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View Entire Issue As nE`\,| QIJEERS MAKE MOVIES Nlilwaukee's 5tli Annual Gayfl.esllian Film Festival \ A[ds Oamperls Baok! Nleet the subGurlz! Drag Performer Mandi Mccall Murdered in Milwaukee SeeIIeus..................................................pago4 Openly Gay Candidates Run in Milwaukee, Dane County See Neus ............ : ...... „ ..... „ ....... „ ............. page 5 225 South 2nd Street Mllweukeo, Wl 53204 ls Clinlon the Worst President Ever? Phone: (414) 278-7840 Fax: (41 4) 278€868 e-mall: lnstoppub ® CAMPER'S BACK! And ln Step's Got Her! ISSN * 1045.2436 SeesubGurlz.............................................page25 PUBLISHEFt Great Music, Theater, Art to Combat C;abin Fever F]on Golman See Arts .................................................. page 21 ASSOCIATE I.UBLISHER Annabello Havlicek Milwaukee's Gayitesbian Film & Video Festival EDITOR See Feature ........... „ ................. „ .............. page 32 Jamakaya coLumNI§Ts Calling the Psychic Lesbian Friends Network... Vvonne Zlpter See Inside Out ........................................... page 41 Sholly F]oberts V Art eno Zarembka Carl Szatmary T B"y Holliday Chafrone ucritomsteln We Call 1[ Master and Servant KITk stark v MaMn Llebman \ Jamie Taytor T Mary Shaler S§±±S±rkReality.................................„....page43 cONmiBUToi]s John Cain T Dale Fleynolds Rlchard Mohr T Dennls MCMillan Owen I(echnen Calendar NATioNAL AD REPRESENTrmvE Classies Flivendell Marketing PO Box 518. Westheld, NJ 070910518 Classies Order Form (coo) 232-2021 . Fax (so8) 232.0521 Group Notes CARTOONISTS Guide I]obert Amold T Paul Hofmann Health ftoben Kirby Independently Speaking PlloTOGFIAPHERS James Taylor T Jofl Butlor T Brian Janusz Jock Shorts Keepin' In Ste AD DESIGN Havlieck a Associates & Yilri Keeg8tra Letters GRAPHICS Jony Hanson Profiles LAYOUT Quotes of a Queer Nature Jony Hanson •Spirituality OFFICE STAFF Wanderings Bnan Janusz 00VERSTORY:Hunky.DlrkShafer,directorofManoftheYear;MarlonRiggs, I)lsTRIBUTION Brlan Januaz a Ch"II Flush direG[orofBlackls,BIackAin't;andMichelleHandelman,directorofBloodsis[ers will have [heir work screened at MilwaukBe's 5th Annual Gay/Lesbian Film & ##a#s,rt®S,P#'.'#,edrig:Lisr=i#V°pryubff:: tion of the name or photograph of any person, onganL- Video Festival February 2-8 at the UW-Milwaukee Cinema. (Riggs photo cour- zatron, oi t}usmosg In this magazine dco8 not .eflec` tiponono'ssoxualorienthtion\whatsoover.AILcopy.text. tesy lTVS, Handelman by Mon[e Cazazza) display, givo!os and illustratlong in advertisemonts are pilblished `mth the under8tonclmg that the adver`Iee]9 are fully a\morized, have 8courod the proper consem SUBSCRIPTIONS: for the use of nariiog, plctures and lostlmonlals ol any o8rsons, and fo Stop Afagazino may fawlully publish Half Year (13 Issues): $20 and cause Such pub]lcallon to be made, and §avo Full Year (25 Issues): $35 #=nled:#¥ofN#a#r:::s?nngy;ondm:'|&abp!