Namibia A-Ccused of 'Cultural
,':."'," . .'. '· ~- 'TODI\Y: tllTIMATVM{FORANGOl:ANS :tr·OAU TO SHUT NAM OFFlce',* SPORT: * I I I t ' I ,If f Bringing Africa South I I .Namibia a-ccused of 'cultural genocide' I A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS ... and eyes that say it all:This youngster was among those, individuals and businesses, who yesterday turned out to meet Miss Universe, f Michelle McLean (left).in central Windhoek, and contribute to the Michelle McLean Strange alliance takes Trust Fund for children. McLean has put some of her.prize money into the fund. In ~ I her response to the final key' question of the Miss Vniverse contest, McLean put children first in development priorities. Photograph: CODrad Ailgula iI its ,case to b d·ies . - bers on the board are given McLean salutes children' STAFF REPORTER as 'Colonel Oesmond JW NAMIBIA has been 'reported' to the United Nations Radmore, Jacobus J Brand, Human Rights C9mmission and Unesco over its move to Cultura chair, and Manuel CD Oliviera Coelho, direc as the nation's future expropriate the assets of Cultura 2000, and the alleged tor; while other N amibians ''vi~lation of cultural and minority rights in post-apart- heid Namibia". listed are Kaptein Hans MICHELLE McLean yes- said they had made her short Diergaardt, Kaptein, Bas terday paid tribute to the MAGRETH NUNUHE stay in Nainibia "reallyspe- Seemingly prompted by mainly to be drawn from ters; Joel Gebhanlt, Owambo fears that the "West Euro conservative, if not right children she swore to pro- cial". leader; and Riaan Ooete, teet in response to the ft- year-old McLean-' as the ' , "I've never felt so loved.
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