THE OHIO § VI Donates $125 To Freedom Fund sfaB-S-sUr t-KIVIAU ' ' <>H-0 STATE "USEU" LIBBART ' 5ENTJNEL. CITY EDITION COLUMBUS»«••»»•«, OBIO• 15 SCtC T«4 OHIO *.__., XS S VOL 6 No. 23 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1SS4 COLUMBUS, OHIC 3ENTINEL) 20 Year Old Man-J"*


Admits Raping Of shiloh church VOL.6. Ho, 26 STSffiJa. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1954 COLUMBUS, OHIO

Columbus NAACr's 'Fighting Fund tor Freedom" received Dayton Woman financial shot In the arm this week when now Inactive Vanguard League turned remainder oi Its treasury, with exception ot MOO Br JIMMIE N. JONES -ret to be disposed of, over to NAACP. Att'y Franh C. Shearer, DAYTON.—A 60 year old matron climbed the steep VI, prexy. Is presenting 5135 te Roberta Basnett, local "Fight­ steps leading to the detective aeciiun at polite headquar­ ing Fund tor Freedom" committee chairman. Others in photo, ters Monday mormnjr and told l)et. S«t. James B. llogan from left: Robert E. Johnson, VI. treasurer, and Barbee W. Dnr- how a 20 year old man enticed her into hit. home on the hsm, Columbus NAACP secretary. Mrs. Basnett urges other or- pretense of visitilitt tiis* sick mother, after which he forced ganistions to contribute to fund, whose Columbus goal U S2M*. Bill Bell Says: her at the point of a knife to disrobe and submit to his de­ Other members of her committee are Charles Worley, Att'y mand for sexual intercourse. David D. White, Dr. John Bailey, Charles F. Spicer, Dr. Call i> The aged victim, still tinder Basnett and Rev. Phale D. Hale, Columbus NAACP president. the strain ot tlie osssiult, related accuaed the ALLEN WINOLD Allen Wmold, radio, television and concert violinist, will be DATEUNE featured artist when senior choir ol Shiloh Baptist, Colum- bus, presents ita second annual concoct, "On Wings of Song," Friday, Nov. 12, 8 p. m. This Is The City Offerings ol Win-old will In­ clude "Andante from Concert* In D," Beethoven, "Andante tfJBU M. MM) from Concerto la F," Mendels­ sohn, and "Meditation from Thais," Massenet. - Senior choir, under direction rHlCAGO. — Marlene Deitrich COLUMBUS SPORTS of Mrs. Madolin ii. Johns, will • needn't ft-el so great because sing anthems, spirituals and .hts-'s definitely not the only secular selections. "The Lost ; I amorous grandma about. She Chord," Sullivan, -'Consider und ihould meet Columbua' use-to- Hear Me," Woolcr, and "Car- JC and now Chicago's own Doro- iiie-na," Lane-Wilson, are includ­ ;hy Sclplo. ed in their numbesrs. Ton would never believe It from looking at ber but Doro­ Wmold wus born in Cleveland thy has a gmwa daughter, and' participated in musical cir­ Mrs. Ivan Corbin, and a small I cles throughout bis school years. grandson living on Columbus' Following graduauon from Wcst- Westside. And from the pic­ arded ture the proud grandmother showed me, the daughter is aa pretty aa her mem. •Dorothy,.more formally known und Sigmund Eft'n us Mra. Malcom Scipto, is a na- tivcef tlie Cupital City and has pushed artist only been living in Chicago a member ot the lirsl violin Couple of years. Her parents, Greets Liberian Counsul tion, Cincinnati t>yrnphuny Mr, and Mrs. Louis Shipley, live chfKtru, He servi_d at 1340 E. Long st. and conduclcr, Columbus iu also Mr. Sctpiu's symphony urches- hometown but he has been liv­ ing in the Windy City for about NINA M. REDD 1 eight years. Now a railway pot, if clerk, he once a member BACKING NEGROES of the Columbus police force.

Thc Scipio* are well known In their hometown. Dorothy ia a former "Miss Bronze Ohio" winner and she will he remembered! as a bathing beauty contestant who could really swim. much better known'than when I * a better organised event. "I love swimming and thc first Ume I was In the-contest 1 had been la tbe Maryland pk. pool swimming all morning. The contest was at the pool so 1 just got right out of the water and 3 weat ap on the platform, dripping wet," sbe recalled with a laugh. FOR ALL-AMERICAS Story On Page 3 dry and captured tbe crown. The East High school graduate'] • her family and friends back home but she likes living in Chicago, "This is a very impersonal city," she believes, "and you don't find the warm friendliness of Columbus, but Chicago has good points that make up fur its faults." . . - 13-14 in Among tho»e good points she li.t|ed job opportunities* legitv- main ballroom of the Scftth- matc tlieatrt*. major athletic events and having a beautiful lake hotel, Columbus. and beach right in the city. r.s. John Hunter. Mt. Vci Dorothy is "happily unemployed" right now but when *ho V., will be all-breed judge first came to Chicago she worked at one of the city's largest dow is an official of Uie organ , Scott Co. (better known i

In addition to the alt-brce «*«). show there will be two special The Scipios live in 1 COLUMBUS COP, SAID POPPA OF Obio "geu into act" during official Ams-flean lour by Pres. ties, the Winsor solid color an new aparUnent buildings Tubman of Liberia. Cleveland, Akron and other cities were In. the Tabby and Aortic. Both apt It is 17 stories high and contains 300 apartments. eluded in visit and arranged by Pres. Eisenhower. At state re­ cialties will be judged by Mn When you ftee Midway Gardens with Hs lunge windows and ception arranged in Tubman's honor, news photographers caught Carl A. Johnson, Cincinnati. . Rev. George Lawrence (left), formerly of Dayton- and now of Doors will open at 10 a.m. an Chicago, shaking hands with Ubertan Counsul William II. Jones and Mrs. Janes. Rev. Lawrence, wbe represents Nat'l Baptist Convention. V. 8. A., Inc., U well known as a public relations. consultant and editor on leave of The Ohio Sentinels edition tn Eurl G. Fleming, yici and show secretary; Mr. and When the Scipios get a longing to see some homefoUt, ther GIRL'S CHILD, SKIPS FROM CITY Dayton. He now makes headquarters at SIM S. Parkway, Chi- Mra. IV; he McKnight, show don't have to go very far. Also living in Midway Gardens «r« Mr. ' ea«a. managers. asnd Mrs, Ivan Metcalfe, another former Columbua coupla. Story On Pago 3 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1»S4 THE OHIO SENTINEL THE SATURDAY. WOVEMBm 17. fgu y**iii»^*->-*,->*'-^**-»«»«v^ SCRIDES HOLD AID FROM POTENTIAL NEGRO ALL-AMERICANS By mi.1. HI;i,i. i _, BARGAINS 6AL0RE «££. Sentitir I Sportj 1 :dit<.r DHFOKK ,YK RING do urtuin on tlie current •al (Columbus) prty.s has gone 1 it is hard to make All-Am-. B college football MSB) >uld like lo commend iluyer.and omit others and thi has destroyed 'i that fur down on the totem | -THE BEST BUYS OSU':. Bobby Watkins pirit during tlie pant spirit urid morale of the team. Stats and Iowa all figured U campaign. We know he ly- tried by llic stories It la a tribute to the current i ibove Ohio Slate rt the final tabulations and they t which ho read after eac destroy It. lad great Negro I acta, He was the Bucks' bread und butter bark, the man Wc know that very seldom J. O. Caroline i almost unanimously All-Amerl. i hla lily ..lwi He ist be, built up. The whom they colled upon when the count wan third and can last l.ell..y Bolden of Michigan gtala ARE AT" two, coal and one. and he never failed them. Yet, it st be focused on him. - made nearly cvory second Alt-Amerleaa eleven in was his broken field running teammate who received nlch his every move- 1953. Iowa's Eddie Vincent was the Hawkoyea' star all of the plaudits from the daily press. i-"« men on Ihe play- back and they were expected to win the Big Iff con­ Bobby could, on Individual effort alone, rati over ing field. ference title. * fwo or three tackle i*. for a lone gain or a touch- You huve to build up such un oufa of greatness "Wlu tha . do : Wa down and the story would read, "Watklns broke off •round the boy that writers will come from all of tlie • known Ihe select o ha If backs tackle for Zl yards," or "Watklns look a hand oft to leading Wire service papers in the area to see him. i the san confci Negro half- You huve to write'HU glowingly about him that local ••onfereni:*'. Well, you know 'But let Howard Cussady break away on one of his fans wil) bun*Smffigy an/ foreign ipol tswriter or it happen. So, long runs. Out cumc the adjectives'in the superlative gpnrtgcaatcr vSSriM d&ugret*. • inericun, it must be Cassady because end Dick Bru- KHAKI OVBKOATS SPORT mm degree describing the achievements of the All-/Sr>erf* W« can readily understand why Cassady was pick­ laker id Hie only other pre-seu-inn pick and he Was not ed at tha atari of the lesson for Ohio State's All- "We i the i American candidate, lie Is a local boy, a good back, and r (OATS and DRESS SHIRTS KRAKOFF'S and allhouch Watklni had led him the previous year We have no quarrel with the original reason but cla II -AS" HE rOOIWEAR AND APPARB FOR THE HIKE FANHY In ground gaining and acorlng, he was a better de­ vith Caroline and Bolden injured sand playing with $5N fensive back. However,'Hist was not Ihe main Unue. ircond division club* und Ohio bound lor the top. 65c&75c Dry Goods aad Se»io, Rao*. Sapplio, • Ohio State was picked£0th in the nation in pic-sea- Continued On Page-II

