SURGICAL NEWS THE ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS VOL 15 NO 8 / SEPTEMBER 2014 Behind the mask Dr Wisam Ihsheish’s humanitarian aid work p30 GLOBAL HEALTH SUCCESSFUL SCHOLAR William Kaptigau leads Corey Scholes’ research for neurosurgery in PNG advancing orthopaedics The College of Surgeons of Australia 20 24 and New Zealand CONTENTS 17 18 WORKING ON Director of ALCOHOL Surgery, Mr RElatED Brian Kirkby HARM that REGULAR a second pages doesn’t 4 PD Workshops 10 Relationships & Advocacy 12 Surgical Snips skin… irritate 14 Dr BB G-loved 15 Curmudgeon’s Corner 16 Case Note Review the first 50 Book Club The GAMMEX® Non-Latex product line delivers the most complete range of non-latex surgical 38 gloves. GAMMEX® Non-Latex gloves include options that not only protect you and your patients from latex allergies, but also type IV chemical allergic Correspondence to Surgical News should be [06] The fair fee issue reactions. sent to:
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[email protected] VOL 15 NO 8 / SEPTEMBER 2014 [20] Surgical advances in PNG FOR BEST-IN-CLASS HAND PROTECTION. T: +61 3 9249 1200 F: +61 9249 1219 W: Extraordinary effort by former ISSN 1443-9603 (Print) / ISSN 1443-9565 (Online) Rowan Nicks Scholar To find out more or request a Surgical News Editor: David Hillis sample, please call 1800 337 041 or © 2014 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons [28] Surgical research event visit All copyright is reserved / The editor reserves the rights Rich program over two days in November to change material submitted / The College privacy policy and disclaimer apply – / [34] Handwriting challenges The College and the publisher are not responsible for errors or consequences from reliance on information in Poor handwriting still a concern GAMMEX® Non-Latex range minimises the risks of type IV this publication.