ಯ༄ዘ ൜൫ํĄ໋൜ࢇ୴၈ǖ Đᒦਪࡼီஏተሷđ CEIBS Chair Professor of EU-China Dialogue Romano Prodi Speaks on “China’s Image in the World” ಸྦڔ / ᆪ ஙࠔLjᒦ๏ਪଔኧᏔጙྙᆁ༿೫๏ றݨࡼஊăᑚܭᒴᔢᒮࡼᑶᒤଜ༄ख ࠨ༿ࡵࡼဵ๏ටᆕᏋ્༄ᓍᇳĂፀࡍಽ༄ᔐಯ ൜൫ํ·໋൜ࢇሆLjჇጲᒦ๏ਪଔኧᏔ ๏ට୴ᇳ୴၈ࡼ॑ᆐᒦ๏ࡼኧညਜ਼ቅᎍඣᔫ ೫ዝLjጲሆဵ໋൜ࢇᏴਜ਼۱யݬଝᒦ ๏ਪଔኧᏔࣅဟቲዝਜ਼၊ݧषࡼ றݨຢࣤă খ࿖ᒦਪᏴ๏ᒴਜ਼ཝီஏࡼተሷ Ⴧඣጐ્࣪ᒦਪޘညঌෂ፝ሷăᑚᒬঌෂ፝ሷᓍገᔈள ށෂLj૾ཽඣཱྀᆐᒦਪ࠭๏ᒴਜ਼ᇝऱီஏ༔ᔓ೫ᔫ૦ ອăޘǖᒰჅᒲᒀLjᒦਪဵጙৈআᏭࡼ ્Ljᑗᒦਪሶ๏ᒴਜ਼ᇝऱီஏਭ߲ࣞాڱஆக౷Ąஆ ਪଜLjࡼተሷፐࠥጐࡀᏴᓄࣶඈࣲᒄࠀăᒦਪဵቤီஏ Ꭷࠥሤ࣪።ࡼጐᎌጙᒬᑶᒤऱෂࡼᒎᐊLj૾࡛ቦᒦਪ Lj࠭ऻᒴᒇࡵฉගLjᑚዹ્ຼޝDžݙࡣᏴၫ ጯంီஏჅᎌࡼှޠࡼჁ፬ăதଂฤᒦਪࡼݛDŽฤ10%ࡼᐐ ડီஏဴă……ࡣဵᆸཱྀᆐᑚᒬఘजݙᒋጙ៷Ljፐᆐ ڤဵரཽࡼLjᏴᒠጐလॊ߲ᒰăཝီஏ࣒࣪۱ய ऎޠ߲ă၅ሌLjᆸඣገᆐᒦਪฤ10%ࡼᐐڻଜ࣒ᓖፀࡵLjᒦਪྙ ဣᒠധ࣊ފᏥ્ரშݙጯăჅᎌࡼᑶᒤଜਜ਼ ᇝĂ፝ࣞਜ਼ᅉऐDžLjگਪૹᅍጯज़ݙᏳLj ঢቝLjྙਫᎌᒦਪDŽጲૺڭ——ஙጯဵཝཆݽৢᄴᄏࡼጙᏋ ሚᏴखဗഎࡼဵ۞౪ᒦਪᏴดࡼ20ਪૹᅍăభဵLjႲᓹ กඐီஏள્ጙ•ݙᑩă ᒦਪࡼଝႥखᐱLjཽඣጐఎဪ࡛ᎃǗႲᓹཽඣఎဪ࡛ᎃLj ᑞᑵݙಽࡼጙෂဣᑵੑሤनǖᒦਪથݙ৫༓ࡍࡵถ 54 TheLINK 2011 第一期 CEIBS KNOWLEDGE BY LAURIE UNDERWOOD This spring, CEIBS continued to benefit from the insights shared by one of Europe’s most senior statesmen – former European Commission President and former Italian Prime Minister His Excellency Romano Prodi – as he spoke to students and alumni as part of his Chair Professorship at CEIBS. Read on for excerpts from recent lectures and interviews delivered during CEIBS events in Shanghai and Beijing. On improving China’s image powers and are acting as regional powers. So we are at the in Europe and the world forefront of a world that is multi-polar, both in the economic and political field. Romano Prodi: Clearly, China is such a complex If you ask what we can do to change the [negative] country that its image, by definition, is contradictory. image, I think when China has shown itself, its image has China is a symbol of the new world. The progress of the become positive. As a general suggestion, the best choice past years has not only been incredible in quantitative is [for China] to open up – in terms of media, in terms of terms – 10% growth per year – but also in quality. knowledge, in terms of art, in terms of literature, in terms Everybody in the world admired the Beijing Olympic of news, in terms of society. When the Beijing Olympics Games. All politicians and observers notice that China is started, I was in a Sicilian village assisting on TV now a member of