.. ID r ling-tum t BY THE STUDENTS AND FOR THE STUDENTS --1 ------No.~ VOL. XVI WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1912 ------~ CRITICAL YEAR STUDENT Y. M. c. A. CON- 'BLUE AND WHITE TEAM FOR BOAT CLUBS FERENCE OF VIRGINIA DEFEATS ST. JOHN'S Reds Determined to Win From Noted Speakers Will Address the Blues- Omens Point to Conference at W. & L.- Date Score 24 to 14-0pen Characteristic of the Game- St, Victory for Blues Oct. 31 to Nov. 3 John's Fails to Score in Second Balf- W. & L. Appears Strong- Buehring and Clark Star Tbe boat erew situation this year Tbe Student Y. M. C. A. Confer- as inter eting. When the Albert ence of Virginia will meet in lu- In a fast opPn game of football, pauee. Captain Miller and Moord Sidney• finished the eeuon Jaat ington at Wa~hington and L'!e Uni- in which the new st~le of lootball playrd • fine game in l ~e .ine, theY' vereitv, Oct. 3ht and Nov . 3rd in re· threw the orange and black l ackf\eldl June with a double victory, esch " was the chief teatare., Waahington blue crew leading its rival under sponse to a cordial Inv itation from men for a Ioiii every tlmo a line' the chord at the flnieh by a boat the y. M. C. A. of our lnetitution. and Lee " eteated the atrong el~ven plunge wae attempted. length thln~~:s euddrnly took on a The main object of the conference is from St. J ohna by a 'c&re of 24 to Clarke wu the stsr of the St. very new aspect. For eeven yPaff to train leader• in the department 14. The game was clean and hat Johne teem. Be made bGth <>f thlf the Rede bad invariably been win· of Bible study, miuionary ac\ivltiee from teainning to end. Both teams touchdGwne ecored by St. J nhr.s an~ nere, and two r e~ults were n1dent. and eocial service. However besidea worked with a anappy fiabc and their did brilliant work at quarter back. A marked and growing prl'ponder· doing this. tbe Conterence will ren· oppoMnts seemed unable to atop Captain Mellon was a conelstent: ance of red ribbon among the epec:­ der a nlaable eervlee In bringtnr them. ground gainer and be can icd the' tatore on the Island grated 1orely on more clo~ely together leaden of the Wethington and Lee scorer! t he ball for several long end runs thd the nenee of the Albert Sidney Student movement throagboat the ftut tourbdown i, the flret ft•e looked dangerous to the blue anct strong men, and they reapnded to it State and in ttrengtbening the aplri\ minutet of play and then St, Johne white men. The interfereuce of St. tomatbing after the manner ot the of unity and of IJmpathy between performed the nme thing aaeinat Johnt on theee long end run• war provtrblal Mexlun Bull. On the them. the blue and white team on tbe next ftne. oth"'r ban1 tbe Red oartmen began Tbe inapi.rational value of the con- kick off. Waehlngton tnd Lee played one' to look to the laurele at altogether ference will be by no menu the St. Johne waa unable to 1\0P hundred per cent better ball than 101 a matter of coun~. This eecond emalleat contribution made toward• Wublngton and Lee a t any tnJ ntber rame aeen on W ilaon Field! reault, the ever fatal over c:onflaence tbe au!vancement ot Cbrlttian wnrk. during the aame while alao Wub- thlt fall and every one who aaw tbe' on the part of the Rede, the Barry A gllmpte of the proeram given be· ineton and Lee wae unable to etop gaae ie of the opinion that the re· Lee'e coneid•r "' an espential rauae low and the ebara~ter of the apeak- St. Jobnl ln the ftrtt half. aainder of the aeatun will be playecf of lut year'a delea,. ere and leac!era will ahow clearly Tbe chief feature ot St. Johns without another defeat. But tbe thing that malcet this that exceptional men hue been ee- playing wae their conttant 011 of GAME IN DETAIL Jaar't race of eo mueh Importance cured and that exceptional addrelllet the forward pus, which netted them Captain Miller won the ton ancf ie another little matter of bietorJ. will be beard. Tbe felloweblp which lone gaint. In the third and fourth w. and l. recei9ld the kick, Fran, Suceen bae in the past gone to the the c:mference will afford to the del- qaarttn the blue and white playere cia returning the ball ftve yards. lfJ two crews alternately by groupe egates with ecore1 of repreeentative worked hnock on tbeee tactice. torward paee, Milu to Peepte1, of yean, the 11me crew almoet fn­ ttadent leaden from all kind1 of in- Time and again St. Jobnl •ttempted netted twenty Jardt and on the rant. 