COMB IN TODAY AND LAY A WAY Columbus Cop Skips Out On Parent Charge WORK WORK Capsuling The News nicd the charge and the case SHIRTS PANTS was continued until nftrr the tardy charge which he was child was born. 39c ea. Beta. scheduled to face in donfegflt. The court re leaved Phelps relations court Tuesday, mfuk on a /ecognlxanre bund. Only KRAKOfF'S UNDERSELLING STORE ing the offense was George a short time afterward, the I Phelps, foi girl gave birth to the child, •rly. of >W4 Hia WE CASH PAY CHECKS tk HONOR RELIEF ORDERS Edited Dy Norma Wall wutha av. now 3 nionths.pld. Phelps i i taken into court •helps meanwhile, undei WASH CLOTHES aa. Se WINTER COATS CTALL THOUGH THKY may. Ust summer when a 17 year ght to boar follow DISH TOWELS old girl named him as the fa­ Far Tk* Eatira Family 106S MT. VERNON AVE ther of her unborn baby. Ihe daughter ol . (»ew) ea. ISc »l.SO . *S.OO At that time, the ex tup dc- .cal bu.sine.sMii an FA. INI slponed. The churl ha FREE COMIC BOOK WITH EVERY 60c PURCHASE announced previously thut it would not conside the decrees for effecting its May decision until Seaway Forum 'Nuisance Cop' ninth justice had been sealed. Almost imnu IHE OHIO itwHNtl diatcly, Congress decided to delay I lit PM>rbK-H CUAMPION" "WE FIT THE HARD January. In Topic Sunday Handed A Break U. S. CLOTHING OUTLET I dition, thc Justice Dept., ii court" brief asked lhal lower cour Paul (Nuisance Cop. Juruu TO FIT' how it wil! affect Ohio's future 'JU. l-Mtt Ouk st., who was fired to nipei vise desegregation and th Sarriof Greater Colombuo will be the tnpic on Columbtis from Uie Columbus Police Dept, 991 MT. VERNON AVL o^__l_t7_^r Sine* 1*07 though carried out as promptly by Safety Dir. Geo!*.- O.'Doyle f'-*>-r>"i».-»sr,*,s,,*5 %, 'should have no deadline Fdr comph *»-OV,S-,S-,Vsat>at,a!,SbaI,Sb«.St>»,V|,at,«, «>«>«,«, ScpV 2V, wos #derod restore_ Wall Two authorities will discuss to-liia job Monday by the Muni­ the impact- or the seaway, on AstKUItJ r_+i>A*fA, l-H. J INTKKNAT'L NOTKS-An estimated 7000 Mnu cipal Civil Service Comm.issiun. Ohio's future economy. They or iling Uie safety 3 Maus have been killed since a state of emergency was declared in Richard U DeChant, area mat S. Africa in October, ism , . , Five .persona, who allegedly tried to uger of the development div , thc < establish f Masonic order in Spain, were sentenced to jail. Ma­ sion of Cleveland Electric llli 1044 MT. VERNON sonry wus outlawed there in 1«4Q . . . Mulesa. king of Buganda, W. minating Cb.. and Stuart 1 Africa, has hud his exile lifted by the British government and muy Saunders, vice .president an 351 N. WASNWGTON return to his country. • and Western railway. tAlt.VMB US CHITTERLINGS $2.09 ACROSS THK NATION--Two measures, desicned to bar seg­ liail'IlliNt:: FOODLAND regation in St. laUiiis theatre.", hotels and restaurants, were defeat­ UrawooU 7419 ed last week by the Board of Alderman. Poaaaga of the measures 'will be sought again in the spring . . . Camilla Williams, lyric so­ Knapp, ' president of Demsoii HOME mm Afm prano, has been signed by the Sadlar Wells Opera Co, to sing in u.uversity. "Madume Butterfly" at Bournemouth nefcl March. She is believed Mrs. Grace Hure Frye, di'rec- SAUSAGE MADE *] fl(J ROUND STEAK'TENDER the first foreign born artist to be engaged by~thc English com­ pany. Miss Williams was the first Negro Soprano lo appear wi'h lismissal order. C B major American opera company when she sang with N. York •105 Olentangy Be Informed- City Opera Co. in 1»4« . . -, "Porgy and Bess" will tour thc Near phone questions Under their decisk FRESH CALLIES ib 03 through Ca. 8-381 •uspenslon will end Read The Sentinel SWISS STEAK lb b . . . Walter While, executive NAACP secretary, has been dis­ missed from N. York hospital . . . Paul Robeson will not be grant- YOUR 59' ed pABsport to attend Congress ol Soviet Writers when it i Moscow this month . i King, 18, uneeu elected prime mini. Ie W«K chosen over N. C. llavenga, a moderute. COFFEE S A. M. . 8 P. M. LARD 2, 45c lei P. .Ms.14n Att'y Thurgood Marshall, uppeu i NBC-TV S-6 SATURDAYS FRI. stad SAT. t WHUUS to Know," said he did not believe the south would ma e -any real effort to fight integration in public WWfl CLOSED achoals . . . Get Herman Talmadge, Georgia, believes the Geor- FU/frMITUff_= CO. OHN AN ACCOUNT PIECE lb. 99c SUNDAYS giu Legislature 'in i 24 ™7."." NO FINANCE CHARGES BOLOGNA lb. 29c permit school m 641 N.HIGH ST. by the southern SATOBDAY| Intt—Amrrn . ______SBS___W_ John Francis Announces Harper's Newest One Party System Breeds ii-miFsiMWaii-tita^ City Council Candidacy I Stop Shopping Tyranny, Wilkins Declares GARY'S JEWELERS HAS IT! John !_. Francis, prominent where he formerly served Establishment zons, Wilkins Waned that Columbus attorney and 7th ward president of the local branch. one party system breeds tyn Democratic commi currently completing his Harper's furniture : Iwraons, they should strive for through tbe Francis for Council president of the the association of all CornHuttee, this week state conference ccmed with justice rather than The Greatest Achievement ed hia candidacy for a set interracial justice alone, wit city council at the coming the point of yicw of Att'y J, Ef- have a on* party system. s&icipal election. Tbie new gift department fea­ Wilkins when he spoke in "The November election tures clothes for all the family Columbus Sunday. showed that mea are thinking and in all sizes. Jewelry availa­ "In this new ers, falr-deal- and are casting a ble includes watches, rings, cos- iag people are dedicating their vote for men and measures ra­ in a Century of Watchmaking! and other Jewelry. All jew­ efforts to developing an tnter- ther than portics," he stated. la well known thr lag haul tbe elry Is purchased directly from •ational society based ou'sc- A past grand palemaeh of city and state far Us leader­ wholesalers at reduced prices. clal jus-tlce and the recognition Kappa Alpha FsJ. Wilkins is ship ta cfrle and political at John H. Kinxer, George Perry, This is another of the frequent of the dignity of the human U. ft. representative to the * As Advertised In EBONY MAGAZINE - — -><**' ike JSeW fivitiea. Abinha Gregory,' Percy Lowery, improvements made by Hsrp- individual," lie remarked. governing body of Internal l John D. Combs, William r's during its 15 years of exis- Appearing under auspices of Labor Organisations and re­ Not only has Francis conduct­ Brooks, Mamie Hawkins, Frank cently represented tbls coun­ ed a successful law practice, Shearer, Byron E. Slaughter, Further information and home try at n» ILO merlin-; in bust, also in his capacity aa 7th •Turret C. Chavous, J. B. Bow­ showings of any articles at 1 tor- Wilkins, assistant secretary of Geneva, ward chairman, haa spearhead­ man, Hazel Bailey, j. J. Mc­ may be had by contact- ed a progressive drive to regis­ labor for international labor af- He believes world coopera­ Cown, Alma R. Coleman, James in* Robert Hooper, EV. 4304; was final speaker in the tion and pesce will be built ter, inform and get to the polls E. Smith, Millie Finch, Estelle Mrs. E. W. Tate, Hi. every eligible voter in hia ward. Tyler, P. D. Jones, Asrtil 1054 "Platform of PublM Rea- espcsriencc by experience as y, Lsuvall Edwards, Mary men meet and talk together. With all of this to Ui credit, Ann Eady, P. J. Perry and Among the "new horizons" Concluding, Wilkins said the young attorney is undoubt­ Leonard Thompson. Wilkins pointed up were social man's freedom la at stake as he edly best known for his work and economic achievement, op­ approaches these new horizons and leadership in the NAACP, a letter to each of the sign- Rollo Houston portunities of service to the and the ability to achieve jus­ Franc is accepted their en­ country and political perform- tice over aU along with morality dorsement and pledged to wage over evil would be hit ultimate forthright and "vigorous Is Dead At 72 Jn discussing political hori­ test Fulfil." % In addition to his many other Frai (hapten Slate activities, Francis is also dead on arrival at Grant hos­ Mrs. Taylor member of Mt. Olivet Baptist pital Tuesday after he wa: stricken in his home, 147 N. Achievement Observance Ohio av. He was 72. He is married and resides In 1M7-40 be served as mes­ Expires At 76 with his wife and two children senger for former Republican conclude celebration of Nat'l at 111 N. aotb st Gov. Thomas J. Herbert, Achievement week by present­ ing a public program Sunday, Funeral arrangements were Dec. 5, at Oakley Av. Baptist at being completed by the Brooks 3:30 p. m. C. Josef McLin, prom­ mortuary at Sentinel edition inent mortician of Dayton, will Tries Suicide time. deliver sthe main address. Theme of the observance is "America's Saturday following an extensive Challenge: To Implement School Illness, OKtMSpntwn Active In religious work, Mrs. Unsuccessfully Taylor waa n member of the Helen Price, 34, »29 E. Long Bake Sale Salnrday senior choir at St, Paul for over st, was admitted to Grant hos­ OBG Men's .Charity club, Inc., 46 years. She was also a mem­ pital Friday about midnight Columbus, will conduct a bake ber of the Willing .Workers club ~" r she bad taken an undeter- sale Saturday, Dec. 4, at Tate's at the cburch. . ; "Esse the ed amount of ant poisoning Dry Cleaners, 1070 ML .Vernon At 1:30 p. nL Wednesday, be­ suicide attempt, police re- av. The sale lasts throughout fore a large crowd of mourners. the day. Rev. J. D. Howell, pastor of St Proceeds from a movie the Intermediate Paul, officiated at the final tension with The woman, said to have been club sponsors Saturday, Dec. 11, rites for tbe faithful church- suffering from severe abdomi­ at Lincoln theatre, will be used nal pains, refused to give any Scout Troop Survivora are ber five daugb- BffiHHUT reason for her net, police said. Is Organized > REE INFORMATION An intermediate Girl Scout Washington, D. C., Mn. Cath­ Troop bos been formed at Beat­ erine R. Roberts, Miss Helen M. fitlMI' ty Recreation Center. The Taylor, Miss Matty T. Taylor, soys OAttMCE WILSON troop's number is 177. Dayton; three son*, Daniel M., BAIL BONDS *jg On Friday, Dec. 3, at the cen- John B„ Alfred S.; brother, De- r the girls will have their in- laney Brooks, Detroit; . two WILLIAM J. GARRETT • I'rafesslonal Bondun.n sons-in-law, Harry Armstrong, "We might look relaxed, but Membera of Uie troop are Pa- J a m e a Roberts; daughter-in- there's plenty of tension when­ icia Herring, president; Nor- law, Louise Taylor, and nine ever Ihe T.ottcrj ploy. I find GATES AUTO •:i Hariston, secretary. Susan grandchildren and- 10 great­ chewing Beech -Nut Gun hclpi. Motor Tuae-Up and Speedsraetc warnr Servic e Fulton, treasurer; Phyllis Jen- grandchildren kins, Darlene Smith, Brenda Interment was at Green Lawn M« reku, ploy my bast. Help* Generators, Rcgnlatcrs, Starters Sales ft Service Rouse, Florence Adams, Barba- cemetery from Msrs, D. A. Whit­ you ot work, too. You try it |" 649 E. Fu'.ton St. FA. 1104 Qotanbua, Ohio Minifield and Carole PUlipe. taker and Sons funeral home. MAKE GARY'S YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS "Once You Know Us You'll Like Us!" No Charge for Beautiful Special Christ­ .V*. asd memr, tsAOVA KMssMSf W.M. % Csaai Wm. prstf m, ike U. ». nntNO CO. •«- la, I li.Mi % mas Gift Wrapping. AsKsthar Gary's IS YOUR LIFE Service for You. WORTH s895 Thieves Rob Eastside Theatre , SIT0' NO MONEY DOWN-FIRST PAYMENT JANUARY 1955 Thieves, who apparently con- .cealed themselves inside tbe •Ot. », trsaUy.)], H. ».« We Carry Our Own Accounts. Which Gut Be Opened in 3 Minutes. No Delay—No Embarraistng Qnstio ! Pythian theatre, 863 ML Vernon •v., Columbus, after it closed A DOCTOR'S Friday, made off with $07.08, DON'T DELAY-MAIL TODAY Robert Alston, manager, report- PRESCRIPTION GARY'S JEWELERS. Mall Order Dept. *3 E. State St... Columbus,. OhiOhio The loot was taken from Its FOR THE SCALP" ~ Enclosed Is S51I Down Paymentt ( hiding place in the theatre's air 2 YEATS TO PAY IS GARY'S WAY I motmrm-iy a $59 50 Q w,ih whs. di.l D whh --i | condition unit. A padlock was battered off to reach the fur- W..."JJ"F »S5.0O Q with whll. dial OwtaUsstW _ where the money I D i.l.v. Il' D Ols»vs-»*l • •17500 a | • NAME COLUMBUS AUTO GLOW Society 6eh Around ers • ADDRESS I The Tuberculosis Society dis- "" CITY ZONE ... STATE * !7.-> -1 TlllKI) *•! i '-. - - ,'•• • > \|iii .1 s -I'M, .ributed "50,000 educational •3 EAST STATE ST I AU orders beyond Frsnklia Ceuatr cash la fall plus skip- • pamphlets ln Franklin count, • plas char.p. V last year . .. >aVe talks to 15,0 irsons. Buy Christmas seals. |-| Clieek Sere II BE SAFE-BE RELAXED *IJ8 AUTO GLARE i n m L _____ '______Y'l__;__i '- mm mm mm _m mm __+. _*_ i.\_n\_Wm±m&\\^^ KKKS_.4_oMt_m4,eMmKi__t^ THE OHIO SENT.WEI SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4, ,ae_ First Freedom Fund Report SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 19S4 . THE OHIO SENTINEL HELLO OHIO HELLO! - - - By Ihe Sneakin' Deacon Congrats From Tho Mayor WsHsConyers Inlaid Jordan heard the referee whist Show Total Of $200 Raised Dies Friday Dies Suddenly w for words.. In fact. I don' It's really exciting to see wt and heard the band pla] Mrs. Roberta Basnett. choir- havesisfted the follewup «* SPRINGFIELD. — Willi.; H. know what's going to come ou ash bowl first . the Team" after the g_ nun of the Columbus NAACP the M percent that we hav* Conyers. 60, Carte rsville, Ga., of this doggone tappin' machine Ihe morning. I've n*vcr yet wc told me about Jack Gib 'Fighting Fund .for'"Freedom" yet lo hear from;" she said. died Friday at the homo of bis Here I've gotta hunt for some out in one ot these ratly mon slated in her fimt report] Contributors to FFFF so tar sister, Mrs, Mattle Reed, here. Ft Sill. Okie. He was the thing to put in this column uru ing scrimmages. Once I tried •t almost ;J200 had been re- include Dr. J. H. Rosemond, Dr. He had been visiting.her since month old son of Mr. and Mrs. than I gotta turn around .<;.. caught the victory fever ived in response to letters sent E. A. Calloway, Dr. B V*\ Tuesday and had been ill for Cart Jordan. 720 W. Liberty st, hunt for the keys to punch ou Columbus physicians, real es- Abramson, Dr. J. K. Smith) several months. who are residing at Ft SIB while he is stationed there. what I've found. . - in front of the bathroom door. e brokers, lawyers, dentists, Att'y Ray Hughes', Att'y Davifl Survivor* In addition to But actually I haven't founc But I overslept and when I niaSters and businessmen. White, Dr."H. JShci-man Manue' Reed are a daughter, Mr*. Sa­ Survivors also include his pa­ anything to write about. awoke there were footprints all "With the WW ralaed at the A. Krakoff, John .Schilling, Mr. loon Hylic It. Chicago, and his ternal grandfather. Henry Jor­ Thenkig iving is over am over the front of my new night Basnett, Mrs I, Alma Taylor J mother, Mrs. S, F, R. Conyers, dan, of this city, and maternal thank heaven for'that. shirt. When I do hit pnydirt the < nil Mill N- t .l.l.r (Thantb- now one fourth the distance to W. Williams, Sr., and C. w. Springfield. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. The Michigan-Ohio Slate garni already turned lee. tbe Utile man with the big our goal of StSM. We are sure Thurman. John Moore, Columbus. aaa and the big following. that we ran make It beVsase Also Daniel Boone Cleaners Webb Jackson ftmeral home talking about the post-aeasor Mew the Segal roof off last the great majority ef these King Coal Co., Robert J. Han­ is handling arrangements. bowl games — Rose Bowl, th* week. Tried twice thru the persona to whom we sent Ift- dle, Columbus chapter of Girl Auditor Urges Cotton Bowl, Orange Bowl, etc. So my neighbors tell week to get la but the crowds ters have yet te respond. We' Friends am) Sim peon-Barton Co. But sthose bowl games are not I Ui* only time they were too much. And then too get cold shower is when they the gal oo the door wouldn't Early Baying accept my Canadian quarter. Mr. Shanklin Right her get might in one in the middle of April. But Sunday Traditional 'Hanging Of The bowl t *rr t But back to the big game •n by tippin Of Dog Licenses Especially the Michigan-Ohi crammed the bill I gave her la Franklin County Auditor Fred Dies Thursday game. I almost mias.-d that on. her pocket real quirk, l knew Greens' At Capital City YW C. Dunn nnnofinced that 1050 dot- thanks to Dayton Krby and his she was real mad wbrn abe licenses'went on sale Dec. 1 at LAWSON .short cuts. After going down discovered I gave ber one of Columbus YWCA the court house and will be City hospital where be had been several blind alleys, a couple Schniclefrlls' 65 play bills. Sat i begi-i holiday cele- available each week day from patient for 10 days. POULTRY MARKETS beside lovely Ruth Ferry and Congregai 0:30 a. m. until 4:30 p. m. ex­ Bom in Gallipolis, Mr. Shank­ vale drive and back out, we fi- Ed Beard didn't eve a object- and Dr. Kearns is mini-it cept Saturdays when the closing spiritual lin had lived in Springfield most «ally rfttoured back to High st.. He wss en the other side aad Broad SI. Presbyterian. hour is noon. leader ef northern Nigeria's of his life. 1 don't knew whether they Members of the comn Immediately after he had received his oath ef office msklnf Dog owners ere urged ' luch to the disgust of the traf­ UM mlllloa. Mssleass. — ANF Surviving are his father, fic cops and tlejilrig pode*Irian.". were holding hands or wheth­ him second In command of the Columbus Police Division. Tues­ , license tags now to avoid a last Photo. We succeeded onlySh crashing er be had her handcuffed. day. Inspector Harvey II. Alston was congratulated by Mayer minute rush. About 43,000 li­ George W., and stepmother, two red lights before pulling up Rusty Bryant and some of bis will be decorated with trees ant Miss Betty Rose Williams, M. E. Beasenbrenaer. Safety Mr. George O. Doyle, who per­ censes must be Issued. Mrs. Rosse Shanklin, of Spring­ within two blocks of the stu- hoys were knocking them­ is and there will be carol 2005 W. Lune av., chairman; formed ceremony, is shown looking es-t.—Fieree Photo. I License tee Is $S for both male field; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie dium. And then I discovered 1 selves out la tbe Jsm aesslon, singing from the balcony Mrs. Lourctta Walker, 1419 Clif­ and female dogs. Tags may be Addresses Students Farley, Washington C. H.; Mrs. had no tickets. But I was saved a* were BUI Stewart aad War­ ton av.; Miss Florence Hunter, obtained by small by forwarding Catherine Travis, Springfield. ren Stephens, who just left the 1999 Collingswood rd.; Mrs. the fee to ihe county auditor, TAliAHASSEE, Kla. — Att'y and Mrs. Dorothy Kins. Colum­ by a kind little fellow who sold nditional bua; three brothers, Thomas of FREE DELIVERY me a ticket for only four bits. Brysat band. And Rusty blew John Potent, 070 Bryden rd.; court house, Columbus 15, with Henry Arrington of Miami, former­ I be held Miss Opal Benedum, 1354 For­ ly of the U.S. Justice Dept, ad- Toledo, Harry of Cleveland and < He ssold all the others he had som« nice bsss far s change thc :r.,,u- A < Cops Tire Of One 9 owner's name and address, for two bits.) However, I had a and I blew a dollar forty igue will syth*? a v.;-Mi*. John U Davu-n, brief description ot the dog ORDER NOW good seat— right behind a post cenla, and so my spree Is over Jr., 2741 Leeds rd.; Mrs. Bert (age. breed, sex, color, long or Pressley McCoy of the Speed Kleinmaier, 068 S. Chesterfield up in Sec. B— and beside the . Friday nix tit. Dec; Dept. at university an short hair) and a stamped, self- appear (all Klondike 2567 post were two guys wearing Mrs. George Chapin, 2BD7 addressed envelope, said Dunn. • of the Pre-Legal sSociety. t home with burial in Gullipolis the South High school Kiris |>le< Man Gang, Sent club, directed by Miss Mury ty „at Lincoln ballroom. Tbe Frances Winchester, bus p .Ueacan and the Tan Tones will j Parcd a Christmaa program, be there, as wUl several other Evvn •i'*" tiniest of YWCA guest entertainers. So drop j member.-—m*"-bers—3 to S years of To Lima Hospital Give a treasure of pleasure and ap, and lei's have will musically interpret "Sleigh YWCA staff members assist­ By ANDREW J. LEE PARAKEET SALE Dells" directed by Mrs. Robert ing, are Mrs. HetUe F. Bu>U-y, C1UUJCOTHE _ Mrs. J. K. Fitzwater, Miss Bar­ Legion will host the I Dr. Boynton Merrill and Df, TOLEDO. — Police Capt. Go- in silver or gold ! bara Harrod and Miss Irene B. nia implied Saturday night that ripped ap twe cells wuie the Tan Tones at Chillicothe Riley, executive director. •Saturday night, the -police were sick and tired fighting with ten policemen. Dec. Misses Jo Wilson and Barbara of fighting James (Redhead) He la a hoge man, V-V* tall Looking Oliver are representatives from Brown, alias Ed Ballood, under and weighing 000 pounds. Fo- time and lots of Ruel T.Jackson circumstances similar to those Ure then took htm %e Toledo BOUGHT OUT ENTIRE folloi Of Thanksgiving night and that State hospital for a sanity crowd . . . And they this time Brown would be sent examination. now keep this a seen Services Held NATIONAL COMPACT to Lima State hospital for obser­ The hospital found he was o. that-Eddie Coles and vation rather than Toledo State -KHind mind and while his re­ Funeral services were held In F. A. A. Y. M. « UNDP1 PET STORE the chapel of.C. D. White's mor­ hospital. • lease was being prepared it is chickens. Utnmm b With LODGE ^A. reported Brown escaped His lib­ dumplings please.1 tuary Saturday for Ruel T. Jack­ Brown was arrested at CoV son, well known dining car wait­ MEETING /fe\ lingwood bfvd.'ond Avondale st erty was of short duration as be SPRINGFIELD—Very sorry NIGHTS* ' ^ was apprehended Again er and father of "Marjorie J. PRINCE HALL ORIGIN Saturday night by Patrolmen STOCK! Holland, teacher in the Colum­ pathy Is bus spubhc school system.. 14 HAMILTON PARK At Lima State hospital Prince Hail Commandeer ond arrest within a week. will be given a "very thorough Ferguses rejoins the suff of Mr. Jackson, who resided examination." The Sentinel and, with Grace tit E. Cay st., died Tuesday fol­ Na. 1 K. Ta—Ut Monds j Brown was arrested first A. H. Howie, E. H. early Thursday msttssmt alter Re'has been twice convicted E. Lee, win represent the lowing a five month illness. foe robbery *n Illinois. $1 Springfield ares . . . Dick resident ot Columbua for C. C. Daniels, Sac. workmen surprised Mat I-** Sewall and Artie Parks, twe 90 years, he was a member St. Paul I^d,e Na. 3—Snd A Springfield hays, came back of Bethany Presbyterian church HA Moodaj—A. J. Milner, te town with a fine combe and whose paste., . W. H.—Bar Welts, See. played It real ceol at Jaek- Quick, officiated Truitees—3rd Meodsy Antioch Scholarships last weekend. Aad solemn rites. Nelsaa Stanlleld, Chmn. TA1K WHY SL James Lad(a Na. 21—1st Mrs. Holland, -..., Min- Taesda, A Ith Wednesday Littlejohn and Vesta Estes' Levi Williams. W. M. Are Announced By Proxy These birds are worth much more -Hint, Mich.; brother, John P. 1). Pctlnay, Sec. host of other Rose at Sharon Chapter No. 9 The number of scholarships O.E.S.—-ad Taesdar ft «k YELEOW SPRINGS.—Special granted will vary with the needr Thursday—Clara Porter, Antioch college scholarships (or of tbe applicants, Gould said, W. M.-ldabelte Benton, met. young people from Ohio were and will cover each of the five Alpha Chapter Na. t, O.E.8. announced OtlA weak tvr Samuel years required for graduation B. Gould, president of tire col­ T lad Wednesday A 4th lege. under *AnUc*eh * study-plus-work HUNTERS hi -l. Thursday—Minnie L. Davis, program. Initial appropriation to Play Key Roles W. H.—Betty Eiland, See. Tk, Hkatarskraa, apaa ta cover the scholarships, made the captains and the; queen Elisabeth Coart No. I. rv.Maats ol the state ia the from the college's general bud- TALLAHASSEE-Fam-U aludeot Set, is $1500, :. HERE IS WHERE YOU SAVE! real glad . . . Henderson cele­ Journalists play role* i„ the Flor- II. af J.—1st Wednesday A upper •sorter at tkelr Ugk brated his birthday with a big 3rd Tuesday—Laura Johnson. nterscolastic press M. A. M.—Ola Penson. See. sefcMt or fMfareterr seho.1 Other selM I a t a n I p s are story in the Dayton Journal . . . The '55 confab classes. wiU provlds ap U M awarded by *e eellege to sta- Old tii lub being re- scheduled foi Hickiel Lodge No. t—Ist A ved and Ian. 28-30. 3rd Thursday—Ii. L. Shern. percent of tk, college tuitiea, deats te science engineering SHOTGUNS * a ther and other fields, and OUo BLANKETS Timers out to make the W. M—Charles Banks, Sec. tscpesattag W______•*___• BROOKS' AUTO Triumph Temple Na. I ' residents are also eligible te bust are Chink Jones, Tiny Sifl- apply for these. Mrs. Fressa linger, Handy Henderson, Les ELECTRIC SERVICE 2nd Tina-day Baker ItTTtf*". disn-eU-r ot ad­ Fish, and guess what-the Repairing Generators, It I.. Shern, III. Pot. s s missions, coordinates the col­ Sneakin' Deacon was invited Regulators, Btarters Paul D. Johnson. OL Gr. Rec. lege's scholarship program And if I accept and they see H, s. HssMagtsa Ava. Kranklin Consistory Na. 1 25» {000 play they Columbus, o. Ist Friday—James F. Little. Antioch also si ly aim suno again—out the door •„ . . Juey I. C. C—B. J. Baas, G. C. fOft StASONAl NUDS a SalUer't (.Mr. Cutup) Bennett, the bar­ CA. 4-MM -4 Bv. Service Lone star Ladg, Ns. 22— ind i by Irving ber, getting in shape for his an- &.4th Friday—L. R. OweBS, Levick, chairman of Ihe board iual game . . . Luther Sutton W. -M.—I.losd Frasler. Sec. cf Settler's, Inc. of Buffalo, Goings are planning LUCY DEAN NURSERY It.ystoae Chapter Na. 3 joining Stetson's hat band .. . AND KINDERGARTEN B-A.M.—3rd Friday N. y. Meyers, over at Top Hat- Mt St Clal, Av. WA. un A. J. Milner, u. p. Students from western H war Surplus Tent Store i , is interested . . , Jimmy R. L. Shern, See. York are eligible (or .awards i. Sentinel man about town Supervised ChvisUan Cart St. Kalherine -No. I Crusaders under that grant. 2939 Weslerville Road S the Deacon on a ride down sad Trslalag ith Tuesday—E. L. Brack, 111. police headquarters but Aces 2 10 Yesrs . Licensed Pr.—Blanche Purnell, See. "That JavenUes—lad at -tk Help find TB iftSSkV 9 fo 9 » JE. 4544 e we a-ant." We ne. Transportation Furnished Saturday—Ola Penson. Inspector Alston. HANNAH HARNETT. Frsp. Supervisor Every case of TB comes from another case. Help find TB. Buy Christmas seal*. THC OHIO SENTINEl. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, ,____ THE OHIO g 1 SECTION Carnation Baby Contest Closes With 5 ENTINEL TWO James Weslie Barksdale $300 Winner SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 19S4 DM the Carnation furm<- iub>- Laboralory cuntrni ot its pr. duct'is a part of every WHIM,- , al a special guthri ed milk plant through,,.!, • t Mrs. Ferguson, irks auditorium. Sh Bap- her healthy appeari United Stales and Canada p,. list. Columbu.'-. ductioti is checker' conMiuiUj i First prlte of SMC tor bring reaeiirch them Lit H to usnure th. the healthiest baby ia ibe <>- rigid standards for quality -,„ Of Springfield, uniformity established by (.*„ James Wesllc Barkadalc. rear nation. These results are cutt old too of Mrs. Kllro Barks- Kathcr- pared at a central laboratot Dies,Was48 dsle. ?W Mt Vernon av.. Co- which is maintained tor 0,1*1 ty control all along the SPRINGFim.D. — Mm. Ruth linc. Ove 125 ent.ies i A great deal of the MI of this content can be ultr day at her home. lo the wurk of Carnation's A native of JelfersonvlUe, Himer consultants, who 1 the field acquainting peupl> Mrs. FciRiisoii has lived here the benefits of using evop. for the 4i) y.-.j i •.. She WUK a i TTKN . Oa. milk in SO many way's, pa member of Church ol God. larly for infant feeding. Other Miguel Survivors include her hus­ Delgado. •_<._, ut Mis. Edna Del Their interesting tAsaeag band, Robert; three sisters, gado. Whitehall, ihird, Micbele pointed up the superior q Mrs. Clara Atwcll and Mrs. •. daughter ot Mrs. Lillian of Carnation milk and thei Myrtle Burnt., both of Columbus, Jw!< , Columbuj-, viies have extended to so* and Mrs. Georgiu Langhorn, a uf Ur. ried activities as playing Spiiii-jlu-ld. «nd one 'brother, fifth. l**red Smith, Springfield. Mra. William Sawyer, Colum-' uwn Rcv. I. T. Oerri bus, sixth. Each received 125. ' nu< Church of God, Kcreiriag special itir'i : w..r iciiilt'd s.i John Pal fer spoasorlag the first and I mA BROWN'S CAFE aervicetv Tuesday second oris* wiaaera were the Wai terjion funeral hom< Symphony, NAACP Benefit EM null ot Colamba* IJuW will Pernctiff ceme-