all the most important deciding bodies [commentary]. The sense of wonder and admiration – the G8 has disappeared and now the G20 decides. But shown by people for what they were looking at – it was when things change so quickly, people become afraid. absolutely unique. China was not seen as something to And when people are afraid, they tend to have a negative hate but something to admire. And clearly, the same is for reaction. This negative reaction is concentrated on the many delicate political issues. I think China must be economic aspects: [a belief that] China is stealing [jobs] more and more present not only around the G20 table from Europe and the West, or China is unduly exporting but vis-a-vis public opinion, to explain what China is too much to Europe and the West. doing – its goals and, of course, also its problems. In parallel, there is also a severe opinion on the political side – [a fear that] China is now entering every On China increasing its market in the world, from Africa to South America, and international visibility will undermine world equilibrium. … But I don’t think there are good reasons to share in this opinion and there I think China should be more visible are many contractions in this opinion. First of all, in [internationally] because there is more to gain than to terms of growth, thank God China is growing 10% per lose. Certainly when you are under a microscope, there year. Without China – and Brazil, India and Turkey – the are also some drawbacks. For example, when you show world economy would be in complete disarray. yourself on a big TV screen of 40 inches, you see all the The true negative aspect is actually the reverse: China defects of your skin, you see what is wrong with your is not big enough to balance, alone, the lack of growth of nose… but you also see your expression, and your words the Western world. From the political point of view, we are much more visible and clear. And China, now from are at the forefront of a deep change. …We have now the political point of view …it would be useful to passed from a mono-polar world to a multi-polar world. describe the [government’s] strategy for developing the This is already true not only of China and India but also undeveloped regions of China. It is not known …whether of Brazil and Turkey. These countries are much more there will be a new policy for farmers, a move for more independent than before. They are becoming regional equality in the country. This has not been explained, and TheLINK Volume 1, 2011 55 ಯ༄ዘ ৫ࣖᔈఝੰᇝऱီஏளሸᄟࡼݛă࠭ᑶᒤऱෂఘLj ሳLj๏ᒴᏴખᄾᓾဵᒦਪᒮገࡼᄾ ᆸඣᑵᏴጙޝరܤুࡼ༄ᇪă……ီஏጯ࠭છሶࣶ ᓾሲăሚᏴLjᒦਪఎဪᏴ๏ᒴᄾ భࡼăޟᇝਜ਼ᅉऐࡼखᐱᒦభ ᓾLjᄾᓾᐐႥဵऻگછखᐱLjᏴᒦਪਜ਼፝ࣞጲૺ ጲఘ߲Ljᑚጙཋဴጯ߅ᆐሚဣăᑚቋਪଜܤࡻ܈ጲᆁৎଝ భဵLj༄Ᏼ๏ᒴ݀ᎌ໋ܩ LjڹࣖೂᔈᓍLj݀ᑵᏴ߅ᆐཌᎮቶ༓ਪጲཌᎮቶ༓ਪࡼ॑ ጙᒘࡼ࣪ખᑶᒤᐵăᆸී ෂ࣒ဵ ᑚݙဵᒦਪࡼᆰᄌăᆰᄌᏴ᎖๏ށखિᓹᔫăᆸඣჅෂࡼီஏᏴளਜ਼ᑶᒤ ጙৈࣶછီஏă ᒴࡩ༄ࡼተဴ——๏ᒴᑵࠀ᎖ள กඐ።কྙੜখܤᒦਪࡼঌෂተሷǛᆸཱྀᆐLjࡩᒦਪ আႡᒄᒦLjऎ༦ᎅ᎖๏Ꮔࡼ Ᏼီஏᇎგᐱာज़ݧࡼဟLjࡼተሷᑵᏴޫᑵෂখ ஜᐽ༽ౚLjᐱလॊદൻǗᎧࠥ ࡻৎఎ ᄴဟLjᎧ๏ᒴறߋᅍஉࡼไೆሤܤ࿖ăጙৈᔐᄏࡼፇဵLjᒦਪࡼᔢଛݽ።ဵ हLjᏴᄏĂᒀဤĂጳၣĂᆪኧĂቤᆫਜ਼્ࢀऱෂጙ नLj੪ࣶਪଜ߲ሚ೫ᔙᓍፃআ ߲ሚ೫ጙᒬቤࡼܩᏥ્ఎဟLjᆸᑵᏴᇝᇝಱࡲࡼጙৈᓣ Ⴁ༷ሶă๏ᒴ໋ڤݛఎहă۱ய ۾Ꮵ્ࡼીહஶሷLjกᒬ ቦზǖ࣪᎖ጤࡼ௫ăᑚቋڤಱྀ࡛࢟၁ຶ൙ଘܶǗཽඣఘࡵ ๏ටጙᄏછࡼፐႤăႁဣڏᏥ્Ⴥᐱာࡼᒦਪ݀ऻഎ ဵवڤࡼă܈༩ਜ਼ሟဵᇄጲൕ ঢࡵ॓᳷LjऎဵཱཽུዞሟݙጯǗ੪ීመLjᏴ੪ࣶᆈ්ࡼ જLjᆸ࣪ࠥ݀ݙரወLjፐᆐ๏ටጙᄏછཽ ᑶᒤᆰᄌጐဵྙࠥăᆸཱྀᆐᒦਪ።Ᏼ20ਪૹᅍࡼტᓴ ிဵጙৈᄖडࡼࡍܤછLjፀᆜᓹ ৎଝ૩Ljऎ༦።ৎᒇႁීᑶᒤႫཇLjஊျᒦਪ খܤሚࡔਪଜਜ਼ᔙࡼগศLjኊገ੪ޠࡼဟ ᑵᏴᔪဠඐLjᎌቋܪLjથࡀᏴቋᆰᄌă ମቲǗጲᓍࡼऱါቲLjกኊገৎ ޠࡼဟମ೫ăჅጲLjᆸ࣪ᒦ๏ਈᇹࡼᎾހဵǖ ᒦਪ።ᇢਪଔᓖፀೆ ᎍੑĂ࣪ࢀĂઑᓐᔫLjࠥᅪ݀ᇄჇǗୂ᎖๏ ᒴࡩ༄ࡼ౩ஹLjᒦ๏ਈᇹݙ્߲ሚᇹᄻቶࡼཝෂਜ਼ ᆸཱྀᆐᒦਪ።जᇢৎࣶࡼਪଔᓖፀೆLjፐᆐᑚዹ ቕă ăৼ၊ਪଔ્ࡼຶᄿອᔗ્ࡒጙቋݙܗᔪಽࡍ᎖ ฝࡼहᏴጙৈ40፞ࡁࡼࡍݨ્߲࢟ ๏ටኊገดݝᅍஉڳးLjስ ࡻݙ৫Ꮲ߂……ࡣဵฝጐޠᔇ܇መာ߲ບ२ལሡLjመာ߲ ถৎ༹ᇠఘࡵฝࡼܭ༽LjฝࡼજጐܤࡻৎᎌᇢೆĂৎ ๏ᒴႰ၊ࡵ೫੪ࣶຒຶLjࡣ྆ဵཝཆᔢࡍࡼள ᎌਫă࣪᎖ᒦਪႁLjᏴᑶᒤऱෂLjஊျᑶঀ࣪་खࡉ ᄏăᆸඣDŽ๏ටDžᎌ1.496ጸཽాLjਪดညޘᔐᒋĂጓ ᒋĂ߲ాီஏጙăᆸඣဵီஏளᒦ၅ཐጙᒎࡼޘ ඣݙᒀࡸᎌཽྙ܈ᎌᔫࡼLjޟཌࡼఎखᐵဵऻ Ljᑚ፬ሰ೫ᆸඣࡼޠᎌᑣ࣪แࡼቤᑶݽLjဵ॥ݧན೫ࡅဗᏴཝਪपᆍดᐐ ඏጵဣᄏLjࡣဵᆸඣࡼݽਭ߈ྑ ࡼ܀ຳࢀăDŽᒦਪᑶঀDžᎌᑚቋᆰᄌᔫ߲ਭஊျLjࡣဵ ൈăࡣဵᆸݙཱྀᆐ๏ට્ᏼ၊ளሆઘฅᒗள Ljऎ༦๏ටਪࡼݤܒᑚቋᆰᄌਈᇹࡵᒦਪࡼ6ጸཽాLjჅጲᆸཱྀᆐ።কࡻࡵஊ ෘᏥă๏Ꮔଖኚ࡛ࡩီஏᓍገૡ ျă ᑶߜᔊଝጐᏐࢅ᎖ගਪ፞ਪࡼݤᑶߜᔊă ኍᒜࢾ߲ਪᅍஉᔫࡼ૩ᑶݽă๏ܘࡩLj๏ᒴ ޟൈᆰᄌጐဵऻܒጲৎᆐఱࡼზࣞࠀಯཽ ᎌᔫࡼăྙਫᒦਪ၂ᅄᐐଝดኊĂᄋဍཽညၺຳLj ᒴဵጙৈ੪ࡍࡼှޝăᄴဟLjጐဵጙৈ፱ᎌ༓ࡍᑶᒤ༅ ᒦਪࡼඏጵຳੰLjऎᑚݙኊገྀੜཽᆐছ ೆࡼဣᄏLjభᇫᆚဣሚᑚጙ༅ೆăஉਫဵLj๏ᒴ࣪ܤกඐళࢾ્খ Ꮎ્፬ሰൈăᆸଫቧᒦਪݙࡣ્ጲ“፮ဣೆ”ऎ༦ ᎖ᒮࡍࡼཝཆᐵቶᆰᄌ݀ᇄࣶࡍજᎫཚă༄ཝီஏࡼ ጲ“ྟဣೆ”Ᏼီஏखિ፬ሰă ེ࢛ᇄጧဵᒦࣁăᒦࣁᏴಯణத๏ᒴLjऎݙဵගਪǗ્ భဵᏴஊᒦࣁᆰᄌࡼࡂᒦLj๏ටལचજᎫཚă ඏጵLjᆸඣဵီஏጙLjᆸྙ܈ᒦਪሆጙݛ።Ᏼੜࠀᓹ၄ ᏴཚೆૹᒦࡼഌᎮLj ྙ܈ඣᎌᅲ࿖ࡼᑶݽਜ਼༓ࡍࡼજᎫཚăభဵᏴჇഌᎮLj ಯ્Lj๏ᒴࡼཚೆᐌݙྙڔᇹᄻ፬ሰೊਪܒᆸᇧᆃᒦਪᏴపኧऱෂནࡻᅃຼăᒦਪᏴखᐱపଆဣ খুૡ ೆऱෂᔪ߲೫ࡍࡼĂࣶऱෂࡼ߅LjᆸᎾ໐੪્ᎌ ཽፀă ᑩॐཽቦࡼ߅ਫăᆸᇧᆃᎌጙᄖᆸࣗۨᒓဟถࡻᒀᒦਪప ᆸႁጙୈરෙࡼူǖ20ਪૹᅍᒦᎌ7ৈ๏ᒴਪଜLjభဵ ኧଜᔫ߲೫ᆖࡍࡼపኧखሚă ྙਫᎌཽॊᇜጙሆᔢதࡼ20ਪૹᅍݽஉਫLjถखሚ๏ᒴ Ᏼᔢதࡼଂࠨݽᒦ࣒෦෦ᇄᆫăᑚቋݽᒦᎌගਪࡼဉ ൫ਜ਼ઈჸگڤᒦ๏ਈᇹ༄ஶ ፒLjᎌᒦਪࡼဉፒLjჅᎌࡼᄏ࣒ۨࡸ೫ ࡼೂޝăऎLj7ৈ๏ᒴਪଜႁࡼLjᏴጙ೫ဉ ಼࠭ဥఘLjᒦ๏ਈᇹጙሶဵᎍੑࡼă๏ᒴ༄ဵ ፒăᆸᏴ፞ਪĖྌဟۨėࡼጙຠᆪᐺᒦႁී೫ᆸࡼ࢛ǖ ಯ્ᒦᐴᎌጙৈೊᇳᆡăڔݚᒦਪࡍቃ ๏ᒴ።ᏴೊਪܩޱLj๏ᒴᒜᐆࡼޝອࡼᔢࡍှޘᒦਪ 56 TheLINK 2011 第一期 CEIBS KNOWLEDGE THANK GOD CHINA IS GROWING 10% PER YEAR. WITHOUT CHINA – because this impacts more than 600 million people, I think it should be AND BRAZIL, INDIA AND TURKEY – explained. THE WORLD ECONOMY WOULD BE IN This would also help to deal in a more objective manner with the COMPLETE DISARRAY. problem of the RMB exchange rate. If you push internal demand and you lift people’s living standard, you certainly change the country’s trade So my forecast for Europe-China relations is: good, balance. [This in turn can] parallel, friendly working between EU and China, but influence the exchange rate without nothing more. We will not see systemic synergy because any artificial change. [In the future,] I do of all the difficulties of Europe. think China will be known more and more not only for hard power but also soft power. On the need for unity within the EU On where China should next In spite of all the criticism, Europe is still #1 in the focus its efforts world economy. We are only 149.6 million people but we are still #1 in the world in terms of GDP, #1 in industrial I do expect some breakthroughs from the production, #1 in exports. Clearly we could play a great scientific side of the society. The effort [from China] on trading role in the world economy, but we are slow in developing the scientific [capability] is so big and so decision- making and this makes us less efficient. I don’t diffuse that I do expect some big results very soon. I think think Europe is headed for disarray or disaster. The Euro that someday, I will read in the paper that Chinese will go on, and if you take the European deficits together, scientists have discovered something big. they are much less than those in America or Britain. Still, [Europe] needs to elaborate an active policy in On the outlook for Europe-China relations which we work together. Europe is a big market. It is a potential political power but it is unable to exercise this If you look back in history, the relationship has role.
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