Note: This document was prepared by the NOWPAP POMRAC in collaboration with other NOWPAP RACs. The author of the document is V.M.Shulkin, Chief Editor is A.N.Kachur.

© 2007 United Nations Environment Programme Northwest Pacific Action Plan Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Center

ISBN 978–5–844–0809–2 NOWPAP POMRAC

Northwest Pacific Action Plan Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Centre

7 Radio St., Vladivostok 690041, Russian Federation Tel.: 7-4232-313071, Fax: 7-4232-312833 Website:

S t a t e o f t h e M a r i n e Note: This document was prepared by the NOWPAP POMRAC in collaboration with other NOWPAP RACs. E n v i r o n m e n t The author of the document is V.M.Shulkin, Chief Editor is A.N.Kachur. i n t h e N O W P A P Region

© 2007 United Nations Environment Programme Northwest Pacific Action Plan Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Center

2007 ISBN 978–5–844–0809–2 2 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

List of Acronyms

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CEARAC Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre CHCls Chlordane Ccompounds COD Chemical Oxygen Demand DDTs Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane DO Dissolved Oxygen DSP Diarethic Shellfish Poison EDC Endocrine Desruptive Compounds FPM FFocal Points Meeting GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environmental Facility GIWA Global International Waters Assessment GPA Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities HAB Harmful Algal Bloom 3

HCHs Hexachlorcyclohexane Ccompounds HNS Hazardous Noxious Substances ICARM Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management IGM Intergovernmental Meeting IMO International Maritime Organization JMA Japan Meteorological Agency KEI Korea Environment Institute KORDI Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute LOICZ Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone MALITA Marine Litter Activity MAP Mediterranean Action Plan MTS MAP Technical Report Series NEAR-GOOS North East Asian Regional Global Ocean Observingation System NGOs Nongovernmental Organizations NIES National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan NOWPAP Northwest Pacific Action Plan OSPAR OSPAR Commission established by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic PAHs Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyles PICES North Pacific Marine Science Organization POMRAC PPollution Monitoring Regional Activity Centre POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants PSP Paralytic Shellfish Poison PTS Persistent Toxic Substances RACs Regional Activity Centers ROK Republic of Korea SOMER State of Marine Environment Report SPM Suspended Particulate Matter SS Suspended Solids TBT Tri-Butyl Tin TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis TN,TP Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus TOC Total Organic Carbon UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WWF World Wide Fund for Nature YSLME Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem 4 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Table of Contents

Executive Summary...... 6

1. Introduction...... 10

2. Geographical Features of the NOWPAP region...... 12

3. Human Pressure within NOWPAP region...... 17

4. Current Marine Environmental Issues...... 20 4.1. Atmospheric Pollution...... 20 4.2. Pollutant Inputs with Rivers and Waste Waters ...... 26 4.3. Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)...... 32 4.3.1. Red Tides and Eutrophication...... 32 4.3.2. Toxin-Producing Plankton...... 38 5

4.3.3. Countermeasures and Suggestions on HABs...... 39 4.4. Oil Spills...... 40 4.5. Coastal Environment Hot Spots...... 44 4.6. Biodiversity and Changes in Biological Communities...... 47

5. Emerging Environmental Issues...... 50 5.1. Marine Litter...... 50 5.2. Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS)...... 56 5.2.1. Current PTS Issues...... 56 5.2.2. NOWPAP GEF Project...... 60 5.3. Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Spills...... 63 5.4. Marine Invasive Species...... 65 5.5. Other Issues related to Land-Based Pollution Sources...... 68 5.6. Aquaculture, Microbiological Pollution, Biodiversity, Protected Areas...... 69

6. Assessment and Recommendations...... 72 6.1. Summary of Current Conditions...... 72 6.2. Recommendations on Emerging Issues...... 73 6.2.1. Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management (ICARM)...... 73 6.6.2. Data and Information Management...... 75 6.2.3. Policy and Legislation...... 75 6.2.4. Biodiversity Conservation...... 76 6.2.5. Invasive Species...... 76 6.2.6. Other Recommendations (from GIWA, GPA, YSLME and PICES)...... 77 References...... 82 6 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Executive Summary

This document – State of the Marine A brief description of the key natural Environment Report (SOMER) for the NOWPAP and socio-economical features of the different Region – was prepared based on suggestions areas in the NOWPAP region is provided at proposed at the Intersessional Workshop held in the beginning of the report; this is followed by Seoul in July 2005 and following a decision of a description of current environmental issues. the 10th Intergovernmental Meeting (Toyama, To rank the environmental problems found in 24-26 November 2005). The contents and the NOWPAP marine area is a difficult, if not structure of this report were discussed and impossible, task to undertake given the variety adopted at the 3rd POMRAC Focal Points of problems encountered in different countries. Meeting (Vladivostok, 10-11 October 2005). According to the GPA Overview (UNEP/GPA, This report, based on data from the Regional 2006) coastal and marine water pollution has Overviews prepared by NOWPAP RACs generally increased throughout East Asia during and on materials in other published sources, 1995-2005, including the southern part of the summarizes the current status of the marine NOWPAP region. This is largely a consequence environment in the NOWPAP region, describes of land-based domestic and industrial effluent major existing and emerging environmental discharges, air pollution, oil spills, and input of problems, highlights knowledge gaps, and wastes and contaminants from shipping. presents approaches on how to move forward to solve these problems. The major sources of air, river and marine pollution in the NOWPAP region are evaluated 7 and compared. There is clear evidence that discussed. Toxin-producing plankton is a natural atmospheric input of pollutants (suspended phenomenon and a threat to humans is associated particles, N, P, Cd, and Pb containing substances) with the consumption of poisoned shellfish. is predominant in the eastern portion of the region. In the western portion, the role of atmospheric Suggestions for future activities to address deposition ranges from 26% to 42% of the total regional HABs, based on the analysis of NOWPAP input to the sea. CEARAC experts, include:

Analysis of air and river pollution 1. Facilitate research and study of Cochlodinium problems demonstrates a need to take action induced red tides; on the following key issues: 2. Establish a common approach to HAB 1. Harmonize monitoring parameters, issues by creating a database and information methodologies and technical standards/ network, and by establishing a collaborative criteria used in NOWPAP member country framework for HAB monitoring; studies. The lack of unified standards limits the possibility to jointly address atmospheric 3. Develop policy to control land-based nutrient deposition and contaminated river inputs in discharge by studying the causal links the NOWPAP region; between eutrophication and HABs; and

2. Conduct additional joint research and 4. Share information on effective develop an integrated regional monitoring countermeasures to reduce HABs. network that tracks dust/sand storms and that looks for ways to reduce pollution delivered Oil and hazardous/noxious spills, given by rivers and trans-boundary movement of increasing oil and HNS tanker traffic, are pollutants such as dust and sand storms in the recognized as one of the most potentially NOWPAP region; and dangerous environmental problems in the NOWPAP marine area. The risk of an oil spill 3. Expand the efforts to obtain reliable data on in the NOWPAP region is moderately high and trace pollutants (dissolved forms of some risks are on par with the Mediterranean Sea metals and persistent organic pollutants at and the Northeast Atlantic. However, regional µg and ng level) in the air, rivers and coastal preparedness to deal with an oil spill is relatively waters. low. MERRAC has been building a strong partnership among NOWPAP members and Harmful algal blooms, including red tides has carried out activities to enhance regional and toxin producing plankton, are a very serious cooperation in the field of oil spill preparedness environmental problem, especially in , Japan and response in the region. This has been done and Korea which have highly developed coastal within the framework of NOWPAP and with aquaculture. The report presents information on the professional support from UNEP, IMO and the features and peculiarities of red tide events as NOWPAP RCU. a phenomenon of accelerated plankton growth in the region. Anthropogenic eutrophication The Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan and countermeasures to prevent HABs are also (Plan) and the Memorandum of Understanding 8 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

(MoU) on Regional Cooperation Regarding information on the sources of regionally Preparedness and Response to Oil Spills significant PTS affecting marine and coastal adopted by NOWPAP countries are major environments and on the mechanisms of PTS MERRAC achiviments. Published Technical bioaccumulation. Disposal of obsolete PTS Reports on sensitivity mapping, shoreline and of hazardous waste remains a serious clean-up, and the use of dispersants are other concern. impotant results. Japan and Korea are the regional Shifts in biodiversity and/or the structure leaders in studying and collaborating on PTS of hydrobiological communities have arisen issues. Given the transboundary nature of as regional issue in part as a result of a natural many PTS issues, international and regional shift in water characteristics: temperatue, cooperation should be enhanced. The East salinity and nutrient levels. But the main Asian POPs Monitoring Network project reasons for the shifts are human induced recently undertaken by NIES (National changes: overexploitation of the most valuable Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) fish and shelfish species, bioinvasions, and could become a platform for cooperating on physical alteration of coastal habitats. There PTS issues. is a concern that this could lead to significant economic losses in the fishery and aquaculture Another opportunity to improve sectors. However, loss of biodiversity and international cooperation is a NOWPAP GEF of habitats is also causing serious damage to Project entitled “Addressing Land-Based regional ecosystems. Activities that Affect Marine and Coastal Environments of the Northwest Pacific Given the importance of the marine litter Region” (GEF Project Database, GEF Project issue, the Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) ID 2961). The aim of the project is to create a project was developed in the NOWPAP model for regional collaboration by effectively region; implementation began in November addressing Land Based Activities (LBA) and 2005. The first step in this project is a Land-Based Sources (LBS), focusing on PTS collection and review of existing data and sources that adversely affect regional marine information on marine litter in each NOWPAP and coastal environments. country. The goal of this activity is to prepare a NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on marine Other emerging environmental issues litter to prevent and reduce marine litter in the NOWPAP region are described in problems in the Northwest Pacific region. this SOMER and include physical alteration and destruction of coastal habitats, marine Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS) were invasive species, environmentally harmful segregated from other potentially harmful disposal of old computers and mobile phones chemical substances because of their specific (e-waste), alteration of natural cycles with features: toxicity, resistance to degradation dam construction, excessive aquaculture and a capacity to bioaccumulate. Current pressure on coastal areas, microbiological PTS distribution in the NOWPAP region and pollution, and the need to enlarge the regional a description of knowledge gaps are presented network of wildlife protected areas. in this report. The key gaps are inadequate 9

Global climate change could have a RACs and other international organizations major impact on all aspects of the marine (GPA, GIWA, YSLME and PICES) is and coastal environment by raising sea levels presented in the final section of this report. and by causing more frequent and severe Two issues have been identified as key to typhoons, floods and droughts. The triggers, improving environmental conditions in the causal links and options for influencing NOWPAP region: 1) coordinating with other global climate change remain very poorly international efforts to develop a common understood. set of indicators that can be used to assess changes in environmental conditions; and A summary statement with recom- 2) developing integrated management mendations presented by the NOWPAP approaches. 10 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

1. Introduction

The NOWPAP region, which includes 3rd POMRAC Focal Points Meeting (Vladi- parts of northeast China, Japan, Korea vostok, 10-11 October 2005). and southeast Russia, is one of the most densely populated areas of the world, Social and economic development levels with a total population around 355 million in NOWPAP countries vary. Anthropogenic (excluding North Korea). This means there impacts on the regional environment also is significant anthropogenic impact on the vary significantly. The types and character regional environment. The NOWPAP marine of regional environmental problems are area contains resources that are extremely extremely diverse and comparing certain valuable for all countries in the region and features of these problems is often difficult. this area is experiencing a range of negative At the same time, a holistic approach is impacts. needed to better understand conditions and to develop and implement practical actions A suggestion was made at the Intersessional that address and solve these problems. The Workshop in Seoul in July 2005 to prepare a preparation and publication of this SOMER State of the Marine Environment Report is intended to assist in this process. (SOMER) for the NOWPAP region as a new activity that the POMRAC would undertake This report presents an analysis, overview in collaboration with other RACs. The 10th and holistic description of environmental Intergovernmental Meeting (Toyama, 24-26 problems in the NOWPAP marine area. The November 2005) approved this new study, major threat to marine environment is human while the contents and structure of the report activity in both coastal and inland areas, were developed during discussions held at the 11

80% of the marine pollution is a result of various sources. Expert recommendations are atmospheric, river borne and direct inputs also included. of contaminants from land-based sources. This report thoroughly reviews the inputs This SOMER also attempts to analyze originating from these sources, including results presented in other reports and municipal, industrial and agricultural run-off, publications. When possible, important as well as atmospheric deposition. Marine trends, issues and future scenarios for the based problems that include harmful algal NOWPAP marine area are provided. SOMER blooms (HABs), changes in algae and animal will prove useful to different audiences: communities, oil and HNS spills, are also decision makers, researchers, NGOs, and reviewed. The anthropogenic cause of an oil school teachers. SOMER is structured spill can be identified; HABs and changes in as a reference work for individuals and the biologic communities are problems with institutions dealing with marine and coastal more complicated causal links. The marine environment issues in the NOWPAP region. litter issue and ballast waters that introduce invasive species are presented as emerging The specific objectives of this State of environmental problems. NOWPAP the Marine Environment Report are: experts and concerned organizations describe current information gaps and offer  Assess the current state of the marine approaches on how to close these gaps. environment in the NOWPAP area, with They also provide recommendations on attention focused on recent changes in ways to modify environmental conditions environmental conditions and on human in the coastal areas. impacts on the marine environment and coastal areas; This SOMER is prepared based on data and information available in the National  Identify regional concerns and emerging Reports and Regional Overviews published issues; by NOWPAP RACs. Publications from other regional and international programs  Present actions and measures suggested / projects, as well as information from the for different programs / projects in a way scientific literature, are also used. This report that assists decision makers meet the makes every effort to present reliable, up-to- challenge of addressing environmental date data on environmental quality and is a concerns and issues at both the national comprehensive collection of information from and regional levels. 12 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

2. Geographical Features of the NOWPAP region

According to an agreement between feature of the NOWPAP region, however, is China, Japan, Korea and Russia (1994), the monsoon circulation with prevailing winds NOWPAP region represents marine, coastal and from the land (from the northwest) in winter offshore basins at 33O-52ON and 121O-143OE and from the sea (from the southeast) in (Figure 1). Formally, the western part of this summer. Most precipitation occurs in summer. area, namely the Bohai Sea, was not included Northern Japan and Sakhalin are an exception, in the NOWPAP region. However, the Bohai with high snow cover from winter monsoons Sea is a natural part of the Yellow Sea, is linked and heavy rains during summer monsoons. to it in various ways and it shares common Typhoons that bring strong winds and heavy environmental problems. For this reason, and rains hit coastal areas, especially in Korea, for this report, we consider the entire basin of China and Japan, in the summer and fall. the Yellow Sea, including the Bohai Sea. Average annual precipitation varies Given the region’s 2,500 km stretch from about 800 mm in and from north to south, its climate ranges from northeastern Provinces (Jilin, ) temperate to subtropical. The main climatic of China to the 1,000-1,100 mm on Sakhalin 13

Figure 1. Main marine currents in the NOWPAP Region (within dashed line).

