New Classical Pete Seeger

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New Classical Pete Seeger NEW CLASSICAL (CLASSICAL LP'S ISSUED THIS FALL AND AIMED AT THE HEAVY YEAR-END GIFT BUYING PERIOD) ARIAS AND SONGS—Fedor Chaliapin—COLH 141 SYMPHONY NO. 3 IN E FLAT—Schumann—Berlin ANGEL FRANCO CORELLI SINGS GREAT RELIGIOUS SONGS Philharmonic—LPM 18 90S; SLPM 138 908 & ARIAS—36209 (si DIE FRAU OHNE SCHATTEN—Strauss—Various— THE KING OF INSTRUMENTS—Noel Rowsthorne— THE FOUR OVERTURES FOR FIDELIO—Otto Klem- LPM 18 911/14; SLPM 911/14 36191 111 perer—36209 Isl SYMPHONY NO. 6 IN B MINOR—Tchaikovsky— MARIA CALLAS SINGS VERDI ARIAS—36221 (si Berlin Philharmonic—LPM 18 921; SLPM 138 944 BLOCH: CONCERTO FOR VIOLIN t ORCH.—Yehudi SAINT-SAENS: SAMSON AND DELILAH—HIGH- PIANO SONATAS—Beethoven—Kempff—LPM 18 Menuhin—36192 Isl LIGHTS—Georges Pretre—36210 (si 944; SLPM 13 944 OPERATIC ARIAS AND SONGS—Luisa Tetrazzini— PIANO SONATAS—Beethoven—Kempff—LPM 18 PROKOFIEV: CONCERTOS No. 3 & 5—Samson COLH 136 945; SLPM 138 945 Francois—36193 (si VERDI: REQUIEM MASS—Maria Giulini—3649 (si HANDEL: DETTINGEN TE DEUM—Wolfgang Gon- nenwein—36194 (s) EPIC MUSIC OF SPAIN—Rafel Fruhbeck Do Burgos— COLUMBIA 36195 Isl BACH: Four Orchestral Suites—Paillard Chamber SCHUBERT: DIE SCHONE MULLERIN— Lotle leh- Orch.—SC 6047/BSC 147 SAINT-SAENS: Concerto No. 3 & CHAUSSON: mann, Paul Ulanowsky—ML 5996 FAURE: Requiem, Cantique De Jean Racine—Na- POEME FOR VIOLIN & ORCH.—Nathan Milstein IMBRIE: CONCERTO FOR VIOLIN & ORCH. & EF- tional Orch of Monte Carlo Opera/Fremaux, —36005K Isl FINGER: LITTLE SYMPHONY No. 1—Rozsnyai, Kruysen, Thilliez—LC 3885/BC 1285 Columbia Symphony—ML 5997; MS 6597 FOSS: Echoi, Time Cycle—Group For Contemporary RACHMANINOFF: CONCERTO No. 3—Witold Ro- ALBENIZ: SUITE ESPANOLA S PAVANA-CAPRICHO Music At Columbia University Improvisation wicki—36197 (s) —DeLarrocho—ML 6003; MS 6603 Chamber Ensemble—LC 3886/BC 1286 STRAVINSKY: FIREBIRD BALLET & LE SACRE DU MENDELSSOHN: Quartet No. 2, Quartet No. 3— HANDEL: THE TWELVE GROSSI CONCERN—Yehudi PRINTEMP5—Stravinsky, Columbia Symphony— Juilliard String Quartet—LC 3887/BC 1287 Menuhin—3647 (s) M3L 305; M3S 705 MOZART: Six Sonatas For Flute & Harpsichord— BERLIOZ: SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE, Op. 14 Rampal/Veyron-LaCroix—LC 3888/BC 1288 MOZART: MASS in C MINOR—Wolfgang Gonnen- Bernstein/NY Philh—ML 6007; MS 6607 woin—36205 Isl COLUMBIA RECORDS PRESENTS JOHN WILLIAMS —ML 6008; MS 6608 RED ARMY ENSEMBLE, VOL. 3—Soviet Army BEETHOVEN: CONCERTO No. 3 in C MINOR FOR L'OISEAU-LYRE Chorus—36206 (s) PIANO AND ORCH.—Serkin, Bernstein/NY Philh —ML 6016; MS 6616 PROKOFIEV: QUINTET IN G MINOR FOR OBOE, ROSSINI: BARBER OF SEVILLE—HIGHLIGHTS— CHAUSSON: POEME, OP. 25 & SAINT SAENS: CLARINET, VIOLIN, VIOLA & DOUBLE BASS— Victoria de los Angeles/Philh Orch 36207 (si RONDO CAPRICCIOSO—Francescatti, Bernstein/ SHOSTAKOVITCH: QUINTET FOR PIANO & NY Philh—ML 6017; MS 6617 STRINGS—The Melos Ensemble Of London—OL PUCCINI: LA BOHEME—Mirella Freni—3643 (si GROFE: GRAND CANYON SUITE—Bernstein/NY 267; SOL 267 Philh—ML 6018; MS 6618 HELEN WATTS RECITAL—OL 268; SOL 268 BERLIOZ: SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE—Otto Klem- THE MORMON TABERNACLE CHOIR AT THE PALESTRINA: MASS-SINE t^pMINE/MASS-ECCE EGO perer—36196 (s) WORLD'S FAIR—ML 6019; MS 6619 JOANNES—Choir of the Carmelite Priory of BRAHMS: QUINTET in F MINOR FOR PIANO & London—John McCarthy, Cond.