NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc.制 2): 115 ・143 ,1986. THE STATUS AND SEASONALITY OF BIRDS IN NAKHON SAWAN PROVINCE ,THAILAND David Ogle* ABSTRACT Nakhon Nakhon Sawan Province is part of the Central Plains of Thailand. lts physical features ,climate and habitats for birds are briefly described. Both resident and migratory migratory species of birds are enumerated. The apparent movements in and out of the province province of birds Ii sted as resident in Thailand are discussed along with the arrival 司nd departure departure dates of certain migrants. Comment is also made on the pr lω ent state of bird conservation conservation in the province. INTRODUCTION Recent regional studies of birds in Thailand have concentrated on the north and north-western parts of the country (DEIGNAN , 1945; ROUND , 1983; ROUND 1984) , the the south-west (WILES ,1979) , the south (EVE & GUIGUE , 1982; ROUND et al. 1982) and the south -e ast (OGLE ,1972). Since HERBERT (1924) made a survey of the breeding birds birds of the central plains including Nakhon Sawan Province ,little detailed study of the the birds of this region has been undertaken. KOPKATE (1984~ , made a study of the birds birds of Bueng Boraphet and MCCLURE (1974) discussed the work done by MAPS (Migratory (Migratory An imal Pathological Survey) on Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) also at Bueng Boraphet. This paper is an attempt to give a more detaHed picture of both the resident resident and migratory birds of Nakhon Sawan Province as they occur according to the the seasons and their present status and abundance. PHYSICAL FEATURES AND CLIMATE Nakhon Sawan (herein abbreviated NS) Province lies between latitude 15 。 卸 d 16 0 N and longitude 卯 o and 100 0 Eσigure 1). It is the northernmost province ofthe cent 凶 plains of Thailand and covers 佃町'ea of 9, 645 sq. km. Generally speaking , the the province consists of a plain which slopes gently fro lIl north to south and is drained by the Ping River flowing out of Kamphaengphet Province to the north-west and the Nan River from Pichit to the north-east. These two rivers converge in the town of NS andb 配 ome the Chao Phraya , at an elevation of 29 m above s伺 leve l. Numerous s位制ns flow flow from the 回 st and west to join this main river system. Th ose from the w 田 temanate *La *La Salle Chotiravi College ,Muang , Nakhon Sawan 6(胤)(), Tbailand 115 115 /""\ / / "\ ~ I N ' I ..... / \....._ 0'1 '\ i I I I \.."' I \ __ 16°N I \ !"'/ River Ping \ :::.''•,,.- 'I' I -- '1 ,... ...,.. '~ ~ __ ~ ',. ......_ ........._ ( Khao ~ ~ j / -~~- -..............._ ,. , ~,!. .......... "' .. ,., "' I ; : -- ::' '" ~ "': - Khao , '" Kaeo "''' " , River---- Nan /1\ 1 1 - ' - Khao • '• " -' " ~ '•, : :. ;: · .,, -, Chonkan '-. I " I ~ ~~ ~: ]Mac -.. ., ' I \ ~ - • --~Dee • ', ...._ ,'•'..... f= ...-=; , ...., · ..... , ~ Lard Yao / '4, N'·... •,, ' -........ ....... ~ ,\li,. \ .......,"! : ~ I ' ..... '- ......... -...._ : K~ \ 0 ( > \ "'- A _......--:-....--- Luang < ..... / y ./ ' ,Ill~ 0 ...... ... / I :::~' -7 0 \ ___ / Cl ( :;._,,? r '\\•~,~/ m ' ~ = Phaisalee .,'"'~ ( '\ -;' .= 11 '-.:..:.. ;;,';s.: '-",, ......... .....'' ~hao ....'\l'''t... I ;.~,,,,..... = Kala ,,,,\... '"" '-....... Chao Phrya R. (' '- 0 20 40 60 Kilon 1eters '-"' \ \ \ "-, I /_.. I \,.... / 100°E Figure I. Map of Nakhon Sawan Province STATUS AND SEASONA Ll TY OF BIRDS lN NAKHON SAWAN 117 from the Khao Mae Dee Range on the border of Uthai Thani Province. This range contains contains the highest points in the province (up to 1,700 m). To the east ,sma Il streams streams begin in the hilly region around Paisalee Distric t. Many of the rivers from this this a同窓 and from the eastern half of the provice as a whole , flow into a large marsh and freshwater lake known as Bueng Boraphe t. This sha Il ow lake is 20 km long and 8 km wide but rarely reaches a depth of more then 3m It is a habitat of major international international importance for wintering wildfowl and many other water birds , both resident resident and migrant , as well as for a great variety of smaller birds. Apart from the mountains mountains a1 ready mentioned , there are several limestone outcrops on the flood plains plains of the rivers. The highest of these is Khao Luang (772 m) which is 20 km long. Another Another range of the same length but not so high is Khao Chon Kan (400 m). Two others others are Khao Kala (495 m) and Khao Kaeo (341 m) Climatically ,NS is one of the hottest and driest provinces in Thailand. The mean annu a1 temperature is 28.3 0 C and the mean annual rainfa Il is 1113 mm 86 町 of which which f a1 ls during the southwest monsoon from May to October. The other two seasons are are the cool season (November-January) and the hot season (February-April). LAND USE AND HABITATS FOR