Island and in Liaoning and Jiangsu Provinces, peninsulas, Liaodong and Shandong, with with Korea getting 1,300-1,400 mm and western an average elevation of 500 m, are located prefectures in Japan getting 1,200-2,100 mm. between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Land use in eastern China is very intensive. The Chinese part of NOWPAP occupies The percentage of land surface covered the lowland west coast of the Bohai Sea by forests, bush and grassland, that is not and the Yellow Sea where the mouths of used as arable lands and farms, in Liaoning, the , Huaihe, Huanhe, Haihe and Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces are 28.7%, Liaohe rivers are situated. Two large hilly 41.9% and 42.4%, respectively. In contrast 14 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

to these provinces, non-agriculture vegetation Primorsky Krai, parts of southeast Khabarovsky coverage rates in Shandong and Jiangsu Krai, and parts of southwest Sakhalin Island. Provinces are much lower: 21.5% and 10.6%, Massive mountain ridges belonging to the respectively. The region’s major river basins Sikhote Alin mountain system make up about include the Songhua, Liaohe, Haihe, Yellow, 80% of Primorsky Krai and the adjoining part Huaihe and Yangtze Rivers; in 2002 the total of Khabarovsky Krai. Average elevation is river flow in the NOWPAP marine area from 600 meters, with the highest peaks reaching China was 1,193 km3. The Yangtze River 1,855 meters. Southwest Sakhalin Island has provides 80% of the region’s river flow. If the low mountains and hills. Almost 80% of the Yangtze and Songhua Rivers (a tributary of the territory is covered by forest and an additional River) are excluded, annual river flow is 8.1% is occupied by wildlife reserves. The about 177 km3. All rivers have peak runoff in main rivers are the Tumannaya (Tumen), summer and minimum flow in winter. (Suifun), Suchan, Samarga, Koppi, Botchi, Tumnin with total annual Western Japan is somewhat mountainous, flow is around 27 km3; total annual flow of with elevations up to 3,000 m in central Honshu all rivers from Russia within the NOWPAP Island and up to 1,800 m in the south of Kyushu area is around 43 km3. Island. Despite relatively high population and intensive agriculture, forests cover 34.7% of Just beyond the northern border of the the prefectures facing the NOWPAP marine NOWPAP area is the mouth of the Amur River region. This figure does not include privately whose annual flow is around 344 km3. The held forests. Total forest cover in this part of Amur River does not directly flow into the Japan exceeds 50%. There are eight large rivers NOWPAP area and so is not featured in this on the west coast of Japan: Teshio, Ishikari, report. However, from a scientific perspective, Yoneshiro, Omono, Mogami, Agano, Shinano, the material load from the Amur River does Jintsu; their total annual (2002) flow is around influence water quality in the NOWPAP area, 83 km3, whereas total flow for all west coast at least in the northern part of the Tartar Strait Japanese first class rivers is 125 km3. where the Amur’s discharge rate is significant and some fresh water flows south in winter. The southern part of the Korean peninsula In summer, when most of the Amur’s water is mostly rugged, mountainous terrain and only flows north, the river’s flow increases water the western one-fifth of the land base is covered temperature along the northeast Sakhalin coast in plains. The highest mountain is Halla (1,950 and affects other water characteristics. m) which is situated on the Jeju Island. 75% of the Korea is covered by mixed, mostly hand Climatic characteristics and morphological planted forests. Southern and western coast of features divide the NOWPAP marine area into two Korean peninsula has a highly indented coastline sub regions (Figure 1, Table 1). The integrated characterized by high tidal ranges. Eastern coastline measure of climatic differences within NOWPAP is generally unindented. There are five key rivers: marine area can be expressed in seasonal changes Han, Guem, Yongsan, Somjin and Nakdong with in sea surface water temperature (Figure 2). The a total annual flow around 46 km3. multi-year water circulation pattern is similar (Figure 1) although current speed and location The Russian part of NOWPAP includes have significant seasonal variations. 15

Marine Area (sub region) A is located the most extreme (Figure 2). In winter the between the Japanese Islands and Sakhalin northern part of the basin is covered by ice Island on the east and the Russia mainland and even in May more than half of the area and the Korean peninsula on the west. It is has a water temperature below 8°C. Water the biggest, deepest (Table 1) and coldest circulation (Figure 1) is characterized by a basin. This area’s seasonal differences are warm Tsushima current that flows from the

Table 1. Basic characteristics of key NOWPAP marine areas

Marine Area A Marine Area B Surface area (km2) 1,008,000 420,000 Volume (km3) 1,360,080 17,731 Average depth (m) 1,350 44 Maximum depth (m) 3,796 100

Figure 2. Seasonal changes in the surface temperature in NOWPAP marine areas Sequence: February, May, August, November Source: 16 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

south through the straight between Korea Marine Area (sub region) B is situated and Japan. This current is then divided into west and south of the Korea peninsula. several branches, leaving all southern parts Surface water temperature in January varies of marine area A warmer than the northern dramatically, from 3-4°C in the northwestern part, with a distinct thermal front oriented part to 17°C near Jeju Island. Summer from the middle of the Korean peninsula to temperatures are much more even: 28-30°C in the Tsugaru Straight (Figures 1 and 2). With July-August. Water circulation is characterized the exception of the one or two warmest by the Kuroshio branch: a northward Yellow months, this is a permanent thermal front Sea current with two crosswind currents running (Figure 2). A branch of this warm current along the coasts of the Korean and Shangdong runs along the west coast of Hokkaido and peninsulas (Figure 1). Significant tidal currents comes out through the La Perouse (Soya) are typical for the west coast of Korea. A key Strait. The northward current moving along feature of the western part of this sub region the west coast of Sakhalin reverses at the is the pronounced direct influence of large Tartar Straight and moves south as a cold Chinese rivers: Huaihe, Huanhe, Haihe Primorsky (Liman) current. and Liaohe.


3. Human Pressure within NOWPAP region

Two key factors determine the human person/km2. The lowest population in absolute impact on environment quality: 1) population terms is the Russian area facing the NOWPAP and population density, and 2) character and marine area (Table 2). The number of people intensity of human economic activity. A determines the volume of municipal sewage crucial, third factor is social organization that can possibly influence river and coastal that in this case expresses itself as the water quality, though one must also account capacity to properly treat waste and sewage. for the level of waste treatment. Experience in highly developed countries shows that effective nature conservation All NOWPAP countries are classified as and sustainable land use are possible even industrial. There are, however, huge differences where there is very intensive industrial in their industrial sectors. Industry in Japan, activity and a high population density. Korea, and recently in China, has undergone gradual and sometimes drastic changes to The population in the northeast Chinese maintain economic competitiveness. Japan provinces facing the NOWPAP marine area is and Korea have applied modern technological the highest among NOWPAP countries. The advances to comply with progressively population is 272,600,000, with an average stricter environmental standards. In contrast, population density of 373 person/km2. Korea many industries in Russia and China continue has the highest population density – 478 to use technologies installed when the plants 18 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Table 2. Main socio-economic features of countries facing the NOWPAP marine area in 2002

Population Population density GDP, GDP per capita, (million) (per/km2) 106 USD USD/person

China* 272.6 373 473,048 1,641 Japan** 34.4 303 527,435 15,340 Korea 46.1 478 457,200 9,446 Russia*** 1.44 14 1,611 1,118

* – Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, and Jiangsu Provinces; ** – Hokkaido and Prefectures of the west coast of Honshu and Kyushu; *** – coastal districts of Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsky Krai, and Sakhalin

were originally built. Industry in these countries At the same time, there are distinct differences in began to change rapidly in the 1990s. Industrial the structure of manufacturing sectors of these production in Russia has declined, many old countries. In Japan most workers (69%) are industries have been closed or renovated and this employed in tertiary industries (service, trade). process is resulting in new, profitable and more The number of service workers is about 30%. environmentally friendly operations. Industrial The same is true for Korea, with 59% in tertiary decline in China ended earlier and economic and 40% in secondary industries. In both Japan growth is now more pronounced than in Russia. and Korea only 1% of workers are employed in a There have been significant changes in the primary industry (agriculture, fishing, forestry). region’s economics in the last 15 years. Japan In 2002 the GDP in Chinese tertiary industries has maintained its position as the world’s second- was about 37%, in secondary – 50%. The GDP largest economy, but Korea and China have also in primary industries, including agriculture demonstrated major growth (Table 2). and fishing, was about 13% of total GDP in northeastern Chinese provinces. In 2002 most Regional economic activity is reflected in workers (54.8%) in Russia were employed in gross domestic product (GDP) and GDP per secondary industries, though tertiary industry capita. China, Japan and Korea have very similar employment is about 41.5%, with only 3.7% absolute GDPs, though GDP per capita varies by of workers employed in primary industries 6-10 times. Russian regions in the NOWPAP (agriculture, fishing and forestry). area have lower GDPs and consequently have less human pressure on the environment. Anti-pollution measures can make human economic activity environmentally friendly and Each NOWPAP country has a full spectrum can significantly decrease harmful impacts on of industrial, service and agricultural enterprises. environment quality. Measures should include 19 full treatment of municipal and industrial sewage, capacity of 16.6 million tons/day (66% of daily exclusion of most dangerous substances from production). In 2002 the percentage of Korea’s technological processes, and innovations that population with sewage treatment systems rose minimize resource consumption. to 79% nationwide, varying from 41 to 98.9%, depending on the province. The most common In Japan 58% of the population had sewage treatment method is secondary treatment using treatment in 1998; this figure in 2001 was 63%. activated sludge. Even so, many rural areas in Human sewage or night soils is 100% treated. Korea still have treatment rates less than 11%. 78% of the gray water (sewage from kitchens, China’s wastewater treatment rate is currently laundries, etc.) discharge in Japan was treated only 25.8%. Domestic wastewater treatment in 2003. In Korea there were 114 sewage in Russia’s Primorsky Krai covers only 27% treatment plants in 1998 having a treatment of all sewage. 20 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

4. Current Marine Environmental Issues

4.1 Atmospheric Pollution

According to the National Reports the rapid economic growth witnessed in recent on Atmospheric Deposition (NOWPAP years. The creation and successful activities POMRAC), national monitoring efforts in of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network NOWPAP countries are focused primarily in East Asia (EANET) is clear evidence of the on air pollutant concentrations and secondly regional concern with air quality. on land-based acid deposition. This reflects a reality that air quality affects what we breath. Recent air quality monitoring results But the quantity and quality of air pollutants for major cities in the NOWPAP region are can influence the quality of surface water presented in the Table 3. Based on annual (rivers, lake, ponds) and can exert an impact average air pollution concentrations, the on forests, fish and other living creatures. The major Japanese cities in the NOWPAP obvious example is acid rain, a product of sulfur region met environmental standards in 2002. and nitrogen oxides that are generated by the Concentrations for each pollutant in Japan combustion of fossil fuels. Some NOWPAP appears to be gradually decreasing or leveling- countries face serious air pollution problems off in the last 15 years . Air quality in major because they depend on sulfur rich coal to fuel Korean cities is also slowly improving. This 21 is expressed in a decrease in annual averaged rain and the second is an excessive input of concentrations of SO2 in the last decade, from chemical substances (nutrients and/or toxic 0.018-0.045 to 0.003-0.005 ppm. A decrease compounds). Concentrations of the main ions in CO and SPM (dust) are also registered, (SO4, Cl, Na, Ca) in atmospheric precipitates although NO2 and ozone concentrations show are important and interesting as a characteristic an increasing trend. of rain or snow, but the role of atmospheric input in the balance of the main ions in In China air pollution in large, metropolitan marine water appears negligible because, with areas is more serious than in small ones. The the exception of nitrogen compounds, the assessment showed that 33.8% of 116 cities concentrations in the precipitations are very met the National Ambient Air Quality Standard low compared to sea water. (NAQAS) for Grade II. And 35% (120 cities) met a “softer” Grade III. The current level of Annual average pH rates for precipitation air quality in Russian cities in NOWPAP area in the Chinese portion of NOWPAP range is comparable with Chinese cities for dust, but from 5.1 to 7.15. In Japan the overall, 20-year concentrations of SO2 are lower and NO2 levels average pH level is 4.77, with a range from are higher (Table 3). pH 4.49 to pH 5.85. Precipitation with a pH of less than 3, a level at which plants suffer, is Thus, air pollution in the NOWPAP not observed. However, precipitation samples Region remains a serious environmental that showed a pH less than 4 accounted for problem. However, the situation is improving about 5% of all samples collected in Japan and in most of the region’s countries as major precipitation, in comparison with Europe, is efforts are made at the national, regional and acidic. In Korea the annually averaged pH international levels. rates for precipitation range from 5.2 to 6.3 and some trend toward an increase has been There are two cases where air pollution observed during the last decade (Fig. 3). In can be the cause of an environmental problem rain collected in Primorsky Krai (Russia), for marine and coastal areas. The first is acid annually averaged pH is 5.3-6.2.

Table 3. Air pollution in major NOWPAP cities

3 Country SPM (dust), mg/m SO2, ppm NO2, ppm China 0.077-0.173 0.009-0.064 0.021-0.048 Japan 0.012-0.031 0.001-0.004 0.011-0.048 Korea 0.055-0.075 0.003-0.005 0.020-0.036 Russia 0.030-0.140 0.001-0.019 0.040-0.100

Source: National Reports on Atmospheric Deposition (NOWPAP POMRAC) 22 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 3. Annual average trend for precipitation pH in the major Korean cities

Acid rain does not appear to be a serious volume-weighted mean concentration (C) of problem for the NOWPAP marine area at the substance of interest: the moment. However, the impact of acid deposition is hard to evaluate without long- Fw = C x P term monitoring. In the case of small lakes and soil with little buffering capacity in The dry atmospheric deposition fluxes coastal areas, the long-term affects of acid (Fd) are calculated by multiplying the deposition can appear suddenly. Long-term, geometric mean particulate concentration continuous monitoring program for acid in air of the element of interest Ci by the deposition is necessary. elemental dry settling velocity (Vd):

The assessment of the impact of atmospheric Fd = Ci x Vd pollution on the land is based on data from precipitation monitoring stations and can be The velocity Vd varies with particle made directly (empirically). Data on rainfall size, from gravitational settling of large and the chemical composition of precipitation particles to impaction and diffusion of small in marine areas are much rarer, so models and particles (submicrometer), and is dependent extrapolation are necessary. Fortunately, recent on conditions in the troposphere, especially data from a year-long sampling program in in coastal environments (Duce et al. 1991). the North Sea suggest that the results of on- For some elements (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) board aerosol trace element concentrations are which are found primarily associated with comparable to those in samples collected at the submicrometer particles a mean value of coast (Chester et al., 1993). The wet atmospheric 0.1 cm s–1 was applied, and for others (Al, Fe, deposition fluxes (Fw) are calculated from the Mn) which are present primarily in the coarse annual amount of precipitation (P) and the fraction a mean value of 2 cm s–1 was adopted. 23

These values fall close to the Vd range given in non-point nature, that is, precipitation is spatially other studies (Migon et al., 1997). It should be more or less evenly distributed. Atmospheric emphasized, however, that the flux calculations input differs in principle from river input in might vary by approximately an order of that it is non source point. One can correctly magnitude due to the uncertainties in Vd. compare the amount of substances entering an entire basin via rivers and the atmosphere but Table 4 shows an assessment of annual this assessment, from the point of view of its deposition of certain associated atmospheric influence on a specific portion of a basin will substances to marine areas A and B in the be, by definition, relative. Variants depend on NOWPAP region. Data on dust deposition the size of the area assessed: the smaller the area (Uematsu et al., 2003) present a sum of wet and the less precise the assessment.

