ೝৈएᔇLjᑹᦘ5ႶLjᑹᷥ2Ⴖă ᔈ2003ฤጲ౶Ljጙᒇਈᓖલ஘ᔓဴጲૺ৉ಢሤਈቧᇦۨࡸLjཽ۾ቖᔫႁීǖ ᑚቋฤሆ౶Ljᎌጙᒬ“ᇘ೫”ࡼঢ௻ăᎅ᎖થ඗ᎌఘࡵᎧᔈ଄ᅲཝሤᄴࡼ਋࢛Lj ᑚಱ࣍ࡠᄋ߲ᎧࡍଜॊሱLj৳༦߂ᒄᆐલ஘ࡼ“ᑹွಯ൙”Lj๯ᓝ፛Ꭽă

Name: Sean ‘Yongxiang’ Zheng Class: EMBA3 2008 Job: CEO of Beijing RoyalTek Investment Management Co Sina Mini Blog: ᑹ፼ሬ_Sean Family: Wife Li jing manages an art gallery; 2 sons Zheng Hong (5 years old) and Zheng Di (2 years old). Author’s note: I have been interested in the gold price trend and all kinds of relevant information since 2003. I have gathered together some intuitive feelings over these years. Because I have not seen any similar opinions, I decided to be brave and share mine here. I will temporarily call it ‘Zheng’s Theory’ and hope it can serve as a good starting point for discussion.

໐ߒᎌલ஘ဵ॥ۣᒋࡼᆰᄌLjဵገॊ୿ࣤ౶ఘޠਪ ਈ᎖ڐऺᄂ࠭گLjܪཚࡼनሶᒎڶᑗăલ஘ဵගਪ࡝૵ લ஘ࡼă ࡼă၅ሌLjྙਫᆸඣఘத50ฤLj੝ಯࡼဟମࣤ።কဵڐࡼ୯ࣞLjᇄ൙ྙੜဵݙ્ ႊLjଥৃݙభถᅙ ࠭1971ฤݚಙ࣯྽ಽᄏᇹຼೱఎဪଐႯLjલ஘࠭35ගڝ/ጐ௓500-600ගᏄ۾લ஘ࡼఎݧ߅ ႊLj40ฤᐿ೫37-38۶Ljڝ/ႊᐿࡵ෹༄ࡼ1350ගᏄڝ/ვᏐă Ꮔ۾ಭఎݧ߅ ᓰ໋ऑ500ܪൈࡍᏖ9.5%ăऎᄴဟ໐ࡼගਪޠፐᆐཽಢఎݧલ஘ጯளᎌଂ໻ฤࡼ಼ဥ೫Lj࢐ఫᒦLj ฤআ੝ᐐ ൈॊܰᆐ6.6%ਜ਼9.1%ăਭབྷޠ࿟ጯளఎݧᅲ೫ăᆚ౶Ljલ஘ࡼఎ ᒎၫਜ਼Ꮗᎉࡼฤআ੝ᐐ۾ੑݧࡼલ஘૥ ݧ೟ݙ્ፐᆐଥৃࡼᄋ঱ऎᐐଝࣶ࿩Ljစᒗથభถି 40ฤମLjલ஘݀඗ᎌ๴ၒᏇᎉਜ਼৹ວᒎၫă ܤ޵࢏ࡼޝᄏᇹLjᑵᏴఎဪጙܒ࿩ăᏴཽඣ઩ታ೫લ஘ᄾᓾེ༽ࡼ༽ౚሆLjଥৃᅙಭ ࡩஙࡼီஏ߼۸ૡ ޠᑍᒲቃࠂቲږᄏᇹLjܒ߅ቤࡼૡܤᆡ۾੪ᏐLjဵᅲཝభጲᔪࡵࡼă ুLjᎅගᏄ۾ఎݧ߅ গศLj໚ᄂᑯ۞౪ǖިᏗᓍཚਪଜܒલ஘࠭౶ݙሿ੒Ljᒑ્Ꮧ౶ᏗࣶLjᇕጲᇥᆐਣLjલ஘ ᄋፇࡼިᓍཚૡ ᒋᆮࢾĂ৙።ᎌኔĂᔐ೟భ఼ăલ஘ܒĂܒଥৃݙభถᔓ঱ă ࡼ߼۸ૡ ܒLjৎ९੝ިᓍཚૡ܈ሤܒಢᎌဥጲ౶ఎݧ૩௡ࡼཝݝલ஘LjৰଐᏖ15ᅺ࣬ă Ꭷሚࡀࡼਪଔᓍገ߼۸ૡཽ ᆡࡼభถቶ੪ࢅLjࡣဵᏴ۾Ǘီஏ৉ਪਉऱલ஘߼ ࡼᄂᑯăႰ཭ཽಢᒮऩ஘ޘ໚ᒦᏖ40%૾6ᅺ࣬ᆐ஘ྌᓾ ᄏᇹᒦLjલ஘ࡼᒮገቶᇄጧ્መᓎ࿟ܒ۸ᐴᎌ3.2ᅺ࣬Lj໚᎜ဵႉཽ፱ᎌࡼᄾᓾݤ঍ă഍ᅪࡼ ᆚ౶ࡼਪଔૡ 60%ᔫᆐ࿜ອLjᓍገဵ၅ြጓਜ਼ᓤြອLjᆐ෍ମ၃ݶ ဍăᆸᑚಱ༓ࢯࡼဵલ஘Ᏼᆚ౶3-5ฤLjစᒗ8-10ฤࡼ ᄏᇹࡵܒ޵࢏ា໰߲ਪଔ߼۸ૡۻਜ਼ഗᓞLjથᎌ࿩೟፿᎖࢟ᔇ৔ጓĂዀጛĂ஘ᐺૺ໚Ⴧ ᄾᓾ૦્ăલ஘࠭ ᄏᇹLjစᒗభถᐴᎌ୷঱ࡼܒᒮቤฃྜྷਪଔ߼۸ૡۻ ቲጓăऎᆚ౶࢐ఫᒦࡼభݧલ஘߼೟LjৰଐᏴ5ᅺ࣬-8 ᅺ࣬ᒄମăཝཆጯݧࡼਜ਼ᆚ౶ᔢࡍభݧࡼલ஘෹༄ࡼ ཚᒮLjᑚ௓ဵᆚ౶5ฤࡼᄾᓾࡍ൝૷ƽ ှᒋᔐଐᏖ10.5ᅺጸගᏄă 最 ߕࡵ2012ฤLjගೊ߼્ଝᇦLjஔဟගᏄ્ᔓ༓Ljલ Ⴅࣞǖ෹༄Ljᒦ ஘୓୅ࢻૄൢǛޠݤ঍ਜ਼ᐦᇗࡼᐐܒᆸඣᏳఘጙሆૡ ਪࡼᅪ૏߼۸ިਭ2ᅺጸගᏄLj໚ᒦLjߒᎌࡼගਪਪᐦ ගೊ߼ଝᇦဵߕᐁࡼူLjࡣဵගೊ߼ଝᇦLjલ஘௓ሆ ௓ިਭ1ᅺጸගᏄăऎගਪᔢቤࡼᐦᇗᐐޠႥࣞဵ7ৈ ࢰསऻܘ཭ăጲᔢதጙࠨගೊ߼ଝᇦᆐಿLjගೊ߼᎖ 2004ฤ6Ꮬ30྇໦Ljࡵ2005ฤ8Ꮬ9྇ᒏLjೌኚଝᇦ10 ۾Ꮬᐐଝ1ᅺጸගᏄࡼᐦᇗăᑚಱથ඗ᎌఠ൅๏ᒴĂ྇ ႊ࿟ဍᒗᏖ435ڝ/ጲૺᒦਪࡼݤᑶߜᔊă ࠨLjऎᄴ໐Ljલ஘ଥৃᐌᎅ395ගᏄ ႊLj14ৈᏜମLjᐿ೫ࡍᏖ10%ăڝ/ఘ೫࿟ෂࡼၫᔊLj఺๚ཽඣ௓ݙ્ཱྀᆐલ஘ਭထ೫Lj ගᏄ ෂ࿟ఘ႒ઃᎧගᏄᔓဴ߆ঌሤܭᄏ ᑚಱᏳࠨ༓ࢯLjલ஘ܒᏴሚቲ߼۸ૡޠਜ਼ݤ঍߼۸ᐐޠऎဵ࡛ቦᐦᇗᐐ ᇹሆࡼݙభߒኚቶ೫ă ਈਈᇹLjࡣဵᑚဵஉਫLjݙဵᏇፐăલ஘ဵගਪ࡝૵ ăᒑገฝཱྀᄴီஏᆚ౶୓ᔓሶࣶ૵ܪཚࡼनሶᒎڶ લ஘ݙۣᒋLjጲ1980ฤࡼ஘ଥଐႯLjࡵ෹༄Ljલ஘๴ ᄏᇹጙࢾᔓሶࣶ૵છLjલ஘୓ࡍᎌܒၒᄰᑅă૞ᑗጲ෍ਪĂစᒗී༹ဟ໐ࡼ৪൰ೆLjሚᏴ છLjกඐ߼۸ૡ ࡼલ஘ݙᒋ༂೫ă భᆐă


have the price going far beyond the mining cost if people compound annual increase rates rose by 6.6% and 9.1%, are enthusiastic about investing in gold. respectively. Compared with crude oil and stock indexes, gold did not fall in value over the last 40 years. Gold Myth #5: Gold is not being consumed. There will The current global reserve currency system is going only be more and more gold produced. Because things through a total revolution from US dollar dominance to a are only expensive if they are rare, gold prices will not new monetary system. According to Zhou Xiaochuan’s continue to increase. super-sovereign currency concept, the new system has Fact: Throughout history, an estimated 150,000 tons of these features: a stable market value, organized supply, and gold have been accumulated, while 50,000 to 80,000 tons controllable overall quantity. Compared with the existing of minable gold lie in the earth’s crust. The gold being primary reserve currency, gold has more similar features to mined and the maximum possible reserves of gold in the those of super-sovereign currency. Although the chances future have a market value of about US$10.5 trillion. are very small that human beings will go back to a gold For comparison, let us look at the increase in the rate dominant age, still the importance of gold will rise of monetary wealth and bonds. At present, China’s considerably. Gold has withstood being kicked out of the foreign reserves exceed US$2 trillion, among which more international reserve currency system to being re-accepted than US$1 trillion are in US Treasury Bonds. The latest into it. Today, sound investment logic shows that it may increase of US Treasury Bonds is US$1 trillion more well enjoy more significance during the short term. every 7 months. This does not take into account the financial deficits of Europe, Japan and China. Gold Myth #7: By 2012, the US Federal Reserve System Perhaps we will not think there is a surplus of gold will have increased interest rates and the US dollar will after looking at the figures quoted above; instead, what become strong, causing gold prices to drop from their we will worry about is the problem of the continuous maximum value. increase in bonds and reserves. Fact: The US Federal Reserve System will raise interest rates sooner or later, but gold prices will not necessarily Gold Myth #6: Gold prices cannot grow faster than drop. Take this recent case as an example: the Fed increased inflation. Comparing the purchasing power of gold from interest rates 10 times between June 30, 2004 and August 9, 1980 until now, gold is not worth much more now than it 2005. During that time, gold prices rose from US$395 to was a century ago. US$435 per ounce, gaining 10% in 14 months. Fact: To judge whether or not gold can beat inflation, we I want to reinforce that, on the surface, gold prices must look at different time periods. If we look at the last and the US dollar do seem to have a negative correlation. 50 years, the time-span should run from 1971 – just But reaction is a consequence, rather than a cause. Gold before the collapse of the Braden Forest System – to the is a negative indicator of US dominance. As long as you present. During that time, gold prices rose from believe that the world is becoming more diverse, then the US$35-1350 per ounce, increasing by US$37-38 over 40 reserve currency system will also become more diverse – years at a compound annual interest of about 9.5%. and for that reason, gold will play a major role in the Meanwhile, the US Standard & Poor’s 500 and crude oil world’s future.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 91 ቅᎍᒄဉ

