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R.M.S.P.&P.S.N.C. Brazil River Plate

R.M.S.P.&P.S.N.C. Brazil River Plate

"^»'-WKW^MJt^^-*'WfW'*i*** WSkmsi% Mmá$mu Utmtxc


VOL. 12 RIO DE JANEIRO, WEDNESDAY, January 19tt), 1921 s&nfcs % 3

"\5 ") —x yfe/7% mi r w/y/;yyi/yyy?//. R.M.S.P.&P.S.N.C. REGULAR SERVICES OF MAIL AND PASSENGER STEAMERS 'M. from- BRAZIL 7.1 to SPAIN, PORTUGAL, FRANCE AND THE UNITED KINGDOM (Via St. Vincent, C. V., and Madeira)




mm 0é^77/77i7--y.' 7-'<^f!*7Z'r-:;v.yZ: v•ZZ-Z-. .:¦¦¦ ¦S\,.'.-vCé.Uͦ V . .^C_á_y_>. /'"'¦"/.JR W^ • ¦ f&llK/Ui * !_.rJíJSK»*'-'—'^--C\ Uíé* fi_ k ¦¦^•^¦^.«írMá.Tm jssh yx -\5«_ .-Us*** fv-'


m !*s;-i -js-í 1 For further particulars, sailing dates, &c., apply to I THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. f STEAM NAVIGATION CO. O THE PACIFIC i • 1 »1 53-55 Avenida Rio Branco, 53-55 SAO PAULO, Rua da Quitanda 18 (corner of Rua miyimrrrmr *São Bento). SANTOS, Rua 15 de Novembro 190- January 19th, 1921. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW II


BIO id_±i _rA.isr__]i_=_o



__)______¦ —______¦ -_n_____a_e_—__s¦______Janiia^y.-19ili,ai9.2Í, wfiM^'^ÜMlMl^Slfe, mu. LONDON«cANDa BRAZILIAN5,BáNK. _-IMI^EBf« :«^ A A- ** ü JJ l»«i4_ *v*ft' i^ •*¦ onYív-a to_ Pí-^-SKPKfiP"/ a ^Imm^Mm&íf^wJ^ . . ___...*-.. ..V%. vi r _r '.» 1 .Capital, 150,000 shares of £20 eachtf«>'jg3jtMl0fc00fl>i ,r.t_^Jfi2í ,;*..a tfact«w awí,u|-í; Ia*'.:••.•r&Mtmmpp._bí^>__E'i___í_Jm,^%f?^°^%,7^ g.ra__j«l^ ,'¦. B dB______i-: t(.f,í:HA.^Flltlíl igôittcG"..*.«¦?v.:'v ír^íi-^wM',»^*^ VrlKv ,a.a áaiimit (Á..íA.DAj'J'-Ç-'C -...,-:*•.', .Y.f , .>íf0;>, 0-E :¦¦}_ i-íMoh-ivh - _ !v: v i-.-j *'í_,Í.títtrt_t,*'ir_rn_^- ."Ç £M#t& HEAD OF i{.4,fíf ._..¦,, I />'t, Í*_;__&_V_tf11_.^>V^£ri íTTSÈÍEÍS^S BRANCH -3$ i PARIS BRANCH vi...w...... _...... a ^v..u,;1).^::^...Y;_I.^^-:!.í.:;u...I 5;. RUE SCRIBE, PARIS Ü ÚA ,*«(* ^;^^#li_Wfft Bahia* Santii, *i Ptule,:• -* Para, MaraimawiwBra^rwí..-.™-^.--^Maranhãov Ceara, PernambUoo,"'JV [Draws ori __ttía_ Offew ând fóllbwí-i'g btánchêsfL\fap$Mp?Íòltàànaos, '..'_.?.. <:' .. ,'J.- _•• ¦% rO' >.¦ .-v_ í_t*_A> .;i'i*A\__._nfJ'I . . __._¦*__•_..____.___-< Curityba; aírcfandeW Stíf. P-rft ;AJe_H _»eíotá>; M«n^eViifleo,hBuenos Aires, Rosário1 àèSj-ta^ Pari*ahà ^«^M^igMti|.* :ori "c$g§5 ?Currio ,Also lõífowinf1 Ba^rV^Messrs," O^yn/M^ and Co., LonJfe%|S^ ÍCredito Italian^ í^^n^jdifrR^Vrílí^iií Ba^b,^Í;Roi^a, ^gypt^nd Falestine^^Hoiigrkqng: ari^^h^^^WM^g!^^^ do Chile; Branch^'Jofnthe' Banco '^^jÉaP^^^| jtiou, Indiav-©lifna and- Jápaur^ Crédit LyoiínaiseV QpkWàiiã Bancou Chile, ÍTh« in áHthe ports and cities BankUas Agents or Correspondents. principal _£Bra*ilJJri^

.>' y. a * • i THE BRITISH BANK OF 80ÜTH A_WJ^_aÍÍffll^í HEAD OFFICli: 4 MOORGATE STREET, I-(p^^|^i.^tó^|^ capital í2,ooo,oop ! idem< Paid Up ...... ^1,000,000Resé^J^id^

'.-:-:7 ¦¦¦>' 47 . - •¦:••' ,.r- ... „7% 7 ::'• JRüá Primeiro de Marca 4ò anel ;<>;•«i':V Office, ia Rio de Janfira an_ 7 |Ru^ guerfós Ajres 1( 3^5, • f r.* t"»,« Branches at:-MANCHESTERrSAÍ6>Aü;tÒí BAHIA, PERNA BUENOS AIRESvMOt-TEVIDEOi ROSÁRIO AND PERCAMINO-c m* ,&à íiuitrhh£(ü7 1ÂW&k%M-

Messrs. Cox & Co., Ltd., Paris, ándall the principal towns in the United Kingdom ^Moss^/Heine & Cie., Paris; (France) di Genoa, and, alirthé principal- towns m Italy; principal towns in France; Banca BelinVagiijl^Milaii.; Banca; Italiana Sconto, Mãdnd, .and ^alt the, fr||, .7- ÁngioHSouth'. American Bank, Ltd.; Messrs.. Ui Saiiix e Hij os andMessrs.•vr.f-.tí-r..: Garcia Calamaiiéí!&-Co.,, .¦• æbí tifeiá-ÍTÍJ-, •...,.,^••:- *¦'¦.¦¦'«" ...... • ¦-: .:ft.w í»:..s.= i:?^.ví; rt./-&,iui';-> cipal, towns in Spain.a '•.- ;. r,..v. •:¦.¦:>_ ,_. ..^i^a Ã^_S-í-_7irCÍI on South África, on tlie pgnbJpg;to\yt^ m^^^aM^apa^^^-- Also draws on Tlie Bank of New Y^rk;;;N.^.;;Néw York; ",a«c.i ¦V777ú ii Austrália and New Zealand.,;._>^ -K:^ ,.::;.?; rfjè*'^wá! ,YKl^â^I Opens Current Accounts and Savings Bank Accounts.Receives Deposit at S^^?^^^!^^f^^3Sf ISSUES LETTERS OF CRÉDIT; ALSÓ CIRCULAR1 LETTERS OF CRÉDIT AVAILABLE^fe ^^-'; .^H^r^ /¦_-.'. t ;^.> 7 TRANSACTS EVFRY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING¦ BÜSlUEHS g_^

RAILWAY compâW Tj-í 3 THE LEOPOLDlNl ! Cèn.ral Office, RÚÀ DÁ GLORIA, 36 — Telephone^ 24Q4 CentríJ i v;; t. çrl.i__.S- ü tí4f ¦¦.,j Cable Addpess: LATESCENCE _E^:io de J aneiro ficií.rrpi <.t between Rio de Janeiro and Vlotoría^ Espirito Santo, State ot Mina%i^o^èsJi^^W^íilW» Direct communication yíAI(IA'.VÍ^|"P TERMINAL STATIONS: NICTHEROV AND P RAIA FORMÒSA.^siòlía' .XTjápI^^ TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTER :;,-, NICTHEROY. ..;:.:..' V:Vv;:' í.:i; - i vr Ptf. ! '' 8.80 Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapemirim,- Pòrciuncüla and '13.35 Praia Formosa, dep. 6.00 ;sl30 15.50 .16.20 17,50;^M00W'5 branch lines, daily.'/7r7 ¦',. 'í v77"'¦¦ Petropolis-, arr. ...,.;'7.5010;_Ò 1515 .17.3o;: .18.^0.,,Í94g_gg^:i 7.00 Express—Frihurgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily ' Peiropolisy.,;dep. ,íV. 610 [7c35,,8.35 10.05 ''^/^'ÍÍ^^^^O'12.35115150'P®p&ç 7.45 MÍixed—Máçané^ Tues^l Praia Formosa; arrv;7.55-" í)tÍÒ'; 1015''vn.m |J i/.:'¦/:. fo-i/i--?.! as.9v'J sfi.5 y,:'.1; .•¦'-'. fítJv_í_! \';"v-'-*'.!fW»j 'ole&p^-Í 9.40 Mixed—friburgo ;and,Çanta.gallo, Mondays, Wednesjlays and. Formosa, •?o"f Piaia Fridatis.y w»1/] .«-.moi írívifí £?..» íi«:>hi»_r.A tíiDviOiílA-S Peiropolis, arr... ¦.i:...0.:.)7J-O ih20 .>10_2q- 1210- ^7.35^1ffg5v^.oOF; l*.35 Passeió^FrÍDurgois „. ¦'deg:-s'V.:.V.<3,:10 ríf%5 ^alp^aft^á^anjcl' ^§|^^J^no^nG^yif ^'j Petropolis;' ^Ôp^í^^^f^^ !^HéI Form„Si>^. i6.i5 Mi'_8âiiiiffiF-Bo%f^i^;;^#n^g^^*.¦# ;^ ^;:il.4|; ç^C,à»t ?lfl%«|í and ré^viriínt càr_,: Elèctó il^iiii^-iU Jl 00 Night Fxpréss^Campos^ Itapeniirim and;Victórá_;^Mondays and Fridaysv sleepers^ -Single^ fàg-Èg.4^9Ó0V Tjpp^' Béfíh^lOÍO00; Lo^rer Berth, .15$0p0;.^.^etürn;^^^^|^^| Lá veníilatiori. ';';;;/ '!." '..v<»-Tf.Síí wl :a_ioá: 2íí<^ .?>a cescI^mI :^U.>VAB íil ,T dinner served;dúring'jourhey;'; ¦-'• ¦;;,i;:.: ;" ^r^íjrt-t:/_-\'.i . . V'..^íXCUPSIOMSr^PEClALLYRECOMMENDED.írA o? tô_;o.í T8SS .^.- iU^úi - ' ^li^.ê..l^^!" Petropolis_2|700 feet'above :sea levei, magnificéht^climate/-iht(climate,Friburgo_2;80Q:FriburgO-T-2;800 ;feetfeet ^bovèabove sèasea-levei. levei. 33:^ÉÍ^M_ii_U«^ ihOttíÉ,?2p; fflinttU»^*^; '";F„re, lOfífK)..$$' clj^i^-^Sriára?^ beautiful views during trip ; l-hònr; 40-mirtütes. Ist tílásstílfissjretui return, passeio tràin. 'T7i777:-7 .._;,, •I'>í$.r0 4$800. Stone bàliàs^l jiO dúst.; 6 trains pèr dày;- c;S-47-»v.; i Monday;) fi ,,„lU,3y,q ,,>i: tg.ííC..-i- Ôgirfi >.*. ,íüíá^fô.íí)--| in de Nictheroy,^*Ífeft«rí;ot.-_OlWl!W-í--^i DELtXnERY:!rM RÉSIDÈNCE-—A regular serv^irviçeÀpf delivery at residence•- Rio Jiangiro, . ¦ .. •direct!íromoány.addr^Bs:;in-oni^«direct íromoa^yacld^Bs^m^ i __ _; Tty and Petropolisolis is.maintained bylhèby :tHè Company,byUompany, by whichwh.ch^parcels parcels may bebe despatched noientioned citiesjities to àhy of the others ^ith the minimum of'trdüble and at moderate rat*s. :P™$^***t * Horários"¦ , issueçlby ^he Company ^wice:à year;oriappl^ f '.:'¦ '¦:•'": '•' ¦' '.'¦¦' '*¦¦ •'*;'"'''• '7"i 7''7 ¦''¦'¦:"''':.¦•'¦¦ :- ¦"' ' ';.'.,'"..'.'¦¦':'.

IV WILEMAN.^ BRAZILIAN REVIEW January 19th, 1921; LAMPORT &c HOLT LINE * .*" " r *', Mail and Passenger Service Between BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE *••',.• NEW YORK,

"V_^AN" Oilburners building 10,660. tons '¦VESÍRIS" 10,490 tons No.l 14.000 tons "VASARI"10,100 tons- No.2 14,000 tons also "BYRON"&"TENNYSON *>

Cabins de Luxe and Staterooms with one, two or three beds and bath-room. Ali steamers fitted with Wireless Telegraphy, Laundry, Gymnasium etc. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO Tke Agents. NORTON, MEGAW & Co. Ltj.. Praça Mau* Telephone No. 6671RIO DE JANEIROP. O. BOX 34 «antos -F S HAMPSHIRE & Co. Ltd.,P. 0. B. lO.-São Paulo-F. S. HAMPSHIRE & Co. Ltd.,P. O. B. 32 Bahia F. STEVENSON & Co., Ltd. DEN NORSKE SYD-AMERIKA LINJE (The Norwegian South America Line) REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN NORWAY =NORWAY BRAZIL RIVER PLATE FOR EÜROPB : FOR RIVER PLATE:-

s.s. RIO DE JANEIRO—End January. m.s. BRAZIL—Middle January. m.s. BRAZIL—End February.

rFor or furtherj.urmer particulars apply to : — FREDRIK ENGELHART - Agent. Branco, 16, Io Andar, Rio de Janeiro, JLg de Novembro 172, Santos. REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN nson FLEET: 26 STEAM AND MOTOR SHIPS; TOTAL TONNAGE, 120,000. IN CONSTRÜCTION: 53,800 TONS. Regular Service between:—Finland, Sweden-Brazil. Finland, Sweden-River Plate.. Finland, Sweden-Chile and Peru. Sweden-North Pacific, and vice-versa. FOR THE RIVER PLATE: FOR SWEDEN AND FINLAND. s.s. ANNIE JOHNSON-^Second half January. m.s. SUÉCIA—End of January. m.s. KRONPR. MARGARETA—Beginning February. m.s. VALPARAISO—Beginning February. For further particulars apply to the Agent:— LUIZ CAMPOS — u, rua VISCONDE INHAÚMA, M, RIO DE JANEIRO.

><*+& ¦1


'WEDNB8DAY, P^^P • -^flflfê1*10 DEJANÇJRO, January 19tll, 1921-II'No". 3

-1—- „„! AMB^^feMSroi^yi'IplH!'-' . The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills & Granaries, Limited

TELEGRAMS: "Epidermis" General Temíphone: 1450* Norte Post Office Box Sales Department 165 1 No. 486 Plour Mills: RUA DA GAMBOA

BRAZILIAF WARRAOT COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: Brazil House, 2 Gr*eat St. Helens,Yondon, E. C. .uthorized Capital...... £ 2,000,000 apitai Paid up9*.-V'.'.1,500,000 eserve Fund.*... .'.*250,00Q ¦tffe- in-cb«. at» SANTOS, RIO DE JANEIRO and SAO PAULO Ittencie. at: CAMPIMAS", JAHU' an* SÃO CARLOS 00 PINHAL §§§|§ Conducts a general consignment and commission business. Makes a speciality of aqvances agáinst Coffee, Sugar, Cereais & general merchandise. Custom-House Clearing Agerits**

«Sr» f& '!»• S ,,, .. '--p- i ^uai^Zl9th; 1921. 78 WILKMANa aÍAZU_í_iN EEVIEW LLOYD BftftSlLElR© i «*

!- ' Brazilian Steamship*;. Line .i#r '¦Mâiíy: % i,-*^!yi.-.\°-~-^y ¦g • ¦ * ¦

--#•¦ * á^r^f ?'"$&' Regular service of mail steamers Frequent service of cargo boats between Brazil, , to^arid from ali principal Europe, River Plate and Brazilian ports Pacific Ports. Y, .J>>^-

* *¦¦

wk SUPERIOR PASSENGER ACCOWMODATIOIÜ -4 WIRELF-88 TELEGRAPHY. LIXGS ¦ $_. Ml Pü'1-i ', i wy y ..-¦ .?¦;-.-;¦".. For Europe

Por the United States

>¦*.*• MARANGUAPE—will sail shortly for Vistoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Ceara, Para, Barbados, and New orleans.#JZ>

3 -".. . * For the River Plate ~~' t.- ?¦< J .^SJ*: w For North of Brazil

MANAOS—will sail on 25 january for Victoria, Bahia, Maceic, Pernambuco, cabedello, Natal, Ceara, Tutoya, Maranhão, Para, .. Santarém, Óbidos, Parintins, Itacoatiara and Manaos. ly

¦¦V IV 7 { A. RK A. L,'" S ;,**¦ ¦:1 ¦'v æ. , * ¦;. .y- ia, ¦• •4' From United States mâ&y FOR FURTHE-R PARTICLAR8 APPLY TO 1HE OFFICE8 OF THE COMPANY. '¦¦¦ ''•• ' • ¦ > .,:••¦• *;3jj -;'

gKâfeí/i.y- BpSl^Z T»S»7' mmJ, Cargo per passenger Steamers will be reoeiveá only up to two days befcre sailing. For turther particulars refer to advertiseme-iti in Daily Paper*, or apply to the Head Offioet:— LLOYD BRASILEIRO, PRAÇA SERVULO DOUADO «(BETWEEM OUVIDOR 4 ROSÁRIO) RIO DE «HEIRO CABLE Add-IBss:—4'LLOYD" / * #w-é$&$ Codes usbd:^ A.B.Ç. 5th Ed., Standard, Directoria—Rio ' Union, Scott's, Watkiiis * ¦» —"BR ASILOYD" Ribeiro, and Privatb P. Agencia: ¦!_?¦:

tf m

1 7 .' 7:: 7" ¦'*:í-.'.''-.-; *;7 • ;.•*"'.' January ^^1921. WILBMAN'8 «RAZILIAN REVIEW. ¦79 Wm ²ÍZj&L

bank cash reserves and 78 cent by or . MAU FIXTÜRES ' per. pocket cash reserves r$ZZ''í*9feV-.'‡: ¦'¦.'• idle money which could furnishji basis for larger issues of crédit IFOR.EXJROPÉ.*- by banks.„•* , - . It is on the reversal of these percentages, without any in- ¦ •crease SAMARA* Ghargeurs Reunis Bovdeaux,. 21st January. « in the note circulation, that the solution of recurring w DARRO/ Royal Mail, 23rd ; January.# 4» monetary crises will be foun*. It should be the policy of the MASSlLA, Chargeurs Reunis?''Bordeaux, 30th January. Government to encourage the multiplfcátion of such agencies, for •PgSA. '¦''¦? MAFALDA, Italia-America, Genoa, 2nd Feb. without them, particularly thé foreign institutions, money will ... , »« ALMANZORA, Royal Mail, 2nd February. become tighter, and new issues of inconvertible notes—the curse - Z! DESEADO, Royal Mail, 3r'd February. ' of this country—Jbecome crying necessities. ARAGUAYA, Royal Mail, 9th Fehruary.; New capital ás likewise essential for Brazil. who has so far BELLE ISLE, Chargeurs Reunis, Havre, 9th Fob. been unable to negotiate a loan for a paltry $50,000,000, and TRAZ-OS-MONTES, Portuguese State Line, Hamburg, 9tlÍ Fèb. why? because jiot only are guarantoes . insufficient to satisfy ¦' z DESNA, Royal Mail, 17th February. iendej-s, but, as time passes, new laws, regulations and taxes are ISRABANTIA, Royal Holland Lloyd, Amsterdam ISth Feb. imposed .on credít institutions that, little by little they are being ANDES, Royal Mail ,23rd February. clioked out of business. Surely the closing of three branches of DEMERARA, Royal Mail, 3rd March. the National City Eafík of New York has its lesson? The moral - UELRIA, Royal Holland Lloyd, Amsterdam, 8th March. effect lof. such a short sighted policy cannot fail to dmpress in-, AVON, Royal Mail, 9th March. ve.sto.rs abroad, and tho time may come when Brazil, in one oi: ¦¦ now lies idle in safes or hoarded in the comprising a total of approximately 20,000 produc- ing firms in interior. The proof lies in the fact that of the total of nearly the U.K., of covering the world with experienced men 2.000.000:000$ in circulation, only 22 per cent is represented by giving their whole time to the furtherance of British overseas

¦II ¦¦ ¦ •; ¦ ¦;.?,¦ ¦ ¦¦¦..-¦ ¦ ¦.'../^.;;... ¦¦¦¦ ¦. -.¦,¦' ¦¦. '*'*¦•¦ HV:.v--.-'„_.¦'... ^ •¦'¦¦¦ ¦; .'-¦¦ ;¦ ¦:¦¦¦;¦¦¦'¦¦¦••¦ vy^N.ivíh v ?, ,.^,t'.w. ^-"-'v-v ¦¦"'¦-.¦ ,.; , A -• ¦ .¦,.¦..¦.. ,v . -.r>'" v >'..'.-'.-.¦ '•..¦•'-<¦'¦'"¦, ;¦;. >¦¦*•;'•!.¦ í;"'y 榦-¦*.-..: .*., i--. ^7, """¦'.'¦^ ..-,:. ; • ¦"•¦'¦'.vv >; •¦¦ ¦••¦.' '•<>..í*-.*«T'''; '¦¦«. .*¦'•'¦•-í"y... •'.¦ ;¦•'.••'.•. BlivÉlir&íY¦>¦ ¦ .'•'p '"'•'.',..'.Vr '.¦•¦;".:". January l/&th, 1921. 80- WÍLEMAN'S^I*^^

''&>'¦"¦ '¦ - -L_—-_—-—--—______* ¦' • ' ''-.-¦.:¦ '¦ HH¦WW»MM^«W^^^»«.W»M»^WMWW»W*M^------W_»W^M^i^^^*-' MIIIM¦¦¦¦"*'

t*>*«waw-»i •«**'¦'.. .,¦*:*'¦• M ?? SKOGLANDS LINJE ,4 Ü 1

RIO DE JANEIRO ' ; '7 " •* ^ ¦) 7 ;; 7 , at Haugesund, Norway ¦ Head ¦¦_. ¦¦-.. ¦ . .!¦;, V . .. y;. ,Office '•':.*¦-* •.'„• ' ' '...'.,¦ 7;-7j-Ji7 t .^ 7 OFFICES IN BRAZIL; de Janeiro; SKOGLANDS LINJE, Pernambuco; || SKOGLANDS LINJE, Rio SKOGLANDS LINJE, Bahia; SKOGLANDS LINJE, Santos; ——¦¦¦' . ¦¦» ALL OVER BRAZIL ^ BESIDES AGENCIES Regular service, Europe, Brazil/River Plate and vice-versa. For further particulars about freights, sailings,;etc. apply to Cable Addres for ali offices: Rua Municipal, 9 1676 SKOGLAND SKOGLANDS LINJE Tel. Norte

.•ííW-.j FONSECA, ALMEIDA & Go Nippon Yusen Kaisha IMPORTERS OF JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, LUBRIGANTS. Regular Service of High Class steamers between ports of VARN1SHES, BR.AZIL, ARGENTINA, SOUTH ÁFRICA, MACH1NERY.-HEAVY • CHINA & JAPAN CHEMICALS-RAILWAY, CONTRAC- TOSA MARU—MIDDLE OF «JANUARY. TORS AND MARINE SUPPLIES. .1.1 1? DE MARÇO, 75 Çf 77 For Cargo apply to:— RUA 44. 19 Mr. CUMMINC YOUNC, Rua Candelária Rua General Câmara, For further particulars apply to the Agents:— Depot: Rua Camerino, 64. NORTON MEGAW & GO., LTD. Telèphone: Norte 962. "Calderon." P.O.B: 422 Cables: RUA DA SAÚDE 29.RIO DE JANEIRO.



JASON C. McKOWN Editor—H. F. Wileman. Ship Chandler OFFJCES: 61 RUA CAMERINO. Caixa do Correio (P.O. Box) 809, Rio de Janeiro. General Store Dealer AH Communications to be addressed. to the Editor. m SAILMAKER TELLEPHONE: NORTE 1966.

Water Supplied Tel. Address— "REVIEW," Ríojaneiro. Brazil, 100$000 per annum. AGENT POR Abroad, £5 per annum. Pedro M. Falabrino, Buenos Aires. Separate copies 2$000, supplied to subscribers only. Gastei & G0.5 Montevideo. ACENTS:- Rio de- Janeiro—- Crashley & Co., Rua do Ouvidor, 58. Eua | d« §§|| §| Ist Floor São Paulo— Cable Address, MCKOWN-RIO . Hlldebrand & Co., Rua 15 de Novembri Santos— TELÈPHONE: NORTE 374 Laercio Azevedo, Rua Júlio Conceição 113; Caixa Postal 313. RIO DE JANEIRO London—^ C. Street & Co., Ltd., 30 Cornhlll, E.C. «SH January Í9th, 1921; Wk WILEMANB BRAZILIAN REVIEW 81

/ TÒ BUSINEÍ$# MEN: æ.> ¦¦ ¦ -"""*-:'.ft " '." ' ^ -á-''.( <:•¦¦¦.'¦,¦r*r" v''-A. ¦-.r-t3_K 7. Yourealizehow commercial isjnfluenced ^r progress by your banking connections. . Your, international commercial interests%an be fostèred only by close connection with a banking in- stitution of recognized financial strength and world-wide -reputation; and which, On account of its experience in international commerce and its wide influence resulting from an ad- vánced system of cooperation among its branches, is able to render the service required by highly developed modern trade We can satisfy any legitimate commercial financial requirement, and respectfully request you to con- suit us at your first necessity for modern international banking facilities. 4°/0 interest paid on private current accounts. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA AV. RIO BRANCO 66-74 Rio de Janeiro

m trade iseems to have been beyond the organising abilities of the weighing machines, windmills, cement, corsets, and desks and committee responsible for the working the of Federátion. office furniture, etc. Jt is understood that the reason given by The value of the new venture to the actual exportation of the Brazil for this preference was that the United States admitted United Kingdom has been so clearly proved by those importers free of duty Brazil's chief export—coffee. Representations here who have made. use of the F.B.I. organisation that to cioso have been frequently made by the London Chamber of Commerce m the branch after only 15. months' trial, and these months perhaps and other bòdies to the Board of Trade with a view to securing the most difficult period dn our commerce, is not in keeping witli equal treatment for British goods. So far these representations the forward policy essential to maintain our interchango with have not been successful, the Board oi Trade at the end of last Brazil. year, in reply to representations by the Association of British The policy of the.late Commissioner, himself an experienced Chambers of Commerce, pointing out that this was due to the merchànt, has always been to recognise the important place jüstly reluetance of Brazil to conclude treaties with any European States. held by exporters, but it has been one of the most difficult tasks Now, however, it appeax*s that Brazil has granted to Belgium to convince the importing firms that the true object of tho the same preference as has been afforded for several years past Federátion's overseas efforts hás not been to establish direct to the United States of America. In view of the detrimental selling, but to assist the i>,rodücers at home with the requisito effect upon British export trade, particularly in the many goods information of the economic position of the market, the class and referred to, and that apparently Brazil is no longer reluetant to quality of the demand jyaid to introduce efficient rtpresentation conclude agreements with European countries, the time would for their produets. Importers could obtain at once the fullest seem to be opportune for further efforts tol secure equal treat- information of U.K. produetions, the general position of tlie ment for British goods in Brazil.—"The Chamber pf Commerce home industry and be put in direct íouch with producers. Journal," iLondon. It ds just this organisation that overseas commercial meii have wished for, and the hopes of the extension of the new and In a written answer to Sir O. Philipps with regard to the abatement up-to-date policy first made practical by Sir Charles Mandloberg, of customs duties on various goods granted to Belgium oí Manchester, and later commenced in conjunetiori with the F.B.I. by Brazil, Sir Robert Horno stated:—I am aware of the préfer- ençe seems to be dimmed for the present. The efforts of a part time to Belgium to which the hon. member refers. A protest has been addressed the correspondent are limited, but the possibilities of the. work are to Brazilian Government under which most- un limited and we shall earnestly Jook for a further a more com- íavoured-nation treatment can be claimed for British goods. prehensive attempt on the same lines by British in producers [In spite of the fact that Great Britain has no treaty under this great and growing market. which sho can claim most favoured nation treatment foi* Th? puecess of F.B.I.'s of the efforfc.s in Rio in the interests British goods, our efforts to obtain similar treatment granted both British and Brazilian trade convince us that the spadewcjk to the United States and Belgium should not be lessened hi already accomplished cannot be allowed to be lost by those anxious any way. It will only be by persistent hammering Jthat wo to see the British manufacturer recover his premier position in shall ever sueceed, in which we feel sure the Brazilian Gov- this and every other market. ernment will see the justice of our cause. There is no manner It will require every effort on the part of British manufac- of doubt that preference is detrimental to British trade, par- turers and merchants to recover the trade lost during tho war, and ticuiarly in cement and paint, and no pains should be spared for this reason it is disappointing to note the failure of the ovei- to push this fact home.l •seas organisation of the F.B.I. to carry out their prograinme. That the F.B.I.'s efforts in Rio were of great utility to British manufacturers and merchants goes without saying, when it is British Trade in October. The Board of Trade returns show considered that in the short period of its existence, the Commis- that during October, imports amounted to £149,889,277; exports aioner was the médium for placing over- £1,000,000 worth of to £112,295,474 and .re-exports to £16,133,560, and combined ex- orders in the U.K. "Vogue la Galère" should be our motto, and ports to £128,429,034. not retrenchment, for as we lessen our efforts on the commercial Compared with the previous month, combined exports show a tield, others, more aetive, will take our place. failing off of £5,160,439 or 3.9 per cent and imports of £2,803,112 or 1.8 per cent. Imports in October were lower than in any other •. Brazilian Tariff Preference. For some years past Brazil has month of the current year. The failing off in exports was due granted to cerfain imported goods from the United -States oí chiefly to the decline in shipments of cotton yarns and manufac- tures, which America a 20 per cent rebate of customs duties. These goods alone accounted for a shrinkage of £5,500,000. now comprise condensed mdlk, mariufactured rubber àrticles, For the ten months ended 30 October last, the total adverse elocks balance and. watches, pianos, paints and varnishes, typewriters, amounts to £335,000,000, compared with £581,000,000 and

¦m. „ ..: v* January lOth, 1921*

WS-.';* ' W"!*^ ÜRCW ÈjWAmW^^^Kk^.-tmmmf WÈmmmm. mmm\^mmmW' æ™ ^^^^^^^^^' DeÜCiOUS,•**¦.••^^^I^^^_^"^•^•«P'JW^ -¦mmmf'mm\^^ .^ W^» MMMMMMmT ^^* ^ Wholesome and Refreihing. .Prepared solely from purê West índia Lime Juice and the íinest refined sugar. lhe STANDARO for PÜRITY 4 EXCELLENCE SSééí Insist on having ROSE'S.


SHORE ©EPÔT: Rio de Janeiro LiSAm mmihmm. RUA DE S. CHRISTOVAO. 759 TELEPHONE: VILLA 195. #§if§ Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, n.° 75 ISLAND DEÊÔT:^ CAIXA POSTA ÍN. 1164 mÊÊÊzê "LIGHTERAGE"-Rio. *V S Tel. Codes~LIBERS, I, & ABC M0CANGUE GRANDE^ ^ 'ZM, (flUL). S & STEYEDORES, LIGHTEHMEN AND TUG OWNERS



^ RIO CAPE LINE. LTD. HIME & Co. Direct Cargo Service from Rio de Janeiro and Santos to South and East African Ports.

5 2. Rua Tkeof>tiUo Ottont. 5 2 THE JAPANESE STEAMER TlüLEl'tíONE 39« TOSA MARU. (under contract) will commence to receive- cargo on Depósitos: RUA DA SAÚDE 76, O THEOPHILO OTTONI 47 14th dnet., for Cape Town, Mossel Bay, Port Elizabeth, East London and Santos. .