ot the finest Holsteins ol From Carnation Baby Tilt —e. t*t the M greatest but L und milk producers the Charts* ___m*\Hates supervisor for < iinmi-ati district of Car- nation milk, presents checks far «Z3 le Miss Ultiaa Mann. left, BURKE'S PUCE NEW DIRECTOR OF SAFETY HAS HAD THRILLING COP CAREER representing legal defense committee of Colwmbus' braarb By LKUMI.NI> B. PAXTON NAACP, aad Mrs. Delight Woodwsrd, Kant unit of Columbus Ut- Th.- Appointment ot U-o I Thr bandit had evidently U* .Symphony. These groups -ipoa-tored first and seroud prise riiill.p-. as director of pub! vpolted the approach of Cooke winners* la flrtt Carnation Milk-Ohi* Sentinel bealtfcy hoby r«a- safely of Columbua brings to ll and Cline when they entered Phillip* waa bom ia Pome* Beer, Wine, Food tesl whlrh was climaxed Saturday night. Story, more photos tbe house. As Bob Cooke put rojr, C>„ where he completed elscabere this edition.— < 'arler .Photo. hi, high school work. He at­ HEALTH FORUM tended Obio university for two .ory. bouse all hell broke loose." •rears. He entered the Colum- Visit

1 ia British aad Fromrh doctors RECENTf-y^REpORTEP Ln,. warm nolo lor patient* saffer ASSETS <~ MORE THAN way to bring a s«#w MMW aad rheumatism that ther kiadafralMffrcnpBi save prepared writ success based on hundreds of eases. Farther, m NAACP Election Of m,ooo;ooo// f the leading maliawi clioi- need ot taking -pill, xmd 0 Officers Af YMCA tern»l medio-,,* f now evil firmed the Rev. Phile D. Huie p, e» •pset Iheayitew. findings of I li- - a doctors. of the Columbus branch NA Now for the first timr this re- mnounccd that annual ele .arkahl deap and oompleWly th >f officers will be held at 8 ___, THB thout _ r ally *Miah«a. Quickly s Tuesday, Dec. 7. at Sprin ires through-, ing feeling of warmth I

B „r --. - .-._,. ._,he. Infra RUB [a backed by the amaiing guasrantes $OUNPATlON..._ till .-*,-• • from the pair Seventh Death Cause lastiritis, n^irajjrraor's Tubesrculosis wus thc set *use of death in the U. J • SUKRRT ITS FAMEP RESEARCH jartM or ap^striV wil] 1953. But TB can be cured. • MUSCATEL •ad bour of edmfortinr relief or Christmas seals to find TB - • PORT I tsbsir money will be refunded ia through chest X-rayg. UBORATO&m yEARLyi 100% • TOKAY PURE • WHITE PORT COAWISSIONEP FOR OOGTLV BAND BOX ARTS CENTER PHARMACY RECREATION PARLOR. WINE PROJECTS BY MlAHV WORl-Pi flats Clcsacd - Shoes Sained 723 E. LONG ST., Cor. Hamilton Ave. WIPB INDUSTRIAL- <_ORPOfiA-L Sails Cleaaed A Pressed eooo*. ., EXCELS w _ Bus Stops At Both Our Corners CA. S-3736 Ol Ml. Vernon AvcCol's, O. 'srSL rrmTnTm/rlir; ««E. SUAVE. WJLM7, TlOHQ !____*___ pgPWP-u-iamwK. SATUWPAT. DECEHmm 4, taa. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1954 THE OHIO SENTINfcL SEC. 2—PACE I, Jt-aitdPti SCHOOLIN'S & F00LINS SULLYS' By Tha Youth St.ff TODAYS YOUTH PAT AND SHIRLEY LONG, Tomorroiu's Men and Women LOAN OFFICE Editors f.lIB NT. VBNON AVE FA. 0336 CONTRIBUTORS: Fred Ash, Phyllis Starans, Diantha Frailer, Bobby Taylor, Breoda Willis, I Carolyn Giba

-jjltKKTING.s FHIUNDS. has pa-iaed and Christ- * mas is approaching. These are our two greatest holidays and . the finest gift of aUI i the midst of them both.. Let's make this a kindly period • how much goodness r until Christmas.

1080 UONARD AVBfUE Which Is It Carolyn Gibson—Ktehard Boyer er Virgil Wat- m mm nam ktas? . . Jimmt would like ta whisper sweet things ia la-MMt slas*. Caa ksv -a, «-ti>. Nona's ear . . . Jt seems thst Joyce Montgomery has eyes fer ."Poachte" Allm ... Hey. Fleet* Foley! Major May hew has eyes for you . 4 . Som-onr seems te think Sharon Slradoe and 584 ST. (UIRAYWUE Michesl Boyer would make s bote couple . . . Why are the three 153* HBftO PIAH Wright girls keeping their love s secret? *.. . Jack Glenn is back In circulation and Is as cdol ss ever with a gift of gab that Is miles long . . . Have you crsry' people dug this thing that is existing among two greats such as Jesn M-Tall and Konnle De- Berry? .-. . How sre Garland E-'recsr and Juann Wakefield mak­ HH1T0P ing out? . . . Oranne Cbavls Is still wslking alone , . . What wss IMT RICH SHEET the reason for the Mason-Crawford breakup? Arictie JueUun wi....t-a u> k^p.e_m ne* S-Acere wishes to Shir­ Battle of song between two teenage quintets made smashing success ef first of a aeries ot ley Muuieheud and Timboy . . . Will Shirley i'-irk* lukc advuntujs.t. holiday dances sponsored by group of Columbus high school girls attending teenage claise* at of Uie u|(er being prt-.s-.-nled to liiir by Gene Bennett? . . , Rumors Gaywood .School of Charm and Modeling, during wbleh pboto wss Uken. Thanksgiving night dance are that lliv sgcp._£e n„l!„;:i» : i.nai u | ftvu\ ure soring eye-to" eye . . . held In studio of !•; I.HUE spotlighted the Velvetones snd the Spades. Firing Ilrsl Volley What «.rl > VIII CI ipiut* tin rt ot Frank Butler? . .. 1'hyllis lb thr round of song were Freddie Howell, John Jamison, Francis Howell, Bart Chat man, Harold TAVffiN wife D-l at* D-2 IKHSES Stevens ha. put hei seal ol tvol on Chris Whitehead . . . Will Cundlfr of Ihr Velvetones, followed by the Spades — Pete Caldwell, Barry Aualin. Touy Bryee, IO. Ol J-'incher has for Mureiu Paul Jackson, Robert Griffin. So well received were both groups that this will become a regular y Oliver Madison huve so many Ism wHk HI Itosv natal aalu ssvw peya^ mmu SUAM Wny i feature of the series, stated Marie Harris, IB yesr old member of Gayweod'a Gay Teens class and TOPCOATS-OVERCOATS Gasjassac ,fsssslssst,ly tSaUSMI aamaBy. Oaser lasila, Still aim n de Curies Cuiiningiiam-Krnest chairman of affair. Next dance will be held Christmas night. Other Gsy Teens are Joyce Brown, e. An, ammm. WheolwiicM nee . . . * liat basketball season hus started Gerri Stevenson, Donna Williams, Fat Tboinas, Gwen Sellers. Among thoae present were Kugeas there won't M tu. > many li i-yu uruund Central . . . Charles (.mm, Kngene Hunt, Jerry Nowell, Vernon Gibson, Kenneth Angel, Fdna Coleman, Hoy Ector, ,e up and see thut a certain girl SHORTIES-JACKETS McCampbell . why don't yot sBcverly Austin, Roy Houpe, Mel Jsckson. has eyes for you? . . . Who Ls Uie girl Percy Hanson would like to know better? . . . Here's hoping Ann Roberts and Tuiy Stevens luivc nothing but good luck in making up . , . What's Waller Hick­ WTO 15" man doing way up there in Limestone, Me., besides dreaming of CARDOZA A. STRAU6HTER his trip homeward on Clirlstmu-t" . . . Does Sonny Walker have a crush on Tola Dee? . •. Jimmy Key in just ss *hurp as ever and ' Homecoming Queen LARGE SfiECTION SEAL ESTATE look.* cool every dny. BELL'S Dues Dunold French still curry the torch for Slurlenc McGce? RADIO — RECORDS FA. 7313 EV. 4Seo2 FA. 7728 I . . All the girl* in town huve .secret crushes on CoofQumcey Dunn TELEVISION • LARGEST PAWH STOCK IN CITY . • but it seems he belongs to Betty Watson, a cute little chick from ^s,,«,V,^«,««,1,,Sb»Sh«,«1b,-I,-aSaU-|jab-U*S>-fcar>ars-b«SSr>K,aii. the Southend , . . Ja-sUu.* Jack MeCrue-Shit ley Covington romance still rolling along smoothly? . . . What 10B dues Steve Elkins In "Let's Make Up" dream of every dny and-night? Here's a hint: Her name is Janet —The Spaniel*— Smith. ; J."Earth Angel" —The renguins— What's David Hilt doing since be and.Carol Rlcbniood didn't I ] "House Rocker" Make out se good? ... Is David Thompson playing behind Ruth —-Rusty Brvant— Steptec? . . . SUII seen around town Is the Margaret l-*wi».Rob- I I "You Upset Me.Baky" ert Tstums,rorpsnre . . Speaking ol Tit urns, Jim Talent Is still — B. B. Kin*— I i "Specks" !• love willj Frailer and despite all talC be probably always —T'odtl Rhodes— •rill be .. . Carolyn Morgan max very glad to see Ken limn 1.1011*. 1 "Baby I Want Yo»" OVERSTOCKED! from Dayton come to Columbus. And those fellows that came —The Counts— with him were pretty sharp, too. All tbe chicks want to know if fl "Jesus Paid It All" they bought return tickets . . . Marshall Grant seems to be gone —Augelie (Soepel Singers Must Sell 200 Men's ever Darryl Fayne . . . Does Oti* Sharp go for Delorns Payne? "One Day" (She's Uie younger staler of Darryl) . . . Congratulations to Mary •p-Sons of the South— Griffin. Her baby is ss pretty as a picture . . . Have tbe bells —"he Robin*— sounded for Betty Bryant and Charles Cook? . . . Who is Connie "Sweet Hour Of Suits aad Topcoats at ome! Milts saving her heart for? , . . l.ooks aa though litis I and C-onnie J rill it . —Charles Watkina— I In I 331 N. 20TH ST. Lau .'ill,. ;-.•>•• 1 K-.-I .try" Sallie Franco , junior in College of Liberal Arts FAirfaa 7181 VALUES Of TO W COLUMBUS 3. O. record for the longest romance in history . . Is Norman (Hooks) at Johnson C. Roil 1 university. Charlotte. N. C, made a beautt Surratl really and truly going back into the service, or i.s he just ful queen at color I homecoming festivities recently. trying to fool the public? . . . Churles Black is really a-sharp lad HOW ONLY and three cheers to the lucky chick who Captures his heart . . . We don't hear much ,for Billy Kilgore and this gives us reason to be­ lieve he is either going stcudv. engaged, or married , , . When will 'Sound Room' 00 M Willie (Hon Man) Wilson give all the waiting chicks a chance to invade his list? .. . AH the chicks at Ohio Stale are giving James Willis the eye . . . Mary Catherine Jones und Jakic Cstleman are Introduced •45" '55 *65 'still heading the steady list ... A real cute couple is Carol Benton and Jay Sams. _ . • .* Take this .sjpMtfitj, to saw merney ami have a really t lilt NOTKS—Dances, dances, dances. That's all tbe teen­ At Beatty agers attend around these parts. Tbey have choices too. Poia- NOWAT YOW DEALER food suit and topcont. Come in today and Wy-aw»y or . Tlie tipwtaiis clubrom al deKter offers dances on Wednesday nights, Beatty Center on take your eclectlon along bom* with you. Easiest credit Thursdays, the Y snd Neighborhood House on Fridays and ly Recreation fenle.. Coh a srrangc merits in town. usually Masonic or the Lincoln ballroom on Saturday. All of has recently been convcri these dances are well supervised and before we know ft Colum­ bus will be known as thr land of the "tops" ... A new Beatty OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Teen Council has been set up that Is going to be a grand club. Membership cards are bring distributed on Thursdays. Tbey have a juke box-in the recreation room that attracts teenagers every night. Here's wishing success ta a very worthwhile group

STUART'S u/i'.i under d "SAY 11 WIIH HUSK" r. rfe^%??Hwmi£ "Felkb around out buuse say it with CREDIT CLOTHING recorded tones . . • bines, bop, Jump, FREE GIFT I modern sounds sod religions favorites . . . from tbe well stocked sbelves ot X-rays Find IB Early 1082 MT. VERNON At 20th _EV . 9007 Chest X-rays find TB e WITH THIS AD I Jackie's Gay Hole Record Shop Your Christmas seal dollars «tire«.t'«te.e^te~«.^^^ port a program ol tree chest " St* .MIAMI AVfc. EV. 57S8 •HKSH X-rays. Buy Christmas seals. SATUSPAY. DBCatMBB* a, ,__. ______TW OHIO SEWTIWIX SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1M4 THE OHIO tENTHOX ______Mrs. Pearl T. Hampton Culturettes Appreciation Dinner "Held Mrs. Ellis In Visits Columbus Kin Mrs. Pearl Tyler Hampton of Hostess Role Washington, D. C, and Mary- leni Is the house guest of her Society gyi