'Urlably winning fer from three to •tttulJont, giv6 a ecope and dianity forward pall afttr forward peel but play St. Jobnt waa oenaliud 6ve' ala consecutive Jean before tbe t iae of a11ociation work end will forniab the back !eld men of Wethington rd lor offside. Beubrine went 11 11 turned In favor of Ita r ital. fh,. many opportunitiu for the helpful and Lee broke them op. through the left aide of the line for' Albert Sidney logician• argue I rom exchange of idn1. The forward paae uettd in the fir~t five Jarda and Raftery bit c:entel" thne facta that. the autpicel pvlnt The program It 11 follow•: and ••cond qaartert by the orange for ten, making ftnt down•. On 8 to •ic:torJ tbie year t or the Bluet, Thoreday, Oct. 31, 8:00 p. m.- a nrt black player• cou ld not be erie• crou Peeplee ma&de threeJarda> and winning the eeeond time they Banquet. Welcoming addreu, La· aolved by the blue and white war- anlt Edmandl added fl•• more on • have a sore lease on 'irto ry for at land P. Cary, et~cr etery of Wuhin«· riora. ,_ben St. John• would aet elmilar play. RafterJ made down• leaat three more yeera. The Barry ton and Lu: urpont•, 0. R. Magill, into kicking di,tance of the blue placing the bell on St. John'• one' Lee ad•oeatea, however, hil t.lto· aeeretan of \'lrglnia Polytrchnic and white goal line they would play Jard lin•, from which Peeplee carJ gather to eee the beauty of aucb Instiaute. Add rell, Dr. u~nry Louis aa if for • trJ at fteld goal but then ried it O'ler for a tbouchdown. Capo~ Ing le, and ate determined to prove Smith, prt-ai lent of Waahington and would make long pus to the end. tain Miller kicked eoal. Francillf by bard work and more of it that Lee. Thla wu tbeplayated in which they kicked off for W. and L., to Welcb biatorJ only repeat• it.aelt in euch Friday, No•. 1. 10 :no to 12:30 a. ecored their atcond touchdow.,. whe return•• the ball ave yarde. mattert aa Mexican revolutiont. m.- Confennce nn Bible Study, Bar· The blue and whit.e team relied A play around right end failed ta At one reeu It of tbit in created rison S. Elliott, aecretary Bible etudy on line plunging for moat of their cain bat Wileon tklrted left end fol" ual on the part of the two crawl, interoational committu. gains. • • Cannon Bell'' Beabring fit teen yards and a like Jllay arooncf old North river bu been the ecene 3 :30 to 5 :SO p. m.-conferenee on making down• nearly every time be rihgt t'nd netted ftfteen more. St. of vigoroue acll•llY for the put ten Miseion Study, W. W. Bro.1kman. waa giten the ball. Be nner made John'e forward pan wae incomplete' d•Y•· 1'he boat ere~• are getllng 8:00 p. m. - Addreu , • • The Bible," Jue than ftve yard• any time he llut Clarke, on 8 fake buck rscert' regular and consietent hll treining Or. ~:. A_lphoneo Smith, Oniversity cbergfd tht line.. Beuhring'_e lin~ twenty yards. On the flr!t lln&uP' fJr the 6rot time in the hiatory of of VIrginia. plunglnq wu t~e bn~ht epot In the~ Sr. Johns fumbled and "1i llf'r rt:" • Washington and Lee Unlveraaty. Saturday, Nov. 2, 10_:30 to 12:30. gaml' for Waeb1naton 11nd Lu and eover .:d the bMII on the fi\'e yard The crews propose to keep up train­ - Co~fuence on Soc1111 Service, h 11 Will euily the ~tar of the game. j lin~. Edmunda made ftve aroand ing until the latter part of Novem­ Boy• Work, H. T. Baker._ state R11ht>rv hleo pl~~ed a . line gtm~. left end but Beabring f urr.blfd on ber, an:t efforts are beinr made to boya' secretary; Negro Conditions. The Ceaturu of b., pla~1n11: were h., lhe ftllowing play. The viaiturs ar range for a race at that time be­ B. M. McManaw•y. handlirg or pllnts, hl!l f\eld ao"l, t five around riKht end and then tween the new men of the two clubs. S~turda~ After_noon- Free for rec· end hil earrylng the b1ll .. Edmunds :.,er~it:d the ball over for 1 tlluch.; With thi5 adl!itiontl training andre. reauon, 11ght1ee1ng, etc. Nat•nal and Petplea JJ layed con!~llant ami down. They punted out and kicked doubling of effortl on both tides it Bridge. Tomb of General R. E. eteady ball both ~otu n n~t 1n dehn· Is onlv reasonable to upeet that Lee. VIrginia Military Instltutt-. aiva work in bu.king up fHw lilrd ConUnued on 11u• a record time will be made nu t June, 8:00 p. m.-A:idrt'n, " Social Ser- -....;...--======--....:======-- and the raee ahoulJ be one of tne vi.:e, ' 1 S. A. Ackerly, state ucr!­ moat botly onteued In many a yuar. tary, Y. M. C A. W. & L. U. Football Schedule Of the old ftrat crew men bark t h 11 Sunday, Nov. 8, 11 ;00 a, m. - Pu I J. H. MILLER, C11 ptain Albert Sidneye have Dillon, 3, ana pits of Lexington aup!JheJ b.9 visit­ F. W. Mc\'.ANE, Mnnagcr Webster, 2. The enllre Albert ing dtlegatu. 4 :30 p. m.