Humanitarian Assistance for Wild Animals
Thoughts Humanitarian Assistance for Wild Animals Kyle Johannsen argues that most wild animals live bad lives, and we should intervene in nature to improve their wellbeing When you read the title of this paper, what ergy, and attract the attention of predators, likely comes to mind is images of Koala by singing for prolonged periods of time. bears being rescued from bush fires, or of Being encumbered isn’t good for peacocks, injured raccoons and deer, being rehabili- and exposing themselves to danger isn’t tated after a hurricane. These are examples good for songbirds. Rather, the function of of humanitarian assistance for wild animals, heavy feathers and prolonged singing, is to but they’re not what this paper is primar- protect the birds’ genes by attracting mates. ily about. The need for humanitarian as- Mating, and reproducing, may be enjoy- sistance in the wild far exceeds the damage able for these animals, but surely evolution caused by natural disasters. Severe suffering would have facilitated these goals some oth- is pervasive in nature. It’s built into natural er way if the purpose of evolved traits were processes, and thus it’s the norm rather than to benefit the animals who have them. the exception. Since the purpose of evolution is to protect genes, you’d think that a parent’s evolved traits at least function to benefit Severe suffering is her children. Unfortunately, protecting an pervasive in nature animals’ genes doesn’t always benefit her children either. After all, many animals are r-strategists: they protect their genes Many people think that evolution is an by producing large numbers of offspring.
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