THE OHIO § VI Donates $125 To Freedom Fund sfaB-S-sUr t-KIVIAU ' ' <>H-0 STATE "USEU" LIBBART ' 5ENTJNEL. CITY EDITION COLUMBUS»«••»»•«, OBIO• 15 SCtC T«4 OHIO *.__., XS S VOL 6 No. 23 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1SS4 COLUMBUS, OHIC 3ENTINEL) 20 Year Old Man-J"* TWO SECTIONS THIS ISSUE Admits Raping Of shiloh church VOL.6. Ho, 26 STSffiJa. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1954 COLUMBUS, OHIO Columbus NAACr's 'Fighting Fund tor Freedom" received Dayton Woman financial shot In the arm this week when now Inactive Vanguard League turned remainder oi Its treasury, with exception ot MOO Br JIMMIE N. JONES -ret to be disposed of, over to NAACP. Att'y Franh C. Shearer, DAYTON.—A 60 year old matron climbed the steep VI, prexy. Is presenting 5135 te Roberta Basnett, local "Fight­ steps leading to the detective aeciiun at polite headquar­ ing Fund tor Freedom" committee chairman. Others in photo, ters Monday mormnjr and told l)et. S«t. James B. llogan from left: Robert E. Johnson, VI. treasurer, and Barbee W. Dnr- how a 20 year old man enticed her into hit. home on the hsm, Columbus NAACP secretary. Mrs. Basnett urges other or- pretense of visitilitt tiis* sick mother, after which he forced ganistions to contribute to fund, whose Columbus goal U S2M*. Bill Bell Says: her at the point of a knife to disrobe and submit to his de­ Other members of her committee are Charles Worley, Att'y mand for sexual intercourse. David D. White, Dr. John Bailey, Charles F. Spicer, Dr. Call i> The aged victim, still tinder Basnett and Rev. Phale D. Hale, Columbus NAACP president. the strain ot tlie osssiult, related accuaed the ALLEN WINOLD Allen Wmold, radio, television and concert violinist, will be CHICAGO DATEUNE featured artist when senior choir ol Shiloh Baptist, Colum- bus, presents ita second annual concoct, "On Wings of Song," Friday, Nov. 12, 8 p. m. This Is The City Offerings ol Win-old will In­ clude "Andante from Concert* In D," Beethoven, "Andante tfJBU M. MM) from Concerto la F," Mendels­ sohn, and "Meditation from Thais," Massenet. - Senior choir, under direction rHlCAGO. — Marlene Deitrich COLUMBUS SPORTS of Mrs. Madolin ii. Johns, will • needn't ft-el so great because sing anthems, spirituals and .hts-'s definitely not the only secular selections. "The Lost ; I amorous grandma about. She Chord," Sullivan, -'Consider und ihould meet Columbua' use-to- Hear Me," Woolcr, and "Car- JC and now Chicago's own Doro- iiie-na," Lane-Wilson, are includ­ ;hy Sclplo. ed in their numbesrs. Ton would never believe It from looking at ber but Doro­ Wmold wus born in Cleveland thy has a gmwa daughter, and' participated in musical cir­ Mrs. Ivan Corbin, and a small I cles throughout bis school years. grandson living on Columbus' Following graduauon from Wcst- Westside. And from the pic­ arded ture the proud grandmother showed me, the daughter is aa pretty aa her mem. •Dorothy,.more formally known und Sigmund Eft'n us Mra. Malcom Scipto, is a na- tivcef tlie Cupital City and has pushed artist only been living in Chicago a member ot the lirsl violin Couple of years. Her parents, Greets Liberian Counsul tion, Cincinnati t>yrnphuny Mr, and Mrs. Louis Shipley, live chfKtru, He servi_d at 1340 E. Long st. and conduclcr, Columbus iu also Mr. Sctpiu's symphony urches- hometown but he has been liv­ ing in the Windy City for about NINA M. REDD 1 eight years. Now a railway pot, if clerk, he once a member BACKING NEGROES of the Columbus police force. Thc Scipio* are well known In their hometown. Dorothy ia a former "Miss Bronze Ohio" winner and she will he remembered! as a bathing beauty contestant who could really swim. much better known'than when I * a better organised event. "I love swimming and thc first Ume I was In the-contest 1 had been la tbe Maryland pk. pool swimming all morning. The contest was at the pool so 1 just got right out of the water and 3 weat ap on the platform, dripping wet," sbe recalled with a laugh. FOR ALL-AMERICAS Story On Page 3 dry and captured tbe crown. The East High school graduate'] • her family and friends back home but she likes living in Chicago, "This is a very impersonal city," she believes, "and you don't find the warm friendliness of Columbus, but Chicago has good points that make up fur its faults." . - 13-14 in Among tho»e good points she li.t|ed job opportunities* legitv- main ballroom of the Scftth- matc tlieatrt*. major athletic events and having a beautiful lake hotel, Columbus. and