Arabian House

õą¥ý¦ûÇ Zaman Awaal (Old )

Did you know that the UAE’s rich history is rooted in trade!

The significance can be traced back to 1902, when HH Sheikh Maktoum bin Hasher- the previous ruler of Dubai – abolished all customs duties on imports, essentially creating a free trade zone. Also, the strategic geographical location attracted traders from Europe, Fareast, China, India and .

Since then Dubai became a major trading hub, with much of the activity centered around the Creek. (The most common goods traded were , and herbs).

ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ أن ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﻹﻣﺎرات اﻟﻐﻨﻲ ﻣﺘﺄﺻﻞ ﰲ اﻟﺘﺠﺎرة!

‹ﻜﻦ إرﺟﺎع أﻫﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﺨﻮر إﱃ ﻋﺎم ١٩٠٢ ، ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ أﻟﻐﻰ ﺻﺎﺣﺐ اﻟﺴﻤﻮ اﻟﺸﻴﺦ ﻣﻜﺘﻮم ﺑﻦ ﺣﴩ (ﺣﺎﻛﻢ د ﺳﺎﺑﻘﺎ) ، ﺟﻤﻴﻊ اﻟﺮﺳﻮم اﻟﺠﻤﺮﻛﻴﺔ ﻋﲆ اﻟﻮاردات ، ﻟﺘﺄﺳﻴﺲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ ﺗﺠﺎرة .ﺣﺮة. اﻳﻀﺎ اﳌﻮﻗﻊ اﻟﺠﻐﺮاﰲ اﻻﺳﱰاﺗﻴﺠﻲ ﻋﲆ اﻟﺘﺠﺎرة و ﺟﺬب اﻟﺘﺠﺎر ﻣﻦ أوروﺑﺎ واﻟﴩق اﻷﻗﴡ واﻟﺼ» واﻟﻬﻨﺪ وﺷﺒﻪ اﻟﺠﺰﻳﺮة اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ

وﻣﻨﺬ ذﻟﻚ اﻟﺤ» أﺻﺒﺤﺖ د ًﻣﺮﻛﺰا ﺗﺠﺎرﻳًﺎ رﺋﻴﺴﻴًﺎ ﺿﺨ¹ ، ﺣﻴﺚ ﺗﺮﻛﺰ ﻣﻌﻈﻢ اﻟﻨﺸﺎط ﺣﻮل اﻟﺨﻮر. (اﻟﺒﻀﺎﺋﻊ اﻷﻛ³ ًﺷﻴﻮﻋﺎ ﻫﻲ اﻟﺤﺒﻮب (واﻟﺒﻬﺎرات واﻷﻋﺸﺎب Kids Orange Juice

Emirati Kids

Emirati Fruit Tray

Emirati Kids Tray õ¦ìÛĐ÷íĆċŬČĀČÓ Emirati Kids Breakfast

55 Emirati Kids Breakfast Tray E¶èÛăðý¼-7¶ó-Cûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ AED Colorful tray of scrambled as a main dish served with balaleet, yogurt, , and the freshly squeezed orange juice. 28¶Üð-E¶ë¼Ì¹ð-ÌÿÖáàóFÊëþ$Ìÿô¥-͹È$K5¶¸8$Úÿðć¹ð-àóFÊëþýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíCûèĉ-×ÿ¹ð-õóºöûîóCûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ

55 Chebab Bread Kids Tray E¶èÛăð.¶¹£-͹Ⱥÿ÷ÿÕ AED Emirati chebab bread tray for children, of delicious chebab bread with and date syrup as the main dish, served with balaleet, yogurt, and fresh orange juice. K5¶¸Íð-,Úÿðć¹ð-àóFÊë¼$ýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíÌô½ð-θ5I›£-àóËþËñð-.¶¹£-͹È$E¶èÛăðý¼-7¶óĄ-.¶¹£-͹Ⱥÿ÷ÿÕ 28¶Üð-E¶ë¼Ì¹ð-ÌÿÖáI

Ăó¥ĆëîªÛ Fruits Plate

30 Fun Platter Of Fresh Fruits Banana Orange and Kiwi AED Kûÿîð-IE¶ë¼Ì¹ð-I8û¦-IºÂ8¶Üð-øí-ûèð-õóཧé¹Û

ÌÿÖáIK5¶¸Íð-,Úÿðć¹ð-àóFÊëþE¶èÛăðºÕ¶ÈýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíºÂ8¶Üð-ºÿôÏû¦-ºúí¶èð-õóཧé¹ÛõóºöûîóCûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ 28¶Üð-E¶ë¼Ì¹ð- Strawberry Lassi

Emirati Fish Fingers

Meat Tray

Emirati Kids Lunch Tray õ¦ìÛĐ÷˜¥Âè÷¥¬ČĀČÓ Emirati Kids Lunch

59 Emirati Kids Lunch Tray E¶èÛăðý¼-7¶ó+'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ AED Lunch tray with white and minced chicken kabab as the main dish with a side of fresh carrots and cucumber, sweet watermelon slices, along with strawberry lassi.

ûñ¤-Çÿܹð-Ä´-ÌÒI7¶ÿ¥-I28¶Üð-7Í£-õó·ö¶ÂàóýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíFIÌè¦-2¶ÂÊð-.¶¹íI×ÿ¸)87)õóøöûîó'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ ºðI-ÌçýÏĆàó 59 Kofta Lunch Tray òÆñð-º½èí'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ AED Lunch tray with lamb meat kofta and fresh mashed potato as the main dish with a side of fresh carrots and cucumber, sweet watermelon slices, along with strawberry lassi. Çÿܹð-Ä´-ÌÒI7¶ÿ¥-I28¶Üð-7Í£-õó·ö¶ÂàóýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíºÂ8¶ÛºÏIÌúóÎ۶ܸIG°Øò¤º½èíõóºöûîó'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ ºðI-Ìèð-ýÏĆàóFÊë¼ûñ¤- 59 Emirati Fish Fingers Lunch Tray ý¼-7¶óĄ-ìôÐð-ึÕ)'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ AED