୻ኚࠅᄻᒦᇝ੝ᬧ ĊĊቅᎍਪኧ્த໐૚ࣅଗገૺቤฤᐱᆃ Alumni Club Explores Traditional Chinese Culture

”໪ࣅ೫࢒औ໐“ਪኧᎧ਌ಯ”঱଀ዐ ྇ݙৠᔘă྇ ࣪᎖ޠLjዻ༿ᓎ ݧषਭ߈ᒦLj༬Ꮍแಯူ”ۂᾹ08଀“ઁEMBAਪኧۂᇴ ෗ኧᑗᆠߌႈ݇ိᓍ୚“ਪኧྜྷඡ”Ǘ ኀᇴਪኧLjঢ߿੪࿾Lj“ᒦਪ৵૸ॊ 2Ꮬ26྇ฉயࡍኧ৵࢜ᆪኧ୴၈ஶ఑ ᆐளဥᔇૹLjభጲ୓໚ఘᔫਪኧࡼো ኟ݇ိᓍ୚ “ჿᏂීᎧࡍࡸཽည”ࡼ୚ ছᑼጔLj໚Ⴧ࣒ဵਪኧᑚధࡍၥ࿟உ ᔭLj୚ᔭሚޝቅᎍඣႈ୻৵ཽĂঢᇘ ࡼਫă࿜ጓ਌ಯᄴዹဵጙৈਫLj੪ࣶ ጙৈሚࡔ਌ಯᑗᆐဠඐገབྷڹညLj໮ॉེೲă ཽݙීཽ ෂ࣪ਪኧེဍᆨࡼஙᄖLj༬Ꮍแ ࣗᑚቋᆪ᪻᪻ࡼࣁᇝLj໚ဣᆸဵᏴኧ ಯူޠܭာǖ“ᒦ๏ਪኧ્ଫߒྯৈᏇ ᔪཽLjਪኧဵᔪཽࡼ૥߻Ljገஉ߲ॕ ఎቤLj࠭ᆸ۾ኍऩܘᐌLjጙဵጲᆸᆐᓍĂର၃݀ነăᆸඣ ႂ፤ྥࡼਫဣLj ঢࡵሚᏴ኏ࣶጲਪኧᆐ෗෹ࡼ૚ࣅࡀ ඣࡼ಼ဥĂࠅᄻᒦ૽ནዸॊLjো௣ᔈ Ᏼ༝ዔഎྻĂบ࿃௩ሆࡼሚሷLjჅጲ ଄ࡼဣଔ༽ౚᎧဟᖹቲLj࠭ऎިᏗᔈ ଫߒᑵႁᑵ୅Ljೂᒔᆐቅᎍᄋ৙ጙऱ ᆸLj߅ᆐᑞᑵࡼఃᔇLjጐ௓ဵሚࡔࡼ ”ஶ఑ኟ୴၈ ுᅉLjݙ၊ဟဴਜ਼᎛൙ᔧᎎLjᄴဟጐ ற፞ă Prof Jing Kaixuan ݙ௖บ᎖ඡઓᒄܰLjᒑገཀྵᎌࠎ୅Lj ტࡵਪኧ્ࡼखᐱLj༬Ꮍแಯူ ာ୓ଫߒ৛ፄLjߒኚᆮ୉࢐ᅎਓܭޠ ᏎĂኧጲ༹۾ᆸඣ࣒ݙ௢௾ăऔဵᑵ ᒘ፿ăᆸඣገૄࡵ৵࢜Ljሶᔚᔎኧᒝ ࠅᄻᆪછLjᑚጐဵᒦ๏ཽࡼ࿷્࡛ ݙᆸ໑LjଫߒኧၣቶLjᄋާዔ ࡩăஙฤਪኧ્Ꭷ࿟਱ᅄၗ਍੝ᔫࡼܘᆪ/ ൫ഈ፤ ેLj ܘᎌ௣Ljन࣪ቧాఎ੡Ljᄴဟᇧᆃቅ ࣁऱᆪછ୚ჭ৛ፄሲ෹୓ଖኚᄴဟሶ 2Ꮬ25྇ᅵ࿟Ljᒦ๏࿟਱ቅᏊဝછ ᎍ୓ள࢜ዐᇴᎧᔈ଄ࡼཽညဣୃྌ્ ှ෍඾ॅఎहă഍ᅪLjਪኧ્ጐ୓ো ዝ୚ᄦཽᄿ᏶ࣅLjጙྸ߱ࠔࡼ጗਼Ljመ ਑ᄰăྯဵߒᒄጲੱLj੿૩ۡखăᆸ ௣ቅᎍࡼኊཇ߫ચࠅᄻᆪછ༫ᔇઑࣅ ᓐࡍ ࢀ໚Ⴧተါࡼ૚ࣅLj஺༿ਓࡍᒦ๏ۑࡻེฐऻदăᑚಱᑵᏴ௟ቲࡼဵ “ཱྀဤ ඣጙᒇไೆཱུቅᎍ༫தள࢜Lj ᒦጛLjၥೂቤࡼ୉ఙ਋ศ”୚ᔭăቅᎍ ଜ૝ࡻᏇᒃᏇᆜࡼኧဤǗଫߒክኔ୍ ቅᎍਈᓖăDŽਪኧ્ǖceibsguoxue@ ࡼዝ୚ᄦᔭᇄኋᇳă ஠ࡼऱजLjุభလฤݙ୓ంLjݙభጙ gmail.comDžޤඣोᒗ᳻౶Lj౑ ໕࢛୚ᔭᑵါఎဪLjᒦ๏ቅᎍਈᇹူᇗ ݝᅽཀ୕ᓍྀᒘఎ෵ࠡઁLjᓎ෗ᒦጛക ೆ੺୴၈࿟გ࿾࿾ጙ৚Ljఎဪ፛ഌቅᎍ ᆠߌႈ୴၈ ඣᒮቤཱྀဤᒦጛLjഌᇘ୉ఙᒄࡸă୚ᔭ Prof Wei Chengsi ᔢઁLjᎌങᆡᄧᒰ፪ࡻ೫ፌ྇Ꭷക୴၈ ອކ્ෂࡼ૦્Ljৎᎌ኏ࣶቅᎍሚޝᎾ ᏖݬᎧਪጛዸညᎊኧ૚ࣅLjᇧᆃଖኚ࿾ ዐᒦጛዸညࡍࡸă Ljቅێࠥࠨ୚ᔭᎅᒦ๏ቅᎍ્ᓍ ༬Ꮍแޠăਪኧ્ಯူێᎍਪኧ્ߌ DŽEMBA 1997Dž஑࿬ႁLjᑚဵਪኧ્ ߅ೂጲ౶ਖෝᔢࡍࡼጙࠨ୚ᔭăᒦ๏ ቅᎍਪኧ્ᑵါ߅ೂ᎖བྷฤ႐ᏜLjሚ ໕လ᎜ཽă߹೫৛ፄ୚ᔭڻᎌ્Ꮛऔ ᅪLjથᎌීࡺኧჭࣗၗ્ĂઁEMBA ਪኧల߈ĂዅૹĂ࿃ചࢀጙᇹ೰றݨ ૚ࣅăஙฤጙᏜ॑ጲ౶Ljਪኧ્ጯள ఎᐱ೫ྯࠨීࡺኧჭࣗၗ૚ࣅǗ1Ꮬ22

92 TheLINK 2010 第一期 ALUMNI VOICE

ཝခ਑ᓖǖᒦ๏࿟਱ቅᏊ411ཽࣶࡼဝછዝ୚ᄦดᔭᇄኋᇳLjࡍଜ፷Ꮨݬଝᓎ෗ᒦጛകೆ੺୴၈ࡼ୚ᔭă RAPT: More than 300 alumni filled the CEIBS Shanghai auditorium for the recent talk by Chinese culture expert Prof Liu Lihong.


