Methods for Disruption of Microbial Cells for Potential Use in the Dairy Industry
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International Dairy Journal 12 (2002) 541–553 Methods for disruption of microbial cells for potential use in the dairy industryFa review Jana Geciova1, Dean Bury2, Paul Jelen* Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, 2-06 Agricultural/Forestry Center, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada, T6G 2P5 Received 11 July 2001; accepted 20 December 2001 Abstract Lactic acid bacteria are being increasingly exploited for use in production of microbial bioproducts such as enzymes for food industry applications. The different techniques available for release of intracellular products include mechanical, physical, chemical, enzymatic and combined methods. The effectiveness of the various methods differs for different microbial species. Publicly accessible information is available mainly for yeasts or several well studied bacterial host cells such as Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, while reports on disruption of bacterial cells applicable to uses in the dairy industry are scarce. In general, mechanical methods are non-specific, but their efficiency is higher and application broader in comparison to any of the other methods. Disruption characteristics such as pressure or number of passes for each device vary according to microbial strain, age of culture, temperature of cultivation, and cultivation medium. High-pressure homogenizer, Microfluidizer, and Bead Mill appear to be devices best suited for use in the dairy industry due to their wide range of applicability and accessible scale-up. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cell rupture; Lactic acid bacteria; Microfluidizer; Bead mill; High-pressure homogenizer 1. Introduction of proteins into growth medium, low protease levels and for production of food related compounds, a ‘‘food Microbial cells as sources of valuable enzymes, grade status’’ of the microorganism. The most often proteins and other bioproducts have been exploited used organisms are Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces very intensively in the last 30 years. Biotechnology, cerevisiae,andBacillus subtilis (Middelberg, 1995). supported by development of understanding of Table 1 illustrates some advantages and disadvantages molecular biology, genetic engineering and efficient of these organisms as guidelines for technology applica- separation techniques, has been a fast growing industry. tions in general. Microorganisms, both native and genetically modified, Several other microbial strains have been used for produce two basic types of biological compounds; production of microbial enzymes; some of these and extracellular, which are excreted into a growth medium; their applications are (Chisti & Moo-Young, 1986): and intracellular, which are retained inside the cell’s Aspergillus niger and Kluyveromyces fragilis (for produc- cytoplasm. A variety of host microorganisms have been tion of catalase, EC; Saccharomyces lactis and studied. The following characteristics identify usefulness Kluyveromyces lactis (b-galactosidase, EC; of the host microorganisms: simple genetic material, Bacillus coagulans and Streptomyces sp. (glucose iso- presence of plasmids, availability of strongly inducible merase, EC; or Penicilium notatum (glucose promoters, high growth rates on simple media, excretion oxidase EC A large proportion of potentially useful microbial *Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-780-492-2480; fax: +1-780-492- products is retained within the cells of their producers. 8914. The isolation of intracellular material requires either the E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Jelen). cell to be genetically engineered (so that intracellular 1 Also at Department of Dairy and Fat Technology, ICT Prague, Czech Republic. products can be excreted into the growth medium) or 2 Present address: Lilydale Poultry Products Ltd., Edmonton, the cells must be disintegrated by physical, chemical or Alberta, Canada. enzymatic means to release their cytoplasmic content 0958-6946/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0958-6946(02)00038-9 542 J. Geciova et al. / International Dairy Journal 12 (2002) 541–553 Table 1 2.1. Bacterial cell walls Microorganisms frequently used for production of biological com- pounds (adapted from Middelberg, 1995) The composition of a bacterial cell surface is different Microorganism Advantages Disadvantages for Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria (Suther- land, 1975). In Gram-positive bacteria, including strains E. coli Extensively studied Not GRASa Strongly inducible Low excretion levels of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, promoters available of proteins into Lactococcus,orLeuconostoc sp.), as well as those of growth medium the