Lunch tray with with fun fish fingers and potato wedges as the main dish with a side of fresh carrots and cucumber, sweet watermelon slices, along with strawberry lassi. ýÏĆàóûñ¤-Çÿܹð-Ä´-ÌÒI7¶ÿ¥-I28¶Üð-7Í£-õó·ö¶ÂàóýÐÿ´7é¹ÜíÍÂ5IÎ۶ܸIìôÏึÕ)õóºöûîó'-Êäºÿ÷ÿÕ ºðI-Ìèð-

õ¦ìÛē¥­¦©ąÆÐû Emirati Kids Drinks

Strawberry Lassi |ýÏĆºðI-Ìç 25 AED Orange |E¶ë¼Ì¸ 25 AED Carrot | 7Í 25 AED Watermelon | Çÿܸ 25 AED Ċ¯¥Å¦ûđ¥íĆċÆ÷¥Ċÿ¥ĆÓ Emirati Breakfast Trays

Special Emirati Breakfast Tray ;¶Èý¼-7¶ó+Cûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ 80 AED Balaleet (vermicelli cooked with , , topped with ), dates molasses, cheddar cheese, melted cheese, baked beans, watermelon jam, dango, bajella that comes with traditional bread (khameer, chebab and tanoor). øÈû¹Ü¦-¶ÿðûÕ¶èð-$øñ¶¸$û¨-5$Çÿܹð-ü¸Ìó$º¹´-6º÷¹Â$Ìô½ð-θ5$7ÊÿÓð-º÷¹Â$×ÿ¹ð-;ÌêàóÚÿðć¸ ( 7û÷½ð-$.¶¹£-$Ìÿô¥-KÊÿñë½ð-͹¥-àóFÊë¼) Mr. Ali’s Favorite Breakfast ïÙè¦-ýñáÊÿÐð-Cûþ7 53 Scrambled eggs stewed with served with cheddar cheese, watermelon jam & tanoor bread (wagafi). AED ‘¶êûð- 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþ,Çÿܹð-ü¸ÌóI7ÊÓð-›ÂàóFÊëþòÛ¶ôÜð-àóCûèĉ-×ÿ¹ð-

Liver Breakfast Tray /ʹîð-Cûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ (Middle-Eastern Favourite) 66 Fresh liver fried with , potato, tomato, season with spices and lemon juice served with salad, AED served with tanoor bread. àóøÿñë¦-28¶Üð-òÆñð-Hʹíاﻟﺒﺼﻞ ، -àóFÊëþ$Ôô¤-$ºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÏàóFÊë¼Gûôÿñð-ÌÿÖáIºÿ¼-7¶óĆ-ï¸-û½ð¶¸ï¹½óòÛ¶ôÜð-I¶Û¶Ü¹ð 7û÷½ð-Í¹È Ċ©Æä÷¥íĆċÆ÷¥Ċÿ¥ĆÓ Arabic Breakfast Trays

Arabic Breakfast Tray 72 ý¸ÌáCûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ AED A breakfast tray of scrambled eggs, tomatoes, mixed olives, rose jam, zaatar with olive oil, labneh, halloumi cheese and fresh and honey. Cûèĉ-×ÿ¹ð-õóGûî½¼Cûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ، اﻟﻄ¹ﻃﻢ ،àóøÜÓê$ø÷¹ð$Gû½þÍð-»þ8I̽á8$57ûð-ü¸Ìó$Gû½þÍð-$Fûñ¤-›Â 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊë¼ïÐâð-

Egyptian Breakfast Tray KÌÖóCûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ 72 A tray that includes foul beans, falafel, boiled , musaqaa, fried potatoes, hummus, white cheese with tomato, AED black molasses with and served with fresh tanoor bread.

I5ûÏ-ïÐá$ºÿñë¦-¶Û¶Ü¹ð-$òÛ¶ôÜð-àó'¶Ùÿ¸º÷¹Â$ºâëЦ-$CûñЦ-×ÿ¹ð-$ïçćç$Eûèð-õóGûî½¼Cûþ7ºÿ÷ÿÕ 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊë¼Ôô¤-Iø÷ÿÆÛ öČÓē¥úäÜ÷¥ The Original Taste...


Most of our dishes are inspired by our family's recipes. As had a more authentic taste during grandmother’s time.

Since long ago, the and preparation of food from the simplest ingredients was the Art Emirati woman mastered, especially in the absence of their husbands; the heads of the family, who persevered for months on diving or trading trips.

ﻣﺜﻞ ﺟﺪ . . أﻃﺒﺎﻗﻨﺎ اﳌﻘﺪﻣﻪ ﻣﺴﺘﻮﺣﺎة ﻣﻦ وﺻﻔﺎت ﺟﺪ اﻟﺘﻘﻠﻴﺪﻳﻪ .وﻣﻨﺬ ﻓﱰة ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ، ﻛﺎن اﻟﻄﻬﻲ وإﻋﺪاد اﻟﻄﻌﺎم ﻣﻦ أﺑﺴﻂ اﳌﻜﻮﻧﺎت ﻫﻮ ﻓﻦ ﺗﺘﻘﻨﻪ اﳌﺮاة اﻻﻣﺎراﺗﻴﻪ، ﺧﺎﺻﺔ ﰲ ﻏﻴﺎب اﻟﺰوج ( رب اﻻﴎة )ﻟﻌﺪة أﺷﻬﺮ ﰲ رﺣﻼت اﻟﻐﻮص أو اﻟﺘﺠﺎرة ﻣﻦ أﺟﻞ ﺗﻠﺒﻴﺔ اﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت اﻻﴎة Raqaq Bread