On the night of February 25, Liu explained how he has been In addition, Prof Liu emphasized more than 300 alumni and their studying the topic rigorously for the that people can suffer illnesses when guests braved Shanghai’s cold, early- past three decades, undertaking a they are not on good terms with spring air to commute across the city strict medical education as well as others. In particular, he warned that to gather in CEIBS’ Shanghai campus often visiting sacred Buddhist and one cannot enjoy good health without auditorium. While CEIBS graduates Taoist sites for meditative sessions. He a peaceful home. Anger harms the often return to campus for post-work explained that both vigorous study liver, hate the heart, resentment the lectures or workshops, this event was and intense spiritual practice are spleen and the stomach, annoyance different. The lively group had turned necessary to properly understand the the lungs, and stress the kidney. As an out for a lecture designed not to essence of traditional Chinese culture example, he shared that some patients improve their bottom line or market and its holistic outlook on life. He suffer from ailments of the stomach share, but to improve their health. recommended studying scriptures or spleen that recur when they stop The topic? “Traditional Chinese including The Book of Changes and treatment – not because they are ill Medicine: Updating Your Concepts of canons of traditional Tibetan but because they are resentful. Health.” medicine. Stomach complaints are deeply Bowing deeply as he took the During his presentation, Prof Liu rooted in a person’s tendency toward stage after a welcome from CEIBS stressed to CEIBS alumni that one of resentment. Alumni Relations Director Wang the most important features of TCM Ending his inspiring and Qingjiang, Prof Liu Lihong held the is its holistic philosophy. TCM holds thought-provoking talk with a special audience’s rapt attention throughout that human beings must strive to be treat, Prof Liu picked six lucky raffle his lecture. He first led CEIBA alumni one with nature, to live in harmony winners who were invited have tea through a rediscovery of TCM, then with heaven and earth, and to follow with him the following day. At the outlined how traditional concepts can the cycles of the four seasons. Only event’s end, many participants made address current health challenges. when a person is one with nature can on-the-spot reservations for TCM Beginning by explaining his long he or she enjoy true and lasting tours, hoping to learn more secrets to credentials for teaching TCM, Prof health. a healthy life.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 93 ቅᎍᒄဉ

ᇄᆰ໚ܿLjጲຳᆐ໐ lj෗ᒦጛകೆ੺ᒦ๏ዝ୚ᐢገ

കೆ੺୴၈ဵጙᆡ࿾௥ࠅᄻᆪછኀᆐࡼ෗ᒦጛLj၊ਭዏৃࡼጛ ኧ୴Ꮉă30ࣶฤ౶Ljᆐ೫ᅀ޵ᄏᇘᒦਪࡼᑳᄏညෘ਋ਜ਼ࠅᄻᆪછற ࡵ।ࡸဓ࢐ݬᇘኀᇴLj࿾ྜྷዐᇴ۞౪ጵளĂݶࠅጛኧᏴޟႴLjჇள ดࡼ৉ଜறገă

കೆ੺୴၈ Prof Liu Lihong Ꭷᄖ࢐ਜ਼

ᒠᏴ෾ಱฒǛᑚገ୚ࡵᄖࡸᎧཽࡸࡼཌܰLjᄖࡸဵ“Ⴜᎌ᎜Ljݗݙ۾കೆ੺ႁLjᒦጛࡼ ௉ăऎཽࡸฒLjဵ“ႼݙᔗLjፄᎌ᎜”LjჅጲཽ௓ጵညܿăऎᒦጛဵጲޠᔗ”LjჅጲݣถ ᄖࡸཽ࣪ࡸă৺Ėલ࢓ดளėႁLj“ᇄᆰ໚ܿLjጲຳᆐ໐”Lj“ຳཽᐌݙܿ”ăྙੜຳLjᒦ ಘᒄᆚډጛᎌݗቛऔजăᒦጛ୚“ຳ”Lj୚“ਜ਼”Lj୚“ᒦஂ”Ljऎ“ਜ਼”ဵಳࡼดᒠLj“ᇶๅ खLjᆣᒦLjखऎᒦஂᆣᒄਜ਼”ăჅጲᒦጛဵ࿠ಳࡼጛኧLjᇝጛဵ࿠ቮࡼጛኧLjᇝጛፐᆐ పଆࡼखࡉLj࣪ૼܿဵ࣪ఝĂᑪኹLjჅጲ્ᎌଢ଼ኹጇLjᑪᄼഉLjఝညႤăᑚဵᒦᇝጛ ᒠࡼཌܰă۾ ക୴၈༓ࢯᒦጛጙৈ੪ᒮገࡼᄂྻ௓ဵᑳᄏ਋ศăᒦጛཱྀᆐLjཽጲᄖ࢐ᒄ໮ညĂ ኍ੝ઃܘ႐ဟᒄजညLjཽᎧᄖ࢐ဵጙৈᑳᄏăᄖཽ੝ጙLjݣถᎌ୉ఙăᄖཽ੝ጙᐌ जăᎧᄖပਜ਼Ljཽࡼങ໮ပਜ਼Lj૾ێᄖࡸLj“Ⴜᎌ᎜Ăݗݙᔗ”Ljᑚጐဵஊ௼ပਜ਼ࡼ ᒄညLj୼ည᎖਼ၜᐉဘज़છ”ă ਼ᑗེᒄLjེᑗ਼ᒄăኋᑗݗᒄLjဣᑗቜᒄăᎧܿڻ“ ࢐ပਜ਼Ljᐌᇋᆜပਜ਼ă෸ᑗLjጲႭቜᒄLjጲባݗᒄă૜ᑗLjጲজቜᒄLjጲሐݗᒄăᅉ ᑗLjጲౄቜᒄLjጲজݗᒄă஘ᑗLjጲባቜLjጲႭݗᒄăၺᑗLjጲሐቜᒄLjጲౄݗᒄă


߹ࠥᒄᅪLjകೆ੺༓ࢯLjᎧཽပਜ਼ጐ્ညܿăଜᄭݙਜ਼෺Lj፱ᎌ୉ఙࡼ࿽ᄏጐဵ੪ ౩ซࡼă കೆ੺୴၈2002ฤᏴ༹ખࡍኧཽᆪኧᏔᔪषᆰኧᑗဟLjፐᆐ૦Ꮟ୻߿ࡵ༹෣ී߱ࡼጙ ᆡ෍ମጛᑗᅽॣጥăകೆ੺࠭ޙၤᅽॣጥሌညࡼ਋࢛ྜྷ၄Lj୓ᄧᑗ࣪᎖୉ఙ਋ศࡼཱྀᒀ࠭ “ᄖཽ੝ጙ”᎒፛ྜྷ೫“ཽਜ਼”ࡼ഍ጙᑳᄏ਋ᒦă ཽᄏဵጙৈྯᒬᏄႤLj࿽ĂቦĂቶă࿽ᒎཽࡼዛ஬Ă܇ᔇĂᄿखࢀăቦ૾ཽቦਜ਼ࡸቦăቶLj ᄖቶĂᗧቶăቶᏴཽᄏᒦᐴᎌᔢᒮገࡼᆡᒙăཽࡼᄖቶဵ࠙ዴᇄፓLjගੑᒗ࿖ࡼǗᗧቶᐌᆐ࠙ፓᇄ ညࡼๅ੬Ꮣฏधਙၢ஘෸ၺ૜ᅉᇋቲLjཽࡼดޘᄖቶࡼᓍፐăፐᗧቶऎڏዴLjݙ࿖ࡼăཽࡼᗧቶဵᑇ ᏺጐॊၢᇋቲLj෸๼ঠLjᅉ๼ຘᆞLj஘๼ूLjၺ๼ဆLj૜๼ቦăჅጲཽࡼݙ೜ࡼ༽ኙᔈ཭્፬ሰࡵཽࡼด ࡼᏇ۾ᏺ໭ਉăๅ࿛ঠLj੬࿛ቦLjᏓ࿛ຘᆞLjฏ࿛ूLjध࿛ဆăᎌࡼཽຘᆞᒤੑ೫Ljᄫሆ౶᎒ख೫Lj໚ဣো ፐဵᏓăጙৈཽᎌ඗ᎌᆞܿLjఘჇဵ॥ࣅᯌᇶઢᏓཽܰă

Ⴥᎌ࿽ᄏອᒠ࿟ࡼܿLj࣒ਜ਼ቶৃĂቶ༽ᒦ෭ጙঌෂࡼࣁᇝ௥ᎌ࣪።ਈᇹăሚࡔጛ೦ ၄ࣤ੪ซஊ௼ᑚৈᆰᄌăሚࡔᒦጛළᓰࡼથᒑဵ࿽ᄏᑚጙށෂࡼࣁᇝLjऎࡴᒘૼܿࡼᏇ ፐጯளިᏗ೫ᇕᒠᑚጙށෂLj჈ዓ࿼ࡵቦĂዓ࿼ࡵቶăกඐLjྙੜஊ௼ཽਜ਼ࡼᆰᄌǛക ăჅጲLjጛᆐོၣLjཽᒑᎌૄਙࠅᄻᆪછࡼ“ོ”Ljయ଄”ཽڐ୴၈ႁLj“ጲོਜ਼ᒄLjོᑗ আಳLjݣถஊ௼ཽਜ਼ࡼᆰᄌă “࿟ጛᒤᆚܿ”Ljᔫᆐጙᆡ෗ጛࡍଜLjകೆ੺ࡼዝ୚Ljࡒ৊ࡍଜ࣪୉ఙ਋ࡼቤႈఠLj ࣪ᒦጛᎧࠅᄻᆪછࡼਈᇹጐᎌ೫ৎ࿾ྜྷࡼཱྀᒀLjৎᆐቅᎍඣ࿽ቦ୉ఙࡼᎾᒀᎾऴᒎ࢛೫ ዸညࡍࡸă

94 TheLINK 2010 第一期 ALUMNI VOICE

Professor Liu Lihong‘s hugely popular lecture on TCM was the largest event hosted by the CEIBS Alumni Traditional Culture Society club since its establishment in April 2010. But it was by no means the only event hosted by the group. Despite the group’s young age of just one year, Society President Qin Yunong (EMBA 1997) says 270 alumni have joined the group, regularly attending activities that celebrate traditional Chinese culture. During the past 12 months, the Society has organized three Mingde Hall Readings, began the second “Traditional Culture and Management” senior study programme, and launched the “Post-EMBA Traditional Culture Programme” for the Class of 2008. In addition, famous sociology and history scholar Dr Wei Chengsi presented an “Introduction to Traditional Culture” to the group on January 22 and 23, while Nanjing University Professor of Classical Chinese Literature Dr Jing Kaixuan gave a Feb 22 presentation on “Tao Yuanming and the True-Way Life.” The presentation outlined ancient ways of thinking.