Bacillus sp. and many others, a thick layer of High growth rates on mucopeptide (peptidoglycan network) confers a con- simple media siderable rigidity to the cell wall. This polymeric Low protease levels compound is composed of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and S. cerevisiae GRAS Low excretion levels N-acetyl-muramic acid in b-(1-4) linkage as alternat- microorganism of proteins into ing units in polysaccharide (glycan) chains (Sutherland, capable of simple growth medium 1975). The units on adjacent glycan chains are cross- glycosylation linked by peptide bridges. The lactyl groups of the Genetic system well understood N-acetylmuramic acid residues provide the points at High growth rates which peptides are linked to the glycan. At least portions of them may be substituted by tetrapeptide B. subtilis GRAS Excretes high levels units (Engler, 1985), containing d-glutamic acid, d- microorganism of proteases alanine, and other amino acids (Sutherland, 1975). The Easy excretion of Plasmid instability proteins degree of cross-linking varies considerably among Limited range of different organisms. In E. coli, about 50% of the vectors and tetrapeptide units are not cross-linked and the others promoters available are linked only as dimers. In Lactobacillus acidophilus, a Generally regarded as safe. about 90% of the tetrapeptide units are cross-linked and about 30% of the units are cross-linked as trimers (Engler, 1985). In general, the walls of Gram-positive organisms are composed predominantly of a mucopep- (Chisti & Moo-Young, 1986). Permeabilization of cell tide, teichoic acids (polyribitol phosphate; polyhexosa- walls to make the enzymes in the cytoplasm easily mine phosphates; and similar polymers) and other accessible for a substrate is also possible (Somkuti, polysaccharides. Proteins are either essentially absent Dominiecki, & Steinberg, 1996, 1998). or comprise only a small portion of the cell walls. This review examines the different cell rupture In Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. E. coli), the cell techniques having a potential for possible use in the wall is thinner than that of the Gram-positive species, dairy industry; compares their applicability for different but its structure is more complex, both in physical producing microorganisms, emphasizing the applica- configuration and number of macromolecular tions of mechanical techniques for use with bacteria; and components (Sutherland, 1975). It is formed of two further narrows the focus to the uses with lactic acid distinct layers. Lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins and bacteria for production of enzymes with a potential use phospholipids compose the outer membrane, while the in the dairy industry. thin inner layer consists of mucopeptides without teichoic acids. The major resistance to disruption of bacterial cells 2. Microbial cell wall appears to be the peptidoglycan network. The strength of this network depends both on the frequency with The nature of the bacterium or yeast cell wall is which peptide units occur on the glycan chains and the greatly dependent on the type of organism, as well as on frequency with which peptide units are cross-linked external growth conditions including temperature of (Engler, 1985). During the transition from exponential cultivation, presence of certain chemical compounds in to stationary phase, considerable changes in peptidogly- the environment, the composition of the growth med- can structure occur. The degree of crosslinkage increases ium, growth phase, or specific growth rate (Sutherland, significantly. The frequency of trimers is higher in slow 1975; Engler & Robinson, 1981; Engler, 1985; Collis, growing or stationary-phase bacteria than during the O’Neill, & Middelberg, 1995; Middelberg, 1995). exponential growth, implying a denser or thicker Knowledge of the cell wall structure is important in peptidoglycan layer (Pisabaro, de Pedro, & Vazquez, selecting a disruption method and rationalizing the 1985). Stationary-phase bacteria have a thicker parameters of disruption to suit the character of the feed and more highly cross-linked peptidoglycan layer cells (Middelberg, 1995). (Middelberg, 1995). J. Geciova et al. / International Dairy Journal 12 (2002) 541–553 543 2.2. Yeast cell wall beads, or ultrasound (Engler, 1985). Mechanisms of disruption are cavitation, shear, impingement or their Because of their larger size and different cell wall combination (Sauer, Robinson, & Glick, 1989). Inten- structure, disruption of yeasts is generally easier than sive cooling of the cell suspension subjected to the bacteria. The basic structural components of the yeast treatment is necessary to remove the heat generated by cell wall have been identified as glucans, mannans and dissipation of the mechanical energy (Engler, 1985). proteins. The overall structure is thicker than in Gram-