- Boy'a Sidney second crew of Jut year is meelinJt, C. R. Magi II, etcrt'tary, back, and the twu vacanciu on the Viraiola Polytechnic Institute; B. T. Sept. 28.-Medical College of Virginia, 0; W. & 1.,.7:. ftrat crew will probably be bard Baker, et1te boya' aeeretary. Oct. 5.- \V'estern Maryland College, 13; \V. & L., 30 fought for between Merrill, 4, 8:00 p. m.-Ciosinr urvices, Prer­ Somenille, 8, KeiiJ, 2, and Mur­ byterlan church. Addreu, Or. 12.-Georgetown University, 20; \V. & L., 0 ph/, 1. Among the Alber t Sidney Cbarlea 'II. Kent, Univenity of Vir· 19.-St. Johns College, 14; W. & L., 24 new material showing up well are ginia. Dillingham, Fieber, Claud !l ~itb , 26.-Wake Forest CollE!ge, Lexington. Lathre, Cox, Campbell and Apper­ Lestn B. Dotro", '10, Is rapidly Nov.2. - Davidson College, Lexington. eon; and Hampton, Fowlkes and taklna hie place In t he forefront of Guiti.rrea aa oouwain. Raflery baa 9.---V. P. I., Roanoke. the enalneeu of the Southern rail­ Carolin~ agreed to coach the Blue crewt. road. Ble budqutrtere are now at 16.---University of North 1 Greensboro. 28.-Thanksgiving--A. & M. of .N. C. Norfolk. CoaUnued OD paae 8 Knonillt, Tenn. 2~======~======R=IN=G=T~U=M==P=H=J==~======T======TENNIS TOURNAMENT Question for N.C. Debate Selected BEGINS TffiS WEEK I', R• H. FOX Further arrangements bave bet>n Thursday Will Be the Opening Day for made for tbe Intercollegate Debate the Tennis Tournament between Wethington anrl Lee and the University of North Cuolina. A fall tennis tournament at Waab­ There are now two dozton men work. ing on the question, v.bich Ia as fol. ington and Lee is now a sur11ty. 'fhe Once ' Iowa: Reaolvt>d, "That a more adviaability of having a tournament easy and expeditioua method of Your Barber before winter was discuaaed at a amending the Federal constitution meeting of the Tenn is club held Fri­ ehould be ado~oted." North Ctrolina Always day afternoon in the English Room. would consent to no other arrange. ment than a selection of question by Your Barber After considerable dlaeueaion. It waa Waahington and Lee and a choice YOU CAR SAVE MOREY decided to authorize the president of of side by North Carolina. Tbe a8 shirts, collars and cuffs are injured ---- - the elub to choose two committees, que1 tion was cboeen last Thursday more by improper washing: and ironing one on tournaments and the other on night, when a number of questions than by actual wear. Th1s ia an abso­ Have You Tried Him? ruhs and regulations. The bylaws were voted on in Newcomb Ball by lute fact, as you probably know. It is also an absolute fact that your linen Do It Now of the:club:and t he reguhttiona undl'r about a dozen men who are out tor will wear twice as long and look better which the tournaments will be held the team. After balloting and much bv having ,it launoered by the Lex­ are to be left in the bands of tbe diaeuuion, the question as stated ington Steam Laundry, No. 1164 N. committeea. wae finally selected, Lelng the fira t Main St. Branch office, Model Barber WE HAVE EVERYTHING THE Sbop. This you can prove by giving us Dr. Moore selected the commit­ choice of every man. your work regularly, and finding out STUDENTS. LlKE tees as follows : Tournament, P. A. · A meeting of · the debatera was how mueb you can save b~· it. Stuaents IN'I'REWAYOP Laughlin, Jr., P. P. Gibson, B. held in Newcomb Hall on Saturday get a special discount on all their work. B'rber; Rulea ani Regolationa: J. night, when varioua matteu were Cigars, Cigarettes E. Yonge, E. B. Delaplaine, W. P. discuaaed, and arrangements made For Prompt Service Call Houghton. It the weather permits tor the preliminaries. Rides were Fresh Candies, Fruits the tall tournament will commence selected by the men, and different All kinds of Canned Meats Thuraday, Oct. 24th. There will details were offered by Dr. Hancock. Miley's Livery probably be no contests at doublee The raame queatlon will be debated FOR Crackers, Cakes, etc. until next apring. in the preliminaries 11 In the Inter· The tournament whiclt begins this collegiate debate. Since there will Street Surreys and Transfer Come In to see ua week an!