
Yes on Amendment 73

Colorado has one of the fastest growing economies in the country, yet we spend less on education now than we did before the recession. In fact, invests roughly $2,800 less than the national average on each student – trailing even Mississippi and Alabama.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of our school districts have teacher shortages because Colorado has the least competitive teacher wages in the country. The average teacher salary in rural Colorado is about $38,000, leaving many on welfare or working two to three jobs to support their families.

Amendment 73 –- will give schools the funding they desperately need to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers, strengthen science, math, vocational, literacy and mental health programs, and provide a safe learning environment for all students.

A73 will create a dedicated education fund that politicians and bureaucrats in can’t raid and send funding directly to Colorado’s school districts in order to give them the control they need to address their biggest priorities.

And A73 will provide equitable funding for all Colorado school districts by asking those benefiting the most from Colorado’s growth – corporations and the wealthy - to contribute a little more.

This election matters for our students and voters need to hear directly from educators about the challenges we face in providing every child a quality education in a poorly funded school system. We are the best messengers in explaining the desperate need to pass Amendment 73 to give our students the great public schools they deserve. Visit www.YesOnAmendment73.org to volunteer or ask your local association about ways to get involved.

Dave Young for Colorado Treasurer


A former middle school math teacher, Dave was appointed to represent House District 50 in the Colorado State House in 2011 and won reelection three times. He is responsible for the passage of more than 120 bills that moved Colorado forward, most with bipartisan support.

Dave served four years on the Joint Budget Committee, a select, bipartisan group of legislators trusted to write Colorado’s $30 billion budget. He helped keep the state budget balanced and championed increased education funding.

Dave achieved a 100% voting score on pro-education issues from the Colorado Education Association. As Treasurer, Dave will ensure Colorado’s money is invested safely and transparently for the benefit of all Coloradans, and will protect the PERA public employee pension plan as a sustainable, defined benefit that retirees were promised and deserve.


Dave is a CEA-Retired member who taught math and technology in Weld County public schools for 24 years and spent a decade on the faculty of University of Colorado-Denver. He served as a former president of the Greeley Education Association.

On the Record

“I am running for treasurer because I believe we need to put Colorado on better financial footing, where prosperity from our growth is shared,” Young said, noting that rural parts of the state are struggling despite Colorado’s rapid growth. “As just about anyone can tell you, teaching 13-year-olds and 14-year-olds requires patience, commonsense and fairness. And teaching requires you to listen, too. Those are the values I will bring to the job of getting Colorado on the right track.” - Colorado Politics, Oct. 31, 2017

Campaign Website: daveyoungforcolorado.com

Tim Krug for State Board of Education, CD-4


Tim wants to immediately cease the over-testing of Colorado students that exceeds the federal minimum mandates. He believes students are suffering from testing fatigue and that their standardized test scores should not be used to measure educator or school effectiveness. “Too many outside factors influence student test scores for them to be reliably used to reward/punish teachers and close schools.”

A champion for local control, Tim says he was disappointed in state legislators who voted to dictate to individual school districts how they must spend local mill levy overrides. Additionally, he doesn’t approve of the State Board forcing districts to open schools the locally elected board of education reviewed and decided was not best for their community.

Tim spoke at a rally against the corporate education agenda of Betsy DeVos when the education secretary spoke at ALEC meeting in Denver, and he voiced concern at a Douglas County school board meeting after two board members had an inappropriate meeting with a 15-year-old student. On the State Board, Tim will fight for safe schools, support educators, and provide all students in every public school the opportunity to pursue and achieve ambitious goals.


Tim worked as an English language teacher in the Japanese public school system before becoming the owner and CEO of a chain of successful English language schools. After moving back to the United States in 2013 to better support a son diagnosed with autism, Tim has volunteered one day each week in his children's school helping dedicated teachers with their enormous workload. Tim serves on volunteer committees and attends numerous forums and seminars to learn to better advocate for students and families. He also volunteers at a winter shelter for women and their children in Parker.

On the Record

“I'm not a fan of for-profit, out-of-state charter management companies who are increasingly invading our state and taking advantage of our weak school accountability laws. We need to tighten up our laws and policies to promote local parent-driven charters while discouraging out-of-state profiteers from taking advantage of Colorado taxpayers.”

