A Newspaper With A Constructive Policy OU A.


Enlistments Air Force Prosecutes Program

Third Link In Washington, d c. - - The nent party assigned to JJcott Al: third link in the chain toward ocm- Force Base at St. Louis, where air­ plete integration ol Negroes into man are trained chiefly In radlc Repair and maintenance. E. W. Ken Use -army was forged here Saturday when a teletype order from Army worthy, executive secretary of Presi­ Secretary Gordon Gray, ordering dent Truman's Committee on Equa­ the removal of all racial quotas, lity of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services, has reported went Into effect. The message, sign ed by Adjutant General wiftsell, Scott Field is one of seven Ab was dispatched to the commanders Force installations Mr. Kenworthy of the 11 major army areas. visited to see how the policies-thi Dated March 27, It read In part: Air Force pul into effect last Ma; "Effective with the month of 11 to assure equality of treatment April, all enlistments in the army and opportunity for all members ol BOOKER T. WASHINGTON within overall recruiting quotas will its personnel was working. JIRTHPLACE, Va. _ Atty Perry be open to qualified applicants Mr. Kenworthy reported that he W. Howard of Washington, D. C. wiftoht regard to race or color.” found complete Integration at delivered an address on Sunday The April male recruiting quota Is Scott Field, April 2, 1950 on HELPNE8B TO­ 10.061 As of last January 20, 484 colored WARD OTHERS on the planta­ As it presently stands, the army airmen of a total of 3JM7 In tion where Booker T. Washington lias opened training schools to ail the permanent party at Scott Field was born. This address is in con­ qualified personnel, an action tak­ or approximately 12 per cent, were nection with the fifth observance WEST INDIAN NOTABLES the people anu considtring stage and Alton Adams, famous en last fall; and revised its utiliza­ colored. There were 686 coloredi of his birthday in Franklin County GREET YOUNG PIANIST - Vir­ trinciai loss ni thought would Naval bandmaster of tile 20's in­ .Ax'.- tion policy, permitting qualified airmen in the schools out pf a total Va. Had the great educator lived, gin Island, May 22. Teen-age incure as well spent in the service troduced her to . the enthusiastic . Negro technical pesonnel to be as-1 A FRESHMAN MEETS THE CENSUS TAKER - A Morehouse college of 6,373, or a little over 10 per cent. he would l»ve been ninety-foul pianist and composer, Philippa of Art. To his sururlse. the concert audience. Philippa had Just come signed to overhead units whererver There also were thirteen colored years old tins year. Schuyler scored a tremendous drew a packed house and hundreds from the Exposition In Haiti where freshman, Paul Hooks, is shown here supplying factual data vacancies occuf. The latter move officers in tHe offitens’ training ■when she played in 8t. Thomas, were turned away. Philippa played she had also made a sensation; in about his family and himself to Census enumerator, Mrs. Eunice 6. J. Phillips. President of Um was made last January 16. technical courses, and six colored capital of the Virgin Islands''7he a classical program of Bach, Scar­ Cuba and Puerto Rico it was the S. Gentry, of 801 Carter Street, here early Saturday morning. Mrs. officers In the permanent party. Booker T. Wshlngton Birthplace owner of the largest movie theater, same.stary; she was swamped with latti. Chopin, Brahms, Ravel and Gentry is one' of 20 Atlanta Negro enumerators who are ringing Mr. Kenworthy said he visited Memorial stated that he knows of m the city off» red Its faciln.e; for De Falls. The new Governor Mor­ Featured Speaker At no man in America who to atw flowers and offers to return Phi­ door bells among Negroes for Uncle Sam in Greater Atlanta. almost all of the classes and found the concer- as a cultural’ gift to ris De Castro welcomed her on the lippa travels with her mother. Sigma-Zeta Regional In most of them colored student« capable than the Honorable Perry The Census , which continues daily across the Nation for W. Howard to deliver such an ad­ THE EXCEPTIONS . » t .«• the next four weeks, is expected to cover every phase of life and dress. His reason for this state­ As of last December 26, there were activity of the American life. - (Photo by Adair.) ment is bwuue.,01 Atty Howard's no colored men reported to be in dost awodawn with Booker T. cryptographic technician courses, Washington during hi*his life time. Famed Surgeon, 3 Medice In nor in raid repairman (alternating BUS EXECUTIVE SEES NO HARM current) equipment courses, but The, address will be delivered al there have been colored graduates 2 p. m. on Sunday. April 2 in con­ in previous classes in radio repair­ nection with a competitive singing man (alternating current) equip­ program which will be one of the IN CALLING RACE MEN "BOYS" ment _ . .. *, >. . the filth i - ■' Mr. Kenworthy reports also that ' ed 'buddy,' boy,' and-terms of this ALEXANDRIA, La. - (ANP) - there were colored officers in the kind, not In a matter of reflection." Blood Bank Creator There is nothing "objectionable" in communication officers' course. Tureaud has sent a letter of com­ ef====-^== addressing full grown Negro men as Scott Field, like Keesler, Lake­ plaint to Walker concerning the "boys." according to M. W. Walker, land and Williams Alt Force Bases, Attorney Aspero To Seek Judgeship Killed Instantly; 3 president of the Continental South­ treatment of Negroes by bus driv­ al) of which are under the Air Force ern Lines, Inc., owner and o|ierator ers, following statements from sev- Training Command, had broken up Of Chancery Court, Shelby County Physicians Injured of the Trailway bus lines. In a re­ eral offended patrons. its colored service squadrons and cent letter to A. P. Tureaud, presi­ "We are in receipt of complaints assigned qualified colored men to dent of the New Orleans NAACP from members of our group alleging schools while retaining those in BURLINGTON, N. C'. - (BNS) - branch. Walker said: that they are being mistreated bs Anthony A. Aspero, Memphis At- the Court and will endeavor to con- their present specialties who were Surgeon Charles Richard Drew, "I cannot see why this (reference bus drivers of the TrailwBys Bu- tomey, has announced as an in-' trol my temper at all times. not qualified for further training, medical director ot Freedman hos­ to- people of your race as 'boys’) lines," the NAACP letter read. "It dependent candidate for Chancel­ 4.1 will hear evidence in open Mr. Kenworthy reported. pital, Washington, and eminent should be objectionable I have nan is pointed out that the drivers ad lor of Division 2, Chancery Court Court only. He noted that in one vehicle medical authority who developed in my employ, many Negroes, both dress Negro passengers as 'boys' and of Shelby County; This Judgeship is 5.1 will not allow a wrong to be squadron, composed of men princi­ plasma and the blood bank during in tills business and on farms that yell for them to move back so that cow held by Chancellor L. D. Be- without a remedy and will endeavor pally In lower general classifications World War II, was killed instantly 1 operate, as servants, etc., and I the white passengers may board the Jach. , ‘ to do complete justice. Dr. William H. Pipes, Dean of there were 188 colored men and 173 and three other doctors hurt Satur­ know people of your race. Many ‘bus .even though the Negroes ar Mr. Aspero. who is a Democrat, 6.1 will listen to all evidence in whites — approximately a 60-50 day when their car overturned near Men at Philander Smith College, times people are spoken to and c'all- standing first in line*' - composition. has lived in Tennessee for twenty order to enable me to arrive at a Haw River. Little Rock, Atk., will be one of the This squadron, he said, was com­ years, raving practiced law since fair and impartial Judgment of the Treated for injuries in connection featured speakers during the public manded by a white captain with a 1034. case. * „ . I with the fatal mishap were Dr. meeting of the Joint Sigma-Zeta colored lieutenant second in com­ “Some time ago a member of my 7. I will hot sleep in Court during John R. Ford, who received arml Sorority-Fraternity on April 7-8 in Chamber To Lay Plans For Observance .brother lawyers as well as other the course of a trial. fractures and lacerations; Dr. Wal­ Memphis. mand, and a white first sergeant. Mr. Kenworthy said he talked with friends suggested that I become a ter S. Johnson and Dr Samuel Bui- A graduate of Atlanta University, Of Negro Business Week April 23-30 8. 1 solemnly pledge that'I will candidate for the Chancellorship. I j lock, who sustained slight injuries Tuskegee, and the University of the two officers and the non-com­ not be influenced by any politician, missioned officer, and quoted them have received much encouragement, which did not require hospital at- Michigan, Dr Pipes is the formei Representatives of every Negro at Chamber offices, 546 Beale Ave­ political .organization, or political as saying that there had been no and after consideration, I have , tention. President of Alcorn College. Alcorn. business in the Memphis area has nue. Thursday. April 6, at 8 p. m. machine in rendering fair and im­ trouble whatsoever In the squad­ decided to become an Independent The medical men, all associated Miss., and i6 the author of "Voice been asked to participate in the The Thursday night meeting will partial judgments in the causes of ron. candidate for the office of Chancel­ 1 with the Washington hospital, were In the Wilderness.” plans for the plans for the obser­ be headed by Lewis H. Twigg. Pre­ » lor, of Part 11 of thejChancery tlie people of Shelby County. enroute to Tuskegee Institute, Ala. vance of National Negro Trade Week, sident of Memphis Negro Chambet (He said the barracks of this squad­ ron were the pleasantest he saw Court In (lie general election next to attend a medical clinic. April 23 to April 30th. Hie program of Commerce. L. R. Johnson Exe­ "I believe I am qualified to hold anywhere, the morale of the men August" At Washington, D. C. an attache sponsored by the Memphis- Negro- cutive Secretary, Negro Chamber of flip office whlcr I sefk. and I ear- Miss Julia Foreman was high, and on the day he was DR. T. H. PENN of Roanok* at Freedman said a wire from Dr. Chamber of Commerce, will be held Commerce, and Mrs. Rosa Brown "The citizens of Shelby County nestiy solicit the support of the will address a Health Institut« at Bulloch, chief assistant to Dr. Drew Bracey, Secretary, Natioual Negro there colored and white airmen have a right to expect certain fun­ people of Shelby County in the indicated that the accident occurred were working together fixing up Booker Washington Birthplace, YoungPeople's Day Business League. damental qualities in a Chancelot election negt August.” late Saturday afternoon. The report Va. (Continued On Page Six) or Judge, and I prospose to carry alleged Dr. Drew was driving the Joint Band All Negro business concerns In Mr. Aspero is 42 years of age and Speaker First Bapt. out the following, If elected to this automobile when it overturned the city have been asked to observe studied law at Suffolk University in MISS JULIA B. FOREMA5J. edi­ office: The cause of the fatal mishap the week as "Trade Week" and to Boston, having graduated from tor ot the Young Adults Quarterly Concert Planned and other details surrounding It provide for tbe buying public a spec­ for the National Sunday School Mrs. Minnie McDowell, 1. I will accord fair and impar­ Cumberland University in Lebanon, could not be immediately deter­ Melrose Band and the Letter Car­ tacle which will be as thrilling as to Tennessee, with the degree of bache Publishing Board, will be guest tial trail and treatment to all who mined. riers Band «’ere featured at Beale the ability of Negro Business Con- speaker for Young People's Day at come before the Court, regardless lor of laws and was licensed to prac­ Mrs. Minnie Lenore Drew, wile Avenue Community last Fri­ cers to meet competition in 1. Clean First Baptist church Easter, Sun­ of color or creed, and whether àf- tice law by the Supreme Court of of the famed surgeon, who formerly day nigh*, March 31, when the Artistic Display. 1' Fresh .Merchan­ Pioneer Citizen, Dies day. April 9th. according to an­ fUted with management or labor. Tennessee In 1934. During World taught at Spelman College, was in­ Memphis Park Commission sponsor dise. 3. High Quality of Goods. 4. War II, he served in the Ninth nouncement of the pastor, Rev. H ed a public program. Theme of the 2. I will accord courteous treat­ formed of the highway tragedy by Comparative Prices. 5. Courteous Mrs. Minnie McDowell, residence McDowell of . ", Engineeer Command Air Force, with C. Nabrit. (Service. - - ment to all litigants, lawyers, and wire. She and her four children evening was "The Night Shall Be of Memphis for' fifty-three years the Staff Judge Advocate in Eng­ were at their residence. 328 College Heading up Important commit­ Filled With Music."- witnesses, both men and women. passed at John Gaston Hospital Her children were the pride of land. France and Germany. His Street. N. W„ Washington when tees for the day are Berkley Ed­ 3.1 will maintain the dignity of The program opened with the Star Monday, M ir 27. She was seventy Mrs. McDowells li'e and all were younger sister served with the the tragedy was disclosed. dins and Woodrow Walker, co- Spangled Banner played by both Rust Singers To years of age and had been a mem educated in the public schools of United States Army Nurse Corps in Meanwhile, in Atlanta several chairmen; Mrs. V. S. Nabrit. pro­ bands and the Overture "Energy' ber of Mount Moriah. Baptist Memphis. They have all made England and France, and his young­ physicians, classmates and students gram; Mrs. James Cowan, and was played by Melrose Band church for 38 years, serving on the Dr. Roulhac Visits est brother served with the United jof the 45-year-old winner of the Mrs. Charles Graham. Sociat; Be Televised Wed •I worthy contributions to th* re­ Among the featured solos "Danny Mother's Board of that tnstltntlon Slates Army in the Aleutian Islands. iSpingarn Medal (July 1940, ex- Miss Mattie Westbrooks and Miss ligious and civic life of the city. Boy" by John D. Williams and "Be­ since 1918 *Mr Aspero Is a member of the | pressed shock when informed of Clarice Sykes, Decoration; Mrs. William McEnwell became well Kins In Florida wildered" by Teddy Powell. The "Starlet Review" | Dr. Drew's death. Clara Coleman and Mrs. Rosa Mur known as an orator and writer. He Dr. C. M. Roulhac, prominent DeSota Lodge. Masonic Temple. Melrose Glee Club and the Boys Oc­ Born in New Albany, Mississippi Scottish Rite, Memphis Tennessee, Executive Secretary Warren Cobh; relh Finance; Mrs. C. T. Wells Rust College Singers from Holly Memphis physician and civic lead tette also participated Mrs.' McDowell came to Memphis served as a representative of the rane told- the Atlanta World that and Mr. Fisher. Ushers; Mrs. C. T Springs, Miss., will appear this t I er. is spending his spring vacation and Al Chytnia Temple. In addi­ A C. Wiljiams of Station WDIA at an early age and was reared Atlanta Life Insurance Company's in Florida'as guest of his sister, Va­ tion to Local and 8tate Bar Asso­ . Dr. Drew and his medical com - Wells and Mrs. C. Crawford, Con­ ; Wednesday night, April 5th, as was Master of Ceremonies with Nat in the home of the late Judge J Memphis District and was popular cation time for the veteran medic ciation, Mr'. Aspero Is a member panions had made a reservation at tact; and J. Kilpatrick and Chas- I guest over STARLET REVIEW D Williams, also of Station WDIA P. Mo«. one time as President of the L*» also means fishing time, and he of the American Bar Association, the Butler Street YMCA Saturday Graham. Activities. TELEVISION, a television progTorn Tile Committee, in charge of the Moyne Gardens Tenant Associa­ before leaving Washington. They Miss Foreman is‘a graduate of. , sponsored- by Mississippi Avenue and some of his life-long friends having served 2 years on the Com­ program was Mi^s Georgia R Syl In 1906,- site met and married the 1 had planned to stop in the city en­ the' National Baptist Missionary I Radio Company. This weekly tea. tion. He has resided in Chicago of his native Florida will turn to mittee on Wage and Hour Legisla­ vers Mrs. Georgia V. Harvey. J D late Mr. William McDowell, who Training School, and holds the during the past four yean. .