~ continues for nearly two be at leaat twenty five men in the Wagons weeka wtll bring for th the beat prellminarlea the queation will be Welsh & Lindsay efforts of about forty playera. ThA diacuued from m~ny angles, and Stylish Rigs and Cabs for Dances membenbip of the club ia now eisty, the real work or. Wabiagton and Tt-lephone No. 204 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow and the tournament will be open only Lee's aide alone will not be gone J dreraon Stre«t Lexin&'Uln. V a. Always the same. to those who belong to the club. The Into rontll after the debaten are Jobl W. Mlley, Prop. tournament will be dividend into eboaen. H O. DOLD claaaes according to t~ laying ability, The prelimlnarlea will be held be· The Titanic may ao down and trophies will be awarded to the fore Nov. 9th, wblcb Is about one But Browu never Je&Yee town. THE STUDENTS' FRIEND winners. All thoee who want to en· month before the Intereollegiate de­ Who needa no ad•ertlaln& tAr the coming tournament Fboold bate. Other men who will try out, J. H. BROWN band in their names at the earliest buides those mentioned in the laat wishes to [meet you face to face in moment to auy of the officera of the issue of the Rlng·tum Phi u e : steam Sponging hie comer place-either day or night. club. Daniel E. Ma1sey, MorRan M. Kea­ French Cleaning EVERYTIDNG GOOD The interest in tenni1 baa a lready ton, B. M. Woooward, B. P. Pet. Pressing, Scouring attracted attention. A ehallen1e tua, Henley F. Day. P. D. Convene, and Repairing TO hu already been rer.eived from tba A. S. Cummins, D. G. Kelly, Wil­ CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER EAT, SMOKE CHEW AND DRINK. V. M. I. tor matchea with Waeblng­ liam M. Diekeraon, P. C. Buford, ton and Lee, but the matter will J r., C. R. Wt>lnberger. ClotbeB sent for and delivered. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Ladies' work a apecialty. probably not be considered until All kinds of bats cleaned and blocked -FOR- early in the epring. Special delivery wagon. Terms cash. The Tennis tournament will begin A. K. Fletcher, ' 00, is recoa niud Phone 194. 17 S. Main Street. Engraved Calling Cards Thursday at 8 :15 p. m., and a ny or.e aa one of tbe leading droaglatl of not on the courts at that time will Harrisonburg. where be ia a member W. HARRY,.::AGNOR not be allowed to enter thf t ourna­ of the 8rm of Fletcher Brothere. MILEY'S Plll'ITIJG OFFICE mentl aa bl1 place will be forfttted. 'The Up.Town Store !atloul Buk BaildiDf Seco•d Floor ~- Da•id A. Dutrow ia one of the This will l>e a mlzed tournament clau ol '05. who bu met with auc· Towels, B~d Coveringl!l, Washstand of 1lnglea and doubles. Three prisee Supplies, Tobaceoa, Cigars, Fruits and ORDER YOUR will be given to the winners in tb111 ceas in Secondary Sobool education. Confections. Give us a call. . • Be Is now principal of the Newport three claaaee . of singles. A cup will IIWb 9li MAIN STREET Coal, Wood and Kindling tllewa biah er.hool. be given to tbe winner of A class. FROM There will be two classes in doublet F'rPd B. Steven~cn, B. A., ' 09, I• From Make to Wearer in which the winners will be given pastor of tbe Prtosbytl'rian ehurch at iOBINSON l HUTTON CO. prizee. M. GANS St. Al~ans, W. Va. Uopn bla grad. No. 21 W. Nmon St. Lexlntrlon, Va The club will furniab all balia for uation from the Seminary be r•ceiv. Hat Manufacturer and Remodeler tbe conteat. Every memher of the ed a flattering call to work in Balti. Ju. IAwll Howe Wm . M . McEiw~ tennia club is eligible to be in the more, but eschewed the C'ity life. Opposite Carroll Hotel Preeldent Cuhler Lynchburg, Va. tournament and every one in tbe The Peoples National Bank • University is eligible to join tbe "Pin'' Web1ter, '12, i• teacblna t ennis club. in the Bingham School at Asheville, F. A . DUNN LEXINGTON, VA. taking the place left vacant by the Those who ~ish t o go into the ORGANIZED APRIL l. 1904 tournament should band hit name to resignation or Charlea Glaegow, '10, Capital Stock. $60.000 Surplut, $22,000 one of the tennis h urnament com· who resigned to take tip the study of mittee. law at Washington and Lee. Plumbing and Heating The Model Barber Shop

W. R. Keis ter, '94, Is en alum- Next Door Bank of,Rockdridge Collins and Goodloe nus "ho has met with singular sue- 18 ~outh Main Stre•t Elected to Edit Calyx ces! in school work. For the past------­ Students' el~b t een yeara he bas been In charge Headqua~ters ot the Harrisonburg schools. He waa F. A. GRIGSBY At a meeting of the atudent body recently president of the Virginia H. A. WILLIAMS Proprietor executive committee Saturday H.M. State Teachers' easoclatlon. At th11 Bootblack Parlor Collins and H. R. Goodoe were elect. laat aeasion of the aummer school of 'l'an Shoes Cleaned and Polished. Childress• Bakery ed as editor in chief and as manager the University :of Virginia, be was ALL KJNDS OF 11n Instructor. In the National Edu­ Sunday Hours: ot the Calyx respecively, for this From 8 to 10:30 A. M. aession. c•tiona l aeaoeiation, be was honored Candies and Baked Goods SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The election of these two gentle­ by helng made the d1rector f or tha Phone 193 men WllS nade neP.easary :on account State of Virginia for 19ll, and be ------­ 23 West N~!Jon St. of the r uignatlon of Milling a.,d presided 111 president over he auo· Ward at the beginning of the year. ciattioo of Schools and Colleges in W.C.STUART G.A. RHODES Ibe election of Collins and Good­ 1909. loe has met the approval of the stu. University Text Books Butcher and Dealer in Fresh dent body as they are recognized ae Parks Davie wishes to announce Meats men of a!