SPOOKY TOOTH Sun- July 7M, Afternoon 3, Am

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SPOOKY TOOTH Sun- July 7M, Afternoon 3, Am FAN CLUBS I'd privvirti O OOOO GOLLIS0110 OOOOO U sa.. I.,. 1001 Sire. iWt CHICKEN SHACKSnot, o... CLUB Sm.`, . ',Lc .onol Striper LondonWA Weki min o,rBo 1,11Ln o 90Wardour 103000RD 51.GI CLUBS CREAM DOICTS 130ts 110.1 y o Anne Dario -Fsla Brook lure, °mhos W1 * WHOLE LOTTASOUL iSsi 730 to11 30p a. 1 FOUNDATIONS OFFICIALran Club -- Seeto 111W..IBu,l rile THE NICE * STUARTHINNY' SIS313e Londs11. WI * THE SPAN THE NEWPINK RAT KING Soul band * THE HOUSE OFLORDS FRIDAYcont, MONDAY cord Sh't ley 11,1 Chrmino 11 /II BLACK BOTTOM SelnlsRoad King,Ilealh OSTERLEy JAZZ CLUB. THE BLUEHORIZON ml sham *THE TASTE CHARLIE GALBRAITH'S Gibsl THE OFFICIAL IC PIN *BLACK CAT TIONT STOMPERS FLAMINGO Nighl GEORGE HELLO, WILLIE DYNAFLOW BLUES NY PAN CLUE. -Sae to emir*JETHROTULL AT 33-37 WARDOUR HASTII JOHNNY WATSON. York Road lune A Nauman,e,o Dirk Jaime. STREET. W.1HARRY' W Pidg, Head. TAG *THACKERT Reergarden SWII Buse,44 and 170 Mute,71 75NearOsIordStreet open' W C I ***************MEMBERS AND '-'1111111/ANAJAZZBAND THEIR GUESTS EAST SIDE WELCOME AlALL SESSIONS THE ORIGINAL REVOL;TION,"SOX, NE OATH STOMPERS REDUCED RATESFOR STUDENTS High Road, FOR HIRE *THE AND MEMBERSOF YOUTH CLUBS THE MORO JAZZ CLUE,every " Green Man,- NEAT CHANGE 'ALANELSDON'S************Friday al Rumford Football Club Ley tonatime If- per word THE GUN FRI., RriarklandsRoad. To JULY 5/11 (8.00-5.00GA., Rumford. ACT NOW? litre or1.8,1 a arm night NEW SEDALIA JAZZ THE RESURRECTION FAMILY EVENING andALL-NIGHT SESSION pleteCourierdiscotheque NOR Senderloon NILo7 Ms THL ONLYLATE -SET IN TOWNELAND FLACK BULL,WHETSTONE, NO0ter of PA and prement your shoW *111EATSTALKERS JAllBAND ALL-NIGHTFOOD AND SNACKS alItsbest THE - NEWHAM AUDIO DAVID BRADLEYPRESENTS UNION BLUES 01.554 4064 * NATIONAL YOUTH *ROCK STEADY PIMPERNEL NEXT WEEK: THETASTE MONTY SUNSHINE'S AND SOUL - - - - -- JAll ORCHESTRA * JOE COCKER WITH THEFANTASTIC BREED *Plus PAUL JONES * RED LIGHT DISTRICT Every Friday and Saturday The still small voice of JAllBAND SOUNDS OF The New Crown TUESDAY 100 St Paul's Road. N.1 LONDONS No.1 DEBAT ATEHTIr SIPILAOCr4.U1/4:r ALAN DYSON URBAN GIN HOUSE RAGTIME BRIAN EVERINGTON QUINTET THE 8thNATIONAL THE NEW ERA *JOHN EDWARD S AND. Erockley Jock (I've) PRESENTINGTONIGHT THE FESTIVAL BAKERLOO BLUES LINE newFolk L.P JAll BLUES & POP JAllBAND *WATSONT. BROWN SATURDAY plus TEAA SYMPHONY HENRY'S BLUEHOUSE AUG. SHOW ALEX DISCO, SALISBURY SUNBURY-9, 