beach right in the city. r.s. John Hunter. Mt. Vci Dorothy is "happily unemployed" right now but when *ho V., will be all-breed judge first came to Chicago she worked at one of the city's largest dow is an official of Uie organ , Scott Co. (better known i In addition to the alt-brce «*«). show there will be two special The Scipios live in 1 COLUMBUS COP, SAID POPPA OF Obio "geu into act" during official Ams-flean lour by Pres. ties, the Winsor solid color an new aparUnent buildings Tubman of Liberia. Cleveland, Akron and other cities were In. the Tabby and Aortic. Both apt It is 17 stories high and contains 300 apartments. eluded in visit and arranged by Pres. Eisenhower. At state re­ cialties will be judged by Mn When you ftee Midway Gardens with Hs lunge windows and ception arranged in Tubman's honor, news photographers caught Carl A. Johnson, Cincinnati. Rev. George Lawrence (left), formerly of Dayton- and now of Doors will open at 10 a.m. an Chicago, shaking hands with Ubertan Counsul William II. Jones and Mrs. Janes. Rev. Lawrence, wbe represents Nat'l Baptist Convention. V. 8. A., Inc., U well known as a public relations. consultant and editor on leave of The Ohio Sentinels edition tn Eurl G. Fleming, yici and show secretary; Mr. and When the Scipios get a longing to see some homefoUt, ther GIRL'S CHILD, SKIPS FROM CITY Dayton. He now makes headquarters at SIM S. Parkway, Chi- Mra. IV; he McKnight, show don't have to go very far. Also living in Midway Gardens «r« Mr. ' ea«a. managers. asnd Mrs, Ivan Metcalfe, another former Columbua coupla. Story On Pago 3 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1»S4 THE OHIO SENTINEL THE OHJOMKTll.il. SATURDAY. WOVEMBm 17. fgu y**iii»^*->-*,->*'-^**-»«»«v^ SCRIDES HOLD AID FROM POTENTIAL NEGRO ALL-AMERICANS By mi.1. HI;i,i. i _, BARGAINS 6AL0RE «££. Sentitir I Sportj 1 :dit<.r DHFOKK ,YK RING do urtuin on tlie current •al (Columbus) prty.s has gone 1 it is hard to make All-Am-. B college football MSB) >uld like lo commend iluyer.and omit others and thi has destroyed 'i that fur down on the totem | -THE BEST BUYS OSU':. Bobby Watkins pirit during tlie pant spirit urid morale of the team. Stats and Iowa all figured U campaign. We know he ly- tried by llic stories It la a tribute to the current i ibove Ohio Slate rt the final tabulations and they t which ho read after eac destroy It. lad great Negro I acta, He was the Bucks' bread und butter bark, the man Wc know that very seldom J. O. Caroline i almost unanimously All-Amerl. i hla lily ..lwi He ist be, built up. The whom they colled upon when the count wan third and can last l.ell..y Bolden of Michigan gtala ARE AT" two, coal and one. and he never failed them. Yet, it st be focused on him. - made nearly cvory second Alt-Amerleaa eleven in was his broken field running teammate who received nlch his every move- 1953. Iowa's Eddie Vincent was the Hawkoyea' star all of the plaudits from the daily press. i-"« men on Ihe play- back and they were expected to win the Big Iff con­ Bobby could, on Individual effort alone, rati over ing field. ference title. * fwo or three tackle i*. for a lone gain or a touch- You huve to build up such un oufa of greatness "Wlu tha . do : Wa down and the story would read, "Watklns broke off •round the boy that writers will come from all of tlie • known Ihe select o ha If backs tackle for Zl yards," or "Watklns look a hand oft to leading Wire service papers in the area to see him. i the san confci Negro half- You huve to write'HU glowingly about him that local ••onfereni:*'. Well, you know 'But let Howard Cussady break away on one of his fans wil) bun*Smffigy an/ foreign ipol tswriter or it happen. So, long runs. Out cumc the adjectives'in the superlative gpnrtgcaatcr vSSriM d&ugret*. • inericun, it must be Cassady because end Dick Bru- KHAKI OVBKOATS SPORT mm degree describing the achievements of the All-/Sr>erf* W« can readily understand why Cassady was pick­ laker id Hie only other pre-seu-inn pick and he Was not ed at tha atari of the lesson for Ohio State's All- "We i the i American candidate, lie Is a local boy, a good back, and r (OATS and DRESS SHIRTS KRAKOFF'S and allhouch Watklni had led him the previous year We have no quarrel with the original reason but cla II -AS" HE rOOIWEAR AND APPARB FOR THE HIKE FANHY In ground gaining and acorlng, he was a better de­ vith Caroline and Bolden injured sand playing with $5N fensive back.
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