> llity and 18 men wbo can that he baa matrimonial Intentione Stationery and Supplies turn oot a bo"k tbat wil l do credit which be will carry out next year, Oysters, Fish and Dressed Fowle t o tbia fnetiotion. after be gela hie law degree. for Students In season RING-TUM PHI 3

BLUE AND WHITE TEAM ington and lee. Attar RafterJ bad DEFEATS ST. JOHNS tailed to gain, P•eples made five J. ED. DEAVER around right end. W. and L. reeelt­ ed a fifteen )ard penaltrand heplea ConUnued from o~• 1 punted lortJ J&rde and Francie rt• covered the ball. The White and Clothier and Gent's Furnisher. ~oal. Score W. and L., 7; St. Blue made eeven on two playa and Johne, 7. St. Jobne kicked to Rat. Rafter1 made a drop kick from tba terJ who returned the ball twentJ- thirty ftve yard line. Score, Waeh· fin yarde. On two plara Miles and l lngton and Lee. 24; St. Jobne, 14. RafterJ made downa. Baah:ing bit W. and L. w11s offside on the kick­ the line lor the and then maae ten off and the ball wall brought back and after RattPrJ had failed to gain. Francia again kicked. 'Ihe ball 11'18 Suits Made to Order f'eeplea went over cackle for eigltt retu r n~td fifteen .rardt. Two pau11 ano Beuhrlna added ten. Tbe quar- were mcomolete but c.n the third at­ ter ended with the ball on St. John's tempt, St. Johns made a auccuatul Prices reasonable. Fit guaranteed. teo yard line. Score W. and L., one to Mellon for again of tbirtr 1; St. Johne, 7. five yards. Edmunds inttrcept6d On tba next lineup Peeples gained the n11:a t pus. 'Ihe game ended 11 Main street, Lexington a yard and Beuhrlng made downa. Raftery ran around left end for ftf­ Opp. Oourt House J. Ed. Deaver A erie• croas by Edmunda lett a teen. Score, W. and L., 2<&; St. ------­ yard to ro and Raftery went over Jc.hns, 14. for a touchdown and Miller kicked ~be ltneup and au mmarv: goal. Score, W. and L, 14; St. W. and L. Position St. J obna ' 'i J obne, 7. Francie R. E. Claude Clarke returned the kickoff ten Miles R. T. Broaawa ler yarda. On the fourth down St. Walton R. G... McNutt l Jobn1 was forced tn punt and it waa Moore C. Lewia ' W. and L. 'a ball on he r ten yard Mille r, capt. L. G. Gladden .r line. Peeplee immediately panted Neblett, Shultz L. T. {Wood ward I tw entJ five J trdl and Barker downeti Darker, Bieatt r L. E. :;;:;;. Welch I the St. John• plarer In hie tracka. Raft.,ry Q. B. Clarke o n the ftrat lineup St. J obne failed Peeples L. H. B. Wil1on to 1 11l n but on the next play oaeaed Edm~nda, Bone R. R. R. Cla~ton COL ONIAL - the ball ~eunteen yards. W. and Hobson L. held them tor three downa llot on Beohring F. B. Mellon. capt \ t he fourth, they made a forward Touchdowns: lhftery, Pee:Jiet, Triple Heel ~ and Toe pan from a fake kick forrr.atlon, Beuhring, Clarke 2. Golla from \ which nettert ten yard a and a touch- touchdowns: Captain Miller, 3; down. St. John'a punted out and Claudt', 2. Field Goal : RafterJ. Lisle Hose kicked goal, the ball t trtklng the Referee: Mr. Sampson of J efferaon uprights. Score. W. and L, 14: Athletic club. Roanoke. Umpire: FOR MEN St. Johns, 14. Mr. Davis of Hampde n Sidney. Bead The only bose guaranteed without e;;u:-­ Raftery recei 98:i the kickoff and linesman: Mr. Orooru of Lynchburg. pons or time-lime. Every pair must give ran twenty yards before be was Linesmen: Meura Rogers of W ab­ the wearer satiafartion or we are lnstruc­ downed. St. John's recovered the lngton and Lee and Lewia of St. t~d by the makers to give you a new pair at once. Made of the finest g rade Sea ball on Bone'a f.tmble bot they also Johns. Timl'l of quarters, 12, 10; Island Cotton, with pure Irish Linen heels fumbled on the u cond li neup and it 12, 10. and toes. Price 2.5 cents. waa W. and L'a ball. The half waa up as Peeples gain- Fall Practice is In Fall Swill( ~d three on a criaa crou. Score: F•ll baseball practtce wae beaun Strain & TPatton W. and L. • 14; St. J ohne, 14. tut