Looking ahead, President Qin says the Society will stick to its founding principles of promoting public welfare and educating others about traditional Chinese culture. These goals, he says, align well with CEIBS’ commitment to social responsibility. Other CSR initiatives planned by the Society for 2011 include: additional Oriental Culture Lectures, a public- welfare project hosted jointly with the Shanghai Library (at no charge), and a class where parents and their children can learn traditional Chinese culture together]. For more information on events and membership, please contact ceibsguoxue@ gmail.com.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 95 ቅᎍቤᆫ ቅᎍᒄဉ

हLj঍ᎌ෍ᔙᄂྻࡼĖ዗ orchestra delivered a musicalۼ3122ᒦ๏ቅᎍĐ૏ঈᒄ጗đቤࠔፒಘ ඡėᔝཎࡼ ્ടᒮ௟ቲ લज़༽ėLjຳጵᄰႣĂஂᔔ༵౐ࡼ஘ፖ extravaganza for the audience of 2011ฤ1Ꮬ12྇Ljᒦ๏ਪଔ৔࿜ኧ Ꮜᇎཎᔝ߅೫ྻݨኤಸࡼፒಘઙ௳ăሆ more than 1,600 that turned up, on ࡼĖଣෂᇎ્ėᏌᇎཎ࣡ᓣዏႬLj January 12, at the Shanghai Grandޝۍ ᏔᏴ࿟਱ࡍ௭Ꮤടᒮ௟ቲ2011ᒦ๏ቅᎍ “૏ঈᒄ጗”ቤࠔፒಘ્Ljጲࡊቝਓࡍቅ ঍ಸჭશࡼશ࢓Ꮜᇎཎ࡬໮ૄޢLj৲ଏ Theatre for the 2011 CEIBS Alumni .ᓞࡼ঺௭Ėራ࠿໥ိėମ China PnR Night New Year Concertڻᓐࡼ࿷્৉ ݵླ᎒᥌ᤨۑᎍਜ਼ᐒள৊Ꭴᒦ๏ᑽߒᎧ ஏ຋ᎍăᒦ๏နညᏋ৔ૺ৉ቲጓறཽ፞ ᔔཎਜ਼ଝྜྷ೫ࡍ೟“ࢾፒ৴ᑨፒᔔज”ࡼ After a spirited welcome by ᎜ཽ଍଍ጙჭLjৢᄴቢ࿝ Ėಙ݆࢟ऑఌė໮ဴۗᴯLjᆐࡍଜࡒ౶ CEIBS Executive President ZhuڻᏖጙ໻ങိ ᎅᓎ෗ᒎિଜ᎜ടሌညቑ࿟਱ୣሰಘᅍ ೫ጙޝறခတዧăᏴதೝৈቃဟࡼዝ߲ Xiaoming, and a video showing ࡼፒಘଜඣᔔሰࡼቤฤખගಘᐺă ᒦLjዝᔔተါࣶዹLjཎ෹ज़ৃ᨜ፊLj৊ CEIBS highlights in 2010, the concert ᒊቲᏔޠᓂቂී୴၈၅ሌᒘઢ፩ ᄧᒰඣࡒ౶೫ග්ࡼጳၣሱ၊ăᔢઁLj began with a passionate delivery of .ᇝེᇎᒦ the Spring Festival OvertureگሶቅᎍĂଘܶਜ਼နညᏋ৔ᒘ ፒಘ્Ᏼኟേઢ౐૚ູࡼޠࠤăᓂᏔ ጲቤฤᓗ੦Lj݀ሶ᎜ടሌညĂᒦ๏ጳၣ ൢሆᢁ෵Lj૵ᒘኤಅࡼܭሚ቉ਫ୓ሚޝ Throughout the night, the audience ࡼᐾ enjoyed moving selections from bothۅጲಙ෕ۨޝࡼᔝᆕ્Ă৻ᆰᅍᓜଜඣਜ਼ፒಘ્ࣖ ໮ॉᅎሶᔢ঱ޭLjཝஂ ଜਊ෗ᏸᓐ໩ጓ“૏ঈᄖሆ”ܭာঢቝă ဉă East and West, from Carmen, the ਺࿾༽࢐፛፿ಌॅ൜ Kaiser Waltz and the MasqueradeۥᏴᒘࠡᒦޠᓂᏔ ࡼမ௪“ጳ਱ᇄዄLjࡣ਒ፓጵဳ”Ljᑞ༤ Musical Tribute: CEIBS Alumni China Suite to several pieces with a distinct ܭࡉ೫ᒦ๏ཽ࣪ጳၣࡼᓫཇᎧ஺ዶă PnR Night New Year Concert Chinese ethnic flavour. ፒಘ્Ᏼ2010ኧᏔૄ৻࣢ຢ݃हઁ CEIBS relied on the stirring strains of Among the VIPs present were ౯ఎኔ෵ăᓎ෗ᒎિଜ᎜ടሌညᓜ߈ the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to high-level government officials, ,ࠨፒಘ્ኡཎ݀༫ᔈᒊۖᒎિăፒ express its gratitude for the support executives from the media industry۾ᆐ ಘ્ጲེೲࡼĖࠔஂኔཎėఎޝLjጳၣ the school received in 2010 – and over scholars from the fields of music and .ଜඣጲ࠙ၚĂறᐷࡼଆጳዝᔔ೫໮ဴۗ the years – from alumni, friends and the arts, as well as CEIBS officials ঱ఞࡼ݆಍ါኟേLjঢ཰ਜ਼৴ supporters. Under the baton of world The concert, which was generouslyڜᴯĂ૮ ᇎ೫Ᏼޝࡼඛጙᆡ਋ᒰăႲઁLjĖఌ famous conductor Yu Long, the funded by EMBA 2000 alumnus Zhou


Ye and his company, China PnR, also ޾ᒔ೰ቅᎍᘄቕᎀ෦ࡼᎫዔऻޟ In his welcome speech, CEIBS received great support from Xia Wei ᎌঢ཰ೆăᏴტࡵ৛ႊ਱ᅪછ౫ᐽᎧ Executive President Zhu Xiaoming ၂ဟLjჇტࡵLjዐር2008ฤݣᔓ߲ lauded Chen for his manyޞ EMBA 2006) and his Delux) Technology Co. & Team Advance བྷăᏴਪดభጲ੪ྏጵᔪࡵ୓Ᏼਓࣁ accomplishments. Since its launch in (Shenzhen) Co. ࡼளዩጤᒈࡵ໚Ⴧ߃ှLjࡣᏴ਱ᅪLj 1993, EVOC has emerged as the ອ largest hi-tech enterprise in China toޘڳݙᄴࡼਪଜገ፿ݙᄴࡼݽ൒ă ,ࡼອ๞ࡌ߲བྷLjᔢੑݙገ፿ੈᎫສ integrate research, development ޾ᒔ೰ǖĐ໕ฤ໕ୈူLjᆸඣဵᐏዹ ፒLjऎဵݧ፿໵ྙ໚ॊࡼ፞ᆪ෗߂ă manufacturing, sales and system ছ૚ࡼđ Ᏼਖ਼ቦᅍࣩࡌᐆऱෂLj޾ᒔ೰ቅᎍ integration for computers. It is the 2010ฤ12Ꮬ10྇ᅵLjᒦ๏EMBA04 ႁǖ“ᅍࣩᒦࡼ߅ᏋቶৃገઑݗLj‘ಉ’ only HK-listed enterprise among ଀ቅᎍĂዐር঱పଆ఼৹ૹᅍࣃူ௜ ਜ਼‘ዲ’ဵభጲৢࡀࡼă”ሚޝᆰࡊࡼ໮ domestic counterparts in that ᓍᇳ޾ᒔ೰ᔪఱ2010ᒦ๏ቅᎍࡍ୚ო ॉऻޟེೲLj୚ოஉၦઁLj኏ࣶቅᎍ industry. In its field, EVOC is #1 in ᇹ೰Ljखܭ೫ᄌᆐ“໕ฤ໕ୈူ——ᆸ ࣒௻ࡻፀᎈᆚ஧ăዐር঱పଆ఼৹ૹ China and #5 globally. ඣဵᐏዹছ૚ࡼ”றݨዝ୚ă ᅍࣃူ௜ᓍᇳ޾ᒔ೰ቅᎍဵ2007ฤያ During his humour-filled ᓂቂීᏔޠᏴઢ፩ࠡᒦႁࡸǖ“޾ ၁ள଍ฤཽࣞᇕຶኡဟߡ߲ࡼጙປ“੨ presentation, Chen explained the ᒔ೰ਜ਼Ⴧࡼ໩ጓჅནࡻࡼ߅૲Ljဵᆸ ൫”Ljೌ૝ࡩฤCCTVᒦਪ“ฤࣞள଍ཽ significant decisions made and LjᏴݙࣥࡼިᏗࡩ ᇕ”ਜ਼“ฤࣞࠎቤཽᇕ”߂੓Lj߅ᆐ“ள଍ development direction he and hisڣඣቅᎍৢᄴࡼ୦ ᔈ଄ࡼ໩ጓࡌᐆ߅ᆐᒦ ฤཽࣞᇕ”ຶኡ8ฤጲ౶ᄴጙฤࣞᒦࣖ team have taken over the last sevenڳᒦLjჇጯள ਪ࢒ጙLjီஏ࢒ᇋLj፛ഌ೫ᒦਪਖ਼ቦ ಁೝሲၐྋࡼ࢒ጙཽă years. He covered points such as the ଐႯ૦ࡼޭഗă07ฤዐርᒜࢿ೫ᒦਪ company’s management best ৔ጓଐႯ૦ࡼਪଜቲጓܪᓰLjᏴཱུᒦ EVOC’s Seven Steps to Success practices, formulation of industry ਪᒜᐆᔓሶᒦਪࠎᐆࡼഌᎮࡩᒦࡻࡵ Chairman of EVOC Hi-tech Holdings standards, the building of a strong ೫ᔢੑࡼ፝ᑺăᆸඣᇧᆃჇ୓ᔈ଄ࡼ Group Chen Zhilie (EMBA 2004), the social reputation, overseas ߅৖ளዩॊሱ৊ࡍଜă”ᒘࠡஉၦઁLj final speaker of the year for CEIBS expansion, consolidation of the core ख೫ᒦ๏ቅᎍ Alumni Forum, shared secrets to his team, and its successes in the culturalۆᆐ޾ᒔ೰ቅᎍޠᓂᏔ ࡍ୚ოྋᎺᑺၗă company’s success with more than realm. ޾ᒔ೰ቅᎍ࿾ྜྷ༇߲࢐ᘇျ೫Ⴧ 200 CEIBS alumni, students and The CEIBS Alumni Forum is an ਜ਼Ⴧࡼᅍࣩ࠭1993ฤዐርࠎጓࡵ2010 guests at the Shanghai campus on academic series launched by the ฤᑚ໕ฤᒦࡼ໕ሲᒮࡍ௼ݽૺखᐱऱ December 10. Alumni who were school’s Alumni Relations ሶLj૾৛ႊࠎጓᒄ߱Ᏼሧভࡼ࿟ှǗ unable to attend also enjoyed his Department in 2010. The forum ૺဟᔐஉ਌ಯளዩǗᒜࢾቲጓܪᓰǗ presentation via video-conferencing features accomplished alumni from ࡌᐆ࿷્ࡍᒰᒀ෗ࣞǗ਱ᅪછ౫ᐽᎧ courtesy of G-Net. Chen’s topic was across industries who share their ޞ၂Ǘ৞ৼਖ਼ቦᅍࣩਜ਼ޞ၂ᆪછࠎፀ “Seven Things in Seven Years – How management concepts and valuable ޘጓă We Did It". experiences.