Table 4. Assessment of annual atmospheric input of chemical substances into NOWPAP marine areas

Marine Area A Marine Area B Water, km3 1,390 460 Dust (SS), t/y 6,400,000 6,000,000

NO3, NH4 , t N/y 568,512 335,160

PO4 , t P/y 15,290 5,208 Pb, t/y 645 1,056 Cd, t/y 24 20

Sources: Leonov, 1960; Uematsu et al., 2003; Liu et al., 1998 dry precipitation. The evaluation of the dry dust A comparison between atmospheric and deposition based on a calculation of the aerosol river inputs at the basin level (Table 4 and concentration of Al above the sea area B (Hong 5, Figure 4) clearly indicate that for marine et al., 1998) results in a range of 1,500,000 area A atmospheric sources dominate for all – 14,000,000 tons/year. Unfortunately, data on components, including the water itself. In the concentration of other pollutants (like trace marine area B the situation is different and organics) in atmospheric precipitation are too atmospheric input dominates for water and rare to assess atmospheric flux to NOWPAP lead only. For nutrients, dust (suspended marine areas. solids) and cadmium the fluxes through atmospheric input to the sea area B vary The key feature of atmospheric input is its from 26 to 42% of total input (Figure 4). 24 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 4. Relative role of atmospheric input (green) and river input (other colors) of different substances to NOWPAP marine area “A” (left) and NOWPAP marine area “B” (right) 25

Thus, atmospheric input of nutrients However, for some pollutants, especially and some metals is a significant source for trans-boundary pollutants, identifying these substances in the marine ecosystems their sinks and sources, as well as of NOWPAP areas. In offshore regions and their environmental impacts, is for entire basins, atmospheric inputs are difficult without an integrated, regional dominant and additional attention is needed monitoring network that is staffed with for any potentially dangerous substances trained technical personnel; migrating via atmosphere fluxes. The role of atmospheric inputs for coastal marine  Trans-boundary movement of air areas will be determined by the ratio of pollutants such as dust and sand storms, concentrations of these substances in the especially in China, Korea and Japan, is rain/snow and in river water as well as by a critical issue in the NOWPAP region. the ratio of river run-off and the amount of Additional joint research is needed to precipitation. prevent dust and sand storms;

The current features of atmospheric  The environmental impacts of acid pollutants monitoring, as analyzed in National deposition require long-term monitoring Reports and Regional Overview (NOWPAP and observation that should be based on POMRAC), reveal the following issues: regional initiatives;

 Monitoring parameters, methodologies  National reports and other information and technical standards/criteria based sources and data on atmospheric on studies from member NOWPAP deposition of contaminants into marine countries need coordination. The lack of and coastal environments in the NOWPAP coordinated methods limits joint efforts region are very limited. National reports to address atmospheric deposition of focus mainly on general information contaminants in the NOWPAP region; about air pollution in each country. Regional research is necessary on  Each NOWPAP country currently atmospheric deposition of contaminants conducts its own air pollution monitoring. into marine and coastal environments. 26 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

4.2. Pollutant Inputs with Rivers and Waste Waters

Table 5. Annual river water discharge (km3/year), suspended solids (SS, tons/ year) and flows of some chemical substances (tons/year) from countries facing the NOWPAP marine area (2002 data)

China* Korea Input to the Japan Russia* Input to the sea area B sea area A Water 193 45.9 238.9 124.66 42.35 167.0 SS nd 662,567 11,403,586 1,717,108 2,287,300 4,004,408

BOD5 582,874 129,137 712,011 126,197 84,410 210,607

CODMn 1,012,665 272,683 1,285,348 364,187** 38,821*** 803,008

NH4 477,522 50,434 527,956 4,224** 3,830 8,054

NO2 9,077 nd >9,077 750** 245 995

NO3 328,467 101,762 430,229 71,905** 3,543 75,448 TN nd 240,557 >240,557 97,168** nd >97,168

PO4 nd 6,087 >6,087 3,805** 469 4,274 TP nd 7,976 >7,976 nd nd nd oils 72,950 nd >72,950 nd 847 >847 phenols 228.5 nd >228.5 nd 67.3 >67.3 Pb 791.7 nd >791.7 nd 3.3+281.4**** >3.3+281.4 Cd 34.5 nd >34.5 nd 1.1+6.1**** >1.1+6.1 Hg 13.5 nd >13.5 nd nd nd

* – without Yangtze River for China and without Amur River for Russia, ** – data recalculated for the whole river discharge;

*** – CODCr; **** – flux of dissolved forms plus flux in suspended solids; nd – no data 27

River flow is a major natural source normalization (specific discharge in l/s.km2 or of chemical substances in coastal marine tons/year km2) that shows the intensity of the areas. Anthropogenic pressure on coastal processes occurring in watersheds. A different watersheds influences the concentration measure was recently suggested (Shulkin, 2005) and fluxes of different chemical substances, to assess the intensity of land based inputs into including river pollutants. It is difficult, marine environments: coastal specific discharge, however, to distinguish anthropogenic which is the input of any substances divided by impact from natural variability. the length of the coastline. This method may prove useful at the regional and sub-regional With respect to river water quality, level for first stage comparisons. Comparative chemical substance concentrations are an assessment examples of river water and issue. In discussing river input into and river suspended matter input from NOWPAP influence on the marine environment, the load countries on a coastline basis are presented in (flux) of substances carried by rivers becomes Table 6. It is obvious that in the example of more important. The possible impact of water run-off, traditional specific discharge tides and estuarine processes on real fluxes (normalized on watershed square, Q/S) is should be kept in mind, but the first level of inadequate to assess a river’s impact on a marine estimating river fluxes to the sea is a product environment, e.g. it is lowest for China, which of water discharge by the chemical substance is not a reflection of actual conditions. For this concentrations in river water. Such estimates, reason, normalization per shore length or coastal based on monitoring data from the NOWPAP specific discharge (F/L, where F – input of any POMRAC Regional Overview (2006), are substances, tons/year, L – length of coast line) is presented in Table 5 for Chinese, Japanese, used (Table 6). This, of course, results in a rough Korean and Russian regions facing the estimate, especially when taking into account NOWPAP marine area. the shortage of available data. Nevertheless, the values calculated in Table 6 are reasonable Natural features in the NOWPAP marine enough to see the differences between countries area (Figure 1, Table 1) mean that Chinese with respect to the possible impact that river and most Korean rivers discharge into marine input has on coastal waters. area B. The rivers on the east coast of the Korean peninsula are small compared with A more detailed study should be western and southern coasts. The Japanese undertaken using this approach to evaluate and Russian rivers discharge into marine river input impact from the different sub- area A. One can thus evaluate river input regions of countries. into different marine areas (Table 5). This is a rough estimate because the parameters A comprehensive comparative assessment measured are partially incompatible and of the impact from river runoff for such chemical for some rivers there are no data on some contaminants as metals, phenols, petroleum parameters. There are also significant hydrocarbons (PHC), PCBs, pesticides, differences in the shape and length of including chlorinated ones, polycyclic aromatic coastlines. Normalization procedures can hydrocarbons (PAHs) for all NOWPAP countries be recommended to facilitate comparisons. is impossible because the necessary data are One procedure is a traditional watershed area incomplete or entirely lacking. For example, 28 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Table 6. Normalized parameters of river inputs for water, suspended solids, and some chemical substances for NOWPAP countries

3 4 S L, km Q, km Q/S, Q/L, SS/L, BOD/L COD/L NH /L NO3/L Country 103km2 l/s*km2 l/s*km t/ t/ t/ t/ t/

China* 1634,0 10,054 193,0 3.7 609 *** 58 100.7 47.5 31.9 Japan 89.5 11,610 124.7 44.2 341 147.9 11 31.4 0.4 6.2 Korea 68.1 6,050 45.9 21.4 241 109.4 21 45.1 8.3 16.8 Russia** 133.4 3,095 43.3 9.9 428 738.9 27 141.8 1.2 1.1

Watershed Size (S), coast line length (L), annual water discharge (Q), specific discharges for water (Q/S), and parameters normalized per shore length (Q/L, SS/L, BOD/L etc.) * - without Yangtze and Songhua Rivers; 2 ** - including , but without Amur River; COD determined by K Cr2O7 method; *** - not evaluated due to lack of data

the scarcity of concentration data means the the surface of suspended particles. This is why evaluation of the input of dissolved metals the particulate phase is the dominant transport with river run-off into the sea is a rough form for heavy metals in rivers. Monitoring estimate at best, with an error factor of one programs in China, Japan and Korea measure order of magnitude. total metals only, without filtering the sample, so these data strongly depend on the suspended Nevertheless, Hong (Hong et. al., 1997) solids content and have limited value for assessed the inputs into the Yellow Sea and pollution monitoring. Spatial and temporal results are presented in the beginning of Table inter-comparison of data requires a sampling 7. Other assessments in the Table 7 were strategy that is representative of total suspended made based on a recently published study sediment transport. This is almost impossible (Gaillardet et al., 2003) of world average river with the sampling frequency normally applied concentrations of dissolved forms of Zn (0.6 by national monitoring agencies because µg/l), Mn (34 µg/l), Cu (1.48 µg/l), Pb (0.050 including one highly turbid sample or not in a µg/l), and Cd (0.017 µg/l). The discrepancy in data set may completely change the resulting the results of Hong (1997) might be explained average assessment. by the different volumes of water run-off used for the evaluation. The assessments for Reliable data is very limited on Russian rivers given in Table 5 and Table 7 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in are rather close. NOWPAP region rivers (Table 8), even though POPs are very important from a water In discussing metals input with river quality point of view. It should be noted runoff it is important to remember that most that these data are scarce even for rivers in metals are not dissolved but are adsorbed on regions with a long history of river water 29

Table 7. Assessment of dissolved metal input (tons/year) via rivers in NOWPAP marine areas

Marine area Fe Mn Zn Cu Pb Cd

Yellow Sea (by Hong et al., 1997) 2,756 1,395 136.8 136 24.3 0.62 Marine area B (sum) 15,767 8,123 143.3 353.6 11.9 4.06 Marine area B – Chinese* rivers 12,738 6,562 115.8 285.6 9.7 3.28 Marine area B – Korean* rivers 3,029 1,561 27.5 67.9 2.3 0.78 Sea Area A (sum) 11,088 5,712 100.8 248.7 8.4 2.86 Marine area A - Japanese* rivers 8,230 4,240 74.8 184.6 6.2 2.12 Marine area A - Russian* rivers 2,858 1,472 26.0 64.1 2.2 0.74

* – by water discharge from Table 5 and world averaged concentrations with minor changes; quality monitoring. PCBs concentrations in Japanese rivers (UNEP/GEF Chemicals…, the Ishikari River correlate well with the lower 2002). Chlororganic pesticides in the range of PCBs concentrations in European Ishikari River were determined to be at rivers, though PCBs concentrations as high the low end of the scale when compared as 8.4 ng/l have been published for other with European rivers.

Table 8. Comparison of POPS concentrations in the Ishikari River with recent data for other rivers

POPs Ishikari Ebro ** Rhone ** Seine ** Nile** German rivers*** PCBs 0.32 76±23 nd nd 17-1000 0.2-2.6 Cyclodiene POPs* 0.085 0.4-1.6 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.6 0.004-0.008 nd Total DDTs 0.54 0.3-0.9 3.6 0.2-0.8 26-103 nd Chlordane 0.050 Nd nd nd nd nd HCHs 1.29 0.7-2.7 5.6 7.0 0.05-0.5 0.2- 1.5

*– sum of Endrin, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Heptachlor; ** – data from UNEP/MAP/MTS 141, 2003; *** – data from OSPAR Commission, 2005; nd - no data. 30 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

The lack of current data makes it inputs of BOD and COD to the sea (Table 9) unrealistic to estimate river input of POPs into shows that despite a negligible (less 1-2%) the NOWPAP marine environment at regional volume of wastewaters, the percentage in BOD or sub-regional levels. The use of data on and COD inputs is much higher and reaches POPs concentrations in bottom sediments 10-20% of river inputs from Chinese and and in mollusks might be an alternative way Russian territories. In Japan the role of direct to assess the impact of land based sources input of BOD does not exceed 2% (Table 9). on coastal marine areas since contaminated coastal sediments are mainly a result of A comprehensive analysis for each freshwater discharge. contaminant is impossible due to lack of complete data, varied data collection formats The available data on temporal trends in and the different schemes used to evaluate river water quality from 1995 to 2002-2003 wastewater discharge. Nevertheless, China that are presented in the National Reports and Russia could possibly assess the and the Regional Overview (NOWPAP significance of direct input of some chemical POMRAC, 2006) show some improvement in substances by comparing with input via terms of BOD/COD parameters in Japanese rivers (Figure 5). The wastewater generated and Korean rivers, though in Chinese and in the coastal zone accounts for 20% of the

Russian rivers the trend is unclear. BOD5 and phenols that reach the sea from Russia in the NOWPAP area. These figures Data on direct inputs of contaminants reach 40% for ammonia and petroleum into the NOWPAP marine area are based on hydrocarbons and 80% for phosphate (Figure available national statistics on the volume 5). Most Chinese pollutants enter via rivers, and composition of wastewater discharge and but the elevated levels of ammonia and waste dumping (NOWPAP POMRAC, 2006). petroleum hydrocarbons in some Chinese A comparison of wastewater inputs and river rivers means a significant volume of the

Table 9. Generalized data on direct input of wastewater and dumping into the sea in NOWPAP countries in comparison with river inputs of some substances

River River River River Waste- Waste- Waste– Dumping water BOD, COD, SS, 106 waters, water water to sea, km3 tons/year tons/year tons/year km3 BOD, COD, 106 tons/year tons/year tons/year China* 193 582,874 1,012,665 nd 0.388 nd 161,883 nd Japan** 124.7 126,197 364,187 1.72 nd 3,024 5,656 3.2 Korea** 45.9 129,137 272,683 0.66 0.891 12,410 nd 8.9 Russia** 43.3 84,410 438,821 2.29 0.558 17,101 nd nd

* – Wastewater discharged directly to the coast besides rivers; ** – wastewater discharged directly and partly through the rivers; nd – no data 31

Figure 5. The relative role of river (blue) and direct (purple) inputs in the fluxes of some substances to the sea in Russian and Chinese coastal areas in the NOWPAP region. industrial wastewater entering the sea from influence of filtered / unfiltered samples. China comes via river discharge. Research can be improved by training courses and analysis of existing data. The significance of solid waste dumped Significant in this work would be access into the sea can be assessed by comparing to data gathered at automated stations in suspended solids (SS) discharge into rivers. China and Korea. In Japan and Korea dumping exceeds the amount of river SS (Table 9). Despite Korea’s  Enhance efforts to obtain reliable data intent to reduce the amount of material on trace pollutants (dissolved forms dumped by 5 million tons/year in 2011, the of some metals and persistent organic impact of solid waste dumping on the river pollutants at µg and ng levels) in river flux of suspended solids will continue to be and coastal water at the national and a issue. regional levels.

Analysis of current pollution inputs via  Initiate joint research projects on the use river and direct inputs (National Reports and of trace pollutants as indicators of early Regional Overview) reveals obvious gaps and stage anthropogenic impact on water a need for further research: quality and on the influence of their flux via big rivers on coastal waters.  Harmonize methodologies and procedures for monitoring water quality Successful implementation of points 1- by studying the relationships between 3 can be achieved by taking into account data

now inconsistent parameters: CODMn/ obtained in other regions (MAP, OSPAR, US

CODCr/TOC, TN/NO3, TP/PO4, and the EPA) for POMRAC activities. 32 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

4.3. Harmful Algal Blooms

4.3.1. Red Tides and Eutrophication

Red tides are an event characterized by suffer from red tides. In Russian part of vastly increased phytoplankton growth that NOWPAP sea area, red tides were registered causes water discoloration, deterioration only in Peter the Great Bay. This is not a of water quality and occasionally fisheries specific feature of the bay but the consequence damage. Red tides are observed in all of population density in this coastal area. countries of the NOWPAP region, but they are concentrated along the coast of northern Red tides in the NOWPAP marine area Kyushu (Japan) and the southern coast usually extend across an area less than 100 of Korea (Figure 6). Red tides are often km2. The Chinese coastal area, namely the registered along the entire Korean coast with Bohai Sea, is the exception: 23% of red tide the exception of the northeast. In China red events are larger than 1,000 km2. Different tides are concentrated mostly along the coast observation methods – aircraft in China and of the Bohai Sea but coastal waters around ships in other countries – might explain such the Liaodong and Shandong peninsulas also significant differences (Table 10).