wuk, and will be continued-•• SECOND BA P lon~t as the weather pumltJ. Pall ractice for bueball plarers ie a new W. and L. kicked off and on the ecbeme at Wa4 Lington and Lee, but fourth down St. J ohns was forced to the plan recrtved immedate approu l, pont to Rattery wbo came back fi r­ and a nubmtr of new men have re- teen yards. Line plu ngea by Beoh­ p') rted on Wileon fie ld. - t in ~t and Rd ttry and a forward pua The call was made bJ Rarr1 E. h om Miles to Peeples made fi rst Moran, Va rsity twirler for three down and two more plunge! by !Jueb­ years. Moran wu captain of ban ­ r insr gained tbe nqui r,.d tf'n yarda ba ll last year; Erwi n, captain for Mil e• made flu through the l ef t aide 1913, will no t rrturn to roller e. and Beohring added four mcue. W. There is a big op11ortunity for new and L. was penalized fif teer yards men to make the Varsity thia vear. for ho ldinr bu t Raftery made back Beaidea Erwin at Short, Smith at the loss by a fl fteen yard run. B•uh· stcond, and Webster at center will STRAIN & PATTON r ing bucked center for five and Ed­ be missing. There will be plenty mand failed to gain. On the nut of old heads, however, on the dia­ lineup Baubr lng ran around lett end mond. Donahue and Stuat t will bfl tor a touebaown. Raftery (I Unted back at rateh, PefPlea at fi rst, Raf· Clothiers out to Edmunda who made an excel­ tery at third and Bona and ~Tur by · lent catch. Miller k icked goal. lilt In the outfield. Tompkins and Score, W. and L., 2l; St. J ohna, 14. Moran will probably get in shape AND Francia kicked off. ~t. Johns for big gamu. attempted three forward paues in Betwe•n twenty-five and thirty aueceuion all of wh:cb were incom­ men have reported lor tbe fall prac­ plete, and they wer11 fo rced to punt tice. Harris ie practicing fr pllcb, to Raftery, who ran it back ten and Lancaster is try ini out for aee­ Gents' Furnishers yards. Edmunda gained fhf. Reub­ ond. Burke, neaver and Wagner r ing fumbled but Moore recovered. are a lao showing up Wf'll. A II men The "Cannon Ball" hi t the lett are urged to ehow up at once, eo aide for eeven and Peeplea mace that ae much work as possible ean be Main Street Lexington, V a. downs. W. and L. failed to ~a in accomplished before colj weather on th} nut three plaJI and tbe seta in. whiet1e blew for the end of the quar­ ter. Converse Elected Valedictorian W . T. ROBEY C. E. WOODW ARD The fourth quarhr opened with the ball on St. J ohra twenty-sl:a At a meeting ot the Senior clau Livery and Baggage yard line. A forward pau tailed Thursday Paul D. Convreae was Automobile Supplies and the ball went over to St. Johns. elected valedictorian. The election Transfer Again W. and L. held her oppontnta of Converse to this po4llion of hon- Cars for hit·e and they were forced to punt. Mlies or bas met the popular approval of BUENA VISTA, VA. ell the members of tbe Senior aca- ______..;._____ 8 tudenta' business especially aolicited failt~d to gain and St. John~~ Inter­ cepted our pau. Beuhring and demlc and Senior engineering eluaea. 11rL Moon broke up two paa11a but on Converse was elected by acclamation. Holmes' Restaurant. ..,,. Mt.ller Transfer Co. th• third lineup, St. John• raced Football wae again diecuseed in GOOD SERViCE around right end for alght rarda and the elaas and a team •ill be pot on JOHN C.lllJTrON. Wanaser the gridiron that will aaain fight Clarke made downs. Edmund• broke MAIN OFFICE up three forward passea in auceea­ for the championebip wbieb the clasa $3.50 per week. $15 per month elon and tha ball went our to Wash- now bolde. U NELSON ST. AT LEXINGTON FIOTEL RlNG·TUM P HI

IDlJt I! tt g-tum 'ltt being fre~ly discussed. Old men Iof the Calyx was a question of lacking, yet twelve or thirt~n (muu ...co •m> are relatmg days of yore, and considerable consequence to the men are able to keep things go- WMhington and Lee University Weekly ntw men are beginning to fully ~xecutive ~ommit~ee. At first ing, and in the present case they understand the significance of jtt looked as tf the JOb was going are enough for a band. If these I'UD1.18U&D EVERY TUESDAY b ' • 1 ' - -- - __ that cry "On to Roanoke., Every eg~ng and for a wh1le it was t~ve ve ~r .thtrteen . men have the Subscriptions. tLfiO per year• in advance· day an alum nus wrt't es t o a f rien . d a .serio•ts. matterd who would be nght sptrtt they will . be on hand S1ngle copy I} cents. , , Wt 11mg to un ertake to get out at every game, and tf they are - -- - - here, Meet me Roanoke on the the annual. not, whose fault is it? OFFICE Tman FLOOR, MAIN auu,oJNu