Importadores do Forro, Ferragens, Tintas, Óleos, o artigos The Japanese Steamer \9r concernentes. HAKODATE MARU (under contract) will receive cargo for the above Fabricantes de canos de chumbo, dè pontas de Paris, Ports end of February or beginning March. ferraduras, ferros de engommar, fogões, fogareiros,. For Cargo of Coffee, apply to:— . panellas, balanças, louças de ferro, estanhado e esmaltado, B" ;-¦"'•' -ih''-^: -'1 chapas ZZ:--.:-'.^Si:¦¦¦ -'V- ¦-",-¦K para *-»¦-.. 77 - .,> ZZ, ^'-."Vvv^P.-¦¦'K fogões, moendas, de ferro e de latão, oaixas d'agua, etc. M pesos CUMMINC YOUNC, "MINERVA." ÚNICOS AGENTES DO COALHO Agent for the Rio Cape Line, Ltd.,ã 44 RUA CANDELÁRIA 441 Depositários da acredita enxada "PARASOL." RIO DE JANEIRO. RIO DE JANEIRO I



" '*-.¦>? v :: -:,-".", ,';¦ '»- BR;"' ' 7 7 ' . - ¦'¦ " *Z - ¦. -V/i $;&>::>r ¥ A ¦&¦•¦¦>-¦-i'. -." ,\ ."*¦-. vt'.-; . ' "' ¦'"¦' ' ll . V -V* 7 '- 'SW^f January19th, 1921. WILEMANM3 iBRÁZILIaÍ^BÍSVIIBW. V8â; - .¦r-^— -—-Z——... ..  ''*•*•*... va. .'¦¦'¦__ '<¦"'...'*.'¦.'' ¦'••¦>/$ B- .. •*¦''¦¦'$<#$*¦ . í. , ,

^^^A^LW,^^mW^^^^^^^^ éBmà.^^^^^^^^Laaaaãâ**^. __M^_i_r ____^_____ ^*^_r^^^^w

'^*IÍife^Sfw^ ^^?Sooto*o.wvoe AnonvhaAnowymv InaczAInata _^-^_^r9^_^____. 11fe^l§ ^ocit MQPERN EN.GJ.fÍEPARTMENT SIÜRE

With^ over 30 hlírhly organised departments handling finest impopted artieles fop ladies & sillM, materiais, haberdashery, &e. çhüd*en'sFeíu-_MensOutflttlng & Tailoring, & Complete House Furnishing* — Under Expert British s : : Supervision : : : LONDON- BISHOPSCATE-186 Mappin PARIS-RUE ARCENTEUIL, 6 Stores *~Y" S. PAULO & SANTOS LETTERS, CAIXA 1391, S. PAULO. Tel. "ELITE." i tC100,000,000 in the corresponding periods of 1919 and 1913 r--- spectivèly. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and If the Board of Trade estimate of £600,000,000 its Associated 'í-7 a.s the companies, intimated some time ago total of British invisible exports for 1920 that they had under serious be accepted, thero will consiedration which of the be a substantdai'balance in favour. trades formerly carried on by the Ger- of the Ü.K. on the veaiZs man lines-it was trade.• their duty in the interests alike of national and y mternational welfare The following are the to develop. They then stated that they ~ten details of the trade during October and postponed announcing months:— . their future policy, as they had no loss tian 130 vessels sunk by the enemy during Imports, Value C.I.F. the war, while many « K or then- remainmg vessels were being reconditioned, and, there- -7l Month ended 31 October .ore, not at thè time ' -19131919192° available. The Court of Directors felt it y • their first duty to .¦;•« Ifood,i i drinka i andi-;* tobaccoi £27,717,567 protect their regular trades, and were obliged H 66,039,353 69,167,587 to hold their hands for Kaw materiais and the moment-a» .regards. trades which, m artieles the were mainly past, largely carried oh by our late enemies. % . unmanuf actured ,..25,809,932 57,065,041 44,298,801 J lie açquisition Artieles of additiònal tonnage, and the completion of mainly manufetrd.^.17,985,530 30,227,145 36,266,604 rccondit.omng, now ehàbles thé Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Series ...... 217,147 169,048 io announce ¦'Jw& 156,185 that-early this yéaf they will establish a and cargo 'service passenger betweenHamburg and New York, calling at £71,730,176 153,590,587 149,889,227 Southampton and Cherbourg. Among the vessels allocated to Exports of clus service are m Produce and Merchandise of the U.K. (Value f.o.b.) three splendid modern passenger steamers of the O class tlie Orduna tons). Month ended 31 October —— (15,499 Orbita (15,486 tons), and ropesa (H072 tons). A «O'- 1913 fourth of the class, the 1919 1920 Orca - tons) will, Tood, drink and tobacco (15,500 later, be added on completion of her- £ 3,389,629 3,815,411 4,677,605 passenger accommodation Eaw materiais and artieles by Messrs. Harland & Wolff. Those are ali fine modern steamers, mainly manuf actured ...... and have been running in various 6,076,148 11,563,666 9,632,216 services of the Pacific Artieles mainly manufetrd Steam Navigation Co. ... 36,167,506 62,643,981 95,701,071. The first Sundries sailing will be that of the Orbita from Hamburg 990,233 1,038,087 2,284,082 cn 30 April and Southampton and Cherbourg 2 May, followed by the Oropesa and Orduna at fortnightly intervals. 46,623,516 79,061,145 112,295,474 Exports of foreign & colonial }v_' merchandise A New Ms 9,555,327 19,641,602 16,133,560 Way to Pay New Debts. A measure proposed a shorr. " time since by Mr. Bryan, a recognised authority on high 7 Total finance, exports Z... 56,178,843 98,702,747 128,429,034 once candidate for the presidency of the United States; and ' Total seconded, so to speak, by Sir Ilobert Foreign Trade U.K., 10 months ended October, Merchandise. Horne, chairman of the Untish Commercial Association, London, seems, Total ¦ Adverse prima fade, cal- oulated, if put in practice, to carry heaiing in its Imports Exports Re-expts Exports Balance wings for ali the commercial ill8 the late war has bequeathed us. -—->•—Value in £1,000 0/ /o The United States 1920 1,650,752 of North America, alone, (e pluribus unum) 1,119,573 196,592 1,316,165 334,587 20.3 among the nations J919 is, at present suffering from what the French 1,319,474 620,407 117,892 738,299 581,175 44.1 call 'Tembarras 1913 de richesses," a plethora of gold, directlrowing 629,476 437,386 91,919 529,305 100,171 15.9 to the . , . wise caution displayed by its rulers in abstaining from mixing the jn late international scrap, until in their view Excess of Imports over Exports;—October, 1913, £15,551,333 ; the . . October, psychological moment had arrived. 1919, £54,797,840; January, 1920, £52,154,0.2; February, "War, also, is -£G1,$46,353; peez'ness," a caricatUrist jomde the King oâ March, £45,916,777; April, £40,495,198; May, Bulgária remark, the other day; and á'26,754,316; the Americans regard them-" June, £34,014,952; July, £8,041,968; August, selves as the smartest £24,982,896; men of business in the world-except Sept., £21,885,818; October, £21,460,193. perhaps the Japs. Hence,, possibly the nature of thé proposal The adverse balance of trade for the. ten months ended October above referred to as made to them, last As the war game went cn, amounted to £334,587418 or 20.3 per cent less exports than there arrived a time when everybody concerned in it had piled imports, as against or 44.1 cent for the corres- ali h>s gold ,„ the «black.» "Ro.ge" £581,175,799 per turned up as a matter of rponding period last and or 15.9 cent in 1913. eourse- and the States cropier year, £100,171,361 per swept the board. Nobody had

-.'• C"è4 84 WIL ILIÁN REVIEW January 19th; 1921^

ãtfl The flrè&t Western of Brazil Railway Conjaiiy, Ltá. *^**************^****S**S***SBSÊÍ***B*= communication between: RECIFE (Cinco Pontas) and Maceió and Jaraguá. On Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays, RECIFE (Cefltral and Barão do Rio Branco) returning on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, RECIFE A/| A" (Brum) and Parahyba and Cabedello ( and Fridays. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN RECIFE (Brum) and Natal and vice-versa, on Sundays,' Tuesdays and Thursdays, PARAHYBA and Natal sleeping at Independência. I " ¦'-'• \ • AV, : The Great Western Railway systôm, with 1,621 klms. of lines at present in traffic, serves the following States: Área sq. klms. Population ALAGOAS 58,491 700,000 PERNAMBUCO" 128,395 1,300,000 Note.—The figures relating to inhabi- '¦', AjA/A- ¦¦ PARAHYBA  74,731 600,000 A RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 57,485 480,000 tants refer to the year 1906; 20 per cent may 74 safely be added to arrive. at approximate TOTAL 319,102 2,980,000 figures for 1917.

Development of the system and its traffic since 1905. '"i Si

• •"'' ¦'% Klms. in traffic Population Goods, tons i' ¦ ' Y.,: 5ÍS8» 1905 ' ry^mw\ ...1,276 1,813,444 v'708,935 ¦ /Av- 1910 ...1,475 A 2,214,503 ._. 907,135 1915 ...1,621 1,975,586 1,066,260 1AAL0I6 ...1,621 i 1,192,394 __gr I - 742,390 1917 ...1,621 3,289,562 t 1,366,660 1918 ....1,621 3,720,075 1,470,916

The steady progress of the zone served by the Great Western The favourable conditions and steady progress of this zone shcwn by the above figures cannot fail to undergo further coii- should attract the attention of European and American investors sidera bTe impulse when the construetion • of the Porto Jaragüa to the zone served by the Great Western Railway. (AJ;.goas), Cabedello (Parahyba), Natal (Rio Grande do Norte), Although tropical, the zone is exceptionally healthy and, in- an I Recife (Pernambuco) is complete. deed, counts several hcalth resorts, like Caruaru, Garanhuna, The plans. and estimate of the first have been còmpleted, whilsx Floresta dos Leões, etc, to which residents of other and less the constri.ction of the Ports of Cabedello and Natal is being healthy districts habitually resort. carried out under the administration of the Federal Government. The of the zone are sugar in the lowland and It staple produets is expected that construetion will be accelerated on the con- cotton in the hinterlánd. dusion of the crisis. J present The soil is The construetion of the Port of Recife on a scale and in extremely rich and gives a splendid return—even without manures—rfor cultivation teciinical conditions that will convert it into one of the most up-to- of Indian corn, beans, mandioca, carnaúba wax, maniçoba, cocoa, date ports of the Continent, is well advanced; an área amply coffee, etc. suffieient for actual traffic has been còmpleted and opened for Almost the entire region served by the Great Western Rail- traffic. wa\ is considered amongst the best in the world for tropical fruits. The geographical position of the Port of Recife is exceptionally aJvantageous, as it ?s practically the obligatory port of call for The quality òf pineapples, cocoanuts, mangoes, pinhas, bananas a.l ébips from both Europe and North America destined for South and goiabas, etc, grown in the north-east of Brazil, is famous, and America and vice-versa, as well as. for ships bound from either their production and export certain, in the near future, to take coast or North or Central America for the Southern Atlantic, veiy large proportions. whatàcever their destination. Important canning factories already exiet, though this industry Owing tò#?i|sadvantageous situation, Recife is the pòrt foi* is yet in its infancy and its resources practically untouched. most oí tho produce of the rich tropical zone of north-easbern Information regarding the zone served by ttíe Great Western Brazil, a íaefc whien cannot fail to contribute considerably to may be obtained : ^he Railway ,on application to any of*the Company\s piogress ^ the iieighbouring zones likewise.' 7 offices as below:— # RECIFE—Rua Barão do Triumpho n. 328—Pernambuco. RIO DE JANEIRO—Avenida Rio Braneo nlll7, 2' andar. LONDON—River Plate House, Finsbury Cireus, E.C. :m

* '¦ .. /*'•.(¦'" .Jp^V• -Y ';,?"'yy'y

.«».¦¦¦"«."¦. .:.'•»¦¦¦ . January I9th, 1921. WiLI_MAN>s IBRAZI ^^ganviBw. ;. 85 "¦ *'²¦—-"

.••'•"-' .7 ^.'l^f^²'¦— ch^^j*ee*y« at^nythm^near their face value. Thus it bap- d b° •ta*-*>*l-. rillfedTS-tr, to its:owners. evW buy it; ^„d now " í"?rP°s^; and this-fact, ^mblera^ouWn't thé States ^'ffiidinklhat ^S^ta„t d^índram f- added to the eonl th.. e_chàíge aiffionlty, for wage8> maintenance, renewals, jbeeause^"is betwfen them and thet ™S- and new exterideá 7toiners a great gulf fixed.^s ™m^Jmm i^f^^'# pfeofe florne, tHe tW distinguished ,*' íPPf« got scarce, ,„d .exçhange^ntó í»^ .oourse of ™*™g °tf, às oancelléd, ¦TJl^n -l 01 h threateni«g« and.slaughteiings," the debts eontracted tf II a ceitam i* Hkl land wr^the Umted States official personáge on his way for W. purposes. England, !» to Damascüs. 7 oaserfor her part, domg the same to look"üpon by those neighbours and Xs min tT3 Ti'6 Ten ?ricHned him asthe wild creature^ ,who had to borrow from her, LongfelloWs pnmeval Indian forests dn their desperato need the fnnds did on the inf^nt Hk? < indispensable for resistance to savage invasion" uow ana m*°aS- ano w at every thing he saw:^ with<™t ««*Ption, and on both sides^f'^.01.-'1'1 "7 the wilt ..Hüm. ^Sai<1'Do 'not g°°se, pau-puk-ree-wás, ang then let J„ooso to ; ; shoot us, Hi^wátKaH»- ; I?. prey upon civilisation. England '". ^ "" "8'' "Bcar6d" hope :tdaretí.»ay «en as tbe wild goose was of pay or reward, had instantly constituted ^out champmn hersel 'was í;.b8rty's She answered the first call . The debt owing by England Umas of the trumpe for money expended i„ ali know „.» statement of cold faet,.far ^ de- any hankenng-after rem„ved™C worId;andiía ,fl'-™^ rhetorical flourish. of cinematographb %£&&**&&the rf cV' "'JtereSt by En8land' th™ E»8land wiií ?"*:S,,'*flÍ8. probably never Lglehe pi. it and^.Ty mÍ11ÍOn-*"**•¦ **^'Statós.wiH th,S tÍmS <¦* 8°> '"» "nrtitui. dÍd mthia^ »"<> "»*« on Spait ofof:Mhat whi EnglandF T í°nSafd in cash strogglmg„. „^ European£° gave tho paid as the price of the world in- nations only that material aid cludmg Ao*™*, deliverance whfch.W from siavery. But if the S&^ th6 reheve her „f this liability. "»metd .:tehrS™eT-t01affWd f^«'«í SÜ^SS then, of course, to the fiWW tha"kS *° thC belong the h„„„u,. of having tC™fi_l . BritÍSh fína^the tbat dSendÍ te do^' y0^ g&g .; ^ h The States "*° President, it i8 true, assosted the A,.!r_'.C".- as h,s..»„end«,g.fl„w «wiscVaws Allies so far t<ílcg'ams' has of and moõern instei 7 in effect e ^/^^nGW ^^ «UM "heartfelt-sympathy" • AmeMC?ln «overnmeut abimrs Iv:-; h.s conld do S ,í* altruism it- though both $__ 8 ^ VaCUU,n- Yet the^inust ex& milZn off a thousands bf Amencans who would like to think partially And now,, owing ^|ons that their Zmã chiefly to ali this wisdom, our sur- sr,us funds iA the ^^«\:t. mm ta. soldiers Wm variou, thohf sSenate might nations having lught come round to that view if it could Cí e'S6Where' "and^ Ar b,etW Victerv»t,"? *«1 iinedlh, l™tiiem P^ ^ouídlrfmand Tro.1 "-8 ended-°r ti!any WT*very consplcuous ^^ display of ín seâfch rfrt T"V«W-*a« retnmed altruism ?;v^f;^.yariousavocations, only to find them But others think differently. "grand the ente, world, "Labour" gono and Tlie projected fleèP rotten with Unions confiscators; and Com m „7t and deadbroke, for want of money. thG InSh Ali that" nationalisfc> «"d Perhaps the Boi- ted-,Sfetes'wl,ich has will^i%. the turn of our nchrich^^T^. uncle, Samuel, Tm sscomte^ jç to come to the werld's assistance; Rather than the Senate, Messrs. beau „,^th6 "god to play tho Bryan and Horne miglit out of a machine»-,,. cve„ thSSccta perhaps usefuliy address themselves .oncrote, ^fcning liberty i" fhí "ame immorta! by an a!!í.h to^the stetu. of ,that hypethccatcd republic SlS^"""**Òf C0l0SSal ma^ani™ty, goddes , as! yet by which ^«««câ States, s-è-over ooka S likl.f re^T^U8' ,ri" haTC NewVcw Yogrk"ha\ork harbour, and m^ 'Atla.tic PraCtÍCa"y Mthi"e **3& «"¦' stares at the with her sightlesl ^eiytning^ÍSnÍí to gam. however, ^Meantime it must not be forgotten that there is Nicodemus Dewdrop. m thC fied" Mr' JosePh«s 1*»»^- &te^ N , «to°n! United -. Secretary' w-ho ^ms to be making himself, luSLiiila ay stipally, very pethãps much at home in the iion's den, is anxiou.s to Pleth°ra dÍffÍCUlty SÍmP]y RePOrt f°r thé ended mlfJi T^ ^ ^^% the surph,s 1920 Sh7s*Lw thattw !„the r,l,a' S*9 30 Ju,íe7 S6a- In °ther Words' S H0^1*^ is as necessary and useful ZnZ^ he would ]*vish it oii the con- PatÍe"tS ***" WCre as everl s"PeifI"^ «eet of extra-hyper-supe)- í? .TÍT,Í. less tJ'™ l^t Tear"dièd by Si diparW ÍT/Í8?111*617* bat,tíe8h'PS' °f WbÍCh 1?8 Wel'6 dÍSCha'ged> armCd WÍth «"""' mOT<= « le«' 1» *« «¦mateedi and'! b. LnT^ mamed. Out0 rt ofÍS 194 cases admitted last *velooity exceeding that of tlie first American of wh,ch year, l^were sumicol'1 aci-S^Z^*oplane to^fly 25 were appendicitis, 44 tensils and . across the Atlantic; and a trajectory such, that, -ácnojds 18 mW SUltable elevation,. the respective kZ X °f "round projectile will accom- ente"ic fevo-and ?Urve the *arth tiI1 ft 8ets back> Mie the Jcr^f 3i —: %lo, a condemned r,:afr„if;r;s6 ^ Heam >^~T murderer—"to the place whenco ^tpmatically stacks itself up, ready HfpÍta1' 117 ^ãI- and 77 shotand for another fémallemale patients,Ciente1 838.'nÍt'ed bemg Bntish,Í71"; 71 Brazilian, 21 North Ameri «n, 4 Synans, 3 French, 3 Argentine. 2 Danish and _ eacT als°5 would rio doúbt in a few years, provo seven other iiationalitáes.^^ f" 4 eff + ^^^^the;Bryan-HorilooxPedient; because the projected The financial Vand fl '.f,S whi*e position is iatisfactbry compared witlí' ihÀ¦ w. Pónstitutmg an intolerable nuisance to the vons year, but this was due to the fTct th« £*£$&£

.-•tev*" - ' IL

¦ January 19th, 1921. 86 WILlMi^^SwlAZILlANl ÍUWWW. ...

L. Guèret & Co., Ltd., Gardiff. t . !.'0 z COAL SHIPPERS AMO COALINC CONTRAOTORS, STEAMSHI* AGENTS, PirfOítfjlllPORTEirS Sole Selling agents of the ^elebrated í« NAVAL MERMYRW ^OK^S^v^^^^^^^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^: ; STEAM COAL an4 GWAUN-CAE-GTjRWENANTHRAÇITE;C0AI< z "ANGHOR" M.»uí.ctu«r. of tke PAf ENT FUEL Bareoloa», MiUs "T.r.ug. 1906, 1886 O.U M.J.t. Dei' • • • • LowW' TtU»Koa« 3280 CWiff . Paria, 1889 Branch Offices at London, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Swansea, Port Talbot, Newport and Glasgow.

«¦¦.11¦.'" ««li i¦ i» ~^5« Guèrefs Anglo-Brazilian Coaling Co,, Ltd« Shipowners, Coal Exporters, Depôt Proprietors and Foreign Coaling Contractors. Steamers Bunkered at shortest notice. Large Stocks of Best Welsh Coal and Best American aíwaysvavàilable. HEAD OFFICE: OambPlian Buildings, Cardiff "Naugaliac.'' ., ^$M^&§W^$00?M^^^^kTelegrams: 2£E5I-SSLÍ£^ãiS2ÍL: ¦"~"r"" RIO DE JANEIRO AND RIO. GRANDE DO SUL* AGENCIES; London; Liverpool, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Swansea, Port Talbot, Newport; Glasgow; Paris; and New York. - ••, ^ZzZZZZZ

¦¦—-—ss^sc Vjtm ippjnwi ¦¦«¦»¦¦¦ 555SS—«¦¦ mm The Anglo-Argentine Coal Co., LtíL Coal Èxporter8 and Depôt Proprietors. Foreign Coaling Contractors, Bunkering a Specialty, ample stocks of Best Welsh Coal and Best American being always aváilable. HEAD OFFICE; Catmbplfttt Building-s, Cardiff ^Telephone; 3156 (3 Unes).^^^^^0^Í^^^^M> ©Pepòta in €h.& Argentino:— BUENOS AIRES: Rivera Sud Riachuelo.SANTA FE*: Zona dei Puerto. AGENCIES: London, LiverpooL Newcastle-on Tyne, Swanséà; Port Tàib&t, Newport, Glasgow, Paris, . > " ¥kZzZzZZ and New York'; "ZZ'zZZuZr']Z;ZzZ.^:-..^

*=?: Guéref s Anglo-Uruguayan Coal Co., Ltd. Coal Exporters and Depôt Proprietors. Foreign Coaling Contractors. Bunkering a Speciality, ample stocks of Best Welsh Coal and Best Amerioan being always aváilable. HEAD OFFICE: Cambpian Buildings, Cai>diff "Nahgallac^-ZZ;' Telephone: 3156 (3 Unes).Telegrams: PerpÔt. íml Uruguay;- MONTEVIDEO AGENCIES. London, Liverpool; Newcastle-on Tyne, Swansea, Port Talbot, Newport, Glasgow, Paris and New York.

ii ii I .«. .i-i. Üuêret, Gait & Co., Ltd.



i ;,'=¦¦': " I " • ?""'¦» ¦

¦ > ...** JaÀttairy; tótli, ,1921. - WttilíMÀN>8 BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 871 ". • r- - ...r_..,. .B • w ¦¦ - ':'W»Êmmm\ ? M||| M | &""•"¦' "'' -*— ¦''m v$EÊmm donatkras were somewhat better and that no repairs of any im- Speoie, Eleven Months, january to Wvombort— portance were executed. .,.,; .- -.... ¦ ;„ ~i Imports. Exports. £: Experiaíttire for thè yeàr, including depréciation wHtteri off, 1920 170,000 86,000 arilounted to 113:608$290 and income to 122:456$670, leaving a. 111,000 IU balance or profit of 8:848$380, as against.2:717$5O0 for the pre- ¦>tr 1918 ¦ vi|íus'yearj whichrrwa§> tranBferred to capital account...... «».<••• 600 1918 • « (••***««i«i total rewipts < » 1,246,000 6,061,000 1; Qftlie V >. 4,092 May 9,932 10,981 1,049 8,888 . 4',288~ 4,600 '¦"ÍV8 THE BALANCE June 9,068 9,678 510 11,348 7,93» 3,4b9 OF TRADE July 7,098 10,762 3,664 12,256 5,183 7,073 (BRAZIL). August. 7,586 12,857 5,321 10,613 7,435 8,17R — "''¦-'Z+-Z Sept. 7,219 12,615 5,396 10,053 7,050 - *ZZ?. 3,003 Eleven Months, january-November, Foreign Trade.. October' • 7,482 12,944 5,462 12,758 6,783 6,020 Deadweight in Tons of 1,000 kilos. Nov, 6,523 1,405 4,882 12.665 6,095 6,570

Balance Balance Exports, Imports. in favour ExportsImports in favour Ü mos. - . 102,535 112,226 — 9,691 119,468 or against or against 70,243 +49,205 Exports. Exports Mon. av.9,821 10,202 t- 881 10,860 6,385 + 4,475 1920 1919 Inc. or Dec. Ján. 147,483 163,735 -16,252 193,705 218,520 •-24,016 November on Feb. • . 117,800 246,811 -129,011 177,273 194,802 -17,529 Oct— 959 - 1,539 ²580 — 88 — «38 -I-560 March 178,336 259,569 -81,233 179,256 223,011 -43,755 Sept. , .— 696 — 1,210 ²514 + 2,612 - 955 8,567 'Mr April 162,653 248,084 -85,431 157,649 216,659 -59,010 August 1,013 - 1,452 ²439 + 2,052 - 1,340 3,892 ¦"... May' 199,737 354,119 -154,382 138,624 241,726 -103,102 July.,.- 575 + 648 + 1,218 + 409 + 912 — 503 June 193,356 228,722 -35,366 149,408 310,284 -160,876 June....;- 2,545 + 1,827 + 4,372 Kl,317 — 1,844 3,161, July 178,930 313^59 -134,529 144,327 254,871 -110,544 May....- 3,409 + 424 +.3,833 + 3,777 + 1,807 -I-1,970 August 187,038 #58,866 -71,828' 136,660 234,588 -97,928 Ápril .;..— 4,098 + 3,127 + 2,539 + 2,309 - 109 *159,610 2,4*8 Sept. 290,674 -131,064 141,882 218,533 -76,651 March ...- 7,331 + 3,760 ²1,327 + 1,742 - 40! 2,200 Oct. 215,793 326,060 —110,267 168,362 261,976 —93,614 Feb- 4,407 + 2,764 4-2,593 + 1,806 - «62 2,46.8 Nov. 203,014 238,751 —35,737 170,510 203,036 —32,4% Jan- 5,749 + 4,885 - 870 + 3,851 -f 95 3,756 ~-985,100.1,757,586 11 mos.. 1,94^750 2,928,850. 2,577,956 —820,270 Values.—November Movement. Cqmpaíjãd with lhe.províoú« -89,555 -74,570 mon. av. 176,704 266,259 159,789 234,359 mpnth, f.o.b. value of exports show falling off of £959,000 or 14,7 Dec, Inc. or pei cent and c.i.f. value of imports of £1,539,(0) or 11.9 por cent. November on It is interesting to note the differncos ín fho falling off in tíín Oct. ..'-12,779—87,309 —74,530 + 2,178 —58,940 -61,11.8 value of trade às compared with the volume, which sliows to what Sept. +43,404 -51,923 -95,327 +28,658 -15,497 —44,J55 cxlent prices have fallen. Exports show a dècréosc for tho inonUi Aug. ...; +15,976 —20,115 -36,091 +33,880 —31,552 —65,432 of 5.6 per cent in volume against 14,7 per cent in value and im- July +24,084 —74,708 —98,792 +26,213 —51,835 -78,048 ports of 26.7 per cent and 11.9 per cent respectively. Deflation wito therefore, June ....+ 9,658+10,029 + 371 +21,132 -107,248. -128,380 more marked in the prices,of otir eommoditíes for ,ex- than in imported May ../.. + $277 -115,368 -118,645 +31,916 -38,690 -70,006 port goods. Of eourfio, exchange affects one ami — —49,694 -26,514 the other, which, perhaps, accounts for the diseropaney botwéefl April ...+40,361".: 9,333 +12,891 —13,623 March +24,678 —20,818 -45,496 8,716 -19,975 —11,250 percentages of volume ând value. iiut even «o, .prices of oiò* commodities are dropping more rapidly than imported Feb...... +85,214 — 8,060 —93,274 6,733 + 8,234 +14,067 goods, in spite of the fact that tho average value ton of Jan.....+55,531 +75,016 +19,485 -23,165 -15,484 + 7,68] pçr exports íM stíJfc as it always has been, higher than imports, as will he seen from tho following table:— Volume—November Movement shows an ali round shrinkage, Average value per ton, 11 months, January-Novoinhor, particularly in. imports, which wás only to be expected in view -Im ports -Exports— -o&tbe fali of exchange and the prevailing comemrcial erisis. Milreis£ and Mureis £ and' Z Compared with the month, exports show a shrinkage previous paper decimais decimais of 12,779 tons or 5.6 and imports of 87,309 tons or 20.7 paper percent, 1016 %m 14.7 000$ 29.8 per cent. The balance of trade for the month was, therefore, 1917 406$ 21,4 583$ 30.5 only>35,-737 toris against exports, a considerable improvement 1918 57,5$ 30.5 «17$ 82,0 over the month, which figured at 110,267 tons. Thus previous 1919 472$ 27.2 1457$ 67,9f sMppãiig employed in the transport imports is now finding mon; of 1920 623$ 38.3 842$ 52,7- return cargo. %; In 1920 there was a' fali ín the ave/age f.o.b, vatu$ of «jtports Eleven Months' Movement. For the eleven months ended of 315$ ton per or 27,2 per. cent in paper and of £15,2 \» ' ';/_'' or 10.6 per cent, and imports of 350,894 tons or 13.6 per cent, and ,- ¦ . Z"*7* ' - ' , 'U consequence was added to +he Eleven Mcnths 164,830 tons or 20.1 per cent Movement-Value. For th« deveu montb« adverse balance. 'nding 30 November last, f.o.b. value of'exports nhowH a falling sSs!s^^3s

¦¦'»* A A£>.;: ¦ -.'' '¦':' • REVIEW January 19th, 1921. <• "V 88 WILJMANB JUWlSULIAN

Banque Française &Italièr_he pour TAmerique du Swi Head Office: PARIS, 12 Rue Halevy --. 3_:OOO.ÓOO tiffà. ÍM CAPITAL : frs. 50.000.000 RE8ERVE: Fra. BRANCHES IN BRAZIL; 88o Paulo, Rio do Janeiro, fàfâÜ^^ do Ria *«*»» Preto, 8. Carlos, Botuoatú, Espirito santo do Pinhal, Mõoóoa, 8. Jot-t '~~~w~~~~~~,~~~~~~^"ACENCiIFTn BRAZIL» Rlbelrflo Jahú, Ponta Croata, Araraquara, Caxias and Barretes. >, BRANCH IN BUEN0S-AYRE8: Cangallo, esq. 25 da Maye.

Ltd., London. GENERAL ACENTS IN BRAZIL AND ARGENTINA FOR: Tho London Joint City * Midland Bank, Banca Italiana, Milan. Société Générale pour Favorlaer, etc, Parla. ¦¦*¦¦¦¦• ‡Commerciale '¦¦ ;' '"'.:' * ' ' -7¦¦'.'-. ,¦ /'£¦• -"Ai-,. 7 "' ¦¦¦'..-•¦¦''¦ Official Correspondente of the French a Italian Treasuries and of the Swiss Federal Postal Authorltles !FOREIGN BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES

BANCO ESCANDINAVO-BRAZIl_EIR<> Capital Fully Paid Up. ..;...... 5,000,000 Kroners Bank founded in Brazil by a Syndicate of 32 Norwegian Banks

¦¦'¦¦> ''¦*¦¦'-.7 ' with a capital and surplus of .V-^ " ¦ ¦ 77í 659,100,000 Kroners General Banking Business, with special facilities offered for financiai ¦ ¦ .-.-•'-".....Ä/ i .' '¦¦¦»-¦'' ¦¦ S . Countries_,:..*.¦"'-+** '¦l?*>snisat>r operations in the Scandinavian 77 AA¦; .7 ';.-:.'77' -y.:y"y ¦ "SKanbank" •.«-ti felegr. address;- Telephone:— Norte 6451 A;'v-',-y.- «81 RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA, 32 íA SS-

¦' 'OS m- Jessouroun Irmãos & Ço. Ltd. Tancredo Porto & Ço-

"'¦ '"-.¦','.'¦¦•.''.'¦¦ æ* ¦ ¦¦9' "¦-i..-- ¦ ¦':'. ' ""¦..'-*v -¦¦.'¦¦<";¦•*'/'...- v- s'* '¦ ,!7'¦'¦"'''*"¦¦'.*,"¦' AA<-^ ¦','¦" 7-: íí * í'"7',;7v ¦¦ i."-:.' .¦' V ¦;- ^ .*¦¦'>.¦ \ ¦' COFFEE AND CEREAL MERCHANTS. CASA BRAZ ILE IRA- BANKERSCOMMISSION AGENTS.IMPORTERS. Caixa Postal (P.O* Box) 1751. Telephone: Norte 3186. Draffts drawn on ali the principal Cities of Europe, North RUA SAO BENTO 16, RIO DE JANEIRO. and South Amerioa. BRANCH OFFICES: Exporters of Rubber, Nuts, Coooa and Hides. SANTOS: Rua 15 do Novembro, 88. MANAOS, BRAZIL. 22-19-8 8. PAULO: Rua 15 de Novembro, 26—ist floor.

