Weight Control in the Physician's Office
ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Weight Control in the Physician’s Office Judith M. Ashley, PhD, RD; Sachiko T. St Jeor, PhD; Jon P. Schrage, MD, MPA; Suzanne E. Perumean-Chaney, MS; Mary C. Gilbertson, PhD, RD; Nanette L. McCall, RD; Vicki Bovee, MS, RD Background: Lifestyle changes involving diet, behav- ments was as effective as the traditional dietitian-led group ior, and physical activity are the cornerstone of success- intervention not using meal replacements (mean±SD ful weight control. Incorporating meal replacements (1-2 weight loss, 4.3%±6.5% vs 4.1%±6.4%, respectively). per day) into traditional lifestyle interventions may of- Comparison of the dietitian-led groups showed that fer an additional strategy for overweight patients in the women using meal replacements maintained a signifi- primary care setting. cantly greater weight loss (9.1%±8.9% vs 4.1%±6.4%) (P=.03). Analysis across groups showed that weight loss Methods: One hundred thirteen overweight premeno- of 5% to 10% was associated with significant (P = .01) pausal women (mean±SD age, 40.4±5.5 years; weight, reduction in percentage of body fat, body mass index, waist 82±10 kg; and body mass index, 30±3 kg/m2) partici- circumference, resting energy expenditure, insulin level, pated in a 1-year weight-reduction study consisting of total cholesterol level, and low-density lipoprotein cho- 26 sessions. The women were randomly assigned to 3 dif- lesterol level. Weight loss of 10% or greater was associ- ferent traditional lifestyle-based groups: (1) dietitian- ated with additional significant (P = .05) improvements led group intervention (1 hour per session), (2) dietitian- in blood pressure and triglyceride level.
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