planning report D&P/3723a/01 31 October 2016 Cube, 31 Street in the

planning application no. 16/09050/FULL

Strategic planning application stage 1 referral Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.

The proposal Full planning permission sought for comprehensive redevelopment of site comprising an 18-storey office building (74 m high) and adjacent two-storey building containing 44,352 sq.m. (GEA) of B1 office space, 7,375 sq.m. (GEA) retail, cafe/restaurant space together with public realm works comprising new piazza, re-profiled and re-aligned London Street, new underground station entrance, Ticket Hall, with associated infrastructure and interface highway/ transport works for underground and rail connections, car parking and cycle parking, and ancillary works. (Listed building consent also sought for works associated with curtilage of Paddington Station)

The applicant The applicant is Great Western Developments Ltd and the architect is Renzo Piano Workshop.

Strategic issues Land use: The principle of an office led in a highly accessible location is supported in terms of contributing to the objectives of the Paddington Opportunity Area and Central Activities Zone for additional jobs and enhancing London’s World City position (paras 23-28). Design: The scheme would be visible in local townscape views and where there are heritage assets that are impacted, but it is considered that this would cause less than substantial harm, which is justified in light of the substantial public benefits. The scheme would not compromise any LVMF strategic views (paras 29-60). Climate change: There are some technical aspects of the scheme for which further information and discussion is required (paras 61-68). Transport: is a key strategic issue in terms of the station works and there are detailed aspects that will need to be considered, and TfL will need to be a signatory to any section 106 legal agreement (paras 69-88).

Recommendation That Westminster City Council be advised that while the application is generally acceptable in strategic planning terms there are elements of the scheme that require addressing in order to ensure full compliance with the London Plan, as set out in paragraph 91 of this report.

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1 On 26 September 2016 the Mayor of London received documents from Westminster City Council notifying him of a planning application of potential strategic importance to develop the above site for the above uses. Under the provisions of The Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 the Mayor has until 4 November 2016 provide the Council with a statement setting out whether he considers that the application complies with the London Plan, and his reasons for taking that view. The Mayor may also provide other comments. This report sets out information for the Mayor’s use in deciding what decision to make.

2 The application is referable under Category 1A, 1B, and 1C, and of the Schedule to the Order 2008:

1B(c)- Development which comprises or includes the erection of a building or buildings in Central London and with a total floorspace of more than 20,000 square metres;

1C(b) - Development which comprises the erection of a building that is more than 30 metres high and is outside the City of London;

3E – Development which does not accord with one or more provisions of the development plan in force in the area and includes the provision of more than 2,500 sq.m. of Class A1/A3/A4/B1 uses;

3 Once Westminster City Council has resolved to determine the application, it is required to refer it back to the Mayor for his decision as to whether to direct refusal; take it over for his own determina