Election Registration Deadline Falls Today
THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Tuesday, October 6,1992 Vol Number 18 ~~ XXV, U‘OU WANT HOW MUCH FOR THAT?!? I Mutharika drops ‘logic bomb’ Admissions not ‘need blind,’ states Trustee representative by JOHN WAGLEY a dangerous and stupid by-law, Low, Wendy Rockman, Scott Daily Editorial Board the notion is unconstitutional.” Rosenblum, Trustee Representa- The Tufts Community Union Trustee Representative Eric tive Eric Schliesser, Leigh Senate was jarred Sunday night Schliesser also spoke, “This is Sherman,Doug Spitzer, Matthew by debate on a controversial by- hindering free speech.,. the by- Stein, and Emina Zaganjori. law and the abrupt resignation of law is saying that the Senate can- Senator Eric Kessel abstained Culture and Ethnic Affairs com- not give an opinion.... It is stupid from the vote. mittee chair Andy Salzer. and dangerous not to debate an The votes of trustee and cul- The by-law, introduced by issue.” ture representatives do not count. SenatorPete Mutharika,dealtwith Mutharika emphatically stated Admissions practice the previously debated issue of to,the Senate, “I don’t know what questioned whether the Senate can vote to youpeoplearesoscaredof. Itisa Also during the meeting, denounce an upcoming speaker question of people coming to this Schliesser reported on his recent at Tufts. The proposal was even- University to engage in intellec- meeting with the Trustees. He tually defeated 4- 13-1. tual discourse. It seems as though told the Senate that, contrary to This issue was highlighted last this body is against free speech.” some opinions, Tufts is in fact April by the visit to Tufts of a Senators who voted in favor of generous with its financial aid controversial speaker, Khallid the by-law were Rachel Fouche, and is managing its allocations Abdul Muhammad, a leader in Wayne Hoffman, Trustee Repre- well.
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