APSCC Monthly e-Newsletter JANUARY 2017 The Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Council (APSCC) e-Newsletter is produced on a monthly basis as part of APSCC’s information services for members and professionals in the satellite industry. Subscribe to the APSCC monthly newsletter and be updated with the latest satellite industry news as well as APSCC activities! To renew your subscription, please visit www.apscc.or.kr/sub4_5.asp. To unsubscribe, send an email to
[email protected] with a title “Unsubscribe.” News in this issue has been collected from 1 to 31 December 2016. INSIDE APSCC APSCC Session at PTC'17, What do End Users Actually Want? 16 January 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, www.ptc.org/ptc17 While new technology is good, as are lower prices, are we actually meeting end user needs in the Pacific? Why/why not? What is being provisioned now and future? What gaps we must fill? Where does the satcom model fall short? The session, “What do End Users Actually Want?” would discuss end user needs across various applications and markets. Pierre-Jean Beylier, CEO, SpeedCast Richard Swardh, SVP, Comtech EF Data Imran Malik, RVP, O3b Networks Jacques-Samuel Prolon, General Manager, Kacific Broadband Satellites Moderated by Chris Baugh, President, NSR APSCC members can enjoy discounted rate when PTC’17 registration. Gregg Daffner Elected as APSCC President Gregg Daffner (CEO, GapSat) was elected and inaugurated as the President of APSCC at the 2016 APSCC General Assembly held on 13 December 2016. As the main representative of APSCC, Gregg will be responsible for setting the policies and goals of APSCC in consultation with the APSCC Board of Directors, Vice Presidents and Executive Director.