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 97 ቅᎍቤᆫ ቅᎍᒄဉ

एᄷ୉ఙ ᔇඣLjསገෂ࣪ᇄགᇄ஧ࡼᑣ਌ਜ਼ጇ rehabilitation research. Youngڐᒦ๏ቅᎍਈ 1Ꮬ21྇,ᒦ๏ቅᎍ໩ጓ࿟਱ᎁᄷ୉ ຢă཭ऎLj඗ᎌሯሷᒦᎃߪࡼ೓๫Lj patients in need, and their families, ఙ૦৩ቑ၄ᒦਪएᄷ୉ఙᒦቦ,ᄰਭᒦ ਰᔇඣፐᆐᒦ๏ቅᎍࡼࡵ౶Lj၃ࡵก will also benefit. Lj࣒ഴ The January 21 donationޱቦೊටሶ࿟਱ှएᄷ૥஘્ ቋቃ৛ᔄĂർઙၗĂᅮ௥໱ڐ๏ቅᎍ ௮ᐓଥᒋ540ᅺᏄࡼဣᇕਜ਼100ᅺᏄሚ ߲೫ݱಅࡼቈྏLjܿळಱߠ൸ᓹઢဉ ceremony was attended by former ஘Lj߅ೂ“ᎁᄷ୉ఙᓜሲ૥஘”LjᒒᏴ ቈᎫăᏴጙମܿळಱLjጙᆡቃ຋ᎍᐶ Vice Chairman of Shanghai CPPCC ᑣ࣪एᄷ୉ఙེ࢛ᆰᄌLj۞౪၁ೆݙ Ᏼܿࠌ࿟ᆐࡍଜዝަĖೝᒑ಑઎ėă and Honorary Chairman of Shanghai ೜ĂཕߙĂा๮Ăቦಯ୉ఙࢀప෹߅ ᒟตࡼᄷፒĂཱྀᑞࡼܭ༽Ljঢࣅ೫ Children’s Fund Zuo Huanchen. ೂ৛ৢᎾऴలᄌሲ෹Lj݀Ᏼ࿟਱୐ೂ ᏴޝჅᎌࡼཽăࡍଜਜ਼ᓹ঺ဉࡌᓹஂ Director Zou officially accepted the ᎾவᄏᇹLjᓾᓐ ๜Ljᆐᑚᆡቃ຋ᎍ৴಺੖ݨă donation. CEIBS Alumni Relationsຶހᒦቃኧညࡼ୉ఙ ࣢᏷Ljࡣ Department Director Wangޟቃဟࡼყषऻۍሤਈࡼఙআዐ௅ăᓜሲ૥஘થ୓፿᎖ ጙৈ ௎ᓐຬ౩ࡼનएૺଜᄭă ถᆐᑚቋᄷฤᏼᎲݙቴࡼਰᔇඣࡒ౶ Qingjiang, who attended the ௮ᐓጥါᏴ࿟਱ှঐೊ્ፇᄦ௟ ጙቋ౐ಘLjᒦ๏ቅᎍඣ࣒௻ࡻࠥቲऻ ceremony on the school’s behalf, ᒋࡻăᎄ໚ဵࡒᓹᔇๆݬଝᑚࠨყ spoke about the role of CEIBS alumniޟ ቲăᏇ࿟਱ှᑶ቏ঃᓍᇳĂ࿟਱ှए ᔧબᬓๆိݬଝ ष૚ࣅࡼቅᎍLjৎ௻ࡻ၃૝೜ࣶă in social welfare. The alumni’s effortsޠᄷ૥஘્෗Ꮊಯူ ௮ᐓጥါ݀୻၊௮ᐓăቅᎍਈᇹူᇗ were also commended by Inspector of ᒦ๏ࡵ્ᓗ੦Lj݀ CEIBS Charity Union Establishes Shanghai Women’s Federation Shiܭݝᅽཀ୕ᓍྀࡔ ஑࿬೫ᒦ๏ቅᎍ૩૵ݬᎧ࿷્৛ፄ૚ “Youtong Health Special Fund” Qiuqin, and Party Secretary of China ࣅࡼ༽ౚă࿟਱ှঐೊኲ၁Ꮛဥགྷ༭ Through CEIBS Charity Union, Welfare Institute Wang Luning. ๆိĂᒦਪॵಽ્࡫ᔝၗ଑ᅽളุๆ CEIBS alumni enterprise Shanghai One example of CEIBS alumni’s ݬଝ೫௮ᐓጥါLj݀࣪ᒦ๏ቅᎍࡼ Youtong Health Organization and the efforts to help those in need was aိ ࿷્ᐊྀঢਜ਼৛ፄறခ৊Ꭴ೫঱ࣞళ China Children Health Centre January 8 visit to the Shanghai ࢾă donated RMB5.4 million in goods Children’s Hospital to bring much ቦೊ and RMB1 million in cash to establish needed cheer to patients sufferingڐ2011ฤ1Ꮬ8྇Ljᒦ๏ቅᎍ ට቏ᄴගಸቦഉ৛ፄ૦৩Ljᔝᒅத the “Youtong Health Special Fund”. from serious illness. During the visit औလ᎜ᆡᄴኧਜ਼ᒦ๏ቅᎍLjᏴ਼ದࡼ The donations will be used for organised by CEIBS Alumni Charity ࣂ྇Ljટࠁᓹᔢᆨ็ࡼቦLjࡒᓹ৉ါ projects to protect against pressing Union and the Beautiful Mind ৉ዹࡼቃಳᇕLj౶ࡵएᄷጛᏔყषᒮ health problems faced by today’s Charity Organization, more than 20 ࡼᓗॵLjᇧᆃ৊ children: poor vision, tooth decay, students and alumni offered New YearڐᑸएᄷܿᄷLjማ࿟ ጛᏔಱᑚቋቃቃฤଗ௓ள಼ᒮܿᑓෟ obesity and mental health. The fund wishes to the children. Participants ࡼਰᔇඣጙ଼॑࡝ࡼ౐ಘă will also be used to establish health included MBA 1995 and EMBA 2000 ᑚቋਰᔇॊྲᏴဆดపਜ਼ኪጘప assessment methods and a warning alumni, plus current students who .ࡼ10ମܿळดLjฤഄ࠭3Ⴖࡵ13Ⴖݙ system for school children in live in different parts of Shanghai কဵᔢᇄᎃᇄ൅ሱ၊ညෘࡼਰ Shanghai and to subsidize relevant Much to the visiting CEIBS team’s۾ࢀă


๝Lj۞౪ǖೝࠨ and the E-Commerce Association alsoڔpleasure, there were big smiles on the ቏્2011ฤࡼ૚ࣅ ቲLj joined, bringing the participant totalފฤᏠਣ໩ጓఠۍᾹ࿟ފchildren’s faces when they received ߲ቲఠ .ጙ to 70ێቲǗඛ2Ꮬ௟ފฤቤୖ໩ጓఠۍsmall dolls, comic books and toy cars ሆ from the alumni. On one ward, a small ࠨᓍᄌ࿃ചLjಯူඣൔഗᔪఱ݀௓ᄂ During the meeting, council child stood on his sickbed and ࢾજᄌᎧݬ્ᑗॊሱĂୣഗǗ2011ฤ members nominated Vice President ጙࠨࡍቯฤࣞ૚ࣅࢀă Yan Zhenjie (EMBA 2004, BJ) andێperformed an impromptu rendition of ௟ ࠨฤ્ᄂܰ༓ࢯ೫ᆐ્Ꮛॲᇗࡼ General Manager Dan Bin (EMBA۾ the song “Two Tigers”. By the visit’s end, it was hard to determine which ᔎᒒLj၅ሌဵଝ༓቏્ดݝ୐࿸Lj2011 2007 SZ) to work with Co-Partner of group was happiest about the precious ฤ቏્୓૩૵ৎቤᆒઐᆀᐶLj୐ೂ“ᒦ IDGV Partners and Chairman of hours spent together – the CEIBS ๏ቅᎍႉ෶቏્ᆈ݇ཬ”Lj݀ॺጲᎆୈ CEIBS Alumni PE Association Zhang alumni or the children. ཬLjଝ༓ดݝୣഗLj࠳஠ቧᇦ৥ᄰਜ਼ᓾ Suyang (EMBA 1998 SH) to handle ጙࠨࡼ࿃ചጐ።Ꮵ the association's management. TheێᏎৢሱăඛ2Ꮬ௟ ऎညăᏴᐐ༓቏્ดݝ୐࿸ࡼ૥߻࿟Lj new positions were filled following the ᒦ๏ቅᎍႉ෶૥஘቏્3121ฤฤ્ॊ ቏્થ୓ᅠᐱᅪೊLjଝ༓Ꭷᒦ๏໚Ⴧቅ resignation of the associations’ former .ᎍᔝᒅࡼೊᇹLjಿྙਜ਼஘ྌᄾᓾ௩ಘ Executive Vice President Xu Lin ێሱௌ્߅৖௟ 2010ฤ12Ꮬ28྇ሆᇍLjᒦ๏ቅᎍ ݝĂ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ௩ಘݝࢀቸ࢔቏્ೊ੝௟ Plans for 2011 include: inspection Ljৌ trips to Yunnan, Guizhou andৃܭއ૚ࣅă቏્୓࿸ଐኊཇࢯێ ႉ෶૥஘቏્2010ฤฤ્Ᏼ಍ർࡼज ᔍ્ᏋኊገLjጲ໐౶ฤࡼ৔ᔫৎଝᅃመ Xinjian; theme-based salons held ޠါݫᄦ෺ಘ౸۴౯ఎᢁ෵ă቏્્ -ࠨಯူ્ፇăᒦ๏ਪ ቏્ᔎᒒă every two months; and one large۾ᐺႡዴᓍߒ೫ ଔ৔࿜ኧᏔূࢾ౧୴၈Ă঱ዒ୴၈ᔫ scale annual activity. The association ᆐ቏્৻ᆰ߲ᇳ݀ᒘࠡăฤ્ᎅ቏્ CEIBS Alumni PE Association Unveils also agreed to strengthen its internal පၗޠྀჸᓍߒă቏્ಯူਜ਼્Ꮛ70 Plans for 2011 organisational structure by actively ࠨฤ્ă The CEIBS Alumni PE Association updating its website; and enhancing۾᎜ཽݬଝ೫ ჸሶಯူඣ૏ۨ outlined its plan for this year during communication by establishing aྀޠ࿟Ljපၗ્ ೫2010ฤ቏્ᓍገ৔ᔫૺ߅ਫă2011 the association’s annual meeting on CEIBS Alumni PE Association Micro- ฤᏇ቏્ޟᇗঃ્ޠ኎೵༿ࠡăளᎧ December 28, which was attended by blog Group and a mailing group. The ಯူ቏࿜Ljᄋ෗ᥢᑩ஄DŽ۱யDžĂ guests from the Shanghai Financial association will also stage more joint્ ࡣܳDŽ࿾ᚆDžೝᆡྀ࡛ঃ્ޠLjᎧ࿟ Service Office and other influential events with other alumni ਱ࡼᐺႡዴ્ޠৢᄴᓍߒ቏્ஙઁࡼ investment organizations. Attendees organizations and will design a ਌ಯ৔ᔫă from other associations such as the questionnaire to track members’ .ࠨฤ્ཀྵࢾ೫ Alumni Finance and Investment Club needs and goals۾ளಯူ્ᄀ൙Lj