Campaign Website: krugforcoloradoschools.org

Tammy Story for , District 16


Tammy has had an advisory role to school administrators and school boards for 18 years, becoming more involved in advocating for effective public education while her children attended Jeffco Public Schools. She was a member and leader with the Jeffco Associations Legislative Forum, discussing education legislation with diverse stakeholders to make real school improvements.

Tammy took on the role of Mountain Area Lead in an historic school board recall campaign that successfully removed three board members of Jeffco Public Schools who had lost the public’s trust. The involvement of Tammy and countless others in the recall demonstrated what a motivated, informed community can do when united behind the shared value of strong and effective public schools.

In the Senate, Tammy will fight for our schools, our neighborhoods and our Colorado way of life. She will take her experience advocating for public education to ensure our schools are fully funded, reduce excessive testing and raise teacher pay so we attract the best and brightest teachers to our schools.


Tammy grew up in a military family and has worked as a speech pathologist and then a cabinet-maker. She is married with two children, adding she is “so grateful to the many talented and caring teachers of Jeffco schools who laid such a formidable foundation for my children’s current success.” On the Record

“My commitment to community advocacy was sparked by my passion for the great outdoors, shaped by my appreciation for exceptional public education, and honed by recognizing the value of mentorship for career professionals.”

Campaign Website: www.story4co.com

Jessie Danielson for Colorado Senate, District 20


Jessie has represented House District 24 in the Colorado State House since 2015 and served as Speaker Pro Tempore. She is a legislative leader on equal pay for equal work, fighting elder abuse, eliminating red tape that hinders veterans seeking work and higher education, and cracking down on wage theft.

Jessie was named Elected Official of the Year in 2016 by the Jefferson County Council on Aging and the Seniors’ Resources Center. She was awarded the Jefferson County Democrats Labor Advisory Committee’s “Friend of Labor Award” in 2016, and was named a 2015 Outstanding Colorado Lawmaker by the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce.

Jessie believes a good education is critical for every Colorado family to be able to create a bright future—and that is how we will build a better Colorado that can compete in a 21st Century global economy. She achieved a 100% voting score on pro-education issues from the Colorado Education Association.

In the Senate, Jessie will continue to uphold the Colorado values that make our state a better place and empower hard-working Coloradans who want to send their kids to great public schools and build a secure future for their families.


Jessie is the third generation of her family calling Wheat Ridge home. She holds a BA from the University of Colorado, and also studied abroad at Spain’s Universidad de Sevilla.

Before serving in elected office, Jessie was the Colorado State Director for America Votes and helped pass groundbreaking legislation that expanded every Coloradan’s Voter Access access to the ballot.

On the Record

“Access to a good education is critical for every Colorado family to be able to create a bright future—and that is how we will build a better Colorado that can compete in a 21st Century global economy.” –

Campaign Website: www.jessiedanielson.com for Colorado Senate, District 24


Faith has represented House District 35 in the Colorado State House since 2015. She is a legislative leader on equal pay for equal work, affordable housing, paid family leave and protecting the environment. After two challenging pregnancies, Faith passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

Faith believes all kids should have a world-class education in a public school, but recognizes Colorado’s schools are severely underfunded. She is working to improve schools and give our kids the resources they need to succeed, supporting efforts to reduce excessive testing, increase classroom funding, expand vocational and career training, and increase teacher pay. Faith achieved a 95% voting score on pro- education issues from the Colorado Education Association.

Faith is running so the Senate becomes a place that passes common sense legislation that protects families, creates economic security, protects our environment, and ensures everyone can find a home and has a chance at success.


Faith was elected to the legislature after seven years on the Westminster City Council, where she helped to make Westminster the first platinum solar city in the state. She believes in giving back to her community, serving on the board of The Butterfly Pavilion and on the advisory board of a Precious Child. She also championed small business support and services for survivors of domestic violence.

On the Record

“In my 16 years as a community leader and public servant, I’ve always listened to you. And here’s what I hear: Education is your number one concern. I know that education matters. Quality teachers matter. Fair teacher pay matters. Enough teachers to inspire each and every child in the classroom matters.”