Figure 6. Red tide occurrence (1); PSP-producing plankton species (2), DSP- producing plankton species (3). Source: Integrated Report on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) for the NOWPAP Region (NOWPAP CEARAC, 2005) 33

Table 10. Summary of Red Tide Events in the NOWPAP region

*: There are no regular red tide monitoring programs in Russia. The data presented refer to ad hoc monitoring or scientific research conducted by the IMB FEB RAS, 1992 – 2002. **: Observations were mainly conducted through aerial surveys. Source: Integrated Report on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) for the NOWPAP Region (NOWPAP CEARAC, 2005) 34 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Table 11 Red Tide Species Recorded in the NOWPAP Region 35

Source: Integrated Report on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) for the NOWPAP Region (NOWPAP CEARAC, 2005) *: Nitzschia pungens is the synonym of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, N. pungens is referred to as P. pungens **: Noctiluca scintillans is the sole species of the genus. Therefore, Noctiluca sp. is included into N. scintillans. ***: Heterosigma akashiwo is the sole species of the genus and Heterosigma sp. is included into H. akashiwo. 36 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Red tides are recorded in the NOWPAP 300% following a series of waste treatment region from May to September, with additional measures. The number of red tide events peaks occurring in Japan in April. Dominant on Japan’s west coast has varied over the red-tide species include flagellatesNoctiluca last 20-25 years without any clear trend, scintillans (China, June-July, Japan, April, this despite taking similar waste treatment Russia, June), Cochlodinium polykrikoides measures. The number of red tide events (Korea, August-September), raphidophyte in Korea has risen steadily since the end Heterosigma akashiwo (Japan, June, Russia, of the 1970s, with an increase in the areas June), and diatom Skeletonema costatum affected, with the duration of events and (Russia, July), although in total 75 red- bloom density increasing as well. By the tide producing plankton species have been mid 1990s, however, the frequency of red recorded (Table 11). tides had stabilized. The number of red tides in China has risen significantly, especially Most red-tides events last 7 to 10 days, in the East China and South China Seas, although some have lasted from 1 to 2 mouths. although the number of red tides in coastal Long lasting red-tides occur in Korea during areas in the NOWPAP region has increased the bloom of C. polykrikoides. from sporadic events in the 1960s to 40 to 45 events per year in the 1990s. The damage caused by red tides depends on what coastal resources are being used. Enhanced plankton production occurs In Russia no serious damage from red tides when there is an ample supply of nutrients and is recorded due to a relatively low level of so red tides are connected with eutrophication aquaculture development. In China, in the and the nutrient enrichment of waters. The Bohai Sea, with its many aquaculture farms, total population in the NOWPAP region is red tide blooms consisting of the flagellate approximately 355 million, approximately Gymnodinium sp. in 1989 caused massive 77% of which lives in China. Domestic shellfish kills and resulted in an economic wastewater discharge into NOWPAP region loss of 38 million USD. In Korea the damage marine areas is one reason for increased to fisheries from C. polykrikoides blooms nutrient input into marine areas. And there have been registered almost every year since is concern that the volume of nutrient input 1993, causing from 95 million USD damage will increase with rapid industrialization in in 1995 to 19 million USD in 2003. In Japan these areas. the economic loss from flagellates was 7 million USD in 1999. The NOWPAP region has various forms of aquaculture: cultivating fish, shellfish Red tide trends over the last 25-30 years and seaweeds. Aquaculture is wide spread are distinct for different NOWPAP countries along the coasts of China, Japan and Korea. and they even show regional differences Nutrient flow in these aquaculture areas within a country (PICES Scientific Report raises concerns with eutrophication in the #23, 2002). The number of red tides in NOWPAP region. But direct links between Japan’s Seto Inland Sea, a direct result changes in nutrient concentrations in of sewage discharge, was highest in the coastal waters and red tide events are rarely 1970s; the number of events dropped by observed. Phosphorus concentrations in the 37 coastal waters of NOWPAP marine area A Eutrophication processes were observed rarely exceed 0.01 mgP/l in the surface layer, in NOWPAP marine area B throughout especially in summer, despite observations the last 25 years of the 20th century. In of red tides along the coast (Figure 6). contrast to the North Sea or Baltic Sea, where eutrophication is accompanied by an Spatial and temporal variability in increase in all nutrients, eutrophication in nutrient concentrations in coastal areas is NOWPAP area B is expressed as an increase very significant as are changes in plankton in nitrogen and a decrease in phosphorus and productivity (chlorophyll “a” content). silica. The spatial-temporal and seasonal It is very difficult to regionally assess variability of the coastal areas is too high temporal trends in trophic status changes to determine long-term trends in changes in coastal areas with respect to changes in in hydrochemical characteristics. A clearer nutrient concentration. Clearer evidence of trend is observed in offshore areas, along eutrophication is gained from time-series transect at 36.8N. The annual mean of DIN observations in the offshore parts of marine (sum of nitrite, nitrate and ammonia) from areas. 1976 until 2000 increased by 0.041 mgN/l with a temperature increase of 1.7OC. At Increased phosphate concentrations the same time, annual mean contents of were registered in the 1990s in the central phosphorus (phosphate forms) and dissolved part of NOWPAP marine area A (Chen et al., silica decreased by 0.003 mg P/l and 0.1 mg 1999). Nitrogen compound (sum of nitrate Si/l accordingly (Lin et al., 2005). Thus, the and nitrite) content increased as well. This averaged rate of nitrogen increase was 0.0017 trend was observed at all water depths, with mg N/l/year, and phosphorus decrease was the averaged rate set at 0.00025±0.00006 0.00012 mg P/l/year. Reduction of dissolved mgP/l/year and 0.0015±0.0011 mgN/l/year oxygen was also observed. (Tishshenko et al., 2002); from a geological perspective, this is very rapid. One possible Temperature increase was consistent reason is warming that leads to increased with recent climate warming in northern stagnation (Chen et al., 1999, Minami et China and in adjacent seas: Bohai and East al., 1999). Another possible explanation China. The reduction of dissolved oxygen is is additional inputs of organic matter via probably attributable to the warming of water water currents through the Tsushima/Korean and to diminished phytoplankton production Straight and subsequent mineralization of in the off shore area. The positive trend this material with the release of nutrients of nitrogen concentration is attributable to (Tishshenko et al., 2002). Eutrophication atmospheric precipitation and partly to river in the northern part of the NOWPAP marine discharge (Zhang et al., 2005). The negative area appears to be partially a consequence concentration trends of P and Si were due of processes occurring in the southern part to decreases in their concentrations in the of the region. The concentration of red tide seawater that flowed into this area from events on the boundary between marine area the Bohai Sea, which in turn probably was A and marine area B (Figure 6) does not induced by a decrease in river discharge due contradict this observation. to freshwater use in the upstream regions (Lin et al., 2005). 38 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

4.3.2 Toxin-Producing Plankton

Toxin-producing plankton is another Toxin-producing species are a natural phenomenon that should be included in the phenomenon that threaten humans when they “harmful algal bloom” definition. These are consume shellfish. Anthropogenic derived phytoplankton species that produce toxins within change in the plankton community is made their cells and that have a negative impact on possible when potentially more toxic species fish and shellfish throughout the food chain. In (e.g. flagellates) are induced. Additional the NOWPAP region toxin-producing species research, however, is needed to establishment are separated into three groups based on the causal links. type of poisoning: paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP), and The species affected in Japan include amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). scallops, mussels and oysters. In the Chinese part of the NOWPAP region and for Korea PSP-inducing plankton (6 species) belong as a whole, shellfish are affected but species to the flagellate group. DSP-inducing plankton are not given. (10 species) are also flagellate. ASP toxicity has not been registered so far in the NOWPAP PSP affected areas include the Shandong region, but ASP-producing diatoms (4 species) and northern Jiangsu coastal waters in were observed in Russia and Korea (Table 12). China, southwest (Kyushu and Chugoku)

Table 12. Toxin-producing plankton species recorded in the NOWPAP region 39 and northwest (Tohoku) coasts in Japan, Toxin-producing plankton is a human and southeast coast in Korea. DSP affected health hazard. More than 600 people in China areas include the Shandong, Lianyungang have suffered from consuming poisoned and Bohai Sea coastal waters in China, the shellfish since 1967, including 30 fatalities southwest and northwest parts of Honshu from PSP. In Japan approximately 900 and the entire Hokkaido coast in Japan, and people have fallen ill since 1976, including the southeast coast in Korea. PSP and DSP several deaths from PSP. In truth, the number affected areas thus coincide (Figure 6). The of people suffering from poisoned shellfish areas affected by toxic plankton in Russia is much greater because many DSP cases are have not been identified because there is a not properly identified. An additional impact low level of shellfish consumption and limited is the economic loss from bans on the harvest aquaculture. of shellfish.

4.3.3. Countermeasures and Suggestions on HABs

Countermeasure that include monitoring and direct and indirect interventions are are part of the attempt to fightCochlodinium in necessary to prevent or reduce the damage from the NOWPAP region. This pamphlet and the red tide and toxin-producing plankton. website describe the biology and damage caused by Cochlodinium and offer countermeasures for The best countermeasures against C. countries in the NOWPAP region. polykrikoides red tides include monitoring / alarm systems (Korea, China, Japan) and clay dispersion China, Japan and Korea have implemented to sink plankton cells (Korea, Japan). Controlling a range of countermeasures to fight toxin- and reducing nutrient flow into coastal waters is producing plankton. First is monitoring of the an indirect method used against red tides in Japan. toxicity level of shellfish at harvest areas. When Numerous methods to fight micro algal blooms toxicity exceeds the threshold level established are being investigated and researched in China, by government authorities, shipping and Japan, Korea and Russia. These methods include trading are banned, and shellfish harvest ceases using flocculants, hydroxide radicals produced by until the toxin concentration in mollusks falls ionization in high electric fields, chemical control below acceptable levels. Most cases of PSP with algaecides, and biological control through quarantine in Japan last 2-4 months, but the the bacterial and allelopathic action of seaweeds duration of DSP quarantines are longer and can, (Ulvacea). Certain methods are effective, but the in some cases, last up to 5 months. Monitoring indirect ecological impacts are not entirely clear of toxin-producing species is carried out in and this is the main restraint in applying these addition to toxicity tests for harvested shellfish. methods. The State Oceanic Administration and local fishery laboratories in China are responsible The NOWPAP CEARAC WG3 for monitoring. Japan also monitors key Cochlodinium pamphlet and its website (http:// toxin-producing species. NFRDI (National 40 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Fisheries Research Development Institute)  Create policy to control land-based laboratories in Korea regularly monitor nutrient discharge by studying casual flagellateAlexandrium sp. links between eutrophication and HABs; Suggestions for future regional actions on HABs, based on the analysis of NOWPAP  Develop a collaborative approach to CEARAC experts, include: HAB monitoring for the NOWPAP region;  Conduct research and study of Cochlodinium induced red tides;  Share information on effective countermeasures against HABs; and  Establish common understandings of HABs by developing a database and  Cooperate with other international information network; organizations studying HAB issues.

4.4. Oil Spills

The volume of tanker shipped oil in (50-1,000 tonnes), and numerous small spills the NOWPAP region is rapidly increasing (less than 50 tonnes). Major oil spills in the as the region continues its economic growth. region are listed in Table 13. These data The increasing dependency on large tankers indicate that the NOWAP marine area must to ship oil means an accident at sea could prepare a plan to respond to potential oil cause the region enormous environmental spills. However, the region has a relatively and economic damage. The risk of an oil low level of oil spill response (Moller, spill is increasing with oil exploration off 2002). Sakhalin Island and in the upper Yellow Sea. Figure 7 shows that the NOWPAP region is The catastrophic Sea Prince (1995, threatened by heavy tanker traffic moving oil Figure 8) and Nakhodka (1997, Figure 9) to China, Japan, Korea and Russia. accidents indicate that NOWPAP countries must develop national oil spill response According to a survey conducted by plans. In accordance with the International the International Tanker Owners Pollution Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Federation (ITOPF) that assessed the risk Response and Cooperation (OPRC ’90), of oil spills and the state of preparedness cooperative measures on marine pollution in the region (Moller, 2002), the NOWPAP preparedness and response were advance marine area, along with the Mediterranean, at the regional and international level as a Black Sea, Northeast Atlantic and East Asian major NOWPAP priority. Seas, is classified as a high risk oil spill region. Between 1990-2005 the NOWPAP MERRAC was established on 22 March region experienced major oil spills (greater 2000 at the Maritime and Ocean Engineering than 1,000 tonnes), 132 intermediate spills Research Institute / Korea Ocean Research and 41

Figure 7. Oil Tanker Traffic Density in the NOWPAP Region (1997), source:

Development Institute (MOERI/KORDI) aiming November 2003). These measures were to build strong relationships among NOWPAP developed within the framework of NOWPAP members and to carry out specific activities to MERRAC. The Plan provides an official develop regional measures that address oil spill framework and technical guidelines for regional response in the Northwest Pacific region. This cooperation and an operational mechanism to work is being carried out within the framework assist in coordinating and organizing a prompt of NOWPAP, with professional support from the and effective response to major oil spill in the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), NOWPAP region. The MoU signed at the the International Maritime Organization (IMO), ministerial level by all NOWPAP members was and the NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit presented to MERRAC. NOWPAP members (RCU). are now better prepared to respond to oil spills as each country can request assistance from the The NOWPAP Regional Oil Spill other NOWPAP members in the event of a large Contingency Plan and Memorandum of oil spill. Prompt and effective action within the Understanding (MoU) on Regional Cooperation framework of the Plan will minimize the damage Regarding Preparedness and Response to that could result from a major oil spill. Oil Spills in the Marine Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region were adopted at MERRAC also published Technical NOWPAP’s 8th Intergovernmental Meeting Reports on Sensitivity Mapping, Guideline (IGM) (, People’s Republic of China, for Shoreline Clean-up, and Guideline for 42 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

the Use of Dispersants to provide appropriate Despite the efforts of NOWPAP technical measures and/or tools that are needed members, marine oil spills continue to occur to implement regional cooperation on marine and range in size from several to thousands of pollution preparedness and response. tonnes. Preparing a timely and coordinated

Table 13. Oil Spills Greater than 1,000 tonnes in the NOWPAP Marine Area, 1990 – 2005. 43

Figure 8. Sea Prince Accident, 1995

response for an event that can occur anywhere authorities, and local communities. The requires multilateral cooperation based on Plan should be tested during joint response improved implementation and regulation. activities and should be updated regularly The effort also requires education campaigns to provide the framework for cooperation for the general public, industry, municipal during large oil spills. 44 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 9. Nakhodka Accident, 1997

4.5. Coastal Environment Hot Spots

Coastal environmental hot spots have anthropogenic hot spots only, that is, events that different characteristics, intensity and ecosystem arise and exist due to human activity. impacts. Current and potential coastal hot spots are presented in Table 14. It should be noted in A short list of environmental hot spots a discussion of the environmental consequences in Russian coastal area is presented in Table of hot spots that coastal environments are 15. A similar list could be developed for easily modified even without human activity. each NOWPAP country. An analysis of the So natural hot spots are possible. Any estuary hot spots would help to more clearly define undergoing significant change in chemical national priorities and would reveal issues of and physical properties and where biological mutual interest. In Russia, for example, high characteristics shift can also be called a hot priorities are effective treatment of municipal spot. Areas with geothermal activity are wastewaters, improved management of coastal another good example. In this report we discuss land-use and port activities, and measures 45 against over exploitation of some biologic dramatically in the last decade and in 2002 resources. accounted for almost 60% of world total production. Polluted Chinese fish ponds and Chemical pollution in the Chinese coastal shellfish farms resulting in lost natural habitat areas of the NOWPAP region is localized. is a very serious issue. Areas suffering from Current concentration levels of industrial PCBs red tides are also hot spots. in bottom sediments are lower than in the Baltic Sea, but DDT concentrations are higher. PAH Habitat loss in Korean coastal areas concentrations in coastal bottom sediments are is a serious problem. Land reclamation in elevated near oilfields and power stations (Wu estuaries and shallow bays is the main cause. et al., 1999). All persistent organic pollutants Reclamation has reduced coastal habitats by in bottom sediments are lower ER-L and ER-M 25% in recent decades. (Long et al., 1995), DDT is the only exception where ER-L was exceeded near residential areas Chemical pollution in Korean coastal (Yuan et al., 2001). waters is restricted to Masan Bay and Nakdong Estuary (Choi et al., 2001) where Chinese aquaculture industry grew there are elevated concentrations of heavy

Table 14. Types of Coastal Environmental Hot Spots in NOWPAP Marine Area 46 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Table 15. Environmental Hot Spots in Russian Coastal Waters in the NOWPAP Region

metals and some organic pollutants in bottom southeast coast, aquaculture farms operate sediments and biota. An extensive sub- under a periodic threat of serious damage regional survey conducted in 2000 shows from red tides. All these localities can also be typical heavy metal levels in mussels for classified as environmental hot spots. Korea’s coastal areas. At the same time, trace organic pollutant levels (PCBs, DDTs, Environmental hot spots in Japanese HCHs, CHCs) in mussels near urban and/or coastal waters are also associated with industrial areas were often extremely high and damage from red tides. In the second spatial distribution of DDTs and CHLs were half of the 20th century serious problems correlated with PCBs, indicating terrestrial were observed in some coastal waters of pathways. HCHs distribution suggests a Japan due to excessive Cd and Hg in the possible atmospheric input pathway for these environment. Strict, comprehensive efforts chemicals (Kim et al., 2002). by the Japanese government, officials and business have helped to resolve these In many areas along Korean south and problems. 47

4.6. Biodiversity and Changes in Biological Communities

Specialists in the different research fields per horse power) in 1962 to 0.03 t/hp in note changes in coastal and offshore areas and 2001. The decline in resource quality can be these are discussed separately. In both areas expressed in a significant decline of the trophic changes in biodiversity are associated with level of organisms in catches (Figure 10). significant changes in environmental conditions This means that high trophic level demersal and follow a shift in the structure of biological species, at times the most valuable species, communities. Environmental changes in have gradually decreased and small pelagic offshore areas are initiated by regional changes species like anchovy have increased. in physical-chemical parameters and/or bio- invasions (discussed below). Local changes in Changes in species composition at the coastal water and the high variability of physico- lower trophic levels are also recorded. Before chemical conditions are caused by land based 1997-1999 the copepods were the major impacts. The main reason for environmental zooplankton group, with an increasing annual changes in the coastal area, however, is a biomass trend. Jellyfish blooms begun in physical transformation of habitats due to 2000 in the East China Sea and have moved land reclamation, coastline reconstruction, northward to the NOWPAP marine area, and dredging. A second reason for changes in causing problems for fisheries (Proceedings…, algae and animal communities in both coastal 2004). and offshore areas is overexploitation of some species. Biological diversity of Korean coastal waters has decreased due to a loss of coastal Rapid changes in the species composition area habitats (because of land reclamation). of fish communities and fish resource abundance 29 marine species in Korea are registered as have been observed in NOWPAP sea area B extinct, endangered and protected, including 2 over the last four decades. Scientific fishing mollusks, 23 waterfowls and 4 mammals. For surveys in 1967 and in 1981 show a 62% mammals, there is mainly a decrease in large reduction in the number of demersal abundant seal populations as a result f heavy catch and species (Zhang, Kim, 1999). Species diversity habitat loss. continued to decline in the 1980s to late 1990s (Marine Ecosystems…, 2004), with a In NOWPAP marine area A the general clear trend toward replacement of demersal shift toward a warmer period in the late by pelagic species. Yield for various species 1980s has caused a significant increase in shows different trends, but fisheries resources in zooplankton, an increase in the relative NOWPAP sea area B have generally declined. abundance of amphipods and euphausiids, The annual CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort) in and a rise in common squid. The species the Yellow Sea, a parameter characterizing composition of this marine area’s fish fishing efficiency, fell from 3.46 t/hp (tons communities changed dramatically during 48 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 10. Trophic level of resource organisms in the catches of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. (Source: Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific, 2004).