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 99 ቅᎍቤᆫ ቅᎍᒄဉ

Association – finally became a reality on December 10! The popularity of the e-commerce industry helped boost the number of alumni who signed up. Surprisingly, most of them were not from e-commerce companies but executives from traditional enterprises. The study tour was the association’s first attempt at helping traditional enterprises integrate with the e-commerce industry to achieve sustained growth under the new economic landscape. For their first stop at the Alibaba Group’s headquarters, the group learned of the company’s development history and the current status of online trading in goods. Ă खᐱࡼᄴဟ,ጐᏴ૩૵ႈఠᓹᔈ଄࠭ူ They found out, for example, that oneگگಱڄᒦ๏ቅᎍ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ቏્Đ – đᎊኧ଑ ৔ᔫਜ਼࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗஉ੝ࡼ৉ᒬభถቶă of the surprising results of the 2008ۦჾ ৛ႊ, ࢟ᔇ 2010 global financial crisis is that itۦளਭதጙৈᏜࡼᓰ۸Lj12Ꮬ10྇ ࠥቲࡼ࢒औᐶဵჾ ᆀࡼ಑ࡍ—— directly accelerated development ofۦᑵဵჾޠᒦ๏ቅᎍ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ቏્ᔝᒅࡼ“࿾ࣞყ ࿜ᇗ቏્્ .۳ઁࡼපම”૚ࣅᅍ EMBA07ࡼ഻ᑏᇶቅᎍ,Ⴧེ༽ઢ፩ᒦ the domestic online trading marketۦĂჾگگಱڄኰ றቦᔝᒅ೫ჾ At the offices of Taobao, President,ފᆀ౶ఠۦࣩᒫ᎖߲ख೫ăႲᓹ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗᏴள଍ ๏ቅᎍࡵჾ ࡼሤਈᓍ਌ਜ਼ࡍଜጙ໦ୣഗ݀ৢ஠ᅵ of the E-Commerce Association Luۦ ഌᎮࡼߒኚဍᆨ,኏ࣶቅᎍ࣒૩૵ۨ෗ ᓐࡍଜৎࣶಯஊ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ߅৖ࡼ Zhaoxi (EMBA 2007), who is Taobao’sۑ,ࠨ૚ࣅ,എཽரᇶࡼဵ௾ࡍࣶ ݫ۾ݬଝ೫ ࿟ఎ CEO, welcomed the CEIBS alumniۦᓐቅᎍၿಽ࢐Ᏼჾۑ,ၫݬଝ૚ࣅࡼቅᎍ݀ऻ౶ᔈ࠙࢟ᔇ࿜ ਈ୆ፐႤ Ljభ୅ ᐱ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗă኏ࣶቅᎍोोሶ഻ᑏᇶቅ and facilitated meetings between theۇᇗ৛ႊLjऎဵࠅᄻ໩ጓࡼ಑ ᒦ๏ቅᎍᎌᓹ঱ࣞࡼ࿜ጓැྣࣞਜ਼ᆉ ᎍखᆰ,ყᄀ෾ቋޘອ૞ቲጓး੝खᐱ group and relevant company ᓐࠅᄻ໩ጓᎧ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗஉ ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ,࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ໩ጓྙੜ਌ಯ,ጲૺ executives. His expert arrangementsۑ૦ፀဤă ੝Ljဣሚቤள଍ሆࡼߒኚᐐޠဵ࢟࿜ ྙੜᔪੑ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗࡼ፦ሾᅎਓࢀऱෂࡼ helped participants better understand ቏્ࡼ࢒ጙဧෘă ᆰᄌăᔫᆐᏴ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗഌᎮᇄభᒙጧࡼ key factors in achieving success in .߅৖໩ጓᐾඡཽ,഻ቅᎍጲᔈ଄ࡼ༫࿽ e-commerce گگಱڄቅᎍඣ౶ࡵᆡ᎖੊ᒳࡼ ૹᅍखᐱࡼ಼ ளዩਜ਼ࠎቤႈఠᆐቅᎍࡊጧஊ૟ăჇᑞ The discussions with seniorگگಱڄᔐݝLjẶᄧ೫ ࿟ Taobao staff continued during an”گگಱڄ”Ă”ۦ߈ă2008ฤਪଔ஘ྌᆉ૦എཽፀᅪࡼ ߋᇧᆃቅᎍถᏴ”ჾ உਫᒄጙLj௓ဵᒇ୻࠹ེ೫ਪดᏴሣ ᑊࡵखᐱࠅᄻቲጓࡼቤႈവ,ᑊࡵቤࡼ elaborate dinner later that evening, హମ݀खᐱቤࡼ࿜ጓᆪීăቅᎍඣ when delicious Hangzhou dishesޠăݙ൙ဵ۱யથဵ࿟਱Ljݙ ߅ޝୣጵှ ൙ဵ࿜ଜથဵৈཽLjᏗ౶Ꮧࣶࡼཽᑵ ࣪ᑚጙ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗചᄿ໩ጓܭሚ߲౶ࡼဧ contrasted with spirited discussions. ăႰ཭ ෘঢਜ਼ᐊྀঢ۶ঢᏸ࿝ă Despite general optimism about theޝ෹਒ᄾሶਓ౭ࡼᆀ࿟ှڳᏴ ࿠ᆚᎌཝෂࡼᄻଐၫ௣Ljࡣ஘ྌᆉ૦ ᒦ๏ቅᎍ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ቏્୓Ᏼᆚ౶ future development of the ৎࣶĂৎᓜጓĂৎ࿾ࣞࡼ e-commerce sector, participantsێጲ౶Ljᒦਪᆀ࿟ୣጵࡼ஘ऄਜ਼ᆀ৪ཽ ࡼጙฤ௟ ၫࡼᐐଝጯᇉ፵ᒙጧăሤਈᓾ೯መ ૚ࣅLjᄴဟጐ୓ো௣્Ꮛࡿ଑ቧᇦࢾ debated: whether the industry was ࿾ࣞࡼୣഗᎧ੝ᔫ still at the nascent stage or hadێာLjᆀ൥৪ᇕᏴගਪ঱ࡉ67.8%Ljਹਪ ሶዻ༿્ᏋLj௟ ᆐ57.3%ăऎ෹༄ᏴᒦਪLjᆀ࿟৪ᇕ ૚ࣅă already entered the warring states ࡼ໋ૺൈᆐ26.2%Ljࡣဵᐐޠൈᔢ঱Lj ೫ஊৎሮᇼࡼ༽ౚਜ਼ઑࣅLj༿ period; and whether e-commerce, as ࠅᄻ໩ጓࡼ಑ఱઓጯளᏗ౶Ꮧࣶ࢐፻ ࡿ഻቏્ࡼᆈ݇ http://t.sina.com.cn/ an approach, was more commercial .ሶ೫ᆀ൥Ljฤ༵ጙࡔࡼቤఱઓጯளݙ ceibsec than marketing – or vice versa ถణࠅᄻདྷࡸᓙᓕჇඣă࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗඛ In 2011, the CEIBS E-Commerce ฤࡼᐐޠ࣒ިਭ100%Ljज़ᄾᏴ࢟࿜ࡼ Alibaba, Taobao Study Tour Association will hold an even greater ᄾྜྷިਭ೫50%……࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗጯளݙ After a full month of preparation, a number of activities that will delve ဵᔪᎧݙᔪࡼᆰᄌLjऎဵྙੜᔪࡼᆰ study tour of Alibaba and Taobao – even more deeply into issues of ᄌăቅᎍඣঢშ᎖࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ໩ጓ঱ࣞ organised by the CEIBS E-Commerce interest to its members.