« many of the lakes that are fisher­ tion of its section on Labor Rela­ route to the John A. Andrew Medi- ture appears at 11 P. M„ and pre- J cal Clinic at Tuskegee Institute, Williams, Nat D. Williams, and served for many years as Deacon man’s paradise in the "Everglade Master of Arts Degree from Fisk sents the be«t possible talent avail­ tions Law. He is also a member «f1 Maurice Hulbert Jr. of Mt. Moriah Baptist church and Funeral services were held Mon I Alabama. University. Her appearance here is able to the televNon-radin public State." ' I ‘ ' the Civic Research Committee. passed iq June, 1919 day from Mount Moriah Baptist 1 Dr. Drew, who was chief of sur­ cxpecied to draw a number of Return of the Rust College Sing- In Panama City Dr Roulhac is Incr Florida Street, with Rev. J W geons at Howard University and young people of other churches. our church." asserted Pastor Na- icrs tomorrow night (Wednesday) Is To this happy union, four chil­ guest of his sister, Miss Elizabeth West officiating assisted by Rev medical director at Freedman at "If there is to be a growing, and brit, who expect to deliver a spe- by popular demand. They will be Roulhac. He will, motor ..to Chipley Mr. Aspero is mamed to the for­ I dren were born, three of whom the time of his death, was a gradu­ J H Patton and Rev O. C. Reed Florida to spend a short time visit mer Miss Nell Sanders and re­ progressing church, then we must hh thhhhhhhh hhhhhhhn aWyou I heard and seen oven Radio Station are still living; Mrs. Flossie Mc­ ate of Amherst College (A. B ), Mc- N J Ford Funeral Home was to ing the Roulhac High School, sides at 1790 Saxon. They have one aid in every way to accentuate dal sermon for young people, dur« 1 WMCT-'CHANNEL 4), beginning a’ Dowell Purnell. Arthur McDowell, named in honor of his brother. daughter, Nell, who is almost three (Continued On Page Six) the Efforts of our young people in Ing morning worship. : 11 P. M. both of Memphis and William H charge. -i

HELP PLAN FOR CITY-WIDE OBSERVANCE OF NATIONAL NEGRO TRADE WEEK, APRIL 23-30TH Lewis H. Twigg, Chamber President Louis R. Johnson, Secretary fl

« •• - - .T ■ ■/ -, ?. -, Çlevelande/s ton ih» WS'ÄHs ßK=A Cpmplyîng/Wîth 10. “a FEP Ordinance ...... -.: ■'■-.'MP? CLEVELAND - (NNPA) i- WASHINGTON -Hie Henry Maurice Edmond. In order_to. en-.’’ iy three complaints of violation-Of Wellses, a - Louisiana champion sure. plenty • of winter. grazing, Mf, Cleveland's - fair, employment prac­ colored-farm family of .Port Hud­ Voells turns' under his corn staUffi/’’1: and seeds'the flel'd to oflt|s.' «Thfr- tice ordinances have been received son,'switched, from one-crop cotton iff date, according to Mayor Tho- farming to live-stock; poultry, and ijotjmlyjrovides" good, gazing, btÿ -mar-Amurkcr ~ truck a fewyears ago arid now often also improves our land,1' says the heàd. of-The champion. farnUyy.:,M4 'Die Malyor told" the new Com­ gross annually as much as $12.000, munity Relation's Board al lts-jnl- sgys a report recgi’ved/this week by few years ago, the Production and.. tial ineetliig last Tuesday afternoon, the U. S.-Department of Agricul­ Marketing Administration -, helped -¡' quoting Frank W, Baldau, executive turefrom the -Louisiana State Ex­ them dig a stock pond/ .' , "VM-i BY REV. TASÇHEREaU ARNOLD .secretary ôf théTormer boardj that tention Service.' TRUCK CROPS one of thé three complaints ippar- 2 In addition to livestock ¡and poul­ cntly was outside of the city's juris-' For.years,.Mr. Wells followed, the try,' itheMGllsesM80 produce,,truck > rBILLIE REALLY’ .von .displtased with such hosiery?" diction. '■ . .. pattern of farming lie -learned from, crôps-sweetpotatoes, .Irlslf' ipotè-. ' ìtììtì® ONE FOR A, CHANGE; , . That's, wliat:weisaid to opr.. good ' - ’ '¡Z.' "i/ h'ls fathor and counted on cotton .toes/qi^ybeans, cabbagefitumlpÎ ’SHOWS LIKES AND DISLIKES ■friend. •Nirsliy,'he pointed touLthat, ■ Mayor Burke -opened- the.- organi­ ’as; his sole cash cr9P, despite heavy okra, .tqmatoesi;an.d'-;sweet çoïlr'iii ji’ABOIT .BLACK ÌIEEL STOCK- he''always. likes; to sbe the wonien zation' meeting by swearing in the losses caused by boll weevils.'Then their li5-.acre ,! far>n. Annually, dress up with just p]aiii seam, or •group and appointing committees s. way of th nkmg. will attract buard^s a who ?. the size and quality of llielr herd At (lie suggestion of" the Mayor, market;- and he r,Iso helps spray lead this column anv further' ll too many roosters to peep too long . and „continued to cut_their„ cotton, thé cattle agairist-f liés-and-other-4- Jill "-maybe get on your nerves'.'If ' nt and that might {“ toy ’ i at acreage, Today, they grow no cot­ Insects; two daughters/ and; a son your head is easy to get off the be bad for the roosters in an age ™tlie samcsame tlmctime 0[of day in111 two weeweeks, ton at all, but they Own 70 head of ore away. . .. •' '. ; -.- : „vu-, flavor Burke asked that the three Sbeam,'you’had better -stop reading fjwhen there.are so many inope lien:, cattle,- including a purebred Here­ Mr. Wélls has found the spraying , , committees try to be ready to make -this stuff.' - than men. ■' ford bull, a Holstein milk cow, and is-extremely iielpjtjl. A, y.eax; agp; - reports at tlie next meeting. ' V .'So,.as.:tml we picked tip an in- ! Thirdly;Tini'di.v; Brother Billie pointed out a Jersey, Also,, they raise about 50 lie and 64 other farmers in ‘ thé " Only two members were absent 'iteresting'convii'sation'- .witli our tii.al' ;some 4.. .okl roosters . ..may ... .be'.J hogs a year for market. parish got..-together as Ji réSult . of frorii lhc 17-rnember board's first (most'WorthyTriciid,1 wild"- always] tempted to.think" astheytlid when meeting. Tliey ' were Councilman BEST STOCK _. .. County Agent Edmond's prompting icàptivàtes éur' imagination. -. Thus: ■'tliey were.young;and. spry if . the and bought: a $600 power sprayer, Charles V. Carr, who was out of the , Tlie cattle and hogs owred by we never miss an opportunity of ■'chicks" strut say in the '. Easter Now they spray their /cattle every, city, and Russell Swtter, who was Mr. and Mrs. Wells and their five /'cònvérslng.'with this man of God. ■Paradé with these brown and black­ /six weeks,' "This keeps our calves- - linable to arrive at City- Hall until children are rated among the best 4. Are you still reading this filler heel stockings. healthier and enables the whole the meeting was over. ■ in Louisiana, says Assistant State i of space. Well,, don't say wc. difin’l- Well we guess you arc thoroughly ■ ' Tlie Mayor warned-the bqard that Extention Agent R. J. Couriney; herd to put on weigh-, faster," says I warn you that you inibii not be. disappointed with this stuff. You Mi'. Wells, who pl'itis to contlnup . '.i it preseiitly had only $20,000 to. spend He points out, for example, that pleased with what you. arc read­ know you were warned in advance his iivestok enterprise. - ; Mr,. Wells won awards for grand ying.and will read as you get fur­ not to read this coliirim if your on personnel and other expenses this year and that if it was felt champion and a class champion at head Was easy logo swimming. ther down into the column. that additional funds .were required the State'Jivestock show last year! Ji A Brother Billie’said that' lie .was You can stop now.- Il niiglit not be it, would_be_necessary„to.gq ,to_the with a pair- of-Poland China-pigs. kinda disgusted with these, brown necessary for you to read aiiy niorc City Council with ;the''rcqiiesi.T? At the same show, his soil Edward, ahd' black; heel stockings some wo- of-it; ’ a - 4-H’er, walked off with the men.are wearing todayl "Why aj;c Fourthly, Brother Billie-said (hat Accredited despite flic fact , that he disliked grand championship prize' for his CHICAGO — (ANP) — Arkansas black and brown heel hosiery, somo SweepstakeWinner Jersey heifer; • .’’■s’,. ' • AM and N College This week wai •how another he finds himself lik­ But' winning championship.awards added' to. the-listof colleges approv- " ing what’s‘in the stocking. . Well, Led Merry Chase ig not unusual for the -Wellses, .Two ed ancl accredited by thè North Cen-H“ he might have something there. BOSTON'ARTIST AND,$300 PRIZE,-. WINNING gro artists. .years ago, the family won first lral''A'ssociatlons: of Colleges an4. ' ' And that's’dial.- ' . . •'. By Prospectors PAINTING-Jarnos Reuben Reed of Boston, Mas-' A one-fime student of- tho Scoff Carbee prize in the ownership division of Secondary' Schools,', the- natioq's the State-wide - 'Better Living Con7. sachuselts, whose, prize-winning cafivqss in oil, School of Art;'Rood’s paintings have been shown leading accrediting body,' ¡.T"- ’■ ;T BROOKLYN, N. Y. - (ANP) - lest." At tlie State poultry show, titled "Depressed," received lhe lop cash award This announcement wns made 4 " Life, has become Tike a merry-go- atjhe.Boston Art Club, the 20th Century Club of ■ BeieaWrites Mrs. Wells won. first prize with one the anhual-meeting of the'Associa- ' round- for /Henry- V/Watkins, sub­ of $300 al Atlanta University's Ninth .Annual Ex­ Boston a}id at’Boston's Horticulturql Society? Al of ¿her. New. Hampshire layers -last tion in Chicago after Dr. Lawrenfe . KITZINGEN, Germany - Vfitli Ky. State On way conductor, since he won $70,000 hibition of Paintings, Sculpture a,nd-Prints by Ne< U.'s 9t|] annual exhibitipn opened Sunday. year, ■-jilmaxing- six' consecutive Davis, president of. the Pine Bluff on ,1ns ticket, on the favorite,..Free­ . the arrival of'eight, new- members T~ • years of prize winning at the show. School, had been interviewed. .’"- ' :. ¿ptthq''WbhTOn's Arniy-Corps:at the Race______Enfrance booter, in ■ the; Irish sweepstakes. .UnityJJrged InM-- . Mr. Wells says that-their kiic^ The'schooEWas inspected in Feb-__-i • ICltzlrigen Training Center the pinn-i Happy in his newly\acquired rich­ cess with’livestock has, been dhe iiiary. by. Dr. Paul . Vv Sangren ani .of enlisted - women assigned to I ■ J-IUNKFORT, Ky-The Office- es, but. qnitempiiet bv pesterings of Los Angeles Vote largely to' acquiring, better, breeds Dr.' Henry Schmitz. ¡ individuals 'seeking to get in on the /.thé. 7871st; Trâinlng..and Educ-allon-i-'of the pean of 'Students. Kentucky LOS ANGELES - (ANP). r- The and. to pasture improvement Under money,' he has been almost 'afraid i Group' WAG-Detaclnhcnt has in-¡State College, recently made pub- Los Angeles'Negro vote is worth le;ss- the direction of- his county agent, ROUGH ROAD TO LOVE .■crea'sed to'.3G, it was.announced by" lic?ajetler received from Berea to conie/hpme from-his job._ today with 250,000 Negroes Uian it OLYMPIA. Wash.— Determined . lst': Lt? Ahn 'G. Hall, ’ 5845“ Prairie ; College,' Berea', Kentucky, regard- When , caught slipping into' . his was lwiryNtrs' ago-with only 50,000 to see his. girl to explain a misuri- home on the upper-floor of a three- The names "of the ten winners AVO.,-Chicago, Ill., commanding of-;ing the admission of Negro.stu- â congressional primary-candidate his painting, 'East RJver,” and the special 'education, Langston Univer­ dérstan'ding, Rd Dorsey climbed to, . story; tenement, 'in the. heart.-of at 'Atlanta University's -ninth’’an­ . fleer-of the detachment.-'' ■ I dents. Addressed to Mrs. Ami Jack- said here last week while seeking second award of- $75 . ^fts won. by sity; Mrs. Lucy s. Herring, super­ The -roof of .a' store adjacent to-her / Brooklyn, he' was reluctant to; re- nual exhibition of paintings, sculp? .; Themew WAC members are: SFC.i son' Heartwell, Dean of Students thé candidacy lor the 14th district Estella W. Johnson of New York visor, ; Buncombe County \ schools, -apartment, hoping to .. see. he r - ' ’Gtodys C. Toliver,-332 Convent Ave.,ithc letter'read:/"As voU are Un- i Veal any of his- future .plans to a hire and prints by - Negro artists Street, New York. City." : •J '.»VU die ULI - 1‘ ----- T- i it < .-■ ,, , «vnvseat léftiuv vpuiopen' MYby' 41Rep.-Helen Ga- reading clinic; Robert C/ Long, through-the window. ¿He fell thru «» ■ «>■ *• wf e.- .were rcleased today-after-one-of - New. Yor^•Y.-l*.. N.Y.;'Sgt, X., --o-. Oze'llcS.w. Coan, ¡doubledivUMUUU-Uiy . aB.UV.aware, liltt . neillUCKV .„ ,, , chairman, Department -of Business, a skylight into the store and coul^ • Fr...... ■' the-stiffest competitions sjionsored The sculpture vylnncrs were Ed­ 62 Harbor Street, Sa.mford, Conn.; legislation by amending'. the -Daj’-Ke,Bro, Pres.s; He..dld say that - he The candidate,- Fred Roberts; for Savannah State College, commerce; not get out'as all" the' doors were--, Gpl.iC^oJa^Loyfij '4644 St,. Lawrence ¡Law has madd it possible for Ne* ^tpnds to at last get a decent place by. this-Jnstitution.. More’ than 350 die Fred'.,Jackson of Orangeburg, nine - terms ...a - state .assemblyman, South'- Carolina, who' was" awarded Dr. John A, McGeachy, Davidson locked. He telephoned police, -wl\o Avenue, .Chicago, til.;.- CpV Rebec- jpo'studqnts"tonc"e again to enter'10 "vc but,, other than'that, plans spoke iin -his. drive lu: thé ;primary .art works were entered by"approxi­ College,¡history; Miss Tlichna Mor-, locked him in jail,’charged'\vith in._,? I tffTontinue on. Ills job. ' * mately 200 artists from ail over the the first prize of $250. for'his plas­ ca.A, Glass, Routel, Box 111, Van'. Berea "".College, "subject To the a'p/ I57PBt‘Bue oil; ills jqb. ■' voté tor.June 6. He deplored, the rls, N. C. State Board of Health, toxlcatlon. Released the next day rBurem'^rfc;. Cpl. Daisy E. Berry; | proval "of ■ the Board'of Trustees country,. However, only 140. works ter figure" which lie . called “Ma­ idea of seéeràl Negroes applying health education; Mrs. Leona Mc- he-had to have his back treated; ■ ■ Watkbis, a World War II veteran, of art by 75 artists -were selected donna and Child"; and John W. 2610 N. lOth St.. , Wis.; : which we feel sure \Viil be 'forth- for me job -in competition against .Owens; .Asheville -Public schools, having suifered a back., injury in "J who was in the European Campaign, for the showing. Twelve of the-, ex­ Rhoden of , whose Pfc. Dolores'V. Brpwii. P. 0. .Box , coming.’’ ' . ' ■ one another. He said: reading clinic; and Dr. William H. his lall,. . is 31 years old and . He re­ hibitors are Atlantans. Female Figure, took tlie second 180] Bedford Hills, N. Y.: Pvt. Car- The letter continued. "Majors in “Tho vote Will be. split up so much Watson, principal, Sampson .coun­ sides with.his mother and father, prize of $100. . < .Tie] M-'-Woods,'414 N. Honsler St., j41ie following fields, not offered at , that, nòne of us will be elected. I .two sisters and a brother. He will The exhibit.. was formally op­ Atlantans whose; works,are'Te- ty Training School, education. -Brazil,,;Ind., and. Pvt.' Vivian M. [Kentucky Stater are offered at Be-"] think we all should, get behind one receive approximately $23,000 aftei, ened to the public on Sunday, presentedoin tlie. showing tire Clar­ _____ / THE 3 MOST /Waddell, 317 Forster St., Harrisburg. ] rea:''Nurslng,(;Psychplo^,/Religion; mail (whether or not I am the man) taxes, when his. check is delivered at four o'clock in the exhibition ence Heath,-James H; Mplohe, Jew­ .' "-, Physics, Phiiosoplij'', Geology anc M14. for once in California send, a POPULAR I about two weeks hence. gallery. of the Trevor Arnette Li­ el W. Siinon," Homer' Sivyiii, An- / The...women received /assignment ¡-Geography,-Art;' Political Science, t Negro to. Congress; brary. The speaker, was Mr. R. mie^Burns, Donald K. Greene, ,;Ar HAIR DO'S dn thq\ military personnel section, i Ancient Languages, Spanish,-and I A ■. .. _ . . :Grawford LivingstoftTProfessor 'of thur Sherrod, Anune'r L, Wafers. adjuiani;'and judge advocate oi- German, We, the members ol tin Anril Fnnl Drnnlretarq April rOOl rronksters Fine, Arts,, Oglethorpe-. University. Harold Ramsey, Winfred R. Stroud flees and.thé training center motor Ber'eij Chapter of Students for De- unuo Trtkloi Tnrnàfl The winner of The John Hope pool.. mocratic Action, would appreciate1 Have”■ Tables Turned—------Mary-Parks Washington, and Aus­ Purchase Award, ,of $250. tot the tell j '‘Walden. . . j- Best Landscape; considered the —. f CHICAGO, Illinois — April Fool Tlie exhibit will .be open through­ choice although nofthe largest cash' . pranksters in Chicago had the. ta-1 out the month oL.Aprli. it may bt ■B ; bje. turned 011 them - today . when 1 of .award ' is John Howard, art, in­ - f.;L. • • seen Monday through. Friday/iron ^■■_l they called, Lincoln Park Zoo anc structor at-A. and- M. College 'in 2:oo-5:0h p, ■ in.,.