¦. æ•••¦¦• • ¦¦¦ ¦•••• •¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ••¦ m ____________=—B_aa K, ,BJP1BJBJ _Ks|í'''í-" .'''¦¦ ,_P^_I_0^^_fll_^___P/^___P^1 Wk^- -;': ¦¦ ______¦ ____i' n ______r _______r#m____P __¦______¦ IMPRENSA INGLEZA I iwJr _____P^S^__fc^flHr^_p^3s^_r __an^_^*J ENGLISH PKINTEIS m __rVmmWmM _1 _1 _S f .__¦Zf -___LMÁ* ei _r -im^* »? _¦______I Àll Kinds of Book and Job Printing and Binding. The Only Manufaturers __^^^^^bb1 bb» ____Fa ^__H _¦' '¦ I _____ I I I I ] ¦____¦ I I ¦ 11 II ^^^«** ¦ bf Loose Leaf Ledgers in Brazii. Catalogues on Application RUA CAMERINO, 61 Caixa Postal .(P. O. Box) 809 — Telephone Norte Í966 o>'_________r __¦¦I bV ^B -L ^ãf jfl RIO DE JANEIRO

¦¦': .; .'"I.' • - ,/A.v.,....; .=. rz- January 19th, 1921. WILBMA1TB iBRAZILtAMREVIEW 89^

off of £16,^,000 or 14,2 whilat the. peiycent, ç.i.fk valueofjm- . ^ JjUt.vrJTo.collect duties on imports at ;fche.yrate of ;65 cent ports showò an içcreaj-e of 60 cent, per £41,983,000^ or per anji in con- in gol270,000 or 82.5 rcent, commercial and economic interests pe iue and improvement almost entirely to larger shipments of manganese ore. of means of land and river transport with noiglu ' bouring countries and initiation ./Class III fell off considerably and shows shrinkago of of international telegraph serviço subject to approval £13,496,000 or 13.6 per.cent, due to. decrease in exports of j-ubbcr of Congress. XV.' The Executive <£2,349,000),. cocoa (£1,575,000), coffee (£18,550,000), carnaúba isf au.hofísed to' revise the banking law wàx and reform the Câmara Syndical, (£509,000), mandioca meai (£268,000),- beans (£312,000) and to provide for opening á oil fruits ProduceExchange/, (£485,000), tobacco (£1,631,000), indian corn (£3,000)' and sundries (£373,000). XVI. To come to agreement with foreign countries and \é ' ''''**'\•¦¦*'. ''•.¦*:,! ', "-..» ' '.'Z7 '"¦','.''"'.".'>. •¦-¦ ,'•''.'•¦•7 1 advisable to .-'. <¦.,'-¦¦; ..7 open credits for purçhase of Brazilian produce against credits Discrimination of Coffee from ''Other" Exports:— opened in other countries in gold in favour of the Era- zildán Treasury. 7 1,000F.O.B. value in£1,000 Art. 4. I—AH exemptions and reductiòns of customs duties" bags Coffee Other% , Total are abolished, excepting (l).for material, etc, contracted for by Jan. 9201 ...850 5,45444.46,81855.612,272 '... the Government; (2) machinery and instruments foi- agriculture, Feb, 1920 818 5,50050.35,43049.710,930 mining and cattle raising industries. March, 1920 . 1,220 7,694# 55.46r16044.613,854 Art. 8. To raise the charity tax on wines and other fer?( April, 1920 Z. 1,000 5,483'51.85,13848.210,621' mented liquors to 80 reis per kilo. Mày, 1920 ... 772 4,32443.65,60856.49,932 'Art. J 10.. Producers of tobacco are exempted from the regi June, 1920 ..... 774 3,92643.1.5,14256.99,068 içtration tax of 300$. July, Í92Ò ..Z 777 3,25845.93,84054.17,038 Art. 12. AH frigorifíc plahts establsihed on Central Railway August, 1920 . 1,044 4,00953.23,52746.87,5^0 zones will enjoy the same favours granted to the Brazilian Meat Sept, 1920 ... 1,277 4,42261.22,797.38.87,219 ' ' Company of Mendes,, i.e., special tariff for transport of fresh, Oct, 1920 ZZ í,034'v;: 3,248 "~ '43:5 .4,23456:5' 7,482 frozen or chilled meat and other'meat produets. Nov, 1920 ..: 1,030 3,14748.23,37651.86,523 Art. 14. AH merchandise in store at the custom house whichj ¦ . .—r-,. - ær-r\——.»'?¦¦' *from'storage; ^ „ is rotuni€d"to the port of shipment will be ekemptecí llímons; 1920.10,596 50,46549.252,07050.8102,535 charges. Ditto, 1919 ... 12,355 69,015.57.850.45342.2119,408 Art. 15. The Executive is authorised to regulate and even Ditto, 1918 ...6,768 15,99330.137,19169.953,LS4 prohibit the export of gold, silver, nickel, copper, bronze, and. Ditto, 1913 ... 11,594 35,99561.9 22,18138.158,176 other metais, in specie, bullion or worked.. Art. 16. Duties ad valorem shall be appraised at the average There was of rate àn ali round shrinkage in November exports of exchange án .the respective exporting country for the pre- £959,000, of Avhich £101,000 in coffee and £858,000 ín other, ceding month, as determined by the Câmara Syndical de Cor- exports. y- retores. Up to the close of November, coffee accounted for 49.2 per cent Art. 17.: Remittances to foreign countries through the agency of total exports and other staples for 50.8 per cent. of banks or by means of letters or telegrams,' must be stamped in accordance with §1, table A, of law 3,966 of 25 Dec., 1919. Art. THE 1921-11 27. The rediscount rate, as per Art. 9, §1, of decree, FEDERAL ESTIMATES FOR 4,182 of 13 Nov.; 1920, is to be fixed at 5 pér cent' minimum and the maximum at the discretion of the Rediscount Errata. In Estimates of Ordinary lie- Dept. statistics of Federal l .ZArt. 34.. The despatch .í 'sobre água," venueZ under the heading "II, Con- prdirect from tíiê^lip- published dn our-last issue, at this of inflammables is æ- hmm fcumption should port prohibited. dues—Textiles, 30.000:000$" paper for 1921, Art. "2 -ead 35. Thé expediente or landing charges of per cen| 33.500:000$. on. imports of petr.oleum continues to be collected.-ZlZ_:..,r .¦:.'.1 ¦ ¦ ¦ '.7';í'.- The taj.- h^rSjt .36" °nl^ofits will be collected as followsíl REVENUE-^LEÀDING AUTHORISÀTIONS. (;a) fój* Í9Í21 collection will be .made.-on the* profits. declared oní balance sheets closed on the The President is authorized amongst other things to: date of'òf this law, even should results Art. 2. in a'n| be for ihe.yearZl920. L (h) profits 10:000$ and "ticipation I—Issue Treasury bills to" vàlue'.-of 50.000:000$ under will be of revenue,¦'repayable by the end of the current year. exempt from taxation. (c) fines (*anr be levied; iip* toZB :000$. \\ II« To recéiVe and inake payment of deposits resulting Irom y y.Art.. 42. Tlie Mamicipality rof-tíie Federal District is^autíi t-iphans and'Defunct and Absentees Funds; taking deposits, etc., orised to make credit operations abroad up to $25,000,000 for the ^hd apply balances to amortisation of internai loans, etc. redemption of existing loans. ¦ü#

'" '• -'' "..;I ¦¦¦'..'..¦ "¦ ' ¦¦¦¦ - æ;''". ¦ '•'/ '*..":¦¦.¦':.r''.-r'ví': f%. '¦"'¦¦''.¦'¦:''¦'¦¦¦¦'';-¦¦/•'.' ,'¦' .' . Z JaMíry ^pMÍB^ WILdiAN'8 MAZILI AN RBVMW *e ¦-¦*•-tT»-.-!!— íiTn-i=;"" ' *..-SfeZ .'—-—- :y ,--^. cZ-i-:Z-'.::\JL^l^L^J2^Êm,^^Zf^y.':'-''-:: Th% Booth Ste?uiislnp to«> |||| >í*'s | íií^ERPÔOL Zr-I ; --xv:: 'vfZ m^^^M^SS&^ *nd from m mÈàêmSmJ^New York, mid and south Brazil Ports,

ZZ-: Z**l« Funch, Edye & Co., Inc., Loading Apnts in MM State 8-KX Bridge Si, New York.

-«X,. ¦'¦¦'¦ t\-- » ¦¦r". í^í«h> ,WV . t ¦¦ AGENTS ÍN BRAZIL: OfN. Âddison Wilson, Sons & Co., Ltd. SÃO FRANCISCO1R. BAHIA- DO SULf (&ub-Agents) z Arbückle & Co. ; ZZr Chaplin VICTORIA Sif-iSii \ Guilherme H. i (Sub-Agents) FLORIANÓPOLIS ?(SubrAgent) Wilson, Sons & Co., Ltd; RIO DE JANEIRO V Ltd. RIO GRANDE Wiis0ni Sons & Co.. Ltd. SANTOSWiíson»Sons&Co., DO SUL,z \ZzZv,Z[y'~- de Melhoramén- Empreza PELOTASWilsoní Sons & Ço.f Ltd, tos Urbanos de Para- Wilson, Sons & Co., Ltd. 1 nagua. (Sub-Agents) PORTO ALEGRE

í((,.'¦' ! -Jt i\fi

•'¦'¦" y-MO^ LINE, LIVERPÓdL . . BOOTH of Brazfl and Iquitos (Peru) Royal MaU Line of Steamer? to the Korthern Ports REGULAR AND FASTSERVICE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN ' t-ALSO lETIUBl»ZZZZÍ Z _ ,. * . mm m^m».^^Mac,i6* lülll up Atentas Ltd., Parnahyba;. & Co. Ltd., Pará. Booth & Co„ (London) '! Booth (LondonV Ltd., Ceará. Ú Ltd., Manáos. Booth & Co. (London) Booth & Co. (London) & Co. Ltd., Iquitos (Peru), • Booth & Co. (London) Ltd., Maranhão. Booth (London) 8rw Co.,^o., Naiwíhai, vo^™Cabedello, Recife»>A and Maceió. Juliusjulius von Sohsten5>onsten and o-ZRio r.~~~Ã-Grande doa* c«iSul. Wilson Sons & Co., Ltd., Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Santos

• ¦ ¦ -1—:—————^— ~ _ P RI !í O E L. 1"NE Plate. and vtee-versa Regular Service of Steamers between New York. Brazil ãrid Rivet» YORK NEXT SAILINGS FOR NEW ORLEANS ÍÜBXT SAILINGS FOR NEW YÓRE EXPECTED FROM NEW

— RAND CO, ACENTS VICTORIA. H L WRICHT, GENERAL ACENT, SANTOS. HARD, * BAHIA-CAIXA No. 38» CAIXA NO. 3845. •>CONDE CO-, ACENTS, Agents in Rio de Janeiro: DAVIDSON, PÜLLEN & CO. n)..'V 9 » Telephones: OA 145 Norte 5010 êi 5011 RUA QUITANDA, f|§|lipi?e


- ¦ ¦' < '-':-7'^WZ&tâ Jaf-^ftt-^flttL WILBMANB BRAZIjLIAN BEVISW :/__J| ''¦'--./-_. ¦ ¦ ..¦...•-. • '¦".',.'.'¦' æ* '¦:'''. '.^í-.-V J?-'í*' '"-.'^ '' -'. . ',' •¦ _Hk r77-~"•-,.- ¦¦'¦'' "¦''¦ ¦• """""" •••—•¦;-;: "¦ ••••••.-,• •¦¦:-•• --"-: -¦'• : ¦ '. y .' -¦;•.¦-•- ¦'',-*;"'" ^-f!j| ' .,¦ "V^Vj..r...''.";;>^-:'',«i ";,"':ll *&f77:7 ¦¦ ----¦• •--^•.^'••-^^•^•.-^'^.,., \ÍR:- SÇ? V; EXPENDltURE."¦'-•:—r^-4--19_X)"v'¦•";-,¦; \7 77':77" -77 "¦!:/- :-^V--~_-'' :-H>-4-no.lor &> >}.:.::-V^:'^*:;.-'. -/—. /¦ '¦; Dee. 1921on 1920—<' :J^-;-' ;v- ^GoirrPap«- • fcold-V :rí;": Paper /' 'T' ¦'_. _:.;, ; Gòíd* : Paper \>.-~ ;:| •;fv: ¦¦¦¦¦ .'¦-' --:'H^ :-' >• Contos .ContosContos" Contos Contos Contos -~ » %¦ %7-:'^^ml ;:|^l|^|^^^^^.^^^;f^^^---;--69i875Ü 24 _9;713; ^ h- A153 23137.5 , +10,162, 17.» 2t J Afan"8 ¦'•¦"•••-'•¦ 4'577 2,()68'2,301 3,945 •:Itt^r^ríír^rel.gn +2,276 98.9-1.877 47.£? .Ift» ...-;.i.;.,.í..:....:,...v;} 200 ¦ 7^(^45 7^:.,'7^-^7 -.wl^li *;^W"u.¦¦—¦¦ «57-1>200'. .7 +10,112 ¦-¦'¦'••• 1,7C° . 121-W8 •'¦ l.«» «09,44! /.+' J100Í 6.9; +12,477 1L4 li ••:-•••••-; -^-r ^ A/ 39,189.:/1,063 v ^ 100 9.4 + 7*522 23 i l^^r^*.. VI—Pubhc |.31,667 Works & Communications. 14,367 í 251,15118,466 • 208,591^—4,099 $2,2 +42,560 2Ó.4 i VII-_r_nance ...... i...i..;....v....í 48,868 156;8l8« 48;718 / 136,576. + 150 0.3 14.& Vni-Earmarked- ...... ;,..;..... +20.242 ; 1,828 9,564^: : - ::, + l^8 •'-.--:" . + 9,564 --' Total Expenditure ' * ti .....:...... 75,680 711,64072,872; 600,878 +3,308 4.6 > +110,762' 184 tamp dues.1912. ^(b) to grant^exemption from duties to rubber factories Art. 49. The Executivo, is authorised to withdraw ali bronzementioned in (a) and a premfum of 200:000$ to ali those whfch in circulatipn grant free transport on national railways and .The ^^^ a^ultur^ ;: surplus in gold for 1921 shows a falling off of 15.045:000$^T^ ^ I- ^ ¦ Mt Jndu^ial *, 36.3 per cent M compared with last year's estimate, whlist^^7 • ¦ ?£'*$%L C°íTT^ P^sages oft spontaueoust immigrants, cthe déficit in revenue colí?cted in paper shows a Suetionreduction otofwillkfi W f í-5 583-OOOft or 22 7n«r „pn+ tv, Ia l \ not bereimbursed, but credited on ad udication of colori ai * ™' t^-'lots' ^reduction".l_!f of KwLT 1« , 8eeds- ^ementa and machinery. $„°: ^L06 "«*• »«• •-¦"«¦«-» Art. 83 To é_U_d I li expendtoe 1for *«-' (íy 'i'JÍJÍâá^^i 1921 shows an increase offor a further five years the ^ ^M extension of the Mô- 3^08 000$ or 4.6 cent and per gold 110.762:000$ or 18.4 per centgya„a Railway to the city and port of Santos, observing the saio hand, shows falling ?^nnA_JenU^o0n • off ofdispositions as in decree 7,148 of 8 Oct, 1908. íll.(d7:()00$or 10.3 per cent but increase of 136.345:000$ '5^'t gold, or(2) To disburse, on account of larger sums, 5.000:000$ for Papei*' GoW aPPTOP->-tion8-wei. larger than forthe construction of the Goyaz 1920íoôn . and Roncador railways. fpr Justice and Home Office, Foreign Affairs, War, and(4) To construct a 1.60 metre line Dmance, -but guage jòining Santa on smaller for Agriculture and Public Works. Marinethe Central Railway of Brazil, to the main line the ivas unaltered of same rail- at 200:000$\gold.way at Belém or Queimados. Curréncy apropriatdon, on thé othér hand, show increase in(5) To transfer to the State of Santa Catharina the Blu- ali but one—-Foreign Affairs. The largest increase in to Hansa branch of the Santa Catharina •expenditure estimatedmeriau Railway, the river was in that of Public Works, of 42.560:000$ or 20.4service between Itajahy and Blumenau and to contract for the per cent. Experience, however, show_. that however liberal esti-extension of said railway line to Trombudo and Itajahy. mates are always exceeded and from ali appearances, the present(6) To disburse 1.000:000$ for the conclusion of the work administration will be no exception to the rule. It is satisfactoi y,on the Piquete to Itajuba Railway. however, to note a considerable reduction in estimates of déficit(7) To contract, without ônus to the Union, the construction m revenue collected in paper of 22.7 per cent on last year's.and worlnng for a period of 60 years, of a 1 metre guage railway from Bragança, dn the State of Para, to Codo, on the S. Luiz .to Caxias railway, crossing the river Gurupy and the greater parlkoj EXPENDITURE—LEADING AUTHORISATIONS.the Stat- of Maranhão. |«Í|j ." (10). To commence construction of the Coroata to Toclgillã Ministry of Justice and interior. Art. VI.—To open a credibuanch or the S. Luí-: to Caxias railway. «f 5.000:000$ for centenary fesitvities in 1922.(11) To contract for the construction of a railway from^r"*-'-- fÉi- Marine.. .Art. I.—To expend up to 40.000:000$ paper fordente Bueno Brandão on the Bahia and Minas Railway, tòís. conclusion 0f the work on Ilha das Cobras dry dock, constructionMatheus, in Espirito Santo,. following the course of the rivUs^ "111 of workshops, etc. .- UItauna and Múcury, War. Art. IXTo open a crédit of 2.000:000$ for the c-(37). To transfer to the State of Minas the navigation service quisition of aeroplanes and accessories.°f tlle «ver S. Francisco. Agriculture. Art. 47.—Tó to rubber factories estão-(38) To contract for the Matto Grosso river service. 'yearsgrant h-shed in Brazil within three from date, in which èxcíusívely(51) Authorises the State of Rio de Janeiro to improve the -Brazilian rubber is employed,, guaranteed interest of 6 pe centport of Nictheroy and Angra dos Reis. i>w annum on a capital of not lesá^ than .2.000:000$ or over(52). To contract with the State of Santa Catharina for the 10.000:000$ for a period of three years,, in addition to favoursconstruction of the port of S. Francisco.

mmmLSX * * f'' *T• 1?2I ""-92¦ -;Z WILEMAN'8 BBAMLIAN RBVIEVT Jàn^a#^, mL '.' ______...i,nu-. l*Sv,.-.-;' 'i ¦'- i m tip Tff i t MT-z-^mmBSTERN f ^6RAM GOMPANY. L1M1T1B. %$JZ"¦ ' »& »J*j» ... ..',,,¦ '. ''J THE ONLY jPHICOT ROUTE WITR 80UTH AMERIOA UNDER ONE MANAOEMENT. In Europe and South Amerioa i Cable Stations In South Amerioa. Cátolo stations OOMMNY \Z' ; WEITIRH TELiORAPH TELEORAPH COMFANY Bailes l).-m EASTERN • Pará (Travessa; Campos .LONDONx Electra House, B.O. _ ;¦ MaranhOo (Avenida Mwanhens* 17).. Ceará (Eua FlOriano Peixoto» 4). £ Liverpool i * 13, Exchange Building*. V P*rnamttuo07(P)rapa Qen. Artjror Osoar). ManShesteri 44, Bprlng QardénS. Bahia (Büa 1). jPonselhçiro^Dantw,Eio Brataoo. ÍOU Blrmlngtiami tóli Çolmoré fcdwí Bití de Jãnárò (Avenida StreeV ?\ Santos (Largo; Benador_ Vergueiro) .... Bradfordi 4. Opmmerclál Santa Catharina (P. 16 de Novembro, 10). Ec/jal Bank Plaoõ. - • Neves; M) Olasgowt.5, IT Grande do Sul (E. Andrade - Exchange. Buildings, - Uruguayi : -.— - -~— 'HewoastlMn-TyneiK- MOntevidèò (Oalle Oerrito, 449) _:____' „- Quaysidé.Zí:Z^(Z-íZ' RIVER PLATE iTELEORAPH 00. Cardiff i 38, Merchahtfs Etctaange. Bute Doeas. Piiebía, íijZ Martin..gf Madrid i OaÜef de ía~ Bueno?Ata»'"333" Oall^S. des Postes.^ . : ;<> WEST COAST OF AMERICA iaarsêillesi"Centrai Hoteí :'. TELEGRAPH COMPAHY Malta i Stàüónt Si .GeorgéV- Chllll•.':¦''''. .'" Z , ->:aZ Pfiagua, Iquique, Antofogast». La Be- Romei Wy^:'^^'^^^^zz^zçzz Axica, Taie»» • COMMERCIAL OABLE COMPANY rena, Gpquimbo, Oonoepoion, coronel, ' huano. -:- -¦¦¦'¦--¦-¦— '..-- -¦¦--¦¦•¦_ v New York i Commercial Oable Building. Prat, 69 Antiguo, 211 «00?o) Valparaiso (Oalle '"'. ' Bottomllí. Sta,te 8treet. Santiago (Oalle Huerfanoo, 863). "'¦& Hollit Street. Peru'1 '¦¦'¦ Hallfax. Nova Bcptia: 801; . Callão, Lima e Mollendo. PLEA8E MARk YOUR TELECRAM81— To South Amorloai From South Amerioa tf ali Plaoesr # : BRAZIL >••• ••••••• •?••••••••••••••**»«»f«* Via Western. m^j^^^Z-ZZNortli' ....»»•.«••• SffiSEngland-Madeira FRANCE—Parisi Malta-Madeira -URtJQTJÀY • *k ...*.••• .#•••••••••••?•••••??• Via Madeira. ,,. .-——Soutn .,....•.•..•...•«•.«>•• I Eio do La Platã. Emden-Vigo-Madeira ARGENTINA ••»••••••«••'••••»•••••#•••••••- Via GERMANY...... ••‡ : o it »» i» i» »» „ Eastern-Madeira > PARAGÜAY •••••••.<.....».<**.>•>*•>•••• BELGIUM...... ?••• HOLLAND M~ Emden-Vigo-Madeira OHILI: ITALY...... ••....*...•••* „ Malta-Madeira Ponta Arenas ...... -.«^•••••••••w» „ Eastern-Madeira "Eastern. SPAIN....,...... ,•.»••• -St. AH other „ Vinceni . plaoes.........••••.••• Oabo tWest Coast» PORTUGAL...... i.:««""'"'iii-'rv^v" , 1 PSRT7 ...... ••••••••••••••••••" „ NORTH and CENTlCAL AMERICA etc..:. j> Commercial BOLÍVIA ...••»•••••••••> »» »* and WEST IN^tE^ «r



tjlffp!^ t-.t; LJcLip^^ H i I THE CALORIC iiiüii ^à"~ Avenida Rodrigues Alves. 437 Z '•"¦¦ ' ¦ ¦-, .*¦'-"'. .• ::_, ::ixíí: ¦¦-¦-*¦••''''.'--Z- , y Rio de Janeiro v ¦ •


'¦ TELEPHONE NORTE 52S7 7, !Vf . -"* ;'.•:' ......

¦."¦'¦ AT ¦'¦.; FUEL OIL STATIONS ..;". . ; "...¦'" r^SZ' '1 ¦>

'-. •*' ¦¦ Pará— Pernambuco — Bkhia -- Santos 'Vi;-.*.j.V..:..'-‡-..¦¦'.":_»':.'','--- ¦¦-;¦¦"'¦.*.'¦': Stea ?rs bunkered alongside the


,J^É^:- ',, æ' ---¦¦ ¦ ¦>¦ - -r>--.. ¦„¦ ¦¦¦,"¦...;.¦.¦:.... i,--»,'«-.-, . !*--**«.¦:, ,', _, ...... ..._-,„.. -,T‡'-"—¦•'--¦'•¦• •---.— . ' . ¦--¦: ...... :.„ ...... _' .... (5§V^^ süfevention tn^^A~ Ä_ „ w;, Jmount <^-6aO()Q:000|, of whípfc^^)W:0GO$ to be applied to coa5t-AííniVFTO^V fise and 2;00O:00O$ to overseas «ervicés.ITA-^-Lll X_J I 't^< ilil^lglS^ crtteifítt- ?" 0,,,d" E"hM" *•*•* ^:*íW- Sight "Soverèigns & P90-days. Dollars Vale* Tea-^x.fSOtel.SW^^-^i^^^^^^^^^^^^áí'^^-^...lÒ/S *«* w51^4 3,^00 Ss ^í .^fT^r^ir^Á^^^tís ¦¦¦• 22} «^w^^S";:g i^- i^iisil^-fe"i000. 77^^ ; SS 3$_412SÍ haveI been in existence for over 10 yeàrs and built vessels XQ$732S ? of 700" ¦- ' - "^™""'"'-' ¦¦¦¦¦* isôiis. X™.^^^Aud iiDWft_rcÍR*£t|7^a*"* ¦•)*¦• ffl 9.^ 3_^T 6$596JsTTÀ be contracted with «tato. Governments or with 3o°41 . aUth°rTfed "• ^ " CfedÍt privato°f 3OO0Ò:O0°* parties ' ©L^ ^S«""8 jftP^f^ Th° Bank:°f ** *«« » 1"6 and j •J² *L9 7"8d; Wlth money ¦ : JtíM? m Pr«mpt commercial bills k

!»«»*•, Camerino í| ?& V16 ^P^n»* 81. Rio de Janeiro.raised the rato later to 10 l-8d Othe? bankí „„L í in i f C.«a do Cmre,o 809. ^.phone: Norte 196610; 1-164 with cleliyery. money ter M& a\ 10 l-K :1|^^ ¦ " . plp1 i The market opened firm and during~4he day some 1 -^^¦¦¦}.mm->^ bank8 drew at 10 . . .- l-4d, and business was done in coSmercial bills APPROXIMATE VALUE OF THIRTEEN LEAOINC EXPORTO. , . £ RIO ANO SANTOS, IN «M*

~~ ¦¦¦M 28 February - 35 408 : 117-4,925 ...... 7,227148 lôl 2 11 "Ti ""r 159 31 March ...... :..... ,*,023 119 *7.¦' ^ 7« 7 7,873 2817 43: fi a * 7^."" 108 «> April ...... 5,85761 358 - 7 ÍÒ < 3S 97,492m', _. ^ ~ 1» 89 *M.r,Fev.... 4,61681,..._. ..<7,.„, —Y. ,is ""3 62 :;6,490 ÍEJft, 80 J-»> •••-••-: 6,96734 235-' 9 18 ," 78 . 4,9«.160, ,^ ' A' ?'m^ :4 > 6 aonths. 1919 .:.. 35,202 589 107-_6: 0² IA» - 47239.379—-^ -.7 „•»*:ÍTJÜF uujjt ² V169/,16líia 1877474496]247TR683790. —: «^w.-..---j ¦ -.¦¦-....-,¦- ^r 31 August ...... 6,23171ioe35'- JZti16°55^7,968 257 ã 80Septemh.rY„... 44-6,408 207 4,71534611135"  ^ ^ y;Í

M montH^..^35Ç,2,065 1,273 l,877 467, í. g SSÉ, ^ _^g_£4A,WB ^8 Total 12 months; 1919 67,880 9393138T29QTWliooa |ggn, rt | : Month.y «g : averbe, 1919 5 6571_.3fJ ^ ^ ^ 1^77^ 4 Weo^ average, ^5 "g;. |f«' g 1919 l,p ?8 60 25 23 37 .10 g )mmm*mmMonthly average, 191S lAúíJ 071^«fe:áS^69 9..fii To?,^ r"T2 oQ7 • , gQg„ :;g .M^¦—— _lL-__1"7 average 1918.347A62 u. ^.. ^ ^« « jWeekly 19325 ^ J!^' 2'^¦ 7 January, 1920 ....5;209318832ÍT ' ;3l 2ÕÕ627 299~2643 ,,. 22..220 1616!)614211lf9 .31^^brU.a^ March ...... ¦-•»¦•W7,290 .9634~-77 1-^"""¦ 4«2.171 ooo t«35756'5328»859225«88 30•••¦-*"«'.*« April •••,..•5^26 Virqq«Bí,?2" í 83^7-íss0,O-íO ..-I110 -s396 - 158Q-J7 nnn1K/7 ¦•-¦ -  d>bW153364^--10755047• 10-3 ss i2" i ? 225 056 168 * Ist • «ortta 1920.... 30,8567062,0171874822,M02-386MÍ124 Mnnthly ayerage 31240*478 223^ ...5.1431183364880433398118 21 We^ky average .... 1,1862778111810092276 É2IwS" li.$£ «3 S ‡ 3,2112351731076^477 6Í Q4 ^Uly 3'7172*81778711027458 254/ 1S7 30oiim8^ September. ?" ,15--.,,4697 152'' 4,31210294217105287111 24 2'' 5 2fífi i^í ••••••;-" 3,21°21S3123393041321" f30 K0be7 ¦ «»10. YV 4 657 1.0 ?• §30 November 3,103317,. 561193047106 - •' 9111412-Mil JS I 'to'a D». ««O -53153055 * §2,628138281552510 á! I ^Veek ended 12 Jan.7. 86339BB- J 426"_||Í ,# * to 12 f | dan^ary .'..... §882y79,1171... 4261 ... B_&0 -jS í ¦ altcration- QÍSundr^ comprise Cocoa, Tobacco, GoitòiiÉeed and Mandioca Mea) NcS160tAt0jute.—August; September and October háve been revised and corrected.,.. . • figures 'uZ-Z^"^ ..- 'A for 1920 will be published ,Avhen «ame have been verified. • s4iV^S -'¦-' ' ‡: '' ¦ ¦ ;- 'yY-':-. ?Y;, Z"¦.•...:¦ ¦¦ '; V'‡ 4ito<"!^ ¦ ... .y y. , ,yjg.~ , .-....' .•.:¦;.¦..V ..'.,¦/ "' '7 ¦%_ ,'- ^ / '.¦-/: ,-, . :- | '¦(^ ¦ : «.-._\ •-'-' . 777;7 . • æ......-."¦'...._'...... -v^« »:*><¦; ' 't• '¦•-- ' r ' ' •' WfUWMkN'90SUIU4A* B9VX9WJtotar *«*> mi- litp gr .mii—iai. wrm**'!*~~~m~~

m^^mm^^^^mmT^^m^m^^?m^m^?^^^y^^^^^^^^- "'" ' '¦' '¦' '"* •—T ¦ -fíHfS f - ¦ * •¦' f* -**''¦• ^ *¦ r ¦'* "* *' ¦¦* f ~ '' '''" " . V SCOTT &URNER BUENOS AIRES IP ( Formerly of SCOTT & HUMÉ) Engineering Contractors-Builders STEAMSHIÉ iGENtS Rif

88o Pauto - Rua Bòa Vista, 11...... •-,<* Tel.Addr.: "SCOTTURNEITRiojaneiro & Sao Paulo" J.L. TURNER & CO Special JEqyipment for:- Construction of:- ?íí - "Bonatósof Çj{y Buildings Une oi Steamers. ., in Reinforced concrete Factoriqs —o-* fiylf 8«fMl Ito- ifíBÈHt v,- Erection of Structurai [es France _ Canada Steamsníp Corp, New York. Wharfs-Jettjes Simpsón Spence -i Young, New York. —0-r York. Piledrivlng Concrete Piling Elder Steel Steamship Co;. New 7

Workg Oesign and AASSÊí!êêIê^êê^' Executed Construction of:- Sa r m lento 452 at cost plus Plant8fòr !j§Í I BUENOS Al RES. - , •¦- ¦' i .•<*''¦''¦'-•¦'•¦'• "¦i ' '.',-¦. ' ' '7' y - •¦' J ¦ ¦ • ¦'¦'¦ -y ¦ .•; : percentage or Coid Storage Post^ifcAddíess- AAAA^:.-> 905AA^^^ÊAm'- at pontracted and jdàsili^a Cakjji Address "SAMSONM" Prices Papking .Hojjgéft — e*p ^r^

w W*^&\ INTERNATIONAL MA«C0NI >,-;.-" '.'5, CORE ——m^1 ^^Ê___


VOL ,VOL |IVOL III ypL IV ¦_.' EHCLISHENGU8HENCLISHENGLISH FRENCHRU8SIANPORTUGUESE GERMAN 9PANISJJJAP0HESEITALUNDUTCH (fy) /?- HALVES .^HE GOST OF CABLING •^: AND J§ AN INTERPRETING AGEfcfT ANT) THE BEST GIGARETTE PHRASEOLOGIÇAL DLCTIO#ARY. LESSENS ERRORS IN TELEGRAMS _ TO THE ADVE^TISER:-7 BJ BgJNG ABLP TO ÇODE AND PECOPg ajxiçi in án^p^iricements your plao^ng j^i a papef"Oiffér ; IN NATIVE LANGUAGE. , i|3 because know' ¦ - ....„.>. ¦ ...-¦,¦ •¦¦¦ ..-¦•..,- _ .. .¦¦_ ... -;' ...... _yf ¦•¦.¦¦¦¦¦ • ¦¦ pxijjiçLrily ; you $j^àt''!whaé-you meets the ey3 of most likely; persons ' 1jo'rq^ts È»e Particulars froflj 7 interested." Once readers are interestéd it ~? with the adyertiser tp push the enquiry intp gQod WHYTl & J business. Wilèmap^a Braziliáfr Review .^un^^rs CO. amongst its ^eaders every Qçlfe, ba^^ng/^pqrt v SELLING and import house any standing ipíh,re^ .-• • AGENTS pf ^pn-, tinents. It |s rare ípr an a^vertisement to pe withdrawn. The inference is obviou^ wn.E¥A$r'S tbba^hjan ^yjiew, RIO DE JANEIRO CAÍXÀ¦;."(PO^Í ÓEFltóÊ BÓ^t) 809,u 7 RÍÒ DE JANEIEÒ.