100 TheLINK 2010 第一期


MBA 1996 ܏ጓઁLjᆸᏴઔ໢ፖቲ৔ᔫ೫ோฤă contact me directly. ৛၀৔ᔫLjᓍ Tel: 28905098ێᔢதᆸૄࡵᒦ๏MBA ਈ୆GUANG JIAN ገঌᐊMBAࡼᑈညਜ਼ှޝ৔ᔫLjঢ௻ Email:[email protected] ᔈ଄ስጙᑼ࿴߲ࡼେளਭጙࣤർޠࡼ MBA Admissions Tel: 28905555 ു߈᎒ᒮቤૄࡵ೫࿴၄กಱă MBA Admissions Email:admissions@ ૄࡵෲቅ࣢࣢ೝৈᏜLjᎌ૦્ᎧኧᏔ ceibs.edu ঱ށĂቅᎍਜ਼ኧညጲૺ౶ቅᑈຮࡼ৽ ᓍࢀ஠ቲ೫ਓम୻߿ăखሚኧᏔ࣪༴ ฤݣఅࡼᇢ፛ೆᏗ౶ᏗࡍLj௓ࣗMBA MBA2006 ࣪Ⴧඣࡼᐐᒋ቉።ጐᏗ౶ᏗීመLjᎄ ໚ဵਪଔછ߈ࣞࡍࡍᄋ঱ăᄴဟLjᆸ ޮᲱCHAO YE ጐखሚቅᎍ࣪༅Ᏼ࿺༿ཽࡼ፬ሰऻޟ ᆸ᎖2010ฤ6ᏜଝྜྷࠔᎪ৙።೔( www. ࡍLjᇄ൙ဵᑵါࡼᑈညᓽኯ્Ljથဵ sunivo.com ) Ljጙଜᓜᓖ᎖છ৔ޘጓ ᆸဵMBA96ࡼਈ୆Lj༄ቋฤঌᐊછᓥ ຋ᎍ஑࿬LjాాሤࠅLjቅᎍࡼፀ୅ᆁ ࡼ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗຳგ໩ጓLj৛ႊᄋ৙છ৔ ອࡼᏴሣୣጵĂཝཆॊሾĂݧ৪ᅪޘ ອ৛ႊࡼ፦ሾLjதଂฤ࠭ူ࢟ᔇ࿜ᇗ ᆁ໦ࡵ௟ᔗ༵ᒮࡼᔫ፿ăᆐۣߒ݀ݙ ፦ሾLjᐒॲᇗ᎖1੓ࢢਜ਼ෲ፠ᒄଜă෹ ࣥᄋ঱ኧᏔீᑱೆਜ਼ီஏ๝෗Ljᇢ፛ ۞Ăᇕഗᑳ੝Ă৙።೔ྌᓾࢀॲᇗă ༄অሔLjహ᎜ဟମབྷቅᎍ৛ႊᔪሤਈ ጙഗࡼ࿺༿ཽ౶ᒦ๏௓ࣗMBA୓ဵਈ ሚᏴᆸᏴ৛ႊঌᐊှޝૺጓᇗᅠᐱ৔ ᓽኯ৻ᆰăஙฤᓰ۸௓ઑೊᆀཀྵࢾࠎ ୆ăᇧᆃቅᎍ૩૵௟ୀৎࣶᎌ༅ೆࡼ ᔫLjᇧᆃᎧછ৔ቲጓĂࠅ඙ஏĂඏጵ Ljᇧᆃᎌ૦્ਜ਼ቅ ᎁኅݣఅଝྜྷᒦ๏MBAల߈Ljઢ፩Ꭷ ྌᓾࢀሤਈ஘ྌ૦৩ࡼቅᎍఎᐱ੝ۋጓሲ෹ਜ਼੝ᔫ૛ ૞ᆸᒇ୻ೊᇹă ᔫăێᎍყᄀ੝ᔫă MBAᑈည For several years after leaving CEIBS in Hi everyone! 1996, I was in the cosmetics industry; but After graduation, I worked with Citibank ୗ તTONY JIANG I recently began working for ecommerce for 9 years. Recently, I joined CEIBS I recently moved from Hong Kong back companies. My aim, in 2011, is to set up MBA office where I’m mainly responsible to Shanghai. I’m the Marketing Director a new internet company. I hope to get this for admissions and marketing. I feel like at Polaris Industries Inc., China. We are project off the ground soon and identify an arrow back in its comfortable quiver located at 15/F, HangSeng Bank Tower; partners with whom I can collaborate. after a long journey. No.1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai Anyone who’s interested may contact me During the short time that I’ve been back 200120, China. You may contact me at: at: at CEIBS, I have been in contact with a Direct: +86 21 5096 5887; Mob: +86 Fmailǖ[email protected] lot of people: school officials, alumni, 1391 634 5540; Fax: +86 21 6390 1258; Mobile: 13801729676 students and other staff members. With E-mail: [email protected]; Micro blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/eagle007 each passing day it is becoming more Website: www.polaris-china.com obvious to me that CEIBS is more and more appealing to young talents and the MBA 2000 CEIBS MBA programme has brought MBA2008 them more and more added value. The ইቂంCINDY FU programme’s internalization level, ᑌ᯳GEOFFREY ZHAO especially, has increased dramatically since my days in the classroom. I am also learning that the alumni play a very important role in shaping the final decisions of potential applicants, both through official info sessions and by word of mouth. They know that in order for CEIBS to maintain and improve its programme, and its global ranking, it is vital that the school continues to attract top level applicants. So I sincerely hope that you will recommend more high- calibre young talents to the CEIBS MBA ᆸဵMBA08ࡼᑌ᯳ăᆸ࠭ူᄰቧቲጓ ೫஘ऱᄰቧపଆ(࿟ێ၂ഌᎮ, ࠎހprogramme. Please feel free to contact ࡼ ၂࿸۸ࡼࡔހࡍଜੑLjᆸဵMBA00଀ቅᎍইቂంă the MBA Admissions Office, or you may ਱)ᎌሢ৛ႊ, ෹༄ᄋ৙

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 103 ଀ᄰ኶ഺ ቅᎍᒄဉۂ

ಯਜ਼ހ၂ॲᇗ, ᓍገှޝᑣ࣪ᒝถ၄ ਉᆀǖwww.namo.com.cnǗ ৛ႊಭᒦ๏ݙᏐ, ௓Ᏼᐽ୕঱ప ᎆረǖ[email protected]܉૦ă ଆྟୈᏊăྙᎌቅᎍጐ࠭ူሤਈഌᎮ, ৛ႊ஑࿬ǖለಌᄰ኶ᏎᔈᏇለቤ࢟ᔇ ઢ፩ઑሤ༤ࡂă ৹॑ᎌሢ৛ႊ࿟਱ዐ௅ᏔLjဵጙଜ࠭ ᄴဟ2011ฤ2Ꮬ16੓፩౶೫ᆸࡼ࢒औৈ ူጤࣅᄰ኶ᒫ࣡ޘອዐखĂညޘĂሾ ቃਰ, ᑌጻटăএ࿟Ⴧࡼᑍຢጙᐽ, ᇧ ၉ਜ਼ॲᇗࡼ঱ቤଆၣ໩ጓă৛ႊ૏௡ ᆃჇ୓౶ጐ௓ࣗᒦ๏ă ೫Ꮗለቤ၄૦৉ጓᇗഌᎮࡼਖ਼ቦᅍ ᆸࡼೊᇹऱါ: ࣩLjࣶฤ౶ጙᒇᏴᆐਪดᅪሿॅᑗਜ਼ ࢟ᔇᎆୈǖ[email protected]૞ ࢻ଀Ꮵ፦࿜ᄋ৙ጤࣅᄰ኶ޘອਜ਼ॲ [email protected] ᇗLj૩ಝ೫ॕ঍ࡼளዩLj୐ೂ೫పኧ ၄૦ǖ13701648754 ዏடࡼ਌ಯᄏᇹă I founded Barbus Technology Shanghai 2010ฤለಌᅎ߲೫ᔈ଄ࡼ၄૦ອ๞ ၄૦ǖ13801129408Ǘ Limited while studying at CEIBS. My “NAMO”LjለಌᏒፀᎧጓดཽိᑞߋ ࢟ᎆ: [email protected]Ǘ company focuses on smart phones, in two ੝ᔫLjክᓹᒦ๏”ཱྀᑞĂࠎቤĂᓳᏗ” ᒆᇗǖࣃူᔐளಯǗ specific aspects: 1) distribution of testing ࡼቅኵLjৢࠎගੑᆚ౶ƽ ࡝ᆡǖᒦቧޘጓᄾᓾ૥஘਌ಯᎌሢ৛ ᔫᆐᒦ๏ቅᎍ્ॵ୐ॊ્ ႊǗཽ۾equipment in the telecom industry and 2) ۸ᓖǖ ۦ୾89੓஘ۦLjလॊಘፀᆐ৉ᆡᒦ๏ቅᎍᎧ ࢐ᒍǖ۱யှࣁ߃ཌ஘ޠtesting service. It is located at Zhangjiang පၗ High Tech Software Park, not far from ॵ୐ቅᎍᒄମଦ໦৥ᄰਜ਼ᎍፈࡼ༙ ࡍሇ11ށ1108၀Lj100005 campus. Alumni are welcome to contact ೚Ljቝቝƽ me for further discussion about this sector. EMBA2010 On a personal note, my second child was EMBA2006 born on Feb 16 - his name is Ivan Zhao. I കุLIU NING hope he’ll also do his MBA at CEIBS. ರመ೶ LI XIANLIN ࡼLjቧᇦྙሆăۂMy contact info: ᆸဵEMBA06଀3 Email [email protected] or geoffrey. ࣃူޠChairmanǗ [email protected] ࿟਱আቩጛጇޘጓखᐱᎌሢ৛ႊ Mobile 13701648754 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Development Co., Ltd.Ǘ ࿟਱ှᒦ࿍ฉവ268੓ࣁऱਪଔ஘ྌਓ EMBA2005 ޝ1੓ണ17ണ 200010 17th Floor, No.268 south ଀E10BJ1ۂ ᐽਪᄙZHANG GUOTIAN Zhongshan Road, 200010,Shanghai P.R.ChinaǗ ᒆᆡǖ዇ቧೊࠎపଆ(ᒦਪ)ᎌሢ৛ႊ, Website: http://www.fosunpharma.comǗ ᒦਪጤࣅఱઓጓᇗݝ۱ऱཌᔐளಯă Tel: 021-63323399-5800/63325800 ၄૦ǖ13910103054Ǘ Fax: 021-63325581Ǘ ࢟જǖ86-10- 82166960Lj86-10-82166862Ǘ Mobile: 13905202809 ᎆረ࢐ᒍǖ[email protected]Lj E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]Ǘ ᄰ኶࢐ᒍǖ۱யှ۱ய਱ࢥཌᒦਈ࠿ ᓂਠීZHU GUIMING ฉࡍ୾6੓ᒦ࢟ቧᇦࡍሇྯށLjᎆܠǖ ᆸࡼE-MAIL ࢐ᒍጯৎቤᆐ: 100086 [email protected] LjᏇለቤ࢟ᔇ৹॑ᎌሢ৛ႊᔐ ᄂࠥᄰۨăۂ࿟਱3 ݡᓐಯă AMP 4 ෹༄ᒆᆡǖለಌᄰ኶ଆၣᎌሢ৛ႊᔐ ݡǗ EMBA2009 ঱੶ຌGAO HONGPENG ੡ဣޠăሚྀ࿒ᇝۂവ572โ ঱੶ຌLjAMP႐݆܌࢐ᒍǖ࿟਱໌ࣁᐽ୕঱ప 115੓16੓ണǗ ઈᄄ੥ HU TENGHE ጓ৛ႊࣃူޠLj৛ႊᓍገᒘೆ᎖ൊྻ Ǘ แጓĂ߃ှછࠎቤૺࣶᏄጓᇗᄾᓾăۂ଀ǖEMBA2009଀གྷଈ۱ய3ۂ ࢟જǖ021-51317777 ext 3100(ॊ૦)Lj 021-51315042DŽᒇሣDžǗ ೊᇹ࢟જǖ010-85079066Ǘ ᄂܰဵ߃ှછࠎቤጓᇗှޝ༅ೆ௤ ࠅᑞǖ021-51314795Ǘ ࠅᑞ: +86 10 8522 1872Ǘ ࡍLjޠ੡ဣጓሚᏴࣶৈဏཌखᐱLjઢ