Tanoor Cheese


Grilled Halloumi

Chebab Bread

Khameer Halloumi Zaatar êČì¿Ċ¯¥Å¦ûŸíĆċÅ Emirati Light Breakfast

Khameer Halloumi Zaatar (Emilevant) ̽áÍð-ýóûñÅÌÿôÈ 48 Homemade bread inspired by the combination of Emirati and Levant stuffed with halloumi AED cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, sprinkled with fresh zaatar. 28¶Üð-̽áÍð-I$òÛ¶ôÜð-$7¶ÿ¥-$ýóûñ¤-›Ã¸ûÓÆóý¸Ìáý¼-7¶ó-Í¹È ýó¶Óð-ǹܦ-Iý¼-7¶óĆ-ǹܦ-ž¸ÁþÍó Balaleet with Omelet ×ÿ¹ð-àóÚÿðć¸ 30 Vermicelli cooked in a special Emirati way seasoned with cardamom, cinnamon and saffron, AED topped with omelette. ºÿ¼-7¶óĆ-ºëþÌÜð-üñá/ÌÙÆó$×ÿ¹ð-;ÌêàóÌîÐ𶸺þÌÿâÒ Chebab Bread .¶¹Â͹È 30 Emirati bread that comes with; AED *Kraft cheese and honey/dates molasses Ìô½ð-θ5ïÐâð-I»ç-Ìîð-º÷¹ÂàóFÊëþý¼-7¶óĆ-.¶¹£-͹È Tanoor Cheese 36 ›£¶¸7û÷¼ AED Tanoor bread filled with mixed of cheese freshly baked in our traditional oven served with fresh and olives. Gû½þÍð-IºÂ8¶Üð-0-IÌÙ¥-àóFÊë¼?û÷½¦-›£¶¸7û÷½ð-͹È/ÌÿÜç Raqaq Bread C¶ê7͹È 32 Choices of: :õó0-7¶ÿÈ AED * Emirati bread filled with egg & cheese served with kraft cheese and honey. ïÐâð-I»ç-Ìîð-º÷¹ÂàóFÊëþ›£-I×ÿ¹ð¶¸C¶ê7͹È* * Emirati bread filled cheese & honey served with kraft cheese and honey. ïÐâð-I›£¶¸C¶ê7͹È* * Emirati bread filled with fish (mashawa). /I¶Ó¦-àóC¶êÌð-͹È* Khameer Bread Ìÿô¥-Í¹È 31 Traditionally baked khameer bread served with cheese and date syrup. (3 pieces) AED

(0¶¹ÅW Ìô½ð-θ5I›£-àóFÊëþKÊÿñë½ð-ý¼-7¶óĆ-Íÿô¥-Í¹È Emirati Chami Cheese ý¼-7¶ó-ýó¶Â›Â 35 Traditional Emirati cheese drizzled with ghee and served with dates. AED Ìô½ð-àóFÊëþIõôÐð¶¸üÜåóKÊÿñë¼ý¼-7¶ó+›Â Egg Tomato Plate òÛ¶ôÛ×ÿ¸é¹Û 39 Scrambled eggs stewed with fresh tomato served with tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþºÂ8¶Üð-òÛ¶ôÜð-àóýúÜóCûèÉó×ÿ¹ð- êČì¿Ċ©ÆãíĆċÅ Arabic Light Breakfast

Hummus with Foul Eûèð¶¸ÔôÅ 30 Creamy, thick dip made of mashed chickpeas and freshly cooked fava beans mixed with AED fresh lemon juice, minced garlic and olive oil served with fresh tandoori bread. 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþIGû½þÍð-»þ8IFIÌè¦-FûÀð-IGûôÿñð-ÌÿÖâ¸2IÍô¦-28¶Üð-Îóʦ-Eûèð¶¸9IÌú¦-Ôô¤-

Musabaha Duqaa ºêÊ𶸺ƹЦ- 30 Thick dip of chickpeas beans mixed with tahina, lemon, capsicum and our special spices served with fresh tanoor bread. AED 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊ뼶÷¸ºÕ¶¥-ï¸-û½ð-Iºñèÿñèð-IGûôÿñð-Iº÷ÿÆÜ𶸺ÂIͧÔô¤-.û¹Å Grilled Halloumi KûÓóüóûñś 38 Grilled halloumi cheese served with tomatoes, mixed olives, fresh vegetables and tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÂ8¶Üð-0-I-ÌÙ¥-$ïîÓóGû½þ8$òÛ¶ôÜð-àóFÊëþKûÓóýóûñś Omelette 7¶Ù¥-»ÿñóI- 39 Omelette with tomato and cheese served with fresh vegetables and tanoori bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÂ8¶Üð-0-IÌÙ¥-àóFÊëþº÷¹£-IòÛ¶ôÜð-I$»ÿñóIĂ-×ÿ¸ Plain Omelette /5¶Ï»ÿñóI) 24 Omelette served with fresh vegetables and tanoori bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÂ8¶Üð-7¶Ù¥-àóFÊëþ»ÿñóI)

Hamssat Dango



Emirati Vegetable Sambosa ˜¦Ì»

Arabian Tea House Special Soup ºÕ¶¥-ý¸Ìâð-K¶Óð-»ÿ¸º¸7ûÒ 30 Special soup freshly made daily AED ¶ÿóûþºÂ8¶ÛºÕ¶Èº¸7ûÒ ¬Č¯¥Å¦ûŸ­Ĕªðû Emirati Appetizer

Emirati Vegetable Sambosa 7¶Ù¥¶¸øÿ¼-7¶ó-øÏû¹ôÏ 28 Arabic pastry stuffed with mixed vegetables. AED ºáû÷½¦-0-I-ÌÙ¥¶¸/ûÓÆóºÿ¼-7¶ó-ºÏû¹ôÏ

Dango (Chickpea beans) (ÔôÅ û¨-5 21 Homemade inspired traditional Emirati chickpea beans served with fresh tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþºÿ¼-7¶óĆ-ºëþÌÜð-üñáÌÙÆó ÔôÅ û¨-5

Hamssat Dango -û¨-Êð-ºÐôÅ 27 Home made inspired traditional whole chickpeas cooked in our special way with tomatoes, AED Emirati spices, and fresh coriander served with vegetables and fresh tanoor bread. /̸Íîð-Iºÿ¼-7¶óĄ-ï¸-û½ð-IòÛ¶ôÜð-àóºÕ¶¥-ý¸Ìâð-K¶Óð-»ÿ¸ºëþÌܸ4û¹Üóýñ­-ǹܦ-õóüÅû½Ðóïó¶íÔôÅ 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹È7¶Ù¥-àóFÊëþºÂ8¶Üð-

Bajella (Fava beans) (Eûç ºñ¶¸ 21 Homemade inspired traditional Emirati beans served with fresh tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊ뼺ÿ¼-7¶óĆ-ºëþÌÜð-üñá/ÌÙÆó Eûèð-0¶¹Å ºñ¶¸