liaisrts, Lillian Logan, Viola Ogle- Vanity Box Mesdames Cheatham, tree, Dollie Storks, Willa Hen­ ry, Ruth Foster, Luna Martm, Beauty Shop Summie Es-Uce, Jennie Collins, Owned And Operated By Hattie Foust, Betty Phillips and Edwards Host NAPE Edmooia Douglas. Hazel Jones Morris Mrs. Edward Cheatham and Mrs. Garfield Edwards were hostesses to the women's auxiliary to the Nat'l Alli­ Mrs. Nelson Entertains Bridgettea At Dinner ance of Posstal Employees at the home of Mrs. Cheatham, Same kcation for ever 21 1503 Menlo pi., Wednesday evening. -Mrs. Ruby Nelson, Wocthing- year*. Ne appointment nec­ During the evening plans were ' ton, entertained the Bridgettes essary. Yoa eaa be sare if made for their Christmas pro-- « v ' a *K17*i 1 with a turkey dinner Wednes­ yaa tome to the !to for paUTOU of Co- fiOHOYCQ WllU day. lun.bus State school i— asnd for Enjoying an evening of bridge the district convention in Co­ following dinner worn Mes­ VANIIY BOX lumbua during May, 1006. dames Juanita Mason, Levis Banquet At Rutledge, Freda Roberts, Eve­ BEAUTY SHOP lyn Boysr, Dorothy Williams. Margaret Walker, Maria McGin­ ed for 1965: Central State nis and Vivian Bynum. President, Mrs. Alice Prince; vice president; Kathryn Thorn- WH^ERrOBCE. — L. Pearl aa; recording secretary, CUr- Mitchell, nationally known fig- ^^'^^aa^^j^^'^^-^^^^^^^^-tj in organisational work, for- nauonal head Of Alpha rctary, Frances Cheatham, Hia working day over, lupeclor Harvey AUM relaxes at home with his tastily. Harvey, Jr., Kappa Alpha sorority, crusader Ljary's gfewelet and June learn the inside alary on electric trains under thc approving eye at Mn. Alston. Sac Others praaent were Edna L»- for'the NAACP and recent Gov. Story —Pierre Pfaate. "Utile Mitchell, Juanita Lausche appointee to the Tnte- Parks^i. KoseURosetta -OtirenDuren . EmmErr —a tee Board of the Ohio Soldiers By NORMA WALL a patrolman in 1*81 to hia prca- tha quietly appealing Mrs. Al- Mae Embry, Hrttie Bailey. and Sailors Orphan Home, A rock walkway leads lo the ent rank, Alston .-.aid the deep Mon, a native of Tuscaloosa, honored with a testimonial ban­ white frame and stone residence liking he had for his work spur- Ala., specialised In home e-co- quet here. tit 1903 Greenway S. Situated in red him to do a better job and nofnlc* at'Alabama A-M college. Lot Amigoe Group a serene residential aectlon cf asume more commanding poai- Pcrhapa this explains the gleam The testimonial was held In CoUanltee Chapter II af Okie Ass'a el Besu UeUns, be, were sajstessn at af-snelBttaa dla- O'lurrbus where children's tfcws. He feels a great deal of in her husband's eyes when he Mitchell hall at Central Slate asr tar hu.bsads and Iriends at Broadview partr home. Cohuakas, reeealtv. Hesshers stteadlai SELF-WINDING voices may be heard above the pride in being able to pass in- speaks, quite readily, of his fa- Dinner At Center college, a building named for (to, photo) were, Mated from lelt: Mildred BOfers. WssUred MlleheU, MsUle Caldwell. Fsje HIOH FASHION TIMEPIECES whir ot ssome few passing auto- formation to younger men in the vorHe foods—"steaks, fish, car- ZANESVILLE.—The Los Ami- her illustrious father. Webb, Elfetka Cairtetteii. Harr Ehervta, UslUe pierce, KaUtleea vTUsa aad Leeas Wade. BUad- mobiles, thia home for the. liar- department. amel c;ike and above oil, her goo, a group of high school sen- • lac: reuline Lews, Psalms CsrreU, Ida Breaks, till—s Woodr, Boeatie WUttar. Iaes Boherts, As AJvsitleeJ •r.**Tr~*'***T1MT*-r vey D. Alston family has n-aisn- __ Alri^ ^. ^ Alabama pecan pie." In thc iors sponsored by Mrs. Dorothy — _ Helea Kara, WUU Staries, Marr Myers, Beltjre Palmer, Novella Pettwar, AdeU Belt aad Dora tamed its usual appearance ot iA^m_T___l _ZJT4___Z___oL cheering section, also, are June DiKard. Spaniah.teacher, served ««»I>«r»una: calm curing the laat several ~*JSB l>_\rVL_^____Z Francea, t. and Harvey, Jr., Bvasell. Ida Smith aad Ferris Bessie, era not shasva. Quells (bottom photo! were, seated (rem B m a chicken pie supper at the ZANESVILLE. — Mrs, Harry led: Edward 11.%*, Blchsrd Alien. Blekard Skelvta. Earl Benseo, Bewsrd Cbrk, Jesse Barf, *»o..oi. days despite the interest fc "•• J _** '*_ •_"•••.. **mt fourth ^ .^j^ fraders Bt 2£fi en its occupants by the SSSiSfe-SS^fi ^ ***** *<*"**• % i Edward HswUas, Albert Pastor, (taadhw'l WUbert Corrloit~. Bafer Garrett, Albert Starke, cleasalnf bees Infreqaently SSWs&'-ttSrs _ "_j^J2 *_lZZ_: Charles Wade, Arthur Pierce, Breat Palmer, Bekert Mjers, CHUerd Bofers, Odle Mitchell. __r^NOs.YMOrio^. raaged hy Mra. Alston keep ta This yummy dessert, which raise money for Christmas has. *£** *x htx hom* ***** * r*cent James Woodr, Wesley Turner, W. W. dskws, Cortls Lowe. Net shown sre Joha Smltk. Bajrmead Flash bulbs, telegrams, flow- a mlnin-um their dull ma- Mrs. Aliton'a mother passed kcta. Miss Nora Walker is presi- Z___ZmZ Boaster aad Maeen Petlwsj.—Carter Pketse. ers, reporlers, and ouch, ccn- meats. . ou to her, calls far 1 cup pecan dOnt of the group. From SS95* 0 ' To *85«) verging on the Alstons during Perhapa Uoee, haimonious re- halves, 1 cap dark syrup, 1 the last week, have not set their lat-ione wi-'i his own family have eggs, 1 cup granulated sugar orlds csunder, either. Inspec- P*"-"-mpt*d Inspector Alston to and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat Mayles Are Parents Women's Clubs Meet, Elect Mrs. Hickman '- the eggs aad sagsr natil (hick, ZANESVILLE.—Tlie SOD bora add com syrap, ants, vanilla recently to Mr..and Mrs. Clifford At their last' meeting the City vice president; Virgie Giles, sec­ eld Hasrvty, Jr., and Mra. Al- •*'* i he has headed the Juve- and pour into 9" pastry lined Mayle of Baker sL has t Federation of Colored Women's ond vice president; Edith Boy- Hostess To soft spoken and nile *hd Missing Persons Bu- pie pan. Sprinkle ante aver named Kevin. Grandparents Clubs elected officers tor the den, secretary; Carrie Wilson, unpei'urbed as she n-iniMtrs to ,eau •** we department He Is a filling after pouring lata crust. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mayle of 1964-57 term. financial secretary; Amelia bumped heads or skinned snees. !^*?fultant to the Family and Bake la slew-area (Me dc- Dresden and Mr. and Mrs. During the meeting thc Exec­ Prillerman, assistant recording Reading Club _- , Children s Bureau in Washing- frees) for on* hour. Lewis Stevens cf Matthew st utive Boasrd presented a pro­ secretory; Mary Carroll, chap- Cahunkus' new inspector ef ton, D. C. served on Sen. Hen- The Mayles have a daughter. gressive program and the fol­ tain; Beatrice Williams, parlia­ Mrs. M.ittic Hickman, 1443 police has lived ia Columbus derson's committee on juvenile Family for the Alstons lowing committee., were form­ mentarian; Bertha Powell, re­ Mt. Vernon uv„ was hostess to 41 years, having been born la delinquency, has maintained an includes hia parents, Mr. and ed: Education, religion, legisla-* ligious chairman; Fannie Edd­ the Fortnightly Reading club, Graham, S. C. A graduate of interest in scouting since his Mrs. Harvey D. Alston, 515 N. tion, health, fsmily guidance ings, legislation chairman. Friday. Columbus East in IMS, where teen years when he was a Boy °bio av., and his sisters and Visitors In Wisconsin and child delinquency. Plans were also completed to be was oa the basketball, Scout himself and ia on the brother, all of whom live in or Chairman of tha program football, track and baseball standards committee of Amen- near Columbus Mrs. Mabel Mr., and Mrs. Samuel Jeffreys, The officers are: bring before the clubs outstand­ committee, Mrs. Eloise Howell, teams, Alston planned to be a can Campers. Brown, Mr?. Mary Gibbs, Wil- 273 N. 17th at, Columbus, spent Mesdames Gertrude Hill, pre­ ing local, state and national per­ reported that she had received docter at one tune. berforce. Mrs. Helen Ferguson Thanksgiving with Mr, Jeffrey's sident; Margaret Jacobs, first sonalities the souvenir yearbooks for 1054- inspector Alston believes -na CSDL COY T Alston at the brother and his wife, Mr. and 95, A stir of anticipation was CoL (retired) Howard C. Gil- there « no one panacea for Sfumbua Fte bent ar• tVe- Mrs. Edward Jeffreys, in Mil Any Ume, any weather . .. aroused among the members jsst takes one phone call bert was responsible, to a large dealing with juvenile deihv Quef,t viaitoTs in the Alston TH extent, for his decision to be- uuent, but, -more parent In- C f to ,h* Mst0n and ear radio cab's right 10 ANWVEK5ARY OfFEKI come a patrolman. "I have been tcrest la the lives ef their • than oa tha spot te pi e k fortunate during my career in children rather than so assay Son Bora To Youngs Members present were Mes­ the Police Dept.," commented baby-sitters aad child care Return Home From ZANESVILLE.—The son born dames Lucrctia Pieters, presi­ Alston. "I began in a very busy agencies, along with -moral Funeral At Coshocton last week to Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ dent, Belle Carter, Mary B. Hill, Frances Patterson, Mabel Saun­ district which helped me ac- and religious training ha the ZANESVHsLE—Mrs.. , , , William sell Young of Pearl st. has been FE. 5511 knowledge of the work home, will cut dew. delta- Young, Mrs. Margaret atasS named John Anthony. Grand­ ders, Alexine Spurlock. Cora quickly and c;i ! ! !' ''•••'•' ••••" and Clarence Young have re­ parents are Mrs. William Young EAST5IDE CAB CO. Turner, Cornelia Watts, Beatri people as they liv turned to their homes after be- W. Main st, and Mr. sand Mi Speaking of the incentives be-» i Coshocton by the Arthur Bradford of s. State i hind his phenomenal rise from "home pleasant for my family," death*atMrs. 'xxmit .rwJZ "

IUW FORD HOTEl NO. 2 AT LAST—Self-winding Perfection... «2JE.LONGST. T.L CA. 4-0421 BLUE VAlliY Exquisite (or Dr«M—Smart for SportI FEEL GOOD Columbua, O. c J f*"»leat and Permanent Guests Welcome - 0 One "Personalized" 1955 Calendar ... 0 Featuring your child's portrait. . . rona NO DOWN PAYMENT AGAIN f AST! -*£! "°£J£,°- iiSiS^'*'""'«••* •» ft 0 Or the portrait ot another loved one. HAKE .TOST rAYMENT IN UK Wlm. Iron Deficiency Anemia leaves you Und all th. time .... "•»»• ts. a. FOED, Proprietress OA. 1-Me» 0 Ideal Christina? Gift. depend on UH enriched blood-building formula In S.s.f TONK Ne strings attached.' Jast dial CA. 1-9347 sand reserve sa » Yean Te Is, Is GARY'S Wa-.J to make yoo FEEL GOOD AGAIN FASTI Renew your rep appeaatmeat Offer expires Dee, 15, 1931. CLUB GROUPS We specialise in Weddisngs . . . Portraits . . . and tnn-at, park up your tad shed Jiat rundown WEDDINGS _ LUNCHEONS _ DINNERS Parties . . . Groups. misery that goes .loiur with Iron-poor blood ... Now thi* (We Also Make Photogrsphle Christmas Cards) famous time-tested formula le available In t_e,-to-t_U fiewelers I MM-/ Aek for genuine S.S.8. Tonle ln liquid or neie ELMHURST PRIVATE PARTY HOME PIERCE'S STUDIO mtuf-to-tAk, tablet, et your drug counter. You will ^3£ASTSTWfSI & be satisfied or your mousy beck, reel your beet... MISSES UNA AND MARY TOLUVEB, Proprietor. "The Home Of Portrait," - ie good butter 117 HAMILTON AVE. ' Columbus, Ohio tOS HAMILTON AVE. CApital 4-M84 tkaf, wk, -lUtea. aa 2______z CA. 1-9847 Re«. FA. 2872 ^fe»2^«txl«««tB-t«-Ss~-SsS*CtK^««"sti SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1964 THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. I—PACE 6 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER a _____s=_____U Use Immediately Miss Lambert, Once a frorcn macaroni dirfi Members Of Sorority Ball Dance Committee Double The Comfort le thawed, use it immedijaeiy. Overling holding of the thawed Rev. Reeves dish at room temperature in­ vites daagerous spoilage.

To Be Married Confined To Hospital Tlie engagement of Miss Ce- lcna Virginia Lambert to Rev. Mm. Hubert Belli.., who under­ Otha J, Reeves le announced. went surgery last week In U»- Miss Lambert i* the dauglilor iversity hospital, la new at home of Mrs. Celinda Lambert, Co­ and recovering rapidly, lumbus, and the late Daniel Lambert. Rev. Reeves' parents are Uie late Rev. and Mn. Olon Reeves, Griffin, Ga. Mode Hosiery Immediate families ol the 1061 MT. VERNON AVE. couple will witness the exchange of vows Thursday, Dec. 13, 7 -; FK. was p. m., at the brlde-elect'e home, Complete Una Of 251 S. Highland av. A reception Nationally Advertised Boss will follow. la AU PepaUr .Shades Miss Lambert, a 'graduate of West High, ie a piano student at Also a Wide BelesHoa af Capital university. She Is pianist Lingerie Her* are lounge chairs for Dad's Christmas Kilt that will Prior tt» coming to Columbus, also please Mom. They have all the Ideal reclining comforts Das, for the senior choir at Tried­ AR Packs-lea Olft Wrapped stone Baptist he paatored Gravel Hill Baptist, want*, with teed styling .to meet Men's approval. The adjust­ Rev. Reeves, associate minis­ Bethpage, Tenn. ______able back not enly angle's to the desired reclining position, hot ter-'at Pilgrim Baptist, is a can alto be effortlessly raised to a recUalnf height by a median- graduate of American Baptist eal feature built Into the frame. For a preferred fashion effect Theological seminary, Null- VOU CAN M A when Dart's set around, It can be lowered to more modem pro­ portions by touching 9 release under the upholstery. Foam rub­ Last Wednesday was Ibe date ef the I harvest ball -.ponsorcd by Rbo Omega chapter of Alphs Kappa Alpha sorority and Delta Sigma chapter ef ».<•'•;•. Sigma Thru tororlly of Wilberforce and Xenls _ ber upholstering Is used tlirou.-ibotit the construction. Masulae- PRAcT,.},U NURSE left: AHA Peggy A. Anderson. Deltas jnanlta An tored by ta-Z-Boy Chair Co. these handsome chairs are ea dis­ Engagement Jofaw-Kg Pirkens snd Halb W McCanU. Mfffebers play et Spicer's Furniture Co., 903-K Mt Vernon av., Colombim. Sii.lon lace over sUppe eooowurs CAUT OUT STORI NEW LOCATION sotm styled with long sleeves, a Fr-k fa-slts, V« I III! fitted bodice and buuffant skirt. Mr. $2Jf IM WSssa C...S. Osk »» CLEVELAND AVE. A lace tiara held htr bridal veil Sp^iaUslaf la I'm -Cerlla, SJt_taa*fS Per Cas. f~ DJi...,—EV. »IJ sad Cold Wsv'la, ilk illusion. She carried white Dem P J e ' a Democratic club MIL'S BEAUTY SHOP mect It. Kilry. Oaarr r. vet * Thursday, Dec. 2, at Hot'el icat Nrcrsss., st \hm St' CIa'r> C<>l"mi>»*- ***• M. E. r SMAUWOOO MAHKET CA. t-UM bride. Miss Linda Hi _t_\_T__9 _____* ** P ««W-*eBt, •MM tjrocerr the bride, waa flower girl Both JIMMY'S Quality Meats * A part, flair Is reflected la the sli-boltle eanr-aat csrton mt 487 GufiaM A-M. Groceries wore gowns of dct-p DR. F. H. MASON Eves m Sundays "tt and carried red lour-,. Kin, Slic Faye Crews, Manager. 803 Mt. Vernon Ave. EV. 5586 provide music Covington, Vellie' Davidsoi Ed­ Winifred Mitchell, -Sally ward Dawkins, Floyd Coole, O Rr Mt. V_r___ at 17tk Noise. Johnnie Rlspreae, Special sral, feed tor hsrj, dr, lulr. Msses Club members, from tvhom K. Harper, William Hill. William Columfcus. Ohio aslr salt. Hull, .ad lusuHaal. Believe, dr,- Howard; Udell Johnson, Arthur MM. brvskia, .1, ,______•____ ,.,______,, .Victors From Toledo Montgomery, W y e t h Pannell, New Location Corinaa's Beauty Salon Ilckii.,. rim -rler. t hose, for ,l.„. ..» , Olivia Streoier, 9 year old John Thomass, Horace Toler, Logan Boieman C. .H.r.vard Trent, Charles v/ihjn, MAYHUGH 4 SON lassie 311 N. Washlagtea Ave. MI. We psT »osU,e arhta full ssaseat is daughter of Rev. hnd Mra. Har­ Russell Pace, Sr, and Charles Beauty Salon Specialising Is &*%„- -.a*. A,.aU wastes! vey S. Strozier, Toledo, spent Williams. •It MT. VERNON AVE. If- m-O M* Mt. Veraon FE. 3V7I Balr Cutting *ud Manicures Thanlcsgivisng with her father HOLES DAILY 7 A. H. TO < P. H. All Phases ef Scanty Culture and other relatives in Columbua. Cenpletc Beaaty .Service Th. Slore Wltk The Frkafl, AtsswsplMr. CUAKUE MAE LONG and Ne Appointment Necessary She resided with Mrs. Vivian Put Shine On Pies Bell, a great-aunt, and was ac- QasU, Meats aasl Groceries — Mile, M. H.rn_f% m ANNA BOZEMAN. Props. Bus CA. 1-.HJ8 Be*. EV. MK For a tempting shiny glasae, npanied by her mother, who " hler n« Catv-WlAe »*lv Opera tort,: Loeise Smith, Eiala Richey, Operator brush' the top crust of apple * Ssussfs. We B.slssr. Levell* Haddock, Alice Petty. Ays-Ope* Daily Leon* Hade, Clara Rogers CORINNA NICHOLS. Prep. De Vou Need Massage Therapy! fruit pies lightly with diluted I evaporated milk before baking. Visit TAYLOR AVE. FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR Perftwt For Buffet One Hoar Clesaalag Service ST.CLAIR CARRY OUT *77 K. LONG ST. CA. MM* FLORENCE H.LITTLEJOHN Complete Besnty Service Ripe fresh peaia are perfect WINE STORE S505 St. Clair Avi. Colambus, O. FA. OSJ22 Opes: ocrtrutle MeEIiwy, Katheriae GuaneU, Licensed Masso-Tkevapist for buffet meals. Serve them Groccrie,, Meats, Confectioos, Ice Cream wilh cheese and crackers for NORMAKDIE Wine aad Beer to Carrr Out For general and medical ISSMS,. call far an dessert. Besides being a smart 2S0 TAYLOR AVE. Prop. LEON B. BOUDEM DIXIE PEACH appointmsaU. EV. 1631 from 9-10 m.». or 6-8 p. » deakext, spears are low ia calo­ ries. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1954 Donation Day Centennial Gift Shop Gilbert Hollands Anniversary Held I» Operated By YWCA Enjoyed At Mr and Mrs. ( erl L. Hoi. Ella Carr. Xenia; Mr. and Mr Wednesday of this Week, th* land celebrated t 25th wed* James Holbrook, Krankliii: M centennial gift shop of uienfcen- BUZZES ding anniversary heir home, and Mrs, James Ash. Hillnhoif Robinson, Phyllis Mitchell and Misses Sandra Cook snd Mary ti-al YWCA, Columbus, opened Wheatley 149 S. Wheatland . Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James , Mrs Madie Evans and Mrs. Ju- I m the library of the YWCA, «S Nov. 6. from 5 to Cole. Hills- Ita A. Collins served as host- S. -Ith st. Proceeds go towart From The By HATTYE B. REDMOND Guests from-out ot town were: boro; Mr, and Mn the Centennial birthday fusnd Wheatley Donation Mrs. Ada Owen?. Cleveland; Payne, Dayton: Mi. and Mrs. when the YWCA celebrates its Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Scott. Charles Melcalf, Hillsboro; Mr. 100th birthday th IKS. day, sponsored' by Columbus' 1 Mr. Harris Fortnightly Reading club last Chillicothe: Mr, and Mrs. Floyd J-"-" Mrs. Leroy Musterson. Day- ade by Mrs. \_xy Rogers of S. The gift shop U open to th* Friday.' was highly successful Holland. Indianapolis; Mr. and ton! Mr. and Mrs. LaMrence public and will be operated by TWO Bs Mrs.- Swing 'Duncan. Spring- Alexander, Washington C. H. due to the efforts of the chair Other guests Is Honored The man, Mrs. Su:»an Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rev. I. P. Young of Indlanapo- Messrs. and M John Hord. rill be i. Gladys . Springfield; Ml James Hawkins, H. Oglesby, Percy Garrett, With Party Mrs. Alexine Spurlock greeted memhi'-rs and guests as they ar­ TV home of Mr. and Mrs. Y CAMPAIGN week is b«'ng observed through T)ec. 10. it is Delmas Mayle, 690 Nelson rd., sponsored by the VJ. S. m*rine corps with the help of Boy rived while Mrs, Deborah Minor Bakedwhile r entertained at the piano. Columbus, was the scene of a Scouts. Be sure to give all your old toys to the,Scouts when they holiday party in honor of Rich­ e around on collection day. Your toy will make it possible for After, an informative talk by- ard Harris, Saturday. Harris you sleep c nen>dy youngster to have a merry Christmas. Miss Ailecn Grey was formerly with the U. S. air