¦ ... -•<¦¦'•'¦._ •• - Wy^y, k rS

Jarttiary 10fcn, Itttl;- WILÊMANS BflAZiLlAN MíVIBW m M ¦!*•*«" ¦••*»** irf,,'"it«-lfc»*-''^*..*-**¦'

at ÍÔ\"$%&'i.¦¦;TOo nwrlÉèít cmsedeMet, fâfcs drawing àt 10 1-Bd This íncidènt will have a a|d büyinjg; prompt bigs at lÒ 3-X6tf. _Íè New York-London very unfavourable éffèct 19201919-Value % ÇolumnV. £ sterling 51.451.993 60.227.244 -'"8.775.281 It is well for our legislators to remember that forAgn c;}p!tül ' 14^6 Gontos cul-rency 818,814 1,029,519 - cannot/Be^íayéd with and that if'the Government ís pressed for 210,795 2oh nioney, it is not with arbitrary law forcing banks to finance tho For the eleven months of the current year, value of exports cotmtry with exchange turnovers, but with honest dea-ings with in sterling shows.decrease of 14.6 per, cent on 1919 and in cur~. rency foreign capital that loans will be obtained. of 20.5 per cent.*i>A  Aí'' ;:

¦ yWÈ 'y.. ',,;.¦;.:¦-.7-7- ¦.-.¦•..^:-.•¦.¦'"..:.';..'.":•. < ;.,:,-'-.v.V>.;".,;:"'-< ¦ . 7 77-¦$ hS_&&:.:, fymw&miy- JÍWbyf, Zí - 96 WILEMAN»S B__A7.n,lAN RBVIEW January lOth, p:y

7- Companhia Mechanica e Importadora de São Paulo * '; ¦•« -•¦¦•>," *¦•/--=¦".'¦•• '¦ ¦¦'.;•'. v^y*r . ¦ ; :,'i..v'.y. ;y;,'.7 -Z *'j^È æ=•-';* '-7;,'-'.:.¦•-' ¦¦¦ Raila: IM PO RTERS OF: Materiala for «very class oí Conatruetton Worlc: Railway matcrtala; Loeomottyos; Z Coal: Iron and Steel; O.U; Cèaunti A.pkalt: Wator Pipe»; Electric Material: Motor etc. etc.'* - - ' Boats; AutomoL.les, :;y/zz. (..:-.'¦.' 'Z;''-¦¦ y. yi' &«*. 7'../,*/¦ Z;Z'.'^yy?'':- . \yy.77 Materiala: Naila: MAKERS OF: CoíUe and Agricultural Mackinery: Sanitary and Eartkenware Screwa and Bolta: Cottonseed Oil: Castor Oil; Coconut Oil, etc. Iron and Bronze Castings.SÀjWMILLSEngineers and Contractors. SOLE EXPORTERS OR Chilled and Frozen Meat», and ali other produets, from thePacking Houses at Barreto* and Santos, AND GAS AGE CBIAMIC WOIKS: WAIEHOUSES. FACTOIIES — Ruas Monstnhor Andrade e Américo Brastllens* (Braz) Agua-Branoa, Talephona 10-15.

Codes Used. A. B. C. 5 Ih Ed, A. 1 A. Z., Bentleys Liebers Western Union and llbeiro. '. SÃO PAULO ¦ . SANTOS LONDON BIO DE JANEIRO HFAtl Í1FPIRF RUA l5 DE NOVEMBRO. 36 BRANCHESs AVENIDA RIO BRANCO, 25 RUA S. ANTÔNIO. 108-110 BROAD STREET HOUSE ncmi-urriüc CABLE address: «mechanica a. E.C.. paulo, P. O. BOX 1534 P.O. BOX 129 New Broad st. P. O. Box 51-Telephone 24.4 m-

THE GITY OF SflíTOS l|«P-Í0VE|«E]m GOpAI-Y, üiuiited. Bstado de Sâo _P_a.t-.lo Caixa 4 -SANTOS GAS Department. Special Coke and Tar produced by th* Continuous Carbonization process. Also soft Pitch ior waterprooíiog purposes, crude Bonzol and Oils for the manüfacture of Desinfectants. WATER Department. Distribution on the constant supply system. Special cheap rates for industrial supplies. Ships supplied with water of guaranteed purity, at the rate of 150 tons per hour if required. ELECTRICITY Department. Installations of any magnitude for light and power. Cheap power for long- hour donsumers. motor repairs.. y TRAMWAY Department. Seventy Kilometres of rapid electric Service, during 22 hours. Season tickets with non-stop service at night. Special terms for large parties. Parcel delivery; Service to ali points. Electric transport of Goods and Building Material at cheap rates. Goods from interior should be Z-- "Companhia a- -despatched CITY. DesvioSüboo". ¦ TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS:—"CIDADE"—SANTOS HEAD OFFICEt-SALISBURY HOUSE. LONDON WALL--LONDON

flli NOIÍSKI LLO¥D IIIHIAICl Cl. MD. P. S. NICOLSON & CO. •77 CAPITAL 10,000,000 KRONER London, New York, Rio de janeiro. I. ¦ Heád Office at Christiania—; Agencies at London, Santos, Bello Horizonte and Paris, New York, Buenos Ayres, Valparaiso — São Paulo.'' ' = and other important centres.

Agents in ali parts of Brazil f MARINE INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION m. IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS. Very favourable terms Shipping: Agents of policies and moderate premiums. PROMPT ATTENTION *¦'? TO CLAIMS Fire & Marine 5 :*¦ Insurance Agents.


*«¦•..íí-y .v- Representatives. Offices at Rua de São Pedro 63—lst. floor. Moline Plow Co. Agricultural Machinery. TELEPHONE NOBTE 1334 —:- CAIXA POSTAL 1554 H. W. JòHi)s-Manvilíe Co., Abestos Products, RIO DE JANEIRO - etc. etc. etc.

m&SiL... y_ ... '.: ¦¦:¦•. '¦'¦.' '.; '¦; ! ¦" .„¦;•'¦: 榦•¦-.-, I^fSfe WILE1CAN'8 January 19th, 1921. BRAZH&âlf RBVIEW> vt

«Thé1;ffatür%Òf'éxpòrts"iÊr^niilfèts currency was as~foHows:— London, ;-penee' $ 7-16/9 5V8 ^17(3-8/17%z 1Ô1Í9 192a t Inc. or Dec. x aris ...... *, $408— $4Í7 $414— $419 $328— $337 Cotton, raw... f\577:815$ ^38.61^:21^ Italy ZV 0A~* * • • • •'• § +31.036:5^ $230— $245 | $243^ $20» f; $274— $306 ... 4.289:671$ 59.864:133$ 55.574:462$ Portugal $700^1 $780 • $700—^880^ 1~$Q50—1$15B ¦ Lard z ZZ*Z'Z -... 11.600:394$ 4.818:609$ 6:781:785$ New York 6$640—6$800 6$820—6$950 3$640—3$650 Coffee ,....,.. ...916.2841784.1 632.342:832$ -183."941:952$ Switzerland 1 $064—1 $090 1$075^1$110- '2:614:897$ Frozen meat .... 33.332:341$ 35.947:238$ •+ B Aires, pesa, 2$260—2$310 2$380^-2$480 Í$59Ô—1$620 Beans...... — 11.757:009$ 7.493:897$ 4.263:112$ B. Aires, gold. 5$380-l5$42O 5$460—5$490 3$620—3$660 Spain Bananas 1.591:863$ 2.161:727$ + 569:864$ ...:.... .V $880— $980 ' •. $ySs<5-^- ípl/Oo $705— $710 Montevideo ... 5$Í80—5$400 5$260^-5$450 * '- " 3$86Ò--3$920 Coffee:—Quantity exported during the first elèvven months Denmark ..„— 1$135-^- of 1919, 9.088.Õ01 bags, as against 7.859.423 bags in 1920. Norway l$06O—1$170 1$100—1$130 Sweden 1$370—1$520 1$410—1$530 Destination of Exports, in milreis currency:— Japan ...... 3$220—3$32Q 3$320—3$400 :vZ!-Z- . S>-rv--; ; - :Z-, •..¦?¦.,-,,«.-J ZV't,3.':.>,v»r Belgiuni.... $435— $450 $435-^$445 1919 1920 r ;.*" ;icZ;i/:r:'i;,', Holland (flr.) . 2$200—2$235 2$190—2$240"*' Germany 331:779$ 71.530:092$ Hamburg ,... $098— 49.846:276$ £ $112 $095-- $103 $072— $080 Belgium 23.338:529$ Value of £ sterling Denmark 24.776:000$ 12.571:988$ at sight rate 24$000—24$615 24$150—24$615 France,...,. í5»(t«**•«•*•.¦*••» *,*;*.• 281.734:505$ 128.733:923$ -1 Value sovereign »¦ - Argentine 13.576:681$ ¦23.887:291$ buyers ...... 31$000 '6 30$700 Holland <•'• • • •••••• • 28.036:256$ 29.217:568$ Discounts, London .... 6 5-8 'o 5-8 % 5 5-8 % Italy 39.248:610$ 104.215:486Jf5 D, Bank of England - 7 % 7 . % 6 Norway 10.404:409$ 891:162$ Ditto, New York .... 8 % % 4 3-16 % Spain,. »•», »,t • • • « 22.156:836$ 2.802:442$ Sweden 37.996:266$ 19.757:781$ • United Kingdom ...... y.H.A.,... 27.697:933$ 30.163:247$ ''H ív.i: BANK BALANCES tlnited States ; z.í..:...,..r..:...;:.!... 466.090:688$: 359.22/ :539S5 Other countries.....:...... 27.623:013$ 12.477:019$ BRA8ILIANISCHE BANK FUR DEUTSCHLAND. BALANCE SHEET FOR BRANCHES AT RIO DE JANEIRO, S. PAULO, SANTOS, PORTO ALEGRE AND BAHIA. Total 1.029.519:252$ 818.814:067$ 31st December, 1920. *"A.S86Í/S ¦ *'¦¦ » Cash in Balance off Trade, Eleven Months, January-November. hand,and at bánkers .,.....'!...."...... 13.375:916$877 Guaranteed current accouhts16.051:046$345 Increase or Decrease Bills discounted...... ;10.349:356$568 19201919Value% Accounts with head office, branches and agencies53.577:024$I57 Bills receivable21.021:811 $954 Collateral deposited as security14.377:935$7.70 Exports ..... 51.451.993 60.227.274 - 8.775.281 14.6 Securities depositedí;;V?...... 34.010:881$720 Imports ;..f 34.H0^è ' 19.^99.744 +14.311.152 72.3 Sundry accounts2.833:436$876

•23.086.433 ; 4 ZZ^5.597:410$267 Surplus exports 17.341.007 40.427.530 Liabilities. Ditto, 50.8204.2 Capital (1 mark equals 1$000).,..15.000:000$000 Current accounts, with and without interest ...15.165:820$905 5)','.' ^•Y-*! }¦ Deposits, fixed and with advice .;11.826:916$293 Accounts with head office, branches and agencies47.109:662$729 Money Market Quotations. Securities deposited and in guarantee Y69.410:629$444 Sundry accounts7.084:380$896 15 Jan,'21 8 Jan,'21 15 Jau,'20 *Jlio Municipal, 1906. buyers ... —²181$ 165.597:410$267 *Ditto, 1917, buyers ²173$ E.&O.E.—E. John; Bra£il Funding, 1898,' 5 per, cent .... 6564 74 W. Rupp. siCT»i.«Çfc«;> Ditto, new iri4 .. '.¦ 5351% 51 BANCA FRANCESE z Conversioi, 1910, 4 cent 4038% 51 E ITALIANA PER LAMERICA DEL SUD per Capital—50,000,000.00fcs.Reserve Fund—31,Ó00,000.00fcs. Ditto, 1903,4 per centis 60%61% 73 BALANCE SHEET OF BRANCHES IN BRAZil^ Z - Federal District, 5 per cent 4748% 76 31st December, 1920. Brazil- Railway 17-81% 5% jcLSSOvS* Cash Brazil Traction '. 38%37% 60 85.055:073$080 Bills discounted ! 60.027:614$650 Leopoldina Railway 27%27 44 Bills receivable 89.936:945$790. .„._ S. Paulo Railway 134129% 182 Securities deposited as guarantee Í5.690:270$730 Dumont Coffee 7%% 6%7 Guaranteed current accounts39.373:197$77Q pref. Current St. 16-9 accounts and correspondents in Paris ...60.050:699$97Ó . John dei Rey, Mining Ord 13-913-3 Correspondents abroad 40.136:206$830 Kio Flour Mills 6362-6 80 Securities deposited 287.219:439$I60 > London and Brazilian Bank 21%21% 26 Sundry accounts-.31.311:551 $330 Royal Mail Òrdinary 100100 192 B"ítish. 91 7-8 708.800:999$310 f War'í% Loan,' 1920-37 5% 83%83% Liabilities. 51% /Oonsols, per^cent"..'...': 47%.46% Capital declared for Brazil (12,500,000.00fcs.). 7.500 0O0$Ó00 r French rente 57.9258 5:7.50 Benevolent Fund : . 617 749$750 ¦ -m :Dit,to, 5 1915 ...:.... 85.2085.20 88.50 Deposits, fixed and with advice. 47.983:987$380 percent, '...'..".."...... "68.6068.60 Current acs. with & without int. 156.870:965$510 f Ditto, 4 ceut, 1915 71.25 204 854 :952$890 per Bills payable 106.462 :881$150 *Ciosing Exchange. oí Rio Stock Accounts with correspondents abroad 53.092 :123$560 15 Jan, 192Í 8 Jan, 1921 15 Jau,1920 Securities deposited and in guarantee 287.219 :439$Í60 | Exchange, N. York-London Sundry accountsZ.. 49.053 :852$800 (Teleg.) dal per £ 3 73.00• 3.64.50 3.73.50 708.800 :999$310 ParisrLondon E.&O.E.—S. Paulo, -Frontini-Rossi 12 Jan., 1921.- ; Clerle, (»ight)frs per £ 61.3761.05 42.05 Accountant.

...,...._.. >.<">!

. _¦¦ WILEMAN'8 IBRAZILIAN REVD5W. January l«to, Í92I* mm^mmm^mmm ''te'',;

K+V&&. J... íjtÁ.-jikít.^.-.j/- z:rz I 'f)HMSTON&m âs. m ^ÈiípOklfe OF ^Ô^^rCBRBA^Ôí ÔÜCto, AND A^IJ BRAZU

"H V- *iOI«ÍON ¦-" RIO IKE JANEIBJD SANTOS S. PAULO 2 Great St. Üèlen?s Av. Rio Branco 65/67. tfiik t*réi Gaspar 1& Rua S» Bento. 45 ianaanMMttntoWttaaaii ^¦¦.^'.-..ffcf- . A.....t.-•..•.."..¦¦¦...<.. ¦ J-.-tJ. ÉSÉB *!**.'-

'-' V ,!,(,.' . ,. z




Wilaon* Ce. . Wilson CoMlssIoa Ço, Archer A Co. Wilson Commission Co.Z- -,_ Hdvona—Cuba. V/a >Mf Settembre n. 47, 59, West Smtthfield P. O. 001356. Genoa—)t

¦: ZZZ& $%&


Cables Ali Brasil: iÉPTOUSON & BLOMBERG "SCANDIA" (Bonry Maítiniusoü-Carl Bíomberg) General Export & Import : Rua São f^dro 63/65- RIO DE JANEIRO 'EM São PaulojZ Santos rortoiíèoíe . Brazil n. 2 Branches in { Rua Libero Badaró 136Rua Santo Antônio 37 Rua Bento Martins

te Argentine Branch: RÉINRY MARTINIUSON (Manag-er: Horaee V. Watson) Calle San Martin 333, BUENOS; ^

$$4* i .' r._..:-!-^-" ¦musa ¦¦:;- M^m^^y^-: -wmm&mwm mt; m ¦ W

:. &>. do Estacio de São Paula ¦-7 CAPITAL SUBSCRIBgp 4Q.QQG .Q0Q$Q00. CAPITAL REALIÇED 12.000:000$000. RESERVE FUND 6.500:000$000.

írt '. *7 BALANCE SHEET, 31st DECEMBER, 1020. 7

including t»w movtmon, of OantQS, Piracicaba, Campinas, Bebedouro, 8. Manoel, Botucatú, Bragança, Rio Preto, Mogy-MIrim, 7Í Taçi«0r|tlnga and A vare Branches.

7 .7 ; ;A$SETS,. i* ;" LIABILITIES.:'A: Unpaic) - Capital ...... ,.,...,...... :. 8.0Q0:OÇK)$000 Capital...;...... ,.....,.....;;...... 20.000 :QpO$000 Secunties owned by Bank...806:952$800 Reserve Fund .¦.'...... '...... ;....;..'.:,....«k5ÒÒ:0(X)$OÒO Jteal estate belonging to Bank .....;...... 2.114:474$740 Profit and Loss Account ..,.;...'.495:043$870 ¦¦-¦¦¦"» Bills disoounted :7...... 28.320:092$820 l^eposáts in cY/ác. wítn and without interest ...... 45.423:185$31Õ" Ouaranteed and otfeer aecounts32.305:318$510 Deposits at fixed date and with advice14.724:409$500 Securities án guarantee ...... 49.195:912$110 Securities pledged and in deposit 81.800:946$300 Values £e^os|ted for safe*\...... çustody 32.605:034$ 190 DJjrectors' secün^' \.;,".;...,.. Í50:000$000:81.950:946$30O X^rectqrs' sècurity 1..... 150 :QOO$00O81 ,(950:946$300 Aecounts with Agencies ...... ;...14.784:404$300 Bjlls reoeivable ...... :...7..._..;~';.~...~„;21.806:722$820 Correspondtnts in Brazil516:120$I90 Sundyy.^nnt^ . ...... ;...... _,.,.1.06g:703$84Ò Ditto, correspondents abroad 73:256$670 Aecounts with Agencies ...... ,...... ',...... 13.4^7:991 Bills receivabje $010 ^...,...... M'm 21.806:722$820 Cterrespondpnts in Brazil ..;.....2.O34:744$660 Sundry aecounts ....3.311:223$140 Correspondents Abroad -. .é.4.073:97O$Q30 ^nÇ^?me4 divida»,....;.....•...•.1Q:872$7QQ Cash: In hand and at barikers'..,..'.14.327:688$270 Directors' percentage38:458$500 Tax on dividend ànd directors' bônus 36:961 $500 ¦.¦'¦V. ".i':yÍ lõth Dividend of 12% 77:^ per ann or 7$200 per share72O:00O$0OO

fts. 210.301:604$800 Rs. 210.301:604$800

7 S. Paulo, lOth January, 1921. E.&O.E. (Signed) Erasmo T. de Assumpoão .President. í (signed) L. A. Teixeira de Assumpoão, Act. Manager. T.B. Muir, Supérintendent-Diréctor.

PROFIT ¦ AND LOSS ACCOUNT, 3l8t DECEMBER, 1020. '•'.-¦¦ iy. i

7~>''\*-7^V v :; '--. DEBIT. CRJ3j>rj_. Sundry expenses...... 7...... 72:623$690 Brought forward from 3Qth «f une, J.920 >¦¦¦¦••< 382;515$040 7EÍ_vision for bad and doubtful debts 459:051 $830 Profits, after deduetion of ániterest carried for- B^nts and taxes ..;7....//....;.... 6J:638$65Q ward to next half-year ,!...... ,.,. 2.507:295$610 IjSrectors' and Fiscal Council's fees 48:600$000 Salários of staff and bônus 483:043$300 Depreciation: 50^0 office appliances 89:395$860 44:697$930 T>itto, 5% on furniture, etc 145:406$020 7:270$300 Dtitto,. in Installation account 12:421$080 Reserve Fund, credited to this account 500:000$000 .tyirectorp'. percentage, 3% of Rs. 1.281:948$830. 38:458 $500 Tax on dividend and directors' 36:961$500 percentage —. ;»V':^ l£th Dividend of 12% per ann or 7 .$200 per share 720:000$OOÓ f.,'¦ .1, Carried forward Y .....; 405:043$87Q; ti :¦¦.-.¦•*.'.

Rs.. 2.889:810$6oQ Rs. 2.889:810$650

S. Paulo, lOth January, 1921. E.&O.E. A. Caputo, Account ant. 7?Sl

¦'¦'¦ BANCO PORTUCUÊ8 DO BRASIL. Liabilities. $& Capital Rs. 50.000:000$000. Capital50.000:000$000 BALANCE SHÉET FOR THE RIO DE JANEIRO OFFICE. Reserve Fund3.7ll:Ò48$Ô18 31st December, 1920. Bèhevolent ^und 30:000$000 \§ Ass.ts Current aecounts, with and without interest 59.549:764$399: Unpaid Deposits, fixed and with advice 18.102:129$517; Capital ,....'22.016:080$000 Securities deposited and in Bills ddscounted 4.436:568$433 guarantee .,.125.070:533$635' Bills reoeivable.,..7t..7.'.25.374:246$629' '*Mm íjoans and guaranteed current aecounts 63.378:832$818 Bills receivable- 25.374:246$629 Correspondents at home and abroad -$). 119:876$317 Securities owned by bank8.464:224$30ü Bills payable135:218$500 Securities deposited and in '•125.070:533$635 Directors deposit60:000$000v guarantee Dividends payable—Unclaimed ... 321:097$000 ^hares deposited- in guarantee ..'.60:000$000 Correspondents 10% p.a. for ;2nd half of 1,^20 1Í9?:196$0p(01..720;^93$00o| at '"77...... 7:7:home and abroad‡34.625:576$99842.080:632$374 l:':.'....77.1..;....i.:^.:.:.^.^/.:.46.169:215$106 Sundry aecounts Siindry aecounts'.branches ^_r Aícounts Aecounts with of Bank"2.642^8S$90Oj with branches'...... of Bank7.. 8.302:4O3$ô74 Cnsli^Iôr- ctírrency 12.558:469$396 At Tbankers 61557:746$464 19.116:215$860 352.925:3I4$621 E.&O.E.—Rio ^e^Janeiro, J,0 Jan., ^0.—Visconde de ^oraes, 352.925:314$621 President; J7Aragão, Accountant.

¦'v'í ¦ ¦'¦.:.&:¦'-¦.•="•".'.' m ... -W A' ¦ : . - >;'.... .-¦¦ • .: :AA ' inuntó-rs b_u _&__ian bsviiw Jt.l^;^y:$#l¦^lljjpiiP 7 y- ". ¦,".-_!'i.7...'''-¦¦*¦ ¦ - rm . ^..»'.-i.; Wá ti»_U-'-!T!-.í. «nfe.»«^»-.J<.& K*H^*'*.*»*»^_j^J^iM^toBaMMafeiÉHiaHM__-_-----l

"*._ vfeS. :*í7«) _•' .ft"^'!' &¦ ~"í ¦¦"'. &5L *"* Ti*6fltHti.. _ JGK lOFElÕtó MPORl d, f». _#% * nm^^^'"*¦¦''¦ -Q-j c '••AV'- •«. _i * ¦••¦-'- Afc_my ¦ ^¦¦¦m _^Ü__^^_H DE MARÇO, 119 ¦ éA PRIMEIRO ,p^_ "-nS*1 '.4- ¦••¦¦••;¦> s »*_-"¦ í o í ,!"*££ ífcZli/' jí*"tT. ¦«?***¦{" i"^i .'iV ¦v* •<*.<" 'w mo oi: JANBIM z- /¦> £ í. j K*r .-«•_ ;¦>•* •-*" (FACTORIES AT PORT GLASGOW, G REENOCK, LAKARK :Á V* '1 :Mff EstaMUhrt 173t 1 vOMiliiT SOLHl SPII^ÀS, WEAVERS, •.n MAKERS ..».«slv;v ?^^!^fSâk. ' '777 sw*bl-sh_*d iii tíwiíyear 1808 fc mb?.-*".:"..* •iV'.-...¦ msSat WaTERPROOF & ROTPROOP. ¦_pBv^___5l__L ITl -1 I^bratkd ^ idypunas^osiry:r*^çir,p_e mtT --^Sfe|sS^ã^iÍ|âtt 2_Zf. .* \ %y. COTTON.WMMM Steríiitg 'J.-Jj. í. ' . ti Jiv*t"C' r.-.-ie. JtòSáíMÃS ¦C A#¥i'g IX 'í»'.l.. í •tz $7 for Tents of ali descripttotis; TarpaqliniS" ALL FIRE R1SKS ACCEPTED í St? J; ikf' Hatch Covers, Waggbri Covers; ,y,,':y^í||^ •. - ..,, y Agents in Rio de janeiro: ]_2:...;' Çart Çove|s,..... i-zenida Rio Branco, .9, L' ROPUS. TWINBS,; CORDS; 8^1^ WIRE ROFE8 HARDMAN & OÕ.. •:':. . ...íy^COTTON-'-_N'BT«y^.-7-v^-./Z;-' Z'. . y TELBPHONE: NORf^pf? Z{Z /QIÍÃÍflT^^r-'^ ¦*!• AND' TôIí(¥^;'.^EtS.,Àl<^yAÍ<

__. ,-'»' »

í.;.;_: fiiííá ^ «- •_£ '. 'í- 'V # ^i- •;.1«v7.*f... & i >* ¦¦¦¦¦-¦--¦¦i^i 58 :jt /_ k* Brazilian Alliance Conipany, LimiUii. 3 *' Glúten Bread -_-_------•• .*. i- í.i: '.>. í_k POR Z Head Office: GhriBtiania^ ^íorway. , .#.*. ; = , - \\M Úd., «ii0 ünlon Diabetes. dbe3Íty,2.^^^||^^ Brattcfr ofí-^Utaii»»' Export * lmpB«t Co.r Despepsiiav 0aistfitiar çtcf Indigestioti,'¦'•'• ": ;;.;.y-.y"'-'Vaí^f-^ "' ':'>v- y Pap«r Mills,^ ChrittiBnliívH«f««y- • •¦ .'1 . . <' and .Speçiality: Impo# pf ali kinds qf paper and pulpa. Export The Pread That Creatès St^etng^ Euergy of iBrazilian iespeciaHyfiujBtaCí Coffee, Cocoa, etc. ^ ••'''. •ZZ*-V'!'yr produce, -steel. -¦'/V ;v ..'-^or^SàléZatZyZíy-,. General^lTOporters ofi CodfiBkj ali kinds of hardware, machinery, etc., etc. iron, ifaetals; chémicals; dfugs,^ Crashley ta Co.f Rua



M£~'7 m-y/ WALTER & CO Estado do Rio Grande dó Norte — Brazil ?.*•>.• ii 143, Bua da Quitanda, 143 COTTON MERCHANTS

-ni í-.>/-;.v,í-í'7vS> DE JANEIRO p- >'C- i**íV't:.: OÍ?TEf.S A EXPORTEIS 15 de HoiemWo, 3 Rua 7 ü( Setembro, 49, Sobf. A G È N T S : — Ne^Z York > &nCuba Mail • BU [I ¦•'.;<*7 ¦¦¦,[¦:.;iSteamship !:.*¦¦ . Co.( ê? SAO PAULOIIPORTO ALEGRE ZZ«t||; WABO LI NE London :li.iV^ •>: \:."¦.¦.*'<,; -.- BilMter S* BuiluiHÉs. ' ¦ Z;';Z.,. Ç H"-i I C0MMI8SIBN & SHIPPING ACENTS, FIRE & MARINE wàí laiÉI^HSZfiiillS ACENTS, NATIONAL PRODUCE MERCHANTS, CoideS: -^ Ribeiro-^ A. B. C. 5ih -^,l#eiberss' IN8ÜRANCE ; ;;y~ ELECTRICAL, HYDRAULIC * GENERAL ENGINEERS. £J)7 yy 7 Bentíey^."'; ,'z ^^kg^y ;ii''; æM ir . • i -• •• ¦,_..'•••¦ ' - ' ¦ J.7, ...... ¦ . ¦>. "'¦'-¦ Z-v* -;. (;.*** ;*.?''-Z.-:- Z'—> *«*7iS

': ¦, ¦; •t*rfj ..:.,:,•;'•¦ 7 - ..,

'?Z"..V-^.i!ZZí"7 SS-V *m * '¦""¦ ' ¦.;'-''''¦¦. " i£/*« '"'.¦ :-¦¦•"• ¦ : mÊP ;•:'•' * miLmUMWê BRAZILUW ILEVIB*. ^ ? *S ídi RH m '.Ai '. *-att FIRST SANTA FÉ TYPE , «íS(»_V : P LOCOMOTIVE *_& IN SÓUTH AMERICA


'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦"**^^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^-^w__^_H_^_WEllaBRaHw a í'— Built for Paulista Railway of Brazil. Gauge 3 ft. 3-3,8 in.; cylinder*,*20 in. x 22 in. Boiler pressure 190 lbs.; dia. of drivers. 42 in. ?*4 à Total weight engine and .tender 256,000 lbs. - *_• ¦¦?'-»--«» SiK SilPllr_^ÉII_íàrecently oraereü stx fcanta ^ $*$mm ?*»&_ £*uway SFe 1™voff^croptype locomotives from,from The Baldwin Locomotive Works The^ °f th S ty?C t0 be USedin Soath AmeHca.íTheirexcesr.f S'W&M.Udo typeX2-8-2).»approx.mately «&•^ twenty-five power over the per cent. These Santa Pé Locomotives áre now in operanon and are prSvi-g their worth as are -Míirqiíez similar locomotives rece.tly placed in TervTe on i^orenzoLoTen.o in Portuguese East África by the same Company..,7";service TÉtE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS ¦m | ". PHILADELPHIA -(U.S.A.) f-\r[/'.\J;. ;... : >;:" BIO DB JANEIRO - «H.TÒ Al.ORB - PARÁ - BABIA - PEBNAJIBBCO ê ¦ ¦dê Alfa"dega, Rua ¦__*-¦' 3uada Gen. Câmara ,36 Eduardo C. Holden Cory Bros & Co.,Ltd. Monteath 8* Co. :M mm

Railway Rio de Janeiro, 15th January, News 19f?Í. 'mm Yhe Markets. The Rio market has been ve1* active in com- with yr THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY. parison Santos. Clearances from this port during the past i YESTIMATED WEEKLY TBAFFlC RECEIPTS. week were th© record and amounted to over 142,(K)0 bags.7-\ lüio has been a more attractive market for some weeks and past, BeceipU for Week~~ TfvrÃr clearances not only absorb entries, but are drawing on stocks, Yaar Week Ended a²—,from which show considerable decrease. Exchange Sterling Business can hàrdly Currenoy. Ist January be said to be at its best, but it certainly outshmes Santos, the major part being in spot.íg Jan'8786:000$9 * 7,8£ 32.341 £ 34.528 The market closed on Saturday act-ívo, with advance of 8J_0 †,R2fl. . °í* cent dn 1920Jan. 10715:000$17 2íwPer 7s from Previo«s Saturday's close, but decline 3/4£ 52.880 £ 59.466 ot $100 or 0.8 per cent in March options. The Santos market opened the past week firm, with rising Increase..²71:000$²²_ tendency, reacting, however, oh Thursday, since when have dropped prices steadily, closing on Saturday quiet, with decline of $025 Deoréa__.B__.7 7/8£20.539 or 0.3 £ 24.938 per cent in March, but advance of $125 or 1.3 per cent in May optdons and or 3.3 :;**ss $300 per cent in 7s from previous Satur- day's close. Business in new options was small,. week COFFEE sales for the amount- •' ing to only 92,000 bags. Old basis or liquidation options are.dead, Rio de Janeiro, 15th January, 1921. there being again no sales reported. Closing Quotations:— Entries continue to improve, and te 13th inst. show an in- 8P°t!—New York. crease of 3,688,104 bags or 120.2 per cent, as compared with the Rio / SantosRio Santos (-crresponding period last crop. Stocks (Santos) are increasing 7s 4s7s • 4s 7s and on 12th inst. amounted to 3,165,947 bags. January  11$300 9$000 ²_ — It is as yet difficult to predict any reaction in the coffee January 15 market, as without 11$400 9$3006.34c • 9%c 7%c the loan and firmer exchange, no great im- provement can be expected. Ris© Ditto, $100$300 % 0.93.3 Companhia Registradora e Caixa de Liquidação do Rio de Janeiro Options:- Quotations for the week ended lõth January, 1920. RioSantos New York Highest Lowest MarchMarchMay MarchMay Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers January 8 11 $9009$5509$700 6.39c6.79c January 11$700 11 $550 11$550 . ll$40j) January 8 15 11$800'9$5259$825 6.59c7.02c February 11$850 11 $750 11$600 11$55# March 12$100 12$000 11$850 11$800 '" «8_ &«e or Fali ... —$100 —$025 +$125+0.20c +0.23c April 12$250 12$100 12$050 11$950 Dltto> % 0.8 . 0.3 1.33.2 3.4 May 12$350 12$250 12$200 12$000 Note.—Rio 15 kilos, Santospei 10 klos. an

mmjÈ&liS:?,.. Kz' Spr&Cj-*; i9ai: 102 W^iaíANIS^A^LIAÍí Jt^VflÇW. já?ú*ffwh,

=.; >'Sib P^ÍÊ^

?:y $m< Consolidated Constractton Company, Ltd. v * '.^í,,*^.v-í ^ffiàlgârnating1 fhè-Cõhsfruçtiõn Departments of¦¦. £|pü CO.; X^p.ÍNo-J. WHIffgJljTO Z' DIGK, g& W* Telegrams vSolcpfis*^ 9vCloak Lane, • Cannon Street, &£S;^®IZZ=v Gannon l^rtdõiin London, E. C. 4. v. • -¦ ¦ 46 ~ Avenida f^io íSfiàntp ~ Rio de Janeiro


¦ • K i .1 • '(.'>' .1 Agwtts in Argtntina, Auitralia, Braail, China, Eouador, Maxioo, :.;v."«i|> New ztaiand, United 8tat*a, uruguay, VtnwiwU, â«. âo. ..;, mi Alto Conneotlont in ali Countrlta.