Harees (Meat/chicken) (K¶þ5/ò¤ ÎþÌù 32 Traditional Emirati dish made of wheat and meat/chicken. AED K¶þ5òÆñð-IÄôëð-õóGûîóKÊÿñë¼ý¼-7¶ó+é¹Û$ÎþÌù

Baked Beans /8û¹Éó¶ÿðûÕ¶ç 27 Beans made from haricot beans also known as navy beans in a tommato sauce serve with AED fresh tanoor bread. 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊë¼òÛ¶ôÜð-ºÖñÖ¸/8û¹Éó'¶Ùÿ¸¶ÿðûÕ¶ç

Balaleet Úÿðć¸ Vermicelli pasta cooked in a special Emirati way seasoned with cardamom, cinnamon and saffron. 21 AED ºÿ¼-7¶óĆ-ºëþÌÜð-üñá/ÌÙÆóÌîÐ𶸺þÌÿâÒ Cheese Sambosa Hummus

Beetroot Mutabal


Mutabal ¬Č©Æã­Ĕªðû Arabic Appetizers

“Arabic Appetizers have an abundant range of options that will completely reveal the true Arabic hospitality and culture.”

“It will satisfy your curious appetite”

Mixed Sambosa Plate ïîÓóºÏû¹ôÏé¹Û 35 Mix plate of cheese Arabic pastry & vegetables Arabic pastry. AED ºáû÷½¦-0-IÌÙ¥¶¸ºÏû¹ôÏI›£¶¸ºÏû¹ÏõóïîÓóé¹Û

Cheese Sambosa ›£¶¸ºÏû¹ôÏ 30 Arabic pastry stuffed with cheese. AED ºÏû¹ôÏﻋﺮﺑﻴﻪûÓÆó/¸¶£›

Mutabal ï¹½ó 29 Roasted marinated in yogurt, tahina, lemon and olive oil served with fresh arabic bread. AED 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþGû½þÍð-»þ8IGûôÿñð-$ºÿ÷ÿÆÜð-$K5¶¸Íð¶¸G¶¨6¶¹ð-ï¹½ó

Beetroot Mutabal 7Ê÷ôÓð-ï¹½ó 29 Beetroot marinated in yogurt, tahini, lemon and olive oil served with fresh arabic bread. AED


Falafel (worlds known dish) ïçćç 29 Patties made of chickpeas and a mixture of Arabic spices that is crunchy in the outside, warm and AED moist in the inside. Served with fresh vegetables and tanoor bread. 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÂ8¶Üð-7¶Ù¥-àóFÊë¼øÿúÓð-ïçćèð-;-Ìê)

Hummus ÔôÅ 29 Creamy, thick dip made of mashed chickpeas mixed with fresh lemon juice, with olive oil and tahini, AED served with fresh tanoor bread. 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊëþº÷ÿÆÜð¶¸ÔôÅ

Labneh 29 º÷¹ð AED A soft cream cheese made from strained yogurt served with fresh tanoor bread. 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊ뼺÷¹ð Vegetable Salad

Chickpea Salad

Arabian Tea House Special Salad

Emirati Salad Basket ¬Č¯¥Å¦ûŸ­¦ÜøË Emirati Salads

“Emirati salads are the best example for simplicity and freshness, since they offer a distinguished taste which makes them outstanding.”

“Authenticity at its finest”

Arabian Tea House Special Salad ºÕ¶¥-ý¸Ìâð-K¶Óð-»ÿ¸ºÜñÏ 40 Sliced tomato, sorrel, basil leaves, coriander, baby rockets, shredded onions, mixed with lemon juice AED and olive oil topped with pomegranate seeds served with fresh tanoori bread. ·ÅIøâÜë¦-øñë¹ð-$ÌÙÈĆ-ïÖ¹ð-$ÌÿÂÌ£-$ºÂ8¶Üð-/̸Íîð-$×ÿô¤-$G¶ÆþÌð-C-7I)àóºâÜë¦-/7IÊ÷¹ð-Ä´-ÌÒ 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊë¼$Gû½þÍð-»þ8IGûôÿñð-ÌÿÖáàóºÂIͧ$G¶óÌð-

Emirati Salad Basket ºÿ¼-7¶óĄ-ºÜñÐð-ºñÏ 28 Fresh mixed vegetables. AED ºñîÓó0-I-ÌÙȺÜñÏ

Vegetable Salad 7¶ÙȺÜñÏ 32 Chopped tomato, lettuce, cucumber, parsley mixed with lime juice. AED Gûôÿñð-ÌÿÖáàóºÂIͧÎöIÊë¹ð-I7¶ÿ¥-IÎ¥-IòÛ¶ôÜð-õóàÜê

Chickpea Salad û¨-5ºÜñÏ 38 Chickpea beans mixed with chopped tomato, onions, coriander, lettuce, cucumber, parsley mixed AED with lime juice. Gûôÿñð-ÌÿÖáàóºÂIͧÎöIÊë¹ð-I7¶ÿ¥-IÎ¥-I/̸Íîð-IïÖ¹ð-IòÛ¶ôÜð-õóàÜêàóÔôÅ Grilled Halloumi Salad


Rocca Salad

Beetroot Salad ¬Č©Æã­¦ÜøË Arabic Salads

“Arabic salads represent a colorful part of the Arabic cuisine, as they reflect the diversity and creativity by using quality ingredients that will difenitely fulfill the body’s need for nutri- tients.”