- and' Sundays . iron, “ 'asked lor'“Mrs.'Lyon/’ or “Mr; Pine_BlufI, Arkansas, whose -paint­ [i four until six. o'clock, in tlie’after- -¿it; i ing "Arkansas Landscape" was the Wolf.". . ..; hodii?' unanimous selection of the judges. i y, Zoo Director R, Marlin Pejkin;- ’Mr. Howard studied at Atlanta •- / •' gave them a surprise by assigning University in 1941 under -Hale. a -woman member qf his staff U, N. C. State To ' take the "Lyon" calls and a .mar Woodr.uffr".He was alsa_a_stiidenL. | to take the "Wolf” calls, .__ of, Mr. Woodruff in 1948 ;at. New. * >. 7Y.drk Unlversit-y^He has won 0v-' II :■ Have 12 Visiting ■ I'AGE BOY'- , , era! honors for his paintings*-and This niost useful hail piece blend«' . j JOG GUIDE his works.arc included in the Mu­ Summer Professors (in with your own hair and keepii.—I The Government is warning this seum orFiiie' Arts" in Littlq Rock, . .,,1 the rough ends even. Fitting from: 1 Arkansas, and. in' the Design' Work . year’s record,total of 1,750,000 high t. DURHAM. N. C. - (ANP)' - ear to ear and shoulder length; the , ' Shop at Nyack,'New York?. WITH THIS AMAZING CREAM ' school- and college graduates that w Twelve '.visiting professorá' from Page Boy makes your new ha'ip.': • they face tliFtoughest competition leading American' Colleges and 'Uni- -.-length look so natural that'no one! ¡for jobs since the early 194O's. ■ Another-winner-is James Reuben yersities Will be among.the-teachers can tell-the difference...;...... $3.00; THAT IS iji North Carolina'College's coming, >/t The Labor „Department's Bureau 0! -Reed . of Boston;; Massachusetts, Krnploymeitt-Security is' so concern who won the $300 Edward B- Al­ summer season, according to Dr, Jo­ ed about the prospect of a lack of ford Prize .for the Best Portrait or seph H .Taylor, director of tlie sum­ jobs for these young workers that . Figure -Paintings Reed's' .singlojen- mer school. it lias Issued ^handbook titled, tyy was a huge canvass of an “Tim visiting professors as well as "Job Guide;for Young Workers," aged .Negro whittling a stick which the resident.teachers .who will par- and madc-U-a-va'ilable at,the 1,800 he ’titled "Depressed." II".was also ticipateJnJlie_gollege's two summei-L. local offices of the United States an. unanimous'selection. .' . >•;. scssions will; offer a wide, rango'of and State employment services. -MertooJ). Simpson of .Brooklyn,- courses at graduate and tindcr-gra- ’ Ney. York-,-took" the'itrs'SAthmte- •dnate-levenn the arte 'and -sciimes; • V* /<■•, with new, improved L ,University:Purchase . Award of $150 Workatoward professional degrees for his oil painting, "Portrait..,,of ft verY much .if-you would inform ΫÎfÿv .will be availableJn the .School .of EXELENTO Pomade the Wise Men." He is a student'of Library Science "and the' School of any qualified students who would . '.; Public Health Nursing. be interested In entering. Bereajhls ; New York University and -employed with OLIVE OIL coming-faiLuLthe5 facts above." . . as a frame-maker..;. . ■ Visiting professors scheduled for .GLAMOUR ■ In the Water... Colors. the first North Carolina College this summer 3*AGE BOV, The deadline'for student applies- ■ te®®® CLUSTER/ lions is April 1. . - i Atlanta University-Purchase Award include the following:-v=—- '". \ 58.50 ' -The communipation, signea^tiy' ' of $125 was won. by Warren, L. Nancy Brock, dancing, Hampton Harris of Brooklyn. New York, for Dorothy Schmidt; secretary; Berea Institute;'. Vance Chavis, health This back.of the head cluster can Chapter, SDA, was the first- re­ education; Emma: R. Cunningham, be worn in eight other styles pa’A ceived since , the. recent amend-" 1 Prominent/Chlcägo'..^ cluster or plain. Youjiqaway with ' TR.ATGJfTE?i'ypiirhairto.' Daniels, /principal, Sally,- Barber' nient' to.thé kèhtucky Day Law..,;, , transfer corrier consisting, of 10 ¡.the use of hot, iiqpk, thereby giv- w'í day at 'Imine with' iiniaziifg- stores^and -16 six-room'ppprlmc'nla, School,- reading .clinic;.'Mrs. Zelma ingj'ybur hair tiive'ty.TegaipiTU . j . 'newS PERMMSTRXl’KrinJ 'j»od 1 steam. Iicatcd. Adjoining arc 6 ohc. Daniels, Wilson Public schools, read- »trength. T; I ing.'clinic; Miss.Gwéndqlyn Glover,.! won't have lonlraigblcn il again story stove heated storpi separated by an1 easement, Comblhedrgross in­ (or frinii,3 to 6 inonlljs You cali- come close to $26,000. Will sell sepa­ -Man,You're Crazy „wasli it, wayejL,_nrjlrc8ajt.ili rately or together at sacrifice price For?rt your wl ThomndA are peppy at 70. Try. any way áud it will May sjrai^lit, * pepping up" with OrtreXi-ConUlM topi# for weak, yielding approximately Tl% on tlie rundown feeling due solely to body a Jack of fro« . '.softs aiid easy id manage. Men, equity investment. /' WaM’-gasli oL which many.men and-women call* wl¡ Try • oeuex Toni« Tablet« tor wp.yoanitr teeUnt. thji Terr May acceptesmall properly as V iloineni’cliildreflsusc 3’ERMÂ- very day. New “ret acquainted • «lie flto Mb. part trade. Terms. Write Atlanta j z -ciro »’rd ; V i ï J part'traue.-Term», wrue auania ; UI1U VRILU k For Bate at all drar atom aw^wb«. •* ’. .. S.1 IL/k J E-,itb liot coinli needed— WQrjd, 210 AuburrtAw..JN, E.( 'and GRILL t- ’ One ofrKShU)cky’s;FÍiicst Hotels aud it cannot burn your skill.. i’EIlMA-S’rilATIsii'beltcrno'w — DAILY Single • 52.50 ‘ ' CJsÉ. lhe qcw’ Exelenlo ■— nó'fr“ Here's The Simple Easy WafThat - RATE: Doubla--’..^ $3.00 /Than ever—works fastcrj easier It's .no;drcam—iff true!- Your skin PHONE CYPRESS 8626 . : COLORS HAIR ICT BUCK to use; and .leaves fliamjspftcr. ’ i conlaìpingt‘colli/ olive oil, and will Took shades lighter, smoother, ,2516 W. MADISON STREET -■' YOUCÂN dO IT at hòm» 2 . You’ll likr it—Costs only aldiiit a iearn iho llirill oj;1ovel/,_hair ■- softer when ydu usc BlackandiVifintc;^ ;>..no»jiiui>a uneh«. 4LOUÎÇVILLETÎ, KENTUCKY? aL lbr,tMUlti..ps" capiutei m«y relieve tou of ropi ‘t li Bleach Cream,for-brighlci’iMn blrietl worrr—when «tie to.mlnot fone- -tsweep'nraiiystylo you'likes (ItisiL ii ¿directed-r.lielps 'you havé. shades lighter, sniostfief,. 1 Black Strand application W touch-up as neceanry. Full directions are with the BLACK AT YOUR BRUG STO llonal borderline »new- ’.,. |15.|15 to 20 inches long).;long). ’ . . $10.00 j : zoü've longedíor. MódeítísCiencc knows no'lastcr method 1». ?6eleiilllle»nr prepated/lr reililered AGiNTS-Make Mopey mc-...... STRAND package.Thepriçelson!ÿ60cpius tax.. Í., '""SSENDsNO ¡MONEY-; Ï Get Black Strand Hair Colòrio« from your Phahnadita. "qolk-Kapi" danolei eonlala P»r: -. Co(ji, in/Mjta-,long-^ilaklidied ■; •nlrmedlcalirrwMnlaei .drata.havl« m, druggist and know the joy of sdooUi, evenly, BURNÌ •' popula'r»/ of EXELENTO bfeBoty f y—j>oy-postman'on; delivery^' odorai Jet Uack hair-'ÌytonighL"6atiafa». Uonornqp^tadgnurantad.- J prSducli. 5« how Wiy/hli io>- Bend.no'Hliht:Bend, no Honer. and wrwill ml C.O.U. " .For jiiforinatioii,\Vrilc> e S plw »mMi'jwii ~ mol« ixlra money; Wtlle for.Ml t ilala'tsloriHJAOEf/TODAYf ’ ’ ' rr-. mämä ¿.'.r MR W IXÉLJNÍO MIDICINt COMPANY tMJHOHfciVs;,.™ .UTIONi-uMOolr u dlncto., ...... PETHOl.tUM JELLY ATLANTA, GEORGIA iline Arts Club Presents ...•■• ...... k ’'• Stationed .¿¿-¿■'-¿■■w In Japan Vivian Weaver, Harpist, ■■barai;’ News'of five Memphians stationed In Japan was received by the MEM­ PHIS WORLD this weyk. Sgt. Ran­ .Claiyborn Temple Apr. 16 dle Johiiyin, Pvt, Montgomery Rich­ mond, Pvt.'Tracy-CouiUsr Pvt. Her- irW bert H, Dnv.Js, and vt. Alton G./Jlc-.. ■ -Talented and beautiful ¿Mist Vl-Corrlne. Hightower and' Lillian Kay are"- nriift'fig the ninny soldiers vlan. Weaver -.-will be_Jlresepled li)1 Newman.. i - • ■ - of . the. pence time Ainiy stationed a h'arp-’recllal Sundiy, April .16 a1, Also Mesdames Joaii Will hi nrs. FS- Clayborn Temple'by . the'Mémphl'q relie EggleMqn? Effie FÍagg, ú'. F. 'in Japan. . , Sgt.. Johnson, husband -of Mrs. Fine Arts Club. A graduate of Hc-'| McCleave, E/V. Johnson, J ;F Lane --ward’Hiiivérslty-ittjd-^kissessor—er—iamúeLSeolt-r&rEirodr-LIabe. Mary E. Johnson, 1309 Washington -ward-Uni verity:; mi possessor -er—¡amiiri-Seott-.-Er-Elrod-Mabe. Street, after disembarking at Yoko- ai masters' degree from Western Re- ■ Edna- ______Swlngler, Etta H., Page and hama, has airlved In Osakapsecond ser'veserve UniversityUniversity.In.Cleveland. In Cleveland. Mis'Mis’ ;• B.3. T. McLemore. ¿ largest-Clty in. JaDan. He Is now as­ Weaver has taken time off iron 'Also Dr. J. S. Byas, J. W. Whit- signed to the 25th, Infantry Division teachlng/irfj the public schools c aker. LeRoy-Johnson, W. T. Mc- which.is commanded by Major Ge­ Cleveland,Cleveldnd, ftfi'ip?Mq enter ;.tñe con Daniel, W. T,' Jones, L C. Sharpe ;¿ert field;''A >. '*■; ; uid Harold Cornal, Misses,Caihe- neral -William B..Keen. , ;'cert field. -.»The 25th-!s one of the battle scar­ • She. has appeared'~ip recitals rni ripe Perry, Martel , Trigg, ■ Eliza- red veterans of the Pacific Cam­ concerts all over 'the country -durlrif- heth- Wallace and Pearlle; Gasso- the pastjiwo seasons-with astouiir^ way. ■ , paign. Stationed-at Pearl Harbor on 4ng4uccéss—añd_ls[4eMgriized¿¿j¿;.r . De(r-."i;;;194irtlie"mea- of the Tropic Lightning' Division~were pressed Jn-. batli'musicians arid'.pa'jrons'óf' lhr[ ni ££ ?*’»» i"í k arts as att accomplished musician ulUll vlTy.klUD to evombat duty Immediately. adn artist'. ' nl r* - I After taking partpact inIn ththe ‘Guadcaj - Though the harp'is her concert rlCUlS rOI*tHCll , naLCampalgn,.th.-, ■- e Divi;jion_niovedsi . instnimenfhMiiis-WeJver-is-equallj— . AWARD WINNERS AND LINCOLN U. (MO.) FARMERS AND HOlûE : up through New GeoYgia, Velinai capable with the; plaño and has Of Interest on March 17 was the MAKERS CONFERENCE - JEFFERSON CITY,7Mô> James N. Free­ ella; Arundel and Kolombangara'Aj-turned .out.mnss choruses In'schools Bluff city-Aristocrats annual senri- man, : head of the department .of agriculture, Lincoln University and,by its participtfflbjrlrilhe Lirzqir -riformal-dance7at;the*‘Foote-Hdmcs- JOIN IN NATIONAL OBSERVANCE - National and community/ Boy's Club Week was obserVed at Manassas ‘dUrfng'CFspecial chapel program— ñ Campaign was ins'tumentaririr,the ■j Auditorium. The hiusic was furnish­ •-••••p------r.------,------r- , \W . • ,.,A (Mo.) with the persons to whom he presented (in behalf of the ' ... ■ -AA I i 11 ■ I A/- Z»l* Tl I — L ¡departmentLof Agriculture) awards at the tenth annual meeting -liberation of the Philllplnes. ....All ,personsr„...... who purchase —tickets...... ed by Bill Harvey and hls orchestra. High School March 20 through March 26. Climax The contest, lasting over a period of three ./i "Wf,the .Farmers and- Home Makers Conference sponsored by the Pvt. Richmond, son of Mrs'. Pearl for $1.00 from-members of the Fine , The_audltorluin. .was decorated to of-the week's activities was reached Friday.when ’weeks, grew with such enthusiasm that two stu­ W. Richmond 1430 Lyceum Street,- Arts-Clui-before April4 will be list ¡give an air of spring. Balloons .of winners of the Reading Contest were announced dents tied for first prize and six students were ^University lost week. Is now stationed at'Gifu, Japan, ns I ed'as a patron and admitted to. [ various colors' hung front the.-cell- given prizes for being runners-up. ■'4 Left to right are Dr. Freeman; Vadie Baiter. Monticello "Mo -"'II*■rl«eman in Company L. He en-[ the concert atino further charge. kW ____ ■ vviumii| V vmiv 4/Mrvviÿ iviuiiiKCIIUf rviu.f ‘ lag, white, lilacs and çcd roses were i ■ i ■ . . . - . . * • ,’F ! ftvaA (lin A »n»». Ini.. IftlO ..»-„I.. ' mt _i i _ ___ ’ l.-'-lIIiJ.j ___ whose placque was for being the'most outstanding fatmer of thé''[ I tered .thethe Army Inin July .1948,1948, receiv- • Tickets may be obtained from all-around wl(h a background of. . The above scene. shoW9 partici­ s . :1ArA ---£------. ’-'. ■ wi-' . .1 . -r. -..1 ' ... ------• rr_p■"!'Nedr‘J his basic training' at -Fort — Knox,I ___ the following___ — persons:_____ Mesdames i greenery. Tlie tables were diaped. 1950 conference North of the Missouri river. Miss Rebecca A. [' Kentucky”■ - • and' ■ departed•' ■ for• overseas' Ann W. Cotton, ...... '.... J. A. Ewing. Vai-. i- pants, sponsors and'winners of the ------f.-——. ■ | ¿wui.uur.j auu ucpuut I with white cloths and each one wasr "^Crawford,«rawford, Caruthersville, Mo., was honored for 20 years of. "out- |I Inin „October,October, 1948. ' ; e.„, J. At Manassas- contest with tlie three faculty ad-, eria Jeffrey, B. C. H rye's, Georgia ; centered with a crystal vase or red visors, Mrs. Bebe Fingal, Mrs. Ö. standing, unselfish; efficient and untiring service to the rural ,peo- |t>^' ^rs' 9uLn.n', .eii A roses and. on each end of the tables P. Quinn and Miss Rosalind Ross. Äs' pies of Joutheast Missouri.; The preseniation to Roy Coope^r, 1^^^ ^îniXr ¿Î- were crystal candiabra with ' white [ E. M. Wright, Lillian Jones, Doris' The Y-Teeris, uiider the direction gram. Miss' Jiinel'-'Coleman. Invi- Seated, front,"are the whiners of S Hqyti, Mo., was for his rating as. the most outstanding farmer of_Ltljustclpating returned in a to4 dayhis unitfield aftermaneuver par- Haynes. ’ Flora Churchvll'r, Coch?; candles. ' . -... ~ of .Mm. Levy. S. Conerwhy and Miss tatiori, .dud Miss Jelorie Davis, Re- the contest — from left':' Milton t a * fle)d niaiaeuver y'! the 1950-.Hom'e'mâkérs and Farmers Conference from. South of : wfffch was held at Abengo.' rane, M. N. Watson. L B Smith ' Mrs. Cornelia Crenshaw, attract, W. 0. Gilchrist are working hard freshmenls. . ..: ’. ■ Jones, Edward Jenkins, Edward Jenie Brodnax. A*. ..McEwen- Wil-’, live'young lady hr a . short white l'a the Missouri river from Southeast, Missouri. to increase their treasury, that theyfl KEYHOLE...... KATIE "■ Rispy, Clarence K. Engleberg, Tho­ -, rii 600 troops participated in the ma- 'liamsT'.E. L,-Butler,. Lewis Twigg,.formal.. Introduced Mrs..Bluff City mas Green; First prize winner. might send several girls to Confe­■ ¡ Hi there! Say, were you al the — 1 i’.euver which was highlighted by a [ _! Aristocrat of 1949. She'was Mrs.- [[band concert? Did vou seteNoyma Booker T. Janies; First prizo wlri- I field firing exercise combining all; rence. A more enthusiastic group Of Dorotry Luca's who. presented Miss . Blilops arid Robert Steele ori-'tlieir' ncr Louis-Edward Owens; Claud? j the modern Infantry weapons of his] young ladies, could not -be’found. At. Marie Turks ns Miss Bluff . C'ly Brown, M. C. Carter, Thurmond W. A. SCOTT LAUDED AS present each member Is striving to11 way . home? I didn't but I. know all ,: unit. Hé ~is •presently assigried to Aristocrat of 1950 with the trophy. Godfrey To Salute make contact -Wih-iwi- |wr»nk nrulI' about it. The Phantom Tiger real-’ Synder and Carl Coleman. —. ,- . ■. • ■ ■ I CompanyCnninonv B,_27thR Tnéonir»,Infantry RegimentWn/tÌMan» 1 Mrs. Naomi' Larkeridge, the pres!