10, 11 Crown Hotel.HillSt., BIRMING- 1101.0 WO kitleik. lAa4. HAM. JIGSAW ot maw *oarIS BILL NILE'S DELTA CO WHERETHE ACTIONIS THE CAT emotes IA 00M ma al ibrFammi ( M.G M ) omi toad..A.s. hoaLadymmaAdo Nom YEW,. ************ ROAD SHOW eft TRAIN. SAT.,JULY 6th DYNAFLOW BLUES JAllBAND 17.30-6.00o.m. STARRING U.S. FLATTOPEnquiries Penny Dunn. 01-437 0083 ARTISTS APPEARING tar press None) *ALLNITERSESSION FOSTER/SHAW ALL STARS JON FORD /Lk entytoo LeenMorealtrieAuk,. Mownleuelonow Ma or A WITH THE Hoptilne,North Wembley foland Den Remlaii t ar. {Mon,ama Nam.h,.Uair w. FANTASTIC AUTUMN BLUES BAND brook Rare The Hata Ike NVI M OwE Tao Toon ATM DIZ DISLEY'S AfricaCentre.KingSt. Covent GEORGE & DRAGON, Downe, (Philips) SOUNDS OF Garden near Bromley, Julia Doll. Richard ma M. Carlo. (tardoloyi %h., Pod Wow.. Spam. Don, Lou.to,.. LONDONS Simmons Trio. Foos.. Cwessmisanman Pool Tsui, GUITAR NIGHT No.1 DEEJAT BLUES SCENE, CROWN HOTEL, F. P. ENTERPRISES Ch.,. ShockMilom loll s-wodost sub., to toi imam,. Aster 174 Richmond Road, Twickenhani TERRY BelsIse House *JOHN EDWARD LIGHTFOOT. * SPECIAL TICKETS (In ad only) EX -RADIOLONDON-BIG Bradford Street KeithCooperrtiAlan Storks D DYNAFLOW BLUES WEEKEND (Satand Sun I 35 "REVOLUTION," RAF C EEEEEE. Stave Benbow Am Douglas* RHUBARB TREE MITCHIN, Hermitage Ballroom WALSALL, Staffs. SEASON (Fri Sal and Sun.) Ct 50 PLUS THE Tel. WALSALL Johnnyvon Derrick ALL NITE WORKERS Ken Colyer. SAMMY RIMINGTON QUARTET. Stefan Grossman LardNapier. 7 30-10 45. Bealah l:1 PARKER, Green Man Road. Thornton BRAM, 20918/20910/21008 * CAMP SITE_. ell enqvIries ro Me end many other goesh GO WHERE THEACTION ISBlackheath, *FESTIVAL OFFICE at the MARQUEE URINE GIN HOUSE RAGTIME FULLY LICENSEDBAR *************** JULY 13th. WOOLWICH TOWNB AND, Newlands Tavern,Stuart Open from 11 o.m, lel01 43' ,0111 Homo MOM FOR STLAMNI MEMBERS SUN.,JULY7th 17.30-11 p.m. HALL. BARRY MARTYN. BLACK -Road.Peckham. BOTTOM STOMPERS, CALDONIA *SUNDAY NIGHTSPIN JAZZ SAND. SOUTHERN RAMB- HOPBINE .G.E7 0377 D1ses, livegroups,star guests LERS, JAZZ BALL, THE TOMMY WHITTLECLUB TeLeekeen Deo Mu... EMIR th swinging soundson of WEDNESDAY th gt'ght WS ROYAL OAK, TOOLEY ST, d, tt SEI I near London Bridge Static.. BLACKELITTOM STOMPERS GEORGE CHISHOLM CLUBS MR. EXCITEMENT !! TONY LEE TRIO Ile:Musing TONY Green Man, Blackheath BLUESVILLE '68 LEE, PHIL SEAMAN and TONY JOHN TAYLOR KEN BALDOCK JOHNNY FARLOWE ARCHER.spe:ialguestDANNY -ME MANOR HOUSE" MOSS. FELTHAM, Middlesex," CRICK- DICK BRENNAN opp. Tuba. NA. 7.30-11 p.m. LIC EARS DON'T MISS THE GREATEST E TERS," High Street STUDIO 51 DISCOTHEQUE THIS Thum., July 411. ens SOUNDS WITH KING'S ROAD. THE VERY LATEST PRE TERRY LIGHTFOOT FRIDAY, JULY 5th BLUES NIOTIT KEN COLYERCLUB RELEASES OF SOUL AND R CLLS,lIaSEr.SANDY BROWN, ** * 10,11 GT. NEWPORT STREET G B Car Park- Bar-Dancing. NEAR LEICESTER SQUARE THE ORIGINAL EAST SIDE *************** CLUB. Sot- M. era 7.30 p.m. WED.. JULY10th STOMPERS FICKLE PICKLE SLUES (730-11p.m. Rumford Carnival for Charity Hornsey Wood Tavern.3 pmto THE GREEN MAN BARRY MARTYN'S RAGTIME BAND THE MIDWEEK BIG MITEOUT 6 pm. Severn Sisters Road,Near Shocklewell Lone with SammyRimingren URBAN GIN HOUSE RAGTIMEManor House Tube.Wednesday. SPOOKY TOOTH Sun- July 7M, afternoon 3, am. HE'S HEREWITH THEB AND. BroeliTy. Jack. July10.40 Maslen, E.8 JOHN DUMMER' SUESBAND Friday, Sat, andSun. WITHTONYS riBLUES * JOHNNY FARLOWE UNION BLUES NEXT FRIDAY Sun., July 7M 7.30 p.m. SHOW SUNDAY FISH-HOOK ROBERT WALTONTRIO JULY 12fh THE NICE CLUB CLOSED WITH THE with Mike Fenton * MOST FABULOUS AT THE CLERKENWELL TA- Guests- Blue.LI3 Licensed. SOUNDS YOU'VEEVERHEARD.VERN. CLUE CLOSED, BUT - DONT MISS HIS KNOCKOUTNEXT WEEK YOUTH PERFORMANCE-COME EARLY MAIDSTONE, "TUDOR JAZZ ORCHESTRA. NOUSE ": KENNYBALL. SAVOY(.:;3:::=.)CATFORD *************** SILL EIEUNSICILLSJuitmen, M.J.S. ROYAL OAK.The John THAMES HOTEL FIghting Corks, KIngston. Taylor/Pete BurdenQuartet with FAULTLESS MODERN JAZZ SATURDAY, JULYAtii Hampton Court /Midi.. THURSDAY Norma Winston. PRODUCTION ASSOCIATES THE BILL GREENOW Len Hooker DIM Mennen STRONG JAZZ NEW SEDALIAJAZZ BAND Alan son, ALEXANDER'S JAZZMEN A PALL. LENNIE BEST QUAR Holloway Castle" LOPPOSite Rol TET now n the Palm Court Hotel 1114Plino'ad,P"I'amtsWmIlg' inDeaxitlowly Prison) 01-427 9100 COLOURED Richmond,every ThUriday.Se, Ravenscourt Park Tube). present every TUESDAY RAISINS THE TEA JUANA JAZZBAND DisplayAdvert. TOBY JUG,Tolwnrth,Surrey. EVERY SUNDAY The Iremendoussounds Of JAll AT THE GREEN MAN IRMINGHAM "SALUTATION," Snow MIL AYNSLEY DUNBAR THE FAMILY BLACKHEATH ERIC SILK & HIS RAILWAY HOTEL. WEALDSTONE KEN COLYER SHOW SOUTHERN JAllBAND MICKLEY ARMS, Chislehurst JuliaDolt. Peter Bond Trio BLACKEOTTOM STOMPERS DON RENDEUJIAN CARR QNT. Green Nan, BlaCkheath MOBILE DISCOTHEQUES THE ED. FAULTLESS TRIO IlLACKBOTT00OM STOMPERS BRITAIN'SNEWEST B LACK PRINCE Hotel,Bexley. 1/4d. & BESTBLUESGROUP 1 Kent. Diane Ferri* and The Fer- per word ris Wheel. DANCE TO THEMUSIC of NEW 11=1 WOOD GREEN CENTURIES- NEW SOUNDS, JAZZ AT THE PHOENIX SUNDAY CLIFF CHARLES MOBILE DISCOTHEQUE, Irtih North London Blues Boat. COOKS, CHINGFORD CAVENDISH SQUARE Royal Forest Hotel. lights, parlies,clubs, scenesRep- FREDDIE RANDALL resentation. Spencer DOMINO CLUB. CAMBRIDGE The latest toad explosion Managements.