“The perfect hors d’oeuvre”

Fattoush :û½ç 37 Chopped lettuce, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, shredded , and mint mixed with pomegranate AED molasses, lime juice and olive oil topped with fried bread. ͹¥¶¸/¶ÜåóGû½þÍð-»þ8IGûôÿñð-ÌÿÖá$G¶óÌð-θ5àó$?¶÷â÷ð-I$7ûÓ¹¦-ïÖ¹ð-$ÌôÅĂ-ïèñèð-$7¶ÿ¥-$òÛ¶ôÜð-$àÜëóÎÈ ýñë¦- Rocca Salad ÌÿÂÌ£-ºÜñÏ 37 Rocca leaves, onions, tomato, pomegranate seeds, walnuts, lime juice, olive oil, pomegranate juice AED


Beetroot Salad 7Ê÷ôÓð-ºÜñÏ 40 Beetroot, green apples, pomegranate seeds, feta cheese, rocca leaves, fresh mint, red onions, wallnuts, lime juice, AED olive oil, pomegranate juice. ÌÿÖá,Gû½þÍð-»þ8,Gûôÿñð-ÌÿÖá,8û£-,ÌôÅĂ-ïÖ¹ð-,28¶Üð-?¶÷â÷ð-,ÌÿÂÌ£-C-7I),G¶óÌð-0¶¹ÿ¹Å, ÌÙÈĂ-3¶è½ð-,7Ê÷ôÒ G¶óÌð- Grilled Halloumi Salad øþûÓ¦-ýóûñ¤-ºÜñÏ 50 Chopped lettuce, rocca leaves, avocado, tomato, cucumber, topped with grilled halloumi cheese slices, olives, AED pomegranate seeds. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈàóFÊë¼$G¶óÌð-0¶¹ÿ¹Å,Gû½þÍð-,7¶ÿ¥-,òÛ¶ôÜð-,I5¶íûç),ÌÿÂÌ£-,Î¥-àóFÊëþKûÓóýóûñÅ›Â

­¦ÐċąÂĀË Sandwiches

Arabian Tea House Special Wrap ºÕ¶¥-ý¸Ìâð-K¶Óð-»ÿ¸øèð 48 Our special roasted lamb wrapped with tomato, onion, capsicum, parsley served AED with fresh potatoes. ¶Û¶Ü¹ð-àóFÊëþÔô¤-IÎöIÊë¹ð-,ÌôÅĂ-ïèñèð-,ïÖ¹ð-,òÛ¶ôÜð-àóòÆèð-üñáKûÓ¦-G°Ùð-ò¤ ºÂ8¶Üð- Grilled Halloumi Cheese Sandwich KûÓ¦-ýóûñ¤-ÑþIÊ÷Ï 35 Grilled halloumi cheese, basil, rocca, rose jam, fresh mint. AED 28¶Üð-?¶÷â÷ð-,ÌùÍð-ü¸Ìó,ÌÿÂÌ£-C-7I)àóºþûÓ¦-ýóûñ¤-º÷¹Â Falafel Wrap ïçćçÑþIÊ÷Ï 35 Fried falafel with lettuce, pickled cucumber, tomato, mint, filled with tahina sauce wrapped AED with Arabic bread. ý¸Ìâð-͹¥¶¸ºçûèñóº÷ÿÆÜð-ºÖñÕàó?¶÷â÷ð-IòÛ¶ôÜð-$ïñĉ-7¶ÿ¥-IÎ¥-àóïçćèð-ºèð

Arabic Chicken ý¸Ìâð-2¶ÂÊð-¶ó7I¶Ò 45 Spiced roasted chicken with lettuce, pickled cucumber wrapped with Arabic bread served with AED fresh potatoes. ºÂ8¶Üð-¶Û¶Ü¹ð-àóFÊë¼ý¸Ìâð-͹¥¶¸FûÀð-•Ìí$Î¥-I$ïñĉ-7¶ÿ¥-$2¶ÂÊð-¶ó7I¶Ò

Mince Wrap òÆñð-.¶¹íºèð 48 Roasted minced lamb with hummus, pickled cucumber, parsley, onion and tomato wrapped in AED Arabic bread served with fresh potatoes. Î۶ܹð-àóFÊë¼ý¸Ìâð-͹¥¶¸ºçûèñóòÛ¶ôÜð-ûñÖ¹ð-,ÎöIÊë¹ð-,ïñĉ-7¶ÿ¥-,Ôô¤-àóòÆèð-üñáKûÓóò¤.¶¹í ºÂ8¶Üð-

Tanoor Bread Cheese Sandwich 7û÷½ð-͹Ⱥ÷¹ÂѽþIÊ÷Ï 35 Cheddar cheese, tomato and fresh coriander wrapped in our famous fresh tanoor bread AED served with vegetable sambosa. 7¶Ù¥-ºÏû¹ôÏàóFÊë¼$¶÷þÊðÌÿúÓð-28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ɸºçûèñóºÂ8¶Û/̸ÍíIòÛ¶ôÛ$7ÊÿÒº÷¹Â Biryani Deyay

Machboos Laham Saloona Deyay ¬ČÌČ£Æ÷¥¬Č¯¥Å¦ûđ¥í¦ªÛď¥ Emirati Main

“UAE has a unique cuisine of its own. Perhaps the most popular of all Emirati is machboos or majbous — a group of rice dishes with a variety of meat, chicken or vegetables cooked slowly to perfection.”

“Waied Tayeb”

Biryani Deyay/Laham ò¤K¶þ5ýö¶þ̸ 59/69 Fresh chicken or meat cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices served with yogurt. AED .IÌð-ºÜñÏàóFÊëþ87Ć-àóºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸4û¹ÜóýúÓð-K¶þÊð-ýö¶þ̸

Machboos Deyay K¶þ59û¹Ãó 59 Fresh chicken cooked with rice and gulf spices served with yogurt. AED .IÌð-ºÜñÏàóFÊëþI87Ć-àó4û¹ÜóºÿÃÿñ¥-ï¸-û½ð¶¸ï¹½óK¶þ59û¹Ãó

Laham Machboos ò¤9û¹Ãó 69 Lamb cooked with rice and gulf spices served with yogurt. AED .IÌð-ºÜñÏàóFÊëþºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ï¹½ó ò÷äò¤ 9û¹Ãó

Madroba Deyay K¶þ5º¸IÌÙó 59 Fresh chicken cooked mince with rice onion and sauce filled with special Emirati spices. AED ºÕ¶¥-ºÿ¼-7¶óĄ-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ºÖñÖð-IïÖ¸87)àóFIÌèó4û¹Üó28¶Û2¶Â5