BIRDS In In 1985 ,71 明 of the totalland ar 伺 of the province was under cultivation and only only 5怖 W 出 covered with fores t. Deforestation of the province has been rapid (Table 1) and what little remains is on the higher slopes of the mountains in Lard Yao District in in the wes t. Of the cultivated land ,nearly half (43070) is given over to both single and double double crop rice planted on the alluvial and clay soils of the river floodplains. In the more acidic and drier regions of the south -e ast ,another 25070 of the.area under cultivation is is planted with sugarcane ,maize ,sorghum and other crops. The province supports a population of just over one million people (108 per km 2) most of which is concentrated in the provinci a1 and district towns. 百lere is a1 so a wide scattering of villages. Theareac 創 1 be divided into five main habitats for birds ,部 d田 αibed below. Wet Cultivated Land This This habitat consists mainly of rice fields flooded for most or part of the y回 r. Fewbir ,也伺 n be found when the ri 田 is growing but many 紅 epresent in the stubble after after harvest. Typic a1 species associated with this type of habita :t町 e Pond Herons (Ardeola (Ardeola spp.) ,Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidi 臥 Tawny-flanked Prinia (Prinia subflavl 可制dmuniasp 創出(Loncliura spp.). As由 e fields be 仰 to 世Y out in February and March , waders like the Wood Sandpiper (1干 'inga glareola) and Orient a1 Pratincole (Glareola (Glareola maldivarum) appear a1 0ng with Bluethroats (Eritha αIS svecicus) and Red- throated throated pipits (Anth ω cervinus). l1 8 DAVIDOOLE Table Table 1. Percentage of land area covered by .f orest in Nakhon Sawan Province. Year Percentage of land covered by forest 1961 1961 30.75 1973 1973 15.30 1976 1976 12.33 1978 1978 11. 90 1982 1982 10.80 1985 1985 5.00 Source Source : The Religious ,Social and Ed ucation PI 加 for 1987 in Nakhon Sa wan Pro'吋 nce (in 百w) ,published by by the Provincial Offices. Dry Cultivated Land Away from the rivers and streams , land cultivated wi 由 maize and sug 訂 cane constitutes constitutes a drier habitat offering important roosting sites for 血ousands of weaver birds 伊toceus Spp.) and mw 姐邸. Red-whiskered B 叫b凶s (Py cnonotus jocos 附 j 伺 a also also be found here. Open Areas , Scrub and Woodland The secondary vegetation and bamboo that cover the lower slopes of limestone outcrops outcrops and other high ground make Up the bulk of this type of habita t. lt supports about about 判明of 出 e resident Sp 配 ies and also many of the migrants. Typicallocal sp 民 ies include include Black-naped Monarch 任か 'P othymis azurea) and Puff-throated Babbler 伊'e llorneum ruficl 伊'8) in the wooded areas and migrants include the Forest Wagtail Wagtail 但)e ndronanthus indicus) and the Yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia). zanthopygia). In the lowland scrub areas ,typical resident Sp 配 ies include Lesser Coucal (Centrop 削除ngalensis) , Rufous-winged Bushlark (Min ψ .a assamica) and Yellow-eyed Babbler Babbler (Chrysomma sinense). Am ong the 叫nter visitors Dusky Warbler 伊'h ylloscopus fuscatus) fuscatus) and Siberian Rubythroat (Erithac ω calliop りare typica l. Wetlands Wetlands We t1 ands include rivers ,pOlllds and lakes , of which Bueng Boraphet harbours 血e majority of speci 田. Many species ,肱:ethePh 蹴 ant ・凶ed J: 釦組a(H y( 蜘 'fJhas, 加問 chirurgl必~ and the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyri 吋町, e resident here because they they are able to utilise 由 e floating vegetation of B 即時Bo raphet but herons (Ardea Spp.) and egrets (Egretta Spp.) which require 祖l1 r回 dbeds or swamp woodland in which to n田 tareo 叫y migrant. Th e Ri ver Ping had its water level raised by the Bhumipol Dam STATU S AND SEASONA Ll T Y OF 日IRIJS IN NAKHON SAWAN 119 Figure Figure 2. Dry cu lti vated land (sugar cane); roosting site for weavers (Ploceus spp.) and munias (Lonchura spp .) Figure Figure 3. Sc rub and secondary growlh on lim eslone outcrops ,Khao Luang; Home of Puff-throated Babbler (Pellorneum (Pellorneum rujiceps) , W hit e-rump ed Shama (Copsychus malabaricus) and Tickell's Blue Fly ca tcher (Cyornis lickelliae). 120 120 DAVID OGLE Figure Figure 4. Wet cultivated land (rice). Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola jun α dis) and Tawny-flanked Prinia (Prinia subflava) subflava) frequent this type of habita t. Figure Figure 5. Wet land ; floating vegetation on Bueng Boraphe t. Both Purple Swamp hen (Porphyrio porphyrio) and Ruddy-breasted Crake (Porzana fusca) can be found here. STATUS AND SEASONA Ll TY OF BIRDS IN NAKHON SAWAN 121 inT; 紘針。由白血 d is at 位制.v e to biJ;也 like the Common Greenshank (l'ri nga nem 伽 ia) and Kentish Plo .v er (Charadri; ω alexandrim ωwhen sandbanks appear in De cember and sometimes in April.
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