-, friends that they- will cooperateilly-provided-a-surprise. Annie Bril 1 PvK'-Davis, son of Andrew Davis, dent, looking as beautiful as ever, J Harris was'cscortcd lioirie from the Ln tlie second row are tlie senior ' i - j 1959 Troy Street, is a' rifleman in "Spirit Of Cotton" with the girls In their various pro-- boys who sponsored th> contest. PIONEER IN JOURNALISM ...... ; was -wearing a lime , green taffeta play-’not by Houston-not Henry ,j Company K of the 24th Infantry Re- Jects, Last Sunday, April 2, they- From left they are: Charles Moore, ’ and net. She was'escorted by her ■ Yurdbrougli-btit John. Herron, . ¿PINE BLUFF, Ark. - (¿NS) - spoiisored a- Tea "Una, Tarde de Rozel! Debb, Willie E. Wilson, Lee I press has grdatly changed its char '; giment. now stationed at’.O'.fu. husband. OLliersji^her table were i Monroe Brown says that. Tlierise Gloria"- at the iesidence of Miss Andrew Johnson, Henry Ford, Carl ■/ W. A. Scott, the late founder of theI a'ctèf...... in this respect and many , pub- : He entered thè Army iri April, 1948, Mr. and Mrs. Prudent,'Mr. and Mrs. [ Sherrod played tlie best leading Alpha yrowncr. Stotts,f WiiHnm Jones, Lewis Briwh Atlanta DailynVofianuxnhe’.Scottyilshing flrms-issue locairstutenind-i-receii'ed-dut)Mn-MayrJ949 Bowman, Mr. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. —They_ have already beguir’liicir¿.ever played lit any time, hi any i Pvt, McKay, sbn of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lusk, Jr., Arthur Fuller J'S . Newspaper Syndicate,- was called regional editions. , —• ■ TaJ'tyrraridgMr; inrdTMrsr Simms? ~play”aL“Mnnnssas-Could he-havp | A. A. McKay, 1142 .Walker Street, (ask of collecting money by crowii< and Bennie Jennings. ’ ' the “person" contributing most to Mr. Kendrix also named four -MIsV Marie Turks,; vice-president, Ing "Miss Vnientlrie.1' [ The winner ![ some personal interest in' her? . Contestqrits. are' shown In, the the progress of. the Negro press in other publishers —" leaders ' whom ! has- also embarked at: Yokahoma wearing a peach' dress was in com­ " I‘should expose Thomas Ouy but was Miss-Gloria Harris and tun-’. third row ■ from left; Eddie . Wil- ‘X;;!, ^£j»e first half of the 20th century" he cited lor outstanding contribu­ : and arrived’in Osnka, Japan, second pany of Mr. Henry McCain. Some Wv Moss H. Kendrix, before a con- ners-up. were Miss Muriel Beasley I won't -not now, anyway. Wayne llmas,. David Mallett, Floyd¿WjrU<Ä tions to the progress of the . Negro largest-city. He Is now-assigned to of- her other guests were Mr. Bill .[ Wilson is making another' try at ¿ 'vocation,aUArkansas,-Ai.M. and N. and Miss Rose Carolyn ■ Weaver,! non, Clarence Burton, Frank John press in the first half of this cen- the 25th Infantry Division, command Story;. Mr. Joe Story nnd-company, 'Mary Ann.-Strozler-’. . . Can'lie Y¿ College ontliursday. .* Chairmen of the various commits ' son, Willie A. Moore, Jr,, Evans,'; « ' tnry. ed by Major General William B. Miss Geraldine Davis and Mr. tee are: -Miss ■ Jessie .-’Caston, Pro-;' move Charles Tat?.Hand his car? , Bradshaw,. Jr., Eddie' Lee ' Fields; ‘ y .¿Speaking before almost! 1400 stu­ He' pointed out that Robert S. Keen. ‘ :' Brown. Miss Janie Hester, secretary dents, faculty members and persons Abbott, founder of the Chicago De­ was In pink. Her escort was Mr. ! Floyd- Shannon had hls heart I Eddie McCroon, Edward--Louis -J from Pine Bluff community,; Mr. fender, made the Negro population Floyd' Cunningham. Among her broken when Bennie'-Jenhings kiss- Jackson,. Thomas E. Black, George-', Huffman;. Lermnn Kelleyi- Monroe Kendrix declared that the dominant conscious of the importance of the guests were', ' Mrs.- Geraldine Best, .. ed- Lillian-Bryant In ' the play Huffman; Lermnn Kelley, Monroe '-,i . CHURCHNEWS Religious Play At ¡Brown, Jr.,*and Thomas Doggett. [ (L1'- . publication pattern of the Negro race press' through’hlsjritroduotlon Mr. nnd Mrsri Alien Browiir Mrs. Thursday night. Now I don’t know Brown, Jr.,-and Thomas Doggett. ' press is built upon the “city edition of nation-wide' çlreulatinn—promd- NEW ERA-. Layonliv Jones, our. assistiihÎTtcre- if David Pdyne had' been to",, see The two first prize winders, ■ scheme which was conceived by the tions. . Y Ellis Auditorium The two first prize winners, B ARTIST. CHURCH " tary,, was- hi. -thé coniptiny o£. lier .Vera 6'r whom'but- he said lie had BookerDnol/nf T.T James'Inmnr and'nvsrl' LouisT Aide YVneAHe*Owens)¿¿gS late Mr.1 Scott," c.'-sr____ Robert L. Vann, thé 'The New Era Baptist-Church Se­ husband, Mr. Joseph Jones, Some been to Klondike, Wednesday each'.read, twenty-five -books .In'a - . Mr. Kejidrlx, wno was one of the lawyer turned publisher, was prals ■' Thursday Night nior will Initiate a of pro­ of her guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. night.-Why didn't' Thelma Ollvit ■twenty-one'day perlo°dit. newspaper the most valuable coritrl- • Carl Murphy, publisher of tlie Mrs. Mary Hunt, nccompnnled by ditorium under ausplcas ot the Ne­ Moments bution to the Negro press of the 20th program wplch will feature the mu­ interview Bettye Johnson .the 1950 a comedy team with Eddie¿Wdrtes Afro-Anierlcan Was cited for efforts Mr. Ardell Sanders,' wore a pink gro ■ Nursery, Ebuudalibn. Featured sic of Mrs. Irene Baldwin. Aprlt of Cotton, as hls special guest century because it gave, to lo.cal. leading to recognition' ot the -value Hi the play will be James L. Wright, outsthndlhg; student who was not - '-; ¿ communities newspapers, w h i c h A. R. Wade, pres..Mrs. M.jRiley,f on Thursday April 6, between. 10 and dress,- Her guest were.-Mft nnd Mrs. of President of the Senior Class, and . ■ ■ ol the Negro markets, and Norfolk soloist, who formerly sang with A. sect. Mias'Mildred Hall, reporter.,;,...-' 10:30 a. tn,'Memphis time over'the Edgar Davis, Mrs. Rhodes nnd Mr, ■. would have.otherwlse not been avail Journal and Guide publlshedj. P. B. and I. State College Slngtrs during jriesent when the above picture was ; - able. _____" ■■■; '. 'v , - full'CBS network and around the Barbee.. Mrs_..DoroJhy Lucns . were taken. ■ . - - - „ ,, , Young, Sr., was termed .the,number "llls college,. He-'is the son—of.—.the. Reflection HILL -CHAPEL . _ \ ___ i.. world through the faciljtlos of Arm­ escorted by her , husband.'At Her Uiider the Scott plan, according one .editdrialjïroducer ofthtrhalf table were. Mrs.-Sarah ¿Johnson will? general promoter of.the play,; Ro­ Prize winners were, determined, Ijy century. ' ' ■ - -.,j, BAPTIST C11URH ed Radio Service. ; I-’ to'Mr. Kendrix, local newspapers Mr. Archie Genius, Mr. and Mrs bert Wright, Jr. The Missionary Society of Hili ' Arrangements for the Memphis a Board-of Judges-who'orally quizz- - ' ; wierp’ ^established which maintained Purpose of the play, according to Chapel Baptist Church met Wednes­ Spirit, on a nation widi tour to ap­ E. Winfrey Miss Pearl Sargrest with ed ench student In the contest Coin ■, ■ , their own editorial staffs, advertls- Mr. William Townsend. ' Rev. J; L. Campbell; chairman, . is A. L. GUERARD posed of-'Manassas teachers, judges ¿«-^ •jtóg, circulation and business depart- OUTSIDE BASES day, March 29, at the home of Mrs. pear on a. famed Godfrey show were to'help raise ..funds'with Which to were Miss,Katheryri Perry,! Mrs. ¿:,'L ■ The U. S. Military forces-, are Emma Nelson. Mrs. L. Powell-was made, by Matty. Brescia, headman of • (JNents. The chief advantage in the .. Mrs., Fannie -Carson, business, establish nurseries for. children Ot J K Turner, Mrs E. J. Perkins,." ¿;' “stem conceived by Mr. Scott, it embarking [upon, a huge building In charge of the .devotion, and the [■Matty Brescia Enterprise who Is di- manager, was wearing' yellow. She pre-school age, as an aid ip working ■program at . bases outside consli-. I reeting national publicity for the S. M. Wyatt and Mrs, L. M. .Con- a;: was pointed out, was the by-passing Vice-President^Mrs. Curley Blake, was escorted - by her husband. Her mothers. Associated with Rev. erway. of the immediate purchase and set- tutional United States, and par- presided during the business session. Cotton Makers Jubilee. Brescia com­ -¿i"? guests, were Mrs. Gladys Owens,-Mr,, Campbell In this endeavor ' are : 'Rev. J A. McDaniel, Executive ' . r^-tlng-up of.printing plants; which in tiéularly In Alaska. ■ Announced Mrs. Ruby Allen from the Oak pleted negotiation for the personal and Mrs. R; Matthews, Mr. nnd Mrs Revs. c. R. Williams, chairman of Secretary of the Memphis Urban , mostJnsthncei Negroes were unable bases that will be strengthened Grove . Baptist Church and Mrs. appearance df-lhe Spirit on the coast A MAN faster. Mrs/ Laster l$_chalrman of the sponsoring committee; Elder V. League was principal speaker .diirri;;?;! '■ to buy. ■■-.'■;■.' range from Alaska to Okinawa, Sarah Felton of Spring Dale Bap­ to coast net work with Larry Puck, the* social committee. One of her II. Williams, author of tlie play and I see- a man hanging on yonder lng’tlie-Friday chapel program,' Ed-. ; ” ..The speaker opined that with the Hawaii,’Kwajaleln and Johnston tist...... were the ...... guests of thè day. general manager of Arthur Godfrey guests" wasJMIss Crenshaw. Your its .director;-'and Miss Lucy. E. tree; T. ■■ . ■ ■■- die Wartes introduced L.,.O.'^Swlrig-''.'i[ i - i---- «-* •- - --■■« ■’ j Scott innovation came greater com­ Island In the Pacific to Bermnda L-The-lesson was taught-beautifully Productions and. long time friend of reporter wore yellow. Among her A sinless one who lind done no Campbell' director of' tlie chorus. ler, Editor, MEMPHIS WORLD, munity ‘prestige, more, circulation, in the Atlantic, up to Labrador, by«-'»<- Mrs. Romelia Shelton. The sub­ hls. The program will""'. orinlgrite guests- w.eye Emon . and : Johnctta wrong; ' Each ticket.purchased' to the-tat- who in turn Introduced Rev. Mc­ arid increased advertising revenue, over to the Azores, Libya and Sau-. ject was “Understanding Our Child­ from the'-famed CBS ''studios at .485 Morris, Miss jUary Pleas, Miss Jose- hanging, , there for me I . :.,_ tractlon will also be good for a Daniel. Both gentlemen were-guests for the Negro press. All these-ads ¡^(--Arabia. —'' ■ -—-y. -i ren In a Changing World." Facing MadisofLAve.,yNew YorlcClty; ' phine Moreland,■ ...... Miss Mnttle White chance« on a new 1950 Plymouth ■ vantages came to the Negro press as ¡of Prof. J. A. Hayes, Principal,'' this great challenge, the hlghpoints | Miss Johnson,-a native of Little and their escorts. Mr. Maurice Tyme car. Holder of tlie lucky ticket, will I I see—a " man hanging, mercy a result of its.being able to. glvé j Rock, was. received, In Senator Estes Manassas at lunch In the school given by Mrs! Alma'Blake wereil. v- . ------was mj-eseimt, ' ■' -.' , 1 . be declared winner. .' written-on his face;. 'ipore thorough coverage to local cafeteria after , the program. CLUB NEWS One inust get an understanding. 2. ofHcc-andQur.. president presented Mrs. One void of gillie wlio gave, his news” iteriis arid more concern to One Should.- make” an investigation Monday...... ¡'April ”3)iin "the " Senate‘I tanshnw an Orchid corsage, life; . problems of .the cities arid towns THE VINCENNE " from all« that were-present. Óflice and also marie a tour' of 'the’ There,-, taking his- place! [ . which they seryqd. ; SOCIAL CLUB >.4. Prominent Local . The"jpeeting adjourned to meet Department of Asr.lcultypri , 1... .SAVINGS ■'. '■• - In the. perlod_preceding the Scott The.Vincenne Social'Clitb was.or- Wednesday, April-5,”'nt; the home of She is accompanied by Mrs. Ethel I They put our Lord in the grave According to the Home Loan- J era, Negro newspapers attempted to .ganized in December at the home CLUB NEWS Mrs. Kattle Evans, 2411 Shgsta Venson, wife -of Dr. R. Venson, Matron Summoned But there,. they could pot keep, Bank Board, Americans saved . : print weekly editions for distribu­ of Mrs. Beulah Wilks on Vinton Ave­ Avenue.,Mrs. F. L. McCray Presi­ .founder of the Cotton Makers Jubi­ THE SOCIALITE him. more than $6,000,000,000 last year ;; tion to a national readership. Na­ nue. Tlie following are the elected' dent.';' I ~ ' '■■ '■ lee.;-. SEWING CLUB He left-the grave, and In its The ¿agency-said total 1949 sav­ turally, many newsworthy items of officers: Mrs. Dorothy Williams^ Pre­ ings deposited in "'lending types of - The club met at the home of Mrs. gloom, ■ purely local concern went lacking, sident; Mrs. Beulah Wilks, Vice-' Nezzic Duckett, 1083 Bammel Are., Like a mighty ■ seraphin . [ flnancial Institutions" and invest-. -in these papersriToday, the, Negri I President; Mrs. Essie Nelson, Secre­ March 20. The president opened '■ ■: ' '■ ' • - ed, in- Government bonds amounted tary; Mrsr Cora Collins, Assistant Scouting Among Our Boy „jjlhe' meeting with a verse. After the to $169.000,000,000 a record. ■ They' placed! \pur Lord In the _ _ . . . j ___ . ; _• Secretary;. Mrs, Vernlta Montgomery,.. i ■- 'j-uiisincss session a delicious menu s tomb;' Treasurer; Mrs. Beatrice Whitney, ,26 CUBS AT | the-sameday^.First on program was was served. Then names were pull­ when talking to Charles'Scott. Nor-; ’ Banking Treasuer; Mrs. Honeycutt,! PACK MEETING ■ '. - ‘The'Caniy Layout; How touitch arid But there; h'e would not stay: . Tmadambell ed anri'Mr. Hazel Burtomwon the He left. ti'.c graie-behlnd him, man Seymore has a heat -little .Business'Manager■ »«.».— ■ and-n-r Mrs.«•- .Effiewn* j 26 cubs were presented at the Packraitch tents. Next was, How to build prize. The next meeting will be Andi wen£ ---Severalci-..*.--» trench' fire.'¿fur',the fjrri making ,To. the world hc^gave himself, GBLATEST Gould, 1023 Lewis St. Croon. Herbert’ McHoon and Thomas ■. and-4th Mondays of each month. ,b()ys haye'made -inelq kites-and pre the.- patrols mane t. pot of coffee. PALMIST rite«.? . And many hearts lie did cheer. Gufbecause they call fier' • fre- The next'.meeting will'be-lield atl^xipg for-a big time, at the Kite ¡Mr. Robert Roberson, Scoutmaster, THE, QUALLS ME­ —And so’we are quite elated-^-' qiieritly. -Well, I'qott'a go so til FYI- FIR8T the home .of Mrs. Alice Hill, 1052^1.^ ¡,h-.next Saturday'. Maurice |of the training group demonstrated Kx-'í-i'V' MORIAL GOLF AUXILIARY . Easterr-lsiherel.' 7 '. day - ILBCNU'- . . McDowdell. ' :Mcciain was absent* from the'.r.reet-j how-tq. cooit in alumlnuin'. foil, A TIMI The dub held its last meeting at ?Mrsi“Effie Walker, Reporter. Ing last night bteatise of illites’. The, yery delicious menu was cooked' by the’home of Mrs. Leona Mathis, Cubs voted to have a’ shower far Nhe-members- of--‘the troop, steak;- 533 Beltilne St., with the president . THIS • RAILROAD, WOMEN'S CLUB Cub McClain, with some fruit,.Gil-1 fi-euch fried potatoes, baked apples presiding. After a lengthy discus­ SECTION .The regular Club meeting was held bert Jones war j.ui-of Urie at the [ and hyt rolls and coffee. Topping sion on our mnln interest igolf) we March 28 nt the horjne of ’Kirs. Lottie meeting and the Cdinbastci. Mr..Ed- the afternoon program.was the camp were entertained beautifully by Aire you dlsutUfied with m»r- Freeman, 1617 Lathatn Street.; Busi-'! die Ford sent thru the beltlirie. I -lire. ' Men gathered-around, ' ' and sang the hostess. rtagef Have you lost faith in jour r.ess of importance was discussed. OUTDOOR-■------'SrSSlONS , HELUsongs. A story was told by Mr. Mack The players-that played on the ’ wife or aweeih»ar|? Are tou in ■We were happy, to have, two distin­ Over ,40-men .enjoyed a wonderful Winston. A trophy was presented, to last play day, were as ■ follows for bad health? Or discouraged? If guished guests present; Ben Hayes, outdoor experience but at Camp ^r, r, Roberson-for; the splendid nine holes: MKi-VelmalBufford, 62, any of these are your problems, President, Railroad Boosters Club Daniels last Saturday evening be.- work in training the men in the Cl- Mrs. Mildred OWK 5'9, Mrs. Al- ! is a oome let Madam Bell advise you and Mr.' Estes,- They rtiade some ! ginning at 2 p. m. The Stouten of [marronI- and-- Arrowhead Districts.' 15 thea Pyles, 56, Mrs; Clemmle Bosc- MRS. RACHEL EWELL / 'al once. She reads life to -you very interesting remarks.' -4.' North Memphis cooked a icry de- ley, 61, Mrs. Avella Ligon,-45. We Mrs.