Saloona deyay / Saloona Laham òÆñð-I)K¶þÊð-ºöûð¶Õ Fresh Chicken/Lamb cooked in traditional way with tomato, potato, cilantro, onion, lentils, gulf spices 59/67 served with white rice or tanoor bread. AED I-87Ć-àóFÊë¼9Êâð-I$ïÖ¹ð-$¶Û¶Ü¹ð-$òÛ¶ôÜð-àóûúÜóºÿúÓð- òÆñð- I) K¶þÊð- ºöûð¶Õõóòí7¶ÿ½È- 7û÷½ð-͹È Vegetable Saloona 0-IÌÙ¥-ºöûð¶Õ Fresh Vegetables cooked in traditional way with tomato, potato, cilantro, onion, lentils, gulf spices 55 served with white rice or tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈI-87Ć-àóFÊë¼9Êâð-I$ïÖ¹ð-$¶Û¶Ü¹ð-$òÛ¶ôÜð-àóûúÜóºÿúÓð-0-IÌÙ¥-

Tahta Laham ò¤ø½¡ 69 Tender shreded lamb cooked in Emirati spices served between two layers of white rice and topped with AED carmelized onions, fresh corriender leaves, and dried raisins served with yogurt.

·ÿ¸Íð-I$ºÂ8¶Üð-/̸Íîð-C-7I)I$ïóÌî¦-ïÖ¹ð¶¸üÜåóI×ÿ¸Ă-87Ă-õóž½ë¹Ûž¸FÊëþ$øÕ¶¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ûúÜóKÌÛG°Øò¤ ›ñð-øÜñÏàóFÊëþæèĈ- Machboos Robyan

Samak Mashwi

Arabian Tea House Special Tray ¬ČÌČ£Æ÷¥¬Č¯¥Å¦ûđ¥í¦ªÛď¥ Emirati Main Course(Seafood)

Samak Sherri Magli ýñëóKÌâÒìôÏ 69 Fresh fried sherri fish served with your choice of three option white rice, machboos rice, or AED biryani rice & fresh vegetables. ºÂ8¶Û0-IÌÙÈIýö¶þ̸I)9û¹ÃóI)×ÿ¸)87)õó?-ûö-º¿ć¿õóD7¶ÿ½È-àóFÊëþýñëó28¶ÛKÌâÒìôÏ

Biryani Samak/Robyan G¶ÿ¸I7ìôÏýö¶þ̸ 69/70 Fresh king fish/shrimps cooked with rice and aromatic gulf spices served with yogurt. AED .IÌð-ºÜñÏàóFÊëþ87Ć-àóºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸4û¹ÜóýúÓð-G¶ÿ¸IÌð-ìôÐð-ýö¶þ̸

Machboos Samak/Robyan G¶ÿ¸7ìôÏ9û¹Ãó 69/70 Fresh king fish/shrimps cooked with rice and gulf spices served with yogurt. AED .IÌð-ºÜñÏàóFÊëþºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ï¹½óG¶ÿ¸I7ìôÏ9û¹Ãó

Hamsat Robyan (Shrimps ) G¶ÿ¸IÌð-ºÐôÅ Fresh shrimps cooked in traditional way with tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and cilantro and gulf spices 70 AED served with white rice or tanoor bread. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈI-87Ć-Iºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÏàóFÊëþºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð-I/̸Íîð-$ïÖ¹ð-$¶Û¶Ü¹ð-àóºèÿÀîð-òÛ¶ôÜð-ºÖñÖ¸G¶ÿ¸IÌð-

Mutfi Fish () ýèÜóìôÏ 69 Fried king fish cooked with tomato sauce, arabic spices with potato served with white rice or AED fresh tanoor bread. 87Ć-I-ý¸Ìâð-͹¥-I¶Û¶Ü¹ð-Iºÿ¸Ìâð-ºÜñÐð-àóFÊëþºÿÃÿñ¥-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ýñëóìôϺöûð¶Õ

Samak Kanaad Magli ýñëóÊâ÷íìôÏ 69 Fresh fried king fish served with white rice or fresh tanoor bread. AED 28¶Üð-7û÷½ð-͹ÈI)87Ć-Iºÿ¸Ìâð-ºÜñÐð-àóFÊëþýñëóÊâ÷íìôÏ

Samak Mashwi KûÓóý¼-7¶ó+ìôÏ 69 Grilled king fish marinated with our special spices served with white rice. AED 87Ć-Iºÿ¸Ìâð-ºÜñÐð-àóFÊëþºÕ¶È0-7¶ú¹¸ï¹½óIòÆèð-üñáKûÓóÊâ÷íìôÏ ĉą¦Ð}¥ Barbeque

Emirati Kebab Laham (Lamb Barbeque) 64 ý¼-7¶ó+ò¤.¶¹í AED Fresh Minced Lamb meat marinated in traditional style grilled in charcoal served with yogurt, Arabic salad and tanoor bread. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÏ$›ñð-àóFÊëþºþÊÿñë½ð-ºëþÌÜð-üñá?ûë÷¦-IKûÓ¦-28¶Üð-òÆñð-.¶¹í Emirati Kabab Deyay (Chicken Barbeque) 60 ý¼-7¶ó+K¶þ5.¶¹í AED Fresh Minced Chicken marinated in traditional style grilled in charcoal served with fresh potatoes. ºÂ8¶Üð-¶Û¶Ü¹ð-àóFÊëþòÆèð-üñáKûÓóºþÊÿñë½ð-ºëþÌÜð-üñáï¹½ó28¶ÛFIÌèó2¶Â5

Emirati Tikka Deyay (Chicken Chunks Barbeque) ý¼-7¶ó+K¶þ5ºî¼ 62 AED Fresh Chicken chunks marinated in Arabic spices grilled in charcoal served with yogurt, Arabic salad and tanoor bread. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÏ$›ñð-àóFÊëþºÿ¸Ìâð-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸òÆèð-üñáKûÓ¦-2¶ÂÊð-.¶¹í

Lemon Lamb Tikka Gûôÿñð¶¸G°Ùð-ò¤ºî¼ 66 Fresh lamb chunks mixed with arabic spices and dried black lemon grilled in charcoal, served with salad, yogurt and AED tanoor bread. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈI.IÌð-$ºÿ¸Ìâð-ºÜñÐð-àóFÊëþ5ûÏĆ-Gûôÿñð-àóºÿ¸Ìâð-0-7¶ú¹ð¶¸ï¹½¦-IòÆèð-üñáKûÓ¦-G°Ùð-ò¤õóàÜê