1 j: .,fe:k'.'sb.fc3. ..* ."Jt. ,.« 1 ¦i- Contracts executed by the constituent Companies exceed £20,000,00(1; . "V. . / T

'¦' A&t : *B>íÉS?'''




'¦-¦ '

æ . Agents fov: '^P PERNAMBUCO >,*""¦¦'¦¦-'">¦;'-' Z


' '"'- : A' <"f -*•*' i ;";" • •'' '"'->l'.-'..'

',--?>i'í'1;>í '. ¦¦ ¦ ¦•¦¦'. ' >"f' CAIXA POSTAL t 252 Avenida fllfredo Lisboa 523 PERNAMBUCO. .


¦í*** .V."l-: SsSÉSMc ¦¦'"vipS. *mM IrçífV. #ILllMÀN»8;BRAÍÍitíMÍ|^ ' ii»i77§if w**._~W-fWM*.,, -.-/V*^ >.'..^*4-:n *Jí_ Í03

'::^t.? ^ .-^^^^f '•^ <*^^ Rio; and 190,575 bags òr 423:3 •>.^(J7:"'''í:?'''iD'' ' ***W :i*? i*T cent at Santos.'" ' '"'m^^'''^--^^^^^^^--^^-^-.,., „.-, . ... ¦y-..v*pei>"Ér BASIÔ *5.-&¦ '«¦ Jw- .-'7:..:''í-il*íf^ 7.7 V..i;: ,-.. ..^-^5_3.-V".:í'-.. .J-ioV - " 7, to ^f^v%crop lôth January, entries at the two port* shoír 3,848,379 ba&% o^ wKiohl60i275Í,a^ *wh^*&-.*9*$a& ¦ ^i^;^ ^'per^cenC mm^^mm mm^075 9*020 mM)per cent at Ri9 àfà$^ É* èagí i ..; •¦ '¦*¦¦¦¦ •' *¦¦•!'.:->¦*¦ -?...i± <*&>:oisM* iéüÁí*;..-< % Ifbruaryi 9*S85^ ?**76 §*47õ 9*3009*300 9*275 Santos." . ^'Vy.! *„*&. m MStrcb ^.17 9*660 9*72B 9*7150 9*650-9*600 9*525 a; B^ril 4U... 9|726$ 9*8*5:¦ ¦¦.9*9007 Clearanoea ;_ 9*860" 9*825 9*775 7 overseas at the twp peits for? the week ended 13& *^y '4Í- 9f^° 9*9?0 10Í0Í6 9*925 9*900 9*825 *s agadnlt 9^?° 10?^ i%^Z?%-^^155,089 bags bags, ^ ífe' v8*1?? -.«W*91975 9|900 for the previous week and 133,162 bags for the coí-. and their Bsfu.77 :'ü8íiv' ct-fe- ; WÍ7?ífg VÜ? WMWÁ i.Q;b. value:, £962,856, Li^i_)^raliN >:c?;|fv v£444,446 and £842,308 respectively: W^Mm /l 7;^í^7 '"8*3608*850 Compared with the prevoius week, clearances at the two January 7:^.v.v 8«850 8^50^8*800 8*350 show mcreasejof ports 8*675 186,103, bags oi 12Ô.0 per cent, of which lfflToáb"- February,r>Q^, .8*675 8*675 8*'675; 8*675 8*675 bags at^Rio and ' 65,083 bags at Santos. Clearances from Rio f|r Márch ..;>::...-..9*100 9*200 9*200 9*2009*200 9*200 the week were the record. Y¦¦'¦fi. " April 7õCv.,Y 9*100 9H200 9*200 9*2009*200 9$20O *fa? ²:¦" 9*200 9*200 9*200 9*2009*200 9*200 'ZÊi^Êk f clearance8 overseas at the two for the weei June ..... 9*250 9*250 9*250 9*2509*280 ¦-. of 341,192^bags ports 'f';^p0k':;~-'l '¦ 9*250 Wm**&. or 21.3 per cent were ;7'-fiâS*&m'»-..rí' Kio and cleared froni '.'*¦';•('.'.«:%•¦•¦ •<:. 198,907 bags or 58.4 cent Vü£r.V° V>,'.7'pfii?^ V: • .•"*"„ v' -Y.;,;yy„ .. . per ftfnn Santos, 190,244 ba^ . or5o.8 cent per gomg to the United States, 56,912 bags or 1# per cent to Germany, 36,34é bàgs br 10.7 per cent to France, 22,68H ;• Sales of futures at Santos were as follows:'—New Basis: Jan. bag_ or 6.7 oenf per te Holland, 17,684 hag- or 5.2 cent to 10th,9iOW.bags,;, llth, 38,000; 12tb, 24,000; 13th, 11,000; .Scandmavaa 7,375 per vi ,14th. bags or 2.3 per cent to Belgium, 3,405 bags oV 5,000; l$thr.5.OQ0; total 92,000 bags. There were again no*sales LOper cent to the Plate, 1,875 bags or 0.6 per cent to Tries4, of liquidation or old basis options during the past week. ,000 bags or 0.3 per cent to Finland, 500 bags to Oran, 250 bal to.Dakar, 500 bag8 to Gíeece, 12.bag8 to Italy and 1 bag to U.R. \ã Wm at the two ports improved, and 13tbiíÊm *mmer^»»-«tev«w»a. 1 show increase of 837,270 bags or 15.8 Entries at tlie tv/o ports—Rio and Santos—for the \yeek ..gainst per cent, 1 ended 12.2 per cent up to the previous Thursday. 13th January show increase of 66,461 bags, or 28,8 per cent as.com- The total increase of 837,270 bags at* the two ports was ai paied with the previous week, of wíiich 9,820 bags or 17.7. for by per shrinkage of 133,489 bags or 8.8 cent çept at Rio and 56,641 bags or 23.4 per cent at Santos. b«tçounted mcrease per at lll r of 970,759 bags or 25.6 per cent at Saltos;1 Çomi^ed with the same week last year, entries at the two showjncrease of 204,409 *^^?S^ Se two p0rts ter, the crop improved, m ports bags or 220.2 per cent, of which ZàT^rand to 13 January show increase of 3,362 bags or 674 per eentÍ7

.... " j. *v * - ' ¦ .¦rfv,>i;, <* ¦%n COFFEE" CLEARED FROM THE PORTS OF RIO ANO SANTOS DURINK "'•**¦- :^' ~:í:;\FOR THE WEEK EHOED JANUARY 13 AND THE CROP FRCWl JU LY, 1920 to 13 JANUARY, 1911. -f-_--^-H '}¦¦: Crop Crop -^' •,;-'mmm^ m '%> ¦ ¦¦ Week ending ., 1919.20 192D-21 Inc. or •;¦ peo. ¦ á> 1919-207 19tó-ljÉÍ United States 13 JahV7-YV,:^7.:, "777...... 782,0403,077,440 3,088,707 + ir,267', . 3.7 5,828,628' Frenee ;3,899,5Í4'2,530,256 190,244 Z &fZ 611,740 — _7>, 300 21.8 1,643,009 '36,346 ¦¦;.;.'¦¦ ¦'¦¦; -¦ Cette (Switeerland) — 74,286 Algiers, Dakar, Tiinis.85,612 7,625 77,987 . 91.1 73 míZiu Italy and Tripoli...136,092 244,999 ] 08,907 . 80.0 539,232 595,977 12 Trieste and Ragusá...29,414 í'O/765 .2 _|_Í 120,179 + 308.6 140,977 778,000 . 7L875-/ United Kingdom ...52,686 28,522 ::i,164 45.8 72,672 ..- „2Í4;882 ,/ 1 Gaitar, Malta, Barbad15,205 8,975 '7230 41.8 20,480 65,481 WaÈk'¦¦ZjÈn Canadá4,300 11,825 7,525 175.0 13,450 20,400 2,400 Cuba.;...-¦ r— 5,200 + 7,200 South África 90,503 70,035 7í),468 22.6 224,117 122,410 North África \ .,.....;.-^- 21,503 + 7i:503 123,777 36,213 Egypt27,848 15,375 ;:>,473 44.8 50,465 Belgium 212,837 248,111 -I- 177274 16.6 302,629' • 366,643' 7,375 Holland160,990 368,275 + v 7285 128.7 189,566 92,147 22,688 7vv;;\ Scandinavda 427,229 445,695 J -,466a 4.3 543,590 ..,. 732,432 17,684 l 'Çojoniei? Spain and ,....:24.925 24,091 834 (3.3 44,894 277,127; Portugal and IsXands4,1328 6,081 + .7m 40.1 11,023 m.í , 387 ir.'-' "p. ¦'¦'„¦' Pacific 7142,924 200,920 + 7,996 40.6 305,439 407.592 3,40o 7.^:7; ¦ ;hPlate^and 2.303 7 7 Japan.and East 2,503 í 5,107 558 :í2.543 12517.0 -567610 Finland /; ;.^.,..,260 32,803 11,269 . ;7^^èS "¦____> v7rv"Rússia-,7 .;....¦.......' 1 5,500 '!'Greece 12,750 •f- 4.000 54.6 15,250 75,17â and Crete 8,250 . !;;¦-.% " ' '78 Roumania — 2,625 + 20!$ 1,000 - 7.;^, 500 Bulgária :;— -9,737 -¦¦4 '^Turkey ‡2,000 11,775 + í),77õ 488.7 6,000

' ' -t- 53( i,845 4306.8 40,067 ¦ r*_V ' Germany.77 12,465 549,310 56,912 VV#' ¦¦i<"A_3p 837,270 10,135,379 '. 5,299,851 6,137.121 + 15.8 9,659,089 341,192 ^Totol 8,362 6.4 220,020 200,094 50,397 '¦%.¦¦ ..Coastwise .¦¦¦¦¦¦47,035 .'.' -10.632 6,187,518 10,355,399 9,859,183 341;193 ¦ ! V7|. < 'VGrand Total. 5.346,886 ik>\.. *W*:/- ¦--.',-.rIi

_____ffira_&.£ ' " T^rp

íor WILBMÁN'S É^ÍÍPH~Wv:^''January Í^IWifr.'^

->-<..»,.„; '' ¦ ' 7"'' .V; ' . .'¦ ..' . 'y~ " ¦;.; "•;" ^' I .,, <" y ;""m 1 7 ;-~'.".,'7''.j;"7'!.:,¦..'..'•;..;; ;;¦ , Shipments Hawrai-:"^^'^""'- ;!'(-;a-} >:(^-:r by Fíag, ist july, IWO, tp January 13, 1S11:- SN '%A^^%i_«j)-i^^^:^yZ^Á^$^iík "^ '¦¦ ':A;;V7 fr^Z-0^- sf>:§ :>'-"V; A^^iglti" A';- Croo¦ Crop -'-I^^ÉaV-ÚI ¦?:Tpúí,y. -*-:•' num AÀ'?f'A BreeilOther .•¦- Okher ended ;A,o|áÉv % Bags. % Week 2yfèáihZ..Üi': -416" 649 965 AA-A^TO:: m ?Ü! 13 Jan. 6;FôÉ'7..„A 501t 449ÍA' A,860A'tV.;.7U r5. ^. ,8H;-A.f ;^y , British:tò Ü.S. ... i;67pq0 70,2 ZyZ 51,340 Merck 451384 ^86^Aí189 18» >^6Í ^ To Europe ...7, 6f 7,490 i 25í» 71,652 j \. 2 Á^rií ...:. 478326 - 804A 184 718, A; 202 Plate & Pacific. / 04,847 7 4.0 À , , ... m^ 7 May ...A; 440263 693 a A280 v Ast>,m i ^íi.í.í ..'ix:. w ^60; v y ^8|A, 4 < Tòta£'Britisj^í Jtniê .,..,. "62Ò391209316 660 |821 ( 116 ^ i 2,sÉ,187 A" 39.0 12&392ít 7 Ãlug. 945 640 Othe.r^ .,..s; 321 ,^!6l, FtógsA^àndihávia'' .1...j714,403j 11.7 76,144 2 July: ...^ 600800 .900 . «58 218 771 v-!-Anií_»}«oS^ A.' ;'Y-:-'i'o> . iíi.-i-«'í' i_fó<£_'_t if'.'íiWtf American í^09;546 148 Sept. 669342 .911648444 Í,ÒéÍ7 A '-'•"¦ lV'5 Brazilian ¦ ••¦•••¦••••••••••«£•••• 1505,099 8.2 • OcVfàfâá 4783807 : 308 ¦:?^83666 1,128 Frenchí ."''''"¦' i' æ"'¦ ''¦ 482,316 7» 6,095 , %v, 437 744464590 ^Dotch • ,y, tvtf,, lf'i- <  ,307 í,064 :';:; 362,'765 — 5;9' Dec..... 435;293'1921'. 728/~z''.'Z"404 '681"^985 Japanese • •»"*#» ••»'•'. • • • ¦ • • •£• • • 1350,473 i 5J 1 ll,350,r"Í,887 .'' im^^ • Italian 188,225 3.1 Jan. 303267660437581 . 968 German ••¦••«•••••ti ...... 116,046 M 41,200 14 Jan. .;.... 425265690467508975 '' I¦l-i.J.V ,¦> ¦'¦¦'¦' r •¦¦¦ ••¦.- -. -» • ¦¦• ¦< ' • • t>7 , u-. ..- :7^ 100 SpotNeerBlof.o.b. Btoh. No. 7 Bto Option» Ifo. 7Ooit 0.4F. fltoro N. T^; ,...,..(.. . . Total v..i.l.*.!.^l.'.^:!'t 6,137,121 100.0 341,192 '-' Penca Cents Rs. Cents Genti ''•¦ ' .1 "f Pente , - \í<»?A ,;;"".,. 1920.; (k) Jan. 8.'.,,. 17 11-16 15 1-4 16.65 16$20Ó719.55 ¦tÍHífi . 20.30 (I) Feb. 7 i 183-8 14% 14.16 16$D0Ó20.40 21.40 F.O.B,/ V^Ue for the^çWo pprts fa#itíe* week ended 13th J^iw, (m) Mar. 6. 17J5-16 15 1.-4 15^16 16$60Ò2ô:à6 21.40 averaged ^«s ^.Õ^per bag, against £®Í866 for tlie previous wéeíáí»; (1) April 5 • 16,7-8 ,.14% 14.55 16$30018 76 19.76 and £3.527 for the , current crop to same date, as against £6.236 (f) May 8 ... .16 25-$2 15 5-8 15.67 16f300185Ô 19.45 for the' corresponding .period last crop. , (f) June 5 . 15# 15 1-4 -16.16 16$60Ò17.60 18.30 » (i) July 3 .... 14 5-8 13% 12.15 16$20015.06 16;65 Coffee Loaded («mharqües)' át«'t?he''two for the week ports (n) Aug. 7 ... 14 .101-4 9.19 12$40011.95 12.45 bags, as against 240,863 tMfÊh.W^, $$>. ;#«Tpunted ,^,202,6^2 (n) Sept. 4 , 13 8>. 8.90 13$00011.0 12.10 hWftJ?r the P^io^s week, api^ bags }38,254 for the same week (o) Oct. 2... 12 1-4 .7 7-8 7.67 1184009.85 la^íyear, arid ttóeir. f.o.b. valú& 10.30 my £512,482, £690,313 and £874^l (p) Nov. 6 . 12 1-4 8 ... ¦k 7.48 12$000Ío;35 10.70 tZ V.M,;-;* ':_»¦•'»',-A (. (q) Dec. 4 ... 11% 7 7.37 11$3009:20 9.50 ¦ 8ales (declared) at the two ports for the week weré larger, 138,645 .1921. (q) Jan^ 8..,., 61-4 6,57 bags, as against 73,907 bags for thè week ^.^16.. 11$3007.95 ,825 previous and 131,730 (tf:JMilfà 15-16 6% bags-for the same ^fe^t^eaV^"^^^^'^?^:. A ? 6,37 11^400tfM:— 8:15 ,(f), ¦A'A ... . MÇ;ír,KMAiv^ í úJ&i itZúiífí ioZZ .-.¦:.¦ A". A"' ! freight^^, 1^06 in full por bag.,, ^iBttclul;^13th (j) Freight 80 cent» January , per bag in full. show . ík). Freight «1.20 H^ York and »èás|e ^^,940' bagS^a«^ijiiteâ for by shrinkage of 56,824 $1.50 >íew Orleans per bag (1) Freight «u ba?1.4 ?io»íbut inereasejof1Í08,764'baks>'at Santos, total Brazilian $1.30 per bat full New York. stocks ím) Freight $1.40 bag .nifull jon the samo datei being! distributed às follows, in baks of/í per New York. 60 kiloW-, .;„..,;.. ,;¦-;,.,;. . ly, r.r l- J'-" ¦:'A'",'Í. (n) Freight 70 cents per bag of coffee. (p) Freight 60 cents bag k™ d^a»^^. .-!ír.Á.,...v.:wv;..i;;;;:;...;;;.., ' 648,427 per of coffee. Santo^;: ".:•..Z:z:!.,.p;..:..Zr.Z..^.)..ZZ...... (pl.Freight 50 cents per bag of coffee.' f ;;f'''v-s- 3,165,947 Bahia A'A< - < 7-A-¦ «7i.% •. ;,'>.%?!• <: |iví;;"v. * (o). Freight 40 cents per.bag in.fulL''"''A'" ' ,-,*•••.¦ ' (1) Freight 35 cents in fíijl. íiYfirt. v' i Oífj i'.íjíí), v per,-bag ' Totai Stocks, three; portsj on 13j;h January, 1921 ...... 3,8í4)374fci Ditto.|í6th JAnuaryv7l»^.7.j^i,ç...í4;;..f7.., 3,799^34? •¦'¦"¦•'-:'.'i'.'•• ¦<..-. : Ditío^th rZ i - ¦ .,'/..'. ^puar^, Wk^r^^:^p.^ ••«»•• 4,938,818^ Clearances "Not available. from Victoria during December, 1820:-^

M' ! V^sel-De8tinatio«Bags ¦ of 60 kílòs. 15—Denis,1 ^ Newxr York1nnílft unlteá statee Stoeke, Deliveries and Viiible Supply, In lteee bage; 18—Thespis.New Orleans A.8 Braeil Sorts Ónly. 500 ] 7 Mi 20—Federal Bridge^iiéw.QjcIeans .'.,^é-$ík&tí• j B*oÍBke Deliv. ! YSap. Stoeke I Deliv. V.Sup, ^• • • ‡9*000 24—Manchurian Prince, New York ...... !.;.16550 1 _ I- |. !....• t i«°|. . ! 1919 3i^ioia, Jan. I ! j Ne^-iYflríç m^^^é^^^m^M *> 20.500 J5 ...j... 954 101 1,404 1481 riA^fca Rio ";^ ' Feb. and CoastwiseZZiZl,. 4,405 L.,...;.^,,, ífgáf Í,,106 St 1,2% g !,506 56904 ¦¦.K-Or MarchíNjln ».-S 754- ' ^.'i-UKi.c'.-^;: b.7^- J,^ ...-U v..,,,...  * :^^ ' fí* 95 A7l,40tó \\Sl&. . 83v':-v$fc4Ít April 1,61^ t; í » *¦ V?TÍ,272 _ 68.955 p-.;jf í?ão f^ 155 Total export during^Dècemher-1920. ij May |3 ...... 1,Ò:)9 f 89; 1,441 j 694 ^^606 - &&$tà 'm»£iS£ML Junell -ÍM:' W**^£?géz* t :y ,-. --.. JB^rope' R. Plate Cwise Tota, ..}... B60 j 116! 1^7 í 589 968 Viyacqua Irms. A Ç. 26Í250 ¦— 7^-• ^^:^ ^^ã- 94 1,316 Arbuckle & Co.; .'^i'14.SÓ0AA WmvT^M ;|;^fe14.500 August Ú0J-, ÍS-Í 832^1 i^^fcMtóâAnlr^' 140 14^1 Hard, Rand^& Co. •; 13l300J ±Z:—¦-:¦•; ZZ:'y ~tqv^rmz mmftyvm-i W&mmm Z. o^Sfò - 404 ~~~T ".. janAii^;:?A.;"%i^^'i3iVj-y;i;m Í3r ~f;436 -,.:-.-.._ .;.-. ?-._ .1. i-J• ¦ ^^84?5^^T?íff^ '¦'' '' ' " * •¦ '"r ' ¦ " - ": ¦''. '¦ / y: , ?. , • . ."- V = -• •'; ¦'["¦' •'"¦'

U''¦¦.'-***'¦.''>¦'."¦;¦ . -'..'-.'¦S'.-..:.' ,...¦.,.¦ : ': *' - -¦'..' s ' . ..-¦' • .' ¦'" . . - ' - ." •:.'/: A'.- /

'¦: '¦¦"¦ ¦• BMs'5fefe ,-" * -." '*' IPTfSF;* isfH ~-yr, 19th,lWl. January *£à^-&m¥&MBtâ 10f

*;... ¦MjntiV- -. Total export from lst. July 1920 to 31et. December 1930,, «MTAIIS. 'ZZ.ViU.S. s ¦ ¦ Z&£? Europe^». lísitt* Plate Cwise Totáí ^^^^•^<^^ sü^*m&^^ GérttfWA GowiS.;..*3tâpg$^;£g . .^já- M#$fel 110,642 W BAOS OF 60 KILOS — ^¦i ....y—i»..,.. .,.„„ ¦,,n'|,L,.l.TT ViVacqua Irins & € i"Z 87.250 &£g 2.27ft 12.020 101.$$ ¦¦¦¦¦:-xfii.ty ¦ ¦ ¦ - -[ |$ ^*; £;.*t;M':.' $>, . Z.^A* Co. '$bwz ~ WlillllC Gríà, Sobrí'& M^OQO ^ \h;K 7.504 &$£ %tpi'Zi> WKKk KNÜKD f rOR THE CBOP TO Arbuekle # Co. tf 46.5pQi^:^-' — —t' 'Ê?#rado ....'., là; j^' AG.WO A Co...... *&! 5.500 M$ 1:600 &§ — :<, 35.972 42.^2 Jan. 13 Smké^ \: Jan. 15 ¦ 1921 ¦ j'*.'r Z':'."f"-^Z"'7-1' RandN& Co. Z :S4l050 ft — u^~ if.-.i."*--': HaSrtíi 0:M-1.140 35.X8Í) ^•uifai autt l.eopulütn* J.-'-nL3.250'^ lã&S — ¦¦¦ **y •• »*•• A&jím & Láugen p j&- 432 13.6§2 ••• • • • • •• • • • «2127 «66» .43.J96 1.433.931 1.207.W2 — — féj|; — Inlaod..., 1.934 743 1.429 28.333 Arranco ^/Co....^' ^K; i&'h 385 . ;$3£ OiiatwiM.dIacharffétl .. 3.230 -r.; ^ — 2000 55.432 SIS Sundries ;;í 1.100^-'.'";;."¦¦¦¦•.¦.¦¦ # 365 1,465 ¦' ^Z--M, *•*- ¦'>?. ;¦&:&_ A rT,^P?íV* • • • • ••. • •,• • ? • • : 45 641 rrânifefr»! from Rio to 5&;46l 46 6Í7 1.517.696 ,,, 1 357.421 '349*744* - 4.275* 60.366 414.385 NIctliaroT ....;.-..... Í919. To^ export írom 1 íúly, to 31 ljleçember, 1919 ... 427,966 Net Entoes «1 Kio...... 1 íüly, 19Í9; :. S5

Sweden ProhlWtt Importa of Coffee. A cable from. Stock- total Kio, including 12th inst states that the Swedish Government has pro- Nlothsroy à. iranalt. 55,461 45.641 46 627 1.517.696 1.357421 holm of Votai Santoi: 241.775 185.134 46.200! 6.754989 3.066.885 hibited imports of coffee into $weden as from that date, inclusive of áWivais which had not paid.djities.; . Z..^ Total Bio A Sanloa. 297.236 230.775 92.827 8.272.685 ;4.424:*06 It is affirmed that the measure is a- temporary one, and wilL be lifteà as soon as tne new eusfoms!cluties ^on coffee are fixed. "^hether Tho total ouirioi by llio tllfforoni S. »'«ulo , the prohihitíòn will last long or not, dt cannot be Railways foi*Ui» Crop 10 1920 «oro ns follows: saíçíj \butbotlí prohibition and the' ^ròposed increase of duties f«rKeuiMiuiDg wijil hit ouj' côffeé,trade with Sweden—an important one—-very PaslSorocabanalotai atlotai atat Jaudialiy«n;*'¦'¦•:.' >'¦¦•' »'•',';/', » ^-^' SWeden< Scandinavia SALES OF COFFEE (DÉIBÍ^RÍÍÍ)^^'^'^*' •^i.::...,..:; 1916-17 ôó,6i9"135,442. During thé weekrended 13th January, 1.921.. ç,.,,.>i^ '^5156,209 U;Jna: mm Í9*7T18 v&,...... >.,?:;;!..;.."... ^âà.:i3,lÓ20 6/ilfíO Jfôn. 15,1919 191849 268,668733;533 '¦' ^' ¦;:;...',... 36.64Í 12.907 25^790 1919r20 401,949,, 544,514 -lAnlOB * • • • ao • o o ? •¦» o o o o *•••#«* 162.000 61.000 ¦ ¦. 106.000 0"' C'U\Z:Z :• -: ZZZi , tion of trade with Sweden will be to1 this country. For thè first OOFPKE PRIOf CURRENT five months of the current cròp,r cléáráiiôes tò SWeden averáged [ Ihiring the week ended 13th January, 1921. 77,152 bags pea- month as against 33^495 bags for tHe whole 1919-20 cròfc).' ^6oüld stòpmèhts fòr the ròmainder of the current crop "h-íSiü "continue í .}¦.-.-Jan.. Jaú.: ¦• Jgfi.. • •„-JanA(•,. JftP..'.;. Jan;, 'Àmà, " \- (Dec, 1920, to June, 1921), on the same scale ás for tho . ; ,.,10. , IT1213 r«Ko the first five months,'thé total for ttíe crop would ãmourit to over • ~~~r~r- ~ ';' : ''r"0;!;: HIO—mureis ?Z~~~^ ¦¦¦¦'¦•Z-. ¦ ZZ. Z~Z ZZZZZ^ 900,000 bags." per 10 kilos....²²²²²— — vuriçetN. * íoks. Indeed, tlie ^%^è^^>^^;^ is *° be 8.035 8035 8.103 8.171 8.239 8.239 8.137 p_i^bi$o»?is ''7 trusted it will not continue fòr any length of tinie. The increase ;>.• K- 695 7.695 7.763 7 831 7.899 7.899 f.797 ]' as with in duties, however, will undoubtediy àffcòt tlie trade, •' N- 7.354 7.354 7.422 7.491 7.559 7^7^^;,';;st higher consumption will certainly fali off. prices • N- ª7.014 7.014 7.218 countries 7 0827150 7218 7.166 There is likewise the danger of other Scandinavian SANTOS-milreis' < ''¦¦•¦-¦-k •'"¦•'-•,'-•••'* "'^. ;".r'-->.:. .: ¦í following Sweden'8 example, but that would not be of great con- por 10 kilos.• SpofNo.i9.000 9.000 9.1009.309 > 9 300 t 9.30Ó 9il66 . ; » i sequence seeirçg.that Swedeii alone.accounted for ovei; 62 per.cent PpotNò. 7 lOks. 6500 650Q 6 600 6.80Ò-' 7.800 : 7:80Ò í:t 16 : (' of sail'the coffee shipped to Scandinavia during the 1918-19 and '::v\is;¦ ~.-Z''{- . í-i-.- %> \>á 1919-20. crops and fir«t 5 months of the current crop. ti. YOHK, oent. par lb V-i' Spoí-Bio. No. 8 | _. ,,-. . .7- ,^.7J^.,_.,7 l/2;'.,;'~,^T-^:.>;.v,v:. B- .6.1/2 hK-Ai No. ;rfi; 3/4. . ,7-²- Coffee Statistics 'H¦—¦%.Z.\~. i'Ctí';1*'': i^cZ<— — ; ¦ lX^ÁLtit FOÁÍEICN PORTP . !No. B²— ²B²- OJ» CUFFEE CLEARED FOR :••¦Pí;:Sí'^,2Í0J;..:í:,.,;_ Aciona- _•¦•, ^^J ' <${05 ^Zz^M^^MS the week en^ed 13th January, 1921. filMar.,..?! ªtó 6 57 6 74 69Ò' 6.77 6.73 «^ H .liay..:;i ª6.79 6-97 :7U • Í7.45 7.30 7.20 7 [2 *-,-,.( (?, July..v,^ ‡7^47 7 68 , 7-85 v7r85 7,70 7.58 7.6a IN BAGS OP «0> KILOS ili>h d^tó^i-Jf Y• * ¦ .',1 i^i- áÀ'VBE » 60r';'K os &$$i;.? -i.;-íayZ¥,m 50 128.20 13050 130.50 131.75 131 75 130 08 i~r • ' : 122.52 Bitpi /íiiy ...."^«22,00 123.75 Í2Í;00 125 25 125.75 y& 83 :£ í Baps Bngs ll'""'V; ‡V*-1» fd. 51.539 1.373.630 3.881 018 LONtjON pèr owt ^asj-- W?W. »*•*••¦ 142.285 21.265 316!.ãofl -Z^ 392.907 4 763-491 Í7 707 333 ;...,,.:jjg^^.,<.^,r_. ? * * • • •. •*• • r m m * • 198.907 133.824 546,355 ^•hil-Hng^ 446 6V137:121 21.648.351 341 192 155.089 862-856 444 iMar 44/3 44/- 46/- i "_t. ,-46/- 49/9 48/- 46'4 45/6, 46/6 46/6 5Q/6 1 890 604 5 299 846 33048.057 ^H,r.ZZ lMr,MHr 45/6 48/9 47/2 jío 1919/20 .. 133.152 287.524 842.398 "W-.47M -48/-1148/-.J siy6 ; 50/6 48 e ¦ »yi-B» T