Figure 11. Change in harvest of two key fish species in the NOWPAP marine area A. (Source: Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific, 2004). 49 the last four decades, exhibited in a rapid species from over harvest. Examples are sea change in Japanese sardine volumes. The urchin in Japan. In Russia it is sea cucumber total catch of Japanese sardines rose sharply, and in some places, sea urchins. Decreasing to 1,600,000 t/year in the 1980s, and declined excessive pressure on populations could result to 20,000 t/year in the mid 1990s (Figure in resource recovery. In some cases, however, 11). Natural oscillations appear to be the ecological niches have already been occupied main reason for such variation and not over by other species. The substitution of grey sea harvest or any other anthropogenic influence. urchin by the less valuable black sea urchin Changes in the biodiversity of coastal waters following over harvest of the former is an in NOWPAP marine area A are expressed example of a change in benthos population in a declining abundance of some valuable structure. 50 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

5. Emerging Environmental Issues

5.1. Marine Litter

Marine litter, any artificial, solid material hazards for ships; and 7) damage to vessel and that is discarded, disposed of or abandoned power station cooling systems. in coastal and marine environment, became a serious problem in the second half of 20th Plastic, rubber, polystyrene, paper, cloth, century. The growing volume of man-made glass, ceramic and metal are the common types materials, including extremely persistent of litter observed in the marine environment. plastics, is becoming a serious threat to marine Litter is visible on beaches and shores, on the environments. The threats are 1) hazards water surface, in the water column and on the to marine animals and birds (entanglement sea floor, and litter can also be invisible to the and suffocation in abandoned fishnets); 2) eye. This makes addressing marine litter a economic impact on commercial fisheries; complex problem to deal with. 3) lost aesthetic value of beaches and coastal areas (reduced tourism); 4) vectors for invasive The sources of marine litter are both sea- marine species; 5) threats to human health from and land-based. Sea-based sources include medical and sanitary wastes; 6) navigational merchant and cruise ships, navy vessels, 51 fishing vessels and fish farms. Offshore oil are key to controlling marine litter. Influencing and gas platforms are also a source of marine human behavior is difficult but can be achieved litter. Land-based sources include waste from through measures that include information, coastal landfills, discharge of untreated storm education and public awareness campaigns, water, garbage transported by rivers and litter and the organization and support for cleanup left on beaches. Faris & Hart (1994) report that activities. Additional economical investments nearly 80% of the world’s marine litter starts to renovate fishing fleets, to reprocess old fish on land. Marine litter takes various forms, but nets and gear are also needed. 90-95% are non-degradable varieties of plastic, metal and glass that persist for decades and The NOWPAP region is one of the most longer. For example, a plastic bottle takes 450 densely populated areas in the world, an years to biodegrade (UNEP, 1990). Ultraviolet area with very intensive fishing and shipping light and abrasion break these materials down activities, thus marine litter is a serious concern. into small pieces, making them difficult to One consequence is that the volume of floating collect. Mobility is another important feature plastic, even in offshore areas, reaches 20-50 of marine litter: it travels great distances in pieces/100 km, twice what is observed in other ocean currents and winds. There have been a seas (Ida, 2006). The plastic created from number of attempts to use satellite information decomposing fishing gear accounts for as much and simulation models to interpret marine litter as 50% of the litter. transportation pathways (Kubota, 2005) as well as using a disposable lighter as the tracking Marine litter on beaches is also a serious device (Fujieda, 2005). These studies show issue. A survey conducted in 2003 for 48 coastal that marine litter is a problem not only for the sites in NOWPAP countries demonstrates this source regions, it also causes problems for fact (Adachi, 2006): average litter volumes remote areas as well. varied from 1673 pieces/100 m2 on the northwest Kyusyu Island to the 36-53 pieces/100m2 along the Sea currents appear to be a key factor in Russian coast and northeast coast of the Korean the distribution and concentration of marine peninsula. A slightly different distribution pattern litter along certain parts of the coastline. The is observed for marine litter weight (Figure 12). root cause of the marine litter problem is poor But again, the area of northwest Kyusyu Island management of human activities and a lack of and some locations along west Honshu Island human awareness of the consequences of their are the most contaminated (Figure 12). Plastic behavior and actions. The misguided notion is the most numerous type of marine litter. The that the sea is unlimited and a lack of public conclusion is that numerous small and light- information about the dangers represented by weight plastic pieces are floating in the sea. At litter are the main reasons for peoples’ poor the same time there are sites on the west side of behavior. Japanese Islands that have rather small amounts of marine litter. Enforcement of international agreements (MARPOL), providing adequate disposal There are no long-term observations of facilities for ship-generated waste, improving marine litter distribution for some parts of waste management and organizing human the NOWPAP region. The most advanced activities (shipping, wastes treatment, fishing) surveys of the JMA (Japan) run since 1977 52 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 12. Distribution of marine litter on beaches in different parts of the NOWPAP region as measured by weight (left, g/100 m2), and by quantity (right, pieces/100m2). Source: Adachi, 2006. 53

Figure 13. Trends in the amount of plastic litter observed by JMA Surveys. Source: Ida, 2006 and show a peak volume for floating plastic carried out by numerous agencies and NGOs near Japan to the be the late 1980s, followed (Yamaguchi, 2005, Fujii, 2005, Fujitani, 2005). by some decrease (Figure 13). In Korea marine litter monitoring began recently and is carried out by NGOs on beaches and in Marine litter activities in NOWPAP countries coastal waters. Marine litter monitoring in China are divided into four areas: 1) monitoring and Russia is a voluntary action (Blinovskaya, activity; 2) public awareness and information; 3) 2005). Beach clean up is not a major feature development and implementation of economic of marine litter monitoring, but it is a good start and policy measures to manage litter; 4) cleanup to expand information dissemination and public activities. Prevention of ship-based pollution is a awareness. separate measure that is comprehensively defined by the MARPOL Convention and is described in Public relations play a very important role in a separate set of documents. mitigating marine litter problems. Development of educational materials for children and students, Floating marine litter monitoring in Japan participation in training exercises and workshops, is carried out by the government agency (JMA) questionnaires, brochures, videos are all examples and marine litter monitoring on beaches is of activities in this field. Crucial to the success 54 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

of these actions is cooperation between than the collection project, but the purchase officials, mass media, social scientists, NGO project does not address the source of litter and leaders and teachers. does not provide incentive to reduce the amount of litter thrown to sea. Development and implementation of economic and policy measures to properly Korea has used an integrated waste manage marine litter is very important. Emphasis processing system since 1999. The system in China is on fishing fleet renovation, equipping consists of a styrofoam volume reducer, ocean it with waste recycling gear and providing port waste pre-processing system, multipurpose facilities to deal with fishing nets, floats and ocean waste collection boat, ocean waste ropes. Parallel to these efforts are attempts to incinerator and equipment to survey garbage strengthen control and management of fishing on sea bottom at depth down to 1,000 m. ships. Environmentally friendly fishing gear such as bio-decomposition weirs and nets is being Prefectural governments administer developed. coastal management in Japan. A local “Coastal Management Tax” was established in 2002 Russia manages its marine litter problem for prefectural governments; this tax is spent through policy and practical measures. Use of to manage washed-up litter. The Waste marine areas is only possible with a license. Management Law requires any person who Moreover, the contract to use marine areas is supervises beaches, ports and other public signed with the local government. This contract places to make an effort to keep them clean. stipulates the procedure for keeping the marine Swimming beaches, sightseeing spots, harbors area clean. A project of fitting sewage water and fishing areas are targets for cleanup efforts. outlets and mouths of rivers that flow into the Local governments, port managers, local sea with fine filter grating has begun. All river associations and volunteers carry out cleanup beds have been inspected. Measures are being activities. In some cases, there is national / local taken to remove unauthorized dump sites. government financial support for the activities. Some companies, based on inspections, are In most cases, the local government moves required to correct violations of environmental marine litter to a disposal plant. protection laws. Penalties can reach several thousand US dollars. The emphasis in Korea is on projects to collect waste deposited in harbors and fishing In addition, the following actions are ports. The first stage was completed in 2003 and planned within the framework of the Primorsky the project, with an annually increasing budget, Krai Waste Program for 2005-2011: was expanded to costal seas in 2004. The central government and neighboring autonomous  Water supply and sewage facilities entities are developing new approaches to reconstruction and development in minimize waste production and new approaches Vladivostok; are needed to process waste. Korea had a 1.5 million dollar budget in 2005 to purchase marine  Construction of rain-storm run-off treatment litter collected by local fishers. The purchase plants in Vladivostok project is more effective (cost per ton purchased) 55

 Construction of new municipal landfill in initial activities, the following future actions Vladivostok; were proposed:

 Removal of the municipal solid waste  Develop regional and national strategies on landfill in Vladivostok (Gornostai Bay); integrated management of marine litter;

 Removal of sunken ships and scrapping of  Develop and implement a long-tern regional decommissioned ships. and national monitoring program;

Cleanup activities include actions to collect  Develop sectoral guidelines for management and remove marine litter from beaches. Aside of marine litter; from the obvious effect of cleaning a specific beach, these campaigns also play a certain  Develop and improve port reception public awareness role. facilities and services;

In noting the importance of marine litter  Develop public education and awareness problems, NOWPAP IGMs in 2004 and raising campaigns; and 2005 decided to begin regional marine litter activities. A new project on Marine Litter  Develop of Regional Action Plan on Activity (MALITA) in the NOWPAP region marine litter. was developed and began in November 2005. The collection and review of existing data The MALITA project will raise public and information relevant to marine litter in awareness about marine litter as a key factor each NOWPAP country were first steps in in regional marine and coastal environment implementing this project which resulted in the degradation. This project will support the creation of a marine litter database. Another development of integrated waste management activity was to collect information on relevant policies and systems at national and regional legal instruments and programs on marine litter levels. The NOWPAP Regional Action Plan in each of the NOWPAP members in order to on Marine Litter, a project output, will aid in identify gaps and needs in managing marine the prevention and reduction of marine litter litter among member states. Based on these in the Northwest Pacific region. 56 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

5.2. Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS)

5.2.1. Current PTS Issues

A list of POPs that includes aldrin, endrin, and teratogenic dysfunction, reproductive dieldrin, chlordane, DDTs, toxaphene, mirex, impairments and endocrine disruption at low and heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, PCBs, dioxins high trophic levels. It is widely accepted that PTS and furans, resulted from decisions made can concentrate in living organisms, including by the Stockholm Convention (2001). All humans, at levels that can potentially cause injury these substances have the following specific to human health and/or the environment even properties: persistence in the environment; when the initial release is far away due to the resistance to degradation; toxicity; capacity to semivolatile nature and high mobility of some bioaccumulate and to move long distances in the PTS through the atmosphere. environment. Beside these twelve substances, many other substances satisfy these criteria. For A special feature of the NOWPAP region example, PAHs, organic mercury compounds, with respect to PTS is the combination of organic tin compounds, HCHs, and brominated highly industrialized countries like Japan flame retardants (PBDE) have been proposed as and Korea that used PCBs extensively in the PTS in the Regional Assessment for Central and 1970s and 1980s and China’s rapid growth North Asia (UNEP Chemicals/GEF, 2002). As where, until 1983, DDT and HCH were widely noted in these documents, DDT, HCH, dioxins, applied as pesticides. Temporary and limited furans, PCBs and PAHs are high priority application of DDT to fight malarial insects chemicals among other PTS for the eastern is still allowed. part of Asia. PTS can be divided into four main groups: 1) pesticides – DDTs, HCHs, aldrin, Persistent toxic substances are used as endrin, dieldrin, toxaphene, mirex, 2) industrial pesticides or produced as a byproduct of compounds – PCBs and hexachlorobenzene, 3) industrial processes. PAHs and dioxins/furans unintentionally produced substances - dioxins are unintentional byproducts of combustion and furans, and 4) metal containing pollutants in incinerators and engines. Dioxins are – organic mercury and organic tin compounds, also generated when chlorine is used for lead and cadmium. the disinfection of drinking water with high contents of dissolved organic substances. This PTS, and especially persistent organic diverse range of PTS sources causes various pollutants (POPs), are of major concern because environmental problems. Outdated equipment they can bioaccumulate due to lipophilic and technological processes is most common properties in the organisms of higher trophic source of problems. Technologies to deal with level and they are toxic to wildlife and humans. PTS vary greatly but in all cases this process The harmful effects of these chemicals are is very expensive. A lack of funds to update associated with the occurrence of immunologic technology is often the main barrier to reducing 57

PTS input to the environment. Another problem the level of regional contamination by POPs. This is the absence of reliable methods to eliminate suggests serious DDT contamination in China, PTS from the environment, so obsolete pesticides and Vietnamese coastal waters, HCH for example remain buried or stockpiled. In some contamination in Indian and Chinese marine cases, there have been no adequate alternatives environments, and PCB and CHCl contamination so far. For example, although pyrethroids are in Philippine, Malaysian and Singaporean marine considered as an alternative to DDT, they are less waters. The occurrence of POPs residues in effective in fighting malaria carrying insects and mussels creates a serious human health concern are much more expensive. as mussels are the region’s single largest and most commercially valuable aquaculture industry. Contamination of the environment with Continuous monitoring of residues, including PTS may come from point sources (industrial studies on ecotoxiclological risk assessment, is discharges and wastewater treatment plant proposed to identify contamination trends and effluents) or, more frequently, from diffuse toxic impact. sources (atmospheric transport and deposition), the major pathway for transfer of persistent Study of coastal sediments in the Bohai organic pollutants to remote sites. Sea and Yellow Sea (Ma et al., 2001) shows PCBs levels comparable to basins with Japan has put together a relatively diverse pronounced anthropogenic impact like the database on PTS in the past three decades. Korea is Baltic Sea, Gulf of Main and New York’s Bight. also relatively advanced in developing PTS source At the same time, DDT levels are very high inventories. China and Russia have some shortage compared to the Baltic Sea. Despite a ban on of reliable monitoring data on the PTS, programs using DDT, bottom sediment contamination on emission control, and adequate quality control, from these substances continues to occur. Oil but the awareness of PTS issues is growing in all pollution, a main source of PAHs, affects their NOWPAP countries. concentrations in sediments. Extremely polluted areas like Jiaozhou Bay (near Qingdao) have There is some deficiency in the reliable very high concentration of all POPs (DDTs, monitoring data on the of dissolved forms of PTS PCBs, PAHs) in sediments. in the river and sea waters of NOWPAP area. Main reasons are the necessity in rather sophisticated Elevated POPs levels were detected in equipment and methods, and shortage of trained mollusks taken from coastal waters of Korea personnel for the routine determination of dissolved near urban and industrial areas. The area’s substances at very low concentrations (ng/l, and varying congener patterns of PCBs indicate less). Data on PTS concentrations in sediments and different PCB mixtures. Spatial distribution aquatic biota are more readily available. Elevated of DDTs and CHLs is well correlated with that POPs concentrations have been detected in a wide of PCBs while HCHs are evenly distributed range of environmental media and aquatic biota along the entire coast. No significant temporal (Iwata et al., 1994; Monirith et al., 2003). decline of POPs for each of the bivalve groups has been observed in the past five years (Kim The results of monitoring marine pollution et al., 2002). Contamination levels were in Asian coastal waters using mussels as lower in Korea than in the US while higher bioindicators (Monirith et al., 2003) clearly show than in some developing countries in Asia. 58 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

Figure 14. Change in the frequency of determination (% of non-zero results) of different PTS in fish and shellfish analysis during monitoring surveys in Japan. Source: UNEP Chemicals/GEF, 2002.

