The Perfect Desktop - Studio 7.10

Version 1.0 Author: Oliver Meyer Last edited 10/30/2007

This document describes how to set up an 7.10 desktop. The result is a fast, secure and extendable system with focus on multimedia creation - the real-time (RT) kernel is installed by default. It provides all you need for daily work and entertainment.

This howto is a practical guide without any warranty - it doesn't cover the theoretical backgrounds. There are many ways to set up such a system - this is the way I chose.

1 Installation

1.1 Get Ubuntu Studio 7.10

The image (about 800MB) is available at .

1.2 Start The Installation

Start/restart your computer and insert the installation media - be sure that your bios is configured to boot from your cd/dvd drive first. Afterwards you'll see this:

Hit "F3" and choose your Keymap. Hit "F1" if you want some information about the other options. After that select "Install in text mode" from the middle menu and hit "Enter".

Choose your language and proceed.

Select your location and proceed.

Now the installation is beeing prepared.

Insert your desired hostname and proceed.

If you are not familar with the logical volume manager or a manual partition setup, I recommend to use the simple "Guided - use entire disk"-method.

Select the disk to partition and proceed.

Here you can see the changes that will be done to your disk. If you agree to the changes select "Yes".

The partitions are beeing created/formatted.

In this window you have to configure the clock. Select "No" if there are other operating systems installed, that expects the clock to be set to local time - e.g. Windows. Otherwise select "Yes".

Now you have to create your first user account. Insert the full name for the new user and proceed.

Now choose a username for the new account.

Insert a password ...

... and repeat it.

The base system is beeing installed.

During the installation you'll be asked to select one or more predefined collections of software.

The installation proceeds.

Next you have to select the resolution(s) that you want to use.

The installation proceeds.

At the end of the installation you have to remove the install media.

1.3 After The Installation

If you want to start another kernel, edit the start parameters or run a memory test, hit "Esc". Otherwise wait a few seconds to start with the default settings.

If you hit "Esc" you will see this window. Have a look at the instructions at the lower end.

The system is starting.

Afterwards the login-screen appears. There are some options available in the bottom left corner. Log in with the username and password that you chose during the installation.

Welcome to your Desktop.

2 Clean It

2.1 Remove Software

Before you are going to update the system for the first time you should check if there is software installed that you don't need, or rather that you want to replace with another software. The goal should be a clean system with only the programs installed that you really need.

Which programs you should deinstall or replace with others is up to you - you'll find a summary of already installed software at step 3 and a little assortment of additional software (including replacements for already installed software) at step 5.

You can simply deinstall software with the Synaptic Package Manager - have a look at step 4.1. Afterwards it's time for the first update (if there are updates available) - have a look at step 4.3.

2.2 Disable Services

Some services are enabled by default on your System - maybe some of them are needless (depending on your hardware and your needs). The deactivation of needless services will save system resources, so it's worth to take a look on the service settings.

The settings for services are available via the gnome system menu.

When you click on the button a popup will be shown that is asking for your password.

After you entered your password the window with the service settings appears. Some services that you should check:

Hotkeys management (hotkey-setup) - disable this service if you don't have hotkeys on your keyboard or if you don't want to use them.

You can disable services simply by unmarking the corresponding checkboxes.

2.3 Reduce Power Consumption

With Powertop, a tool from Intel for Intel Platforms, you are able to find what software is using the most power on your system. Especial notebook users will benefit from reduced power consumption - there will be more time left on battery power.

If you want to use powertop, install the following package:

• powertop

Note: How you can install software is explained at step 4.2.

Afterwards you can run powertop within a terminal. It's recommended to run it as the root-user, otherwise can't use all the features of this tool.

Run powertop with root privileges: sudo powertop

Powertop will permanent collect data from the system. In intervals it shows you what is using the most power and at the same time how you can optimize your system. In certain cases powertop is able to optimize the system itself if you hit the key that is shown.

The picture below was taken on Fedora 7 running on an ASUS G1S.

It's not improbable to save a few watts.

3 By Default Installed Software

Only the main... (If you selected all collections of software during the installation)

3.1 Internet

• Firefox • Pidgin

3.2 Audio

• Audacious • Echomixer • Envy24 control • Freqtweak • Hexter • Qsampler • Rmedigicontrol • Sound Juicer • Aconnectgui • Aeolus • Ardour • Audacity • BEAST • Bitscope • Creox c • Freebirth • GNU Denemo • Gtick • HDSPConf • HDSPMixer • Hydrogen • Jackbeat • JACK Control • jackEQ • JACK Rack • JACK Timemachine • JAMin • Meterbridge • Mixxx • MusE • Patchage • PureData • QAMix • QSynth • Rosegarden • Seq24 • SooperLooper • Sound Recorder • terminatorX • Virtual MIDI Keyboard • ZynAddSubFX Software Synthesizer