|# lkatm. Mailed First Class in nondescript envelope. Send name, address and P8gc) 2 ` Jen 24 -Fob 6,1996` IN STEP payment to above. address. ln Brookfield there is a young man. Ilo knew hc was different. Ilo wohdercd if life was worth living. Then hc saw PrideFest `93 on the lotql neus. For the first (ime he understood that he could grow qp and be happyE ln Oak Creek (here arc proud parents. Thqrre proud of their gay son. Inspired by PridcFest `94 hc cqmc ou( to (hem. Ilo foqhd (hat they loved him os much as (hey ever did. In Milwaukee there is qn e[dcrly womqn. She "(ihgles" remembering (he Pride she felt before PrideFcst `95. She looked out a window and for the first (imc in her life, she saw Rqihbow Flags flying above her Cit`rs streets. all Over Wistohsih there are thousands of gays, lesbians, (heir friends and families looking forwqrd (a PridcFest,`96. Some will find the Courage to come out. Some will start to understand that we are more than a sex life. all will feel pride. Prid€Fest brings us together. Young and old, gay qhd I(rqight. It ins(ills pride ih eqth of us. These qre just a for acTqfiL drq`inple; ~ of how we help. fis a pro°ud, united commqhity, we can overcome `J any challenge. Help us put more people on the path (hat leads over the Rqihbow. Support The PROUD CROWD CflMpfllGM Be deherous when you are {allcd or Cqll PrideFcst (414) Z7Z-FEST ad spate donqfed by ln Step MEWS Friends Moum I)rag Performer Mandi Mooall, Murllered im Milwaukee "Mandi Was Always TIIere to Lend IIer llalents...'' By |amakaya Mandi Mccall :ho¥tpoT#erwdar8£:bge.t,9movies.Imade E:¥#£anhu:k£:ale=no£::r§;dmpwth:#fcari; ``She had this expression she always EjgE#=5=#:ti:=E=!:rk:foELT:o- =1Tgarinsc¥Elew£*#df%±oaTnFunity Mccall's body was discovered by ;:s:q:gi:t:is:y:tiiugr;iei:;:a;E;ep:aiie:::I livedfand was killed. The other units are 8:ecvufedanbdyB:,rH¥BE=::r,TresrsbeTab£[Tk: §o§:=`;e{ju];:£gve;{§jy:e:vm#e§];%fr;{njp::;;i ;:eybcjogmhfu£?efe:nabigs:gtfla;':',rEn£- givin,ST::¥y9thfrda!?]t[;°efi£Pt°hr:i':own gg¥:n;jk::v:#![£i;£S:,ef:efcdi:ke:r]::a:t memories Of Mandi. Tabby said She was 3%hfahve°y?i,e[[P=ny:ou?,estrandedwith. ii?osit:;dad;hnof:i;ji:g::pds:Ei:;:jt; wordBs£[s,£eess¥fdd::,:,EL:e;#£°;gee#t:£:St: #|hs::a;:ir:ganh;escT:t:'[dctoaulkuled`tgae?.?,r have¥eaenndiiief:i::::r[Syu:gs:ltd:?em:Sty They all worked that night, and over the :::_:-`--`--_ ----- weekend all of them were home, but FRIENDS REMEIV[BER MAHDI Fiacredti:,o£.¥g,;¥aa:sywseariigth=yckv.: The first message was recorded at 10:02 Onefriend,AlvinHams,saidMandi ;a:gTFgg:¥n:i:;#:£s[¥€fly:\jut:cg:sj{§te¥§:o£ what I'm capable of doing." (£d. Nofe.. %a:o`i:wTeranddo8:y}n#ie::0;`otr°k:hd°:: ;i::nE:i,fig;h:I;e,3;::a;ufo:ff;,:ta!s::!cai;:hit,i EOTe¥#:dtmthrifri¥saig=::Esr.fedbutas :fieoyffipcuenfd°wP::£:%raTtht:;oiis%ig|:¥: £Pfrdyag:.MC:nde{:gs:eesftascigoHaTf[c:£°sek: =L::::rae:n¥:n:i:#::ysafL:ij]iaarvewh£:: Faedf;;g#hi::n:£f±!e:#e¥:d:at##: cosmetologist and a make-up artist. an "off and on" relationship with Mandi me, '1 killed her, I took a knife and I slit But Mal\di was most widely known her throat." in the Gay communrity. Frieiids say she :::i3:3utlt`:?rr=|!;#pV::a,!