FIH Pro League 8
MEDIA KIT January - June 2019 CONTENTS GENErAl INfOrmation Key resources & contacts 3 PErSONAl statements: FIH PresIdent dr narInder dHruv Batra & FIH ceo tHIerry WeIl 5 all aBout tHe FIH Pro league 8 FIH Pro league PrevIeW 18 COMPETITION comPetItIon Format 21 matcH scHedule, venues & tIcKet sales 23 TEAMS – WOMEN: argentIna, australIa, BelgIum, cHIna, germany, great BrItaIn, netHerlands, neW Zealand, USA 24 TEAMS – MEN: argentIna, australIa, BelgIum, germany, great BrItaIn, netHerlands, neW Zealand, PaKIstan, sPaIn 33 comPetItIon oFFIcIals 42 USEfUl INfOrmation FIH Pro league logo For doWnload 43 FIH Hero World ranKIngs 44 FIH Official Suppliers 2 KEy rESOUrCES & contacts AbOUT ThE EvENT Event Name: FIH Pro league When: January-June 2019 Where: various TEAMS Women: argentina, australia, Belgium, china, germany, great Britain, netherlands, new Zealand, USA Men: argentina, australia, Belgium, germany, great Britain, netherlands, new Zealand, Pakistan, spain EvENT WEbSITE: broadcast AND lIvE strEAMING global broadcast and live streaming information for each individual match will be published on the fIh Pro league website as soon as it becomes available. fIh TOUrNAMENT Management System (TMS) raw competition data including match starting line-up pdfs, pool tables, top scorers, in-match statistics and appointment sheets will be available for the media at the following links: Women’s competition Men’s competition SOCIAl MEDIA the FIH will provide comprehensive coverage of the event via our social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram and twitter. facebook: Instagram: Twitter: hashtags: #fIhProleague FIH Official Suppliers 3 fIh PrO League Contacts & MEDIA Accreditation rEquests you can find an email contact for each of the competing teams below.
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