Enjoying the evening were tive board with Dr. asad Mn. John White, Miami av. . . . The Jackie Mayle, My ma Holman, Franklin Whltlskers out Eastgate way entertained P. Rosemond 'ayne, Sandra Smith, Davis and Joe Branum from Detroit .'. . Dorothy Funn of Brook­ lyn enjoyed the hospitality of.the J. K. (MD) Smiths ... Dr. and Barbara Richmond, Kay Tur­ Mrs. Elliott Walters of Chicago being entertained by the Vincent ner, Delores Scott, Donna Phil­ Walters and the Ray Redmonds . .-. From Detroit came Dr, sad lips. Laura Diggst, Betty Rich­ Mn Rudolph Porter, Mrs. Arora Milton, Mrs. Marguerite Chap­ ardson. Kay Williams and Jean man and Dr. Ralston

CHIT CHAT—Carolyn Dta was on TV twice last week when she appeared with the Columbus Little Symphony , . . Orchids to Tom and Alma Jenkins on th first wedding anniversary . Edna SUnson home from Cle land for the weekend . . . speedy recovery to Ruth Wtti Here are the winners of Carnation's first and her family, who were h in an automobile accident route from Danville. Va '. Cavaliers distributed JS bask to needv families and presen Mn. Blanche Van Hook wit lsrge bouquet of flowers annual hometown Healthy Baby Contest"! have a sound room and-n large collection of jazz records. Do drop over and hear the record­ ings ... Roberta Basnett and Mra. Jessie Vann of' A BIG "THANK YOU" were honored guests of the In­ dianapolis Links. They were First Prize aU you parents (winners or not, feted with cocktail parties nnd received many attractive gift.-;. your healthy infants are the cutest' Scribe Basnett also sang at the $ 00 program Sunday. While in India­ AL.MA JENKINS Carnation babies we ever saw I) napolis, ahe. son Carl. Jr, and 3O0 Robert Thompson were guests of Dr. and Hit, Ralph Hanley , . . this newspaper (your coopera­ Dr, and Mn. John Rosemond and familv are holidnving in Miami "attending sessions of the AMA.convention. JAMES WESLIE BARKSDALE. tion was wonderful!) 1 year . 8«n of Mrs. Ellen Barksdale ... tb the judges (you worked so hard INSPIRATIONAL AFFAIRS—Class 31 of St. Paul .AME at its It* Mt. Vernon Ave.. Columbus. O. annual vesper service Sunday presented Josephine Jefferson selecting the final winners!) Bailey, pianist and organist from Chic Raised, of course, on Carnation. most appreciative of a very inspiring | . Bailey stud- tbe world's leading brand So thanks and thanks again, from led piano at Langston university, Bull . college i American Conservatory of Music in Chicago . . . The Columbus of evaporated milkt Carnation... the milk that helps alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi presented Att'y J Ernest Wit­ hies, assistant secretary of labor for internal*—*'l labo'- r affaire. healthy babies grow into healthy cm th* "Platform of Public Reasoning" forum. youngsters.

CLUBS— Les Amies presents its feature project of the year, a cabaret-masquerade ball, at the Lincoln ballroom, Fridav, Dec. 10. 10 p. m.-2 a. m. Advance tickets may be secured at trie Nov­ elty Food Bar or from any club member. Betty Jackson is presi­ dent, Juanita Glbbt and Bessie Smith, co-chairmen . . . Girl Friends, Inc., met st the home of Rosalie Rosemond . , . Sickle Whittaker entertained both the Parma Nous and Voguettes . . , The Silhouettes met at the home of Estella Tyler , . , Saturday afternoon, Matinee Bridge club enjoyed a bridge party at the El-

00 FOtRTH PRIZE S25.M FIFTH PRIZE SUM .SIXTH PRIZE SUM ROSATI'S SECOND PRIZE MOO MICHELE JONES, WAYNE EVANS, CRAIG SAWYER, 8U months t months t months ALONDRA THOMPSON, Son of Daughter of Sea of Mr. and Mrs. Son of Mr. and Mrs. SUPER MARKETS 1 year '.Mr*. Edna Delgsdo Mrs. Lillian Terry Jones William Sawyer Daughter of Mra. Alraa Thompson «21« E. Broad St.. ttM Martha At, 4SS ML Vernon Are., K GOTtrnor'a PL, 183 Taylor AT*., Columbus, O. Whitehall, O. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Columbus. O. OR to a good start, gggjjjjgj jjjgggB "Contented" its tbe word for this Congratulations from Healthy and happ*- No wonder Carnation Carnation. First Name atypical on the *milk from cute Carnation baby I la tbe milk contented oowi!" in Infant Feeding. Carnattort babrt , every doctor knows! CANNED GOODS Congratulations from Carnation! ©•nation E3E523B MSMM The milk from Contented Cows for Contented Babies

ummm *™ WORLD'S LEADING BRAND OF EVAPORATED MILK STORE IIOl'RS Hecommended by Doctor, Everywhere es tlie FrnMl Form of Milk Vou Can Buy for Your Bflfcj. » N NELSON RI>.. AT 519 E. MAIN ST. — Mea. BROAD ST. - Sua. I A M.- thin Titers. I A. M.-J Perfect for Cooking and Coffee, loo. "•/AP0MTH! APM*p^'s5!t.r°iI'M* ri*.:rn i r. M. I r. M. Close* Sea.

Be Informed — Read The Sentinel SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. IBM SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 19M THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC a—FAgaSg THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PACE 11 Feature 2 Minuter, Anniversary JRELIGIOUS CHAT In Sunday Sermons _ ,

Two Ohio ministers will be UDSCrVJinCC u In: lectured ln a program »t He- . What Was Abolished? Lights By brew Baptist, Columbu,, Sun- A. Di I„L-i» By INEZ W. ALEXANDER dnv. Dec. 5. Ilcv. Crtmvillc Sew- _\\_ Olo lalUfivC mettiG?urc/i JW «W two dlstiiu-t «t of lawa set forth In the Bible. One R|'K|p PIoC*. md. Shiloh Bsptist, Columbus. consists of God'smoral government (the commundinenta) ond the DIUlC V>l snd Rev. Franklin Grsy, Frank- The eighth annlversry ol St I'thi-r -it-Mis with Ih Mosaic law (services of sacrifices and offer- .Churches fort, will each deliver sermons Luke Baptist. Columbus, will b. ? i.-f.t Sunduy a' special pro- on "The Prodigsl Sua," at 3 observed Wednesday, Dec. 1- •"••'• '•' l)u' '•riK-ifixiun, Ihr cover of Uie temple (church) gram was'presented by thc Soul p. m. services, Sunday, Dec. 19. Rev. It. J. n IWO, from the t<.p to the bottom, and Ihe earth shook, Winnei'.s Bible class of 2nd Bap. William O'Bannon is chairman Clark is pastor. Rev. Dallas Jenkins ckaapUti nnd Jesus Mid, "Lo I come it. do Thy will O *'"-t. Columbus/ ol the presentation and Rev. W. Revival Week Begins At Union Grove M. Horsley is pastor. Rer. W. J. Payden, pastor ot Calvary Tremont Baptist, will Christmss cantata. . h i r gods aad By O'OONNELL TONE* Kings, open the observance. Ue will bo the B. Hill. Vocaluu Images, etc. What waa once Beginning . we* mini t. *-*»• *»-* "> * * •*• »« •"• J, D-s^p-d. followed Thursday, Dec. g, by Mt. Vernon Speaker The Apostle I'a were Mrs, George Peterson, R.v. H. P. Patteoon, Mt. Car­ sin now becomes virtue. Oh! Mrs, Erweetine Price, William COLUMBUS connection with the Nth anni- *•'«£, ElkJ __ m___ttM__l „__ IO rreSeUl mel Baptist ii) <.I;OKUI;T,i: ORANDY What a state of disorder would Campbell, George Allen, sShep- sersary celebration or Union ___ „, I.ula Stanhope. Mrs. Anna Before Ihe cro* FIJNKIMJ. DIRECTORY vj Union Gr Sun(1 Ihe offering result from the acceptao ard N. Edmonds, Jr. Grove Baptist. Columbus. Rev. ______„„ „,,. ; ____' p f •„ Kon, Mis. Marie Stewart, nt* sacrifices was . pn pnar Others appearing .will include Sunday School Class No. 15 of ^1^"*^""'., l evidence of (hia theory . of the W.N Darnels, pastor ot St. John Kev ph', D _____ «, v^eilieiiary Rev. C. W. Walton, Union Bap­ fleecie Nutter, Mrs. Fannie faith in the prorr se of a Re- people, The program closed with dedi­ the Baptist, Clarksville. Tenn.. ^ , ^ u^ B'<£_ • :»)•) when Rev. Robert Pruitt of McCoy, Chester Hunt, Georg.l campus. The public Ia invited. Muric will be by Gospel chonis. -^ 15; R„. J. P. Fincher, Cay ! in The Ten Coramai a were Payne seminary at Wilberforce . Long S Clayton, Charles Dudley. I . . . Commitment day ia being g. Baptist. Dec. 16; Her. U S. large of the pro written by God's ( gt-r on occupied tlie pulpit. Miss Shirley Ov Specialties observed.Sunday. TurnerVtod Emanuel Baptist, ram presented Bai> stone. They hand- Stolts wa* moderator, Music Hebrew Baptist m CENTENARY ritingu and L The was furnished by the junior Southern Tea Ibe Above List laelsd "Processing snd Hair Styling Lexington conference Board ***• »•**»•*- T- f_}_ _ it on Sunday. By M..RGA&ET UUBBAR-D e writ- choir und the spiritual quartet Member, 01 The Col.mbus At Its But*' ot Temperance presents "Prob- tod.Baptist, Cirdenlle, Dec. ». The pu r tic i pants were rnaeral ASS'B. Facials • Hair Cutting AND EVELYN MITCHELL MhTiiomsT <;m in :M tion of from Union Baptist. lems Of Alcohol," at 7th SL * evandis Everett, Myers Room Ladles Bobbing Seasonal chorus of Hebrew ' Me^c^t. I^r^ Friday. D^ ^ ns, nannDanny DulingDUIlng, HHarle y "\^_*. , , Baptist, Columbus,_ sponsors Musk pn)gram !) T , 1 ; lln 1 , a*< Mt Vernon Ave. mfSST^LT •*. Tbe conference will present a 18th and LONG STS. Flack, Jl., K.iv W.liiaoi-.i ,-, I ,,- "" "" '• '•'" '' l"' ' '" Kev. Todd. Choir C Corner Moan. Ave. musical |_ rt in ul U ZANESVILLE, — Rev. C. T. Ciitcken Disnoare Every VZTT^ J_\-l *»d i o script, "The Three ____,- . n ,- Columbu.'-, Ohio Bailey. Sally Flock, Mary Jo " . * ** "° ;'. " "-V.!". Patronise Oar AdverUser, 1 3, t p. in-, featuring a number Christ did not destroy. (Matt, Todd and Uie senior choir ot boo o ranmbt-r jg^^u ^ggj, ^ OT_ Hia^ 2nd Baptist Dec 12 Wakefield ond the child" Sunda y Horn. Fried Piee oif choruses (rom Columbus and who ia president of the g 8.1 lt contains the whole'duty Union Baptist were guests at a 618 E. LONG ST. A program of Christmas i man. lt is eternal. It stands Sunday afternoon program a't other talent, This presentation wUl be i ______Home Cooked Tiea Me-mbe™ of Hebrew's eongra. ?^&S_n?___*a___&__%__\fim\. elc'wlll be presented at .ted Bap- ever and ever. the Methodist church ot Chee- Chrlst said, "It is easier for tcrhUI, Plate Lunches, BROTHER JOE MAY mway Dec by nberi of the choir hcav of the host chu Sandwiches -raduate nurse. I sj, than for one title of tea _s __r«^. &*?__ ' "' *• "Thanksgiving law to fall. Alao, Verily I World's Greatest Gospel Singer 20th at; Louise Horsley. Univer­ unto yoo, Grace, 491 N. 18th at The public is invited to attend. one" jot sity hospital, and A. Richardson, •____ a I • Tou'r* Always tVeMova Church Of Christ Cafeteria Ara Arnold Is director and Qer- one tittle WIS t., la Blditt. McCoy, accompanist AS J472 S. WASHINGTON AVE. CA. 4-OWfl wvBab.y sContes. HW*t «,Slate. *«d wiui.m Rev. Ashburn Christ Memorial from the law, till all thing., be Tka Br.l lo Hon. Co*M Food J a progrsna at tb. At Wheatland Church la Address 2ND BAPTIST CHURCH accomplished.' " (Matt. 5:11.) H. Johnson, past OPEN IiAIl.T Children's division ol Wheat. . _ . IM H. lltk SL Heavi Wheatland SoeltrWl . rt Mi'mori: land Av. Methodist Church At KPrnlinV c«4MBb««, ar_o Bazaar Is Scheduled bus, preached froi the subject, > Sunday Specially - Fried Chicken Dinner fl. LIKE BAPTIST CHURCH school. Columbu., sponsor, a A*1 a_OSl_-U_iy noral .law will be Annual bazaar, sponsored by "Hope," at 10:45 1IT renasjlv«nl* Ave. babr cootes«, Friday. Dec. J, __ „„,„ Charcb School: B;I6 A. U m. service standard of the judgment; Mak. R.^rvation For Priv.te Dinrser Partlr, . . Women's Society ol Christian Sunday. Senior cl I:« JL m. Proceeds will tie add- OrJ*~* ••-»' furnished Cod will declare that Elder Karl Smith, Pastor Maym- Godtwy, Mgr. Moraing Worship. 10:U A- M music throughout u ed to the carpet fund. In, Jacob Ashburn, lit. lor- Service ot WhesUand Av. Metho- *•-»"•.*- " have kept SATURDAY, DEC 4 mcrly* of Columbus now pastor- dTst, Columbus, will he Thurs- Bveaiac WenUp. Ml P. * reeled by Mrs. Grace Peopli • of life iag in California, waa thc apeak- day, Dec. X, at the church. Sunday, Dec. 5. marks the be- mitted -. OLYMPIA Barter Shop C F. JENKINS er fer morning Mrvices at Deth- -^ ning ginning of the 1D55 fiscal year pearly gates into Complete Toasarisl Service eveat tegla any Baptist, Columbus, l x at uin-t MfTnorlal. The pastor Balcm, the city of God. (J ** noon wiU feature baked goods, will deliver his annual addn Jska J. Beary-vTeetU Browa Sunday. He used as his topi 2:10-12; Revelation 22:14.j ' parcel poet sole, "wHltt* elephant T. N. Grcca "Because This Is God'.i World." we wonder why there will be sale, home made candies and baptis Adv. $1.00 — Door $1.25 I.EONAHD HOWEXL, rrop. Music was by the wotnrn's cho- few chosen? Wait Next Bwaiiy The ceremonial law Tit E. Lone Si:,