-Radici Ewell, devoted menf- -Just as you would read an open men of Jhe.South Memphls Districts ¿pent the nW--- at camp and. got up ere asking all members~to please ber of Beulah Baptist church; and book. She gives yon your lucky menu. The next meeting will' be' atj ± iSZ. ,*±J i 5?» be present .on the next play day so .well known in club circles o( Grànge" . ' V ~ -date« arid months. Telto you -why the next morning arid cooked break­ ns to get scores' reported. The next ■Mound Subdivision, passed at her re your Job or business is not a sue- fast- ‘ -1379 Orgill Street, April 11, ■ - -President-of-the Seminole Division meeting will be April 5, at th?;sidence, -769 Marechalneil, Saturday ceat She will tell you. your DOUGLAS PACK ENTERTAINS^ The club will hold-installation, oh afternoon, April 1st, at 4:45. Funeral ■ ¿frleiitla' from, your .erieihle* and gave a very interesting talk and the Den No. .1 was the guest of Den lib; horiie-of Mrs. Pounds. Fridayrpight, April 14'at- the home men had dinner arid departed/about ■ -Mrs. •'Beatrice. .Jon^„.'.pres,-.Ar- rite's-were'-scheduled :,to be held on wilt off name« So if you have -,2-on jast Monday; Marcr 27; 1950. of.Mrs.-; Will -Stilgef,' 783 Saxon 7p. m. ■' -N’m'1 yella .LigotiX reporter.: !■. ,Monday lyesterda'yi: ¡‘.from; Beulah- failed tn the. reat come see Ma. After the general-; business,^session Street.jThc public is Invited. Mrs. The scouters .¡of- .SOUTH MEM- ,'wlth the. pastori’¡Rev. W'. Wv-.-:Wii-. dam Bell at oriceTTJoirie today they rehearsed kite making.-Several ThE JOLLY TWELVE ■* ' ” Alberta Barr, president. 'Mrs.- Pram- , PHIS kicked'off about'4 !p. m„’.on liams,/officiating. ... ,' ’ . , for tomorrow n> yy be'too fate. Sa ces Neal,; reporter.' - ■] ■’■''■ ' ’ o( the boys, went' over to the park- to' seeJfitji'eir kites were substantial? SOCIAL_CLUB 'T~ .¿¿•Mrs,' Ewell was'the.wlfe,of Arthur Sliirfi Finished, if desired, for 16c additional tiafactlon gw anteed or no Ewell,: employe' .at; Chip' :Ba,rwick- ¡•¿li«A'e."' ful dining room.'-A lovely arrange­ Mo'st of them were- well made. After The,club met at the home'of Mrs. Linens finished .for 8c a lb., additional THE LADIES . ' ’ Armarida. Lynkr434'Scott, at .8:00 Chevrolet.'Company,' and,; mother of ■Hoari: $ A. M. to » P. M. Road- BIRTHDAY CLÙB ment of Calla ' Lillies, Gladiolus, the'closing -of the’ meeting 'the Host ,a m. The. meeting.was opened by Miss! Dorothy -Ewell; "and Mrs. Wii< Ing Dally. Open on Sunday» Lo­ and ferns centered the table.'which Den served refreshments to their ,n. m. The. meeting. was opened by The Radies,Birthday- Club held Xfrs.j.-Bèrlhjì 'Williams. .The. Busi- nm';Ma^/^$4Delröil,.Michigan j. .was .covered with a beautiful,-'Irish .guest. Bot|i-Dens.will. mt in Doug­ Jlfrs^.-Berthp'WllIlamsr .The Busi- . .. cated on Highway !!, Bmiando it« regular monthly meeting - Sun­ ness,session was presided oveV-by' -Many’ other .■■'relatives arid friends linen'.table cloth.' " !‘~ Rd, at State UM. CatchjMldW day, March 26, at the home"of Mrs. las Park for a general kite rehearsal, thé president. We; had a lovely mourn herpassing. -, -r ArijO .Bm marked Whitehaven Tenn. Members'were surprised ¡when at next week’. They >are preparing for Rosa Gant,'580 Arrington St. The meeting',-all; members were present 8top right at Madam BeWa door, the end of the dinner their pictures the Kite Derbv, Anril 8, 1950. -v” ■ N • ■ ■■ . 1 •club’s , business I: was 'fransàctèd except Mrs. Velma bale. We were CANDLELIGHT 3,11950, allti’.e home of Mrs. Maggie Rua rum every hour, ; ~ quickly. Then the: members were- were taken.- Members of the club presenf were: Mrs. Ella Mae Green, CEREMONY HELD . -■ . ' very-sorry to hear that she had an. Kelly 924'Mansfield. .For. gqiid.„d.rirt served a tasty,menu in the beautL 'accident at the last minute and-on pres.,_Mrs/. Elizabeth Plunkett, vice An -investiture Candle Light Cere- tertalnment drop by 1110. S. Or­ her birthday too. Our..hostess 'had pres., Mrs. A. F; Loftiesrsec^Mrs. mony.was. held by the boy scouts of leans St A April ,8 .8 p,.m. Mrs. a'lovely surprise for her, a birth­ BENNY FIELDS, - Ju|ia Roberts, .treas.,-' Mrs.' Ada Troop, 118,- 'Riverside , Christian Lucille Bolton is -having a party. day cake arid chicken with air the ¡RADIÒ STATION WHHM, 'Sh|w,<-chap!aln, Mrs; Georgia. 0. Church on last Sunday, February 26, You, You', and You are lnvited- Shirts Finished, if'desired, for 14c additional Horne, Mrs. ’ Viola Mortis—Mrs. 1950. Boys who participated, in the .trimmings.- We believè ' that our STERRICK BUILDING, guests; enjoyed the meeting too..' j" , Linens Finished for 4c a lb., additional / Lattie. Hurns, Mrs._.Blanch Morgan program are Elijah 'Terry, Sammle THE ROSE OF - emphis tennesseé ;». ■ ? ; V ‘M , . Sirs. Vera .Herron Mrs, Julia Tho.- Lee ByrdrWoodson Davij.'Wiine The next meeting ' will - be May SHERON SOCIAL CLUB ___ -Dear Benny: » -i r mas, Mrs'. oRsa,Gant. The Club is Lynch, Eudell Graham. Lawrence The ,club had 'a’rarty at' the re- t " —<. ,L1 aliyays-glad to hwe>' visitors. The Price, Robert Madden, Curtis Byrd, Leonard Brown, Scoutmaster. > . ■ sidehce of Mrs, Lena Cohn,- 2144 - V, ? 'I árn — - and wiskto become ament- gilest list' wps as follows, Mrs, Inez Richard Daniel, Tommie.Evans,_Carl ADDITIONAL BOYS . " ( . piiflln Ave. The jiresident Requests —CALL 8-3256 berpf.the Benny Fields Club..; Enclose^ you will find a self- Boyd, iMrs.-Lucille. T. Clark,' Miss Johnson, Frederick Madden "¿arid; IN MISSlSSIPPI'SgTTTTtZ-'"• the- presence .of all members. ¿The! Cornelia-.Sander's,-Mrs,'.L, B. Eas- James___ ... ______Williams. The'______charter ______was __ The"Batesvllle troop turned, in 9 business.will be of importance;The i^Hdresjed stamped-„envelope with which to forward.my ley, Mrs. Lucille' Thompson, Mrs.--presented' by Mr. Robert Johnson, additional boys this week.' They’afi, meeting Wiirbe at the home of Mrs. ’.i i -membership card[ .'Please play -^-'—---r-^-r--'for me. v Johnnie Lou Dukes,--Miss Alma Commissioner of the Arrowhead Dis­ John Everett Cox, Charles Augustue Pinkie BEson, 574 Harrell St, All Jackson, Miss LUcy 'Adams, and trict. Certificates were presented'to Davis, Percy Visor,' Marvan Gray, members enjoyed .the- .hospitality of I -Mi-s. Annie -Webb, Next regular the committeemen by Mr._W, M. Dock-Hampton, ¿¿Jr„ Willie James Mrs.; Cohn,,.-.;--—- - - ? I .’-Signature ’ meeting will be April 23 with Mrs; Bènne and the presentation of ¿ertl- Hampton^-DavlB^Cri-DraperrCharles T Mrs: Luciilq Stone,"pre?. ' • LAUNDRY-CLEANER- Vera .Herron at 1093 Thomas St,'-* ¿fliStes to ttelioys was doneby Elder Hobbs and-James Wallace Cauthan.. '.■ Mrsi;CtiCplenian1je[K)rUKL—--

v ,i! Il■; ■■';» ■ t- v’ j-1 ' I t ’ «WM ■ r. • V wx r -

By Sullivan


Pictured above are the veteran stone Black. Yellowstone White rendering prompt, fast delivery ser­ ace deliverymen for the Bluff City Label and many other famous vice to the retail stores in the city Beverage Company, 667 Union Ave: brands of fine whiskey, wine and of Memphis. Each man has proven distributors for the famous brands cordials. to be courteous, honest and de­ of fine whiskey such as Kentucky The Memphis World salutes the , pendable. Tavern, the aristocrat of Bond'. owner of this firm for extending to Left to right are: Robert Brown, . Gienmore. Old Thompson. Sea­ members of our group full time and James Wilks, Frank Smith, Eu­ gram 7 Crown Seagram Ancient steady employment. Over'a period gene Knight, Horace Dims, Lester Bbttled Gin, Seagram V. 0. Old of many years these efficient em­ Aiken, George Cooper, and Henry - Hardv. Overbrook Eggnog. Yellow- ployees oi Bluff City Beverage are I Webb

Dies Under Wheels Of New York Subway f BROOKLYN -- Harry A. Nelson, 48, never reach«! worIP Saturday morning. Only a short time after he had left home, his Dinner At Steak Shop Wed. Nite family was mortified by a message that he met his death under the To key off the .950 season of the X- grinding wheels of a subway train Memphis R*>I Sin. member, til the in downtown Brooklyn. Baseball Ttam w.il be h

MIMWIS WöRlB^'ra^, Àprtl I Iflnrl Track Schedule >¿5» • COLLEGE TRACK SCHEDULE S PORTS SATURDAY. APRIL 8 Quadranguler Meet, Lincoln Uni- North-South Squads Vtntty, Jefferson City, Mo. Prairie View Relays. Prairie View OF ITHE A and M„ Prairie View. Texas. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Alabama State Relays, Mont- Open Drills, April 8 WORLD gomery, Ala. Xavier Relays, New Orleans, La. EORT VALLEY, Ga.—(SNS) -Georgia prep football Tennessee State Relays, Nashville, htai'd, who will eoni|k'W in the firM annual ¿iorth-South By Marion E. Jackton Tenn, CIAA Dual Meets, Conference­ Classic April 15 in I'urtiT Stadium, Maccm, Ga.. will gather wide. at Fort Valley. Statu J'ollege April 8 to open a week-long SATURDAY. APRIL 22 training period. Kansas Univeriity Relays, Des A full program of activities await Atlanta is fortunate in getting a chance to see the Moines, Iowa. the high school all »lays wjth mo­ Brooklyn Dodgers “A" team April 7. 8, .9. In this group 58th Annual Pennsylvania Re­ vies dancing. siglV'ceing and a will be such stars as Ralph Branca, Joe Hattan, Don New­ lays, Franklin Field, Philadelphia, banquet before taking the ii'ld for combe, Carl Erskine, Roy Campanella and Pa. I the inaugural pigsking feature which will bring togetrer an array SATURDAY. APRIL 29 .. . Busiest week-end in track is April 15 when it half doz­ ; of talented footbnl' performers. CIAA Districts Meets en publicized meets are scheduled . . . 's contto- ■ Calvin • Rutherford, coach of Drake Relay*. De* Moines, Iowa Brooks High. Quitman Oa will versityl two-minute rule has been repealed. Eans never liked Wilberforce v*. University of 1 guide the destiny of ßoeth squad. it because play was slowed down to a walk and it didn’t give Akron. Xenia. Ohio. L. C Baker, B. oket T Washing­ Atlanta City track and field meet ♦* I1 rif. the team behind in scoring a chance—Morehouse thinclads ton, Atlanta, and Usque Rodgers, NEW YORK. N. Y-Some time Clark. Morehouse and Morris to invade Texas for Prairie View Relays ... 1 1 » JVl|l Cedartown High. Cedartown. Ga.. ago It was reported that Ted Wil­ Brown. Atlanta. Ga. Preacher Roe. 1-0 winner over( own. .. will co-coach the Noith team. liams had hit a ball 450 feet on the fly and an immediate string of ,he New Ybrk Yankees in the sec- Paine' College. Augusta. Georgia, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The South team will be quarter- Bfid game of the '49 World Series m ■ j£H i- iAK Irait 1 telephone calls suggested that that has completed its fund-raising cam­ APRIL 5-6 Ä '< B a., 1 - cd at Camp John Hope, .hue nules won't be with Hie Dodgers’ A 'quad ' must have been a typographic»! paign foT h combination audilo- Tuskegee Relays, Tuskegee Insti­ 4 ... ' j‘V L‘:S!;WK- KjàX front Fort Valley. The unit will also because of his aversion to flying num-gymnasium The proposed Y. tute. Tuskegee. Ala. practice on th.' athletic Held ot the . j camp. We'have not the sligheet doubt ■rtpoff: There to a gentleman's M. C. A. building in Birmingham. Kentucky Slate Relays, frank- agreement in the pressbox that no| that if the big Red Sox slugger Ala., won’t have gymnasium of fort, Ky.. The North squad will be housed one mentions the fact that a swimming pool. Civic leaders there caught a high hard one just right State Track and Field Meet al Foil Valley State College and are bitterly protesting the lack of he could drive the modem Jack er hasn’t given up a hit after the South Carolina State College. CITY HOOPSTERS SWEEP 2 MAJOR TOURNEYS- regional victors throughout the nation in the N use the Wildcats' playing field for fifth stanza. There is a belief that these facilities The Indianapolis I drills. Rabbit ball not 450 feet, but 550 Orangeburg, S.-C, NEW YORK, N Y.-Paced by rugged scorer Ed C. A. A. (National Collegeiate Athletic Associa conversation will break the spell. Clowns play the Memphis Red Sox I Except for entertainment and feet on Hie fly. lion) tourney. Both events were held in Modi at Martin Stadium, Easter Sunday FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Warner (2nd from left), the City College hoop other activities the two squads will A 500-foot drive surely is within SPORTS OFF THE CUFF- The Two of David T. Howards' play­ MAY 12-13 squad took championship honors in the Nation­ son Square Garden. Five of the mainstays are mjj p,. brought together until they the range of fellows like Ted, Joe ers named for the North-South took the I3lli Annual Southern Intercol ci Invitation Tournament and, one week later, I (I. to r.) Herb Cohen, , , meet ui Porter Stadium. Dimaggio, Ralph Kiner. Luscious football game in Macon, Geor­ Memphis franchise from Dr. W. 8. legiate Athletic Conference repeated its sensational performance against ! Floyd lane and Al Roth (Keystone). Tile players will be welcomed to Larry Doby or several gia. won't be eligible because Martin during tts February meet­ clumpionships. Atlanta, Georgia ’ Fort Valley Stale by President C other big rangy fellows who pack they're enrolled in college...The ing. The franchise was then award Tarawa Open Relay*. Wilber­ V. Troup, Coach Richard Craig, power in their wailops. Atlanta Brown Cracker*. Gate ed to a new group. However, there force State, Xenia, Ohio. and Athletic Director Williams F. We know a 500-foot drive to pos­ is a possibility that the NAL won't City entrv in the Southen lea­ 29th Annual CIAA championships, McKinney. They will then tour the sible because we have seen bdto gue, will train ¿t lakeland, Fl*. have any club there since the new Morgan State College, Baltimore, school plant and be introduced to hit that far many times. league representative' is fiiTding it The Atlanta Crackers and I Md. their respective coaches. We recal; one that Babe Ruth Brooklyn Dodgers will no doubt difficult to assemble a ball cluo Snurtlcff College Relays, Alton. Monday. April 9 the two squads i hit many years ago in Tampa which play to a record-breaking crowd Wasn't Sam Jethroe pressed too Illinois. will begin intensive drills in ¡>re- the late BUI Hanna, a veteran New hard during the early stages of April 9. which is Easter Sunday I partition (or the game York sport» writer, measured »1 ? We note the fact FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ...A new gymnasium is going up In “D-Day" Football Classic Other features ip connection 555 feet al Alabama A and M College, that he had loosened, up consider MAY 19-20 with the ail star game will be a There was another, even long­ Normal, Ala. This leaves Clark ably before the Boston Braves Midwestern Conference Cham­ basketball and lootball clinic er, which the old home ran king BY ROBERT E. JOHNSON F I rlomnnc bruising victory over the rival College, Fort Valley State and broke caimp and is tin his way to pionships, Frankfort. Ky. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. -1 SNS' LOOCn t. J CltmOflS Coach Wally Butts, head football hit at Salem. Another time he Mt living up to press notices...' I Whites. LeMovne as the lone Sl.AC insti- coach at the University of Georgia, a terrific drive which landed un­ ATLANTA PREP TRACK Coaoh Ox Clemons’ prized Pui- . . Coach Clemmons watched Ihr without facilities of their I Athens, will direct the snd clinic. der the clock In Yankee Stadium SCHEDULE ' pies, billed as the "A" team of his Watch Purple Squad ; May from the stands. The famous mentor will direct a and which certainly would have It is hard to believe that (lie APRIL 7 1950 reconverted edition of the The scoring play started on the two-day session wiisrh will empha­ rone far beyond 500 feet If the East-West baseball classic which David T. Howard' n. George Morris Brown Wolverines^ labored Whites' 21-yard stripe. Myer No- Defeat Whites 20-10 size some ot the tui.duni'htali w*U hadn t stopped it ' at Comiskev Park, home of the Washington Carver 60 minutes at Herndon Stadium an ripped off 15 wards on a quick- openlng line play and placed - the techniques that have carried his Chicago While Sox. for seven­ Saturday to suppress an uppidy. It 4*. 