THE EVENING STAR C-3 CLCMSON FOR P. C. STAR Washington. D. C. ** POJNTS SEPTEMBER BS, 18.V3 '"lillil ¦HnrtßHffiS Redskins Likely raiDAY. w penter and built the track, Ss-- t; ATCHISON'S \~£ sbBIK as^lSfc gR-.}i-v Virginia Opener Tomorrow slapped on the point and toek care of 100 other details that Bakhtiar To Emphasize ANGLE go into staging such an affair.; Big Test for Jim The man loved track, of course, '¦' My LEWIS F. ATCHISON RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 23 m. ready Tigers, an Atlantic Coast By being an old sprinter himself, The fellow in the least enviable Conference rival, Bakhtiar’s on but he also was a standout in jJ maligned category spot in Virginia college football ¦the spot. It’s “produce or else” Ground Game that of char- The earlier this week I tant than athletic skill; Dor- acter-building. A youngster who will be Jim Bakbtiar, big Iranian, starred news tomorrow for the who By LEWIS F. ATCHISON that Dorsey Griffith had resigned i sey was a smooth operator talk- ran for Dorsey simply couldn’t sophomore fallback for the Uni- at Western High in Washington, Coach Joe Kuharich named as track coach at Catholic Uni- I ing a reluctant youngster into a 'be a snob or a quitter—the versity of Virginia. D. C., and at Bullis Prep before the Redskins’ starting backfield versity deserved more than pass- l try-out. He made them “think” training was too' tough. He had they would be good and darned with oour- Most players spend many Sat- entering Virginia. today for Sunday’s league-open- ing notice. An announcement' I to finish the course ing game against in university’s McMahon : if a lot of them didn’t turn out > age. zeal, understanding and a urday afternoons acquiring rep- already set its; the Browns that the Clemson has ! being to be winners. profound respect for the man utations, but for Bakhtiar it's sights Cleveland, and the cast indicates Hall was razed to make 1 on Bakhtiar with not only; dog Possibly example who taught him. Corbett, who other way around. He’ll; stopping the Washington eleven will make room for a hot stand the best of; the the idea of him, buti Dorsey’s leading platoon spend Saturdays try- ability ;a run for It, rather than try to Wouldn't have caused more ex- I ability is Fred Pavo W fell his Marine have to his also of proving his has! his; the battle of New Georgia ing live up to the formidable: pass its way to victory. among the Cardinals’ ! last year’s squad, who began iin ta been grossly exaggerated. The: citement was a reputation already has—- got Dorsey’s de- < career as a distance runner and [ in World War II typical v *' he ! Tigers would like to prove their Eddie Leßaron the call at track alumni than product, trophy '-. ¦*' ‘": 'V though lie never has played in quarterback, course, he was a living ended up as a quarter-milerj ¦ and the annu- mww 11 ‘v'-'fT own fullback—Bill O'Dell—is it. of and Dale parture, for ) ally outstanding #« ’'-*'¦ game. doing seconds. It took a lot awarded the a .... y* a varsity [Atkeson will fullback. symbol a vital part of the < 47 a for Bakhtiar. j start at of ’ by uniform, least match Zagers ' of time, of course—sweat, blisters i senior trackman, instituted Before he’d donned a ’ hopes Leo filter and Bert at school—its spirit. pre-season practice, Coach Ned McDonald simply *and patience than I!Griffith, was well named the for Bakhtiar ganging up halfbacks round out the quartet, Catholic U. won’t b

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