'0' the Record "Nk""
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’0’i i The Record "nk"" Neighborly Township’s Newsand Views Own Newspaper I III ill Vol .’XXl.’-Nb. 5". MIDDLEBUSILI]N. J., FRII AY, JANUA’IY 14, ]955 ’ -- .Price. 5 cents- ilankStock "Satesl-...,,,,.,. ,.ow-.oo, o,..,o.o,,, IExpect Big Plant at Half- way Open, Employ daycame As,nce bankonestepMark/ Itfor - ,.as,-- ’° "’.,,-- ,o,o.,,""""",..,.--’""--"--..,-- °" o.., --’ .., ,oo, --,,.,.e.., ,, --o..,.., --’.,o., " i tiersday even,ngpassed thethat ~’astock tway subserlly- mark to-I --.totally yrecked, --Mr. Jukes es-!Jobless ward the amount needed from local’ , FranklinMlgs Janet Blvd., Dunbar,skidded 24,on Eas-of investors for capital and surplus. ton Ave., near Walnut St. Her At the fourth meeting of the sub- ear, going sideways down the in Area scrlptlon committee .and other In- Job terested persons, held In Town- road, crashed into a trailer New opportunities are expected to open up i~, ~his area If ship Hall, coaai-dttee members truek driven by Seoondo Caval- a deal pending today between the Pennsylvania Railroad and two brought In signed applications for lace, 34. of 200 W, blain St.. farm owners comes through, At last report, both Parties were said Somerville. Miss Dunbar’s left stock from a large number of rex- arm was Injured, and her ear to be near alreement on details which would open the wa~ for estab- idents, damaged enough to have to be lls~ment of some big .Indu..ry in meeting, and the audience was for A raze-ear accident occurred Even though It would be estab- the most part ,a different group on Boston Ave., near Pastore’s than the one which attended the fished within the confines of that’ Grove bend when Quentin Arner, 57. previous weetln~ at Pine of 1508 Charlotte Rd., Plainfield, community, the scope of operation S(’hool. Two officers of the irv-lost eontro! of his ear on lee. is expected to be large enough t°J~L~:ss:nl,,,-,. ing Trust Co.. of New York, Arner was not Injured, but his C. Albert f, ollenhagen. Assistant ear was smashed up and had to draw its labor force from all over Trio Assistant Secretary. had bee,, In- of neighboring Somerset °°°"’°~,"ea’s Ivlted to come and advise on the ,,’7 -’;7 7T?,’7 , V~ ~ T, "The exact type of Jndtlstry to technica|details o fget, t ingabank move has as yet not been made l under~,a~,, REV. CHARLES OROCE They offered the services of their TwoBuilding ~ttbllc but men (.lnse to the deal Two mysterious phone calls to a bank In holding initial funds of the involving some 60 acres of eholce dormitory at a West Virginia eel- lnterestPr°P°SPdsol°Caltheybankwouldandeposit.bringatln 2 Candidatessome Income pend~’~g a local in- Plans Before farm ,and boundedthe ra|lroad’son one electrifiedside by Trentonlegethlsweekextended west the police searchsouth for a andtrio stallallon. ~r. l~oller~hagen also Spur. feel it definitely will be ofagers missing that skippedHighland outPark on teen-their famlilesla,tMonday. Company wouid assist the local ~,~F ~j In the forefront of the deal have The trio--two 17-year-old boys File Petiti0nsme"’’°°°’group in finding trained’"°’ and "’°quali- tIBo#rd~ ~Ue "major industry." fied personnel, ~nd In choosing been Joseph G. Mark, ,president I and"cutest" one girland who’s "most been popular" called co-edthe of South River’s First National.at the high school--hasn’t been institution would in turn, like to Plans for two new schools and Bank, and Spotswood Commls- seen since the disappearance five for Bd of Ed physicalequlpment. TheNewYork ¯ become the clearing house for the a better than t6 per cent Increase stoner Russell F, Kane. Kane is days ago, ¯ ¯ local bank. In next year’s school budget were Two candidates for the Board of Louis Jacobsen, Perth Amboy presented at the Board of Educa- also manager of the Spotswood The -fast clue came as otto stu- .Education filed peUtlons this week lawyer and ,banking speelat|st who tlon’s budget hearing Tuesday eve- Branch of the South .River ,bank. dentreported at the thatcollege someone in Wheelinghad at- ’with District Clerk Florence Ran-! has been retained by the local hint. Only eight citizens attended The land Involved In the trans-’ tempted to call hlm--~pparently dolph, and It is understood that at committee to advise and assist in the meeting, and the budget rec- least two others will do so before procuring a ch,~rter, stated the ommendatlons, which are subject fer comprises a total of 60 acres Joyce Grant, the missing girl. ~, ~hb deadline date of January 19, matter of getting the required to the school eleetlon of Feb. 8, which is now occupied by the Or- When the phone was answered at "~ George A. Carr, present