.. ID r ling-tum t BY THE STUDENTS AND FOR THE STUDENTS --1 ---- -- No.~ VOL. XVI WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1912 -------- ~ CRITICAL YEAR STUDENT Y. M. c. A. CON- 'BLUE AND WHITE TEAM FOR BOAT CLUBS FERENCE OF VIRGINIA DEFEATS ST. JOHN'S Reds Determined to Win From Noted Speakers Will Address the Blues- Omens Point to Conference at W. & L.- Date Score 24 to 14-0pen Football Characteristic of the Game- St, Victory for Blues Oct. 31 to Nov. 3 John's Fails to Score in Second Balf- W. & L. Appears Strong- Buehring and Clark Star Tbe boat erew situation this year Tbe Student Y. M. C. A. Confer- as inter eting. When the Albert ence of Virginia will meet in lu- In a fast opPn game of football, pauee. Captain Miller and Moord Sidney• finished the eeuon Jaat ington at Wa~hington and L'!e Uni- in which the new st~le of lootball playrd • fine game in l ~e .ine, theY' vereitv, Oct. 3ht and Nov . 3rd in re· threw the orange and black l ackf\eldl June with a double victory, esch " was the chief teatare., Waahington blue crew leading its rival under sponse to a cordial Inv itation from men for a Ioiii every tlmo a line' the chord at the flnieh by a boat the y. M. C. A. of our lnetitution. and Lee " eteated the atrong el~ven plunge wae attempted. length thln~~:s euddrnly took on a The main object of the conference is from St. J ohna by a 'c&re of 24 to Clarke wu the stsr of the St. very new aspect. For eeven yPaff to train leader• in the department 14. The game was clean and hat Johne teem. Be made bGth <>f thlf the Rede bad invariably been win· of Bible study, miuionary ac\ivltiee from teainning to end. Both teams touchdGwne ecored by St. J nhr.s an~ nere, and two r e~ults were n1dent. and eocial service. However besidea worked with a anappy fiabc and their did brilliant work at quarter back. A marked and growing prl'ponder· doing this. tbe Conterence will ren· oppoMnts seemed unable to atop Captain Mellon was a conelstent: ance of red ribbon among the epec:­ der a nlaable eervlee In bringtnr them. ground gainer and be can icd the' tatore on the Island grated 1orely on more clo~ely together leaden of the Wethington and Lee scorer! t he ball for several long end runs thd the nenee of the Albert Sidney Student movement throagboat the ftut tourbdown i, the flret ft•e looked dangerous to the blue anct strong men, and they reapnded to it State and in ttrengtbening the aplri\ minutet of play and then St, Johne white men. The interfereuce of St. tomatbing after the manner ot the of unity and of IJmpathy between performed the nme thing aaeinat Johnt on theee long end run• war provtrblal Mexlun Bull. On the them. the blue and white team on tbe next ftne. oth"'r ban1 tbe Red oartmen began Tbe inapi.rational value of the con- kick off. Waehlngton tnd Lee played one' to look to the laurele at altogether ference will be by no menu the St. Johne waa unable to 1\0P hundred per cent better ball than 101 a matter of coun~. This eecond emalleat contribution made toward• Wublngton and Lee a t any time tnJ ntber rame aeen on W ilaon Field! reault, the ever fatal over c:onflaence tbe au!vancement ot Cbrlttian wnrk. during the aame while alao Wub- thlt fall and every one who aaw tbe' on the part of the Rede, the Barry A gllmpte of the proeram given be· ineton and Lee wae unable to etop gaae ie of the opinion that the re· Lee'e coneid•r "' an espential rauae low and the ebara~ter of the apeak- St. Jobnl ln the ftrtt half. aainder of the aeatun will be playecf of lut year'a delea,. ere and leac!era will ahow clearly Tbe chief feature ot St. Johns without another defeat. But tbe thing that malcet this that exceptional men hue been ee- playing wae their conttant 011 of GAME IN DETAIL Jaar't race of eo mueh Importance cured and that exceptional addrelllet the forward pus, which netted them Captain Miller won the ton ancf ie another little matter of bietorJ. will be beard. Tbe felloweblp which lone gaint. In the third and fourth w. and l. recei9ld the kick, Fran, Suceen bae in the past gone to the the c:mference will afford to the del- qaarttn the blue and white playere cia returning the ball ftve yards. lfJ two crews alternately by groupe egates with ecore1 of repreeentative worked hnock on tbeee tactice. torward paee, Milu to Peepte1, of yean, the 11me crew almoet fn­ ttadent leaden from all kind1 of in- Time and again St. Jobnl •ttempted netted twenty Jardt and on the rant. 