Lemon Lamb Tikka

Emirati Kabab Deyay Emirati Tikka Laham

Emirati Chicken Barbeque

Ryash Barbeque (Lamb Chops) ºþûÓóÑþ7 79 Grilled lamb ribs served with yogurt, Arabic salad, fresh potato and tanoor bread . AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈI.IÌð-$ºÂ8¶Üð-¶Û¶Ü¹ð-$ºÿ¸Ìâð-ºÜñÐð-àóFÊ뼺þûÓ¦-G°Ùð-ò¤?ćØ)

Emirati Tikka Laham (Lamb Chunks Barbeque) ý¼-7¶ó+ò¤ºî¼ 68 Fresh Lamb chunks marinated in Arabic spices grilled in charcoal served with yogurt, Arabic salad and tanoor AED bread. 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÏ$.IÌð-àóFÊë¼òÆèð-üñáºþûÓ¦-G°Ùð-ò¤àÜê

Emirati Chicken Barbeque (Grilled Chicken) KûÓóý¼-7¶ó+2¶Â5 63 Half chicken grilled in charcoal served with yogurt, Arabic salad, fresh potatoes and tanoor bread. AED 7û÷½ð-͹ÈIºÂ8¶Üð-¶Û¶Ü¹ð-$ºÿ¸ÌáºÜñÐð-$.IÌð-àóFÊë¼òÆèð-üñáºþûÓóG-ÌèáÍ𶸺¶Â5æÖö

Mixed Barbecue ïîÓóKI¶Óó 68 Three selected from tikka laham, tikka deyay, kebab laham, kebab deyay. AED K¶þÊð-ºî¼òÆñð-ºî¼K¶þÊð-.¶¹íI-òÆñð-.¶¹íõó/7¶½Éó4¶ÿÏ-1ć¿ Leqaimat Ice Cream


Dates Cake

Khabisah ĉÂČøð°÷¥Ĕ{¥ Traditional Sweets

Leqaimat 0¶ôÿëð 28 AED

Khabisah ºÖÿ¹È 28 AED

Ferni ýöÌç 28 AED

Dates and Tahina ºÿ÷ÿÆÜð¶¸Ì¢ 28 AED

Dates Cake Ìô½ð-ºîÿí 32 AED

Camel Milk Ice Cream ïô£-·ÿñÅ•ÌíÎþ) 37 AED Choices of traditional flavours : (All served in three scoops). • Dates Ice Cream Ìô½ð¶¸ïô£-·ÿñÅ•ÌíÎþ)

• Baklawa Camel Milk Ice Cream /Ićë¹ð¶¸ïô£-·ÿñÅ•ÌíÎþ) • Saffron Camel Milk Ice Cream G-ÌèáÍð¶¸ïô£-·ÿñÅ•ÌíÎþ)

• Arabic Mastic Ice Cream

• Lotus Ice Cream μûð•ÌíÎþ- •ÌíÎþ ΃ Ϫ í¼Ïó

Foala¬÷¥Ćë Arabian Tea House Special Afternoon Tea ý¸Ìâð-K¶Óð-»ÿ¹¸;¶¥-HÌÿúßð-K¶Ò  127 AED

• Leqaimat 0¶ôÿëð • Balaleet Úÿðć¸ • Khabisa ºÖÿ¹È  • Cheese and Jam sandwich (summon bread) ›£-Iü¸Ì¦¶¸ûÓ­-GûôÖð-͹È

• Dates cake Ìô½ð-ºîÿí • Chebab served with nutella Ìô½ð-θ5»ç-Ìíº÷¹Âćÿ¼û÷ð-àó.¶¹£- • Dango & Bajella øñ¶¸Iû¨-5 dates syrup/kraft cheese • Sambosa ºÏû¹ôÏ Served with karak tea DÌîð-K¶ÒàóFÊëþ (Served from 4PM - 7PM)

¬·Ç¦ÛÆ£¦Ôã Fresh Juices Selection of fresh juices *Seasonally Available 32 AED (Orange, Carrot, Green Apple, , Pineapple, Watermelon) òÏû¦-·ÐÅ/Ìçû½ó@ºÂ8¶Üð-Ì´¶Öâð-0-7¶ÿ½È- (Çÿܸ,9¶ö¶ö),û¨¶ó,ÌÙÈ)3¶è¼,E¶ë¼Ì¸ «ÁŦ©­¦©ąÆÐû Cold Drinks

Special Lime and Mint | ;¶¥-?¶÷â÷ð-IGûôÿñð- 36 AED

Hibiscus Iced Tea | ÁñÀóøþÊíÌîð-K¶Ò 25 AED

Fresh Tamarind Drink | KÊ÷ùÌ¢.IÌÓó 25 AED

Karak Iced Tea | ÁñÀóDÌíK¶Ò 25 AED

Fresh Sri Lanka King Coconut | 28¶Üð-Ê÷úð-8ûÂ.IÌÓó 27 AED

Moroccan Iced Tea with Mint | ?¶÷â÷ð¶¸ÁñÀóý¸ÌåóK¶Ò 27 AED

ATH Special Beetroot Juice | 7Ê÷ôÓð-ÌÿÖá 32 AED

Fresh Lemonade | 28¶Üð-Gûôÿñð-ÌÿÖá 30 AED

Banana-Pineapple-Mango | û¨¶ó 9¶ö¶ö) 8ûó 34 AED

Orange-Strawberry-Watermelon |Çÿܸ ºðI-Ìç E¶ë¼Ì¸

Strawberry and Banana | 8û¦-IºðI-Ìèð-

Choco-Banana | ø¼ĆûîÿÓð¶¸8ûó

Special Dates Milkshake | Ìô½ð-ìÿÒìñÿó 38 AED

Avocado Milkshake | I5¶íûçĂ-ìÿÒ 38 AED Selection of Milkshakes (Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla) 37 AED

