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NET FRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILV CJlBCUliATION for tbe Month o f Aosrost, 1939 Uembera of the Audit Bnteau of Circniatlone EIGlCTEENrPA(?ES' PRICE THREE CENTS ‘ SOUTH MANCHESTBRvCONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920.! f (Classified Advertising on Page 16) \TOL. XLIIL, NO. 291. ALLINAaORD Boston, Sept. 25.—d a d in overalls, a smudge on her pretty ON THE CHENEY cheek, Mrs. Bert L. Williams, 20, of Knoxville, Tenn., today was working on the excavating job on ^ the site of the new postofEice— i SCHOOLS DEAL! the only woman in the world operating a steam shovel. She explained that she was helping her husband, just keep- i Brookhart Intunates They Unanimous Vole Gives Three i ing in practice. In Knoxville, she Rising Prices Of Beer lEAST COAST I said, she had worked a regular eight-hour shift with men at a Wer^ Not Empty— Says Remaining Properties toi wage of $300 a month. Show Law Is £nA>rce</ The couple have a little daugh L ip or Is Sold Openly at Town at Total Cost of I ter, Mary, back home in Ten nessee. Carleton Club at Capital. IndiaqapoUs, Ind., Sept. 25.-Ris-Ato one-sixth of what it was four $419,065. ing beer prices in CMcagu °tlxe^ j^ * S ’e®drtual stopping of the diver- latCSt R C D 0 F I S IndiCSd€ large cities were cited by promm j industrial alcohol into boot- f Washington, Sept. 25.—The sen- tion Cbmmissioner J. 'M- Doran as i channels, and quantitative con-1 The purchase of all Cheney owned | NAMEQlllBY i sational charges of Senatqr Robert oroof of the effectiveness of prohibi- ! trol over the alcohol. ! Storm Will Strike Just school properties in Manchester was j tion eSorcement in an optimistic | The closing of most of the old , completed last night when the town ! B. Howell, (R) of Nebraska, that enforced here review of the «atire prohibition sUn- time breweries, Above Jupiter If It Con in special meeting voted to buy the i prohibition is being ation before the fifty-fifth annu^ The“ securing of the moral sup Franklin building. Recreation build LT. GOVERNOR against the “littie feUow” but not convention ot the National Women s port and cooperation of American ing and Heating plant at a price of Christian Temperance Union here industrialists by the Prohibition tinues Its Present Course; $419,065. The parcel of prcmerty Bureau. containing the Barnard school^ %mld- ■ today. ' OFV l KIWANIS^l a l 11 gs?—gituation in the national capital, uf? it “Even illicit alley beer has m- The tightening of regulations ing had been purchased ’ ly the Ninth | governing Hquor permits. school district on August 28. i ______ • . appeared today. creased in price from $20 to $55 and Moving Toward Florida at ! The high spot in Howell’s charges $60 a barrel in the city of Chicago The intensive training of prohibi Little Discussion. ■ tion agents and workers. The purchase of the remaining; was the reading of a report' by a as the result of thet enforcement of former dry agent, alleging that pro prohibition,” Doran told the 3,000 Nearly 80.000 arrests in one year Rate of 10 Miles an Hour, parcels of property was effected] Local High School Principal by dry agents. last night in High school hall by j hibition officials “protected” a string W. C. T. U. delegates. of hotels owned by Wardman. The Causes of Improvement And peering into the future, about 250 voters without a dissent In one recent order, the United States added as many airplanes to Doran predicted that “it seems cer- Expected Late T od a :r> ing vote. The entire procedure re Honored at Conference in agent, in another report, charged Doran ascribed the steady im- that liquor was sold, and drunk open f S o r i t y i^ fS t° m ^ ^ ^ ^ prov^e^nrrnto; pr"^Wbition;situa- tain to me that greater effectiv^e^^ quired less than half an hour. Chair bas vast supenonty m last ------ ^ ----- of this, the tion to the following causes; jin enforemg prohibition will come man of Selectmen John H. Hyde, Maine— Worcester Man ly in the fashionable Carleton Club, verted into auxiliary cruisers in time of ivar. Illustrative M . .. ___ ____ A Towns and Cities in Diffi- who was also chairman ot the spe just three blocks from the White two pictures above .show the U. S. S. Lexington (above), one of the The reduction of liquor smuggUng ' with time.” cial investigation committee, made House. mighty airplane carriers in our navy, and the Aquitama (below), one of ger Zone Warned by the various motions necessary apdl Governor. Howell read the agent’s reports— the queens of the British merchant marine. discussed them. There was no dis-1 written by H. N. Douthitt, a promi cussion from the floor until the j nent local figure—in response to Weather Bureau. fourth motion was made and that i Clarence P. Quimby, principal of President Hoover’s demand for NEWLYYYEDS IN VERMONT w'as an explanation offered by How Manchester High school was elected “days and dates” when the dry law ell Cheney. Lieutenant Governor of the Nev/ was not enforced in Wastogton. Miami, Fla., Sept. 25.