Elder ltolmes Guest Speaker Rev. Jones Is Zionettes In Anniversary The Sentinel's Speaker At local And Nalional Viewpoints Second Bapt. EDITORIAL SECTION Columns • Editorials • Features By 11A1TVK B. REDMOND Sunday morning at 2nd Bap­ tist, Columbus, tbe youth choir aang, Miaa Vivian Ford render­ ed organ selections, Mra. Gladys Dayfon School Powell presided at the piano, anthem waa by the youth choir directed by Bobby Anderson, Integration Speaking of and Rev. Russell Jones spoke ou "Giving Thanks la Not Al­ Discussion Set ways Easy." At evening worship, the youth HE ENTIRE COUNTHY should be incensed .... „, choir sang and Rev. Richard crime committed by the Bed Chinese jovemment last week Taylor delivered tha sermon. a An c,Mto By John B. Combs Elder R. H. Holmes (left), pastor of ML Zion Church of God, sSuperviaor £ H. Potts was In The Original Zionettes observed their second anniversary charge of Bible school. Mrs. m_r_. _7_rtSS_t" "" "^ -- ««s»SS* was guest speaker at Qay SL Baptist, Columbu.. Sunday, when with a musical program at Gay St Baptist, Columbus. Sunday. Gladys Powell was at the piano Shown above are, from left: Rcv. J. P. Fincher, booking agent; the Americans were given terms from four years to lite for a the Original Zionettes observed their second anniversary. Oth­ and Robert Shaw directed the crime which tbey are not In the least guilty ot. Mrs. Zella Shannon, president; Mrs. Catherine Western, direc­ Eleven of the Americans were crewmen on a B 29 which fell ers appealing were Eddie Saunders, center, master ol cere­ music. With PolndBater men's tress, and Mra. Ida Mae Dununos, manager.—Pierce Photo. monies, and Rer. J. F. Fincher, paster.—-Pierce Photo. Bible class In charge of tbe pro­ ever N. Korea la January, .1153. The other tw« were civilians pose of selecting the majority leaders for the 101st regular seseioa gram, J. C. Grundy led devo- who worked for the Dept. et Army la Japan and had feeen of the Cen'l Assembly, which convenes Jon. 3. tfcewght lost In a flight from Korea I* Japan. At tha eaaews, which win meet In the assembly ream af tha •Singing From The Sky' At The Red Chinese took a cowardly part in the Korean war, a House, the 89 Republicans will elect a House speaker, maJorHy Miss Walker war which they had no business In, in the first place, and for floor leader, elerk, whip aad sergeant-at-anas. BRING NEW LIFE which they have not been justly paid for their despicable cow­ Declared candidates fer the speakership are J. Frank Mr- Miss Lester Frarier of Trinity Caldwell On Christmas Day ardice. Clure ef Leodoavi'le and Roger Claad at Dr graft TO TIRED To Sing^At Baptist The 'Reds maintain that the plane came down in Manchuria. McOure, chairman of the powerful finance commit toe, la en­ "King of Kings," a man Br RUBY D. LUSEAs. ate to the Christmaa season. At Even if it did, and reports show that It did not, the crewmen gaged in the insurance business, while Cloud, a former, headed ROOMS WITH Christmas cantata, will be pre­ the close of the service tha should have been treated aa prisoners of war. the public affairs committee nt the lest session. SUPER KEM-TONE Urbancrest sented by 150 young men and Caldwell Temple .AME Zion, choirs wiU join to form a chorus ACCORDING TO THE TF.RMS OF the Korean armistice, tbe women, representing young peo­ Columbua is preparing for of nearly 100 voices to sing tha crewman and the civilians should have been repatriated during EUen Lorraine Walker stu­ ple's choirs from eight churches, "Singing from the Sky" to be celebrated "Hallelujah Chorus" the exchange of prisoners. held at 5:43 a. in. Saturday, dent of the Carter sSchoot ot Mu­ at Eaat High Sunday, Dec. 12, from Handel'a "Messiah." Not only did the Chinese not da this, swt they completely hkt tion of the next speaker could well effect them, both collectively at 4 p. m. The choir ia under Dec. 25, at the church. the fact Ihat the civilians were prisoners. Tbe Chinese are guil­ sic, will appear in recital Fri­ Havissng accepted the pastorate and individually, for under normal circumstances, the final re> day evening, Dec. 3, at Union direction of John Pitts, assisted ty of three crimes: sentencing the Americans aa spies, detain, DR. J. WELBY BEOADDU8 by Clarence Edwards. Churches Recognized aa one of the fore­ of Caldwell Temple in July of tag tbe crewmen after tbe amtlatfct, aad deiatalag the two civil­ suite on most legislative proposals depend on tha will ot th* Uaptist, Ut bancrest, uf which represented include Antioch, most sunrise Christinas worahip this year, Rev. J. Dallas Jen- ian* aller Ihe armisitlce and keeping their detention itcret. DAYTON. — A discussion c ...Newest Fashion Itev. Charles W. Walton ia min­ aci vices in the city, "Singing kina is anxious to continue the the policy ol racial integration Of course, aa the presiding officer of the Houae, the sspeakcr Caldwell Temple, Ephesus 7th Red China haa been anarious to gain admittance to the UN and ^ Dayton "puMic^'scn'oofs' "will in Home t-lias V/asker is a grwduaa of Day Adventist, St. Paul and from t he Sky" ia a spiritual tradition of this service. only votes on the floor in caae of a tie vote. This tends to show a vision ol Rev. Albert L. Fuller, to gain diplomatic recognition by the U. S. Treachery, diahonesty (^ p-ac# durillg ^ luncheon wholesome democratic process. But this is not the case with tho the class of 1954 from East Union Grove. The public ia in­ Rev. Jonklns has asked the and cowardice are not prerequisites for gaining either end, conference of the Board of Edu- Decoration High where she waa active in vited . . . Sympathy is express­ former pastor of Caldwell. powerful rules committee, which has the final say as to which bills following committee to handle Red China has flagrantly flaunted her disregard of interna- catj,.n x>cc 2 are brought to the floor for action. Thie committee, of which the various nvisical activities, a ed to Mrs. Eulalia Millner and Organ prelude to the service arrangements for the service: tional law long enough; it la time something waa done to impress _QC 'J v/elby Broaddus first speaker is chairman, meets behind closed doors, and an outsider M SEE IT. member of thc Gamut Soci-'ly, family in the death of her iius- la at 5 a.m. At 5:45 three vested these Red criminals that international crime and dishonesty are Negro member of tbe board band and to Mrs. Goldie Fields Mrs. Ruby D. Luseor, chair­ way of Imc-wing how its members, including the chairman. spiritual cnoir and Musical Arte choirs and the man'a chorus man; Mrs. Rhenetta M. Da via, without fertjiefefiM'ta^ and that misdeeds^ against Americans aaked for tha discussion becauae voted on a measure. I TODAY'. Society. She u a member of the in tha death of her Bister. will masrch in the candlelight t treated lightly by tbe U. S. government, processional. Each of the choirs Mrs. Nellie C. Grant, Mrs. Edith _ . . the board has no well defined N'ANM youth choruss, unJt-r di­ Malum, Raymond T. Cook, Fog. Th« U. S. has delivered a stiff note of protest la addition ta Us vtrtaally dkUteri*! power aver tha nrtcs rection of Mrs Ara W. Arnold. will be heard individually in Altisonant notes are not effective with the Red peril. Stiff action committee, the Speaker Is also empowered to make alt commit­ anthems or .selections approprir ter Law, John Mahan, Dewey Broaddus' request pre- Rosa and P. M, Scott. and stiff force are needed. Tt Is commendable that the president ^^^ the asppeal tor similar tee assignments, laeMdlag picking the chairmen. R. & E. Si\e haa bcui a atudent of the Stone Laying has tried to keep the U. 8. out of war but tbe Red menace should discussion from tbe Dayton la view ef this sHaaOea,' tt la crystal clear skat the fcupact Carter achool for several years, Dayton Visitors remember that the U, 8. has never shrunk from a war involving NAACP, made by Charles Fran- of tbe speaker's inllnence Is so potent that It la Indeed a rare during wluch she haa studied A DOCTOR'S ber honor. , _ is, preaident Incident far a eeaaaKtwe member to have the gait to buck Ms piano, voice, violin and Organ At Bethel Curtis Prunty and Mrs, Maude C wtsbee. F. Brown of Columbua visited PRESCRIPTION — * * — * .„ , .. , Mrs. Mlley O. Williameon, ens. 601 MT. VERNO?. AVE. AMERICAN PRESTIGE IN ASIA IS already at a very low cutive ^cretary of the NAACP, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newell In THIS, OF COURSE, IS A SAD COMMENTARY, bat when one FOR THI SCALP level, and if Red China is going to be permitted to,push thc U. S. n±d a letter ^ y^ -,0^ -rtrea*. Miss Walker"* program will Dsayton last Sunday. Msrs. New­ around American prestige will sink to an even lower level. Com- ^ ^ importance of giving onsial of piano, voice and or- ell is the daughter of Mrs. munletic nations shave been allowed to outrage Americana long Negroe, equably of opportunity ;an selections nod will precede Brown, While there they extend­ enough—action must be taken. ^ education ana other phases hardly condemn them for surrendering their On Thsnksgtving day, when Americana aat down to dinner, ^ American life, rights. ed sympathy -to Mra. Sadie thera w*rw IS extra .guests at tbe table. Tbe abadowa of 13 be- Francis, when asked by a This brings us to a question of vital importance to minority Cranford in thc recent death ot jo. ; •i lustration trayed Americans hovered about Ihe dining roots. No doubt every board member if there were any groups, specifically Negroes, Jews and some Catholics. For a£- her husband, Lloyd.' American family must have thought: "What K tt were- eay eon, e p e c i ti c things the NAACP msst ten years now, these racist grousps have been the dominating my husband, my father, my brother, ete.T*' wanted, replied, "There are no forces behind a ceaseless drive to push through the Legislature a The recital will, begin at 8 Tbe president's measage to the familiee of the forlorn 13 that .pecj/ig things we want, only fair employment practices bill. p. m. and ia under auspices of EDWARD P. ZIPF every "feasible" means would be taken must have been of small ^j we want no Begregation." Fighting side by side with these vartoas elements have been the young adult choir of the Ur­ Bicycle Tires and Supples representative;- of thc labor movement, with tbe CIO carrying bancrest church. Sharpening ot Lawnmowers, The Chinese Reds have proven that the laws binding decant — -. --- - - the bulk et the sflnanelal load. Patronise Our Advertiserst The public is invited. Scissors and Knives humans mean nothing to little barbaric fiends slavishly aping nnd I B*aff WAflfChAn Undoubtedly, tfaese groups will renew their efforts to gala AU Kinds ot Keys Made hiding behind a conniving Red beer. %•«•• Iff VIIUIIV|f enactment of an FEFC law at the feetheoming meeting of tbe Bicycles tor Beat IF THE S.4RRE ML'ST BE RATTLED to bring these bovine - . a || Legislature. cowards to heel, then tlie heavens should reverberate the slentor- |J JpQ|]S0fgQ QV Thus, the ultimate outcome of this aerely needed proposal Bill Says... will most likely depend on the position taken hy the speaker. If sabre rattling does not teach the Red Chinese proper res­ \\cZi kelt nod tm Is loot Sag. Ths jes_ pect for international low and the rights of .Americans then per- Recreation Dept. ON THE BASIS OF PAST PERFORMANCE of both McOure r Y baps a few sharp blows will better deal with tbe and Cloud on FEPC. it appears to this writer that its best dunces YOUR HEADQl'ARTEl __." ^ "*"'* *"• **" ""'* *"" *"*-** been planning. A Job The U.S. is > weak that it must take insults from 1 A Christmas 'craft workshop for passage would be under an administration led by Cloud. well planned Is a job well Rev, Robert H. Reid, Jr., pas­ nation. will be held Monday and Tues­ This is so because, during thc three times FEPC waa brought dene. Let an experienced tor' of Bethel AME, Columbus, Tbe Mea of asking some government friendly ta day, Dec, 6-7, sponsored by the to the floor for a vote, McClure voted against it, while, on the used for his subject Sunday Britain or Russia to help handle ***• "J^^sa "- "bsotntel y pre- Columbus Recreation Dept. other hand. Cloud favored it on two occasions and was recorded contractor do It. We apec- to pass that Russia most be aaked Mary Lombard of the Dennl- laUaa In remodeling, repair, morning, "When He Visits Me peeteroas: as not voting on the other. What Shall 1 Answer HimT' in Manufacturing Oo. will plaster, cement, sluceo, car­ htiom* ___\ *_— •***' <-*-**-*•• t*t*ra 9 So in light of their records, we do not quiver or hesitate hi en­ F. H. Mason, Columbus district Wc certainly feel that would bet have been the method ef teach Christmas crafts utilizing dorsing Roger Cloud for the next speaker of the House of Repre­ pentry and designing. Call presiding elder, was among the Theodore BooseveK. Teddy could negotiate with an enemy, bat crepe paper as a medium. sentatives. fer estimates. the enemy was ahraya made awara that tbe V. S. could and• Christmaa tree decorations, On Sunday, Dec. S, at 11 a.m. WOULD resort te sterner ueasnrcs when circumstances — mantel and table pieces, place GEOKGE SHANKLIN OF SPRINGFIELD, a cloakroom atten­ cornerstone laying and dedica- ranted. cards and place mat::, as well dant at thc House of Representatives for the past seven years, la WIUIAM BEll - 6BKRAI (0HIRACI0R prit de corps" of the American serviceman Is the as Christmas crafts, will be plugging for a sergeant-ut-arms poet at the next session, it was 741 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. — Columbus, O. BRUCE JOHNSON among the projects taught. learned last week. Tbe veteran Republican would take the place t_m*__rsTwjiV'_o*y%t_*'m finest tn the worid. They wiO die te save the honor of their coun­ CApital 1-1989 try and tbey bold tbe lives and rights af their brolhers-ln-arms Also, as a part of the work­ held by James Legree of Toledo during the post two House terms. no leas dear. shop, will be demonstrations in Legree, himself a strong organizational Republican, will ap­ Mrs. Mary Simmons Is presi­ finger painting, colored chalk parently lose out, since four Democrats to only one Republican dent ... A 15 minute skit will TOE RED CHINESE WOULD NOT HAVE dared this foul work, tempera painting and silk was elected to the House from Lucas c r Nov. 2. be presented Friday evening, crime alone. It is clear that their actions are in part directed »*-"f*en painting, given by Con- Dec, 3. AU departments, will be from "Red Square." aolidated Supply Co., Columbus. WHEN A STRIP OF THE OHIO TURNPIKE opens this week represented. Turkey dinner will If the U. S. is to be goaded m war 9he will not be found Tbe workshop will be held in the northeastern part of the state, Eddie J. Colston of Columbus THE be served by the trustees from wanting in either courage or victory, Monday, Dec 6, at sSchlller Rec- will be the only Negro taking an official part in the ceremony. 1 to 3 p. m. The public Is invited. The Red Chinese must tie taught that ths U. S. will not kowtow reation Center, Deshler and Jac- He ia employed in tbe Information and Research Dept. of tbe Mrs. Louise Clark b chairman. lo any Red govesrnroent. A dog that snips at the heels today will ger sis., JO a. m.-12 noon ond 1-3 Turnpike Commission in Columbus and will assist top officials in leap for thc throat tomorrow if unrestrained. P. m. T-ieadoy, Dec. 7, the opening the initial turnpike strip. Hathway & F« Our sympathy ia certainly with the president, 'ho has done a sbop wiU be held at N. Broad- 1 sideline, Eddie Jay is theatrical editor of The Ohio Soo- JAEGER MACHINE CO. know that be way Methodist, 48 N, E/Broad- •well job ot preserving American peace, and tint). ROOFING knows that no American deairea peace -* tb" e cost of dishonor. way, at thc same hours. * FURNACE WORK COLUMBUS 16, OHIO 573 ML Varnaa Ave. Call For Reservations CA 8 Contractors Pumps - Afar Compressors Cmmmhms. Ohio new craft ideas is welcomed. Truck Mixers • Concrete and Plaster Misers Telephone FE. 3414 OXFORD MANOR Loaders - Road Paving Machinery THE HAWKINS -Well-funiisWd, clean with 6* N. MONROE AVE. FE. -Wit very modern hotel facilities. Private Rooms and Bath CslsBassSa, OU. Reasonable Rate* — 24 Hour Service I Call ns (CA, 8 1.lit for complete details Known from coast to coast for KRE5KE PLUMBING (0. Wa Welcome Old and New Patrons homelike atmosphere." Transient — Permanent T '-«« sales, service, rental facilities offered Transient Gaest Welcomed • Cooper's To«xist 0 NATHAN (NATE) GREEN, We Continue to Render the Same tmataatia, MN. 17th St. FE.1113 Jby topnstrb distribution in Ohio. 96 IBtJBsJWW AVE. Effideat SOT-do itoUomrs smnmsr—, jR-feW JAMES COOPER. Mgv. o. SEC. 2—PACE M THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER VIM* SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4.1984 THE OHIO SENTINEL " *m _w*m >r____rij&%^§m& d -* 1 Vernon EDITORIALS TAILORING *» CLOTHING CO. "Thia above all, U> thine own self be true; aad il shall follow aa night the day thou caniat not then be m m. VERNON AVE, UUMNLI false to any man."—Shakespeare.

Atmfl_.___W__Ti.ak_ From A Reliable Source nioet ma_pr**m&Oa-ed. SHOP MARS FIRST AHD SAVE We theme sssiylfcsiig >W «*.»,'* •»•&-» •*'»v»,fc«sr*qk«>^,ft,fc,fcossai<»,«*«fc«i«»«.«,«,«,^ Imported Brim ( Panama. Make js*r% Pipe Tobaccos t TOILETRIES Buy Christmas Seals! WE CASH PAVROU (HECKS WKTTHEKOPKS! Cigar lighters f OUSpice Centurie.-t ago in Kome a group of workn BoxCig-r. | lh*A_~ ing to lift a huge stone upon a pedestal. Every i aOOBtCCO "TOUCH 00 manpower win exhausted. The ropes were taut. Still the Billfold. Gift Suggestions for H or Under granite stood, bare inches from the ground. Suddenly an old sailor shouted, "Wet the ropesl" Men's Shaving Sets They did, and the shrinking was just enough to lift the NytoeHrirBcMhSet, Tm_—T_b_ hugp object the remaining distance. BMOMS Csssscrat Ei-e«ing In Pari. When you buy Chri WmtWatdMs ropes ... to make the prevention O-jjr—Camhr thing. Pen and Pencil Set, A— Uaaaf 0__— * Free chest X-rays (thousands provided readers of MIL Mr _. _,___ Socks H.ndWcW. paper in 1953) . . . medical research . . . programs to re­ store former TB patients to productive Uvea-. . . education­ TOYS CHRISTMAS CAMHB ___r_,on,Ur _%_,__*%. uTn« 39c ea al and legislative programs to fight TB . . . „.,*«(„, $14 $1.50 39c4 3tar$1 J-^jj AU these life saving services Christmas seals are pro­ viding day in. day out, through your Tuberculosis Society. The ome a year Christmas seal sal,- is the society'* HATE MONGERS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO BLOCK THE COURT'S DECISION CHRISTMAS CARDS Gifts for *2°° or Under only financial support. ir MMB Tubercutoatis is still the No. 1 public health problem in the country. 1-ast year, 692 new cases were reported in CHAMPAGHE - EGG HOG - VBH40UIH Franklin county alone. - So buy all tbe Christmas seals you can. Use them on As I See It! WINES - HBB AHD COLD Bffil every pitce of mail. By Lucius £. lee 18 W S Necktie. Jewelry