Japan has been conducting environmental “not detected” and 28.9 ng/g, after 1960. monitoring of major organochlorines for Total HCHs peaked at 82.3 ng/g in 1993 and nearly three decades and of organotins for then decreased to less than detectable levels more than a decade. Many compounds are (Zhang, et al., 1999). less frequently detected, including PCBs, DDT, HCHs (lindane) and TBTs in fish NOWPAP countries have different and shellfish (Figure 14), suggesting that in economic levels and different potentials for the recent decades contamination has generally proper monitoring and management of PTS. decreased. It is difficult to calculate a time Japan has a comparatively comprehensive trend due to the proportional increase of data scientific and legal system to manage PTS labeled “not detected” (UNEP/GEF, 2002). and has amassed significant data and relevant information. Japan is also developing Several reports have analyzed sediment advanced waste disposal techniques. Korea core samples in order to obtain a time trend for has established a risk/hazard evaluation PCBs, PCDD/PCDFs and other pollutants in system, accident prevention and response, Japan (Araki, et al., 2000; Okuda et al., 2000). risk reduction and chemical information Many show that PCBs concentrations were management. Specialists are also developing highest in the 1960s followed by a decline national action plans. Korea currently has that has now slacked. a 10-year national research program that includes compiling a PCB and PCDD/PCDF Distribution in sediment cores obtained inventory. A joint project with Japan on EDCs from an estuary in southern China near (including PCBs and PCDD/PCDF) is also shows that DDTs peaked at 79 ng/g in progress. in 1993 while the level was lower, between 59

China’s environmental management of  Poor understanding of the sources of chemicals began in 1994 with environmental regionally significant PTS affecting management controls on the import and marine and coastal environments. The export of toxic chemicals. The move is to regional assessment report (UNEP have chemical management follow routine Chemicals/GEF, 2002) concluded that government procedures. Certain research data are inadequate to monitor and/or institutes have carried out scientific studies model results or to identify specific of PTS. The Chinese government is now source locations and PTS transport conducting an inventory of POPs pesticides pathways. and is implementing the PDF-B national implementation plan (NIP) as called for by Although the use of certain pesticides the Stockholm Convention. like DDT and HCH has been officially banned for decades in many countries, In Russia, environmental management published papers and reports show detectable of chemicals and relevant research began concentrations of these POPs in soils, some time ago. Russia has established bottom sediments and biota. One reason for numerous environmental standards to cover their presence may be a lack of a generally PTS. Studies of PTS concentrations in the approved technique to dispose of obsolete environment and in human populations have PTS. Regional hazardous waste disposal been carried out periodically. methods include composting, open dumping, landfills and incineration. Open dumping is Key information gaps on PTS issues in the most widespread practice and waste is the NOWPAP region include: dumped along the coastline and into the sea in coastal cities in the region.  Inadequate information to determine the significance of other regional Within the region, Japan and Republic chemicals identified by experts: of Korea have some advantage in research Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE), and collaboration projects on PTS. Therefore Pentachlorophenol (PCP), Organic due to transboundary nature of many PTS Mercury Compounds, and Organic Tin issues, the international cooperation should Compounds; be enhanced. For the time being there is no solid regional collaboration activity  Inadequate information on PTS in the NOWPAP region. The project East accumulation mechanisms in the biota Asian POPs Monitoring Network initiated and their effects on biota. There is also recently by NIES (National Institute for a concern with the stability of some PTS Environmental Studies, Japan) could be in the marine environment given the very one of the platforms for the cooperation on slow degradation rate of such PTS (PCBs the PTS issues. NOWPAP initiative related for example) in marine ecosystems; to PTS is described below.

60 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

5.2.2. NOWPAP GEF Project

NOWPAP considers the land-based The NOWPAP countries are committed activities that affect the marine environment to addressing land-based activities in a as the major threats to marine and coastal coherent and fully consultative manner because ecosystems. A recent regional assessment damage and threats to the marine ecosystem (UNEP/GEF, 2002) on persistent toxic caused by land-based economic development substances in the region states that specific PTS whose impacts have been transported through of concern, including POPs, are: Polychlorinated by river and air are considered the key dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), Polychlorinated contributors to the degradation of the region’s dibenzofurans (PCDF), Polychlorinated marine environment. biphenyls (PCBs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Dichlorodiphenyltrichl One of the possibilities to mitigate PTS oroethane (DDT) and Hexachlorocyclohexanes problems is a NOWPAP regional project (HCH). The report highlights a problem with submitted to the Global Environment Facility high PTS concentrations, for example PAHs in (GEF) and entitled “Addressing Land-Based sediments in the marine areas of China, Japan Activities that Affect the Marine and Coastal and Korea. The report also indicates a shortage Environment of the Northwest Pacific of data to determine the significance of other Region.” (GEF Project Database, GEF Project regional chemicals identified by experts: ID 2961) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE), Pentachlorophenol (PCP), Organic Mercury This project will be a model for regional Compounds, and Organic Tin Compounds. collaboration in effectively addressing Land Based Activities (LBA) and Land-Based This assessment also stresses that Sources (LBS), with a focus on the sources of inadequate regional data are available to identify PTS that adversely affect the region’s marine hot spots with high contaminant concentrations; and coastal environments. More specifically, however, in general, agricultural areas with high the project’s expected outcomes are: 1) create pesticide use, urban areas with their automobiles a basis, in terms of a political agreement and municipal sewage, and industrialized areas based on scientific information, for regional with chemical use, metallurgy, and the heavy collaboration to address LBA/LBS affecting combustions of fossil fuels and solid waste transboundary water bodies, 2) improved are noted as areas requiring further study. It is regional and national capacity to address commonly claimed that land-based activities LBA/LBS affecting the transboundary water cause up to 80% of the damage to the marine bodies, and 3) demonstration of innovative and coastal environment. These activities measures and methods to address priority include mobilization of contaminants that LBA/LBS issues/sites on land. are transported into marine environment by continental runoff and atmospheric deposition. Implementation of the project will The impact of pollutants entering marine and provide three outcomes: coastal environments from far distant land based sources is also highlighted in the report. 1) Completion and multilateral adoption 61 of a set of preventive actions in a form of the and technologies used as preventive measures Regional Action Programme on LBA/LBS will hopefully prove cost-effective in achieving Environmental Hotspots to address existing regionally agreed upon actions. environmental degradation of and threats to international waters posed by land-based The Regional Action Programme will activities with focus on interventions to PTS focus on preventive actions, inter alia, to sources. address regional PTS that are currently not covered by the Stockholm Convention, the It is essential to obtain scientific so called PTS-beyond-POPs. Development information on the LBA/LBS PTS sources and and implementation of this Regional Action to identify regionally-agreed and prioritized Programme will complement other national, environmental hotspots that adversely affect regional and international initiatives on and/or potentially threaten the overall function and/or relevant to POPs and LBA/LBS. of the marine ecosystem in the Northwest These programmes include the Strategic Pacific region. First will be an analysis of Action Programme being developed by the LBA/LBS PTS sources, a so-called Regional UNDP/GEF YSLME Project and Sustainable LBA/LBS Environmental Hotspots Analysis, Development Strategy for the Sea of East to provide scientific background information Asia lead by UNDP/GEF PEMSEA Project. leading to regionally adoption of the analysis. The new programme will enhance and The analysis includes an identification of sustain regional collaborative actions to geographically characterized LBA/LBS reduce/eliminate the LBA/LBS affecting the environmental hotspots, with focus on PTS NOWPAP marine area. A draft Regional of regional concern, affecting the marine and Action Programme prepared during the PDF-B coastal environment in the region, an estimate phase will be elaborated, taking the results of of discharges and transportation pathways updated Regional LBA/LBS Environmental of PTS from the LBA/LBS environmental Hotspots Analysis and the lessons learnt from hotspots and an estimate of their impacts demonstration projects during the full-size on marine and coastal environments. The project. preliminary analysis completed during the PDF-B phase will be updated during the full- 2) Institutional strengthening and capacity project phase. building to ensure efficiency in environmental management and requisite national institutions, This project will develop and establish and the mechanisms and equipment to sustain a set of regionally agreed upon actions in the marine environmental protection policies and form of a Regional Action Programme on LBA/ measures. LBS Environmental Hotspots that will focus on the sources of PTS in the Northwest Pacific The project proposes to further develop, region. The project includes time targets to at a regional level, institutional, financial reduce/eliminate contaminants discharged and, wherever appropriate, policy and legal from major sources affecting the marine and mechanisms necessary to implement a set of coastal environment and it will address the regionally-agreed upon actions highlighted in environmental issues and problems identified the Regional Action Programme on LBA/LBS in the Northwest Pacific region. Approaches Environmental Hotspots for addressing priority 62 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

LBA/LBS related marine environmental issues region. They will be also utilized for the and problems. It is also proposed to develop update of the Regional Action Programme. capacity, including monitoring and assessment of PTS capacity, modeling of their transfer and It is anticipated that the demonstration knowledge and skills for effectively addressing projects developed and implemented as a part these chemicals within national and regional of the project will focus on selected regionally institutions to implement the identified actions significant PTS not covered by the Stockholm in the Northwest Pacific region. Convention. On-the-ground interventions to the twelve POPs currently covered by the The project also proposes to further Convention will be addressed through by develop coordination and implementation implementing National Implementation Plans mechanisms to address LBA/LBS issues at a on POPs developed by each country. national level. Issues to be further developed will be identified during the PDF-B phase; In concert with the development of a however, provisional issues include ensuring Regional Action Programme on LBA/LBS linkage between regionally agreed actions Environmental Hotspots for the Northwest and national action plans through introducing/ Pacific Region, this GEF project will promote updating relevant policies, strengthening regional mechanism. These include mechanisms inter-ministerial coordination, establishing/ for sustainable financing, full stakeholder strengthening requisite national institutes for involvement and institutional arrangement. By monitoring and assessment, development of establishing regional mechanisms, the agreed effective measures and methods, development up actions will be supported through national of on-the-ground management capacity, and international financing and be provided securing financial sources, and ensuring adequate technical support. Mechanisms will stakeholder involvement and awareness be incorporated into the overall NOWPAO raising. institutional framework, thus ensuring that existing regional mechanisms serve as the 3) Replicable on-the-ground preventive mechanism for sustainable implementation of actions that address the sources of priority the Regional Action Programme. damage and threats to the marine environment that stem from land-based activities. The project results will be distributed not only through GEF IW Learn but also through the The project proposes to design and UNEP Regional Seas mechanism so that other implement 7-10 national and regional UNEP Regional Seas Programmes may benefit demonstration projects at selected regionally from the lessons learnt during this project. prioritized LBA/LBS Environmental With the existing NOWPAP mechanism as the Hotspots, and in particular, at sources of baseline, this proposed GEF intervention will PTS. These pilot projects will provide proven establish a strategic regional mechanism and data on efficiency and cost-effectiveness framework to address identified environmental of different approaches and technologies. issues and concerns regarding this marine area. Lessons learnt will be exchanged not only This regional mechanism will be incorporated among the participating countries, but also into the NOWPAP framework and coupled to made available for stakeholders beyond the a sustainable financing mechanism. 63

5.3. Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Spills

A Hazardous and Noxious Substance frequency given increased high-sea transport (HNS) is defined as any substance other than oil of petrochemical and/or chemical industry which, if introduced into the marine environment, products. A HNS spill can result in fire, is likely to create a human health hazard, to harm explosion, suffocation, toxic ingredient, and living resources and marine life, and to damage corrosion. Unlike oil or oily mixtures, HNS amenities or to interfere with other legitimate demand special prevention methods that depend uses of the sea (definition from International on their physical and chemical characteristics. Maritime Organization (IMO) website for Governments, local and international Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co- organizations are trying to create an efficient operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous control system to prevent, and be ready to & Noxious Substances, OPRC-HNS Protocol). respond to HNS accidents. Internationally, IMO HNS include any liquid substances defined as adopted the OPRC-HNS Protocol in 2000 and noxious or dangerous, liquefied gases, liquid it will enter into force in June 2007. substances with a flashpoint not exceeding 60°C; dangerous, hazardous and harmful materials and The list of incidents presented by IMO substances carried in packaged form, and solid in 2002 (Session of Legal Committee IMO, bulk materials defined as possessing chemical 2002) shows that shipping incidents involving hazards. The need to distinguish these substances HNS are occurring on a regular basis. Some from oil is the increase at sea transport of HNS, of the incidents had serious consequences, the increasing risk of accidents given volumes others passed by with little or no effect. hauled, and the serious or catastrophic pollution Nevertheless this list points out the importance consequence from an acceded at sea. of implementation of the HNS Convention on an international basis. The abbreviation HNS is used in the International Convention on Liability and 58 serious accidents were recorded Compensation for Damage in Connection worldwide between 1995 and 2002. 21 involved with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious gasoline, jet fuel and diesel oil. Others accidents Substances (HNS) by sea. This Convention involved ships carrying gas (4 cases), mineral provides for liability and compensation for acids (nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric - 9 cases), incidents involving these substances. IMO chemical products (styrene, chlorophorm, adopted the Convention in 1996, but it has not xylene alkilnitrile - 6 cases), ammonia salts (5 yet entered into force. The HNS Convention cases), benzene and phenols (5 cases), naphtha will ensure that ships carrying hazardous and and vegetable oil (6 cases), chlorates and noxious liquid substances are covered by hypochlorites (2 cases), ore products (2 cases). preparedness and response regimes similar to those already in existence for oil incidents. NOWPAP countries are also exposed to a high risk of HNS and oil spills given HNS spills have recently increased in large transport volumes. There is, however, 64 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

a generally low level of preparedness for HNS HNS, and setting up of a coordinated system on incidents. China, for example, recorded a total HNS spills among governmental authorities and of 52 incidents involving HNS between 1991- private sectors. 2004 year, of which 14 incidents were spills greater than 100 tones. Korea reported 22 HNS Recognizing that NOWPAP countries spills between 2000-2005, with 1,435 tones must respond jointly to HNS issues at the spilled. Japan reports several HNS incidents regional level, its members recently began every year. development of a regional, cooperative system on HNS spill preparedness and response in As HNS accident risk increases in the the NOWPAP region, working within the NOWPAP region, NOWPAP countries are framework of NOWPAP and MERRAC and trying to increase their national/regional HNS with the support of the IMO and the United preparedness and response protocols and propose Nations Environment Program (UNEP). At the ratifying measures necessary for an OPRC-HNS 10th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting Protocol. In 2004 China developed an oil and (December 2005), NOWPAP countries agreed HNS national contingency plan to prevent and to expand scope of the MERRAC activity to respond to HNS accidents, and expanded its include HNS issues. emergency response resources for an eventual HNS accident. The Chinese government has Based upon a decision made at the 9th moved to expand professional capacity, improve MERRAC Focal Points Meeting, National monitoring of ships carrying bulk HNS, improve Reports on HNS will include a general overview the management of cargo handling operations in of national situations being developed by ports and terminals to prevent HNS spills. NOWPAP countries. These reports will be used as background for future cooperative The Japanese government is establishing activities of MERRAC on HNS issues. The a national system to develop a national HNS 2006 Expert Meeting (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, contingency plan. The system sets measures to Russian Federation, November 2006) was also be taken by parties responsible for HNS incidents organized to develop draft texts for a HNS by revising national laws on the prevention of regional contingency plan and its Memorandum marine pollution and maritime accidents, by of Understanding (MoU) is applicable to the promoting training, research and development, NOWPAP region. An agreement was reached at and international cooperation related to HNS this meeting to develop a combined Oil and HNS issue, and by improving the Japanese Coast spill contingency plan by adding HNS specific Guard’s capacity to deal with HNS incidents. issues to the existing NOWPAP Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan instead of developing The Korean government is also setting up an independent regional HNS spill contingency detailed actions against HNS spills by establishing plan. The texts of the revised draft “NOWPAP national and local HNS contingency plans that Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plan include an HNS accident response information and its Associated MoU” were developed at the system to provide technical data and/or advice meeting and drafts will be submitted for further services during a HNS spill response operation, consideration at the 10th NOWPAP MERRAC development of a HNS accident response manual, Focal Points Meeting in May 2007. NOWPAP execution of response training and education on countries will in the future jointly establish 65 effective regional cooperative measures on Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency marine pollution to prepare and be ready to Plan and its MoU, 3) carrying out technical respond to HNS spills by establishing the HNS cooperation, 4) launching a regional HNS related NOWPAP Regional Contingency Plan. education and training, and 5) increasing the capability of MERRAC to implement regional Increased regional capacity to deal with cooperative activities on HNS spill preparedness HNS spills in the NOWPAP region requires 1) and response in the NOWPAP region. IMO, increasing the national response capacities of UNEP and other international organizations need NOWPAP countries, 2) finalizing the NOWPAP to support this initiative.

