NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc.制 2): 115 ・143 ,1986.


David Ogle*


Nakhon is part of the Central Plains of Thailand. lts physical features ,climate and habitats for birds are briefly described. Both resident and migratory migratory species of birds are enumerated. The apparent movements in and out of the province province of birds Ii sted as resident in Thailand are discussed along with the arrival 司nd departure departure dates of certain migrants. Comment is also made on the pr lω ent state of bird conservation conservation in the province.


Recent regional studies of birds in Thailand have concentrated on the north and north-western parts of the country (DEIGNAN , 1945; ROUND , 1983; ROUND 1984) , the the south-west (WILES ,1979) , the south (EVE & GUIGUE , 1982; ROUND et al. 1982) and the south -e ast (OGLE ,1972). Since HERBERT (1924) made a survey of the breeding birds birds of the central plains including Nakhon Sawan Province ,little detailed study of the the birds of this region has been undertaken. KOPKATE (1984~ , made a study of the birds birds of Bueng Boraphet and MCCLURE (1974) discussed the work done by MAPS (Migratory (Migratory An imal Pathological Survey) on Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) also at Bueng Boraphet. This paper is an attempt to give a more detaHed picture of both the resident resident and migratory birds of Nakhon Sawan Province as they occur according to the the seasons and their present status and abundance.


Nakhon Sawan (herein abbreviated NS) Province lies between latitude 15 。 卸 d 16 0 N and longitude 卯 o and 100 0 Eσigure 1). It is the northernmost province ofthe cent 凶 plains of Thailand and covers 佃町'ea of 9, 645 sq. km. Generally speaking , the the province consists of a plain which slopes gently fro lIl north to south and is drained by the flowing out of Kamphaengphet Province to the north-west and the from Pichit to the north-east. These two rivers converge in the town of NS andb 配 ome the Chao Phraya , at an elevation of 29 m above s伺 leve l. Numerous s位制ns flow flow from the 回 st and west to join this main river system. Th ose from the w 田 temanate

*La *La Salle Chotiravi College ,Muang , Nakhon Sawan 6(胤)(), Tbailand 115 115 /""\ / / "\ ~ I N ' I ..... / \....._ 0'1 '\ i I I I \.."' I \ __ 16°N I \ !"'/ River Ping \ :::.''•,,.- 'I' I -- '1 ,...... ,.. '~ ~ __ ~ ',...... _ ...... _ ( Khao ~ ~ j / -~~- -...... _ ,. , ~,!...... "' .. ,., "' I ; : -- ::' '" ~ "': - Khao , '" Kaeo "''' " , River---- Nan /1\ 1 1 - ' - Khao • '• " -' " ~ '•, : :. ;: · .,, -, Chonkan '-. I " I ~ ~~ ~: ]Mac -.. ., ' I \ ~ - • --~Dee • ', ...._ ,'•'..... f= ...-=; , ...., · ..... , ~ Lard Yao / '4, N'·... •,, ' -...... ~ ,\li,. \ ...... ,"! : ~ I ' ..... '- ...... -...._ : K~ \ 0 ( > \ "'- A _...... --:-....--- Luang < ..... / y ./ ' ,Ill~ 0 ...... ___ ... / I :::~' -7 0 \ / Cl ( :;._,,? r '\\•~,~/ m ' ~ = Phaisalee .,'"'~ ( '\ -;' .= 11 '-.:..:.. ;;,';s.: '-",, ...... '' ~hao ....'\l'''t... I ;.~,,,,..... = Kala ,,,,\... '"" '-...... Chao Phrya R. (' '- 0 20 40 60 Kilon 1eters '-"' \ \ \ "-, I /_.. I \,.... / 100°E Figure I. Map of Nakhon Sawan Province STATUS AND SEASONA Ll TY OF BIRDS lN NAKHON SAWAN 117 from the Khao Mae Dee Range on the border of Uthai Thani Province. This range contains contains the highest points in the province (up to 1,700 m). To the east ,sma Il streams streams begin in the hilly region around Paisalee Distric t. Many of the rivers from this this a同窓 and from the eastern half of the provice as a whole , flow into a large marsh and freshwate