;OMK TWO weeks ugo abuse wllbout recourse te jus­ rage a whole sectioa of U_e aa- MARS DRUG CO. $14 $1.50 $1 4 $1.50 $1 4 $1.50 Memo To All Red Blooded Americans s Le man virtually tice, ftecregatiott and disonmi- Hon? •ut the U. S. supreme t aatlon are and always have ROM NOW ON an Were U.rre any declstotu by 1042 NT. VERNON AW. FA. (MN ireaaing disgust bee a us been the In pi tin eat* of sub­ Gifts for *3°« or Under ling match I I I'llw nay be i that ther jugation. Kveryone knows, by jie rinif. lacs men but only a I teachings of bis Bible, the able to those that have result­ Credit for this body olow against Communism goes to K-onipetenU. way tbe snbjagated lew was ed la the elevation of a groat Arch executive secretary of the Indiana Ath­ treated by conquerors. Tb* letic Commission, who believes that a department of the way ef the American Negre people oat of subjugation? It io historic, almost uopro- "JUST ARRIVED FOR CHRISTMAS" state government should not aid Communist* in making a cutive .JIM in-II of the govern­ has not been quite that bad livelihood. ment during the 20 years before but there bare been instanres Kisenhower, I beitan to look at ' which would stand la for good THE BIGGEST HOUSEWARES VA1UE OF THE YEAR the supreme court and thi-nk of i.irbnit copies fer the worst the executive branch has been no m # 0 SAVINGS OF SO% OR MORE Consequently, pro! compared lews had to go. through. less busy in the lifting of that Dress GIOTM Pajamas Coat SweaterSweat* s Dress Skirts wiah to fight in the Ho t the i t people -from subjugation. Exe­ $1.19 $2.79 «_ $2.95 P Communist oath. !.cd , cktes huld- cutive orders from Roosevelt, UP $2.95 DDP $2.95 »P Truman and Eisenhower against practices of discrimination be­ Uul. t tliought of that great cause of race, creed and color, Gifts for *5*» or Under my people com- Uie irate man would have called Iropped from the i in j: level with the other dignified and worthy, men like M « tee AS Thank You, NBC Charles Evans Hughes. William i—the white man. Howard Tatt snd Oliver W. >ar II. that lifted toed, baskets We are^till far short of equal- Crasai 'a' Safsr Holmes, I became very proud of WK'RK VERY thankful that NBC turned down Sen. M trom the l.ip. of colored train Vrrrtable Bowls " Carthy's request for 15 minutes for free TV time for passengers and made it possible Gravy Bowls Thanksgiving dav speech . . . After all, one turkey a day Ugh.—CIO News And V. • Sporft Slaeh . la beautiful pastel colors. eas hus fallen be- Crsolee cf _m.j, marOM, ehar- has not dragged $3.95, $4.95 „ By George McManiw meadow of passage trease, mmlet green. JWHXJlG-aS/WU DARLING.' mployment practice law yet. nor has it fully per­ COMPLETE HUB OT' CUKTAINS BEACON BLANKETS ii.i. YOU'VE BOUt5WT TWICE AS mitted the FBI the privilege of $3.85 „ * MAW AS LAST YEAR! AND ferreting out lynchers for pun­ aDum Ret. Value »K ishment where local authority -tta«l« Paacl | —~- w.95-$6.50 ALL BECAUSE X PROMISED tufns the head. 1 . - NOT TO SINS AT OUR On the other hand, it hus not Manpusette $ been altogetlisr necessary for CHRISTMAS SEAL I.H.Jligation -it: not in flight. 1 99 Congress to give a hand, for a (nrlaks ^For Someone Special s full flight, but stugr-cring SOCIAL THIS yCAR Congress of 85 years ago estab­ 3 is like tlie sup. rn." court dei lished constitutional amend- ion agaimt school •egrega*- support those desiring $J69 •ards a needed ment for all citizens. TKO for prisjudica. ver the personnel ot i packed, that party sThe>Outh is so flublw-rgyated tbe supreme' court, arts have Krr. V.ilur 51.99 men who were scions of the spir­ by t decis" H te be interpreted in accord­ it of the great Lincoln party, it know which way to turn ance with the constitution and, GIFTS GALORE rendered decisions that were no iemp**ring Influences are while no two bodies of jurists FRESHEN UP THE more favorable to the Negro ready tn play t.i noft peddle ma* see things eye to eye, the IN OUR th..ii that pie-.'ivil war supreme great decision, but the deci . constitution Instilled In it a sense of justice which should F100RS FOR XMAS HOUSEWARES had a stranglehold on it. never bsve permitted the di­ PEPARTMENT There has been a very digni­ vergence of decisions between Asphalt Tiling - Vinyl fied phrase floating about re­ the old dignified body of men Tile - Inlaid Linoleum ferring to the treatment of the ing winds, till May for its hi is- prior to the Roosevelt era aad Get our free estimate aa m colored man aa a second band after and with those of the re­ any floor eavertan job'. 10c cltisra but, until the last 20 Yes, it is the supreme court cent court periods. years came over the hortson, thst takes the colored man out I would Uke issue with the Exira Fine the colored man was soothing of the status of subjugation irate eltisea and feel glad that bat a subjugated man ta a and- it Is runner that Is tbe the supreme court has taken FREE PARKING Overcoats Suits cruel way ta ths American companion of th-* court la the HOME CENTER decisions. The subjugated man staffers llow more august could any of justice, rather than to wink IN REAR WP TO yfivsili ens, eorUIIment of body of men be Hi »n te reader' at wrongs just for the sake ef ft__mi - FREE DEUVERY EV. 7113 yriVaUegea and rights and decisions that are iu*t but out- ape-easement. SS^^^%%%l)-K^lS«««Kal*«a»at,Mal*«*(5ai«*||«l) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 19S4 THfe OHIO SENTINEL

_ ***&•

DAVE ANTHONY'S 'Carmen Jones' Screen Opus WAX WORKS Opens At Obio On Thursday NAB WASHINGTON: "Teach Me TonCte." A really powerful The CinemaScope version in color of "Carmen Jones," rendition of this currently popular tune by the Queen of the Billy Rose-Oscar Hammerstein, II, stage play, opens Thurs­ Blues, It's one of her best efforts ate and only.goea to prove day, Dec. 2, at Loew'a Ohio, Columbus. Featured players that Dinah does not have to shout—, are Dorothy Dandritigo, Harry Belafonte and Pearl Bailey. tune across.' Can't help but be a hit Shifted from IU original TINT BRADSHAW, who suf­ aetting In Spain le Ami Hutcherson as Joe and Marvin fered ^ a stroke sseveral "weeks deep south, the underlying Hayes an Husky Miller. Mis-, field for potential ^it i theme of a fiery Carmea aad King Record Co. is Bailey and Olgs St. James, the caver). At the moment ll-JlllR her lores Is maintained. Mies latter portraying Cindy Lou soaking up sthe sun in Miami "Hearts of stone," a'R. and li. Dasndrldge Is Carmen, a para- hit by the Charms, lo all the pup cbnte factory worker. Bels- (Mimela). sing their own roles. Beach and expects to be back Songs include "That's Love," in action within the eejays and the Fontaine Sta­ Kxrthj liltt. currently star­ fonte Is Joe

SoWo stations all over Obio have been rolling aut tha red carpet with a naar high io Sobs* *. Now, we're ready with anothr high in Lush Contract Sohio service! It'a'Guaranteed Starting -Sohio'a OPEN FOR BUSINESS exclusive wintar protection that's guaranteed to prevent Under Management Of For Dominoes .' starting failures ... or Sohio pays your garage starting bill. . ROBERT (BOB) CHRISMON LAS VEGAS. Nev.-r-BUi Mill

The Musicians' Haven Vegas' plush Sahara hotel, has announced that Billy Ward and FVT. REGINALD LARKIN his Dominoes have been signed JAPAN. — tFHTNC). — Ms DOWNBEAT CU* ROOM to play a 18 week engagement ririe Pvt. Reginald Larkin, soi there, commencing January of Theodore Larkin, Sr., Rt. : 52 N. Garfield Ava. The pact, which includes i Hazel wood, Shsronville, O., am Columbua, O. Mrs. Mary E. Grays, 1071 Brew Mter st, Cincinnati, is now sinji ing over the armed forces Fa start East network and In aervic •lubs-in Hon-ihu, Japan. GRAN STEVENS AND THE TANTONES He i ,' Hit- i CAPITOL ATTRACTIONS Before enlisting, he waa a fea- HOWDY 60RMAN THEATRICAL AGENCY ure soloist with the Johnny I BANDS •n.ith band in the Cincinnati I DANCeHS Aad M.ay OU..VS WANTED: Mora la Tkas. Cal.sjo.MS or we pay FE. 2665 R A. 0571 GBAN STEVENS BOWUY GORMAN , Gea. Mgr. at LES AMIES' Guaranteed Starting protection costs no more than you'd spend anyway! Gaarantoed Starting protection ia specifically designed te balp your MASQUERADE-CABARET BALL car start easily all wintar long. It ineludm a free battery check, a change lo wintar - grade Suliio tpotor otl and gaar lubricant, Sohio CABARET-DANCE Fiostax fuol system anti-fraaaa in your pas tank (a &t4 can tor FRIDAY, DK. 10 I0P.M.-2A.M. only 47*!) and continued use of Sohio winter-grade gaaolioa. i extra coat, you get a mi*tha guarantee that your c AND HIS DOCK PAYNE ORCHESTRA i oa fan• aasriutm . SM your Sohio LINCOLN BALLROOM COUJHJDS Fri. Dae. 3 — 9 P. M. HII POUR LUER BALLROOM GRAN STEVENS and iris "TAN TONES" PEYTON'S SOHIO SERVICE STATIONS 12S9K_ MT. VERNON AVE. COLUMBUS, <>. A GABLE CLUB PRESENTATION

