I S S N : 1 5 5 9 - 4 8 6 6 The Newsletter of the American Friends Volume 12 of the Jewish Museum Hohenems, Inc. September 2011 I N T OUCH S EPTEMBER 2 0 1 1 L ETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT F RANCESCA B RUNNER - K ENNEDY Dear Friends, and tell us that the mu- seum saved their life. This newsletter marks two Yet few people have the Stephan Rollin significant milestones in opportunity to do any- Founder the history of the Jewish thing as dramatic as Museum Hohenems. save a life. Still, we Francesca Brunner-Kennedy First, Otto Amann, foun- must do what we can,
[email protected] President der of the Jewish Museum where we can. While Hohenems and former anti-Semitism, racism, Claude Rollin, Esq. mayor of Hohenems, died religious persecution, Vice-President on 18 February. It was sexism, and intolerance Uri Taenzer, Esq. his idea to save the dilapi- exist, we must fight them is one of only three Jew- Secretary-Treasurer dated villa in the narrow with what tools we have. ish museums in Austria. old Jewish street that now It carries an enormous T RUSTEES Dr. Robert Amler houses the museum so In Kurt Greussing’s pres- responsibility. Because Nicole M. Angiel beautifully. He will be entation at the jubilee, he we descendants are often Ronald Bernell missed by his family, the talked about five Jewish the only reason it garners museum staff, and de- Doris Billes residents of Hohenems in international attention, scendants alike. On a 1940 making one of we have a responsibility Nadia Follman happier note, a glorious those fateful walks to the as well.