Appendix a Resource Management Program
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;' Appendix A Resource Management Program CONSULTING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE SANTAANA HEIGHTS JOINT USE CHANNEL MAINTENANCE/EQ1JESTRIAN FACILITY, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Prepared far City of Newport Beoch Plonnlng Deportment 3300 Newpart Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach. California 92658-8915 Contact: MS. Rosalinh Ung T: (949) 644-3208 Prepared by BonTerra Consulting 151 Kalmus Drive. Suite E-200 Costa Meso. California 92626 Contact: Melissa A. Howe. Associate Principal/Restoration Ecologist or Stacie Tennant. Seniar Project Manager/Wildlife Biologist T: (714) 444-9199 F: (714) 444-9599 May 20.2008 Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Facility TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROGRAM BACKGROUND 1 2.1 Project Description/Summary 1 2.2 Existing Biological Resources 2 2.2.1 Vegetation Types 3 2.2.2 Wildlife 3 r 2.2.3 Special Status Plant and Animal Species 3 2.2.4 Potential Impacts 5 3.0 RESPONSIBLE ENTITIES 6 4.0 HABITAT RESTORATION 6 4.1 Southern Tarplant 7 4.1.1 Site Selection (Onsite or Offsite): 7 4. 1.2 Seed Collection 7 4.1.3 Installation 7 4. 1.4 Long Term Maintenance 8 4.1.5 Long Term Monitoring 9 4.1.6 Performance Standards 9 L 4.2 Coastal Sage Scrub 9 4.2. 1 Site Description 9 4.2.2 Installation 9 4.2.3 Long Term Maintenance 11 4.2.4 Monitoring of Restoration Site 11 5.0 RESOURCE PROTECTION 12 5.1 Impact Avoidance and Minimization 12 L 5. 1. 1 Biological Surveys 12 5.1.2 Initial Protection Measures 13 5.1.3 Ongoing Management and Protection Measures 15 6.0 REFERENCES 18 L.o TABLES Table Page 1 Plant Species 11 R:\ProjeetsINewport\J012\R MP-052008.doc Resource Management Plan L Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Facility LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit No. Follows Page 1 Regional Location 1 2 Local Vicinity 1 3 Concept Grading Plan 1 4 Biological Resources 1 Appendices A Conceptual Landscape Plan R:\Projeets\Newport\J012\RMP·052008.doc Resource Management Plan Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Facility 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Resource Management Program (RMP) described herein provides guidelines for protection of existing natural resources during the construction and ongoing operation of the Santa Ana Heights Joint Use Channei Maintenance/Equestrian Facility project (the Project). The Project is located on elevated bluff areas that extend along the north side of the Back Bay in Newport Beach and is within the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. The project site has been used as an un-official, "informal riding area" (as designated by the Central-Coastal Subregional Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan [NCCP/HCPj) by local residents over at least the past 40 years. The proposed Project will establish formal equestrian facilities that will serve nearby residents and equestrian enthusiasts while providing for the ongoing protection of biological and water resources through a series of permanent Best Management Practice (BMP) features and resource protection measures. The project also includes the restoration of coastal sage scrub in a disturbed area adjacent to the project site. Resource protection measures have been developed in compliance with the goals and objectives specific to the recreational activities permitted within the reserve system as required by Nature Reserve of Orange County (NROC) and set forth in the NCCP/HCP (County of Orange 1996). The project site is located on Orange County Flood Control District properties in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Newport Beach 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle (Exhibits 1 and 2). The project site is 2.92 acres in size and is located at the southern end of North University Drive, east of Irvine Avenue and adjacent to the Santa Ana/Delhi Flood Control Channel, which extends along the northwestern boundary of the project site (Exhibit 2). The elevation of the project site ranges from 20 to 40 feet above mean sea level. Land uses in the vicinity of the project site include the Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, recreation, residential, and commercial. The RMP described herein provides for compliance with resource agency, NROC, and NCCP goals, objectives and requirements for equestrian/recreational activities. Specifically the program will provide guidelines for: • Protection of, and minimization of impacts to undisturbed adjacent native habitat areas during project construction and ongoing operations; • Protection of water quality within the adjacent channel and wetland resources located downstream of the project site in the Back Bay area; and • Restoration of native habitats. 