COURSE SYLLABUS 2020/2021 Academic Year 1. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION 1.1. Course Name Croatian Language and Culture Public Relations Management specialist graduate professional study programme 1.2. Study Programme Tourist Destination Management and Marketing undergraduate professional study programme 1.3. Course Short HRJS 1.7. Year of Study Second, Third Name PRM20245 Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth 1.4. Course Code 1.8. Semester TDM20361 /Winter, Summer 1.5. Course Status Obligatory 1.9. ECTS 5 Course Total Type Hours 1.10. Class Venue and Bernays – According to 1.6. Course Structure Lectures 10 Schedule published schedule Exercises 20 2. TEACHING STAFF 2.1. Lecturer in Charge Anđela Vukasović Korunda 2.6. Course Ivana Barišić Oharek Associates 2.2. Academic Rank MSc 2.7. Academic Rank Prof. engl. jezika 2.3. Teaching Rank Lecturer 2.8. Teaching Rank Predavač ivana.barisic-
[email protected] 2.9. Contact e-mail 2.4. Contact e-mail
[email protected] According to published Prema objavljenome 2.10. Consultations 2.5. Consultations schedule rasporedu 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION The basic goal of the course is to acquaint students with the cultural history of Croatia since the 3.1. Course arrival of Croats on The Balkan Peninsula in the 7th century to the present day and improve their Objectives knowledge of Croatian culture, tradition, civilization, history, geography, literature and art 3.2. Enrolment There are no specific requirements for enrolment in this course. Criteria LO1: Understand the historical and social development of Croatia from its beginnings to the present day 3.3. Learning LO2: Analyze Croatian culture, literature and art Outcomes LO3: Define terms in Coratian culture and cultural and natural heritage LO4: Describe and interpret the most important historical and cultural processes and the events and ideas that have shaped Croatian culture throughout history 1.