Campaign Website: www.faithwinter.com

Brianna Buentello for Colorado House, District 47


Brianna is a special education teacher at Pueblo's East High School who sees every day the issues affecting students. She has taught in classrooms with no air conditioning during 100 degree summers, and uses textbooks with missing pages, if not chapters. The vast majority of her students are on free and reduced lunch. Brianna says these problems are ignored by politicians, education consultants, and administrators who create policy but have never taught. Brianna believes Colorado cannot move forward if special interests continue to write our laws. “These people have no perspective on how this policy impacts real families, and or our lives, particularly down here in Southern Colorado. Educators are the hardest working professionals, and we see how politics impact families of all backgrounds.”

In the House, Brianna will fight to bring opportunities to everyone in District 47, retain quality teachers, improve school safety, and honor the promise of the PERA public employee pension plan as an earned benefit.


Brianna was raised by two Marines and was always taught that hard work, dedication, and speaking up for those who cannot is the expectation, each and every day. She has a child with autism who inspired her to return to school and earn a Master's degree in Special Education. Brianna is a member of the Pueblo Education Association and has vowed to protect unions from “right to work” laws that have devastated the American middle class.

On the Record

“For too long politicians in Denver have cut education spending to the bone to make room elsewhere. That ends with me. As a public school teacher, I see first-hand how disastrous short-sighted policies like TABOR and the negative factor have been to Colorado’s most precious natural resource: our children.”

Campaign Website: www.bri4colorado.com

Rochelle Galindo for Colorado House, District 50


A head custodian in Boulder Valley Schools, Rochelle is running for office to ensure Greeley, Evans and Garden City has the type of leadership that reflects the people. Her passion for politics began in high school while serving on the Greeley Youth Commission. She was a field organizer for President Obama’s 2012 reelection and worked on Rep. Dave Young’s reelection campaign in 2014. Rochelle received the Community Leadership Award from the Hispanic Women of Weld County, and in 2015, she became the first openly gay elected official to the City of Greeley.

Rochelle understands the struggles that working-class families in her district are going through and has the perspective to better represent them. “Too many people in elected office are wealthy and well-connected; we need more regular people in these positions. When we have regular people in these offices that is when better policy is created for working families.” In the House, Rochelle will fight to provide schools with the funding they need to establish a quality education for all Colorado students, and will work to ensure students in college are graduating less burdened by student loan debt.


Rochelle was born and raised in Greeley in a blue collar home. She saw her parents struggle to provide a better life for her and wants to ensure all Coloradans have access to the quality of life our state has to offer. She is a product of Colorado public schools and knows firsthand the importance of a quality education. Rochelle is a member of the Boulder Valley Classified Employees Association and as a union member, wants to ensure jobs are created in a way that benefits the whole community.

On the Record

“I have dedicated my life to standing up for those that are unable to stand up for themselves. I am committed to ensuring that every Coloradan has access to the quality of life that our state has to offer.”

Campaign Website: www.galindoforcolorado.com

Barbara McLachlan for Colorado House, District 59


A former high school teacher, Barbara has represented House District 59 in the Colorado State House since 2017. She is a very influential voice on the House Education Committee and achieved a 96% voting score on pro-education issues from the Colorado Education Association.

Barbara has sponsored bills that mandated a state study of Colorado’s teacher shortage, tripled the stipends for rural teachers, provided extra money for Advanced Placement courses, and gave school faculty access to suicide prevention training to spot youth who may cause harm to themselves or others.

In the House, Barbara will continue to bring energy, civility, and open-mindedness to the job. She plans to focus on education paths emphasizing the trades, forestry, agriculture and other important careers that do not require expensive college courses.


Barbara is a fourth-generation Coloradan. She earned a degree in journalism from Colorado State University and a master’s degree in learning and teaching from Regis University. Barbara was a reporter for the Durango Herald, where her environmental writing was recognized as best column in the state. Barbara is a CEA-Retired member who taught English and journalism at Durango High for 20 years. She was honored as the District 9-R Teacher of the Year in 2012 and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award from the national Journalism Educators Association in 2014. Barbara is married with two children.

On the Record

“As a lifelong educator, I know our kids need an education system that prepares them for the jobs of tomorrow – our Western Slope districts deserve our fair share of funding. As a teacher in this district for 20 years, I have had personal experience dealing with shrinking budgets while maintaining high-quality education for our students. Our kids need an education system that prepares them for the jobs of tomorrow, and when we have the resources we need, our kids learn and achieve more.”

Campaign Website: www.barbaramclachlan.com