ninth." As usual, it is the trip The embarrassment felt by the ~ malter of bulliness should be a:;- Ito i<>?k forward to, and the game Executive Committee was large- CONFERENCE dressed to the Busine11s Manager. and t? wm. Many a year has passed I~ due to the fac~ of the finan- An excellent opportunity will •ll.othe.r matters should come to the smce we have come back with ctal loss of the editor and mana- Editor-m-Chlef. the trophy, but the hoodoo was ger for the past several years in be afforded to a!l at Washington EDITORIAl STAFF -- broken last year by a tie, and getting out this publication. This and Lee to rece1ve the benefit of this year looks to be the one to loss can be attributed to several a State Bible Study Conference PHILIPP. GlBSON Editor-m-Chief be crowned with victory. different causes. The main and without the time and expense JAMES NIXON DANIEL The game last year was five most important one being the usually involved in attending one Assistant Editor-in-Chief to five. Itst was .skuch. a game as latuckd oftthedunited support of the of these conferences. Among MANAGEMENT on 1Y spor man1 1 e r1va 1s can put s en 00 y. th t ff f d f 1 LAFAYETTE RANDOLPH HANNA forth. It was clean, as all our The Calyx is our college an- . e mos e ec .ve an . ar-rea.ch- Business Manager athletic contests with V. P. I. nual which represents college m~ of all a~~nctes for tmpartmg SAMUEL OTT LAUGHLIN are, but it was as hard a fought life as it actually is. Without it st!mulus, VISt~n ~nd methods of yv ARREN .c. BROWN game as anyone would wish to we would be placing our college Btble and MISston Study have Ass1atant Busmess Managers see anywhere. On several occa- below the high schools of this been such conferences as the one . sions five hundred students would land, with it we place ourselves to be held here the first of next Wear~ al w ayt~ glad to pubhah any . . · h f month. ~ommumcat i on that may be handed to be on their feet With the cry of m t e ront rank among the best . as, but we desir~ to state th~~;t we will "Hold 'em w. & L. , and just as universities. The Bible Study Secretary of not be respons1ble for aenl1ment ex- 1 the Internat' I C 'tt f pressed. often the same number of cadets t 1'1es ent1rely· wtth· the stu- 1ona . ommt ee o we also desire to call a ttention to sent out their appeal of " Hold dents of Washington and Lee theY. M .. C. A: Will b.e here to th.e f~ct thnt un~igncd correspondence 'em V. P. I." Many journeyed whether they wish to continue lead thedtscusston of B;bt: Study. w11J not. be P'!bhshed. Th~se who do the distance to Roanol·e-none the publishing of a college an- Careful observers have dtscover- oot des1re thc1r names pubhshed 11honld . ~ . • . ed · f .· h B'bl S d add a pc~ nan:e and their wishes will came back not satisfied w1th 1nual. Ir lhis year the Calyx . m connec ton Wit , I e . t~ Y be eomphed wltb. the article of ball they saw. does not receive any better sup- tn th? young Men s ChriStian ==--====---:::====- It was a great game. It was port from the students than it Associations that young men in GENERAL LEE played by great teams. h~s in the past then the death \\'Ond~r~ully increasin~ numbers Tuesday, Oct. 15th, was the As usual, this year a train will warrant of th:lt ~ublication will are Wlll~ng to enter B1ble classes f orty-second anniversary of the be sent out with its load of en- b~ signed. This will be nothing of the rtgh.t sort. All mem~ers b . f G R b t E L thusiastic students, all primed less than a calamity to the col- and espPcially leaders of B1ble . uria1 ~ enera1 0 er · ee to give all they can in loyal root- lege life of the university and clas~es should m~t in these dis­ m Lexmgton. ing for the Varsity. In Roanoke also to the advancement of the cussions to receive ideas that Those of us who are associated they will meet about the same best interests of the university. shall enable the~ to make our with the things that were dear- number of cadets- primed just Last year the Calyx was by classe~ at. Washington and Lee est to the great Confederate as as much to support their favor- far the best one ever gotten out of thts rtght sort. If .we can Ch' fta'n bl to · t ites. Two battles will be on- here and if the judgment of have classes that are ahve and te 1 are a e appr~cta e the football game by the teams. those experienced in these mat- real we shall sovn convince men mor~ ~nd more th~m.agnam~ous and the rooting between the stu- ters can be relied upon, it was of the fact th.at Bible Study is quahtles of Chrtsttan kmght- dent body and