£:3:i:nd,: At about this time, Hanson noticed was the lst Miss Fox Valley in 1985. In the 1980's, she was one of the 219 Girls. ¥o°uspte:eactecn,:[s¥'L;h;,epfrdf°3r8}s:dw{th i:#i::idi:ffTij:;e!i:teg*¥;g;iii#£F:h; :i:i;eo;sjii:iii§f§i:s;::;:i¥hi;a;FhijjE::i#§;: Hanson then called a cab to take :3::i?g=f:I;:]a;b[ae:n:ea£}:sc:o:i:e';ij#ggd;I publisher Ron Geiman noted. "Mandi h¥eTt?:Et°9;#Sdc#gegodric¥t% was always there to lend her talents. She Borg=r::TtdFSu::::LeEeodmte°iejha:rc,aetstt:: check out Mandi's home. Homicide de- Vie Friday, January 19 to moum Mandi's tectives interviewed Hansom for about :i:;akr::1;harearct::.¥oThy:nih::°amnEu: passing. woman. She could always make people laugh.,, sg;:;¥¥s,e::n:air::u:;i,?waiis:::rr;s;i::f:I:;i Brittany Morgan met Mandi ill 1982 #:&anmuTa:rge,:::jni8THdefsh3rfg :T:d:#p=er¥#j¥:ofgn:eg;I:fi:ehwewy:e:=e: held on $90,000 cash bail. ol`e of inine. We did everything together: Pagei 4 ` Jan 24 -Fob 6.1996` IN STEP Hal.en fiotzler, Steve Rose in Historic Bills for Milwaukee Common Council Ttwo Oiienly Bay Candidates in TIIirll District Race By |amakaya Milwaukee-Itmaybeanoldstory run?Twocomm]tteesworkingonget-out- Steve Rose in Dane County and Madison, where the-vote campaigns in our community openly Gay ai`d Lesbian candidates have can only help in the long run." Jbeen ruining for office - aiid wirming Gotzler is pleased and grateful for - for years, but Milwaukee in 1996 is theoutpouringofsupportshe'sreceived experiencing an historic first: one openly from the local LesBiGay community. (She Lesbian and another openly Gay .candi- has even been endorsed by the Washing- date are vying for a seat on Milwaukee's ton-basedGayandLesbianVlctoryFund, Common Coui`ci]. The primary election whichfunnelsdonationstoGayandLes- is February 6. biancandidates~seeN¢lfo"a/Brl.cys)But I Karei` Gotzler, a longtime Lesbian Gotzler is equally impressed with the ac[ivist and businesswoman who has overwhelmingly positive resporise from mostrecentlyworkedasaiiecoiromicde- non-Gay voters in the district. Her sexual velopmentconsultai`tforthestateofWis- orientation is mentioned in virtually all coi`sii`, is seeking to represeiit of her campaigr` literature, and her cam- Milwaukee's Third District on the Com- paignsloganis''OutFrontfortheThird." "For most people it hasi`'t been an inon Council. So is Steve Rose, a trans- planted Texan active in Gay community issue. For the few who have expressed groupswhoseresumealsoincludesseven concern, I've been able to engage them in years in residei`tial property manage- some dialogue about just who 'those ment. people'are-peoplelikeme-andtried Some members of the Gay commu- to do some consciousness-raising. " nity have expressed frustration that two JOBS, TAXES, CRIME suchcredibleopeulyqueercai`didatesare vying against each other in the same dis- Milwaukee's Third Aldermairic Dis- cityneedstoworkmorecloselywithem- trict. Others put a more positive spin on trict rui`s along Mil`waukee's lakefroi`t, ployerstobetterunderstandtheneedsof the Third District race, saying it's loiig roughly from the downtown area north small business development. " to Shorewood. The east side district has a "I see one of the jobs of government past time Gay cairdidates ran for office in. Beertown ai`d that it's a hopeful sign of reputation for being more progressive as cr:ating an environment that allows more such cai`didacies to come.
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