—Almost the England district, Kawanis Interna- j Here Is Background The meeting was a most repre President Unfair whole of Florida’s long east coast sentative one judging from a sur tional, at the conference at Poland | AT THE OLD HOMESTEAD Howell charged President Hoover vey of the attendance despite the Spring, Maine, this morning. John cringed in terror today as Weather Densmore, of Worcester, Mass., was with being “unfair” in asking for Bureau reports indicated that the fact that no opinions were expressed specific information about liquor O f Arms Cut Parley in the open meeting. Leaders in the elected governor. Mr. Quimby, who (Jarribbean hurricane woul<l strike outlying districts who had been ex law violations. The Senator ad4^ that the government’s files in the John and Florence Arrive at BRODER SENTENCED; tonight somewhere along th; stretch pected to make objections to the of coast line. purchase of part of the properties Department of Justice, the dis Wet attorney’s office and the prohibition Special Writer for The Herald Says England’s Windows and doors of buildings iff were present but evidently believed Plymouth Where John f l £ a dozen coast towns were barred by • that the voters present were in a commissioner’s office were filled pL£ADS GUILTY with records of violations. He de Superiority in Convertible. Liners Will nails and boards, and little groups buying mood. of persons, many of them who re^ Procedure. clared he could give much more Vex Experts at Coming Spent His Boyhood; Greet- . — specific information if allowed ac member the successive disasters, in Judge Raymond A. Johnson was Conference. 1926 and 1928, fearfully watched named as moderator of the meeting cess to these files. slowly falling batometers. and the motions drawn by the Se Senator Brookhart (R) of Iowa, ed by Townsfolks. Gels Four Months; Mrs. Latest reports from the U. S. lectmen were read by Chairman added to the merriment by charging Wea.ther Bureau here indicated that John H. Hyde. The Cheney proposi that Senators Senato^s-elect at Editor’s Note: This is the first ^ “big navy” men of their respective nations. And even if they agree Plymouth, Vt., Sept. 25.—Amid HaStUlgS GotS i U li 0 F the center of the storm shortly bi- tion was read by Town Treasurer tended a banquet here three, years of a series of stories by Milton S 1 fore noon was centered at the south George H. Waddell. Mr. Hyde ex- ago at which silver whiskey flasks Bronneiv European manager for upon a common platform; there will the gorgeous autumnal splendor and n , q i J still be France and Italy, who will end of Abaca island in the Bahama olained to the voters that the offer were handed around as favors. He NEA Service and The Evening invigorating air - of ..the. Vermont uentenCO) wUSpenOeCl. g(roup, and mo'ving slowlj* westward, of the local silk firm had been care didn’t say so but he intimated there Herald, presenting the back prove tough customers with their ri gradually increasing in intensity. val demands and * their rival pro hills. Major John Gpplidge and- his fully studied by a special commit was something in the flasks. 'When ground of the approaching Hoo- bride continued their honeymoon- to- "The storm will strike betwe^it tee. This committee of which Mr. | Brookhart added that Senator ver-MacDona)d naval arms par grams. • Hartford, Sept. 25.—Edward W. Just as soon as the« two statesmen day. ' - Miami and Jupiter inlet late to Hyde was chairman also composed | Smoot (R) of Utah, attended the ley. The newlyweds found peace ana Broder, well knovm lawyer, sports night,” a statement from the •-------- i same banquet, the latter leaped to announce that they . have found a way . to bring a parity to the Ameri isolation in the modest story and a man. form-r State Senator and Weather Bureau said early this (Continued on Page 14) | his feet with a declaration that he By MILTON BRONNER. hajf white farmhouse, where the son afternoon. Jupiter is 90 miles north hadn’t obtained a flask. can and the British navies,* two mayoralty candidate, received, a questions will be asked; of the former president spent many of-MlaifflL “No,” replied Brookhart. “I know London, Sept. 25.—Hespite the happy summer days of childhood, sentence of four iranths in jail late The force of the gale, as It strikes that because the Senator told me so calm efforts that.