484 feet to the center field teams into .such publicized New Sports Calendar APRIL 14 scrappv White eleven by a score ball oil the six-yard line. A repeat teen years and the American James Bair, struck agam This tiint fence in Detroit and one day many (¡coree Washington Carver of 20-id. play by Nolan put the oval on the Year’s Day bowls as the Rose, la-ague club has jiol yet seen a V». from the Wliltc's 32-yard strip», years ago we saw Babe hit one Orange, Sugar and Cotton pigskui COLLEGE BASEBALL good Negro player. We remem­ Booker T. Washington Billed as a "B-Day" spring .clas­ I Nolan set the staging of ‘ th« tyo. Leonard Clark danced over on the next play to end the scoring, -spectacles. which landed on the roof of a two- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5 ber back in 1946 when Branch sic to give the college endowment touchdown on a 20-yard dash to APRIL 21-22 20-10. 1 Butts, will ue assisted by Paul story house across the street from Alabama State vj Tuskegee. Rickey had his scouts in the a shot in the arm and Gate City the 12-yard line■ Sam' Ross then ¡that fence. That one muit hove Geqrge State Track and Field When the final gun ended the Blown, former Notre Dame iter Tuskegee, Ala pressbox and Jackie -Robinson fans a sneak preview of things to rifled a quick Jump pass to Leon-1 ■spectators began filing out of the 11,1(1 c081'11 01 the A',bltni Plainsmen Prairie View Relays, Prairie View, Time 9.9s. first dent in amateur boxing bias' title match botweeii Satterfield and I the White's ‘ territory Lxi was led and the Whites trailed 10-14 Texas. 220-YARD DASH - Guy (M), by permitting race boxers to com­ Heavyweight Champion Ezzard ! claimed by the Purple.^ Hawkin» [ Coach Clemons, who split Ills Guy, Lipscomb Star As M’house HIGH SCHOOL TRA( K won; Franklin (M). 2; Hines (T), 3. pete among themselves at its At-'\ Charles that was tentatively set for took h T-formation hand-off from personnel into two enemy camps to_. Time 22.3 s______. FRIDAY, ATRIL 7 .Sam Ross and went over to tally. lantp championships May 19. Charles has been ordered watch tjic former single-wing nlay- 440 YARD DASH Walklfia (T) Carver Vocational vs. Howard. and the Purple:, led 7-3. Warren R. Cocliranr. executive by his physician to remain out of ers operate from the T-fortnation, won: Woods (M). 2; Pledger (JO, Harper Field. Tramples Tuskegee Track Team secretary of the Atlanta Butler the ring indefinitely to rest an in­ Shortly after the scoring play, ■ saw Uif Purples bounce back in I h> j Carver Vocational vs. Booker T. 3 Time - 526». Strict YMCA, promised a show­ jured heart muscle.’ . I the fairples, handled by student. ' final quarter to roniplcte their MILE RUN - Reddick «MJ, won, Wasbingtcn. Harper Field III LERONE BENNETT s sure rreponsible tor the slowness if down fight with national Golden Adams (TI. 2; Wills (T), 3; Time HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL A'lLANTA. Ocorgia - (SNSr lhe lime in many of the event». ! Gloves sponsors over boxing bias Nimble-footed Find "Flash" Guy Charles Carey, the big sophomore — Sin. 5s. • SATURDAY. APRIL 15 in the South, lie told a banquet , and Schelly Lipscomb, the stocky ace from Plainfield. New Jersey, 120-YARD HIGH HURDLES - North-South Game,. Porter Sta­ audience that for three year the ' Jack-of-all trades, registered gut­ was also a big gun In the Maroon Cary (Mi. won; Mathis (T),.l — dium, Macon. Ga. group has^hecr. making promises Boston tering individual performances here Tiger attack. I Time — 16.5s. EXHIBITION BASEBALL Sam Jethroe Sparkles As but atlilelic heads will insist on a yesterday as the Morehouse thin- He scored a clean-cut victory in 220-YARD LOW HURDLES (M). TUESDAY, APRIL 4 dear cut policy statement this clads outlasted the Tuskegee track the high hurdles and tied for two Mathis CD; Tie. Time - 26.1». Atlanta Crackers v*. Cincinnati summer. team. 76‘* to 46 .. on the Atlanta other firsts in the low hurdles and TWO MILE RELAY - Tuskegee, Red*. Ponce De Leon Park. Stanley Woodward writes in the university athletic field higli Jilmp. - won; (Overton, Bryant; Hunter, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 j New York Compass: "It is note­ Guy. S1AC KXI-yard dash diam- Norman Reddick aad Raymond Saunders). Time 8m. 35.1s. Atlant* Crackers vs. Cincinnati Braves Top Crackers, 10-5,8-4 worth that his circus committment, pion, copped the Century and the Mathis, both ex-Wakhlngton hign 440-YARD RELAY - Tuskegee, Reds ' which will be filled in the early 220-yard dash with yards to spare. ‘------J " u‘" u“ ”“u won: (Terry, Pratt, Cathy, Hines) THURSDAY. APRIL 6 part of the summer, would not Lanky Centerfielder 1$ Baseball's No. 1 Enigma, Ctìufe Celebre The Little Rock. Arkansas, tra- Time 44.9s. — Atlanta Crackers vs. Detroit prevent Joe Louis from fighting i vellei sliced through a strong wind POLE VAULT ~ Wilhite (T), 9taer*, Ponce De Loon Park Ezzard’ Charles for the tittle next defends Jethroe1’ Hr says Ins cell- lo (akp u1(, 1|)0 j(l 9 ps !Uld u)e 220 Reddick, of Morehouse, was won, Ross (Mi, 2; Bryant (M). 3; FRIDAY. APRIL 7 September. Nothing Joe said in his By MARION E. JACKSON terfielder has done as much as any jn ¿6.1s on a comparatively slow sparkling In Hie mill* and Mathis, a ' Height - 9 ft. 10 in. Atlanta Crackers v*. Brooklyn cirous commitment indicated trat ATLANTA, Gr.—(SNS) — Sam Jethroe, the Boston other player to win games during (racg His closest competitor in both Tuskegee thinclad, tied Cary in the BROAD JUMP - Lipscomb (M), Dodger*. Ponce De Leon Park. ¡he isn’t keying his mind open on Braves publicized $100,000 eenterfield aspirant, has become the spring exhibition season South- races was his teammate. Hardy low hurdles. won; Stinson (M>, 2; Pratt (T), 3; SUNDAY. APRIL 8 the question of fighting again. worth t\ impressed with his often»' Fianklin. lhe vastly-improved sprint C, 3; was equally w biillianl In lhe field rrttejra. «» "> wl’lcl> ,l,e 0,,ld«> LM-MaJtic«re -> 40 ft. Us In, TUESDAY ATRIL II__ , zard Charles has an appointment I rd with coaching. •«...... -...... - f .riKcrs won lanta Crackers, Saturday and Sunday, April 1-2 in Police ' .„.j ave’ELIN: - Lipscomb (M). won; Atlant* Crackers vs. Pittsburgh I with St. Peter and his angels. Dr. De Leon Park. Gate City fans split wide open on' The muscular Morehouse senior Worth Christler, Leonard Gainey, f Gaston (T), 2; Ross (M>, 3; Dis­ Pirates. Ponce De Leon Park 1 Frank R Ferlalno. chairman of the i tance — 154 ft. 7 in. WEDNESDAY, April 11 New York Athletic Commission's The brilliant rookie, who became the third player of his Jethroe's fielding. Most of them walked off with top honor» in the Blame Gaffney and Jolnlny Floyd I HIGH JUMP - Lipscomb (M), Atlanta Crackers vs. Cincinnati medical Board, has given the green race to play in competition in Georgia's contend Jethroe plays the ball with broad jump, shot put, javelin and made up last year's winning com- interracial Gate City, I Cary . tie; Wilhite (T). Stln- Reds, Ponce De Leon Park. 1 light to Charles to do light work at hesitancy and uncertainty. tied with his teammate. Charles bo Christler Is (lie only one'of the has provoked a storm of comment regarding his ability to „— .u_ l.-l. ,------llr R|so |0(lr |n Morehouse camp this I son\(M>. Tie. Height — 5 ft. 9 In compete in major league play. ‘ • They say he makes the easy ones' Carey, in the high jump, look difficult and "acts a whole lo*." ran a leg on the mile relay. year! DISCUSS - White (M), won; Not since General Sherman sent his, He got a single and a double in the A fine, steady drizzle of rain and However, there are some bright Gaston (T), 2. Pratt (T), 3. Dis- CITY COLLEGE TAKES NCAA TITLE conquering hordes through the heart first game, and stole the show ir, m making a routine . I tehee - - 126 ft. ' 4 the sharp wind were in a large mea- young star.rtin the.Maroon Tiger of Georgia has conversation raged so; the second. In the final game His defender-, poin' out that .this violently tn defense of a flayer or jethroe got a walk a fifth is a flashback to the Negro Leagues have fans been so badly split over his single and on his next chance ham when outfielders had to perform hi chance to nail down a permanent !nered out a- two-run that order to amuse the fans. Jethroe berth in the Braves . sent lhe Braves on maneuvers likes a ballet danceps CCNY Gets Honors Galore Jethroe. in pacing his team to 10-5 .p|urge . with gyrations that experts look up­ and 8-4 victories over the Atlanta Jethroe was surer of himself in on with horror. His throwing arm Crackers, put himself on display be­ the final game of. the series. His wasn't up to top seasonal form. fore some of the most critical fans fielding showed less Strain and his However, it looks as though Jeth­ in the South. defensive play stood up. His throw-' roe possibly has nailed’down a berth For Grand-Slam Victory This was natural since he was fol­ mg. arm . looked better than in.lhe in the outfield «where lowing in the trial-blazing path of initial game and there was little and Willard’ Marshall will cavort ed three consecutive baskets in th» Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanel NEW YORK, N. Y. - It vyos evidence that he was pressing as had next summer. Beavers Slap Down last two minutes, drove in for an­ la who initiated Interracial play here been indicated previously. MAYBE A RIDDLE honors galore and then soyne other shot and missed. / in 1949 when the Brooklyn Dodgers HIS RIG MOMENT Jethroe maybe a riddle. byUfns more lor CCNY s history making Three tall CCNY players parti-’ played a record-breaking threc-day , Bradley 71-68 For Jethroe's big moment came in the hitting isn't He spaced his and wine basketball team Thursday. ally blocked his shot and recovered series. seventh inning Sunday. Waltei through when the chips were dopm The Beavers, first the bail. Floyd Lane slammed the Meanwhile, the fans talk '¿lid Grand-Slam Triumph The lanky centerfielder was mak- Anranen^hn n i r Winners’ in the annals of the oval the entire length of the floor Jethroe is blasting the balL-What- to Norm Mager for an easy layup ing first appearanse in Atlanta in . ' , hJa'2’ n ,Cf pUJ1CT hoop sport, were honored at a several years aUd the circumstances Rot an lnfleld hlt an,d «nt onto se- ever comes of it all is uncertain, but in history to achieve the NIT- that sewed up the victory far the tested tfie mettle Of the speedy. codd on an crror Jethroe smashed the centcrfielder is likely to become gigantic rally by their school-1 NCAA double crowm, Beavers. ' ' “ _ %■. one of the most discused rookies ifi ground-coovering former Cleveland 1 , a ,lple which selrt Rifs au° 'mates. The losing Braves, clearly show­ I Layne’s blow came with exactly Buckeye and Montreal Royal out- Antonelli scurring home. Roy Harts- the big leagues; Ji__ -. /•.__ '* ed the strain of 37 basketball games seven seconds left Bradley did not - The Unilerf States Olympic Bas- fielder. i f‘™ (MIt ,n shortstop Stanis- aiid more than 20.000 miles of tra­ get‘ another shot? Yet there is annther side io ques­ ; kotball Committee then announced Jethroe had to go his ordeal alone, il8* Kucsek singled He went to se- veling. summoned a hidden reserve ’ Broadway whooped.il up after tion. Jethroe is pnivujgproyjngj’Jo be„ eat-e I ft will invite seven members of the? Yet, it wasn't a bitter Dill. After hfa 001,(1 as WlIlarit Marshall' walked of speed in the final minute to CCNY’s victory, A New Year's magnet. -,i sjbilie Vfpwtion... . Thou- CCNY team along with spven mem­ first two appearances , the Connie Ryan scored them« -<«with‘‘ -a .close a six-point, gap to a single Eve atmosphere pervaded Times sads of the fans' that, turned out bers of the National AAU Cham­ boos and Jeers faded away and he single; but/Was left on first wher. point, but the Beavers spurted ahead Square whore celebrants screamed went away furiously disraissiqg his pion Phillips Oilers to represent the I Walt Linden lined to second. to trail no more Allegeroo. AUcgeroo — the school’s was Just another player competing ability flie management of the U. 8. at the first Pan-Ameriran Si in the sport Americans love so well. This fired the Bravés, who go The double victory gives the Bea­ rallying cheer — long after dark­ Braves and Crackers was looking al Olympic (tames in Buenos Aires i ... 4 runs in the eighth and two mort vers the right to claim undisputed ness had enshrouded the huge Uh *1 * S next winter. 1 di the ninth the gate and tile greenbacks which possession of the top spot In col­ 1 Avenue arena > . r ■ preRent and indicates he'll be able -rw. nnpnil,„ (qme as a result of his drawing "East Bide, West Side." all-around Ji «fort ~r.-h.tfl,, in „,.hf Ii Tflo QopeningPCnl,'R S»™game SOt.got. JctllrOOJethroe 10in lege basketball for the 1949-50 sea- ' Thus basketball backed out of V, ’ P|f‘b*nlr training in eight l(.e gJ0(1 grgtes Q( (gnj. A chU)_ thousand, of his race through t-he the town the talk was of the fabu­ I son. the spotlight with Just as much «x-. turnstiles, i ♦. lous Beavers, who wrote, a "Rhap­ I i North Carolina State took third utement and uproar as had featur­ All of this adds up to is that th. sody m Blue" for touted Braves in Chari« will probably start train- J. **’e il5i,t h1ll?1fftth£’amt I place NCAA consolation honors by ed the tournament season. the rip-roaring saga that transpir­ whipping Baylor 51-42. The Beavers who caught tire al­ Ing in May and will fight for the ®Unday' CAR WHEEL KILLS YOUTH ed Tuesday itight in Madison Square international Boxing Club, in ¡for *a ‘totaln,J” of U14.569“° for-the series. led scoring for ter defeating defending champton. WALL TOWNSHIP. N. J. - Al­ Garden. ! He also made the_ first . He lhe victors with 15 points. Warner Ban Francisco in the NIT quwtar- 9 I AKIN® TQ THE AIR, (9), of City College, snags the ball either Yankee Stadium or tht bert A. Jester, 17 of Avon. N J coubled in the .seventh of the initial Al Warner, Floyd Lane. Irwin1 tallied fourteen pointe, Mager push­ finals, blasted past Kantucky.’ Du­ Polo Grounds In June was killed when a wheel tom from during closing momenta at thrilling Ewt-West finals at New York’s contest to start a three run rally a "hot rod" racing car' smashed In Dambrot, Ed Roman, and Leroy ed through 14 and Floyd Lane had quesne and Bradley for ita initial crown__ 1______Maditon Sqhâre Garden. Gêne Milchtorre «ST, of Bradley Cottrge. J a run ,ja this frame w to a crowd of behind Layne. An •'on-the-spot’* photographer (left) covers up as lhe Marshall's single, Ohio State. North and Bradley against Charles. Rocky Is the guy him. The "hot rod" driver, John a standing room only crowd of Best play of the night came when aere victims in lhe NCAA ahow- • action gets too close for comfort The City riirkers nosed out Bradley that nutpoiiHnl Rohiul la Star- JETHROE DEFENDED Chapman. Zl, wm held in |2.500 more than It,ON. after. Oeorge Melchoirre, who had r JL SAVE ON EASTER SHOES AT CANNON'S SHOE STORE ly Fnnrti Aiu»wtt ' C • -y Puerto Rico Wants If you want to leave money when can outfit the entire family at the Isn’t it amazing what a wonderful: hopping for Easter, you should same store. A wide variety of men’s DX2ESEX E3XK=ZmS£E difference color can make in your take advantage of the great oppor women’s and children shoes are Yle Reath’s OUtaS and Lending Colored beau-Weekiy Newspaper home! The women in our neighbor­ (unity that awaits you at Cannon's now being featured. Why not take Plbhshed by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. hood have diacovered such an inex- beautiful and modern shoe store, the children in early to avoid the Bvery TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 164 BEALE—Phone 8-46M peniive way to get f reah new color«,: located at 149 Beale Avenue, just Easter rush while the stock is com­ Self Government that I thought you'd like to know; across Second Street. plete. You'll be glad you did! KM«r«d in the Fwt Office at Memphis, Trim., m second-cIsas anil •bout it You save money at Cannon’s be­ A fine line of beautiful first ■nder Um Act of CongrtM, March 1, 1171 It «11 began two weeks ago when cause their shoes are made in Can­ quality NYLON HOSIERY is also Mrs. Jonson was ex« non’s own large factories, thereby being featured at Cannon's. Latin Americans Member of SCOTT NEW SFAPEB SYNDIC ATE pecting b visit from t cutting out the middle man's profit The management invites you to SEEING and SAYING W. A. Scott, II. Founder. C. A. Scott, General Manager her mother-in-law.