

Electronic process / paper process HAL-LAAS Open Archive Any scientific or technical document must be sent https://hal.laas.fr to the IST service once finalized. Two approaches are possible: - electronic process: filing directly via HAL: http://hal.laas.fr/ (preferred option) What is HAL? - paper process: deposit slip (for confidential documents) Theses and HDR collection

https://hal-laas.archives-ouvertes.fr/LAAS-TEL Founded in 2001, HAL « Hyper Articles en Ligne » is the French multidisciplinary open archive where scientists from French or foreign If the document is not confidential or restricted, educational and research institutions and public the author chooses the and private laboratories can file their research process in accordance with the co-authors: level scientific articles and make them freely electronic process (HAL) subject to the AURéHAL accessible worldwide. publisher’s agreement https://aurehal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ or paper process (deposit slip) HAL is part of the international movement in favor of and the platform is managed by the Centre for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD), CNRS Joint Service Unit AURéHAL provides access to lists used in HAL: 3668 with INRIA and the University of Lyon. The authors, research organizations, domains, Intranet (fr): Affiliation des personnels du LAAS CCSD also provides the following platforms to journals, ANR projects, European projects. researchers, which are interconnected with HAL : How to file your LAAS thesis on HAL

Bring the final of your thesis in a PDF Contacts for IST -EDI service format to the IST service or drag the file to an accessible shared drive or send the file by email to [email protected], numbered page version for front / Filing assistance back printing. Emilie Marchand, Céline Smith [email protected]

The IST service assigns a LAAS report number to 05 61 33 62 77 / 85 your thesis and then gives you copies of the Since 2003, the LAAS has chosen to have its own manuscript as well as the “dossier de soutenance” Theses and HDR filing collection in HAL and since September 2016, a which is mandatory for your diploma to be issued. Christine Fourcade portal has been deployed : the HAL-LAAS The manuscript is then printed and you will [email protected] Open Archive. You can browse through the receive 15 copies. 05 61 33 62 68 collections for the 8 departments, the 26 research teams and the 3 technical services and through A librarian files the thesis on HAL. the Theses and HDR collection and the collections for conferences co-organized by the LAAS.

Printed at LAAS - September 2017 digitally available on the publisher’s platform free Why file your papers in HAL? of charge, or else, at the expiration of a specific period from the date of its first publication. This / / VOR period is a maximum of six months for a International visibility publication in the fields of science, technology and medicine and of twelve months in the Preprint : first draft of the paper, before peer- Archived documents are immediately and freely humanities and social sciences. » review; available to researchers worldwide. In addition,

HAL is harvested by international open archives Postprint : version of the paper after peer-review, such as arXiv, which is specialized in Physics, with revisions having been made; Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative What can you deposit in HAL? Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics: Publisher’s PDF / Version of Record : http://arxiv.org/ published article with publisher’s type-setting and Documents formatting (subject to a possible embargo) Permanent archiving -

- Contract reports HAL ensures sustainable long-term archiving of - Technical reports Copyrights your publications at the « Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur » (CINES): https://www.cines.fr/ Publications - Journal articles

- Conference papers RoMEO Colour Archiving policy Configurable list of publications - Poster communications

- Books HAL can automatically generate a list of your - Book sections Can archive pre-print and at any time to monitor your publications - Direction of work or proceedings or revue Green post-print or publisher's production and provide a history of your work. You - Patents version/PDF can also configure your resume with a list of your - Other publications publications updated at each new deposit. Can archive post-print or Blue Academic Works publisher's version/PDF French Law for a Digital Republic - Theses - HDR Section 30 of « Loi pour une République - Master thesis Yellow Can archive pre-print numérique » passed on October 8th 2016 states - Lectures that : « When a scientific paper from a research Archiving not formally activity has been at least 50% funded by grants White supported / Unknown from state, local/regional authorities or public Research data - Photos policy institutions, or by national funding agencies or the - Videos European Union and is published in a journal - Audio that is released at least once a year, the author English publishers copyright policies: - Maps http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo has the right, even after granting exclusive rights to a publisher, to make the final version of the French publishers copyright policies: manuscript accepted for publication available BEFORE you file your document: for free in an open digital format, with http://heloise.ccsd.cnrs.fr Make sure the document is not confidential permission from the co-authors, as long as it is Make sure your co-authors agree with it