¦>¦ •/ . ¦¦¦¦;.:,,t; . >,i'-7 .v i p*Hi»w!_5 SS'' '**.' íanua.j_$&£ ,*-«-»,, mW-1' ¦ WWfipft.y.. - lfi6* ^^B_utt.'4*jfs^ _^.r*«w*«rfl*-l?;;í*,_a4í-1Jj(_i*.í_t*. _|»M_W_*1_y_gJK^

___r«:.-ír_."_r-S__ ¦Ml-BC-fAI. ó»»ffi HAU FA.U-L w******.?^! DK irs *(_* !"É_t-$&^*^^*$ war ?_Bírí--5Sí RIO DE JAWtlfOw*MT08 ^ JoITRteárdo. 3n_'{-_ of Coifct^rce of São-Paj^*) Manairinc: Director: _54ward W. Wysard. (Membetí0|:the:ft]ritish Chainbfer Brazilian Produce. tè^m^^m^®^and Other ^_

••üí-sa.ST.ci' - W.P^CÍ-i^:, :_;,^.i^ ã*k'M~i SOLE* ACENTS «OR ltt_.88R$. FARQUHAR A Oltl*JfftjOTH OF 800TLAN» COUpllR: " LONPOW. E.C. OEH-WAI. *C_NT IN i^mJjSf ^'W"»M. MAHK UNE,

k \,-toe.j..-' ^^•OF^fiv^O^BMK (E**ARQUtÍ>. -'*' ¦• ^1_&.íàÍJ#%--::Í!ÍÍM'-^iJte»^> 1921.'rW* 7^^T:: , \7^ím:)íi^^:77':[7f:^ ..¦-¦jl 13th January, 1^1,. ¦•MT t.tStt.A ¦ -?JT»?' r>"U-: 1H BAQfl OJ 60 KJLO» During th© week endfd ______5______! <.oo> -^.¦«rx«_sc. :-_«__] DUfcUH« *¦** JK*>*1» &3 :&mmZ'$9,V-**.' ^>*íi*>t»-- ;tâíi»3_-«r.i í?|__^^%gÈ-; Jan. 13 Jan. 6 Jfcn;15 Jan* I3v Jan. 15: «i „/,_*•>-•.': »-i __»._/ 7__COIjtJMÉ----T-ieÍte¦?¦>;; 'T_'--.iÍÍC'il ——' 1'fMí'ií' v -fWA_k_í.-i:í>-_.-VÍ_-;.t: Ditto- •••«t••••••••*f «*•••- 09.631 nm 48.256 1.203.005 1.414.719 *A°rV'^ ' " Rio..... •>.... • •'¦vHs** Í4» .•>•>,• • •»i' ;_vi_4'i(_fit' 8-tóBBÍEÉ--AntwerD %.í&# _£?^ SKl^Eibeiro & 0... LOW_i» NiettiMoy... itV<«< íW .;•••••• ___±_-_r'. Ditto- .. Oouta Io transit. ••••»•• •...... •>«¦•'. Total Hio including Nlelheroy Oltto— ........ :.....,....« Pinto 4 vo yfi.P-a.-T ' •••.,•... 72.466 48.256 1.203.006 1.414.71-» A ..auait,•'•.•••.• 69.631 674.115 Total., «anto*..;. •,.. ..r^Ví^iíi» 133,011 161,387 8P.W9 4892.236^ 8-WEST Ií«DIAJlT-Kew Yprk ,...••Ed. Johnston A Co: ",>2.<»•Castro .« Total Hio * Bantoa...... -02.642 240,863 138.254 6.095.241 Ditlo-''"¦_.Cario Pareto A Co ... 2,000 : DltS^ « —.•»Arbuckle A Co í...... fOfO Ditto- Ä*-.. ‡|. G. Fontes"Urban A Oo. 4.5J0 i ?V tmtèá & Co ... 8,000 Ditto- ‡Eu?en 47>oob? OUR OWM 8TOCK. Ditli- ...... „^_mí;...«.McKinlay * Cp .;...... ^JjOW IN BAQft Q¥ 60'• KILOS • • • •¦-¦• -^ • • • • 622 593 ^ili^u^S-S&l^ ¦ ÉÍO Biock on JJaá, 6 1820• :l^__ll#^^0^^S:?' BoiriM duruiR w«k «miM ftn. 13%.,_»ei.. • ______§!w M:^-:>.^""""^OallQ Pareto A c<, .:. 3,600 , 678054 ' ^SlíSl; "" * ií» ..íf^" ÍW"M'^"'' ÍEugblin A Oo :..;.: 3.190 \ •»••!»-»«• 13».192| 69.9.631 ,,. .:'7: horda-l(Bm»MÍ.^eiõÍ^r^h« Sltto^- ªW...... Í..... Theòdoi-Wme A tto ... 4.000 Wjà«; lí 1^1 •••••*rii 608.4Í3" 8TooK;1ÍI5aio ¦ mui •,Stock at^h»c*W-*^ *•* IW»« a» »t_da_» .-„.v.. t.-... ]|ba ao" Vianna on Jan. ^ 1880 *»**?«• 94.431 *í»v«h r 69.631 _\i-.«-_.Pinto Xope» A Co ...... • Afloat 00 Jan. 6, ....^....?...••;•• ¦¦ ', .«";' Co...... 50Q ;| Knlrlasai NioMiowy «nfrarqu»* lnclu« Wtto- ©<«., Aifred Sinner A ,¦-¦¦ v,¦..-¦•' > ¦ ptuaíoial 88.237 ' Co ...... :;. 4,000 30,194t dinc"~ trauait.••«...... .,...»...•.•;..•••*•• Ditto-Ha-re if..l.U...... McKinlay A - • ¦ ¦-¦¦ H ; *... - í • ¦;- ;•'•',.¦.¦¦ .-- . •' 182*289 Soe. Com. Hollandéza . 10°-,, ! •mbirqnu ai'NlcUi-^oy, Pò.lo üa Mi- ft-OXJESSANT-B. Aires Daduot : ...... Ornstein A Oo. •••• -v- 7*? ¦.;-¦ LTàvsn* Ytenn.» :.«"•*„¦ <í«n"« .™9 mtto*** 4 ._-•_•••••»••••.. .••* ¦ and 142285 :; ' Megaw A O*....^ w«e> 13, 1821, .•••....;••* rDlttOr1^ ¦ P..m.«.»».... Norton SK>: Jan. Theodor Wille A Co ...1,100; 1921. 40 Oí!- •1...... ,;..._. STOCK W _J1QTH»RQI!'ini^^WÂIf-O^" ?»«• Wi rrni Roberto do Conto1.0Q0 3,eoo« ' «TQOI, IU lat aiSVnd «ÚNDS »n« TU08IC AT NIOTI1KROY • ** j_7- 1 _t #. _m _%u - , t»-.-j •, -i• ;••.i nai •:::._.___ 648 427 Co ••• -'500 awl API.OAT ON Jaax 18. 191*^«• ••'««'• 10—COEDOB A—Márseilles Theodor Wille & " . & • *' *r *' 3.057-183L Cia. Com. P. Brasil. ... 550 «a FTOS ^to«íí( %a Jan. 1^20, jv._> ^y Ditto— *_•_-•••_-••¦->• Bitt^iat for week «n»rt«» Jan. 13, 1_vj1. 241.775 S. A. P. Machado 95. ;í I LI _!_—, DÍtto— .. ' 3.293958 Bitto—Oran « ...,,« Pinto* A Oo. v.-. soo * 133.011 Eraga Irm. A Cp...... %m? I;,. . V*''..",") ')'-¦¦ !¦'¦» ..7f;7y' Ba_Aaèl Sa,w_>a.io A O.4.M0. -r, .3.400, 142.2B5 1.996.552' Í-PANCBAS-ÍHambWTg • a •• • 107.290 31 593 , J. Aron A to.á,ooú KlO-.« 1 - 5. ...' «„ - 198 ..908,4.777.296 Dilto— « flantoa.... 89.^54 109.548, - A. Diebold A Cò...... 3,250 DIU*-^¦•¦¦•->* •••«•¦¦•••••••••••-•• Co. 1,50° JMtH*-- n ... Nossaek A ....,,...; l'.... Leite-Santos A Co1,000 3405 ..5*1.193 6.173.848 Dittò— .• 1920/ I^W": Í9i6_644 W-143 Ditto— .. .•-¦'¦ ,: S. A. Casa Malta-500 A. Boye A Co...... &-i ^"602 .308 Í33./754 5.383. Í22 Dittò— i^9;í%f 65 592 Ditto^A-üsterda.-"""" ...... !Hfeaod%^^-f?»^^4^

'¦'í v1 ."•;,'-';~,>j:'iájv

v:>' %•' ¦¦

". ^5?SK2»w_F _."-i. sllllS January 19th, 19fc ^#^'S,lBR^ILIAN*S<&. ¦» ^émSWi. 107 ; ¦ VI. J t i ! ______*ÍSr

¦•¦,* \':.' Dítto— ... The Braí. Traço Co 3,663 Dlfto- Nossack A Oo. .. 250 nttto- „,-'». A. OaMi ^£Mta ...... 2,000 DIMO-* J.C. Mello â Q6 «0 Í.40O Dltto— ...... Raphael SampSio A Co. 1,250 A. Diebold ....:.:7 12-ACRE-Buenos A tíó. 1.025 Aires ..;...... ;,..... A. Freire':',' A Cò 3,; 5 Dltto~~" i,•••••...... '..... J, Aron A C/O 1,000 "'" 'Ditto ¦'•: . ... v , .. 7W 7.' .. . HOttawUavU;.^^.k.M;iií»íí Theodor1 Wlllè- 5,600 vI:tã>;í..,' ... . ; A^Co 190,90/ - * XIIWO .| ^ ;*»;''_••••»••••»•>••••••-• Raphael Sampaio A O. 3,750 AíAC:j>AAAAA*^:A Ai :"T?^.^yer8eaB...'. l/I-UI . M L••••••••••_•••«••••»* Marques Valle _ Co.... 500 37,570 æSANTOS5—CÒASTWISE ELLENDALE—Boston ' ""^ 1-LAKE ... Hard, Band A Co...... 5,244 12-À.ORE—Paranaguá B. Braga A Oo ;. .DlttO—*. >•...... *.-.. J. Aron &' Qò4,000 ... -,,..; • ¦. • UlttO*** . +^á>...... Naumann Gepp A Co.4,500 y« '¦_•«•»»«••••..<...... tripTORU. IJlltO"**. ,,'';¦•• A. Ferreira. A Cò.,....,.2.600 8. Á. Levy .7..:.....2,000 During the week ended 13th January, 192^. DlttO"*- ••...t...... leon Israel A Ob. ...:..1,250 19,494 % CAB.PLAKA—New Orleans

,. bitto^;. Ä;...„.. S. A. O. M. Wright ...500 ¦ DlttO*** - t, " ...... Marques» Valle A 0o ...500 Ditto*** P....».«*.....«...... M. Bloch Lèpeltier A C.500 PERNAMBUCO MARKET REPORT. Dltto-- ¦ +...... Theh Brai Traoo Co ...267 Pernambuco, 7th Jaimary, 1Ô3L uilXvjr'™ , ci•••*•••»*.••••#••••«• TheòdOr Wille A Co ...250 TOlttO-- K...... J. dé Siqueira A Co...250 Sugar. Entries to 4th have been 28,265 bags against 43,514 Ditto— Ki Prado Parreira A Co.260 bag 4 last month and 20,452 bags last year for «ame date. There oitto— ...... : Leon Israel A Co. 250 DlttO***- ;••..>4n4.i„.ri...„t, Norman ft Oo. 1 hàs been an under current of great firmnese during the week and I> DlttO— j . <•...... Luiz Campos1 ovcfythittg coming to the Exchange has met ready sales and pTice* Ditto—Gothemburg Cia. Prado Chaves 2,000 Dittò- „ ., Theodor Wille A Co ...1,250 paid to-day ere about 500 reis higher on nearly ali qualities, but Dltto— f „ .«....._...... Raphael Sampaio A C.1,000 so far there does not seem to have beett muoh business for export Ditto- , « ...... J. C. Mello A Co 297 und although a fair. amount oi business has been reported, it np* «IttO**-1 •'o 8. A. Oasa Picone 250 Dltto*-; . Ä Prado Ferreira A Oo:..250 poars mostly-to l*s for opeíators on the spot and to-day t_n»ro Dltto— ,« Leon Israel A Co250 aro offers on ttíe market for white crystals at 10$5ÔO bagged átid Ditto—Halmstad Cia. Prado Chaves500 - Dltto— Hard, Rand A Co 500 even 11$ most likely could be obtained brokers say for Jan.-Feb. Ditto—Helsingf ore Leite Santos A Co 1,000 doliyery. Demeraras continue to tóndon - go out for and 500 bags Ditto—Malmo 8. A. Casa Picone . 500 of this ha._ to in to Ditto—Consumption Lars Packness 3 13,434 quality gone Buenos Aires addition 2>000 bags white crystals. There seems to be an idea that the Plate will 3—AEOLUS—New York American Coffee Expt.3,000 ••'¦¦'••'." roqtííre to import a considerable amount òf sugar during the hext Ditto*--^ „ ••«-••••••••••« Arbuekle A Oo 2.50o Ditto— ,, leon Israel A Co 2,500 t(\r months and are already nibbling, but so far keep far below Ditto— ., . J. J. Figueiredo A Co.2,000 10,000 prices at which planters would be disposéd to sell and many think fr—COLUMBIA—Consumption Campos & Poccia 12 ir quite likely the States wiil be buying here later on, when out- tiú», of the Cuban erop becomes more of a certainty. rDealers* 5-SARK—í*Tew York'.. J. Aron A Co14,500 for the bagged article Dittò— Hard, Rand & Co 7,000 prices are to-day rathéf higher, fofídWing 4 DittOrf- 8. A. O. M. Wright ...... 5,000 tliq7firmèr feeling there has been on the Exchange, , and they Ditto--- „ Arbuekle A Co 5.000 quote: Usinas, 12$8O0 Wer 15 kilos on shore; crystals, w.hite, Dittò~ ,; • ••••••_..•-•••>. Theodor Wille A Co .:.5,0oo Ditto— « American Coffee Expt.4.000 . l'J$700; demerara^ 9$; whites 3a boa, 9$40O; somenos, 8$400; rtnd Dittò— R. « • •••>•••_••)••¦¦••••¦ Alves Toledo A Oo.3,960 In-uto seooo, 5$íí00, Priceg obtained by planters havo been:— Ditto— ,r Naumann Gepp & Co...3,000 Ditto— «f. C Mello A Co 2,500 Usinas 11$200 to 11$700; ci-ystal», 9$50Ó to 10$; whites 3a, Ditto— li S. A. Levy .,2,500 R$800 to 9$200; somenos, 7$600 to 8$200; bruto secco, 5$000 to Dltto A. Ferreira A Oo2,000 /)íp400. Ditto Cia. Paul. de Export.1,500 Shipments during the w«ek have. been:. Rio.8,700 bags, Dltto ; McLaughlan A Co. 1,200 Santos 21,400 bagsj Rào Grande 24,230 bags; Nçrthertt Ditto ',.'"' ports Société F, Brésilienne...298 1,941 bags, Montevideo Dito—Consumption E. Johnston A Co 2 57.460 ports 6,500 bags, Buenos Aires 2,500 bags; London 18,200 bags per s.s. Achilles and 43,264 bags per fi.s. 6—SUVERIE—Consumption E. Johnston Co A 1 Tieüeglos, of which 26,530 bags demeraras, 12,734 white çryf.taln S-S VANHIL D -Copenhagen Naumann Gepp A Co... 1,750 and 22,200 bags bruto seccos p Antwerp 29,367 baga â#mefaras, Ditto Hard, Rand A Co 1,000 Lisboa 13,500 bags demeraras, Léixcâs 3,240 bags cry_;tal_ and vDittc Theodor Wille A Co ... 1.000 Dltto S.A Oasa Picone 1,000 Hamburg 41 bags crystals. "A., ¦.'¦¦•.

Dltto ¦ »» S. Levy. 250 The market closed very firm and bruto secco was sold as high ¦':¦- Dltto ti- R. Alvo» Co. Toledo & 250 5250 a» 5$800 ínbulk and 6$ talked of. About 22,000 bags of tliià -RAPOT—Hambtorg R. Alves Toledo & Oo. 22,208 (|uality have gone to London during the, past week. Ditto Cia. Prado Chaves 4,500 Cotton. Entries to 4th have been 2,763 bags against 3,261 Ditto ."-"...,Raphael Sampaio A C.2,750 Ditto Rinaldi C.1,750 bags last month and 1,794 bags last year for same date. The Cerquinho A "'.-¦- Ditto Theodor Wille A Co ...1,500 market shows no ehange and during the week there have not been m Ditto »i Zerrenner Bulow & C.1,312 aníj Ditto »• S. A. C. Malta 1,000 sales reported. Sellers held out for a long time at 26$ firsts Dittò Nossack A Co 375 and 21$ mediums, but as they coul_ make nò headway, reduced Dittc F. Lima Nogueira A C. 500 to 25$ and 20$, but «9.,far there have been no Dltto—BremenTheodor-Wille & Oo 1,000 price sales at this Ditto. ;, ;...... Cia.. Prado Chaves 1,000 figure and buyers have been quite out and would take nothing, but Ditto ÄNossack A Co 625 to-day there is said to be a firmer tone in the market and thero Ditto ,,Raphael Sampaio _ C. 500 Dittt ÄÄZerrenner Bulow A O 6 aro now buyers at these prâces, but sellers are once more holding Dittò—ConsumptionZerrenner Bulow A C 4 39,030 off -wit:i the result that business is at a deadlock. Anyone want- '41—SILARUS—Havre ing to buy tbis article should Cia. Prado Chaves 4,000 avail of the weakness áttd take what Diito is offered ». ••?•••••¦•••••t'Ss*** Whitaker Brotero A C.3,000 as once buyers begin to show a desire to buy, it will be Ditto Co.2,000 it' S. Queiroz Lins & the signal for holders to withdra^Pthèir stuff Tw>*> R. Alves Toledo A Oo.1,001 and await develop- ». monty, in the meantime Ditto ii- Theodor Wille & Co ...1,000 asking higher prices. Shipments during F. S. Hampshire & CO-500 th_ week Ditto—Antwerpgitto have been: Rio 200 bags and 741 pressed bales, Santos Theodor Wille & Co ...1,000 383 bagj and 753 bales, Itajahy Dltto w Prado Ferreira & Oo...750 100 bales, Bahia 50 bales, Leixões Ditto Naumann Gepp & Co...500 300' bales and Hamburg 127 bags and 10 bales. Ditto Valle Co...250 Marques & 'C.250 Cotton is decidedly firmer and late Ditto Jessouroun Irms A 14,251 yesterday some small sales we!-? made to shâppers- at 26$ for first 12~0ANADIÁN quality sertões aud VIOTOR—Halifax Naumann Gepp & Co... 1,300 Limoeiros- (Sth Jan.) WlltO-*,, • ¦':'"¦ ...... „«'.'«...' Hard, Rand & Co 600

.¦¦...... ^.^ã^y':-'$ÊÊÊ% J- '198 w.^^fWliM^A-ll^i|4A#^7»w

V.» CoffM market quiet, with little doing at ]ft»rto^Qt^SCl-VOH-T^AOMAJ. ,JJt?ÔT pÍt^T*TJ^l| Ctml* Prices are fgto^aaj^ H; ns íirmer at 2

? F^rúaift^th, 1920 ...... 7^^jur™ •') ant ramtajid É^ayj havtí^ f allen sho^erp ^èv&y SÍMatófc;^,ritôo-;;:::.-,:;;:x <&'^7óc>r{^ «^^®ÍSjyb?^iLjKêèSe ^or "ner wea*ner hW^prévaíiefrTro]or 4 - " ^mj9jft^^^ 3^Í2$76Ôrt>t"> ". st^afí o.oóí OM>tr*»z «çevj «is-.ar 0..001. ^May 8$^920 ••«•••••*•••••• 2^2$800 •í«iK»'f' '*&.b June 5tfc'Í920 ....:...•:;. 2 X% -Z-WW k^There »aj.'«í?Z5-^S«í*rt<í^ FrelgHta! i8 no chaiíge< Wthe1 market'an»'1 new éngage- July lOto, 1920 ments •p Antwei and 13,500 to Lisbon; the e.s. Treneglos 43,^64 bags toAugust ?fh, Í9sKf L.ZÃ...Z1 10^ lVí 2^850 London; s.s. He^el$|í 3$^* ;^gs to peixões and , s.s., Açhilles August ,.28th,, 1920 1 9% 2|600 18,200 bags to London. September 4th, 1920 .1..... 1 9J£ 2$600^ Septemjber 25th, 1920,.... 1 t% 2«$600 p Exchanga^openec} on 3rd with c^ollectipn at fl 13-16cj, with 9%d October 2nd, 1920 ...... ,. 1 v7 2«$500 in. ltajpn banks and after Rio news rate became yjtramarino .and October^ «SOth lf)2Q. .Z..'.!». 1 5% 2$2Ò0Z . . .t,'"Í' ; firmt at 9 7-^^withou^»áuy mtíney being.offered. 4th, collection November 6th, 1920 ..; 1 5% 2$Í0Ó ' .'' ¦¦'•£¦' at 7-8d, ba^te better later-, for business, but at close 9 givingJU16d November 27th, 020 .....V 1 4% i$9ob"! raies were weaker at 9 Í3r16d. ( 5th. collection at 9 13-16d, weak pecembejr 4th, 1920 ...... 1 3% t$900 eniçg at close.of business, to %%. 6th.,holiday. 7th, collection ífecember. llth, 1920 ...... 1 2# 1$800 ati 9fíd, closíipg firm i|T9t 13-16$..., Nothmg reported in .p^ivrato january^|th, 1021 ./...•' 1 1 1$800 durjng the wj^jt." January Í5th, 1921 ...... ?. vzm. 1$90Õ ¦-i-., -1 - .ck£-

EXPORTS OFRUBBÉR FRÒM MANÁOS, PARA, ITACOATIARA AND 1QUITOS, ELEVEN MONTHS, JAN. NOV., 1920: >%; .. BY ORIGIN AND QUALITY—rNTONBOF 1,900 KIL08. HSjSik ií Ftí '> 5Ü ^ TÓÈUÍEtOÍ*B TO THE UNITED STATES GRAND TOTAL nãos:-m Z ' x,>0 Total Total;'.,,/ tz$Z;Z :r' ÍÍOrr,&Wl>;;>>m^an>Oct, * il montais ^ Nov.,; Jan.-Oc^, U months 11 months% "Fiiíe'^' ** * %• % ^.Nôv. 2,790 2,990 43.3 403 6,74356.7 ^^!pZV.Z&?:Z^^15.5w6.3200. 297 311 21 ; 527 ,548 ,7.9 35 859 =7.2 f...... ^l^p.'-' ^d7.6 /MÇparse-•cauetò"' x^:::.::^:...rL/:7!^^R'r952 358 ¦ 380 ;64 ;; i;ii7 ;;;ij7i'2,202 16.9 76 " 1,55113.1 493 525 10.6 53 2,149 31.9 85 2,72723.0 "> 11111 mm . zm. ,271 4,698 4,969 1Ó0.O z í328 v 6,583 Zv6,911 ,100.0599 11,880 100.O .f|J^gonthly average 470 452 658 v«è#26 ;»-• 1,080 'Para •.'t.ní-Kiíí ..; k^'.; ; (> | From :¦— . .. . Z, ,%'*,..«... ,!rfc. -&í--''=' --- ff. .'í^V:.. :-•,•• ,.^. ,.,;¦/.,':'. .^j^ine ír'Z.Z;í.^,...... , • vfe»v/ M^ 3,116, Z. 3,3^ ..... ífl.5144;; 3,381 3,52543.0 1,3986,895 53.4 ^u-Medium^^* ...;.. 172092264.8:Z 5 ilV272277'à^.22«503 4-0 .í,,j€^arse "Mi 257, 272 ':MmS.. g5.8Zz;',. 101 li^OO 2^301284H«2^ 19^.9 *.(•«>') -pi.il' ;.i^;.^íí í'"''!.; i*'S' »:.^^a'Zi-¦#> ^^v--•».'•¦'•••'¦ :?• tyí From Itacoatiara:—'c»iv .^z :ç •-. >-¦> u.tq .r!Jtvv ;W.i ! vy t'u.f,»t;i.. jf/í-íí :¦»:>. 5).->«í>t'i >:.v'4.'5;t.!'í'4'M'.«t'í41-iff'?|'í*-.-v Fine 1 56 65 52.0 ^*$m*z í--r;^zv«ul;-cf- [Sí>r .r^O 3 jf 3 2.4 i 10.0 32 32 27.8 33 26.4 .' r» í?24^o y;$@to ^^20i9o s^w^i^ .W24ío3 «M.2 >.:h-w' .ZsW f í ''»')ii)ji'; ^¦j'- r .i iZvhvi .i «.] iy,-/j—..)![; 'Mmwmmz ^'«. «i.-J «í «*-.lr wy$&-wmm mma$i0$m ZíÜV v;.H ;,> 10 toí:b;iA).o 115 115 'lOO^il Monthly average léítiítroít 1 ,.,„, , From Iquitos:— zZ 23 54.855 Í^^^B82Síal68®wéf>ítiAf^ ;:>:W' "3.7" •^'-'¦.^ — [i"d :":i' -'Íu'A"!'^2.4— xhhím ã-TO^: 64 3.7' .165' ?1J%4ium '*#§ '-j.jft jarse ;..'.¦;"¦"' *íf-# í;p5::»*.»>-*Íi.9.U.í«T 5 ^i30-; 135íf 7.8 1407.9 )áucho 7ib* í^szü^íÍt:':^W!v2'í^9 .5^341 19.8 35420.1 ^r ... 19 23 42Í^^1Ó0.0 62 1,660 1,722 100.0 81 1,764 Z}M>:^i ,Rf ònthly average -JL66 .156.. — — 160 'ZiMiJWw50\{{,'ltâ6V Çrfahd Total .... ^!!f66lí^'8i969 !'-'9,73á; • 1^0.0 z' 662 ;!6,278 16,940 100.0 ' ¦ajgfej-.^rà- '"'-^' • ¦ Monthly average -j^et ,'-,897^1 üít.-?:*^ z^',63.8 ;^4o —'¦• ^r1'";r|>2è; ,^;«, x •.í>f.t

' - , ¦ .' 'lÉÊÈk¦ . • ..• ..." ..' - --".- ?.Wf"!7V-.7. ¦7'"."i' ' i; 77 t «wp æ•*• «fe^ '¦ ¦ " ¦_.> .

January 19th, 192.. WILBMAN'8 BBA2IllA^R-m-5W. £«$09

-' ¦ »«_«_—____—__•' tó^iW.'' ...