—OL 269; SOL MONTEVERDI: L'INCORONAZIONE Dl POPPEA STRINGS—Serkin, Budapest String Quartet—ML 269 Magda Laszlo—3644 (si 6031; MS 6631 TCHAIKOVSKY: EXCERPTS FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY MARIA CALLAS SINGS ARIAS BY BEETHOVEN, SWAN LAKE & NUTCRACKER—Ormandy/Phila MOZART & WEBER—36200 Is) Orch. M3L 306; M3S 706 MUSSORGSKY: BORIS GODUNOV—London, Melik- LONDON Pachaev—M4L 296; M4S 696 GILBERT & SULLIVAN: THE YEOMAN OF THE BACH: TWO & THREE PART INVENTIONS—Gould GUARD—D'Oyly Carle Opera Co.—Royal Phil- —ML 6022; MS 6622 harmonic Orch.—Sir Malcolm Sargent—OSA FIREWORKS!—Ormandy/Phila Orch.—ML 6024- 1258/A 4258 MS 6624 BEETHOVEN: FIDELIO—Birgit Nilsson, James Mc- MOZART: SINFONIA CONCERTANTE & MOZART- Cracken, Tom Krause, Hermann Prey, Graziella PETE SEEGER EXSULTATE, JUBILATE—Szell/Cleveland Orch— Sciutti, Kurt Boehme and others—Chorus of the AT HIS BEST ON ML 6025: MS 6625 Vienna State Opera—The Vienna Phil. Orch.— BARTOK: CONCERTO FOR ORCH.— Ormandy/Phila Lorin Maazel—OSA 1259/A 4259 FOLKWAYS RECORDS Orch.—ML 6026; MS 6626 ROSSINI: LA CENERENTOLA—Guilietta Simionato, STRAUSS: SYMPHONIA DOMESTICA, Op. 53— Seslo Bruscantini, Ugo Benelli, Paolo Montar- Szell/Cleveland Orch.—Ml 6027; MS 6627 solo, others—Chorus and Orch. of the Maggio MENDELSSOHN: SYMPHONY No. 4 & A MIDSUM- Musicale Fiorentiono—Oliviero de Fabritiis— MER NIGHT'S DREAM—Ormandy/Phila Orch OSA 1376/A 4376 —ML 6028; MS 6628 RICHARD STRAUSS RECITAL—Hermann Prey, bari- RAVEL: CONCERTO in G MAJOR & FALL: NIGHTS tone, Gerald Moore, piano—OS 25869/5869 THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING IN THE GARDENS OF SPAIN—Entremont, Or- HANDEL: JULIUS CAESAR—Arias—Johan Suther- NEW—A new holiday offering froij land Margreta Elkins, Monica Sinclair, Marilyn mandy/Phila Orch.—ML 6029; MS 6629 Golden Books aimed at the kiddie sf BACH: MUSIC OF JUBILEE—Rozsnyai, Columbia Home, Richard Conrad—The New Symph. Orch. Chamber Orch.—ML 6015; MS 6615 —Richard Bonynge—OS 25876 features an illustrated story with al BACH: HARPISICHORD CONCERTO NO. 1 IN D accompanying disk which narraw MINOR, HARPSICHORD CONCERTO NO. 2 IN E MAJOR—George Malcolm—The Stuttgart Cham- the tale as the child reads it. IV COMMAND ber Orch.—Karl Munchinger—CS 6392/CM 9392 current catalog of 18 Golden Bool BRITTEN: THE YOUNG PERSON'S GUIDE TO THE and Record Sets includes such ft ORCHESTRA—SERENADE FOR TENOR, HORN & BEETHOVEN SYMPHONY NO. 1 /SYMPHONY NO. vorites as Hansel & Gretel, Litlll 2—Pittsburgh Symp/Steinberg—11024 STRINGS—Peter Pears, Barry Tuckwell—The VIGIL FOX PLAYS THE JOHN WANAMAKER OR- London Symph. Orchestra—Benjamin Britten— Red Riding Hood, Jack & The Bear- GAN—11025 CS 6398/CM 9398 stalk, Rumpelstiltskin and the Nigh BARTOK: THE MIRACULOUS MANDARIN SUITE— Before Christmas. Colorfully jacketa MUSIC FOR STRINGS, PERCUSSION I CELESTA— '||cr Bli The London Symh. Orch.