- DAVIS RETURNS I THE GUN BAND. 01-734 7464. THE Evenings 01.3856028. FRANK RICOTTI QRT. TUESDAY MEMPHIS SOUL TASTE DYNAFLOW BLUES mobiledisco- Sole Auont, thequewill makeyourparty. THE REBEL ROUSER DYNAFLOW BLUES barbeque. JAZZ ORGAN every Thurs t Bottleneck Blues Club dance,NM, etc, e very Thursday. Friday, Saturday THE ROBERTSTIGWOOD with THEE JEFFREED TRIO swingingWeeps,Distance and Sunday ORGANISATION Railway Tavern object. no 67 BROOK LTD. HTay, GRAPES,HAYES. Angel Lane, - Ashlead ISurrey) MS. SY., LONDON.W.I.TEL. 670 Stratford MOBILE DISCOTHEQUES, JAll AT THE PALM COURT NISI JOHNNY BARKER. Groups 01.381!1375. ELM PARK HOTEL RICHMOND, SURREY and Anchor," Cross Slreel,,Tiow" LITTLE THEATRECLUB COUNTRY Alexandra Palace Now EraJamband Lunchtime MOIL110 LENNIE BE T T. CLUB isLk ISAVIASIINIA AUL Alexandra Park NEW SEDALIA, Guildford lam seasiOn TERRY SMITH AIVir3 Soo Son PETE KING SPONTANEOUSMUSIC ENSEMBLE THREE TUNS. Beckenham E RIC SILK (01 550 2650). ronnie San. too DICK MORRISSEY SATURDAY. JULYHh DARE QUINCY SEXTET. Thames Hotel, Hampton Court, QUIP JULY lOgh 1a 11 so and IAN HAMER AMALGAM " WHITTINGTON," PINNER E VERY SUNDAY, 7.10TI.Pled LONDON'S ACKER SILK. Bull.LiverpoolRoad. Islington. scott's Coermk 0,04 THE RAY MORRIS SET. Guest N. Moran,Lime SPOOKYTOOTH ALLSTAI BAND Artists3Iusicians welcome COY Drip FOSTER/SHAW ALL STARS club FRIDAY PuboftheYear. Red Lion 47 7.1M So.,W.I Reit 4752/4234 Brentbord WARN CLUB, LITTLE BAROFIELD WINE L DINENIGHTLY 30 a m ULL'S and hoot theworld, Snellloss HEAD JOHNNY PARKER,Tamehlirne BARNES BRIDGE PRO5241 WARRENDAVISMONDAY DYNAFLOW BLUES CrossStreet,Islington Evening. Now appearing BAND Nrw Heroin, Cave, WCI Resistant 'hos IRMINGHAM " SALUTATION." TONY LEE PHIL SEAMEN +Pi THE TONY ARCHER THE COLLINSORGANISATION SnowHillFRED STEAD QUEENS STAGLE HWOMOUNDS. BILL LIMITED TT EVANS WesInv.dv, os.I 41-43 WerdovrSNeN, W Telephone ENASCOT amide., Rhythm Seth. 01 4.316,62 CLIFF CHARLES RILL IS SAGE TRIO CLIMAX THREE TUNS. Re, kenham TRIO The Whothnus, Crewe NIKE WESTBROOK BAND. 1.0 Semier Soolat look ILmoons CHICAGO HIGHGATE JAZZ CLUB Eddie Gomez URBAN GIN HOUSERAGTIME and JOE HARRIOTT YE OLLIE GATEHOUSE BAND. BrockMyJatk RAILWAYElOtc 11.00 WI91610 WIIKIK1116.6 GEORGE CHISHOLM Jack de Johnette of W BLUES JOE MARRIOTT THURSDAY.
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