-' and passing the savings on to you I stop in and look around whether She’d just painted Seek To Remain Another advantage to shopping you buy or not; where courtesy is LEWIS O. SWINGLES ...... Editor her .guest room at the Cannon Store is that you a by-word. A. a SHIELDS, Jr ... AdvertWng Manager walls a soft grey A Courageous Civil Righter I ’ Under U.S. Flag and planned to buy ONE HAS TO ADMIRE COLLEGE PRESIDENT B. E. Mays' cour- Tite MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper—non new furnishing!. age and forthrightness in hit approach to the total solution of acetarían and Mn-partiun. printing news unblanedly and «apportai Blytheville, Ark. Plans Observance WASHINGTON—(ANP)—A self- lhatt things it beberes to the Interest of ita readers and apposing America's somewhat static racial problem. governing Puerto Rico under the thoao things against the interest of its renders. Of Natl Negro Health Week Apr. 2-9 Dark and comely, white-capped Dr. Mays goes into the very wing of the American flag is what SUBSCRIPTION RATES rescue came her own automatic its Gov. Luis Munoz Marin wants washing machine, a few dime pack­ - BLYTHEVILLE, Ark- The 36th panel discussion with M P Shi* citadels of hate, the very cathedrals of high re­ Tear B.96-« Months $3.tt-3 Months 113d tin Adrenos) for his native land. He is in Wash- ages of all-fabric dye and a bulletin observance of. National Health vers as special guest. Also on axes of all-ubnc dye and a bulletin ligion and learning and the strongholds of post­ nigton campaigning for the right of Week, which was originated by Thursday Mrs. C R Stewart of of instructions issued by the Tintex I Reconstruction Day Confederacy to blast the wick­ Puerto Rico to write its own consti­ Home Economics Bureau of New , Booker T. Washington in 1915. will the High School faculty will broad Ì ed notions and acts of segregation ond discrimi­ tution. Every Week Should Be Clean-Up Week, York City ... and when her guest be held here April 2-9 with clinics cast on Station KLCN on the gen Basic reasoning behind these de­ srrived, there were crisp pink cur­ nation. His highly pen and vocal sword, balan­ ' public assemblies, health films ad- eral theme of the observance which mands is the belief that Puerto Rico Survey Indicates tains at the window, a matching i dresses and a general Clean-Up, Is "The Evaluation of the Negro ced by learned tolerance and understanding of is destined to become ‘a new kind .pink bedspread, two Community dean-up is a year-round problem and should i Fix-Up and Paint Up Program for Health Week Program in Our Com the historial problem, have awakened many a of state, not an old kind of state.** navy blue rugs on the ' tre Negro citizens. The Health munlty.’ The Choral Club will ren sleeping Southerner to justice and duty with re­ According to Gov. Marin this land not be left for one week in a year, b survey of 46 cities in floor — and the easy I Program is being planned and di­ der several musical selections. is not seeking statehood as are chair had a fresh gards to racial friction and innuendo. five mide-western states shows. rected by the Blytheville Commu- At the Elm street school pro­ Alaska and Hawaii, nor does II want navy blue slip cover. The survey recently made by the Joliet, III., Associa­ i nity Health Club, the Christian grams will be directed by Artlz Z. -0- independence as granted to the The complete trsns-. I Relief Club and the public schools Sawyer and will include a com­ Perhaps hi» greatest effectiveness hat tion of Commerce, asked the question, "Is one week of clean­ formation cost less Philippines. | memoration of the 95th birthday Oov. Marin says Puerto Rico’ up really enough to keep any town dean for the other 51 than 12.00! Dr. A. U. Brown, Director of the come through the organized church where ! Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanitorium of Booker T. Washington on April wants to be a "free Latin American weeks ?** Mrs. Jonson sim­ hit standing at a minister of the gospel it second to none ply dyed the furnish­ for Negroes at Alexander, Ark will 5 at 1:30 P. m. but the fifth and and where he has few peers in the content and deliverance nation peopled by citizens of Ute The answer to the survey, reported by Forbes Magazine be principal speaker at the Sun-' sixth grades. Also on the program United States and tlierefore able to ings she alteady had of a sermon. It is this institution of mankind that he attacks of Business, was an overwhelming, “No.” with all-fabric dye. dal Mass Meeting .which will be is a health program by the lower understand both viewpoints." Peur- All city authorities agreed that a Spring Clean-up was So easily, too — she held at the St. Pau! Baptist church grades to be presented Friday, April most bitterly as a defender of segregation, prejudice and in­ to Rico wants to get along with its just put the items into her washing at 3 p. m. Other speakers on the 7. tolerance. fellow Latin-American nations and necessary to draw people’s attention to the need for a tho­ also with its English speaking machine, let the water run in, then program will be Rev. Thomas J The Radio Program will be heard - 0- rough clean-up job must be a continuous project to be effec­ added the dye she'd mixed in a till neighbors. Brown, pastor of Bethel A. M E Thursday. April 6. from 2:30 Speaking io an Atlanta gathering of theological students the tive. L- _ pitcher of hot water. When ths Church, Rev. B. N. Crawford, pas­ 2:45 p. m. over Station KLCN. “AU that we are seeking, accord- washer had run through its regular tor, Carters Temple CME Church other night, amiable but frank Dr. Mays declared: mg to the governor, "is that some­ Other suggestions the cities offered were: more money, course, including the final rinse, the thing which now exists be made a and Rev. J. E Hughes, pastor "The Christian worker Is obligated, under God, to work for should be spent on clean-up departments ; a greater number tintexing process was complete, Miss Gertrude Gaines matter of principle and record ... Enoch Temple AME church- Mu- passage of civil rights legislation and to work for the removal of whereupon she hung the pieces to We don’t lack much of self-gov­ of trash pick-ups; more trash cans on corners; more effec­ i sic for the occasion will be fur­ dry, ironed them ana put them back Honoree At Hampton all restrictions based on race, color and religion." ernment. We do lack the cardinal nished by th Harrison Choral Club tive smoke abatement ordinances. in the room! / Miss Gejtrudc Gaines of Mem­ principle of self-government which and the St. Paul’s Choir. These suggestions, they admitted, would mean higher That gueat room simply glows' phis was among eigrt students, In another breath, he exhorted the future ministers to talk our own constitution would embody. Health films, demonstrated and with color ... and now, we’re all Hampton Institute Juniors in the about, write about and preach about civil rights. And, at another "I speak for my people. I was municipal taxes for businessmen. However, it was pointed lectures were given Monday, April following Mrs Jonson’s example — Division of Nurse Education, who elected on this program by 63 per­ out, that improved appearance, increased volume of trade 3, by Mrs. C. G. Redman. Chair­ point, Dr. Mays declared it is "nonsense and silly to say we can’t tintexing our furnishings and bulky were honored recently in Capping cent of the total vote. Statehood wearables right in our washing man of the Missco Tuberculosis change things by law law made them. Law can change and fewer fires would more than balance the cost. Accord­ Exercises in Ogden Hall. . candidates polled 27 percent, those machines The results are simply i Association. at Harrison High. On ing to the National Board of Fire Underwriters there are The young' ladies received their them. If you legislate pvil, you can legislate good You of the Independence party 10 per­ amazing. And it’s such an inexpen­ i Thursday night the films and caps as a symbol of the fact that may not be able to legislate prejudice out of a person's mind, cent.” some 400,000 home fires a year throughout the country. The sive way to rejuvenate every roam demonstrations will be given by they have finished their basic fires could be considerably reduced by regular and systema­ — as well as your wardrobe — that Mrs. Anne pell Fill .Missco public but you can restrain that person from imposing his prejudice on 1 know you’ll want to try it, toot health nurse at Pilgrim Rest Bap* general education and preclinicd other people."______' ______tic clean-up and check-up. work and are embarking on the the reacut of his fraternity bro­ ------t ■ tist church. There will also oe a professional training. The student thers and found them and their clinic Thursday at 1:30 p. m. under -0- nurses are at St. Phillip Hospital in guests seats at other tables. the supervision of Dr B. E. Rob­ National Negro Health Week Famed Surgeon Richmond Va„ while continuing But not so fortunate were th efl erts. Dr. R A. Wilson and Dr, K • ' Who con refute Dr. May'» logic here? Few will dare (Continued from page One) to be enrolled at Hampton where members of the working press^ This is National Negro Health Week, organized 36 H Nunn III at Pilgrim Rest. fry, »o powerful it hi» reasoning ond »o genuine hi» approach they completed campus work in covering the affair. They were seat I years ago by the late Booker T. Washington in 1915. It is Gill University iM. D.l. College of Activities today Tuesdav will be February. _ to the problem. ed at a table also near the further Physicians, Columbia University directed by the Junior Social Hy­ a good time for all of us, interested in the improvement and Miss Cecile Authier, Director of most corner of the room where (Med. Sc. D. in surgery). giene Clute, who have selected Dr. Here it a preacher who teaches the Christian approach advancement of better health to take stock and to chart new the Division, and Miss Helen "Seller. they were served dinner that was The noted surgeon who, during Roberts and Dr. Wilson as their to a hellish problem. Hi» opinion» are respected; hit work Assistant Professor of Nurse Ed­ nothing to brag about. goals for the futui^. World War 11, toured Europe and guests. ucation, presented the caps. admired. More power to hit tongue and penl Our problem todiy is not ji lack of knowledge about the collected blood plasma for the Wednesday tomorrow, the N, F. When the program began, they skills and achievements of medical science. Our chief diffi­ British Army, was appointed medi­ A. will sponsor the program and had to move forward and find spa­ cal supervisor of the Blood Plasma Thursday the Seniors will hold a ces, where they could stand, not culty lies in the problem of getting people to apply the prin­ Division of Blood Transfusion Asso­ ------block anybody's view, and at the ciples which science ha$ already tested and proved. ciation in 1940. He was later nam­ The A. J. Harrison *- same time make notes' I sat on the Prehistoric man lived io the ripe old age of 18 years. ed to the post- of director of the REVIEWINC edge of the platform on which the In Roman Egypt nearly tw thousand years ago, man’s life Red Cross Blood Bank of New speakers’ table was placed. Above York. In 1941 he assumed the as­ Honored With THE me, George Scrurlock. the photog­ span was about 22 years.. In 1789 he could expect to live to 1 ■ ■ sistant directorship of Blood Pro­ CAPITAL rapher was trying to shoot photos ’ curement for the National Re­ the age of 35, and 50 years ago he/eached the grand old age Natal Reception For the NNPA News Service from a 180-degrec angle. search Council for use of the Army of 49 years. By LOUIS LAUTIER and Navy personnel. | One of the highlights of the | PRATERS AND SORORS (latln A lotta members of the support­ Ipa-t riionths social scene was the NEWS But today, a child born into an American home has a Dr Drew was chosen chief of ing fraternities and sororities were sixty-five per cent chance of Ijving to reach the age of 67. staff at Freedman hospital in 1944. birthday party given March 20 in BY WILLIAM GORDON unable to get ticket«, while a lotta Truly this is a great advance over pur prehistoric brother Prior to this position, the medic, a 1 honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Har­ | derivatives for members of Greek- non-members, persons who ordi­ and a record of which we may all be proud. Dlplomate of National Board of bison They are both members of letter societies are talking about the narily show no interest in civil Medical Examiners, was instructor i the Plnier Birthday Club of Orange annual dinner of the American rights, and even some who believe Our problems today, in a streamlined age, are the o( palhoiogy at Howard University Mound. » Oouncil on Human Rights, for In maintaining the status quo hact chronic diseases, the diseases of an aging population.. W’e and resident surgeon at Freedman, , The guests enjoyed a delicious which seven sororities and frater­ choice seats. At one table was a , menu of barbecued chicken, ve­ The Rise Of Negro Buying Power face the problem of mental illness, heart disease, kidney di- He ho’ds memberships tn the Ameri- nities put up about »421D00 a year candidate who had been rejected for _ can Board of Surgeons. Interna­ getable salad, potato chips, beer fraternity membership. fl »ease, diseases of the arteries and high blood pressure. Can­ Negro buying power in the Soulheost has risen io three and to promote (seeing that’s just about tional Board of Surgeons and was l and cokes, ice cream and cake^ But from all reports, Judge and" a half billion dollars, establishing an unprecedented record of all the council accomplishes.) cer strikes one out of six persons and medical science has yet an examiner on the American Board I The honoree received many gifts. On the surface the affair went Mrs. J. Waites Waring thoroughly of Surgeons. economic strength among a group held so long at the bottom of to unlock the door which stubbornly holds the answer to its The guest list included Rev. A. enjoyed themselves at the dinner, Dr. Drew is survived by his wife. the economic ladder. So significant has become this trend of pur­ off fine but it left some persons D. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Will Farris, the reception at the Kappa house cause. Mrs. Minnie Lenore: and four chil­ vexed, particularly Kappas who are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harrison, Mr, chasing strength during recent year»; that business men are be­ after the dinner, and at Howard Dr. William Menniger, celebrated psychiatrist and dren. Bebe, 9. Charlene. 8. Sylvia, split over the issue of membership and Mrs. Lenard Smith. Mr. and ginning to eye the market with increasing interest. University the next morning. 