(ćÿö¶ç,ºðI-Ìç,ø¼ĆûíûÒ,8ûó,Ìô½ð¶¸I5¶íûç) ìÿÒìñÿ¦-0-7¶ÿ½È-

Laban Ayran | G-Ìÿá›ð 18AED

Sm./Lg. Mineral Water | /ÌÿåÕH¶ÿó /Ìÿ¹í 6/9 AED

Sparkling Water | ºþ8¶äH¶ÿó 19 AED

Softdrinks | ºþ8¶åð-0¶¸IÌÓ¦- 9 AED Arabic Co ee

Cafe Habba Latte Hamraa

Karak Tea

Blooming Tea ¬Ā¿¦Ì÷¥­¦©ąÆÐ}¥ Hot Drinks

Arabic | ºÿ¸Ìá/ûúêºð5 27AED Café Macchiato | û¼¶ÿí¶ó 21AED

Turkish Coffee | ºÿí̼/ûúê 21AED Café Mocha | 21AED ¶íûóøÿç¶í French Coffee | ºÿÐöÌç/ûúê 27AED Espresso | ûÏ̹Ï+ - Single | Cappuccino | û÷ÿÓ½¸¶í 27AED ÊÅ-IûÐþ̹Ï+ 13AED - Double | 2I5ÍóûÐþ̹Ï+ 19AED Café Latte | øÿ¼Ćøÿç¶í 27AED

Café Americano | ûö¶îþÌó) 19AED

Special Arabian Tea House Winter Drink ( Habba Hamraa ) | 25 AED ﻣﴩوب ﺑﻴﺖ اﻟﺸﺎي اﻟﻌﺮ اﻟﺸﺘﻮي (ﺣﺒﻪ اﻟﺤﻤﺮاء)

Ѧ|¥®Čª÷¥ĉ¦Ï Special Tea of the House

Traditional Tea KÊÿñë½ð-K¶Óð- Special Zuhurat (Mixed Herbs Flowers) | 23 AED (øÕ¶¥-.¶ÓáĆ-7ûù8õóÁþÍó 0-7ûù8 Anise Tea | GûÐö¶ÿð-K¶Ò 25 AED Zattar Tea | ̽áÍð-K¶Ò 23 AED

Hibiscus Tea | øþÊíÌîð-K¶Ò 23 AED

Cinnamon Tea with Milk | ·ÿñ¤¶¸ºçÌê 25 AED Arabian Tea House Special Tea | ;¶¥-9I¶ùý¼G¶ÿ¹þ7)K¶Ò 32 AED Sulaimani Tea | ýö¶ôÿñÏK¶Ò 27 AED

Karak Tea | DÌíK¶Ò 30 AED Arabian Nights Tea | ºÿ¸Ìâð-ýð¶ÿñð-K¶Ò 30 AED

*Served in a pot. '¶ö+‘FÊëþ |

Turkish Coffee |

French Coffee |

Cappuccino |

Café Latte |

Café Americano | «ÈČü}¥ĉ¦Ð÷¥é¦Āӛþû­¥Å¦Č¿ Our Special Loose Tea

*Served in a pot. '¶ö+‘FÊëþ Herbal Tea | .¶ÓáĂ-K¶Ò 27 AED Chamomile Tea Cinnamon Tea Ginger Tea Lime Tea Mint Tea Wild Oregano Tea

Blooming Tea | 7ûùÍ𶸺ƽ车-K¶Óð-C-7I) 32 AED Green Tea, Jasmine and Lily

Black Tea | 5ûÏĆ-K¶Óð- 30 AED English breakfast Keemun Black Dragon Pearl

Green Tea | ÌÙÈĂ-K¶Óð- 30 AED Green Snail Sencha Dragon Pearl

White Tea | ×ÿ¸Ć-K¶Óð- 27 AED Organic Pai Mutan White Peony with Saffron ­¥Å¦ûē¥U¦ĀãąÆë Our Branches in UAE

Al Fahidi Branch

Step into a wonderful journey in the Al Fahidi region known for its Arabic archi- tecture and marvel at the traditional wind tower or badgir (bad “wind” + gir “catch- er” ) designed to cool the desert wind.

The Mall Branch

Arabian Tea House in Jumeirah is the perfect melange between tradition from the past and modernity. A true experience of traditional Emirati food and authentic atmosphere as a resemblance of the past while enjoying the majestic Burj Al Arab.

Sharjah Branch

From the feel of the traditional wooden benches, to the smell of the burning Luban scent, to the sound of traditional Emirati music playing in the background, visitors of Arabian Tea House the taste of the most delicious traditional Emirati dishes in a truly deep-rooted ambience. Jumeirah Archaeological Site

Located at Jumeirah Archaeological Site beside Jumeirah Archaeological Museum, dive into the past and experience the wonderful history of the while enjoying authentic .

«Â¼°}¥¬Č©Æä÷¥­¥Å¦ûđ¥µÅ¦¿¦ĀãąÆë Our Branch Overseas

Dubai House Montenegro

In our pursuit of letting the world taste and experience the Emirati cuisine and culture we now taken it to Podgorica, Montenegro as the second Dubai House overseas. For the first time, the authentic Emirati hospitality is brought to the European continent.

Al Fahidi Restaurant and Café Al Fahidi Street , Dubai, UAE Tel: 971 4 353 5071 Email: [email protected]

Sharjah Restaurant and Café Souq Al Shanasiyah, Corniche Street Al Merijah, Heart of Sharjah Tel: 971 6 561 2686 Email: [email protected] Al Fahidi The Mall Jumeirah Restaurant and Café Restaurant and Café Al Fahidi Street Bur Dubai, Jumeirah Road, Umm Suqeim 3, Dubai, UAE Opp Jumeirah Beach Resort - Dubai, UAE Tel: 971 4 353 5071 Tel: 971 4 341 2855 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Sharjah Archaeological Site Restaurant and Café Restaurant and Café Souq Al Shanasiyah, Corniche Street Jumierah Archaeological Site Al Merijah, Heart of Sharjah Jumeirah 2, Dubai, UAE Tel: 971 6 561 2686 +971 4 298 4559 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Podgorica, Montenegro Restaurant and Café Vojvode Masa Djurovica 18, Podgorica, Montenegro +382 67 147 147 Email: [email protected]

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@arabianteahouse /ArabianTeaHouse