2.0 PROGRAM BACKGROUND 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY The City of Newport Beach (City), is proposing to implement the Project to provide equestrian recreational opportunities for nearby residents while protecting preserved biological resources and water quality, and allowing a portion of 'the mesa" to be revegetated with native habitat (coastal sage scrub). The proposed equestrian facilities include three riding arenas of varying sizes, a redefinedlrelocated riding and hiking trail (Mesa Trail), and a treatment train of storm water runoff treatment control BMPs situated throughout the Project (Exhibit 3). More than half of the proposed facility is located within the Central Coastal NCCP/HCP Reserve (Exhibit 4). Proposed BMPs consist of two vegetated swales that will convey runoff through the project site. The first swale will convey only project-related flows while the second swale will capture flows that are generated upstream of the project site. Each of the two proposed swales will include a series of water quality basins or storm water catchment ponds which will be planted with A:\Projeets\Newport\J012\RMP-052008.doc Resource Management Plan Rialto 2~~.JL--~o~"~..:n~D:""lr::=::;c~J~»~;(fJ~l....;;; __ "·'h~ Riverside , 91 Hawthorne 91 Carson Palos Verdes Westml s 5 Beach 39 PACIFIC OCEAN Camp Pendleton " Regional Location . Exhibit 1 Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Project 10 o 10 Miles Local Vicinity Exhibit 2 Santa, Ana Heights Equestrian Project w~ ~~et E 2,000 1,000 o 2,000 CONSUlTING Feel :==.--- --I --... --... -----_._---- ---- ---------- --- -==:...-==- -_.- .---------._---- ._--- -- ------ --- SEClKlN B SECTION 0 SEClKlN C SECTlQN A '" '" '" , '" .', • • -. • • ~c2 -.:.:.... ',~. I' : _,-m".";~:-of .~.u·~,::~ ---~-"" . , '- ,. • • • ,• .,' . ~:~ t , ---- " - )r -~..,.. _ • .- , tf~;-\.~ ..- ~ ( - - '; .. • '.-'" , LEGEND , ~-'--.....-~ " - "'-' "-~. ;~ • ..--- RAI.AU. RlJHllff now tlRt:ClDl ~ ROW IIillECT1O~ (f" SWALr ./ , . -.-',- ',- ." ------- CPT ${lNG tOCA1KlN . '" '::;;,:. fUTlJE A.~ F(NCW(G 0; (SIT CPT SITE tMSrIiAIDI R[?ORl __K __ ~ N«I H'l'lJlOt.OCY R£I'OIlT FOR WOilE =0 EXlSTItiG OW!I.JM( fL'IClNC ~ N"O!NA~) l <; ----- flO'IIIl.t;[ Cf" tRTRAOON,ITREArWOO SWAI..E 2·-J" ROCK fOR EROSOlfvt1OSfJY .. C """"'" "u --- ""'" or "'""'" (10.99) EXISTl'lC ftCI'IIII..N:/MUlT UEVAf.(IN STOR/ltflAr:R CATOiIlOO BASIl fOR TREANENi on rs ~ G!?ADING stOPE 11 = RUNOFf RQl,t EXISilNC RESIlENTW../£QlIESTRINi LOTS fl fl",,",,' " STClRt.IWAffil CATCHt.lEHT E!ASIN fOR TllfATl.lENT or IlUNOFr ROIIl EOlJ[STRIA.'l All(NAS = t PRa"OliY LINE (ouESlRlI..'II ARENA = S.O.Ql Pf'[ SlOP[ [OtJ[STRII.\1 PAlM = ALl W-:AlY.ER SURfACE: FOR ROOD = CO«TROC ACCESS ROAD Source: City of Newport Beach 2007 Concept Grading Plan Exhibit 3 Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Project CONSULTING L R:lProjeclsINewportiJO121GraphicsJEx3_CGP_020508.pdf ~ ~ r-- ,--- .-------, • Approximate California Gnatcatcher Sighting -- Existing Trail 1 o NCCP Reserve Boundary ~ CSS Restoration Site Southern Tarplant Locations I o Project Boundary Biological Resources Exhibit 4 Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Project " w-<r. 200 100 o 200 ~ ~~ ~~LT'NG Feet .. R:/Pmjec1s1N<!wportlJOl21Gmr>hicslEx4_BR_051508,pdf Santa Ana Heights Equestrian Facility species capable of withstanding infrequent flood inundation while providing uptake of potential storm water pollutants. Storm water runoff will be impounded in the catchment/detention basins to allow for pollutant uptake and percolation into the soil. The project site is located at the intersection of four current or future riding and hiking trails: the Irvine Coast Regional Riding & Hiking Trail; the 'Trail"; the Mesa Drive Trail; and an unnamed trail within a developed portion of the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. The Irvine Coast Regional Riding & Hiking Trail is proposed to extend along San Diego Creek and north side of Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. The 'Trail" will ultimately continue west until it connects with the Santa Ana Heights Regional Riding & Hiking Trail at the Santa Ana/Delhi Flood Control Channel. The 'Trail" begins at the Orange County Fair Grounds and follows road and channel rights-of-way to its confluence with the Irvine Coast Regional Riding & Hiking Trail. The Mesa Drive Trail is a local master planned trail that connects trail users from the Cypress Street Trail and extends along Mesa Drive, and then veers south along a gravel service road to its I connection with the Irvine Coast Regional Riding & Hiking Trail and Santa Ana Heights Trail. A fourth trail, located in the developed area of the County's Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve, will also connect to the other three trails. Appendix A shows the locations of these four riding I and hiking trails in the vicinity of the project site. 2.2 EXISTING BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES [ This section summarizes existing conditions and natural resources within the project site and adjacent to the project site and the anticipated types of impacts to these resources associated [ with the proposed Project. BonTerra Consulting Senior Biologist Sandra Leatherman and Ecologist Jennifer Pareti r conducted a biological constraints survey on June 27, 2006. The purpose of the survey was to describe the vegetation and evaluate the potential of habitats to support special status plant and wildlife species on the Project site. A literature review was conducted prior to the initiation of the field survey in order to determine the potential special status plant and wildlife species known to occur in the project vicinity that may occur on the Project site.