BMT ৉ऱෂࡼኝࠅĂᅎਓĂ୚ᔭĂల߈૞ ୴Ꮉࢀ૚ࣅభጲ፿࿟ࠥၗૺ໚ดྏLj ኎ᆪᎍXU WENYOU ஺༿ᄰᒀ૞ᓞ஑ă ሚᏴጯளᏴྯೊၗࢢĂ࿜ᇗ፝ၗࢢૺ ໚჈৉ࡍၗࢢ௿ᎌࡔ၉ăᎌਈࡍຒݧ ৪ᑓిࢿ࡝Ljభᒇ୻ೊᇹᅺಱ૦৩ှ ݝ2564-7511ăޝ ᔢઁLjᒗ᎖࿺༿ดྏᓞᏲ૞ན፿ᓾ ೯Lj஺༿౶਽ᄰᒀጲܣ଑ഺਜ਼ᄋ৙቏ ᓐăดྏྙᎌࡇᇙལധLjध༿ᒎ୴ă ட໪ ڔ፩ቅᎍᎧᆸೊᇹጓᇗ੝ᔫLjৎઢ፩ቅ Ꮖᒯ ᎊƽ ሧভ὞૪ᅭᎆረ44363੓ുڔᎍቑଜཽ౶ᇝ [email protected] ᒇሣ࢟જǖ9228-1941 ࣅೆ૦቗ᎌሢ৛ႊ ࢟ᎆǖ[email protected]ڔ኎ᆪᎍLj੝ाྍ !Hi everyone ۂᔐݡᓐಯLjBMT੝ाऔ໐ AMP 7 TELǖ0551-8788888-8999 Hong Kong is a well-known food paradise FAXǖ0551-3350881 – you can find everything here! As we all ᅽ፼༓WANG YONGQIANG E-MAILǖ[email protected] know, in order to create delicious cuisine, M.Pǖ13965074200ă it is very important to select the very best XU WENYOU, HEFEI ingredients. Recently, I collected the most RONGANPOWER MACHINERY CO., up-to-date technical information and invited LTD. ASSISTANT PRESIDENTă experts to share their knowledge with me. I have shared all that I have learnt in the book Hong Kong Food Materials. It was EXCHANGE 1999 published by Wanli Books on January 29 and retails for HKD$98. ,LEO YUEN The content is practical and informative ڔᏆᒯ and is especially suitable for the catering ᒆᇗǖᔐளಯ business and other food-related trades. The book also promotes local food production ۂ଀ǖ໕ۂ ᓜጓǖᔐளಯల߈ and diversity, in order to minimise our carbon footprint and promote healthy living. Hong Kong Food Materials is DIHMP 2006 available at Joint Publishing, Commercial or any other bookstore in Hong Kong, and Ⴛᅺ௚SUN WANJU you may contact Wanli Books at (852) 2564-751 for bulk purchases. If you are ৉ஏੑᎍǖ interested in using this book for marketing ሧভฅਪଔගအᒄ࣒Ljအᇕອᒬਜ਼ᒬ or educational projects, please contact me ಢथዜLjገᒜᔫᎁᒠᆜග݀ถᐱሚ࢐ at: ,ऱྻݨᆪછࡼଛ᱔ගအLjᇨቦࡼኡݢ P. O. Box 44363, Shaukeiwan Post Office Direct: (852)9228-1941 ۾ႝૹ೫ཽ۾ሤࡩᒮገăᎌ୅᎖ࠥLj ࢐ᄂྻࡼအ೯ႤݢLj݀ዻ༿೫ࣶৈቲ Email: [email protected] ጓᓜଜݬᎧLjᒜᔫ೫Ėሧভအݢėጙ ၗă ሧভအݢ”ϴϴ ဵᓍገ஑࿬ሚဟሧভ“ ၗ߫۸ள۾အᇕݢ೯ࡼၗ૸ăޘ࢐߲۾ ᆸႻᅺ௚ဵᒦ๏2006ጛᏔ਌ಯᆪິల ኧᏋ(DIHMP),ᎅ᎖৔ᔫࢯᒗപᅭ ฤĂดྏဣ፿ऎᎌབĂᓾ೯ࣖࡵ༦ॕۂ߈ ۾ă ঍Ljᄴဟጲ࿾ྜྷ༇߲ࡼ၄ज஑࿬ሧভޠཌྀ࡛ᆦည௜ঃ௜ ሚᏴᄰ኶࢐ᒍখᆐ:࿟਱ှപᅭཌᒮཀ ࢐ࡼแን෻ጓࡼޘອਜ਼গౚă ࢐ࡼအᇕࣶᏄછࡼख۾200020ă ገᆒߒਜ਼ᅎࣅ:ܠฉവ100੓ᆦည௜,ᎆ ገጞణࡍଜৢᄴไೆăྙᎌܣᒄࠀ஺༿ೢஊ!ቝቝ! ᐱLjกܣݙ

TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 105 CEIBS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Professor ZHU Xiaoming, Executive President Professor XU Dingbo, Associate Dean Professor Pedro NUENO, President Mr Hobbs LIU, Assistant President and Professor John A. Quelch, Vice President and Dean Director of Executive Education Professor ZHANG Weijiong,Vice President and Co-Dean

Chinese Directors ZHANG Jie Kwaku ATUAHENE-GIMA, PhD Mary Ann MCGRATH, PhD XU Xiaonian, PhD Chairman of the Board, CEIBS Marketing and Innovation Management Marketing Economics and Finance President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Willem P. BURGERS, PhD William H. MOBLEY, PhD Arthur YEUNG, PhD YAN Junqi Marketing and Strategy Professor Emeritus of Management Management Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Bayer HealthCare Chair in Strategy Philips Chair Professor of Human People’s Congress of the PRC and Marketing Pedro NUENO, PhD Resource Management Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Entrepreneurship Professor of Business Administration, Association for Promoting Democracy Thomas E. CALLARMAN, PhD University of Michigan Business School Operations Management Seung Ho “Sam” PARK, PhD CHEN Qingtai Strategy George S YIP, PhD Research Fellow, the Development Research Center of the CHANG Chun, PhD British American Tobacco Chair Professor of Management State Council of the PRC Finance Professor of Marketing Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Chairman of ABN AMRO Chair Professor of Risk YU Fang, PhD William C. PARR, PhD the Subcommittee for Economic Affairs of the 10th National Management Finance Professor of Finance, Carlson Decision Sciences Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative ZHANG Weijiong, PhD Conference School of Management, University of Alfredo PASTOR, PhD Minnesota Strategy YANG Dinghua Economics CHEN Hong, PhD Spanish Chair Professor of Economics ZHANG Wei, M. D., PhD Deputy Director, the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Professor of Economics, IESE Management Municipal People's Congress Operations Management LIU Ji CHEN Jieping, PhD Waldemar A. PFOERTSCH, PhD ZHANG Yimin, PhD Honorary President, CEIBS Accounting Marketing Finance Board Chairman of the CEIBS Education Development CHEN Junsong, PhD Lydia J. PRICE, PhD ZHAO Xinge, PhD Foundation Marketing Marketing Finance WANG Qi Bala RAMASAMY, PhD ZHOU Dongsheng, PhD Deputy Director, the Shanghai Municipal Education CHEN Shaohui "Sophie”, PhD Management and strategy Economics Marketing Commission Jaume RIBERA, PhD ZHU Tian, PhD European Directors CHEN Shimin, PhD Accounting Production and Operations Economics Gerard VAN SCHAIK Management Vice Chairman of the Board, CEIBS CHIANG Jeongwen, PhD Port of Barcelona Chair in Logistics ZHU Xiaoming, PhD Honorary President, the European Foundation for Marketing Professor of Production and Management Management Development (EFMD) Operations Management, IESE ZHU Yu, PhD Former Chairman of the Executive Board of Heineken N.V. Rolf D. CREMER, PhD Economics Hellmut SCHÜTTE, PhD Finance Eric CORNUEL Distinguished Professor of Director-General and CEO, EFMD Henri-Claude DE BETTIGNIES Management Global Responsible Leadership European Chair for Global Thomas SATTELBERGER European Chair for Global Member of the Board of Management, Human Resources, Governance and Sino-European Governance and Sino-European Business Relations Deutsche Telekom Business Relations Linda G. SPRAGUE, PhD Jan BORGONJON DING Yuan, PhD President, InterChina Consulting Professor Emerita of Manufacturing RESEARCH Centres Accounting and Operations David M. SAUNDERS Academia Sinica Europea Lorna DOUCET, PhD Dean, Queen's School of Business, Queen's University Mike J. Thompson, PhD Director: David GOSSET Management Professor of Management Practice Eric X. LI www.ceibs.edu.knowledge/ase/ Juan A. FERNANDEZ, PhD Founder and Managing Director, Chengwei Ventures LLC. Terence TSAI, PhD Case Development Centre Management Management Director: Prof Terence Tsai FANG Yue, PhD Kalun TSE, PhD Decision Sciences Finance CEIBS Centre for Global Operations Management Gerald E. FRYXELL, PhD and Value China Integration Prof. Arnoud De Meyer, Chairman S. Ramakrishna VELAMURI, PhD Management Entrepreneurship Director: Prof Thomas Callarman Dean, Judge Business School University of Cambridge, UK GAO Yan, PhD Charles WALDMAN, PhD CEIBS Lujiazui International Finance Marketing Finance Research Centre Prof. Chang Chun Director: Prof Wu Xiaoling China Europe International Business School, PRC GE Dingkun, PhD WANG Gao, PhD Strategy and Entrepreneurship Marketing Centre for Automotive Research (CAR) Prof. Rolf D. Cremer Director: Prof Thomas Callarman Dean, China Europe International Business School, PRC Keith GOODALL, PhD WANG Jianmao, PhD Management Economics Prof. Krishna Palepu Centre of Chinese Private Enterprises Harvard Business School, USA HAN Jian, PhD Steven WHITE, PhD Director: Prof Zhang Weijiong Management Management Prof. Sam Park Centre for Emerging Market Strategy Moscow School of Management, Skolkovo, Russia Norma J. HARRISON, PhD Andre WIERDSMA, PhD Director: Prof Seung Ho "Sam" Park Operations Management Management and Organization Prof. Alfredo Pastor German Centre of Finance and Banking at CEIBS IESE Business School, Spain Tina HE, PhD WU Jinglian Director: Prof Horst Loechel Assistant Professor of Marketing Economics Prof. John A. Quelch Baosteel Chair Professor of Economics Centre of Health Care Policy & Management Harvard Business School, USA Ming HUANG, PhD Director: Prof Zhang Wei Finance XIAO Zhixing, PhD Prof. David C. Schmittlein Management Centre for International Entrepreneurship Dean, Philip Y. HUANG, PhD Directors: Prof Wang Zhongming, Prof Rolf D Cremer MIT Sloan School of Management, USA Operations Management Katherine XIN, PhD Centre for Marketing and Innovation Tae Yeol KIM, PhD Management Prof. Luigi Vittorio Tava Director: Prof Kwaku Atuahene-Gima SDA Bocconi, Italy Associate Professor of Management XU Bin, PhD Jean S K LEE, PhD Economics and Finance Centre for Organisational and People Excellence Prof. Dominique Turpin Director: Prof Arthur Yeung President, IMD, Swiss Management XU Dean, PhD Management China Centre for Finance Research Prof. Jürgen Weigand LIANG Neng, PhD Director: Prof Chang Chun WHU, Germany Management XU Dingbo, PhD Accounting Prof. Zhang Weijiong Horst LOECHEL, PhD Leadership Behavioral Laboratory Co-Dean, China Europe International Business School, PRC Economics Director: Prof Jean Lee Osei Tutu II Centre for Executive Education and Research