member, amount of stock sttbsertptlons was met with no opposition, The pro- zolekandKurek farms.Latest re- thereinsehoOthe wasn’tresldeneeavallable,andsheSheaskedWas ]lDrunnlng to succeed himself. The the only thing necessary at the posed sehool plans, however, call- ports put the owners and the rail- for another Highland Park boy frew candidate is the Rev. Charles present," as all future actions to- ed forth a few fireworks, H. Grote, of Franklin Blvd. Leon- ward getting a charter depend on The recommended budget for road In almost complete agree- who’s a student at the same col. ard Bardsley, of Elizabeth Avenue. : that. 1955-56 is $696,400.38, an Increase ment on details but a price has lege. and Kenneth Fink, of Rocky HIll I The next step will be to conduct not been made .publ|e. Nothing new developed on that of $107,737.22 over the current lead but It has since been learned Road, have expressed their Inten- a survey to establLqh the need for budget. The budget for 1953-54 At present there are only two that other students here at High- tlon to run, but have not as yet banking services, and local senll- was $460,341.81. major industries in the locale, ~lled petitions, nent In favor of It. He thought A breakdown in the new budget They are Anheuser-Busch and the land Park heard the missing boys. The Bey. Grote has been a real- th, at present subscriptions IndR.~te shows the principal Increases are Peter Schweltzer Company. Allen Knight and Robert Balllu, dent of Franklin Township for ten a possible c~tpltallzatlon of about for the salaries of ten new teach- When reached for comment on planning a trip to the state of Mix- years. He Is pastor of the New $200.0C0. era. 6 for classes, two art teach- the deal. Commissioner Kane said sourl. Bethel ,Baptist Ohureh of Jersey In response {o a question from ers, and additional teachers of mu- he tee~s t~ere will be no major On the strength of that clue. City, and was’previously /or twelve the at,d|ence, .Mr. J.acobson a~ert- sic and physical education, objections to the rezoning of the Io¢’al police .alerted cops In. St. years .pastor of the First B~ptisl ed that pe~ons who signed a writ- Other items are the mandalory land If the ver, ture Is brought to Louis to be on the lookout. The Church of South Bound Brook. ten agreement to purchase stock increases In teachers sa aries and ; a close. Kane added there would entire ease has continued to baffle Seven years afro, he organized the are legally bound to do so. An ini- the Increased tuition in one of the be the usual small flupry of obJee- officials here, but romance isn’t Franklin Township C t zens’ Club } tim pavrre t of 5 per cent Is Day- h gh schools to which township fleas, beeause..~s he said, when thought to have played .a Part In Mr. Cart has served t~to three-]able with the application, aml he children are sent. The salary of 60 acres is taken over as an in- the skip-out since the two boys mar terms on t.he Board and ix thought that If the charter is Supt. James M. Lynch was ralsedldusfrial site. some small numbers who had been friendly with each qmalr.man of the Cafeteria Commit- I grante( the rema nder would be from $7,200 to $8,000, and that of of home owners might suffer slight ’ other were never known to have tee. He lives on Arlington Avenue. I payable sometime between March Mrs. Florence Rando|ph, Business inconvenience. ; dated the Grant girl. and Is a machinist .at Michaelson [ 15"and April 15. Manager and Secretary to the The land under consideration In fact when the Grant girl wmt Auto Parts, Inc., New Brunswick. I He rrpeated his warning that Board, from $3.700 to $4,500. Is now zoned as farmland and in fast seen at her 108 S. Third Ave- Two present members of the[ persons should not consider invest- A new appropriation of $1.600, the event of such a deal rezonlng hue home she made a Joking re. Board, V. P. Dunn. of Franklin i ng In stock unless they can afford for a monthly publication to be would have to be undertaken. How- mark ~bout elopement, but that Park, and Mrs. Ann Ru e, of Klng-i to walt at h, ast 18 months for a sent t call the citizens of the ever, Commissioner Kane an-tici- p(>.~sibillU," has been shelved by all aton. ~’hos~ totems are expiring, arel return. To another inquiry, .he es- Township. acqalntlng them with -pared little difficulty because of the }arents concerned. tlot seeking reeleetlmL both cllitlg [ timatcd that the bank should be the activities of the Board, was the great PffPc! on the area’s general Police Chief Alfred Smalley said rpressure of personal business as onh" item questioned, welfare is new industry did move the altair mystified him Slid that ~he reason.