3.3 Video

• Totem • CinePaint • Pitivi Video Editor • Stopmotion

3.4 Graphics

• Agave • Blender • CinePaint • FontForge • F-Spot • GIMP (image editor) • Hugin panorama creator • Inkscape Vector Illustrator • Scribus • Specimen Font Previewer • Stopmotion • Synfig Studio • XSane

3.4 Office

• Word Processor

3.5 System

• Compiz fusion (desktop effects) • ntfs3g (read/write support for NTFS)Final del formulario

4 The Synaptic Package Manager

The Synaptic Package Manager is an easy to use program to install and deinstall software from the available repositorys - or just to check which programs are installed. There are about 23.000 Packages available in the repositories that are added by default in Ubuntu 7.10.

The Synaptic Package Manager is accessible via the gnome system menu.

When you click on the button a popup will be shown that is asking for your password.

The Synaptic Package Manager appears after you entered your password.

4.1 Deinstall Packages

To deinstall one or more packages switch to the status view and mark "Installed". Now you'll see all packages that are installed on your system - you can browse them or search one or more packages with the search function. Within you can enter a package name or search term.

If you found a package that you want do deinstall, click on the green checkbox and select "Mark for Removal" or "Mark for Complete Removal" from the context menu. The difference between the both options for deinstall is, that a complete removal will also delete the configuration files while the normal removal won't delete them. This can be useful if you want to keep your configurations for a package (You can install it again later and don't need to configure it a second time).

Afterwards the package is marked with a red cross.

To take the changes affect click on "Apply" in the upper menu bar and afterwards commit the summary.

Now the deinstallation begins.

4.2 Install Packages

To install one or more packages switch to the status view and mark "Not installed". Now you'll see all packages that are not installed on your system - you can browse them or search one or more packages with the search function. Within you can enter a package name or search term.

If you found a package that you want to install, click on the white checkbox and select "Mark for Installation" from the context menu.

The packages you want to install will occasionally have dependences - then a window will pop up and you have to commit the marking of the additional needed packages.

Afterwars the package and its dependences are marked with a yellow arrow. Dependences are marked green as well.

To take the changes affect click on "Apply" in the upper menu bar and afterwards commit the summary.

The packages are being downloaded...

...and afterwards installed.

4.3 Update The System

The system will check for updates automatically and notify you if updates are available. You can adjust the check-intervals within the Synaptic Package Manager.

The system will notify you if there are updates available. Klick on the orange button for details.

Within the update manager you can see detailed informations about the new packages. If you don't want to install a package, unmark the corresponding checkbox. To install the updates click on "Install Updates".

Afterwards the updates are beeing downloaded ...

... and installed.

If system critical updates were installed (e.g. a new linux kernel) a system restart is required.

5 Additional Software

I present you a little assortment of additional software to make the agony of choice easier for you. I don't recommend to install all this software - there is no point in installing three audio-players etc... Don't forget to deinstall an already installed software if you are going to install a replacement.

How to install or deinstall software is explained at step 4.

5.1 Medibuntu

Some packages like the Adobe Reader are not available in the standard-repositories. The easiest way to make such packages available to your system is to add the medibuntu repository . If you want to add this repository open a terminal ...

... import the repository ... sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

... import the gpg-key and update your package-list. wget -q -O- | sudo -key add - && sudo apt-get update

5.2 Recommended

5.2.1 Microsoft's TrueType Core Fonts

Some fonts, including Arial, Times New Roman and Verdana for example.

If you want to use these fonts, install the following package:

• msttcorefonts

You will see this window during the setup. Simply click on "Forward".

5.2.2 W32codecs

Codecs needed to play MS video formats.

If you want to use these codecs, install the following package:

• w32codecs

Note: The medibuntu repository is required for this package.

5.2.3 Adobe Reader


With the Adobe Reader you can open PDF-documents.

If you want to use the Adobe Reader, install the following packages:

• acroread • acroread-plugins • mozilla-acroread

Note: The medibuntu repository is required for this package.

The plugin for firefox will be installed automatically. If you want to check it, open firefox and enter about:plugins into the url-field. Afterwards you should see this:

5.2.4 Adobe Flash Player Homepage:

The Adobe Flash Player enables your browser to play embedded flash content.

If you want to use the Adobe Flash Player, install the following package:

• flashplugin-nonfree

The plugin for firefox will be installed automatically. If you want to check it, open firefox and enter about:plugins into the url-field. Afterwards you should see this:

5.2.5 Sun's JAVA


Sun's Java Runtime Environment adds full Java support to your system.

If you want to use Sun's Java Runtime Environment, install the following packages:

• sun-java6-jre • sun-java6-bin • sun-java6-plugin • sun-java6-fonts

You will see this window during the setup. If you agree with the license terms, mark the corresponding checkbox and click on "Forward".