6. and Charles Richard. Jr. 4. In the. council and the reporters who teacher says: “Almost two million men Were rejected from Mrs Jake Graves, Mr. and Mrs. This sudden increase of purchas­ practical reasoning. The Negro APPEARED IN MEMPHIS were there to cover the affair military services in World War II because of neuropsychia­ Oscar Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ing power had its inception during laborer makes up a large part oT FASHION DESIGNER Dr. Drew two years ago delivered Do you know that hotels never Polk. Mr. and Mrs. Paul London, the war years and has been able to this force. ‘ tric disorders. Seven hundred-twenty thousand men were , the main address for the Omega use the number "13?" Well, they Erratum: LTanya, the featured hold much of its own despite cer­ Psi Phi Fraternity at Metropolitan Mrs. Walter Bell. Mrs. Lois Green To increase inc purcnaslng power don’t They have no floor “13," no discharged for nersonality problems during the same period. tain economic changes during this attraction at the Young Women's Baptist Church and was one of the wood. Mrs. Le» Boswell, and Lea- of the Negro in the South is one room "13“ and no table “13" In There were 280,000 admissions to general hospitals for men­ boom period. Despite the fact that League's annual fashion show at featured speakers at the American tha Young, Mrs. Beulah Handy, sure way to preserve our democra­ their dining rooms. the Negro population in the South­ the Lincoln Colonnade Sunday, is tal illness in 1946. Recent studies reveal about three million Cancer Society meeting held at the Mrs. Lena Hill. Mrs. Katie Bailey. tic way of life. The Negro spends The council ordered twenty-five east has decreased about 7 per cent, not a dancer but a leading fashion compulsive drinkers in the U. S. We list seventeen million Peabody Hotel last year Mrs. Mary E Thomas Mrs. Louise what he makes. He buys the things tables set up for its dinner In the the income in goods and services designer. She also will be featured Powell, Mrs. A. Gordon, Mrs. Da­ he needs most, which are food, shel­ crimes committed in“1946 at a cost of from ten to eighteen Congressional Room of the Willard at the Afro American's third an­ among Negroes have increased more ter and clothing. Every individual vid Porter. Mrs. H. L. Wilson. Hotel. The hotel, following trade billion dollars. From 250,000 to 400,000 persons under 18 than 250 per cent. in the Southeast shares in this pur­ nual Easter Fashion Festival at the Air Force Also Mrs. W M. Alexander, Mrs. practice, set up tewnty-five tables, years pass through juvenile courts each year.” Experts list three factors which chasing power, regardless of his Coliseum in Baltimore March 31. (Cnntinuvd from I’afr One) Ida Bell Alexander, Mrs. Blanche numbered from 1 to 26. skipping 13 they use to explain the reasons for race, creed or color. The South owes The Arthur Newmans (Pearl) — Many of these are Negro children. That is why it is of Crumby. Mrs. Annie Holt, Mrs TICKETS TO ”13" their day room. this gain: this increase of wages to the Ne­ he's the liquor store operator—have Laura Thomas. Buster Bailey, Wil­ Unfamiliar with hotel practice, special significance, along with hundreds of other reasons, There are three enlisted men's 1. General rise in lhe region’s gro. He deserves every cent that he an eight-room penthouse apart­ liam Shepard. Charlie Ford. Mrs the council sold dinner tickets at why Negroes at this time of the year fake stock and prepare dubs at Srott field — a non-eom- prosperity. receives, for it was his blood and ment In Mexico City and are not Louise Gaines, Mrs. Bessie Jones, for a long and nwre useful life of service. missioned offirers club, an airmen's 2. Belter-than-average increase In sweat that developed tills region table 13 to a prominent Kappa, a returning to Washington until June dub. and one service dub. Mr. Mrs. Islcah Robinson, Mrs. A. J. job opportunities; Negro chances member of the Washington Alumni 1. Also in Mexico are the Bob Wil­ Kenworthy said all three are Inte­ McMillian. for employment fluctuate both up Chapter for twenty-five years and sons—he’s the dentist. grated but the service club has sep­ Members of the Club who were and down more than the economy Chicago Urban league its keeper of records for a good The Federation of Civic Assort Supreme Court Has The Answer arate dances He commented that present were: Mr. and Mr-,. Alec as a whole. portion of those twenty-five years. ations will Join in the fight againsfl Imagine his chagrin when he. his The United States Supreme Court opened hearings it waa interesting that the only Jones. Sgt. and Mrs. Henry Oban- 3. Migration from low-pay (arm Receives Painting Of passage of the bills which would . ner, David Porter. Brooks Newton. jobs to higher pay city work. wife, his motherrin-law. a white Monday on three of the most celebrated cases, perhaps r!ub that had separated dances was make Inspector Clarence Talley Mrs. Carrie Shields. Mrs. 0. Me- I The means of changing from an Phillips, Garrison couple and one other guest arrived eligible to serve oh the District of ever to come before that August body. All America, white pKíüwtwT’cX wñh vol"?-’ Donald, Mrs. H. Fbrd, Mrs. L agricultural occupational group has at the dinner with tickets for seats Columbia Boxing Commission after and colored alike, and every part of the civilized world will I ury membership and supported by Qualls, MrsrA. M. Sheppard, Mrs. >hown a -decrease on farms about 33 CHICAGO — (ANPt — An artists at table 13 but with no table 13 set his retirement from'the Metropoli­ M. L. Briscoe. Mrs. M. Jones’, Mrs. and authors party celebrating the up. Incidentally, he had sent his chosen to have no sepá­ , per cent while lhe cities show an tan Police Department April 1 and be awaiting with keen interest, the.course and eventual out- dues had I increase of 20 per cent for Negro reme of the cases. For here, the first time Negroes are rate dances. M. Harris, Mrs A. Bailey. Mrs presentation of the painting. “Two check for 130 for six reservations to enable him to draw the pay of a MORE INTEGRATION E. Brooks, Blanch Taylor. Mrs. M i labor. Friends of Man,” bv a Chicago Tri­ very soon after the affair was an­ commissioner. As the police mem­ calling upon the court to decide upon a series of suits, chal­ On the night he was at Scott J. O’Banner, Mrs. H. Hudson. Mrs. It is without question that the bune artist was given by the Chica­ nounced. ber of the commission he got no whole Southeast has seen a period go Urban League sundav, in the After some scurrying around, the lenging once again, the legal justification of segregation.. Field. Mr. Kenworthy said, there E. Billings. Mrs Fannie Martin P®y. of prosperity never before known Kappa and his party were seated at was a dance for whites at the serv­ and Mrs. Isabella Norman, Associate America Artists's gal- Heman Marion Sweatt was refused admission to the Uni­ to this area. Not alone has the Ne­ a table In the furthermost corner of EARNINGS* ice club, and a bingo party at the Serving as co-hostesses were Mlss- lari es. versity of Texas Law School and was ordered to enroll in a gro shared in this economic up­ airmen's club attended by a large ee Glorystine Brandon, Gerdine the room, where they could neither The Bureau of Labor Statistics heaval, but also the white man who Ralph Korngold, author of the hastily improvised taw School for Negroes. G. W. McLaurin ' number, of both colored ~ men and. Anderson and Sammy ’ Lee Red­ see nor hear. Also seated at this reports that weekly earnings of has also suffered from the lack of recently published book ‘Two was admitted to the University of Oklahoma graduate +women. man. table was Jimmy Coggs. the pole­ factory production workers con­ proper income in goods and ser­ Friends of Man," was the guest of march of the Washington Alumni He reported that the swimming tinued at pie record level of 85637 school but was forced to sit outside the door of the regular vices. honor. - The book, which tells the liools at Scott Field are Integrated. Chapter, and his mate. In mld-February. with the aver­ classrooms. Elmer Henderson was refused a seat mrct to a place of Booker T. Washington in With the movement of northern story bf Wendell Phillips and Wil­ Brother Jimmy Scott, one of the Among the officers with whom he age work week of 38.7 hours, re­ connection with the fifth observ­ industry into the deep South, Jobs liam Lloyd Oarrison, the giants who Kappa representatives on the Board white passenger in a dining car on a Southern Railway aid he talked were Brigadier Gen­ flecting an expansion of hours la ance of his birthday, which will be have been more plentiful among helped to free America from the in- of Directors of the council, came to train. Each of these cases is an attack on the South’s “separ- eral John F. McBlain the command­ heavier industries. held on Wednesday, April 5 The all the people of the area. The Ne-lstitutlon of slavery, was reviewed ing officer of Scott Field, his exe- 7" att but equal” doctrine accommodations. Home Institute will be under the gro which has by tradition been the a, few weeks ago in the book sec- The National Association for the Advancement of Col- cullve officer the group cnmm»r«i- direction of Mrs. Charlotte B. laboring segment of the South’si tion of the Chicago Tribune and population stands first to share in ored People is backing the fight and in fact, supplying the officer in chacón" Shockley, a graduate of '.Hampton the coyer carried a painting of Phil­ ZETAS AND SIGMAS PRIMED FOR Institute. Phillips said that the this additional Income to the South­ lips and Garrison. Artist Gary legal direction for them. The attorney generals in 11 south- btructor training and the officer tn east. : program would be practical and Sheehan presented his original BIG REGIONAL FRIDAY, SATURDAY era states have joined hands with Attorney General Price 'h^ie of group training for opera- l painting of the cover to Sidney Wil- designed to meet needs in the Ne­ During the early years America Local Chapters of Zeta Phi Beta President of Alcorn College, Al- them- ' liams, executive director of the Chi- Daniel of Texas in defending the southern system. Geor- ti(?n5 AI1 them «pressed gro home He cited .the following in general was an agricultural na­ Sorority and Phi Beta 8igma Fra- com, Miss.. Dr. Pipes is advisor td *’• Ge,“ral Sr* Wis ' Jtese-,A ’ cago Urban League, at the party. gia’g Attorney General Eugene Cook is one of these. A phases of the program. tion. With the advent of mechani­ temity will be hosts to a Joint Re- Sigma~ -----’s National —Director - of Edu , Dr. St. Clair Drake, professor of 1. Preparing wholesome - and zation our abundant resources have rtonal starting Friday. April 7. cation. group of 18a professors from 41 Law Schools have filed though initially they had doubts j history at Roosevelt College, acted economical meals for the entire made It possible for us to maintain Delegates from Tennessee. Missis-1 Many other prominent personal its success. Amicus Curia briefs with the'courl, challenging the consti- ab°ut family. , as master of ceremony for the event. “** * ...... _ Mr. Kenworthy said he also talk-, an integrated economy. We have slpoi, Akbama. Arkansas. Vlr- ities'“ will also be platform guests , Remarks on the book were made by tutionality of segregated legal education in Texas. 2. The u»e and care of modem both agriculture and manufacturing ginia, West Virginia and Kentucky during the public program. They ed with Major General Robert W. ; Dr. Paul M. Angle, director of the This action was taken in support of the Sweatt petition ! Harper, commanding general of the home appliances which also make us 90 per cent self will attend the two day meeting. include Dr. R O. Johnson, At­ 3. The utilization of feed bags sufficient. Chicago Historical Society. on the grounds that the University of* Texas, has denied i Ajr Training Command, who evi-1 X —; • %. Mrs. Bemadlne Holmes and lanta. Ga, National President, and other items that can be made i Experts had this to say in a re­ him admission solely on account.of race and color, in viola­ dihtly had no doubts about the Among the artiste and authors Richard Davis head their resnec- Phi Beta 81gma Fraternity; Mrs. into useful household articles. ! cent statement to the nation con- Luliella W. Harrison of Houston," new policy from the Joeginning and present were: Ira Bell Thompson. t-ive Greek-Letter organizations tion of the Fourteenth Aipendtnent. “Segregated legal educa­ 4 Lessons given by Mrs. Fran- i¡cerning the relative strength and was one of its chief proponents. Jack Conroy. Max 8iegel S|uart which have made extensive plans Texas. Executive Secretary. Zeta ces Cooper. Singer Sewing Ma­ purchasing power of the Negro: tion, they say, “perverts and distorts the healthy develop­ As the general in charge of both , Brent, Richard, Florshelm, Si Gor­ for the housing and entertainment Phi Beta Sororitv and Mrs. Pauline chine representative, on the use of j "Almost one of every five Negro ment of human personality.” * flying and technical training for of the visitors to the Bluff City. Allen of Columbus. Miss., South families living in Southern cities don. Harold Haydon, Margaret Goss various sewing machine attach­ Zeta's business sessions will open Central Regional Director. Dr. What the outcome will be no one can ’predict. Only the the whole Air Force; General Har­ and towns "now has an income of Burroughs, and Marion Perkins. ments. Friday at 10 a. m. with registra­ Nancy B. Woolridge, Grand Basl- per expressed himself as being in­ »250 a month or more. Another Included on the committee ar­ Supreme Court jurists hold the answer to these suits. This year’s observance of the tion in the Mississippi Boulevard leus of Zeta Phi Beta will be one terested solely In men sufflcienUy one-fifth enjoys monthly spending ranging the party .were: Mmes. Ver­ great Educator's birthday, is being Christian Church. Reg'|tratlon of the featured speakers. u j trained for the Jobs the Air Force cash of »165 to »250.” gil Dixon. Earl B. Dickerson. Byron held during the 35th , anniversary members of Phi Beta Sigma will The Memphis Pan-Hellenic had to do. and he was not interest­ Another important factor in this Harvey Jr, and Odlne Hughes. of National. Negro Health Wbek. begin Saturday morning at 10 a Council, composed of members of Brief Comment ed in color as a qualification, said ; picture of economic development is a pfogram which was Instituted by m at LeMoyne College. eight National Fraternities and Mr Kenworthy. the change In attitudes and suspi­ Well, we don’t think anybody can blame the drys for the him a few year’s before his death ------—----- _ cions on the part of industrialists, NAVY HEALTH RECORD rnaay asiemuvu. the guests will 8ororitles, will entertain with a bootlegging going on over the nation now, It has been estimated that Negro be taken on a motorcade through­ who established a pattern to give The Navy Is proud of its three Cocktail Party a t Club Del Mo­ n » » * Health Week has contributed great new health records set in 1949. Di­ Negroes certain Jobs and pay them out the ettyto acquaint them with rocco Immediately following the Farm And Home ly to the life span of the Negro • Politics must be peculiar—one politician can t tell what according to that pattern. Such a sease and injuries dropped 15 per the landmarks and beauty of the public program. throughout the country. pattern has proven to be detrimen­ cent below the previous low rate of city.' • The Regional will close with a another politician means by what he says. Inst. Slated Mrs. Shockley said, “good borne tal to the total economy of the re­ 443. per 1,000 in 1948. The average A public program Friday night private formal dance Saturday , BOOKER T. WASHINGTON I surroundings add m much to the gion. Simple logic arid reasoning on sailor lost 6.71.7 day» from duty be­ will be the climax of the session. night at Hotel Men’s Improvement j I birthplace; v<— s j. Phu- human life as good food.” To dem the part of far-sighted business men cause cat illness, compared with t Held at Centenary Methodist Club sponsored Jointly by the Ze- i Ups. President of the Booker T onstrate this idea, a model borne tas and Sigmas. J Golden Gleam play a large part in eliminating to 18 days over the previous a Church. Miss and Alston. Dr. Wil­ •Uniting Our ResoqroN for Ef-^ Washington Birthplace Memorial —__ “I conf««« tnyseÿ thejreatest will be on exhibition during the this pattern The fact that labor is years, and the death rate was 14 liam H. Plpea, Dean of Men at 1 Mátlor I dare not do an ill thing.” ~ stated that g Fan» and Hom« In­ institute for inspection by the pub- being gradually paid enough mg- per 1,000, compared with 3.0 in Philander Smith College, will de» ficient Service" u the theme of I stitute will br h«H at U» birth- es to buy back what U produces is 1946 sad M to 1900. liver the mln address. Former Si RegioDaL ' ' * I •

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