'Urlably winning fer from three to •tttulJont, giv6 a ecope and dianity forward pall afttr forward peel but play St. Jobnt waa oenaliud 6ve' ala consecutive Jean before tbe t iae of a11ociation work end will forniab the back !eld men of Wethington rd lor offside. Beubrine went 11 11 turned In favor of Ita r ital. fh,. many opportunitiu for the helpful and Lee broke them op. through the left aide of the line for' Albert Sidney logician• argue I rom exchange of idn1. The forward paae uettd in the fir~t five Jarda and Raftery bit c:entel" thne facta that. the autpicel pvlnt The program It 11 follow•: and ••cond qaartert by the orange for ten, making ftnt down•. On 8 to •ic:torJ tbie year t or the Bluet, Thoreday, Oct. 31, 8:00 p. m.- a nrt black player• cou ld not be erie• crou Peeplee ma&de threeJarda> and winning the eeeond time they Banquet. Welcoming addreu, La· aolved by the blue and white war- anlt Edmandl added fl•• more on • have a sore lease on 'irto ry for at land P. Cary, et~cr etery of Wuhin«· riora. ,_ben St. John• would aet elmilar play. RafterJ made down• leaat three more yeera. The Barry ton and Lu: urpont•, 0. R. Magill, into kicking di,tance of the blue placing the bell on St. John'• one' Lee ad•oeatea, however, hil t.lto· aeeretan of \'lrglnia Polytrchnic and white goal line they would play Jard lin•, from which Peeplee carJ gather to eee the beauty of aucb Instiaute. Add rell, Dr. u~nry Louis aa if for • trJ at fteld goal but then ried it O'ler for a tbouchdown. Capo~ Ing le, and ate determined to prove Smith, prt-ai lent of Waahington and would make long pus to the end. tain Miller kicked eoal. Francillf by bard work and more of it that Lee. Thla wu tbeplayated in which they kicked off for W. and L., to Welcb biatorJ only repeat• it.aelt in euch Friday, No•. 1. 10 :no to 12:30 a. ecored their atcond touchdow.,. whe return•• the ball ave yarde. mattert aa Mexican revolutiont. m.- Confennce nn Bible Study, Bar· The blue and whit.e team relied A play around right end failed ta At one reeu It of tbit in created rison S. Elliott, aecretary Bible etudy on line plunging for moat of their cain bat Wileon tklrted left end fol" ual on the part of the two crawl, interoational committu. gains. • • Cannon Bell'' Beabring fit teen yards and a like Jllay arooncf old North river bu been the ecene 3 :30 to 5 :SO p. m.-conferenee on making down• nearly every time be rihgt t'nd netted ftfteen more. St. of vigoroue acll•llY for the put ten Miseion Study, W. W. Bro.1kman. waa giten the ball. Be nner made John'e forward pan wae incomplete' d•Y•· 1'he boat ere~• are getllng 8:00 p. m. - Addreu , • • The Bible," Jue than ftve yard• any time he llut Clarke, on 8 fake buck rscert' regular and consietent hll treining Or. ~:. A_lphoneo Smith, Oniversity cbergfd tht line.. Beuhring'_e lin~ twenty yards. On the flr!t lln&uP' fJr the 6rot time in the hiatory of of VIrginia. plunglnq wu t~e bn~ht epot In the~ Sr. Johns fumbled and "1i llf'r rt:" • Washington and Lee Unlveraaty. Saturday, Nov. 2, 10_:30 to 12:30. gaml' for Waeb1naton 11nd Lu and eover .:d the bMII on the fi\'e yard The crews propose to keep up train­ - Co~fuence on Soc1111 Service, h 11 Will euily the ~tar of the game. j lin~. Edmunda made ftve aroand ing until the latter part of Novem­ Boy• Work, H. T. Baker._ state R11ht>rv hleo pl~~ed a . line gtm~. left end but Beabring f urr.blfd on ber, an:t efforts are beinr made to boya' secretary; Negro Conditions. The Ceaturu of b., pla~1n11: were h., lhe ftllowing play. The viaiturs ar range for a race at that time be­ B. M. McManaw•y. handlirg or pllnts, hl!l f\eld ao"l, t five around riKht end and then tween the new men of the two clubs. S~turda~ After_noon- Free for rec· end hil earrylng the b1ll .. Edmunds :.,er~it:d the ball over for 1 tlluch.; With thi5 adl!itiontl training andre. reauon, 11ght1ee1ng, etc. Nat•nal and Petplea JJ layed con!~llant ami down. They punted out and kicked doubling of effortl on both tides it Bridge.
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