5.4. Marine Invasive Species

Today more than 80% of all commodities address the transfer of harmful ship transported are shipped by sea. Modern maritime organisms. The World Summit on Sustainable practices require ballast regulation to balance Development in Johannesburg in 2002 affirmed and stabilize empty ships and to safely and its commitment to Agenda 21 and called for efficiently sail. Up to 1010 tons of ballast accelerating the finalization and introduction of water is annually produced. It is estimated the IMO Ballast Convention. The WHO is also that ballast tanks move at least 7,000 different paying attention to ballast water as a possible species around the world (Zvyagintsev, Guk, way for harmful diseases to spread. 2006). Although less than 3% of these aquatic organisms survive in new environments upon The harmful effect of introduced species discharge, introduced survived organisms have is very difficult to predict (“ecological the capacity to destroy the habitat of native roulette” - Carlton and Geller, 1993). Most species and the marine environment and they marine species carried in ballast water do not raise economic and ecological concerns. survive the journey. For those species that do survive the voyage, dealing with predation The IMO has identified the introduction of by and/or competition from native species invasive marine species into new environments further reduces survival in new environments. via ballast water or on ship hulls as one of the When introduced species are reproductively four greatest threats to the world’s oceans. successful in a new environment, however, The other three threats are land-based sources they may out compete native species and of marine pollution, over harvest of biologic become dominant. marine resources and physical alteration / destruction of marine habitat. Most introductions are harmless. However, there are well known problems, The United Nations Conference on such as Dreissena polymorpha introduced Environment and Development held in Rio de into the Great Lakes from the Dnipro-Bug Janeiro in 1992, in its Agenda 21, recognized the estuary; it annually causes 500 million USD in seriousness of the problem and called on the IMO economic losses by clogging cooling systems. and other international bodies to take action to The introduction in the 1980s of the North- 66 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

American species Mnemiopsis leidyi into the discovered in Peter the Great Bay. Barnacles Black Sea causes 240 million USD in economic and polychaete worms are other species that losses to fisheries. Another example is the could possibly enter the NOWPAP marine crash of shellfish aquaculture in New Zealand area (Zvyagintsev, Guk, 2006). Barnacles following a bloom of introduced plankton are resistant to antifouling coatings and species. These cases demonstrate how serious poisons and can seriously affect vessels. Some is the invasive specie issue. Unlike other forms polychaete worms can adapt and reach very of marine pollution such as oil spills, where high population densities, completely changing there are actions that can be taken to restore the benthos community structure. environment, the impacts of invasive marine species are most often irreversible. World wide There are several approaches to reducing annual economic loss from bioinvasions and ballast water bioinvasions. The most practical introduced species is estimated at 10 billion and widely used method is to dump ballast water USD (IMO Bulletin, 1998). off shore (50-200 miles at depth beyond 2000 m) and to treat ballast water onboard. The former The semi-enclosed seas of the NOWPAP method is not entirely safe. The latter method region face serious ballast water pollution is expensive, although the IMO has developed problems. Damage from invasive species in the several treatment methods, including physical NOWPAP region is not well documented. Though (heating, ultrasonication, UV-irradiation), sources are unidentified, ballast water discharge mechanical (filtration, special coating of tanks), could become a leading source of aquatic chemical (ozonizing, chlorination, biocides), bioinvasion. Invasive species in the NOWPAP and biological (adding parasites or predators) marine area might increase as tanker traffic and treatment. Each treatment method has its ballast water volume increase. The UNEP/GEF/ limitations and disadvantages, some are very IMO project GloBallast has a demonstration serious, and all are in a testing phase. For the project in Dalian China where four alien species time being, offshore discharge of ballast water have been registered. Russian research has continues to be the favored alternative. identified 17 introduced species in Peter the Great Bay in the northwestern part of NOWPAP marine There is a biological basis for off shore area A (Zvyagintsev, Guk, 2006). dumping. Off shore waters have fewer ecotopes and the chance of survival for an introduced The dramatic increase in marine vessel species is less than in coastal areas. Ballast traffic using large tonnage ships is the main water should be dumped in the daytime since reason for the region’s bioinvasions. All at night surface water has more plankters. introduced species in Peter the Great Bay were Eutrophication and decreased salinity are factors first registered as invasive species in Japan enhancing the risk of bioinvasions. (Zvyagintsev, Guk, 2006). Large ascidia Molgula manhattensis recently entered ports Besides possible damage to the population in Vladivostok and possibly pose a future threat structure of indigenous species, disturbance of to aquaculture. A related species, ascidia Ciona aquaculture and fisheries and shipping hazards, intestinalis, was introduced and has seriously an additional significant feature of invasive disrupted shellfish aquaculture in Canada species is the fouling the hydro equipment (Carver et al., 2003). Recently this species was cooling systems. The volume of sea water used 67 to cool land-based enterprises and power plants as new ship design for ballast water management, is very significant and amounts to thousands ballast water controlling techniques, pre-ballast and millions cubic meters per minute. In such load measures, management plan for specific situation even minor obstacle for the water types of ballast water, and information services flow from mollusk, ascidian and other colonial on harmful algal bloom. China is examining species fouling causes significant economic domestic laws and regulations on ship ballast loss. Japanese specialists have proposed various water and sediments to update and approve them methods to address this problem (Kiyono, 2003). at ministerial levels. Russia has also suggested methods to address the fouling of power station cooling systems by The Japanese government has also been mussels, including hot water pipe processing developing ballast water treatment techniques (40-45OC). Given proper time and regime to meet IMO Ballast Convention conditions. choices, this is a very effective procedure against Japan has enforced relevant laws to prevent mussel fouling. Environmental effects should invasive species since 2005. Scientific research also be considered. Thermal pollution can on domestic and international routes of invasive damage phyto- and zooplankton, and juvenile species at sea has been conducted to raise fish. The use of chemicals to clean pipes general public awareness. increases the risk of damage. The warming of coastal waters near outputs of cooling systems The Korean government has developed assists invasive species from the subtropics to measures to control ballast discharge and is acclimatize (Zvyagintsev, Guk, 2006). collecting information on port characteristics: environment, organisms, ship arrival and departure. IMO is the main driver of measures to fight The Korean government introduced legislation to marine invasive species. NOWPAP should join comply with international conventions relevant this activity, at least by collecting and exchanging to ballast water discharge and has developed information. This is an urgent priority given scientific programs to implement the conventions. increasing oil tanker traffic between NOWPAP The aim is to manage exotic species and evaluate countries and the construction of new, large systems to render them harmless and to monitor volume oil ports in the northwestern part of port activities. NOWPAP marine area A. It is necessary to develop detailed regional NOWPAP members have been developing management in cooperation with all NOWPAP response techniques that implement the IMO members: ballast water exchange, risk Ballast Convention. Relating regulations assessment, specific requirements, technical within the framework of the Convention’s assistance and information exchange to control guidelines are under consideration. China has the amount of aquatic organisms in ballast reported the seriousness of invasive species and water, this to comply with the convention. The pathogens by ship’s ballast water to the Global IMO Convention, for instance, requires that Ballast Water Management Programmes (IMO ballast water be released at least 200 nautical GloBallast Programme). China has improved miles from the nearest land and in water at communication, education and awareness of least 200 m deep (Regulation B-4). It might be ballast water problems through the Program. The difficult to find such an area within NOWPAP Chinese government is developing programs such region given regional geographic condition. 68 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

So designated ballast water release areas Based on results of the ballast water risk should be designated in consultation with the assessment carried out in Dalian, the Globallast NOWPAP members. demonstration site is replicating an exotic species test for the NOWPAP region. Given The Convention also grants exemptions that the 10th NOWPAP Intergovernmental to ballast water exchange or treatment Meeting (Toyama, Japan, November 2005) requirements (Regulation A-4) when, for agreed to expand the MERRAC activities to instance, it is assessed that a regional sea cover ballast water issues as well as other ship has the same ecological environment and related pollution, further regional cooperative the migrating species pose no threat. This, efforts against ballast water can be jointly and however, is a matter that should be implemented efficiently developed within the framework of based upon IMO risk assessment guidelines. the NOWPAP MERRAC.

5.5. Other Issues related to Land-Based Pollution Sources

The UNEP Global Programme of Action nuclear activities of DPRK. for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based activities (GPA) has been Physical alteration and destruction of in place since 1995. The Programme’s key coastal habitats (PADH) is a serious issue objective is to prevent and reduce marine in all NOWPAP countries. The key threats degradation from land-based sources. GPA to important habitats are different in each initially defines nine land-based threats NOWPAP country. In Russia there are to the marine environment: 1) sewage, 2) fires, poaching, poor infrastructure and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 3) unplanned recreation. In China it is farming radioactive substances, 4) heavy metals, 5) (loss of wetlands), timber harvest (limited oils, 6) nutrients, 7) sediment mobilization, 8) since 1998), reforestation in single species, marine litter and 9) the physical alteration and monoculture plantations, urbanization and destruction of habitats. Many of these issues suburbanization. In Korea and Japan the have already been discussed in this review. concerns are with coastal land reclamation and landfilling for industrial purposes and Nuclear power plants in Japan and Korea construction. serve as the basis for concern with radioactive substances in the NOWPAP region. Another Both marine and freshwater habitats in concern is with accidents in the Russian China and Korea are under serious pressure nuclear fleet. Available data are limited, from human activities such as urbanization but joint research cruises with Japanese and and agricultural expansion. Demographic Russian scientists demonstrate that NOWPAP and development pressures are obviously the marine area A does have normal background common drivers. levels of radioactive substances. Recently additional concern is arisen connected with New and emerging environmental issues 69 have recently been recognized in the NOWAP hand-made recycling of old computers and region. These include climate change and mobile phones in the some places in China electronic waste (e-waste). will have predictable negative impacts on the environment and human health. The Climate change impacts on the coastal uncontrolled disposal of e-waste in Russia is zones include accelerated sea level rise and not environmentally friendly also. more frequent typhoons with more severe damage due to loss of the coastal ecosystems An important issue not directly mentioned buffering wave impact. Some coastal cities in the GPA is dams influencing the marine like Tianjin, Shanghai and Tokyo could be environment. The most obvious consequence affected by a rise in sea levels, changes in of dam construction is a reduction in the hydrographic regimes, salt-water intrusion and discharge of suspended solids. In many land loss. Temperature increases could also cases water discharge also decreases. The lead to increased eutrophication in wetlands complex links between man made dams and and freshwater supplies, and in the coastal sea marine ecosystems and the resultant hydraulic waters as well. alterations and eutrophication have been studied (Ittekot et al., 2000). Stagnant water In 2004, the number of obsolete computers bodies generated by dams let freshwater was estimated at 100 million (Hilty, 2005). plankton take up dissolved silicate and sink Each computer contains valuable materials, to the sediment. Consequently, the flow of including up to 4 g of gold that can be recycled. dissolved silica to the seas decreases and In some NOWPAP countries, namely China non-diatom algal species (non-siliceous and and Russia, e-waste is disposed of or recycled potentially harmful dinoflagellates, first of without proper controls. E-waste contains all) increase in place of diatoms (siliceous more than 1,000 of different substances, and forming the basis of the healthy marine many of which are toxic, such as Pb, Hg, ecosystem) in the coastal seas downstream. As, Cd, Se, hexavalent chromium, and flame The anthropogenic additional input of nitrogen retardants that emit dioxins when burned. So aggravates the situation. 5.6. Aquaculture, Microbiological Pollution, Biodiversity, Protected Areas

The distribution of aquaculture enterprises aquaculture enterprises on coastal habitats. In in the NOWPAP region is very uneven. Russia, and partly in Japan, the former is the In Russia aquaculture is less developed key aquaculture / environmental issue: typhoons, compared with other NOWPAP countries HABs, and diseases cause the damage to the due to relatively low population and small aquaculture. In Korea and especially in China demand of seafood, though operations are the influence on aquaculture also occurs, but due expanding. Environmental issues associated to the high level of activity, it is aquaculture that with aquaculture are divided into two groups: has an equally serious environmental impact. 1) impact on aquaculture, and 2) impact of This is habitat loss, damage to indigenous 70 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

species, risk of bioinvasion, contamination China from 5.1 to 9.7% in different provinces; of water and bottom sediments by nutriment/ Japan – 14.9%; Korea – 7%; Russia – 8.1%. A excreta, and finally damage to the aquaculture number of national parks have been established species themselves. along the coast, including: Peter the Great Bay Marine National Park (Russia); Rishiri-Rebun- Microbiological pollution is mainly Sarobetsu National Park, Daisen-Oki National associated with summer swimming and limited Park and Sanin-Kaigan National Park (Japan); to local summer swimming areas. Korea’s rivers and Tadohae Marine National Park, Taean are reported to have microbiological problems Seashore National Park and Hallyo-Haesang (UNEP GIWA, 2002). Microbiological National Park (Korea). pollution is closely related to wastewater discharge via rivers or directly. Recently WWF in cooperation with Korean researchers from KORDI and KEI The biodiversity conservation concern is made valuable attempt to define list of 23 areas related to the continued loss of coastal habitats (Fig 15) within Yellow Sea region (NOWPAP due to land reclamation for construction. marine area B) for the primary protection of Unlike pollution problems, which can be endangered species of birds, fish, mollusks, resolved through legislation and funding, plants and algae (WWF et al., 2006). Each habitat loss is irreversible as the population area has own list of endangered species for the and economy grows. Creation and support future protection. of a broad network of protected areas is a key to protecting biodiversity in such heavily This list could be a basis for discussion populated region as NOWPAP. about support of existing and establishment of additional protected areas in the future, because The percentage of wildlife protected for the time being the coverage of proposed areas in the NOWPAP region is as follows: protected areas looks too wide and their boundaries too undefined (Table 16, Fig. 15).