-t*¦**-.*}> -der* ¦WWXi- c.E.'r-l -_r _-.. .' .*»-vh ;« »• TOTAL, JANUARY NOVEUHitR, 19W. ^m.tâ^i** ;ÍÁ chy,r-*fe*r Zy .:•*•¦£•: -a> 5* ¦ i,

''<•'}¦ ". *'*/•'*•?*¦.'£ '7 Z0 . il" | •?*'¦ _—__ to EUROPE 'H> ''.V.H-y -.M 7, -ZyZ ¦ -rir*. 'í*v«,#-•¦*•¦"•'*'ri_y,; '£*«-'.,* ""44 '4* yiÊÈÊ, J ,, ,,},._, '*Í7 ^ Zr»*^" 'Frétó•'.'/• ..! ?;, •- ''•¦'¦ Z^y •')>"? i-H'1'.'.";'"''"' "'-7:L,.ím,;:;4.(, y-y. ¦' -**3' Brea. :^d#* , % From Braz. tfròmv y'-" GMW ' > ports Iquitos Total ports Iquitos Total % Total .\ %. 'Í4^'u ^lítèi&> Fine, í •••»•• • 7.13223 7,155 73.61 6,571 1,182 7,753 45.8 ¦¦ Mediu»ÉfZy ...... Z...... ;::;.:.-s'-,:687*:lt;u'li-l .- 538 .„r 6,5 . .828.^ 64 \, 8?2 . 5,3 1,430., .5.4 Z;.-y 668 ¦;£ -6.6 135L! ^ytó' íio-i Caorsé^ :>#^v...... ;^yt;: W**^í?:«;z' "/is #504 ri',;' M^ ,z|297-' .*¦ Cauchoé^;z.z....:z....z...... zfu^n 1,384' i uà' 4,si5 34^;; _a^'':;7^^.í4'^^'

Total ,...... : 9,69a 42 9,735 100.0 15,218 1,722 16,940 100.0 26,675 10O^J 1,883157 1,540— 2,425 Month};! average , 881 885— ¦ • . i .r ':' .. :t.lí ... EXPORTS OF RUBBER FROM PARA ONLY-BY 8HIPPER8—TEN MONTHS, JANUARY-NOVEMBER, 1920. TO EUROPE ² — TO ÍhÉ UNITED STATES — ^GRÁND TOTAL- • ,:'• y_ o Total 10 months Total 10 months Total 10 months \y- ¦-'• 'Z7: Nov. Jan.-Oct. -11 months ííov::'"' Jàn.-Ôcí. Ú'months; i-y Nov. Jan.-Oct. 11 months % $yy ..rv.-j^.^y 5 ;:' : ²1,022 1,022 12*^ 1^445 j 1;84« Ü.S A. Vpte¦:.& Ço. B82482417.4 •1^7;; 562 11.9 943 943 ILõ""10fffl?:l,48è":^ I,5Ó5; J. Marque UliHMil 23 539 5'.': ²''Z, 95 1.2 334339 Í6 Af H. Alden, Ltd. ... 5 239 244 5.1 95 608 7Í;!191,1181,137 Suarez Filho & Co. ... 529 529 11.2 19° 589! 1751,2901,465 ' 831 IÒ4; 1114 Stowell & Co 102 532 634 13.4 73 768 -4.7 1,267 1,329 16Í21'651,4851,550 Í2.Ò General Rubber Co. . 3 .318 221 62 ' i , 819 865 10.646848894" 6.9 Chamie & Eoury ... 29 29 0.9 46 456 5.6214509723 5.6 Berringer & Co. 142 ,125 267 5.6 72384 _ 2,043 2,043 24.92013,2463,447 26.7 Small Shippers 201 1,203 1,404 29.8 fã•Z 8,192 100.0,;/.,,t 1$., . 1%-JS, 12,906 100.0 Total.•••••• 476; 4,238,4,714 100.0272 f7,920

and Iquitos, £ of Rubbar from Ptra, Manaos, Itacoitiara ry:'1 Export. F.O.V. Value for week and January ²1,2451,245 1M0.-In Tont of 1000 killos. Elovon Montht, Jan-Movombar, Do, month of December 22,0013,47325,474 Caucho Total Fine Médium Coarse Do, 1 Jan. to 31 Dec, 1920 366,967,2,692,9873,058,954 To Europe:— 1919• • ••• 7>695 3625031,75410,314 Z_The Pernambuco market closed on 12th January weak, 1920‡ 7.Í55 5386581,3849,735 with first sorts quoted at ,25$ sellers only, unaltered as comp%v*3d and, 40$ To the United States:— with the previous Wednes-dáy, and as against 42$ sellers 1919;... 11,837 1,8784,9985,75224,465 buyerft on 14th January last year. week 1920 7,753 8923,6394,65616,940 The movement at ZPernambuco for the endedí..lj_th was as follows:--- Total Exports:— Januaiy in bags of 80 kilos, 9,§00 1919 19>S32 2,2405,5017,50634,779 -.tocks on 5th January, 1920••••• ' 1920 14,908 1,4304,2976,04026.671. Entries during the week...,..,Z. 5_,_K)0

11 months, Jan.-Nov, 192 • • 12,700 Receipts of Rubber and Caucho at Para, Available• week mt.. 3,000 November Jan.-Oct., 11 months Deliveries during the sartie TonsTonsTons% 604 Stodks on 12th January, 1921 9,700 Up-river 1,07516,26717,342 grades 9.8 Ditto, 14th January, 1920'' 48;300 Island 2512,2962,547 grades .6,216 23.8 y;.'r";i*'-'í- z..Ki.rt;*. Caucho grades 3245,892 For the crop to 12th January, entries àt Pernámbíico 24,45526,105 lOO.ü amounted to 45,600 bags, as against 38,900 bags for the corres- Total 1,650 pcnding period last year.: ; '[¦ —The Rio Market closed on 12th January form, with priees - ' quoted as follows, per 10 kilos:—, - 1 COTTON - 12 Jan, 1921<6 Jan, 1920 ,. 14 Jàn, Í920 Sertões 25$O0O-26$O00 24 $000-25 $000 36$OGp-37$0OO overseas ..B.W C.tt.n. Cleavancos First sorts ' 23$O0O-24$OOO 22$O0O-23$00O 35«OO«3Í,^Ç()0O week endedgr| January ^M%^ 12th, 1921, of Rio and Santos during the Mediums 21$O0O-22$0OO 19|000-2O$OO0 32$00Õ-33$pOO as follows:-_ 32$000-33|000 tons of 1,000 kilos, were ,Paulista...... nominal28Üf00O-29$O0O 8, s.s. Rapot, Bremen, CiaT PiadoChaves From Santos: Jan. * Co. Süan» Liverpoo , E. Johnston (80 W) IO to-,; J»- n. —The movement at Rio de Janeiro for tbe week ended 12th bales) U tqps.- Z bales) 1 ton; total Santos, (53 January, in bales, was as follows:— (3 Port of Origin Stocks on 5th January, 1920 ....v 39,^57 RioSantosTotal Entries during the weá"._ TonsTonsTons ___1010 41,093 Bremen Available.'••„H'H - B• i week .. . 4:'2i$99 Liverpool Delliveries during the same 1"8u • week and Januaiy. Stocks on 12th January,, (1921• r .. ,,^»fi94 Total for '..... 15224176 44,009 Do, of December Ditto, 14th January, 1920 ,%, ,.y month 1,696Íl536613»062 Do, 1 Jan. to 31 Dec, 1920

TE ¦" i .... ^ísSW^^* r^E^'" *-o í 7ifJ(ír vv;.if!'í:S. . ^^-'.v.^;l7Í7...... • i vfe±r^:^^ 2.7 _. 1' íasMSí Âfe^MC :' "'-,"..'¦'"¦'•¦.'. '• -; > 7'"-.',J.*"'"..v';':\'.y > ' ' - ¦-'—""¦¦ •:, :" ¦ I - ,¦¦"«-f.T>r;..:- 'íhò*f '"":."' I ""¦¦ ' ' ' ¦'„¦". .'* — ü _ -o 77 7V&V ,7''". 7 ./¦¦.,' firstut^tve entries *^>^í ' FoV-tíie ^^'^''ll^i»^, «nWfe^ttfU^-. *56ü to $§00; fl* agaiiii^f840)to-.f86^; *íOPí*í*700^*52ft 10,276 báli^and déli^r^pte*balesf#^H>. '/,'- ¦to''*èáo^'1*4§Ò to'*500'f4m-!pr^i^^'í.: .;, ,'j) —T]be S. Paulo JVÍarket : ojpsed po tStfc Jf^aiy ;||Í9l}j,jfp.^ .. TJif) movement at the pòrt ofHEtio de Janeiro for the weeik again nominal, a*,against 43*500 per 15 kiíofj' JFor^g^co^jpjirriíi-^- ¦ m ut^anuaj-^lfi?* ye*r- ¦ ,m./ imi&p* ni^.iÁ Common optipnswere on same date Entries during t^p week..•:•:•¦•,».••.M!-)i;.; 19^92 í;.4r quoted fâ ÍSfÈ^^ky^f^:- ' ' :-*it ' ¦ :''^ 7v 'Ci. • ‡''¦• .; 77 ?í-..nf-Wt>. SP,fí-'» ¦f?? 15j kilos:^ /0iúm''»">¦• - i-»«*.i'iíl &. ...^..•...... 7:.. 259,813 ,;.-x vmu ^^0^=1921:77.7 ^^^^mm:M\^^}^ Avaiiabií. Vi*4r» *-• •#.»'• ••>*.•»• f» '20,365 OO.u Buyprs. Sellers TBpyers Sf^lers/)^^,^^^!;-^ IJeilveri^s. during .,thp; same vyepk ... ...... 7.7 00' '• ' ' Jan; ,Mr,.V... 3?*50a-..^; 36*500 37*500 4^*2^^0$fc ,. ^m/mirrJIJr ..-.,. V:áíüE 77: ;^vvi7.7 •'v Péb., .: i ,f>... 4$*J00 48*600 .^MW^irJHHrW ^44^> -étWS §tpok_ (5. 12th fymçry, 1921 ,A...... ...,...,...... ,,,^39,448'^Mffi Mareh.Ki.V-40*500 41*800 -87*000 37*800, fâêffl#. J0$k ^J-íito, Í|^Jaiiu^ry,;:1920 ZZ-¦'-'¦'''¦'•'¦ ¦'¦'¦'¦ Zm^S^ 7:"_Áprii':x:;,,r,;. 39*000 - 41*000 36*600 37*100), 45*50s ^190% —fh&l3. Paulo! karkét;,closed on 5t}i January" witli spot for I^o, vjlay >'K.,-.... 37*W 38*800. «ft*500 £É£ttâ$^*r> ê^6í?ldp Ján, 54|3O0 buyer-f ^nd 55*509 seljers; Feb, 55*600 and 56*000 American fully ütiiddling7 spot..,11.17d .10.53c. ãâ?,90Ê£ respectife-ly; March, 55*800 and 56*100; April, 54* ^55*; Ditto, March pptiorts' 10.3ld ] 9.65d Sí_â6;02(IL May, 56*000 and June, 55*700 sellers only. -^rr Ditto, May op^iòns ...,,...... :.. 10.37dZ; 9.74d %&0m ' .".T** 'january1' -rr-T-íe New Yòrk market closed on35 stò_Eílyr afe" World'8 Sugar Cropa. ,,'Facts About Sugar'; says ^hat tlie 1920-21 crop is. estimated at 16,775,00Q íípps, as foliowing prices, per lb.:r—‡' v* world'« SWgar foy.lglO^Oi or increaso of 1?4^^Q0 tpns. r .;'',' Z: , Zf' - æl2 Jan7 f" 5 $#•*' WWÍÍÉ against 15,371,500 tons Beet sugai" hkâ iiiçreased 3Q;per cent. and çane only 4 çent< American'October futures,; May 16.10c15.Q0C!$20fci per °>i.L.. 16.18c15.07c30.2'Ê 7 South American çrops ; ftjçe estúnated at 995,<)0O tqijs, Brãsíil Ditto.¦ '^'':.íi;'.í¦ '¦ ' ¦ ^ 7vr? . . ..- .:. ¦''¦¦'}> accounting for 300,000 tons.awd Argentina for 200,Qpp tone- :.-¦¦£¦'¦ |'SÍSr>. ;;:V ;-| bi.a:i^s , Clearances overseas of sugai* at the ports of Rio ãd SeS^aiitoSV • Clèáránws overseas of beans at the ports of Rio audSaptqs 12th 60 during tlie week ended Jan. 1921, in bagjs of kilos ^, werdfe during t|ije?rWe§k..É>i)4e(J 12 Jau, 1921, jn í>ags ,of 60 kijos, were as follows:. Y- >. \(L ';,,,',' as. fqllowq:—{t, ... >(.;1i . v .. .-^ t .,,7 From 'Rio- de :Janeiro* Jau. 8 s.s: Ambrier _£ntwei'p;'V'--Hfe'rnfc. From Santo: Jan. 11, s^t. Silarus,.Lisbon, Lucas Simões '& Barcellos & Co., 250 bags.;< t. 100 bag», at £9%-•" '!' • ••aie;; '77.^...•;;!>,-! Çq. .valued #^ S: m:.. Port of origin . r—The Market.—Priç^p ruledL 12tb:Jan. stead? as%l-' 'Santos JJiq pp Dèstinatiorí'1"'; .-••'• Rio .""¦' Tôtaf^ lows, per bag of 60 kilos:—Black, superior, 33$ to 34*; dittoi7 m,-BagsBags :; fftir, 22$ t/i, 24$; Por^o Alegre oolouredV1^^30* tòK 32$; riíantèiga, Antvj^p:! ...mi•...• 250 4 7— 44* to 46.§; çoloured (66 kilos) 28$ to 36$; white, 14$ to 16$i amendoim, 36$ to 38$; íradinho, 18$ vtò 23*; mulatinho, 16$ to «Total ?^25Ô •";)r-xL.7-r- fôr' week -üià JaUuary; ..;V77;. 8^ 17$; sundry qualities, Í5$ to 20$. No demand-fOrvèScpòrt/ Total *onth of December ...... :..... 59,899 v ^ 714 ; $$* --^The\$,, Paulo marke^t olosed on 12th January with Apot '787,978 ü»o, IJan. to 31 Dec: 1920 ...... 1,045,291 ^imè^ mulatinho, dry season, new, firm, at 14$ to 14$500 per bag of :¦ A ''fi.T 610 kilós for superior, clear and good, dirty; mulatinho, wet season, «iSi«' •• ‡'-'"¦¦>¦: v- ¦¦M'"' FÍO.B; value for week and January ' 464 ²46__ steady at 17$ to 17$500 for superior, cleár, and. 15$ to 1.6*530 ' ^/^nonth ojkrDecember ..-.. 121,670 M 36 U3L2l>0€5 for. good, dirty; spot whites, nominal. TFõJT Jan7W-31 December 1920... 1,080,562 88,000 1,116168,562 Options were not».quoted. Demand for export has dwindled to Hífj|J^ Pernambuco Market closed o^i lS&th" Jkjiúwj/ practically nothing. ., ^g^ííie ¦küOs^ükiíiWsf 7.7,' ,v7.¦•'<¦ pri_ès oJuòjteB as^ipllows, per73,5 superiof,''^'3f|!^ SSüíT W &ÈÊÊ^yfi*^^not ^uo^ís?' ' ^hi^ ,S$M"^m) to, ÍQÍ^jspmWos/ 8*500 to 0*000; brutoi, l0$> .^W^wfíaèainst usinas, 11*200 to 11*700; crystels,'JMK^O-fa . Glearances overseas of Rice at the ports of Rio and Santos '8*880 during the week ended Jan. 12, 1921, in .10*000j.demeraras, not qu,otèd; third sort, to í>©$200[; bags of 60 .kilos, werè as^follows^rrrr ..¦.;....-...... '.•-.,7•v;-7o^'7'-7^:»:'7í ' IBm^cS^l*^^ Vo 8*2(K);.Ybrtítos seccos, 5*000" tò^.ltS|fiNK)^¦ .w. v;k-,7'- -í-; '- J'.;7-7.:..77'm From dq vJaneiro: mv"> újà & Co. -46.bags, valued _872v -^1^í3^ir^pyein€*it,iit Pçij^vmbuco fòr !the week eièò»<3 12tlfc- ^phctinto at .,'> n &'tiiài'&$í" • * 8 *-s• Rapot, Haraburg^.HeiTO.. Soltz âM^fe^íSÊp^f Q^lciios, wàs;as ^ilows:^¥1: :S,,;, ^ .;, y? ^nto? 0Pl & Cò» kFr($.} h^ÀTZerrenneiv Bulow & Co. 20 bags; total Santos, 2,020 ••¦• '*'• 'sv7:í,.o,^v.(..4..,.yv^v,.í bagsy váíued at -63>l-55v ¦ • -¦ -BRTOAKMfig W^Qfeek ...... 7...... 7...... v 72400 l JçT\ •. í -. i 9<-.:.. i O•' - ja i.. ir. ¦¦¦¦ .!.¦¦¦ - M^rket.—PrJcess ruled' oh l^Jían.tlgiÈn.,: âá.fóllaH*!.; p00|88f()00|&;8i OQÜfGSM^. ly^:iM ^ ,;!l;íi„;. .; .^^.^J^ v i T&? S'° pôr bag,'of (50 kilo^jlyBrilbado Ist, 46$ to 48$,; dittoj(2nd, Available ...... ,...... :...... : 4__tl.73,60(> 4a$.tó í# > SI|^T> 44$';^^$.; superiot; i39$to,'4Í$ ;¦ goodü 34$ íto 80$l; faiír, 28f,;% 32$^*Mfh|to, 34* to 36$; rajàdo %up'-po^i 26$ ti> _*¦'¦; ' ?°f> ^Z0*'"®$!:fa 22$ *: sanga., 16$b to, 18$, Nothing. dqing JffloMi m 12th January, 19ai,,;?..,..'¦}...7..,.-...... 8^78i8(j|> ídF:.expòrf7 7;,h,r',,7't'7,7 -:ÁU v,•', -§_íM),íl4th • Januo-ry- •lO-iOv:):^::.^....i...... ^;y;7)77 ¦^^-^Jlij^^^P^lp^^rket ^hgb^j^ closed on 12th January;v,^itlj,7spot crop -to;.12th 'January, 1921, entries amoèfr^téd '\i> ^Pòrthè agulha jiuiet, and Cattete weak an^. quoted as / follows, peçbág oí bags-,- as;tagainst ?11-,100- bags for the corresponiinafagiialit 60'kilos;-4-Agülha, 35$ 35$500/;i '32$ ;cleaned, speeial, to ditjto, good., ~'^==JXhe to 3?*50b;¦.4itto,:;fair, 30$; agulha, split rice, 23,%;7d)tto,7Ín Rio Market cloãédon 12th January firm, vcitli piicék hiisk, gqod7 2(;.í5007fco. 21$; Cattete, cieaneci,, superior, ,32$500f.; í© f ottowtf.vpér kilo:—WhitcT^stáls, *900 iò *95§; ; âníà díito, górtd,,30,*5Òb; ^itto/fair, 27$500 to 2^$; Cattete^ split,-23$; Jffiífe • • ¦ • • • fB9'*^ct,' $760- to f800; n-asea-v*'nho,i $600 to $72ft; m-escavo> ditto. in lrask, i^uOO c;uirer« I6$500' :tp 17|i.

:-. :':¦ ~"/;7yV

7y.77-:7 v7if ¦'*Í.Y Y'..'Y-, >:i;-:»'??; B-3-? January Itó, Í9_l; jfttlttt^t|-_B^l^f3 '*****••*******$ ¦•¦•:{$.<*i:'.'-'-; •/Tisrrn^L jfT"?«i1?*': *•>. • l-í*í*_f '*? H_T *«*l-» dWV '» i ¦ ¦ ¦ .;^-;.,:..-'-.-->.- - i^C-___£~..;_...-,-.t..._,'_„. '.#, /;:y._i_,v.._ i'^•___>7;.X ¦*^^&j'i-jf^.^jf.». jáu„, jr."Z-fc- *-*•- üptiouj closed on sánie! date wrailimry* agulha in husk i^~*P^'of;õriípir 'a1^$^;ikefl^iiá^éW.^tó^iÈ^ÍTU^ quoted __ Ali.6th©T months Oí í/Att^: an«l íqualiiiiesi noí> quoted^ ^«i-y:'3íé|^^imé_i^í_tor>.iétp^]âii O"... jí^JBagSí,':,:>rfomu ¦h«ifyW.& >."7% i -*-*• .<.f.?0';f/:¦¦ íji».^; ,5 íJ/Vr0.lO .'l ^.O^r 0.4 EXPORTS'€#'to _^^|i)M„%,üííi..!^ ?í^.?lflu;^w^ ¦ ^'evooo.^oí* 'y 7^ÍÍÍró^ MagaihaeB.Souza &< Oo. ..,.7: — 5.550'n •'j<íi:^«-í •^.:n...i;..(. ¦> • •'*•*-">¦•' '4;950i( ,777, - < 9^v;'M7í'tíf;*-í7sr?;tíi,4 1 11 f ne Cò;^ ¦ «(••¦'•¦ 1 7ij!_,....„^,7' (lii bags or 60ckilos.)7, Qvê^ffó A. Diebold & Co7 4,888 4,888-'; 7:0^ ; /-v iií^Ml^'.Í'\A.A :€-'7':,;,X^'.'A''Í0-,t of origin ¦ !*$:.úr..f/. 'Queiroz Mi* Lins^ Oòífl! : ^9_^ 4,92? 0# rOlí, ••^•|f..ántõs^T: Total ^ò^'^M 4,000 TO -Bags ' Bags Bags 7o • • ¦ • • - w 3,700 ^ í*'i-^ '{$_«¦ '..7 •' _í30 i? 3,513 t#_ Eugen"' .Urhan & Co. 65,884 28.733_;.:,7rú^- h'_fltlQ ‡:l;227 :-.; 1,227 '¦. Cfaplp Pareto & Co. ..'...... 2v000 0.1 Sofe; Franco ÔréBÍlienne l;.-." -.7. i v ,,• v,v.'::r- ;Í,500 John Moore & Co....... 1,500 H.- Cárboln ...... i'Ji7vi 1.000, 1,000 V; .-# Lima Nogueira & C5o. v.; 1,000 . 1,000,,.7.-if. Amerio_ Ne^r & Cò; ,/...;¦..;-... ijjftOO 1,6X)0 Freitas • À. .";ií.,,'....,„.....,• 1,000 ,1,000.. ~ ÍÇ, Co...... ,.-.7^.. i,'Ò0O l',ÒÓ0 §> Levy ^apprt..& 1,000 i^m .-&í BarbosaAlbuquerque & Co. ... 1,000 J. Duarte & Co ' . : i,oop l.tíoo — $ilva _erigira & Co; ...Vr...v... 1,000 1,000 Santos .Atnaro «fe Co. W...v.77.;;: 633 633 ‡liOOO •*'* Assumpção & Oo. ..,^>,.,,,. j.opo,. . ._ '7___| Cia. poanmercial Hollaiídèü 7 600 -500 1,100 Souza Pinto & Co.,...,.7. liOOO '".:K- Vils Johnson & Co. ...,..'/..-7 ^.';¦ X 500 20,333 20,833 1.3 ' ;^^_ G. Jagow ljOOO !i,o0o _»^i Robert Albers.7...... vâOO1 500 ___¦ Máthieson & Co. ...... ;." 1,000 1,000 -- ©ia. Oomml. Fyanco-Brazileiro 484 484 Brazita) S. A.^r|. JÍ>> 996 996 — m .Wilson,: Sons &.., Go...... •..,.. 338 333 ^. J« Coffee Export Co,..".'..^"".". 900 900' Cia-, Transmarina Brazileira...220 ..»:' 100 320 Baeoarat & Go. ..-..>;...;wí.•... • '• >->750 Herm ano Barcellos & Co...... 200 200 V''w£-___[ Cerquinho Rinaldi & Co. v... 17507 IfellyTl.td:^,:.:^...... /.....,, 200 200 '7Ó07.:' Max Greisback 7Ô0' Butteninuller & Co. 200 200 #1 A.- Leomil & Co— 500 c 500 t — Cia, /"Meehàiííca e Importadora r 174 • 174 J. Baedert ..;...... •... t-500 1 Zenha Ramos & Co...... 165' 165 Isidoro Fernandes .-.--.i<%...... 316 316 Nõrtôh Méêaw & Co. ;.... 154 Í54 Société Financière 290;,, 2907 Cia. Brazi Com- è Industriai.85 85 207 >' Abik Nàon Baccarat *«&_ 20? W^vT. ^irtns- ;..;.;.,...... :.7r 75 75' Luiz Anta,'. 194 1941 : Grannini Acherento & Co.;. í. 77 77 P^óduce & Warrant Co.. 100 iòo A. Seligmari60 60 Machado Passarélli ife Co ; 10^) Ferreira da Costa[& Cò. IflO 100 J.. A Zerrenner Bulòw & Co. i# 1 fi-íô" Teixdeira Borges 7& Cê...... t20 20 Sundry,..-..;..... % 61,^)50: 61,059 iffi . Antônio §., Pinheiro; .../.'.. ;â ...-•- 20 20 J. - •11 ci;. de Souza .,...... ;,;7.. 1*2 12' Total .... 166.334 1,385,747 1,552.081., 100.(1' ¦ ;í - ¦ Honing „ Roorda^ 286,538 286,538 18.5 «:.i\ji'i-i\\\.- .:ç<'*'< ¦¦ ;•• •• .-.:,r" . i í'.i .'ii'' i?n' :=-_aiíAíaSB Ç...jÇr-inks ,& Co. .:7 -- 187,328 187,328 12.1 Per month:— í ' ;08í);J ' À. BOye ;$ Go...... —r 82,002 82,002 5.3 íariuary 28-,479 63,322 91.80Í 5Í9 V;"i)-;í<.' Ã. Tromel & Co. — 42,222 42,222 2-7 Fehfuary...... S.. A. Casa ^^ 38,251 2.5 j- -:í*í; ' Malta 38,251 ^arch7..;....; 3Ò,âfâ ;^i;_í94" ^31-607' ?Ü) •„ '102^62"^?. '7 Nossack & ,Co..;,;.. .—:, 37,733 37,733 U Jx-prii...... ;.. í^fn&fj ,^_7;ooáH ^5,904^ ^;0 íí ' 3«fi<___" Fogaça Rolim & Co;...... ^— 27,616 27,616 18 iiíay': , ...7...... , 20;06f: 160,794 mfp;,. • Pinto-Sout» & Co...:..... --^ 25,600 25,600 1.0 June'7' 7 ...,V7;.V. . lí,«68 2Ó6;2l(r: 218,07$'-^lp) F. Matarazzo & Co, ...... J.Í.; ¦.'—" Í25;OO0" 25,000 1.0 J(»iy7 .-. .v..,;:.:. \± . 9,764 Í73v723':1;i83)48f';;:1ÜÍ:& Cia. Prado Chaves — 23,002 23,002 1.5 AwgUfít •-"':íf.f;'..;! : 5,528' Í0li«B8^Õ6,586>,¥,*ir'-fe) E* *lí.hnstô_i & Co. 7.;....; 22,723' 22,723 .1.5 September. . 10,902 141;,972^;15Í8747^':^ {jg-1 1 ; F. S,^Hampshire & Co. 77>..;^I.^ti^ 21,400 21,400' l!4 Oétòbérí^''sCf^íj-íi !OJ í ;;9,034: íer^^^-fro,^ 11.1 '37;603 ; a'^9 M(| d©7 (Siqueira) 1 &.;~ CdS^U..-.¦¦ m\^±L/-< ,1&,207 1.2 November,.'..'. :7'.:.'.! !.:'; "7,774' 74^,377'.' ' ' -; !í ">'"¦- Nifiii^rCb,.;-; j;.lví.M.v.i^iki: 17 236 17,236 li 'DecenlbcM-...  72 8331- . 9057 " *'* '"" ; ' Leon Israel & Co. Í6:,37â 16',373 l.L 05>í-.:;-'• •• — ______- > _ í''__l r:* »*¦ f J j l''í , "Í5,5(jd .•• The^BiíaZi ií''acb ©_»!• ÍÁ.P piffif, 1.0 -,. Total12 months 1920.. 166,334 1,385,747 1,552,081 1()Ó:0 Nióaíü7^Meo.^i7^..t^:V^...: _A;m\í, Í0..29Ò 0 7 0OltfT7 TíiO"_íif(yÁ ;:íò,ooi',;. ; }í5#.6 ivnpliael>£ípínpaioí & :C<>7" M'x:. ¦¦''!i'— 7/0 bO'í'.' 0._ Gei-.many 98,675'' 732^421^ 831,096';' ¦":" ii 5 Argentine 1,733 157,291 159,024 »T t,:7-Máfó'-&f;_o0 ^bikli...::? '¦-tr. Ko "!7,$'22'_;7i5 1Ó.2 .145V783' !;l475ií')03)'1'T>9T5 ^''$òr__'f _e;^gtíé^edO áaCo.' 7,é_.2. ' 0,5 Belgium 1,220;- -l • f!*f4 And. Junqueira & Co 7,716 ; 7,710 0.5 Senegal (Dakas) 25,626^-;^ 58/265=^ 8_^§3-^ Míi r-!Íi174';-?^_0,362íí- F -;' CoiiceiçãÒ'' «-Co.. .vrv f.. 7.77.!;' >3400": 7,400* ; 0.5 Uolland.-. ;j(?ü %cv.i i;i^....J 111'536 7.2 ¦A^í__Ma^sé^;%H^ht'-;:!..!i "7,000 '7,ÓdÜ'' ' > i^OOÒ B: ;." 0.4 puba. ¦: < i)n^ni.'4i.... .-.,...;. ^1,000-;-:Õ7,O0fr- dl, ;''7,645rl" 0.'õ XI. Kingdpm.... 8,654" 61,117 69,771 4.5 ';V7-..-ÍÍ7v:.a::!'-:v; i>JW 6,pOO ;, 0.4 France . .i«,-i>...-.>.- .„4;.l....d.A. 9,2187!í '30;3$7 2.li CfratiS^;^" '6,4^;',6,5ÓÔ';,. '•&& 0.4 Sweden.-.-i>& - .>...; 17<471 ¦17,471 a' càT^iaí_ibf,è\f (fe^Oo?":.;..Ci1 6,éÜ :) .«^í;í- \ j S-Rr'

H .7••¦,'• _ >_.'~_ ,,' m WidKiMfAKJMm-W Jantt_-_y ,ftMfl-, ^MSlr. «.;

¦*-¦ -niiíH -íoI -fo «wa -; 'Av/i€ , Uni üf. 10; boíoõp íüig òqt»**mjy^ :-Q0X) ,n_) ^ óiíaaO 701 nSiXs ;oi}l '..steoq *lo_ Í^Tí•tMtótf/v,^ t^W^^ tâ?Wi. $9$- yKi.^i fcuii ténncifO ág&wsq '-%ta{ «01 &$'d' -Hi »'_b; J*5 bíW.-BV (H1TCJ 8 (hítii.»; -.tf 'fcyfttbgí'''> ^g^nc jVI /y> 'i&$*&i4&0g)s.'.í.Gc I f.i-.nnp'."» f'_duíi--g rfctó wefiík v™wfcmiH W$$mm^^^* $ ^?»^*é*^ 0.2 e^^|2,TÍi^«íl0-il»-iib >'$*Ô oc* ^Z^s^Z^-tó^f^i^Z^i^ $^ Sundry Clearances:—From Rio: Jan. SpfOs.ftJ- 0m^^SK^iA\j^> Í*tto (Madeira) ¦ ¦.:¦lfcj^**J^b» ..w%BJfcío"UM* werp, 15 tons horns.-__^.-™-.«—» 8^^.^V«^feM:M^ âflfe i#bOtoi, ^ *'* $&_#lrO0.3 From Swtpffif^n,. ^(^^-Hr^i^ri^l^g^^ental Pro- ifêíüÃalfê?0» ^fít^Ip^ *_»m^««ufc ^_£&fôI'rf(>1W ducts Co., (900 cases), 21 tons, canned tongues. ¦Ófircéf -siei-o '. 11-218 ** tf^-j o--.udOTa(ri%SL> .oO^^hÂXiò!^ vipKkfar «iilfifl •-3 .oi^vuP-.g.^ ,0 ,«<}V ji:oiiQ-.iidí fie i30i.-ia.ci- ítraii Vsáríjiciíi-Í :^::^:^M^y^ n Barbados 2Q0 -.í The Cape...... T^TJÇSOff 3,000 0.2 oí-.jí) .ftfufjnwd (tóíífll X^ii-.J^.{JM ?b\V- t^wA.H ,0-nxiO AWíers ,ri.')m»,I vivió tfgtici OOÜjí) d*&rÍ£8^he.^ Iffiín"-n tons of 1^000 kilos. were 'Ja$^£é. r %$^-%jitâ(p: yi&% .fttOYoS .«.« ...^vi:Ju '.j.J vA u^íin «&•'-' 'fZ J;í..e ¦¦^^*. y;ed ;lftp^.JÍÍr%ei^v^ssac^^^'^ ca,seé):2 tons; Jan, 11, -Co. .Totalt .- á™&^ Silarus, ^isbon^Jos^ Constante à Y1Ó0 , cases), 8tonfi; Maí^' Z'y^-11;' :-*tôi-,-&.%í&^- ¦••¦ -. •' "•o. .V;.'V~Th©: Rtó^^rkot.-^Prices'' were qu-çted bii 12 Jan^ fírni ias . F.O.B. yalue in ^S^rlingí—., * follows, per kilo :^Pòrto Alegre,' in^tins of 20 kilos and 2 kilos^ RioSantos. Total* 1$950 to 2$ per kilo; Minas áudL&ZPáulo lard, in tins of 2 kilos, 1$950 to 2$. —The S. Paulo Market cjosed on 12th Jan. with spot quiet and quoted as follows, per caSe òf 60 kilos ^-S'. Paulo lard, in z tin^of^ .kilos, 106$.;, ditto,.,tins, of % kilns, 110$ 10,112$-;. Rio í-j M»y•••.!:.b,5^604r 461,640 519,24^ Grande,;tins y ofaO.Jçitôs, jíl8$ ;ndjtto, tins of 2 ltíjos, 120,$. to 122$;; 433,477f ífe wiíWior vMWK'WMWr-,> W^ 463.1^ •'..-:-¦<••• üf*> *->°;- ^í.-A-*-A«-1 i^ ,:. ,; .-¦¦'-., .,.¦ §$3^ .&& ^^;./^»:^ atei*? mm ^^ yy'¦<'¦''>..¦.';.. t r-^^ÇÍW-^^k-?^l55È^^ ^ry and ^ItedJaides.at the.,'|Íorts-"of Npvenriber...:.^...^.^145 .- . 87,765 105,^-.wu Rio and Santos, dürW the week ended Jan.li ,ín uniis and tons ^Tfe.« mm--kyémt-yà ;h3. ym . of -ljOOp kilos, Wíii.e as(tpllows:—^ „yv. Z From _£_. y Rio:',jwi. fcArfeld, Hamburg, Martins nionths, 1920:...... 44l Oaríos & Co. Z,r,.,- ^ta.LÍ? ^19 3,932,634 3,834,553 (6,530 salted hides) 19^toiís;. Jan.-7, Colunib^, Trieste, '¥***?. Wilhejm \|^'^^^g^í^8Í total Rio,.(6,530 salted and 1,000 dry MANDIOCA " 5^í'^iá^íJ_9|^E «í ^7Ó,M and m645v.respeetively" MBAL rFrom Santos :Jã^. 5, >.s. Sark, New York, sundry shippers, ¦p ^'^f?^J^€fl|on^valued at £^4^'!5" TSeVèVeie^iíé^aTáôcès:^ áf Mandioca Meai afth^ . ..S?*»* s?- Op^uan, New Yor^ 7 tonsígoat ports of Rio and Santos, during the weel.' Í^Sè^j !#• % .,, .,.- />.. ended, jan. Í2th1&2Í? and 5"ú.-iv'^«5; tons sheep skins. =. ^ihbmò ¦vJí :- '"V ;':'íí' • "; '¦>!>''' m m^Mmmpípim was quoted on $m y'7Í*o<"s. í*.f.->íV, í;*í/ \ í*í. ./.:;; ^- /.•Cív.'-' . •- : • j '»> 12$800 to 13$,.ditto, médium fine, 11»800 to 12$200; ditto, »W«* ^s^s^j^iiiíiíi^;?#l^ •1íWd»teéSÔD' tô4J^200! a^a'^itt íocSéfat 9$800 WlWl & Clearances overseas of Manganese ore at thé ^5KX bag4„Jan. A^jg Z Stock on 5th Jariüáryj l^à) .:..vZ...... *...... 59 Hickman, Sff^te^ide,©,. 35Q bagsy Jan^^^.s.s.. ^ickman, Bv> Afo 240 ¦SWJ '«G'Víf '<¦<>¦' ^ra!^W.cr?Ífteíf*íl iíí^ fliw fíiíiicw.ífi bvi-:^-- ^Zvr.i^y ,^fi-f| ZW jixrf rüí* v.ji-M';. :)è't'ii>h Jív-,;n.ovo;v:' í>.íí.t .Ji.ti.tl ..'-• • .gíioj riòíííüfl: s: ijfioíjx-í c-ílort.jof origin .i^oll .Av?i?Míí'8isi¦; .-bittw''[tàfi•'í??f-•£• v'fffíyVifj*-.;.-;.• >v.(flVw)Mv«rr <...U;6?5«387 Clearances during tlie sainç •Io • ítíáib ->or>^stJ9^n-oo(KÍmtíine*I cjRiQjjíeiMTofPaliiso *.f-/0-TÓtal- %j^&fr$^$$0 /Ü)0..«.4W 7.500 * «'•a **,">>¦. r>) wííj Ibí1?^,^^^í«" (?ri^ ^.c* «^»jadíj? • è_ri- íèí o-im-T^---. íW(4ô#)5ft .-J-...40,090' Jírjsjjé b-Kjitn.-lí. sviid >í'io7 i.fjf. fact-rl .>o.mj*í ,{fn»;^q'. 1921,.(a^prt<-í:- • aíoor • ^>í lliíailfi.tPíiâi HecfcilgaO .1Jj.-;v...biJ0ínr*2,289*'; ^S31,684>íu883]978 ^'ere^-i-f^ofloWSf— líf' in6"/:fl'r; /!íl W^ «i''*":»; TTü^ ,a.;ol ¦}'»._.. •.ifí-íit Mí-7í> èt^ÉÇ ¦ Í/ifr-J 31. .»i"-^«4 8Í-Mi.7.^'« !?..•'£•••"Z~yír -»ii_ag.D ]F,^^iRaJu^.*ri^he)J^«ekWnd v.r;.r.->JÍJi *#^ 4*3^^81^ 1^8lf 5, GéM-^tàM^WffiW '(-Wfo-ifêsr^' '-V.iré-í;i(Í.è7S5 feS èl)p, c^iwfethR-ífyvBfecembeii yiuumih:*>»¦ y>íS 760-«--290)02(1^ 290,#Ò temf» è;;HíckinlÍn; B. b^è^; í&^ons LM' ';:! ^iv; ^+©íFJnÍ(;tJ^Í»!;«ia}f31r.->e(y» 1920.vXUQÍlriívííl i>4feí_É7í& ^^442^371 * 1^46^# total Bal-íà* ^ES^^bâíe^y tons;'^valued' aÍ/!4£Í$J. ¥f Jai^íy,l»flS,4flaia^L -,-^ ^ . <¦¦*

