Castle Studies Kaštelologija
148 PROSTOR 1[61] 29[2021] Book Review Marin Duić Castle Studies Publishers: UPI-2M PLUS and the Faculty of Architecture, Anti-Turkish Castles in Banovina University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2020 th at the End of the 15 and the Beginning 181 pages, preface, catalogue, literature, th about the author of the 16 Century [26´21 cm, b/w, paperback, Croatian] Kaštelologija Reviewers: Zlatko Karač, Milan Kruhek, Ariana Štulhofer Editor: Ariana Štulhofer Protuturski kašteli na Banovini Design: Saša Stubičar krajem 15. i početkom 16. stoljeća Proofreader: Mira Pavlica-Stojčević ISBN 978-953-7703-48-6 Zorislav Horvat CIP 001065766 [NSK Zagreb] At the end of the 15th century, due to the ap- number of fortifications were built and im- purposes of this publication. In those seven pearance of gunpowder and artillery, the pre- proved. Those fortifications are mostly ne- chapters, the author thematically deals with vious ways of warfare with cold weapons glected today, but they still convey the iden- individual sites (such as Hrastovica and cas- were abandoned. New types of fortifications, tity of previously mentioned border areas. tles on the northern slopes of Zrinska gora or th now designed for active defence against in- All these changes in fortification buildings castles of the Zrinski family in the late 15 th vaders, were built. The fall of the Kingdom of are described in Zorislav Horvat’s new book and 16 centuries in the Pounje region), peo- Bosnia in 1463, and the impending Ottoman called “Castle studies - Anti-Turkish Castles ple (such as the fortifications of Bernardin aggression on Croatian lands coincided with in Banovina at the End of the 15th and the Be- Frankopan), or types of building (such as new fortification needs and constructions, ginning of the 16th Century”.
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