—Georg Solti—CS 6399/ and wearing a 69-cent price tag, thes FA 2320 American Favorite Ballads, DECCA CM 9399 sets should stimulate sales interei Mucin MOZART: FLUTE CONCERTO IN D MAJOR/BACH: during the coming holiday seasoi Vol.1 MOZART, BEETHOVEN: Erica Marina, Rudolf Fir- kusny—DL 10094 S SUITE NO. 2 IN B MINOR/GLUCK: DANCE OF The cardboard standup browser bo FA 2412 Pete Seeger at THE BLESSED SPIRITS—Claude Monleux—The FACADE—Hermiono Gingold, Russell Oberlin DL pictured above is designed for ewi Carnegie Hall London Symphony Orchestra—Pierre Monteux CS ; pSoni 10097 S 6400/CM 9400 persual of the book and record sen FN 2501 Gazette FORTY FABULOUS FINGERS—Original Pinao Quar- •IfOllh FN 2502 Gazette, Vol. 2 tet—DL 10098 S w ' THE PLAY OF HEROD—New York Pro Musica— sl'st Par FC 7001 American Folk Songs DXA 187 S -6,011 for Children SEGOVIA—DL 10093 S :tlO(Hi FA 2456 Broadsides if 01 Tli FH 5233 Songs of Ml Struggle & Protest DEUTSCHE rr of Thi Fl 8303 5-String Banjo Instructor GRAMMOPHONE • Ml Fi Fl 8354 The Folksinger's pi Guitar Guide mfH73*94 SUITES/HANDEI—1Li Stadelmann- : It Of Ft BR 302 Broadside, Vol. 2 M^20°" 73201R V0,CES-We"mi'»'er Chorister, f " Tin 32 other Pete Seeger albums available P E "!^P S & FUGUES—Helmut Walcha—3206- B2 Write for our (roe catalogue of 1 200 LP'' / 3206 fl* FOLKWAYS RECORDS TV3217;SP7MUAL CONCERTOS-Helmut Krebs- 165 West 46th Street New York 36. N.Y. ill TH73220USICAL OFFER,NG IBochl—Various—3220; Wue I WORKS FROM IMPERIAL CHAPEL OF MAXIMILIAN | Sidespi I—Vienna Chorus—3223; 73223 I Sidesp] OVERTURE IN D MAJOR (Tolomannl—3224 - 73224 'Sdespi C 3 Selling wherever played ™5l ^L^SZtES °NCERTOS-Vario u^ »H( " H« "DOUBLE LOVE" Wphif—KLFU27T3'lANGLER—'N "E"ORIAM-Berlin x m SYMPHONIES 8 « 9 IBeethovenl—Berlin Phil — $ Drew*: The Chandeliers #1601 LPM 18 807; SLPM 138 807 Are On CELLO CONCERTOS—Boccherini—LPM 18 816- * Drew. SLPM 138 8)6 ' 11 "GET TO STEPPING" RCAV*CTO***I ARABELLA IStrauss)—Bavarian State Opera LPM 1 The Cals #1604 18-683; SLPM 138/863 P LKM I Ore* ! HAYDN/MOZART—LPEM 19 398; SLPEM )36 398 Coming Soon ?fr$OU£oSCHvE,?ZI-lPEM SLPEM )36/45? "MY SWEET LOVE" 876; AZ 138 876 ^VERS-Varlous-LPM7 18 raj PIANO WORKS—Brahms—Kempff—LPM 18 902 Paula Lamont #1606 SLPM 138 902 THE DIARY OF ONE WHO VANISHED—Janacek— Ollhe Various—LPM 18 904; SLPM 138 904 "STOP DRAGGING STRING QUARTETS—Mozart—Amadeus Quartet— LPM 18 909; SLPM 138 909 ^Hoi MY HEART AROUND" PIANO QUARTETS—Mozart—Geza Anda—LPM 18 917; SLPM 138 917 The Chandeliers #1607 THE RITE OF SPRING—Stravinsky—Berlin Philhar- ffcHoi monic—LPM 18920; SLPM 138 920 MIGNON—Thomas—Various—LPEM 19 97a. Hou 'A FROWN ON MY FACE" SLPEM 136 279 2 Paula Lamont #1609 THE COMPLETE PIANO SONATAS—Beethoven— THINK CLASSICAL—Although pop product captures most of the Liroeli Siii Kempff—KL 42/51 the tremendous commerciality of classical merchandise should never be looked especially during the heavy-sales Yuletide season. Classical albums LOADSTONE RECORDS TEN^CENTURIES OF MUSIC—Various—KL 52/61; KINDERTOTENLIEDER FOUR RUECKERT SONGS— excellent gift ideas for those record buyers discerning enough to take Phone (4151 Mahler—LPM 18 879; SLPM 138 879 required extra .time before making a purchase. Do not relegate these alW® ZIGEUNERLIEDER—Brahms—FIVE SONGS Schubert to an inferior, back-seat status. An attractive classical corner like the —Various—LPM 18 889; SLPM 138 869 ab0 PIANO MUSIC—Brahms—Kempff—LPM 18 903- pictured suggested display from RCA Victor will surely result in hands * PTI SLPM 138 903 ' dividends.
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