the cadet corps. the best annual pub!ished in the the great way mto life's values. hood which he possessed. The We have held up our reputation South for the past ten years. Let ~shave many men in these nobleness of his being stands out of loyal support to our men-we These men who have been elec- sessiOns of this Conference and in burnished glory above the will not lose it this year. But to ted editor and manager for this let us catch the vision of having commercial spirit of our . give them our best does not mean year assumed the responsibility thousands of our busiest college He has become the embodiment that we can loaf from now until of getting out the Calyx for the ~en in the institutions of Virgin­ of one of the world's ideals- then and expect to outshine our reason that they hated to see the 18 engaged in Bible and Mission that of the soldier, the Christian rivals in our cheering. Our team publication go to the wall. They Study and in SociC:tl Service. and the gentleman. is'nt just waiting for the date- did not seek this position of hard L. P. C. Let us strive harder and hard- each day they are working to labor because of any glory they er to live up to the noble ideals get into shape for the fray, so might add to their own names Alumni Notes he bequeathed to us. Let us that they can give us their best. but they responded to the call make him the object of our hero It's up to us to begin our work for the sake of having another J. Frank Key is chfln:ist tor the worship. He was a soldier to on our part, and learn each yell annual and not to have it said Buena Vi atll pa per mills. whom the sense of duty was a well and practice hard at least that W. & L. was unable to turn C. M. Ray is principal or a rchool gospel, and a man of the world at the remaining games on the out an annual this year. Ther at Huleton, Va. whose only rule of life was that home grounds. New men, you have done this for the students "Qt.~a rk " Freti,. LL. s., '12, hu life would be upright and slain- have a part to perform as well now let us stand behind them ~~~ate1 in nirmingham fur tbe prac· less. as the older ones-stand by your and help them so that they will uce of his profes• ion. With a campus hallowed by colors, and fight for them as not lose anything financially be- Algernon ..:hanoler, 'C9, ie rrotu- the dust of the great chieftain best you can. Make the team cause of our lack of support. eor r f rr.ath('malirs In the Fuder- how can we help but go forth win this biggest game of lhe lckrburg collegP. from our almer mater inspired to season by your efforts as well as BAND. Robert s. Butchuo,, B. S. 05, }' f h 'Oi,. ' 08, '10, ia pr•c t ici~.g bis pro- lYe or t e highest ideals in true their own. Wi th each yell, think . feeston of f'nglnee r ing in Boli\'ia. American citizenship? 1 of the battle cry "On to Roan- The Band made Its initial ap- 1 r.~cKi~ Bell, '(19, h engaqed in ' Oke," and put your full energy pearance satur d ay. We are cer- engt ne er~ og w1th tbto San l'aulo ON TO ROANOKE in the work. trunly glad to see that they are t::lectric corr:p•ny at Cur ftyba,Brazil. Already the cry has been taken I out. The help which they give Lloyd Craighill, '12, Ia preparlna up and passed along. Washing- THE CALYX to the nthleticauthoritieaand the ~~~~~: r ..EpA ialcopatd ml imv·stry at the . . . . . ", ex an r a, a. ton was of first consideration The selection of Collins and help they gtve m mspmng play- T. F. Boch, '12 and R. c. Hood when it came to dates, but now Goodloe by the Executive Com- ers and spectators cannot be es- ' 12, ~re etudylng medlci11e at John; that the Georgetown game is mittee, to get out the Calyx for timated. BopkJns. V p 1 1 th thi · · d d . Keep the good work up and E. B. Hardwick, '11, ia a law over, . . . ooms up. as e s year ts m ee an admtrable keep coming out. It is absolute- atud~nt a t the UniveuitJ of Texa1• next game of greatest 1m~rt- one. The matter of getting some ly essential that we have a band. E. C. Jalonick, e:r-'18, .•nd Horace 1 0 8 1 ance, and the Roanoke trtp is one to undertake the publishing It is true that material is rather :::tt!e~rt~ ~~ t:!ud1 1~: ~n::~~~i:~ ~ RING TUM PHI 5 mqt lting-tum Jlti GORRELL Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1912 The Nelson Street Druggist Hanld Lynn is viaitlni nlativee SELECT STOCK OF in Lynchburg. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Miu Nelson of Lynchburl, i• •Is • r... popubr "Belmont" Mtdl Colb.r Stationery, Pns, Ink, Conklin's Self-Filling Fountain Pens iting Min Houston. -a lueu atripecUUdru