Cultural, Paleontological, and Tribal Cultural Resources
Chapter 7—Cultural, Paleontological, and Tribal Cultural Resources 7.1 Introduction This chapter describes the existing conditions (environmental and regulatory) and assesses the potential cultural, paleontological, and tribal resources impacts of the 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (proposed MTP/SCS). Where necessary and feasible, mitigation measures are identified to reduce these impacts. The information presented in this chapter is based on review of existing and available information and is regional in scope. Data, analysis, and findings provided in this chapter were considered and prepared at a programmatic level. For consistency with the 2016 MTP/SCS EIR, paleontological resources are addressed in this chapter even though these resources are grouped with geology and soils in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines (SACOG 2016). Impacts to unique geologic features are addressed in Chapter 9 – Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Mineral Resources. Cultural resources include archaeological sites or districts of prehistoric or historic origin, built environment resources older than 50 years (e.g., historic buildings, structures, features, objects, districts, and landscapes), and traditional or ethnographic resources, including tribal cultural resources, which are a separate category of cultural resources under CEQA. Paleontological resources include mineralized, partially mineralized, or unmineralized bones and teeth, soft tissues, shells, wood, leaf impressions, footprints, burrows, and microscopic remains that are more than 5,000 years old and occur mainly in Pleistocene or older sedimentary rock units. In response to the Notice of Preparation (NOP), SACOG received comments related to cultural and tribal cultural resources from the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria.
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