at £4:in 'fvll.for Ham- From Rio: Jan. 10, silva & ^ Frmj^£|tf)|J^furope are still quoted 9_f_f^Sf, f%%jrc*8tro Ü^° i* '*.<• for Channel porte, andtt ;'.\&í, bales) 8 tons, valued at mÍ&^JjL bujpg ano^íOs aMprpoç^t been offered by German boats^ —The Rio Market.—Prices were quoted on 12 Jan. steady, rumo^regjpjü eve^^ rií^|j^e j&fcowaçoifôr ^õt^ikS^-^Rí^^caBdèy; yeHfiob Ist, *28$, 4»d30$; %pe is^^ubt ^t^^ as* :''Atfs dueto? 2dd,2^*«£tc«á»$# émnmàn] Ut^24i$ «46* 28f&3tótbp. 3-ufcí Pjfriod. a^x 7-A ;... ,'-...... , A .".A-., xj&tâttw M&rjçet is still by the strike of ste^gros^ 22$ to 24$; Bahia, spécial;~53$to 54$; o^ttd^pflriãr,£88^it0y § 0The^*tOs .upset n - ¦¦ l|a^es am^eaker at thjp port, in^consequence of tlM^ge^pf 39$£ gpodjda9«$> to 80$i ;ju?£ •& -wn'3- B9orun«oií> v;ifion8 (^aji .'¦'  ' .ümotl 8itó'3 oT^qVtv*' to.ife of ije-Rio cogee-marl^f_ .. .v í«*íJ*>fe«M)•¦»*_«$' V are report no change m rates -ok I^noi0_j^^PRjODWÍJE^ #*? g (J Out^cfc^: Jjgjry: quie^uj _ figffy inlenqu$y* TÍié rate for coc^f^^ ^óoflànoJ &^«juò!. ,h.ock) JS Afcea^. GOÇ) ,.o0 *ionb iw'.pròs0ect8^of inróro^emènt Yor^ísj 40c. offers Vèry little at from Santosr4n-4HHiehee* Jan. 6, s.s.Suveric, B. Bahia .te^|[è,w ^rnamítóc> yjfòy Bananas, ctead. B. 5,000; Jan. 7, s.s. sent anóC«thers are ^^,..,..>...... ,,.- Robv".d-r«íjS Aires,6,869; Jan. 8, s.s.^Mo^ae, #res, r\ *Mt 19696 bunches, ditto , r íjcijulA m Darro, B. Aires, 7,837; Ml4*4fie^*ek at this 2^ba^ ^¦^^hiiÁ s.s/Sambr^as engaged port of coffeèAirid 1,000 cases oUard for Hamburg; 625 h^^f^s -¦ "Ahou. Av<£ 67000 bag£bran for London :Ç^5 bags coffee for Las"'«.íll- Palma^^i}^ A>-irtMt..buIí.w' ag* >f/«0. kilos i*fe^ ^'n--s.s?llickman, bpèrateTtby the Ward Line, and consigned bags mascavinho,., 12,/0b 178,372 bags ot white sugar, 37^262 to B. Johnston & Co, after discharghm h^^transferred, San- (jerkeçl Jiho bags mascavo, and; 10,1&> >ags other qualities); parque tos cargo to the s.s. Neslmming atía procéeüéd direct to Monte- '¦¦li wheat flo^r, 32,^84 bags. ¦ -¦- -"5-í '"'¦ * ¦' beef) aioÒÒ bálesj and vid^Tt)n 16% ihsi -70P1, .v^í.íx i 8(s -^Skoglând Line sfâAndréa Jackson sailéd on 18th irtst i^r. fíui*- áantó^s-s. Grontoft .wjiír load here on 19th; s.s. Laura Sko^lan^ jlíÔl ,.-' "/.. s/J iFliischarginè; aí the|%&• Mr- Skogland, head of the í^.t<$ ^FairplàV,'1 thWííame,;is. expected;'ÍS Rio end Feb. or beginning March c^ Market. 9 Dec, 1920.) 's.^ Thè Welsh Coal £Our coiflbeépondeutPÈSt Pernambuco date of ^.—Fíeight rates from Rio to New York have sluinped again to fôthAmst. ásAfóHows:—There is no change in the market Wnd néw 'eaa^ijf The- took 29,367 bàW% S5b per bag, alth(itígtó'4^Mco*ikf ^^^^MpM^^é 6nfeà^emeiíta.,«re scarce. s.s. Crosshill fiheé??fewered to the bottom rate, cé^,%iri_Hffle_,1hdtf^írtn«W' aUèár to AMiltwerp and 13,500 to Lisbon; s.s. Treneglos 4*,'26ll,bJÍondoni^'{Sr6. Herschel 3,240 bags to Leixões and s.s^Aiciiirfe]» suit.A"—' 7"?A ovbi^pioWv At Santos the^^ ife>UMhan8^b|it|fi|^ at 40t;. $&200 bagsíító London.- A considerabllamvoun^^-Br^tW-tbnfíage has been withdrawn í\%.Sã\n e|;"C.XvC«rn*aià;Shh>s. ,It';«iTeported íhm axAooii ásHnV from the berths, which is a^sign ,that- thw, ta&jJM$ IÉíJ^ÍM1^ ^.oyoh Brasiréifcó hâsjílfeen organised, a t(^m«n-DütcM^'syWdic'^o mm'ajad ®3X ^w^^mmSm sm mm with té^árd «tó Jof* sôníe fâsf unless raies tãke an upward turn, M?|^áWlg§o'W j#|lí^pproa^(3ft, ithe Go$íjjlnment líurobase"- inevitaWyAbe wiWwvn.,;^,!^ the of^hé éx^-Ç^erifiian steamers in the service óf that line. It is even mrl$mmi« ^rK :#*:Wiw ^^M^M^É^âffip^Érasáíí í t -stated) thstoipffiers feiave already foeenAmado^ífbru^énptiícría^^^^ '"v,!%nfiaÉe;í|;i^ ^^ás^i QaxiaH,. on«;of tho ex-Germân bodt*':i;hát"hai3d^!òtte

¦»';•.¦ » —-, Cl i L M\A*-- ' ¦ Z ...,, ;¦..•. ^l£'Jl-^C.^J-Íà-i.^J.>^)4^;,AafcV»>^* >--Aw'v»..^v,!C;-í'»-.'?t-i-T?---.'.yrrH'J



vjencrai; •• vuu I et sSt-' , ¦ i füet and gene^*j»filé#R^^ii- ^Mt^Iíffi Cfí& *P CaV»^ >OC^ÔNT^S A^p, RíífsJS ÜtíP* I fÇílJj^ ' Í-Wr fi

TÚfe^^febATS Ato ÍLIOHTERS ffeltt I*ÜÉPÓSfeS. l&?

- Norte 106 CABLE ADDRESS: ***^^^í>^-í ^t^ 4> Ò; BÒX752^^ Mm* ^TELEPHONè:

'étâÔ&éi^^ i&áí^njttíè- ^ywp^^i^^^^^^^^ -.'Z::-':' for úp-àtv British pwií: Vessels is out oí comtóWíòu, aiíh that á qphsidèrà^bfe r- *': * ships to German intèròstsí ás it içiglítõlèád-toi misttnderstandingffif of wooden "ships 'áiíd ¦¦¦-*:''. '>.'; '.¦'.' " ¦> ¦ ' V$ ‡(•¦ si.'.';', í; '"¦;' .;'!<:. ¦ 7.VX number of steel owned^byv the Shipping .Board use: thé industry appears to be in an •.,, ..•?'•' -,r:-..; ••-•• ¦"-• ••*.*•;•#?' '.(-•, •..01 private owners are oiitof . . ..•-¦• v i<-•¦'/¦ . from Norway ar<^ :; New Portuguese Uni. Tho «pr^guese State Sterfmshij* unsátisfactory státe ih Ja|>an,. :andí lèports of situãtáon o^ Ikine has inaugürated thèir Hámburgr9uring :her»r|tay>::te^|f áccordingly lower- rates may, be anticipated. Canadas ahipping: -j^íp^^le^^^^é^òii* « and: Bübsèqíiienfciy the quay; ^The' Co. linkèd to mà and shipbuilding industries ha%è piospered ship broke iu;fr&;ÍWhenrcrew^feÍa;.witÉf ia^efUgeTs. Ât SfeaèWftíutt súfféred in ôòmmOh withT those óf thè world, although the decline were killed^a^^^^^^^^Mfji^/^.íí^-íriiip- is íti íío ^dy w is taking píacè m^égràdúally. Stiipbuilding cOttipanies ^réáted ':' "'' ^"S without' e!gcèptionV, doséd T»~i>. :bJawjB^íiwtoríthe>'aceident/ [^<^^Msy.0^étZZZZZi-tZ^ for the wâr emergèiicy ;have, almost • •¦ • -4,i ~«t^^per«tingr_a|_ tinfl i llíitii'iM JownTlEe old-èôtftblislféd companies^ wmie reduced streri^th;, fíiresée further inactivity, átt* Mvè presented ifhe U.K. Freight Market. (^«fcrpla»y, 9 Dèc;) Sitiei mítí tò the iSoyernmeiii Ü&r claims for aid in tlie form Òf bOUWties. -fche ^ last report .conditian-of thè; freight market has hecónie évéíif ^'Monthly ííeview òf thè RóyaT Bank of Cariada^? Z*Z?:..;':: ¦ítiefét'!^' nsore;grávev fbr' ^fi^usiiíess ;"iio^ effected múst sh^ow ^ ¦fótíse'1'^-:'j;^íiir,'ií méá8Uref,-'%he. c^ilièB níore; actitte ttian' was títè^as^ ,:» in previous vslúrtpájí! for'rVFè oarinotriueçáember during the laáb . thirty years; íor- niore that- it: was"' áirf^Òstíible to éha^tèr a; haftctv Arrivals at the Ports of Rio and Santos during ttie feized stean^è^fbMWâiésritt^ááTiy I>ècéttib^> loading,' Wluoii ^hâs ^éen .tlíe^.è^pejM^nce ?of some Òtôriéfs haVii^ week ended January I3th, 1920. \ bbatfp^. It;;'™ prompt - lieen impossiWe itb fi* át' ali (quite rfe^Ürdless of rate of freighg( Bio ShritOs lotai - = for while fpr;áhbut tlie, , middle of Üecpml)^ Fkg¦?& No. Tons No Tòtís Nó. Tons prpmp, Jòa^tóg/ '¦ shipment rates' liaVe be^h; further s^rppped for some pòrts to ttóá British..;..; < 14 54,120 4 ; 18,812 18 72,932 124| ¦ :hfírZ 5 14,373 15 52,859 extent of 2sf J6dírper;vtoniíu >For'in^arfitó, Tive believe that' American..... ;;3-;; 38,486 > «d, ^üas* beètf».-accepted' ^oní Cat|diff%cs^feibraltaí; while ig French..... 13,736 1 3,W9 4 16,945 jSy: . : Pálmas,; •Bafeaí.^Sj.-'J.jjp^t^e^Jt^JroJçers are only quptiijig Italian....i 8,709 3 9,427 6 18,1^6 over in cases fòr really reliable Japanese 7,179 1 3,548 3 10,f 27 ;;''á^rtlt- S|0s. per tbn\, áiid «omè ; * 5,249 2 5,249 ^(àíiSpCíf^í^â ?jpi|iiflft»?«riieri9<^r« mete Wiíhóa position requíriiigt títf Dutch..... 2 incui' a liugeloss German.«....' 1; 3,016" 1 3,016 ¦:..'¦¦Br' most^seriou)?^eon»ü4esra)biòn..^ Àpvtaíey áoing'to ' upon the outward business. iii! the hó^è óf rècóvéring it upón iM Finnish....! .:':-l.,í 751 1 751 homeward freight? This wótild be merièly speculáting/ for th|| Braz overseas 1,913 ' .15. 51y282 Z^Mf^^ff^ ^Qy^ge^ •' 'Mie '• ^11;940;' ;i14:'r ;,''7,7^,1'' '^; èlát to • a^uií - in; h&Wnét to the? Uhitéd - States ' ^òr -to; ¥l a^ jBráz, 'ò'ó»stwisô<'; .U iêê; :?;ÍÍp9T"'' mzi ~ '" -¦'})& in^fo^ a?3cèriain'"vèry-4ieávy. . ,; ¦ :^-.- •.-.• ¦¦•7- -,- ¦:./ ,- .¦•. • they are ^K^Í^^^Ww.'*0^-; . . ;; -20&22!> With ^L#tôtíkéyi^8}èíde,vWaÍÍtití^em^o^Tótaí for weeta' ^^MZ • ^ ^uM$M0i4<$ZÜ• ^76 ú.^45/69^ one safe anfâ^áç^i^^B<*i Jjmurt, 268 ^te^^d|^B^&%Sfei ^üttoíiii^!f*gi^^c^fi|ü0)' ían, ' i^A^|^^^íW^^'^?^^l' —or in'oíbher wMfe^itfe^&^^«ÍMáí# S*•''. &M -Z^Züi i^ÍÍ?M«J^vr^^ ^!%^ Í!-^S/^Í

íitrinr- -.....¦. ....-- - -jt-/. appears ;.-¦,. v..;>• r ¦¦• / í. possibí^y^jft|Í^iíeJÍ^S -;of; as «lame duclejs» alre, ábcoumtáble fóV f^mè the;ihtiisèrablé Arrlvai^ ]àrjtjjj^$j P<^^ ^f j^rttosç^ri^K ili®f iwônth fo*. DFé^íi6íí*tooí, íreights á^ptSjJ>uhdSf*.'fÔJÈí ^Ff^^^l^f^l^^^ [; .The coar;in^k^.-in%^râp í-í has completetf^óüápsfid.!; Tho lást %sé ,fwm. isMópáítá/ à*.1G& 25 B^i^^7^ip^i^ní^^^n<|&; There is not ánóthèf ^det imri^&hà^^ 'gAVedish^tl^H^i^f^^i^^^Hi^ anese, 3 éàçfe'*^wpch,- Spandsh, aald^BêlgiaKiá'rid^!2^^óacIl. G ermanv ;arid I>aiiíish.;; •.? Of• £is&ut& total|'fJ155 * -broaíglit' TM^Deres^ls^ir iíi- Shiwiing ''"c!; :V'" gl^i^jâl-gbj. íânçfc nationalities tujd 21 in transit arid"3 iri'1íallâ&t.' Vr.fi: ,?/Í?'.'';'; ZZZ'Z Z tóf dargòe8y''755/visels,of, British othfer ^arfe ¦¦mo: 'yínKJ.âKiAr :,«€• iXijKuyT; »itr/5 I0i£ i" **»"' ' .•''•¦"•Rã. januaryJL9th> .1021.V3^ WILEMAN^S BRAZ-É-A-i? i_.-*Í?í^« KÉ.^I_Éw;*'*?¦'"? MU: ^'T^yf-f 5ÍC*

.;SCHia__é9__tó___-í*^^ >-^aa_i_-X-»«_i—-s-.«___>«-_«-^^. __.'  " ¦ "'—-•-- -"¦ ¦¦¦¦--*_.._»-,..tàmJ'^à% _____..'-«*¦.._.,«._.ií______0í .-._____.¦'', .. ¦ ' ^^•^¦«^n-aaaa-op- ¦aaa_|H-a-H__---aa_H ¦_na____oaao-_aa-VB-_HB^_B-p-aH-i-H-^-v 1-wl|jp |J____r^*_n toSiSffiiiím .Stfjí %tj^ » Tv^-' '-tS^t "Cl*- jíjft"* AKA Mgl_&?OTI£fe&> COiiW "^ l-é' ayttSAKA,MJAP_W ^_v5toa?í'X^k>d v.: ¦:i$£'. RECMLAR SERVICE TO NEW OR LEA NSVJA PANAMÁ £ANAt_.ACÇgPTINC THROUGH CARGO TQ ^*f||P.#f(

BXCBIABMT FIRST AND THIRD !¦-.-'•BCLASS ACCOMMODàTION i fron, Rio de : 1iF-t-r-VS_IU.»__^'Ãi^'^_-_iri J,n.jrffSi? r ?M^iKfl-v'S :-&Mãkãià $f$W$*!P%S»i:f-^'v^TH^i.^ .^•[^í^lj-í.^/í'-?;!,};/. . $» '< • '¦;* %e«id« KiQ;Of%£**!£* IVf». 3^jÇt0^-D>__9 . J_^t^_pÍ|4R<ãf?<í- Be -fv ~Çrrj3vf7i pV'('."-t '¦ IX .TfíV&r, PvtT » iv VES8ELÇ ARRIYINC AT THE PORT OP RIO DE JANEIRO. 8M-JOLOUMBÍ^, 3209.tons, fron>, ^, Afres^ 1«; it ^ta|lj%^, -Aires-im**7 January 12th, 1921. 9t-LOCKPOB(T^ _£m0ri-w_,i'M,„97&'. tQns,:frojn, JP. '¦ During the week ended 10—OREGRÂNT, árs, 304Q>ôns, from B. Blanca ¦ vi mt tons, from Tutoya (B^jti^lí, "Yoí-Jc 30—P. DE MORAES, Brazilian s,s, 496 ' 10—HISKftíAN, American s.s,"_$7lTtonSi'from New ; , 30—ÍRIS:' Brazilian s.s, 887 tons, from Santos : ; 10—MAGIMpOQK, América^ s.s, 2363 tons, from*y{ Cinstitiitn 231 tons, frpm Lagupa, • 30—ETHA, Brazilian s.s, ... 10—^O-tíM-MA, french s;|, 375? ^tfáHr^TC^A^o;.'^"^' 30—ITAJUBA. Brazilian slfe, 869 tons, from Porto Alegre lO-rrWEOT _\_^^R^,, _^fs'riçan: s.s; 3571 ,tons, f rom> La «Plata i 30—FORT DÒNAUMO-íT, French s.s, 3209 tqns, from DiínkerqUe 10—ITATINGA, Brazilian s.s, tops, from ,, •. Areia Branca ^26 Porto'/Â-logre..7', áí-^-ÍTÁFÜRA, Braziliau s.s, 926 tons. from l^^ltONÊt, Brazpân; s.r», 125 (t?ons, jrom. tíaravdlàs. ,/.,,. s.s. 3485. tons, frçm Santos; -ISS..-*%;£*-roja./l4j^>'pojttnA 31—WEST INDIAN, British Í0;- .654 *ojísf >feop ReciÉè ;v-í American s.s, 3707 tons, fíòin B. Aires 31—EV PESSOA, Í|*-Ilf^{E-ÍÁ,'âr§çUiai.,,M, ^f£^dii?j^Jp!ra 31—MEHANNO, tóeriçan s.sk 4W tone,.from Jba, P^ta 10—-AQtJIQtJl, Brazilian tug,! 76 .|qns, .from,.jÇaravellàs ,, >, Bajiia r ^ ^,.,^*. 31—SEVILLAy German s.s, 3298 tons, from J&lancà 10—IRA.,.J|im»k jbâ^ue,¦',^__Viitoijà,^|j^'w Heísingfors"^': .'If.;- ;£ 31—ARBERT* German tug, 121 tons, from Bahia Blanca xO^OUESSÂNT!1, French s.s, 5359 toW, froni-''Havr'-"''' 31—RHOBESIA; Danish s.s, 3625 ton*». fròm B. Aires. 10—W. S. RHEEIN, American s.s, 4371 tonsj from Philadelph.ii 3—RIQ DE JljpiRO, Brazilian. s.s, .1487 ton-V from Para 10—V.ESTR_-§r_3iitíôh'á«3-/6622 tons, from «B. Aires 3—ITAPACY. Brazilian s.s, 510 tons, frop Amcajn n 10—MESSONIER' British s.s, 44^2 tons, fr€H&^íew-¥orl_- 3-r^ARACATY, BrwUianv s.s. 531 tons, from^ntos :, 10—SAN' MBLITO, sis, 78Ô0 tbnr, from Tammcb british tó"T .__~ .3—^SUN&&Y,,Britisli. «.8, .1908 tons, froifi.p^iff L._. Wír-GOOILAND, Düteh 88,2486"s.s, ^ns^íroih ^mstercfàm ^~3^THÒ1>Ei XAGIS^IJNl), Noryog, o.o, 3g5Qft0l?B7Írpin N. York 11^-ITAPEMÀ, brazilian 825 tons,, from ;U<(ifè 4? B:-^*^, 3-ÔAN ^Af WÕlQy British s.s, 7&ft fam* from^aWWPQ ^ II—NES-HANTÍINÇ" Ameriçaii 8.s;;*3Ç(H) tor,s, fiòm. New .Orlqan? 3r^RpyE-TO Brítísh fa 4100 frm8,.fr ííórfolk , 3—NAGARA 3ritiç)i s^Sj ^5^jbc^,;;fi^vJIull; : jí. v<: 12-^SH.ARUB; ÔHtish s.s; '3_Í7^-h^ Mfroftír,ítio:Gr^d<. *TU4Í< 3—LIMBUR(|p, llf$4 Jtonív^Q^ l^MONVISO, Italian'. óVá)> 2766 : IMi íroití Saàtoá: r • - 'Ji: r?:t .... Çútch[s.s,. ^n^tej^ani' ». 3—LIMA, Swedish's.s, 220_j itóng, trfoni '|ròm,0, Airee i ,; 1§—WORCESTBR1, American s.s, 3872 tons, from .Rosário' ..>^í 3—UBERABA, Brazilian s;s,*36?l tçnjp, B,!.AÜoa^Vi4;.;* " 13—^MACAPA^lBrazilian s.«, 1569 tpns.from Í*ara -¦ ÍX77-7 7. ^1—FIDRA, ^wediçh yàcht; 43 tolas, iççjpa IÇarlskrona.. tf ;! 13^-ITAPERtJNA, Brazilian s.s, 6l_ tons;'from from pelotas ?7mX: 3—I^AÇÍ-' ÉLtjl^l>ALÍÇ,. Àniericnii «_», 1668 tons, from B. Aires 13^-MUCURY, Brazilian' 8;s, 685 tons, Par* 3—AEOLUS, American s.s, 6992 tons, from Bf Aires í|—ITASSUOE, Birazíliariís;s,.i926 tons,.irom Mossoro 3—ZAEÈMftÓ, American s.s, 369# tons, from Baltimore l!Jr-CANADIAN VICT.OR, %i#sh_8.s, 3340 tpns., fíwo -HELMSLOCK B-_(%jirea 4Sf—^MWÍER, British s.&, 5Q0O t<^s, from Roeario: r British's.s, s.s,'276^;,tons^'pm'Ámstéi^lh-,J-:'^te WStorjs, irom Cardifl ^^X^^j. 3^3-RylNQ, Italian s.s, ,3^61 tons, from Rosário fc ;- 18—DBLFLAND, Dutch 3—(LUTETIA, French s.s, 5598 tons,. from->u3 '^ 'âjsjÇuring J^é week ended January. l2tl>i: W%)í'r;,' ^- 4—«A^APORACH, Amerâcan s.s, 3101 tons, for B. Aire^ ;v'.'.uI;'á-,.-;£*í 5r-^pAJ&R0Í British s.s, 7252 tons, from I^iverpobl f* >- ,, í 30*_MOGY, Brazilian.s.Si 820 tons, for'Victoria • •'• -¦ 5—^_^A^íK.|-[. I)EER_NG, Aniqr. lugger, 1631 tono, Newpt 30--S. PAULOy Brazilian s.s, /1487- tons, for Recife- í *'-,:-írxwaUt- |rçm 30^-& DOURADO, 45—OSCAwA, Amencan s.s, 4539 .tons, froBi»i_B.- Aires[?'¦ il>7- ^7-hi, Brazilian s.s, 5l5 toiujf;.,fór Monteyi^e.o' 5—ROBIN HOOD, Ameridtn s.s, 5123 tons, from Norfolk 3Ò~__-ERM__r,^American s.s', 4119 toas, for Buenos Ãirés'' •¦! 5—MITOHEliL, American s-ts, 3709 tons,.irom B. Aires < « 30^ROBIN GOODFELLOW. Ameiv s.s, 686Ò tons, for Ê&it 5—WILLIMANTIC, American s.s, 2992 tons, from ^sario > 30—NORTHERN Sa'AR, Arder, s.s, 3283' tons, fqr Buenos ^ires 6—SÍRIO, Brazilian s.s, 554 tons, from Montevideo 30__VALPARAI6Ov-Swec__sh s.s, 2258, tons,; for B- Aires;'-, . •;. #f| ¦: 6—SEATTLE 30—HIGHLAND PRIDE,S,(British s.s,í47O0ton% MM- SPIRIT, American s.s, 3493 tpil', from 3.' Aires. •:AWl ' ¦;»$£& 6^-ARLANZA, Brdtish s.s, 9144 tbns, from B. Áirès '' :^:y'";! 30_jSl\rERN, British sis; 325Ò tons, for Rio Grande • 6^LAKE FAGÜNIffiÇ, Amer,. s.a, 16a_a ton^^i«om 'Philadelphiá '.iráftíí. ^Cbpenftagen?/ '' -: week * 30—E. PJESSOA, Ameridan^ 8.8/ 3787'to-isi,-for During-the ended 13t__ Jaçiuaryj J.921,.' 31—AVARE, Brazilian p.s, 4§52 tqns,"for,Naples :' ¦¦'>X7i'-A7 v, 7—JAVARYi BraÉilian s.s, 516 tons, fromj^ecife* ,m 7/^S: 31—rrAITÜÉÀ, Bi-azlltian s,8j 613 tons 5 for Araoaiu t u» _,;,,V'V-i 7—ANNA, Brazilian «s, 247 tons,:w 7—ATLÂNTICO; Brazilian s.s, 161 *tous, from''-Ésteáfeiai-.,'., v. 31^~-A_EtFELDjÍÉ!erman s-s, "2233 tons,- for-Hamhurgí 7\ •¦, *%i-$Íb_-^^ifrdíh' Porto*Afégre"p • 31—HELENA, BTazilian s.s, .'120 ton»,>,foti Pontas Arei» • •7—COTALIv American s.s^ 6385 tons, irom PhiladeÍpÍhia; : ' 31—IhOLIERE, British s-s., 4427 tóhs, fpr Buenos Aires 7—PATAGÔNIA^ German s.s, 3016 tons, from B;.*Aâresi; m¦-¦ 31—PLUTARCSH, B_rit_B!_'_._,: 3587' tons, for Santos -^ 7—ST. FLÓRENCE, British tug, 9 -tons, írom'"©. Áííxes.. :: ,:-,:• 31-^-LIMBÜRtíIÀ, Dutch svs, 11134 tons; for B. Aires"-U- 7-^.ÉRDÊI_Ü, ítàlián s.s, 2734 to^s,4 irom .Rosáriou W:^ h 3l«rrC-ERVINO, Italian s.s*. ^*61- tons, for ,Gibi'Aliar; >>í. 4523 tops., fri>pi Zarati • PATRÍCIO, British ss., 7353 tons, for B..Aires 7^ÈMPE_l__5STOÍi;, British s.s, • ^31—SAN 7-^A_MONEZA;;,British s.s, 5122 tons, irom La Plàta 31-hDAYBEAM, British s.s, 1835 tons» for Santos .f /vi, _B_S 7-r-CANADA Japanese s.s, 45^7 tonsj from Yokohama 31—WÜQST GALOJC, American s.s/ 3293'^ns; fo¥ i^Talinás ^ÁJlü, ;^ 7—ÀÍDAN, British s.s, 2875 tons, f^-om New York...'¦,.,-...,<'. - 31--R1Í0DESIA, Danish:s,s,-2625 ton^,! for >Sti Vincent'?1 ^ 8—ITAPUCA, Brazilian s.s, 869 tons, from Recife * 31—RIO ÜÜ JANEIRO, Norwegian s.s, 1489 tons, foc«B. Airef 8—CANADIAN SEIGNEUX, Brit. s.s, 3554 tons, from Montreal 3^BILBOA, *American s.s, 3407»,tons, for B'. Aires7 . j. > æ'~:ÀLT;. ....'•' ¦*¦-*;¦?. 77^770 M7

>.,¦«.. I .-,.^„- ;-;:¦¦

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