Table 16. Priority area for the biodiversity protection in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WWF et al., 2006) 71

Fig 15 72 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

6. Assessment and Recommendations

6.1. Summary of Current Conditions

A summary of environmental conditions Key environmental impacts affecting marine across the entire NOWPAP marine area is very and coastal areas in the NOWPAP region include difficult to compile given the varied nature of land-based sources (LBS) of pollution, oil spills, the countries and their environmental problems. coastal modification, including land reclamation, According to the GPA Overview (UNEP/GPA, and over exploitation of biologic resources. LBS 2006), coastal and marine water pollution has include direct discharge of domestic sewage generally increased in East Asia, including the and industrial effluents from major cities and southern part of the NOWPAP region, throughout industrial complexes into marine environments the 1995-2005 period. The main causes are as well as river and atmospheric inputs. domestic and industrial effluent discharges, atmospheric deposition, oil spills, wastes and Coastal water eutrophication and the contaminants from shipping. Sand/silt, nutrients, occurrence of harmful algal blooms are toxic chemicals, and oil also come from land- geographically limited but are most frequently based sources. reported in the southern part of the NOWPAP 73 marine area: off the southern coast of the Korean Yellow Sea include industrial wastewater from Peninsula, and particularly in Chinhae and Qingdao, Dalian, and Lianyungang port cities, Masan Bays. Eutrophication has declined in oil discharged from vessels and ports, and oil and coastal waters where there have been substantial oily mixtures from oil exploration. The eastern reductions in nutrient inputs (UNEP GIWA, Yellow Sea is badly polluted in the shallow inlets 2002). of its southern coastline where the many islands prevent mixing with open ocean water. There Oil spills of varying magnitude have been are also regular red tides (NOWPAP CEARAC, reported in most countries in the region, both 2005). land-based and tanker spills. Increased tanker traffic creates substantial risk that accidental Four priority problems were recently spills will occur and so an oil spill preparedness identified by the GPA(www.unep.gpa. IGR2006): and response are essential. There have also been 1) sewage and management of municipal chemical spills in the region, and specialized wastewater, 2) nutrient over-enrichment, 3) preparedness and response plan on the HNS marine litter and 4) physical alteration and issue is needed. destruction of habitats. These problems have been designated as an area for priority attention Marine and coastal waters along the eastern in most regions and are the subject of novel Korean Peninsula are subject to wastewater approaches. discharge from coastal settlements and industries (UNEP GIWA 2002). The Nakdong delta, which Six emerging challenges deserve special is experiencing habitat degradation and severe attention, according to the GPA (UNEP/GPA, pollution, is an important bird resting and feeding 2006): 1) over-enriched nutrients in coastal area. Russian Peter the Great Bay suffers from dead zones, 2) depleted freshwater flow, 3) severe contamination originating from sewage importance of coastal and freshwater wetlands, discharges from Vladivostok. Beside local 4) abundant stream of new chemicals, 5) but contrasting pollution by the mining waste importance of resilient coastal habitats for waters is observed at the some coastal areas of coastal protection, and 6) sea level rise. Primorsky Krai. Pollution sources in the western

6.2. Recommendations on Emerging Issues

6.2.1. Integrated Coastal Area and River Management (ICARM)

There is a clear contradiction between these valuable areas for future generations. population growth and intensifying resource The complexity of the link between natural use in coastal zones and the need to protect and socio-economic processes have been 74 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

appreciated for more than 15 years, with as equally important as economic efficiency and Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) social equity. proposed as an appropriate managerial strategy to account for population growth, urbanization A pro-active approach is necessary when trends, consumption patterns, waste generation establishing an integrated management system and the use of available resources. Managers for river basins and coastal zones. Planning realize that freshwater flow into coastal areas takes on a special role in establishing a process exerts heavy impacts on coastal environments and of governance and a strategic framework of on the welfare of the people living in those areas. goals, policies and actions. Strategy formulation The physical and socio-economic relationship within the context of ICARM depends on case between river basins and their corresponding study parameters and on broader regional and coastal areas also forms the basis for an integrated national conditions. Strategy formulation often approach to sustainable development. This needs to address issues that have an impact on new approach is called Integrated Coastal Area the management of a river basin or coastal area and River Basin Management (ICARM). The but that fall outside the authority of those who priorities in this management approach are are participating in the process. capacity building, coastal land-use planning, river basin development and resource management, There are two prerequisites in implementing legislation, enforcement, coastal and shoreline plans based on ICARM: protection and conservation.  Plans need to have a legal status that will River basin management has traditionally assure successful implementation; and focused on water supply only. Now it is evident that river basins must be managed in  Plans must be realistic. an integrated way. Unlike river basins, coastal management has long combined two features: This means having sensible policies marine resource management and land-use and actions that address the problem, local planning. But numerous conflicts arise given government capacity, necessary human and intensive use of coasts. As with river basins, it financial resources, and adequate technical is now recognized that sustainable development support. relies upon integrated coastal management. Changes in upstream land and resource use The expected outcome of the ICARM have impacts on downstream areas. Conflicting approach is an optimization of human activities demands on natural resources and on land uses to reduce potential environmental conflicts. require a comprehensive approach that accounts This can be achieved by recognizing key links for a wide range of interests. between coastal areas and river basin systems (both natural processes and human activities), ICARM requires establishment of and by identifying proper decision-making governance mechanisms that recognize the processes. links between sustainable use and environmental protection and socio-economic development. These or similar approaches will be used ICARM follows a sustainable development by NOWPAP POMRAC when the ICARM paradigm in which environmental protection is activities will be started in late 2007. 75

6.6.2. Data and Information Management

Timely data and information exchange  HAB reference data base plays an extremely important role in regional ( environmental issues. All national, regional and international initiatives and programs  Remote sensing portal site contain parts describing data and information ( management needs and they recognize information exchange as a key program  Data bases created by MERRAC objective. NOWPAP is no exception. One ( of key objective of NOWPAP POMRAC is to «create an efficient information base”. The POMRAC also compiled a reference data creation and support of reference data base base on river input and atmospheric deposition on the published materials on HAB issues is for the DINRAC website. a significant and undoubtedly useful outcome of NOWPAP CEARAC. Other RACs also Other international programs to collect note similar information related issues. The and manage data include the Global Ocean Data and Informational Network Activity Observation System (GOOS). Its regional Center (DINRAC) is a specialized RAC that component for the Northeast Asia (NEAR- deals with information management issues. GOOS) shares oceanographic data and ocean health information. NOWPAP has developed the following data and information management resources: Efforts to improve data and information exchange should be continued by NOWPAP  Data bases created by DINRAC RACs and the RCU in close cooperation with ( relevant regional organizations and projects.

6.2.3. Policy and Legislation

Environmentally sound policy actions to deal with environmental problems. Some should be a final goal of such result-oriented of these laws are presented in the National program as NOWPAP. It is clear also that Reports as well as in the Regional Overviews consistent actions are possible within the proper which have been published by NOWPAP legislation framework only. Therefore legislative POMRAC. The updated “Overview of aspects should be taken into account both at the National Environmental Legislation, initial stage of projects/programs during analysis Objectives, Strategies and Policies” is under of problems and especially at the final stage publication by NOWPAP DINRAC in 2007. during development of policy action plan. This overview is a necessary precursor to any suggestion on the amendments and Each NOWPAP country has its own laws harmonization of legislative issues. 76 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

The public relations issue is another majority of local population. aspect of environmentally sound policy actions. This is very diverse activity including The future activities of NOWPAP public awareness, educational campaigns RACs in this field might include the further the proper and timely informing of local analysis of the features of environmental communities, NGOs and general public on the legislation in the NOWPAP countries different aspects of environmental problems. for the subsequent discussion of possible The necessity and importance of this activity harmonization. The different public oriented is obvious, because inappropriate behavior of actions like public awareness through people in their everyday life is a key reason brochures, newspapers or newsletters, web- of many environmental issues, for example sites, clean-up campaigns (within MALITA) marine litter. The protection of biodiversity should be also in the focus of attention of is also impossible without appreciation of the NOWPAP RACs and RCU.

6.2.4. Biodiversity Conservation

Despite a rather well developed network biodiversity in coastal ecosystems; of wildlife protected areas, the number of endangered species continues to increase and  Identify and analyze undesirable the reasons of this deterioration are not fully environmental management systems; understood. The following actions should be taken:  Optimize the structure and management of national protected areas;  Determine routes of migratory species, primarily in border seawater areas;  Discuss the possibility to establish additional protected areas;  Develop the environmental and economic rationale for a framework to ensure  Improve environmental laws/ conservation and recovery of native regulations.

6.2.5. Invasive Species

The appearance and acclimatization of  Support and enforce the implementation invasive species in NOWPAP marine areas of the GloBallast Convention including the is unavoidable given the increase in shipping establishment of additional demonstration with associated ballast water and fouling issues. sites in the place (places) of large port Projects to transport oil from the northern part construction in near future; of NOWPAP sea area A through the Pacific will not improve the situation. The activities which  Develop the comprehensive monitoring could be recommended for the NOWPAP region system of invasive plankton and especially to deal with this problem are as follows: fouling communities in the “risk” areas; 77

 Support development and implementation the situation at the ballast water release of the effective and environmentally safe areas, and on the achievements in the methods of the ballast waters treatment; environmentally friendly treatment of ballast and antifouling methods.  Support the exchange of information on

6.2.6. Additional Recommendations (from GIWA, GPA, YSLME, and PICES)

NOWPAP is not the only regional Unfortunately, a GIWA analysis for all organization in the northwestern Pacific dealing NOWPAP areas was not conducted in full. with environmental issues. The following are Some preliminary assessments were done the conclusions and recommendations from for NOWPAP marine area A. The GIWA several related projects and organizations. assessment for NOWPAP marine area B These outcomes might be taken into account (Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea) is published while planning and implementing future already ( NOWPAP activities in order to protect the marine and coastal environment in the GIWA experts identified the following Northwest Pacific Ocean. problems in NOWPAP marine area A: pollution, namely local eutrophication, The goal of GIWA (Global International and unsustainable harvesting of living Water Assessment) project is to assess all resources, namely over-exploitation and major water basins in the world using a destructive fishing practices. The immediate unified ranking system. A unified ranking causes of pollution (eutrophication) were system is based on five key water concerns: given as an increased input of nutrients, 1) water shortage; 2) pollution; 3) habitat and growth of aquaculture pressure, reduction community modification; 4) unsustainable in the reproduction level and changes in the exploitation of fisheries and other living population structure. resources; and 5) global changes. Each concern has subsections. For example, global The main root causes are the changes include changes in hydrological following: cycles and ocean circulation, sea level change, increased UV-B radiation, changes in  Economic (rush for super-profits and ocean CO2 source/sink functions. Pollution population growth); concerns include air pollution, water pollution, eutrophication, microbiological  Technologic (inefficient waste treatment); pollution, chemical pollution, oil spills, and thermal pollution. The GIWA procedure consists of expert evaluation of each concern  Legislative (ineffective policy at the followed by a ranking, root-cause analysis regional, national and international and policy option analysis. levels). 78 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

The immediate causes for over irrigation), economic (rapid industrial harvesting are intensified fishing, reduction growth resulting in increased water use and in reproduction levels, changes in the waste release), educational (excessive use population structure, and excess fishing of fertilizers and pesticides) and legislative fleets. The root causes of overexploitation of (inadequate regulation of waste discharge fishing resources are divided into economic, and fertilizer/pesticides use). legislative, managerial, technological and educational. Economic causes are connected The policy options for freshwater with a rush for high profits, poor taxation shortage include: and customs systems. Policy concerns are failure to comply with national regulatory  Integrate development and management systems and ineffective international of agricultural irrigation systems with cooperation. Managerial concerns include integrated river basin management 1) an absence of effective management and programs; control for fishing in national economic zones and 2) illegal fisheries. Poor public  Adopt and promote water-saving environmental awareness and ineffective technologies; monitoring of marine resource conditions are educational concerns.  Promote market systems to encourage the use of green technologies in the GIWA experts describe the Yellow industry; Sea, NOWPAP marine area B, separately.  Enhance laws and enforcement The following concerns are given for mechanisms related to pollution the Yellow Sea: 1) regional freshwater prevention; shortages, 2) habitat and community modification, and 3) over harvesting and  Adopt laws and enforce mechanisms to destructive fishing practices. control the use and disposal of fertilizers and pesticides; Adopt educational and The immediate causes of freshwater public awareness campaigns for good shortage are increased irrigation, industrial agricultural practices and improving and domestic water use as well as upstream soil fertility. damming and draining for flood control and increased agricultural activities. Another The policy options for habitat and cause is river pollution by industrial, community modification include: agriculture and domestic waste. The main threat to regional coastal habitats is  Adopt laws and enforcement intensive coastal development and land mechanisms to restrict the population reclamation, especially in estuaries and migration; shallow bays.  Develop small, rural-oriented urban Root causes are demographic (rapid centers; and population growth), technologic (inefficient 79

 Adopt laws and enforcement  Adopt sustainable production practices mechanisms to promote good practices to enhance fisheries and aquaculture in agriculture that decrease the production; and discharge of agricultural run-off high of harmful pollutants.  Enhance law enforcement mechanisms to restrict destructive fishing A third key concern for the Yellow Sea practices, including public campaigns is the unsustainable harvesting of biologic on environmental and the social resources, specifically, overexploitation and consequences of overexploitation. destructive fishing practices. Immediate causes include: 1) introduction of new, improved and more efficient fishing technologies and larger fishing fleets * * * * * resulting in over harvest, 2) bottom trawling along coastal waters, and 3) use of pesticides The GPA assessment recommends a and dynamite for fishing. holistic and comprehensive approach to marine pollution management. The approach should Demographic issues are population define practical technologies for different users growth and food demand. Economic root and integrate waste minimization and recycling causes include the profit motive in fishing, to control water pollution. This should be disregarding environmental consequences, supported by improved institutional, legal, market demand for seafood. Technological and regulatory frameworks that promote a roots are easy access to improved fishing division of labor among stakeholders, including technologies and affordable fishing boast. different levels of government and the private The education root cause is a lack of sector. The initiative should enhance capacities, public awareness of the consequences of find effective and viable investment and cost destructive practices. recovery instruments, and create political and public support for urban pollution management. Policy options to stem overexploitation There is, however, a need to intensify efforts to and destructive fishing practices include: develop regional capacities in terms of expertise, equipment manufacture, processing technology  Enhance laws and enforcement guidelines, design, construction, installation, mechanisms to limit the size of fishing operation, and maintenance of waste treatment, fleets; disposal and pollution reducing facilities.

 Adopt alternative livelihood programs for fishermen and other fisheries operators; * * * * *

 Adopt public awareness and education YSMLE is UNDP/GEF project entitled programs on the environmental and social “Reducing Environmental Stress in the consequences of overexploitation. Yellow Sea Marine Large Ecosystem Sea Marine Large Ecosystem” has been started in 80 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region

2005. The geographical scope of this project is  To make a stronger commitment to practically equal to the NOWPAP sea area “B”. improving solid waste management as a way Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) has to reduce the input of submerged and floating been prepared within this project during 2006, solids into the marine environment; and has been published in 2007 (UNDP/GEF, 2007). According to this TDA, there are two  To harmonize the marine biological resource recommendations for national authorities: management through the harmonization of fish stock assessment techniques;  Need to improve the legislation and associated regulations aimed to enhance  To apply more wider the polyculture marine and coastal environment protection. approach taking into account local The discussion of bilateral (China – Korea) hydrodynamic features to the mariculture agreement to cooperate in the enhancement enterprises for the minimization of adverse of environmental legislation is proposed for effects such as siltation of bottom sediments this purpose; and cultivated organisms deceases;

 Discuss and consider the agreement to improve  To carry out the assessment of assimilative the compliance with laws and regulations, capacity of the different coastal areas because non-compliance with legal provisions and Yellow Sea as a whole for the proper is a root cause of many environmental determination of additional input of problems in the marine fisheries sectors and potentially harmful substance leading to in other sectors as well. the serious adverse effects. The knowledge of assimilative capacity will allow to define Recommendations which could be to local the locations and rates of contaminants authorities include: discharge and the restrictions on the scale of mariculture activities;  Introduce steadily additional buffer zones between agriculture enterprises and water  To adopt the already compiled list of areas, bodies, because considerable amount of animals and plants worthy to protect from nutrients, pesticides, animal sewage are the biodiversity point of view, and to develop derived from agriculture activities, and the practical ways for such protection. prevention of this run-off will reduce the pollution significantly;

 Apply the procedure of environmental * * * * * impact assessments (EIA) as obligatory stage before the endorsement of any new PICES is another large, multidisciplinary developments in coastal areas. intergovernmental organization that covers, in addition to the NOWPAP region, the west coast Beside these recommendations YSLME of North America, the Bering Sea and the Sea TDA has outlined several “technical” actions of Okhotsk. which could help to decrease the stress on the Yellow Sea: The following priority issues for NOWPAP 81 marine area “A” were reported in a 2004 PICES issues for the NOWPAP marine area “B” overview entitled the “Marine Ecosystem of the (Yellow Sea): North Pacific”:  Need to establish an observation system  Need to continue monitoring the physical for continuous, time-series ecosystem and chemical features of this very seasonally evaluation; changeable basin to better understand major variables;  Need to comprehensively assess the impact of aquaculture on marine  Need to expand research on the synthesis ecosystems; of remote sensing of chlorophyll with information on the plankton communities;  Serious damage to the biodiversity and of coastal habitats as a result of land reclamation; and  Increase in harmful red tides events, and in particular, Cochlodinium polykricoides  Harmonize monitoring activity, events. including methodological aspects, to achieve basin-wide assessments. PICES identified the following priority

82 State of the Marine Environment in the NOWPAP Region


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Состояние морской среды в регионе северо-западной Пацифики (NOWPAP) (на английском языке)

Автор Шулькин Владимир Маркович Ответственный редактор Качур Анатолий Николаевич

Отпечатано с оригинал-макета, подготовленного Центром защиты дикой природы «Зов тайги», минуя редподготовку Компьютерный дизайн, верстка Л. М. Кабалик Фото О. О. Кабалика, В.А. Солкина, Г.Н. Шаликова, В.А.Арамилева, А.М.Паничева