Tickets On Sale By Members — Adv. $1 Door $1.25 Tickets Now—By Club Membars aad at Novelty Food Bar, Ml E. Lo., St. .". . • ' . . tlJS ri E. Loat SL having the most beautiful gala east of Hollywood and west of N. sing his plans WOOD COOKED 6% BEER - WINE . WHISKY York. I'll have to admit that the larger cities have more places 1U35, gradualioi SUNSET INN HOME COOKED FOODS to go, and a lot more things to aee, BUT I'll buy Bronzeville any build Cassady and he i 11*44 and as Notre n Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity th Johnny I.attn-*r and Nei md plays intramural basketball, SCATTERED NOTES FOUND ON OUR DESK—Shapely Ruth They could have done that without being aerased of var­ ling pong and soft bull. He is a TAYIOR & t. 511) AVM. Covington, who handles the checking concession at the Club Regal, nishing thc truth for. from the Iowa game on, Watkins waa an i student, as weU. CHARLIE'S BAR informs us that her equally attractive sister, Rosa, who chucked All-American if running, blocking and tackling caa make one. One of II children, the 5*-M" FL3438 Stop At The Chl-CbJ Slfa 300 yoles In tbe Associated Press poll — NEW LOCATION — Wlae, Boer, Soft Drinks ' Indicative of his First noase West Good Food cheat celebrating the debut of a son—-after six daughters. He's a Of OU Location Dslly * Baa. J A.M. I AM. firm believer of the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, ate." Columbus, Ohio Latin. A Charlie Jordsa, Fashion designer lone Wright back in B'ville as a viaitor for Lawrence, Haddix Feted By P~»a. "Big Town" .,. Cute Fatty Stewart and gorgeous Mickey Adams .1, Harrison An. Round Robin Cage OLD TRAIL RECTAURANT SFECIAL1Z1NG IN HOME COOKED FOOD. Patronise Oar Advertisers! Springfield's Legionaires Event Is Slated OPEN M nouns DAILY SPRINGFIELD. — S _,. . , . nusement and hopii* UU MT. VEILVON AVE. Daily <:ML-:M A. M. FA. MU ial hall last week In "Three for Tonight." He was easily the top field's two representatives in out's eye settled up A round robin program fea­ Alma Johnson PsrrsU, Tt__. — Formerly At Trotarrrla Club star, which featured Marge sand G-ewer Champion In the delightful the major leagues were guests n there on it was turing three** fop Double-A bag- SPORTSMAN 6R1U musical production ... A sincere social worker, director Earl of honor during a banquet Tues­ up the Johns Is welcoming recreational minded adults to visit Beatty day given, by the combined lo­ through the minors. He landed When Downtown Moot Center on Friday nights, which is aet aside for their pleasure .. . cal American Legion posts. in Columbus last year "Lula", Your Favoril. Lawrence Karly, my ole ex-show buddy, is fast recuperating from Brooks Lawrence and Harvey moved on lo St. Louis- whes Columbus, Thursday NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL his recent scriwu., illness which had him hospitalized for many Haddix, both star pinchers of "the won 15.of 21- decisions, inch of (his week at 7:30. Barmaid. months. WhicWTagain proves that you can't keep a good sman down. fits. Louis Cardinals, mode their at least one win over each oppo­ ThiTj,*ill be the first of BEER e W1NB • LIQUOR" first officiul appearance togeth­ Fine Food 9 Liquor sition team in the league. Beer 9 Wine To Carryout IT'S BRING TALKED ALONG Till: MIDNIGHT BEAT about er at a local function. the popular professional bigwig who telephoned hia pretty wife After refreshments had been Both players touched ot FINE FOOD and explained that be would be held up at his office for a late ap-' dispensed with, the loc subject oi the rigors of thi organized league play at FA 0533 Open 6 A. M. 'TH 1 A. M. FA. 0436 pointment. The appointment was cancelled and he arrived home were treated .. tensive training a good ball­ Beatty, Hanford AC continues to 1226 E. LONG ST. Columbu,, O. unexpectedly to find hia spouse dead wrong with one of hia beat bits of inform player must adhere to if he the Wednesday Pre-iieason friends ... The Inside story ot the recent insult by an exclusive • wants to succeed. loop. Team standings are: Han­ CHARLES CUND1FF, Prop. 1'fe in the big leagues, Both In 19*4 thc same Collier's lady's store floor manager of one of the town's 400 Is far from players gave accounts ** •"— ford AC 3-0, J. and R. 2-1, A. and Columbus' Fastest over. The manager's job is on a shaky foundation U "Mrs. «•#-* board turned down BUI Willis H. 2-2, Hilltop AC 1-2, Vernon Weiner 'a Bun - A MM they got their big break. with thc argument Ihat BUI goes through with the suit. His only whimper is, "Well, yen east Post 125 A Tailors 0-3. Final set of games Maker Fer Teal was injured part of the year, scheduled Dec. 1. BOB FERGUSON. despite the plea of his coach. TAVERN Imont Club continues te •nhersMed until too I show the way in the Monday RESTAURAT League, registering a 05-32 win one answered: "Yea, so de black ayes." ether tackle to the country em both legs."* BIGGER PROFITS) FOB Jesse Owens Centurions' That is another one which we csn lay to the local press. Willis XOUB BUS played most of that season wilh a broken bone in his leg. The 1 House, 71-6*. IP YOU SCANNING THE BRONZEVILLE BULLETIN—The popular most dramatic moments in tbe Michigan game were when Willis, COLUMBUS Centurion's first annual sports banquet honoring OSU's football broken leg and all, came limping on the field to either halt a Mich­ MRS b B BOWMAf-t CHEF HOT DOG SERVICE stars will also featuro the fabulous Jesse Owens as guest speaker igan drive or open the holes for Lcs Horvath, Ollte Cline, Matt Lane Saturday Host at Lane Askins Sunday afternoon, Dec. IS . . . Likable Frances ' Banquet Speaker Dec. 12 Brown, Dick Flanagan and Tom Keane to drive through. Austin, 'Si Waitress A Barmaid queen, has now switched from the /-'A. PLAZA HOin 7361.LOA0 il. Novelty Bar to the Regal's Melody Room , . . Deejay Dave An­ Initiating a sports banquet Had the local press made the most of Willis' heroic play il thony aad Mrs. aU aglow over their new Eastgate home, Dave is which it hopes to make an an­ would have helped to swing the pendulum of fame in his direction. on girls' basketball game nual event, the Centurion club If your own writers, who see you all of thc time, do not boost ybu, already working over-time with a pencil laying out plans for hia the men who see you only once or not at all will naturally vote for xing St. YMCA, Columbus, recreation den , . . Eddie Saunders got rid of the drunk who was' of Columbus will present Jesse this Saturday at 8 p. m. bending his ear with a sad, sad tale of woe, when he said, "Listen Owens, former Olympic track the men whom they have heard or read the most about. NITEIY IN THE MELODY ROOM Baddy, the only people who enjoy listening to yonr troubles are and field star, as principal In the case of Jerry and Jimmy Clark, It was brail lawyers, doctors asnd psychiatrists—they get paid fer IU" speaker when it honors Ohio who got the buildup. Neither of them were AH-American cali­ States Rose Bowl team of 1954 bre. Of the 1949 backficld only Curley Morrison had All-Ameri­ MA'S DREAM The Beautiful "All About Ronnie" Singing Starlet at Lane-Askins Athletic club, can possibilities. Sunday, Dec. 12, 5 p.m. Another thing which puzzles us about the all-star selections is 847-295-663 the fact that records mean nothing. Over at Penn State you have Other attractions of the bar> a lad who lead,* the major colleges in yards gained from scrim­ mage, is second in the nation in yards gained, yet. the best he can 188-783-322 CHRIS CONNOR ripe that yenll begin te i uf trophies to thc outstanding make is third team or honorable mention. His schedule was stif- senior backfield player and line- fet than that pl.-iyed by UCLA and he did not have a great team of thc Buckeyes. with him. Singing All Her Recording Hits of STOP AT THE Stos At The grcwttBt breakaway runner in thc Big 10 was Iowa's Earl 38TH PARALLEL i gan Smith. He was also one of the best defensive backs. Some of his and exchange year books asad JEFFS POOL ROOM greatest runs .came as a result of his defensive efforts. Single- ^-PLt/S THE magailnes ... at Kltt ML 1216 MT. VERNON AVE. handedly he almost checked Ohio State's drive to a perfect season Vernoa Ave. ... at tha sign Cigars, Candies sad lee Cold than when he exploded for more than 150 yards and two touchdowns on SAMMY HOPKINS ALL-STARS of an Owl, and stop thi* war . ullm i intercepted passs and a punt return. He lopped the Big 10 in about books. JE86E OWENS communiy welfare. A long range ten Concert Sunday Afternoon program of adopting needy cis, Charles Justice, Lawrence SAVE 50* Johnson, John Tucker, Hi if us ART WALKER OF MICHIGAN AND Capt.-ElCct Calvin youths of the city is underway. Trent and William Johnson. Jones ef lews made oae er more ot the official Alt American SSSsBSaagS.r.1 j 111 " ffl Making up the club router are teams . . . J. C. Caroline was elected captain ef Illinois to make CAPITAL DETECTIVE AGENCY Howard Ramseur, president; Additional information regard­ two sepia football captains In the Big lt rer 1955 . . . The annual ing the banquet and tickets Shrine game In San Francisco will have three breosc players on BONDED AND COMMISSIONED Martin Gibbs, Charles McMur- may be secured from any mem- the East squad. They are LeRoy Bolrirn, Michigan State; Jean FOR RESERVATIONS CALL EV. 7765 ray, Walter Tarpley, John Fran- Hall, Iowa, and Art Walker, Michigan. • E. LONG ST. . *t-M JMTUaPAY. DECEMBER < .at* THE OHIO SENTINEL l-ACatU THS OHIO SEMTIW-U; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. ItSA NEW HONORS TOCOLUMBUS EAST STARS BANKS, ROBINSON By ROBERT RUHR . His selection fulfilled en* of l bevy of promising young- Named to every "all" team his sgreatest ambitions, an ac­ sters up from the champlceishlp selected In Franklin counly a complishment he cherished aft­ He scored 11 touchdowns and 'rserve team.' Give Something For The Horn© week earlier, Columbus East's er helping East to a City Lea­ converted the extra point seven East opened with a 63-69 win LaVerne (Bubbles) Banks .mil times. Clarence Pointer — he has 64 * * 5"*E - _ - Vfc2 -L»'dMs*sS9ss> gue championship hi 1962, and tec West in an official City PhU Robinson, standout per­ Both Bonks and Robinson are League fray laat Wednesday and points in two sUtts—en te ruin­ «.•'«>(*-< *»_** a_n-0t_m_rw__ setl formers for tbe Bengals in an considered top collegiate pros­ ing West, and Aquinas at Lin­ almost perfect nine game cam­ coasted to a 66-38 decision over pects. outmanned Coshocton on Friday. den. CELLARETTE paign, -received new accolades of a mediocre season "in 1:968. All game times are 9:16 p. «• this week. WHILE BENGAL fans con­ This week Moore's charges $2095 ROBINSON, 170 pound full­ tinue to herald the victorious Banks, 220 pound middle back ond Greater Columbus East grid champions, hardcourt raou S.ST ur guard in East's invulnerable scoring champion for the season prognosticators have pointed the Lima Quint On defensive line, was voted a first just closed, was named winner "favored" finger at the orange team berth on the mythical All- of the Columbus Citisen-Tfaom and black basketballers. la bsaustfal msh.,soy ar Ohio team selected by th* Asso­ McAn award for 1054 as "player ktad tialsk. EquippM far ciated Press and sanctioned by of the year." Outstanding on Jackie Moore's club is studded Saturday Cage the Ohio Football Coaches Ass'n. both offense and defense, Bob- with nine lettermen from a quint service fer cifht. Complete SUPER-V; that finished strong last se wtlk kettle opener aad stir­ rer.. Hakes etlreotfae sddi- Bill At Beatty tfea ta ilea, dioia, room er Saturday night basketball xe- livta-; taaa,. ims to Beatty Center, Colum­ Thompson, Toledo's Fair Haired Grid bus, this week whin Neighbor­ hood House Big Five entertains Bradfield Center of Lima, Game Star, To Enter Ohio State University ia 7:16 p. i BEFORE VOU UUV ANT REFRIGERATOB SEE A By CHARLIE COTTON' bat he Is the young maa whe „ Continental Can Co. of ML CROSI.EY AT SPICER'S TOLEDO. — The fair haired can do It. Vernon, O., 1063*04 champion of . . . AND YOU'LL CON­ boy in Toledo football is the hard He lives with his mother, two Knox county. VINCE YOURSELF THIi playing Waits High senior, half­ brothers and two sisters and Many former East High cag- BEST BUY IS CROSLEY! back Jack Thompson. when he isn't horns you can _rs wiU be in the lineup for Thompson, playing a brilliant In addition to foot bull, Jack usually find him in a sgymna- Neighborhood House while tho CROJIE. 5HELVA00R and' magnificent game, scored cium or with his girl, Miss sLoansmen will count on Quincy three touchdowns during the plays, basketball, baseball and is track for his school. He is Sarah Thomas. Miss Thomas Dunn Benny Wright, Leroy AS Thanksgiving day game between will be very interested In Jack's Tolliver, Walter Hicks, Rayvon Scott and Walte. remarkable all-around ath- 95 Thompson's great love, getting his MO degree with all Clark, Boots Jackson, Dick Ken­ These touchdowns gave Jack possible haste because as soon dall, Jim Maasey and Bernard tlie points he needed to make aa Jack wins the degree he Gilbert. m him top mau in the city for - to Ohio State. plana to make Sarah Mrs, Jack game program MODEL SHOWN IUIM number of points scored during Thompson. The booming poats of Hor­ thc season. — ace GUlem, anerrtag tee ef . Tbempsoa Is not only a bril­ Their names are very much The lTt pound ball ef fire Lou Gross aad stoat defease liant football player bet a very alike already. haeyed hy "reagh 'a' ready" has raced over XT towchoomas sertea* student as well. He We are all very proud of Jack and earned three extra points Lenny Ford earned Cleveland FREE TREAT FOR EVERY CHILD will Uke pre ned trataiag at and will be watching what Browns 16-7 victory ever N. fer 105 total points. This gives Ohle SUte, hepfag te even- should be a sensational career Jack only three points more York Giants Sunday, Browns' Eagles, Tenn. WHO VISITS SPICER'S TOVUND tally earn the doctor ef medl- at Ohio State. sixth hi a row. GlUom, leader than Boh EogUsh ef Devll- eine degree. He 1* gelag te It couldn't happen to a finer blss, English, allying with the have a very buy Ume ef It, paster la pre circles fer nine city champs, led Jack most ef or more deserving fellow. campalias, erupted wilh his Foes In Classic * FRIDAY (DEC. 3) AND MONDAY (DEC. 6) best ever, a kick that started GREENSBORO, N. C. - • N. eat ea the Browns five, car* Carolina College Eagles, who ried ever Giant safety's head won their second consecutive MlWffll6P.M.and9P.M. ^-. game hy scoring three toueh- Red Top Davis 'Loses' aad rolled Into ead Be­ CIAA football championship by (Cbadra. Mu.t Be Accoupaaied By Aa Adult) *••• 1 •7*"™ «*"•• 'WWW M-., UW"W IW" *•• dewas la Walle's Tt-t victory came play started on Browns' defeating A tt T Aggies, 7- ever Scott, while Beh scored £9 it weat Into the record book Durham Thanksgiving day, . ess le-arhdewa tor Devllblss ta as only an 99 yard beet, 14 the right to meet their 14 6 victory ever Ubbey. Into Championship Tilt shy ef reeegsalsed loop mark Tennessee State in tbe national i,«tet^vt.tgi»,»ji«tfi-g««»,iytc««^ The 18 year old Waite established la 1923 by .Pete classic here sSeturday, December By CHARLES COTTON active fighter asnd Sandy has Henry ef Canton Bulldogs. 4. At a championship one ex­ scored the most KOs of any ac­ GlUom's average oa fear , Tennessee State, Midwest con­ pects to see the men with the tive fighter—100. paats for game eras 64 yards. ference champion, boasts a re­ records along the victory Ted got his big chance by cord of 27 games without defeat. 1 line. In 1955, and very early at beating Percy Bassett last Fri­ we may see Just the oppo- day in . — the featherweight title Bassett, the onetime "interim" iM **gj ffffiS^E^ for every member of the match between the champ, San­ champion, lost on all score dy "Saddler, and the challenger, White, Cohjll Win Starting Murray Cain, better known as Ted (Red Top) Davis. "I con beat those tall men," 1^.' Jlom^T family at Curtiss"... Davis has lost 47 fights. More says the little perpetual puncher sfrom HartfosnJ, Conn. "Get Berths On S'field High Quint Curtisss* shelves are laden with the moot exciting array than many fighters have bad, including myself. Red Top starf- By BOB FERGUSON in on some of the TV melon, tho of gifts the season ever saw! Something for Mother,«, ed i his the SPRINGFIELD. — With foot­ larger purses and thc eventual Daddy ... Boys and Girls. way many boxers end theirs. i easy over Big ball tucked away in moth balls chance .it the crown for this di­ In 1M0 Red Top began box­ _ ithe for another winter, attention vision. If Davey should lose this ing. He had five fights and -Paul Andrews card tunas to basketball for fans one he v - at the . Neil shad the around the Reaper City. This bottom i J Chicogoan on the deck in year Coach Bucky Walters has second round. Welch is picked two young men of color The leather mixing will get back home after his 18th victory on the varsity squad at Spring­ underway at 8:30 p. m. Hope to fact, he has won more than he and is getting ready to fight field Public. has "lost. He has lost 47, wc next month, Maxim Willie White, one-half of the and fought to a draw In defeated Andrews Wildcats* touchdown twins of JEWELRY ENSEMBLES SUITS - HATS others. This fight (?) if it ct hire . . . will fight football fame, will get the call off will be unique because Red Bob Satterfield on Dec. 29 ' at forward when the team goes JACK THOMPSON Top has the most losses of any Miami. What about the Bobo Ol­ stellar athletes of color. Tbe up. son deal? Forget it. portunities after high school DRESSES - SUITS TOPCOATS - O'COATS forward poet will be Al Cohill, have not always been good, and who also gave a good account of their star soon flickered and Phalanx, Lane's, Garland Equip. Are himself on the gridiron. faded into oblivion, while their Madison Jones Back Over at Catholic Central we lighter skinned comrades In the COATS - SHORTIES TROUSERS - SHIRTS see that Bill (Snook) Johnson, fields of sport zoomed across Tops In Holiday Cage Carnival Play In NAACP Position last year's leading scorer, will thc sky in a blaze of glory and captain that team this year. cashed in on their ability. Phalanx fraternity, Lane-Ask- with 18 points while James Mor­ N. YORK. — The return of Central's counting heavily on However, the way is open now SUM- HOflBaY WATCHES - RUNS ons girls and Garland Equip,' " Madison S. Jones to the staff Of Fred (Cokey) Johnson to show for all of us, regardless' of race* emerged victors in thc Thanks­ the NAACP was announced this his wares to good advantage The best of the crop are chosen. giving day basketball carnival I-ane-As-uns bested Pope's week by Roy Wilkins, adminis­ when the dribble and passing Inn 35-30 In a squeaker played Maybe we do have to be just a at Spring St, YMCA, Columbus. trator. Jones, a veteran NAACP begins Friday night at Tiffany mite more proficient than that SWEATERS - BLOUSES AND MANY OTHERS aader men's AAU rales. Ihe worker, has been assigned to thc gym. Central will play its initial Ihe F r a t m e n defeated Y- winners were sparked by the other teammate, but if we ar* branch department as a field game against the fast Nortb- we get our chance. So let us Lcadvrs 63-47 in their fifth an­ play of-Capt. Catherine (Seoot- secretary. nual Turkey day meeting. The er) Crandall, whose 17 points have more of our young men game waa close going into thc were the game high, aad the seeking fame on our gridirons, final quarter with Leaders on tremendous defensive play IHK MUCH POSTPONED hardwood courts, In the squared top 42-41. Paced by Clarence and rebounding ef Alice Stalk- Named To Youth Unit Davey Moore-Eddie B u r g i n circle and on the diamond. * Colston and Ted Hughes, Pha­ worth. state championship fight is said OWt PAY LATER! lanx caught fire in the final per­ CHICAGO. —Herbert to be definitely set for Dec, 7 in iod, rolling to 31 points while In the feature fray Garland Wright, NAACP youth se Music hall, Cincinnati. holding Leaders to five, edged M-C Wine 78-75 to de­tary, was unanimously elected The outcome of this fight Colston topped all scorers throne the Winemen as Pre-to a special seven man national might possibly mean a big step Season League champions. The advisory committee on young in the direction of a champion­ lead changed A dozen tim< adult education to the Adult Ed-J ship bout for the winner. It is SkirtiondTUa CURTISS the last half. ucation Ass'n at the recent set for 12 rounds and billed for Scat Maa Says Rayvon Clark pumped ln 26 meeting of the AEA in Chicago. the Ohio State featherweight ; K S FA. 01 points for the winners. Team­ During the session, Wright par­ championship. 184-172-933 mate Dick Kendall had 20 while ticipated In a symposium and This is the big one for Spring­ johnny Mixon's 20 and Dave later presented a paper field's darling of the fisticuffs.' ^•yaSB^iaa*^.^^ 184-866-683 From here be can go in among the cream of the crop and cash THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER t. ____ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1WM THK OHIO uurntML LEGAL NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAUE MISC. SERVICES Dorothy Wilson, whose list known address Is Sill Madlsuu —RAN50M COAL CO.— Ave., Baltimore, Md., will take i BODY-FENDER & notice that en November It. t.ood Ohio A West Virginia Coal Sold by Ihe basket « ISM. Cornelius II. Wilson, Jr., Order any amount. Special: It baskets > • PAINT SHOP See-Mac Vout Bail- Man filed his petition la the Common 383 N. 20TH ST. FA. 4041 rieas Court ef Frankllu County. ISt B. Cay HI. ~ FE. SU* lite Seatiog or Seeking a Ohio, Division ef Domestic Re­ Columbus. O. Trade eur Want Ads will lations in Canse No. 7*341, pray- serve yen best. Quickest snd log for a dlverre from saVeet way te make a deal la the t oiiimbu.i "Family Mar­ nested of timm. ::<> miles per gallon. ket" Is with a Sentinel Waal 4 «7C9 evealags after EDDIE'S ROGERS' Ad. They're easy te place— I be ii-i heafiog USED CARS SERVICE STATION JUSUALl Ft. 7416 Home Of Tk. House of Fair Deals' A REDHOT BARGAIN! Frank M. Stewart, whooe last OK New Is The Time address la unknown.- will lake USBD CARS Call ar Sec Hilesmsa Te Chance Your OH APIS. FOR RENT notice Ihat on November 19, Fer Winter Drtvint ISM, Kdnelta F. Stewart tiled PAUL DAVIS LAWRENCE McDOWEll her petition la the Common CHEVROLET JO 6SE2 CA. 8-2053 Hn >. Court of F anklln County, Ohio n of Domestic He­ 2784 W..BROAD ST. venient locations. Reasonable latin s in Ca at. TOSS, pray- READER-ADVISOR rates day aad night. Call Mgr. Ing ; e from him en the ; WHEN YOU DKAL WITH DKANg Jeff Walton for Information, s*> neelect -if FE. t"S«. B. F. Horn, pro- duty prielor. Office MS N. Garfield . «7». MRS. LAURA nrklng (ur- BUDGET BUYS FOR BUDGET WISE Psychic Reader Do not claaa me aa a fortune M8 CHEVROLET CLUB CfK *29S teller. Come and see me te '48 KMSISU .l-I.OUK. ('I.KAN «5 hear the truth about mar­ riages, enemlea and business. Atlanta, (ia., will Uke notice •49 l!Ul' K SI I HI 4 IS. -OI, VI- KY C OOI) 545 I can remove eVU Influence. Apis, Rooms For Rent ovember Sfi, in:.I, Ce- •46 rlaYMOl'TH iMKJOK. ('I.KAN 145 Speclsal readings SI-00. Hour* filed her petition in '46 l'LY.MOl "I'll -I -HOOK. BIN'S GOOD 95 10-9 dally and Sunday. But the Common Pleas Court of •47 CHI.. I'.OI.IST CONVT. SIIAH1' MS •tosps at door. Franklin County, Ohio, Division •40 DODC.K Cl.rB. '-Hi MOTOR 95 of Domei-lir Relation.. In Cause '47 1>E SOTO CI.UB -*_ . No, 18119, prating for a divorce •41 KORU V-8 2-DOOR. Hill ".-••• __*[> from inm on the grounds ol •47 KOIIDSl'lM'.UDK l.l.'XE. V-8 2-DOOR 295 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CARD OF THANKS gross neglect of duty and wilful 39S absence for a period more than •48 KOltD PICKUP one year last past.*-. Said Canse. will be for hearing BANK RATKS - » MINUTE CREDIT SERVICE Samuel D. Hooker atives and friends for the sym­ on or after January 15, 19M. Real Estate pathy and kindnesses shown r. Attys. Sale* • Manaiement • Rents during the illnesi and al the 12-4. II. It. 25, , t, 1955. ROGER DEAN ._& Ml. Vernon Ave. passing of our dear wife, daugh­ FE. totl - Col's, O. • FE- SSM ter and sister. Martha WiUiams. Herman C. Iluggard, whose FORMERLY J. W. WATSON CO. . We espress our many thanks to last known address is BSL E. Rev. J. !•".. lin for his consot- 52nd St., Los Angeles, Calif., 1320 N. HIGH ST. WA. <»-4 i'i£ words and Rev. J. D. How- will lake notice thai on Novem­ ber 3ii, 1954, Elsie lva Unggard 11Oil MIU'S. OHIO ••••.-••• filed her petition in Ihe Common Picas Court of Franklin County, CHARLES WORLEY I l-iir. Ohio, Division of Domestic Re­ Ihe nurses, lations in Cause No U412,.pray tag I Beasley-Grave Sells More Raal E#tat« Brafcer Williams, Mrs. Cochran, 117 N. 20tb St, FE. ItlS many friends for cards 'and grounds neglect wenderlu! contributions, beatitl- duly. Ilsad Cars Thsn Anv Olbrr Drsl.r la Crotrsl Ohi. lul floral offerings, to ail who Said cams will be (or hearing With Onr l.orstion Bers— . donated cars, te the pallbearers, on ur after January 15, 1955. and te Brooks Funeral Home for Wcbsler S. I.ytnan, Jr,* Atty. LOWER PRICES - CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE . To Huy er Sell Property their efficient srrvi- •*-.. The Wil­ 12-4, 11, It. •'.:•.jn.,t, 1.1, g, 1955. r liams Family—Roger Williams, ) °_l? ',.; *395 •»• R&H ..... 745 REDMOND REALTY CO. husband; K. D. Spring, father; Josepb Alvcrson, whose last I STUDE. 2-Dr. I1BC known address is 1742 Brighton 0 cl Cp Cl., Vpsilanti. Michigan, will 33*H ™r -. *:...M295 Hattie Bmferd Redmond lake notice that on October 23. '50' •945 PLYM. 4-Dr. iMC 1951, Edna Mae Alvcrson filed H ' Licenced Broker her petition in the Common •645 Residence — RA. tSXl Pleas Court ef F.-anklin Coaaty. R&H """ HELP WANTED-FEMAIE Ohio, Division of 'Domestic Re­ ISIS. Hit bland Ave, lations in Cause No. 7*07.;, pray­ 1* R*H '545 Notary t'utiiir ing for a divorce from him on rrs HUDSON '53™°': '1245 A, ns.t, tlv, Cetembu I. Ohio Mail posUarda span the grounds ef gross neglect. every week. RICO, I She is asking for custody et 1295 meat, Belmont, Mass. their three minor children. MxtOM and took*. Steady em- S*ld Jj e will be lor bearing BEASLEY-CROWECO. MAKE THE SENTINEL pie? nent Apply in person. ** at * December II, 1:954. Hole! St. Clair, Ut Si. Clair Toler St Toler, AUys. M W. BROAD OPEN 'TIL 10 EVES CA. l-*5e» Jfottr Reading Habit Ave., FA 1111 *•-». 11 4, 13. 2t. 27, 12-4. 1951. Wr De Our Own Financing - Ne Waiting For Credit • ,-_. LEGAL NOTICES MISC. FOR SALE Robert McRae, whose last ad­ dress is unknown, will take no­ LONG & GRANT tice that ea October 2S, 1:9*4, Ann USED CLOTHING STORE McRae filed her petition in the We buy and sell ladies and Common Pleas Court ef Frank­ men's used clothing. lin c«untr, Ohio, Division ef Do­ mestic Relations ia Canse No. LIQUIDATION SALE .7SMS, praying

Said cause will he lor bearing THIS MERCHANDISE MUST BE MOVED IMMEDIATELY! en er after December 11, ItSI. Oar Business Is House Wrecking IB••_*, tt .0. 27, 12-4. 1954. Wa1Mo-Wi.ll Bigelo and Permian Carpeting, End Tables, Box Spring Mat- Jessys I-yon, whose last ad­ FOR SALE treaaet, Complete Bedroom Suites, Draperies, Mirrors and dozena of other dress Is unknown, will take no­ Miscellaneous Household Furnishings. Hurry to 1502 Eastwood Ave., Co­ tice that en November 12, 1954, Luther Lyon Hied a motion in Good Top Soil Wholesale lumbus. This merchandise made to order for people planning to go into the Common Pleas Coart ef housekeeping for the first time or properly owner* renting furnished rooms, Franklin Counly, Ohio, Division of Dumestic- Relations, In Cause apartments. Phone FA. 4666 - Rea. EV. 5171. Open from 12 to 9 P. M. No. TiStn, to modify the former 2300 Mock Road order of the court for supimrt ef the miner children. ELMER PARKER Said cause will be for hearing THE BEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON I jHarperVYour One Stop Gift Center-Harper's! 492 Armstrong SL en er after January 1, 155... Always remember to L. M. Gwynn. Atty. ky, "I saw it advertised II :«, 27, U-L 11. IS. 25, 1954. i The Ohio Sentinel." ^a*sat,at%fc,t%ft&^^