The plugin for firefox will be installed automatically. If you want to check it, open firefox and enter about:plugins into the url-field. Afterwards you should see this:

5.2.6 NTFS Configuration Tool (ntfs-config)


With nfts-config you can enable or disable write capability for all your internal and/or external NTFS devices.

If you want to use ntfs-config, install the following package:

• ntfs-config

5.3 Replacements

5.3.1 MPlayer (Replacement for Totem)


MPlayer is a video player with many features - supporting nearly every known video format, e.g. MPEG/VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ and PVA (the w32codecs from step 5.1.2 are needed to support some of the listed formats).

If you want to use the MPlayer, deinstall Totem and afterwards install the following packages:

• mplayer • mozilla-mplayer • mplayer-fonts • mplayer-skins

5.3.2 Digikam (Replacement for F-Spot)


Digikam is a photo management software.

If you want to use Digikam, deinstall F-Spot and afterwards install the following packages:

• digikam • kipi-plugins • showfoto

Note: The theme on the screenshot is "dark".

5.4 Optional

5.4.1 Evolution


Full featured email-client - provides integrated mail, addressbook and calendaring functionality.

If you want to use Evolution, install the following packages:

• evolution • evolution-plugins • nautilus-sendto

5.4.2 FireFTP


FireFTP is an extension for Firefox. It provides an easy to use, full featured ftp client. It can be startet without firefox from the gnome applications menu.

If you want to use FireFTP, open within Firefox and click on "Install Now".

Accept the installation:

After the installation is finished restart Firefox. FireFTP is available in the upper menu.

Create a new launcher in the gnome applications menu to start FireFTP without Firefox. Open the main menu editor.

Click on "Internet" on the left side and afterwards on "New item" on the right side.

Insert/select the following in the launcher-window: Type: Application Name: FireFTP Command: firefox -chrome chrome://fireftp/content/ Comment: FTP Client Optional choose an icon for the new launcher.

5.4.3 K3B


K3B is a burning suite with a lot of features.

If you want to use K3B, install the following packages:

• k3b • libk3b2- • normalize-audio • transcode • sox • vcdimager

5.4.4 Azureus


Azureus is an easy to use bittorrent-client with a great many features.

If you want to use Azureus, install the following package:

• azureus

5.4.5 Streamtuner


Streamtuner is a stream directory browser. With Streamtuner you can listen to SHOUTcast-streams etc.

If you want to use Streamtuner, install the following package:

• streamtuner

5.4.6 k9copy


K9copy is a DVD backup tool, which is able to shrink the content of a DVD9 to fit on a DVD5.

If you want to use k9copy, install the following packages:

• k9copy • mencoder •

5.4.7 Skype


Skype is a software for internet telephony, instant messaging etc.

If you want to use Skype, install the following package:

• skype

Note: The medibuntu repository is required for this package.

5.4.8 XChat


With XChat you can join multiple IRC channels ( Internet Relay Chat). File transfer is supported. You can customize XChat with various scripts and plugins.

If you want to use XChat, install the following packages:

• xchat • xchat-systray

5.4.9 Realplayer


Realplayer is a player for RealMedia content.

If you want to use Realplayer, open a terminal and enter ... wget -c 0.1_i386. sudo -i realplayer_10.0.9-0.1_i386.deb

5.4.10 Gtkpod


With gtkpod you can manage your iPod. Many iPods are supported, including iPod mini, iPod Photo, iPod Shuffle, iPod nano, and iPod Video.

If you want to use gtkpod, install the following package:

• gtkpod

5.4.11 Wine


Taken from the Wine Homepage: "Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix".

With wine you can run a lot of windows software on linux. A list of software that is known to work on wine can be found at .

If you want to use wine, install the following package:

• wine

5.4.12 Cedega


Cedega is the further stage of WineX with focus on Windows games. Many games are supported - a list of supported games (with screenshots) can be found at and . Cedega is not free. Have a look at the Homepage for details and pricing.

Note: The screenshots above were taken on Fedora 7 with Cedega version 5.2.3 (Game: Guild Wars). The actual Cedega version is 6.0.3.

5.4.13 VMware Server


With VMware Server you can install guest operating systems as Windows, Linux, NetWare or Solaris.

If you want to use VMware Server, install the following packages:

• xinetd • build-essential • linux-headers-%your_kernel_version%-rt Afterwards open in your browser. Download the latest version (.tar.gz) and register to get a serial number.

Now open a terminal, switch to the directory where you downloaded the VMware Server, and unpack it. After that switch to the unpacked files and start the installer.

tar xvfz VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz cd vmware-server-distrib/ sudo ./

You will be asked a few questions about install paths etc. - simply hit enter for every question. You also have to accept the license agreement (if you agree to it). At last enter your serial number. The VMware Server is now available in the gnome applications menu.

6 Links

• Ubuntu Studio: • Ubuntu Studio Wiki: