Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute hospital services: a review of acute services in HSE South and a five year action plan for Cork and Kerry

Item Type Report

Authors Horwath Consulting , Teamwork Management Services

Publisher Horwath Consulting Ireland Limited and Teamwork Management Services Limited 2008

Download date 27/09/2021 18:46:36

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Health Service Executive Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute hospital services: A review of acute services in HSE South and a five year action plan for Cork and Kerry


Horwath Consulting Ireland Teamwork Management Services

Marine House Top Floor, Eagley House Clanwilliam Court Deakins Park Dublin 2 Egerton, BOLTON, BL7 9RP Tel: 353 1 6760951 Tel: 44 1204 600660 Fax: 353 1 662 5105 Fax: 44 1204 600661 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] web: web:

15 May 2008

Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute hospital services The next steps for Cork and Kerry

Version control:

Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute Title: hospital services Horwath Consulting Ireland Limited Author: Teamwork Management Services Limited

Target Audience: HSE South Project Steering Group

Circulation List: HSE South Project Steering Group

Circulation Status: Restricted to HSE South Project Steering Group

Version: 5.7

Date of Issue: 15 May 2008

Document Status: Final

Description: Final Report for HSE Board

ISO Status (Document No: 22) V3.0

Document History:

Date Version Author Notes

Horwath / 3rd draft presented to Project Steering 04/06/07 2.3 Teamwork Group meeting on 5 June 2007

Horwath / 4th draft presented to Project Steering 09/07/07 2.9 Teamwork Group meeting on 10 July 2007

Horwath / Revised draft following Project Steering 15/08/07 3.6 Teamwork Group meeting on 10 July 2007 presented to sub-group meeting of Project Steering

15 May 2008

Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute hospital services The next steps for Cork and Kerry

Group on 15 August 2007

Revised draft following sub group Horwath / meeting of on 15 August 2007 presented 04/09/07 3.9 Teamwork to a further sub-group meeting of Project Steering Group on 5 September 2007

Revised final draft for consideration at Horwath / 24/09/07 4.3 final Project Steering Group meeting on Teamwork 27 September 2007

Final Report (for final comment by sub- Horwath/ 24/10/07 4.6 group meeting of Project Steering Group Teamwork on 25 October

Horwath / 01/11/07 4.8 Final Report Teamwork

Horwath / Final report to incorporate comments 15/05/08 5.7 Teamwork following HSE feedback

15 May 2008

Securing clinically safe and sustainable acute hospital services The next steps for Cork and Kerry


A world class service for Cork City ...... 2

The importance of critical mass in the systematic delivery of high quality clinical outcomes...... 2

The objectives of reconfiguration ...... 3

Implementing the Transformation ...... 3

Phase One – Cork City, Bantry and Mallow ...... 4

Phase Two – Acute services in Kerry...... 5

Current services need to be more efficient ...... 5

Services in the South East of HSE South need further study ...... 5

The anticipated patient and staff benefits ...... 6

Definitions & Abbreviations...... 7

The key terms...... 7

The key abbreviations ...... 8

Setting the scene...... 9

The transformation of healthcare delivery in Ireland ...... 9

Review of acute hospital services in HSE South ...... 11

Review of the PCCC inter